Xml report Expand/Collapse option

Is there a way to show the results in the xml report in 'Collapsed form' by default, when I view report? (Report format-ATML 5.0 standard report, Style sheet - tr5_report.xsl)
I have many steps in my test sequence and the report is quite long. Because the results of all the steps and sub steps are in Expanded view by default, it is very difficult to see the results of a particular step and I have to scroll a lot.
An option to collapse all the step results at once, even after opening the report would also be helpful for me.

Try using tr5_horizontal.xsl or tr5_expand.xsl stylesheet for the ATML 5.0 report. Both stylesheet has expand and collapse functionality.
Also, if you dont want any of the steps to be displayed in report, you can disable result logging for the step or use result filtering expression in Report Option to filter the step result in report.
- Shashidhar

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  • JTree with XML content expand/collapse problem

    Hello all,
    I'm having this very weird problem with a JTree I use to display the contents of an XML file. I use the DOM parser (and not JDOM since I want the application to run as an applet as well, and don't want to have any external libraries for the user to download) and have a custom TreeModel and TreeNode implementations to wrap the DOM nodes so that they are displayed by the JTree.
    I have also added a popup menu in the tree, for the user to be able to expand/collapse all nodes under the selected one (i.e. a recursive method).
    When expandAll is run, everything works fine and the children of the selected node are expanded (and their children and so on).
    However, after the expansion when I run the collapseAll function, even though the selected node collapses, when I re-expand it (manually not by expandAll) all of it's children are still fully open! Even if I collapse sub-elements of the node manually and then collapse this node and re-expand it, it "forgets" the state of it's children and shows them fully expanded.
    In other words once I use expandAll no matter what I do, the children of this node will be expanded (once I close it and re-open it).
    Also after running expandAll the behaviour(!) of the expanded nodes change: i have tree.setToggleClickCount(1); but on the expanded nodes I need to double-click to collapse them.
    I believe the problem is related to my implementations of TreeModel and TreeNode but after many-many hours of trying to figure out what's happening I'm desperate... Please help!
    Here's my code:
    public class XMLTreeNode implements TreeNode 
         //This class wraps a DOM node
        org.w3c.dom.Node domNode;
        protected boolean allowChildren;
        protected Vector children;
        //compressed view (#text).
         private static boolean compress = true;   
        // An array of names for DOM node-types
        // (Array indexes = nodeType() values.)
        static final String[] typeName = {
        static final int ELEMENT_TYPE =   1;
        static final int ATTR_TYPE =      2;
        static final int TEXT_TYPE =      3;
        static final int CDATA_TYPE =     4;
        static final int ENTITYREF_TYPE = 5;
        static final int ENTITY_TYPE =    6;
        static final int PROCINSTR_TYPE = 7;
        static final int COMMENT_TYPE =   8;
        static final int DOCUMENT_TYPE =  9;
        static final int DOCTYPE_TYPE =  10;
        static final int DOCFRAG_TYPE =  11;
        static final int NOTATION_TYPE = 12;
        // The list of elements to display in the tree
       static String[] treeElementNames = {
      // Construct an Adapter node from a DOM node
      public XMLTreeNode(org.w3c.dom.Node node) {
        domNode = node;
      public String toString(){
           if (domNode.hasAttributes()){
                return domNode.getAttributes().getNamedItem("label").getNodeValue();
           }else return domNode.getNodeName();      
      public boolean isLeaf(){ 
           return (this.getChildCount()==0);
      boolean treeElement(String elementName) {
          for (int i=0; i<treeElementNames.length; i++) {
            if ( elementName.equals(treeElementNames)) return true;
    return false;
    public int getChildCount() {
         if (!compress) {   
    return domNode.getChildNodes().getLength();
    int count = 0;
    for (int i=0; i<domNode.getChildNodes().getLength(); i++) {
    org.w3c.dom.Node node = domNode.getChildNodes().item(i);
    if (node.getNodeType() == ELEMENT_TYPE
    && treeElement( node.getNodeName() ))
    // Note:
    // Have to check for proper type.
    // The DOCTYPE element also has the right name
    return count;
    public boolean getAllowsChildren() {
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         return true;
    public Enumeration children() {
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         return null;
    public TreeNode getParent() {
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         return null;
    public TreeNode getChildAt(int searchIndex) {
    org.w3c.dom.Node node =
    if (compress) {
    // Return Nth displayable node
    int elementNodeIndex = 0;
    for (int i=0; i<domNode.getChildNodes().getLength(); i++) {
    node = domNode.getChildNodes().item(i);
    if (node.getNodeType() == ELEMENT_TYPE
    && treeElement( node.getNodeName() )
    && elementNodeIndex++ == searchIndex) {
    return new XMLTreeNode(node);
    public int getIndex(TreeNode tnode) {
         if (tnode== null) {
              throw new IllegalArgumentException("argument is null");
         XMLTreeNode child=(XMLTreeNode)tnode;
         int count = getChildCount();
         for (int i=0; i<count; i++) {
              XMLTreeNode n = (XMLTreeNode)this.getChildAt(i);
              if (child.domNode == n.domNode) return i;
         return -1; // Should never get here.
    public class XMLTreeModel2 extends DefaultTreeModel
         private Vector listenerList = new Vector();
         * This adapter converts the current Document (a DOM) into
         * a JTree model.
         private Document document;
         public XMLTreeModel2 (Document doc){
              super(new XMLTreeNode(doc));
         public Object getRoot() {
              //System.err.println("Returning root: " +document);
              return new XMLTreeNode(document);
         public boolean isLeaf(Object aNode) {
              return ((XMLTreeNode)aNode).isLeaf();
         public int getChildCount(Object parent) {
              XMLTreeNode node = (XMLTreeNode) parent;
    return node.getChildCount();
         public Object getChild(Object parent, int index) {
    XMLTreeNode node = (XMLTreeNode) parent;
    return node.getChildAt(index);
         public int getIndexOfChild(Object parent, Object child) {
    if (parent==null || child==null )
         return -1;
              XMLTreeNode node = (XMLTreeNode) parent;
    return node.getIndex((XMLTreeNode) child);
         public void valueForPathChanged(TreePath path, Object newValue) {
    // Null. no changes
         public void addTreeModelListener(TreeModelListener listener) {
              if ( listener != null
    && ! listenerList.contains( listener ) ) {
    listenerList.addElement( listener );
         public void removeTreeModelListener(TreeModelListener listener) {
              if ( listener != null ) {
    listenerList.removeElement( listener );
         public void fireTreeNodesChanged( TreeModelEvent e ) {
    Enumeration listeners = listenerList.elements();
    while ( listeners.hasMoreElements() ) {
    TreeModelListener listener =
    (TreeModelListener) listeners.nextElement();
    listener.treeNodesChanged( e );
         public void fireTreeNodesInserted( TreeModelEvent e ) {
    Enumeration listeners = listenerList.elements();
    while ( listeners.hasMoreElements() ) {
    TreeModelListener listener =
    (TreeModelListener) listeners.nextElement();
    listener.treeNodesInserted( e );
         public void fireTreeNodesRemoved( TreeModelEvent e ) {
    Enumeration listeners = listenerList.elements();
    while ( listeners.hasMoreElements() ) {
    TreeModelListener listener =
    (TreeModelListener) listeners.nextElement();
    listener.treeNodesRemoved( e );
         public void fireTreeStructureChanged( TreeModelEvent e ) {
    Enumeration listeners = listenerList.elements();
    while ( listeners.hasMoreElements() ) {
    TreeModelListener listener =
    (TreeModelListener) listeners.nextElement();
    listener.treeStructureChanged( e );
    The collapseAll, expandAll code (even though I m pretty sure that's not the problem since they work fine on a normal JTree):
        private void collapseAll(TreePath tp){
             if (tp==null) return;
             Object node=tp.getLastPathComponent();
             TreeModel model=tree.getModel();
             if (!model.isLeaf(node)){
                  for (int i=0;i<model.getChildCount(node);i++){
                  //for (int i = node.childCount()-4;i>=0;i--){
        private void expandAll(TreePath tp){
             if (tp==null) return;
             Object node=tp.getLastPathComponent();
             TreeModel model=tree.getModel();
             if (!model.isLeaf(node)){
                  for (int i=0;i<model.getChildCount(node);i++){
                  //for (int i = node.childCount()-4;i>=0;i--){

    Iam not facing this problem. To CollapseAll, I do a tree.getModel().reload() which causes all nodes to get collapsed and remain so even if I reopen them manually.
    Hope this helps.

  • Expand/Collapse option in Portal iviews

    I am on EP7.0 NW04s and have problem with the Expand/Collapse Tray option for each of the services in ESS because when the user by some chance collapse the Tray and then logout and log back in and come to the same service it still shows collapsed .....rather than being Expanded ....So I want to know whether there is an option in the Portal to make the Default setting for the Tray as Expanded always unless the user change it to Collapsed....
    Any help would be highly appreciated.

    In the iview properties -> initial state [open or close] -> Set it to Open
    Then, Expand the property -> in the Inheritance [ sub property] [drop down] -> [set to] Locked in target object
    Then, make the property End-User Personalization to Hidden -> save.
    Please reward if found useful.

  • Expand/Collapse option in Portal - SP13

    Hi everybody!!
    We have EP7.0 NetWeaver 2004s and we upgraded the SP from 5 to 13.  When SP13 was installed, the icon to expand/collapse doesn't work correctly (Detail Navigation in Navigation Panel in the Light Framework).  The icon always send the user to the main and first page.  With the SP5 it works well.
    Do you have any idea about how can I solve this??
    Thanks in advance for any help that you can give me!
    Best Regards,

    Hi Claudia,
    Take a look at this thread maybe it gives you some answers...
    How to disable automatic loading of iView/Page in detailed navigation?
    We have SP13 at this moment and its working "fine":
    1. When clicking on the expand/collapse icon (the triangle) the first navigation node in this folder/workset is NOT loaded automatically.
    2. When clicking on the text part of the link (the actual url) the first navigation node in this folder/workset IS loaded.
    In addition to step 2 you can steer what navigation node is loaded by setting the parameter "Default Entry for Folder" this property is by default set to No.
    Also take a look at the property: "Clicking Folder Name Launches First Node" of the Detailed Navigation iView.. Maybe this is by some reason got set properly...
    Good Luck,
    Benjamin Houttuin

  • Classical Report Expand-Collapse functionality

    Hi All!
    I am doing a program that displays a classical report as an output.  It has buttons on the top of the output (using Menu Painter) and it has "Expand" and "Collapse" buttons.  I do not know how to implement this expand and collapse functionality.  Please help.
    The output of the report looks like this:
    Plant: <data>
    Plant: <data>
    When I click on "Expand" button, the output will look like the one above.  When I click on "Collapse" button, the output will look like this:
    Plant: <data>
    Plant: <data>
    Please help me achieve this functionality.
    Thank you!

    Try this sample code....
    DATA : BEGIN OF itab OCCURS 0,
           state   TYPE char20,
           city    TYPE char18,
           END   OF itab.
    DATA   disptab LIKE itab OCCURS 0.
    DATA   sel_lin TYPE char20.
      itab-state = 'Tamil Nadu'.
      itab-city  = 'Chennai'.
      APPEND itab.
      itab-state = 'Tamil Nadu'.
      itab-city  = 'Coimbatore'.
      APPEND itab.
      itab-state = 'West Bengal'.
      itab-city  = 'Kolkata'.
      APPEND itab.
      itab-state = 'West Bengal'.
      itab-city  = 'Durgapur'.
      APPEND itab.
      LOOP AT itab.
        AT NEW state.
          WRITE /3 itab-state COLOR 4 HOTSPOT.
      MOVE sy-lisel+2(20) TO sel_lin.
      LOOP AT itab.
        AT NEW state.
          WRITE /3 itab-state COLOR 4 HOTSPOT.
        IF itab-flag <> 'X'.
          IF itab-state = sel_lin.
            itab-flag = 'X'.
          IF itab-state = sel_lin.
            itab-flag = ' '.
        IF itab-flag = 'X'.
          WRITE /5 itab-city  COLOR 2.
        MODIFY itab.
        CLEAR itab.

  • Ssrs group report expand-collapse in html render

    I created a ssrs report in a server and this report has row groups. My use in the report is through my website as i use the reportexecutionserivcesoap to render the report in HTML4.0 format.
    I put the html result (after i set the parameters in my app server) in my website and the table looks good but the problem is that when i click the expand '+' icon of the group i get an error: "This report requirea a default or user-defined value for
    the report parametrt". I have read that the expand button sends a postback request to the report server so i assume that the postback request being sent without the parameters i already set.
    The ultimate behavior for me is the way the excel render works - all the data is already there, its just hided and when i click the '+' button the data in the group is visible again but i didnt find a way to change the html behavior...
    What can i do so the parameter (wich i noticed that exists in the html result in tags) will be sent to the report server in the postback request
    thanks ahead

    Hi alon0230,
    According to your description, when you use the reportexecutionserivcesoap to render the report in HTML 4.0 format, you comes an error as soon as you click the expand button.
    In your scenario, I would like to know if you add the subreport as the expanded content, and the subreport only run when the parameter values are specified. If so, please specify the parameter values for the subreport.
    Besides, since you mentioned you are using the reportexecutionserivcesoap to render the report, could you tell me which application you are using and how it works. And about the ultimate behavior you took, do you mean that you are exporting the report to
    Excel? Or render the report as Excel format with URL access? Please provide report design and some screenshots for our analysis.
    If you have any question, please feel free to ask.
    Best regards,
    Qiuyun Yu
    Qiuyun Yu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Expand/collapse options not working on IE 10

    Hello Friends,
    I have a document library grouped as per "Category" column and I display the same information as a web part on a web part page. Now when I try to expand the "Category" by clicking on "+" icon I get a message "Loading"
    I have removed and re-added the web part again but I am still facing the same issue. I am using IE10 so does it have something to do with the browser?
    I have come across this bug fix: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2553117/en-us so is it applicable to both 32bit and 64bit versions of IE10?
    Please suggest.

    the hotfix you mention is for SharePoint not for IE.But if this is issue you are facing then you can patch your farm with this...but 1st 
    you please tell us what patch level or version of SharePoint 2010 you are( check from central admin > manager server in farm > you will see the config db version).
    what IE version you are using & 32 bit or 64?
    Please remember to mark your question as answered &Vote helpful,if this solves/helps your problem. ****************************************************************************************** Thanks -WS MCITP(SharePoint 2010, 2013) Blog: http://wscheema.com/blog

  • Decision Report: Toggling Expand / Collapse All (v10.2)

    Hi everyone,
    We're wondering if anyone can share an approach for enabling users to "expand/collapse all" (all nodes) in a decision report dynamically - i.e. using a button or toggle, rather than a global configuration or preference setting. For example, we would like to initially display a collapsed report (to show the high-level conclusions), and then enable the client to fully expand the report for printing.
    Importantly, we would like to be able to do this in version *10.2*.
    - Patrick

    Granting my JavaScript is a bit rusty, I'm wondering if anyone else has encountered the following challenge when changing the global configuration settings for decision report (expanded/collapsed):
    Issue: The plus signs ( + ) at the nodes appear as minus signs ( - ), and vice versa. In other words, after our modifications, the user needs to click on a minus sign to expand a node.
    Our approach was simply to do a CTRL-F and replace "expanded" with "collapsed", so it's not surprising that there were unintended side effects.

  • [Forum FAQ] How to use parameter to control the Expand/Collapse drill-down options in SSRS report?

    In SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS), drill-down is an action we can apply to any report item to hide and show other report items. They all are ways that we can organize and display data to help our users understand our report better. In this article,
    we are talking about how to use parameter to control the Expand/Collapse drill-down options in SSRS report.
    Consider that the report has a dataset (dsSales) with following fields: SalesTerritoryGroup, SalesTerritoryCountry, CalendarYear, SalesAmount.
    1. The report has the following group settings:
    Parent Group: SalesTerritoryGroup
     Child Group: SalesTerritoryCountry
      Child Group: CalendarYear
       Details: SalesAmount
    2. Add three parameters in the report:
    Available Values: “Specify values”
    Label: Yes           Value: Yes
    Label: No            Value: No
    Default Values: “Specify values”
    Value: Yes
    Available Values: “Specify values”
    Label: Yes           Value: =IIF(Parameters!GroupExpand.Value="No",Nothing,"Yes")
    Label: No            Value: No
    Default Values: “Specify values”
    Value: =IIF(Parameters!GroupExpand.Value="No","No","Yes")
    Available Values: “Specify values”
    Label: Yes          
    Value: =IIF(Parameters!GroupExpand.Value="No" or Parameters!CountryExpand.Value="No",Nothing,"Yes")
    Label: No            Value: No
    Default Values: “Specify values”
    Value: =IIF(Parameters!GroupExpand.Value="No" or Parameters!CountryExpand.Value="No","No","Yes")
    3. Right click SalesTerritoryCountry icon in the Row Groups dialog box, select Group Properties.
    4. Click Visibility in the left pane. Select “Show or hide based on an expression” and type with following expression:
    =IIF(Parameters!GroupExpand.Value="Yes", False, True)
    Select “Display can be toggled by this report item” option, and select “SalesTerritoryGroup” in the drop down list.
    5. Use the same method setting CalendarYear, (Details) drill-down with following expression:
    =IIF(Parameters!CountryExpand.Value="Yes", False, True)
    =IIF(Parameters!YearExpand.Value="Yes", False, True)
    6. Click SalesTerritoryGroup text box in the tablix. Select InitialToggleState property in the Properties dialog box, and type following expression:
    =IIF(Parameters!GroupExpand.Value="Yes", True, False)
    7. Use the same method setting SalesTerritoryCountry, CalendarYear text box with following expression:
    =IIF(Parameters!CountryExpand.Value="Yes", True, False)
    =IIF(Parameters!YearExpand.Value="Yes", True, False)
    After that, when we preview the report, we can use these three parameters to expand/collapse drill-down.
    In our test, we may meet following issue. We can check the expression of InitialToggleState property to troubleshooting the issue.
    Applies to
    Reporting Services 2008
    Reporting Services 2008 R2
    Reporting Services 2012

    In SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS), drill-down is an action we can apply to any report item to hide and show other report items. They all are ways that we can organize and display data to help our users understand our report better. In this article,
    we are talking about how to use parameter to control the Expand/Collapse drill-down options in SSRS report.
    Consider that the report has a dataset (dsSales) with following fields: SalesTerritoryGroup, SalesTerritoryCountry, CalendarYear, SalesAmount.
    1. The report has the following group settings:
    Parent Group: SalesTerritoryGroup
     Child Group: SalesTerritoryCountry
      Child Group: CalendarYear
       Details: SalesAmount
    2. Add three parameters in the report:
    Available Values: “Specify values”
    Label: Yes           Value: Yes
    Label: No            Value: No
    Default Values: “Specify values”
    Value: Yes
    Available Values: “Specify values”
    Label: Yes           Value: =IIF(Parameters!GroupExpand.Value="No",Nothing,"Yes")
    Label: No            Value: No
    Default Values: “Specify values”
    Value: =IIF(Parameters!GroupExpand.Value="No","No","Yes")
    Available Values: “Specify values”
    Label: Yes          
    Value: =IIF(Parameters!GroupExpand.Value="No" or Parameters!CountryExpand.Value="No",Nothing,"Yes")
    Label: No            Value: No
    Default Values: “Specify values”
    Value: =IIF(Parameters!GroupExpand.Value="No" or Parameters!CountryExpand.Value="No","No","Yes")
    3. Right click SalesTerritoryCountry icon in the Row Groups dialog box, select Group Properties.
    4. Click Visibility in the left pane. Select “Show or hide based on an expression” and type with following expression:
    =IIF(Parameters!GroupExpand.Value="Yes", False, True)
    Select “Display can be toggled by this report item” option, and select “SalesTerritoryGroup” in the drop down list.
    5. Use the same method setting CalendarYear, (Details) drill-down with following expression:
    =IIF(Parameters!CountryExpand.Value="Yes", False, True)
    =IIF(Parameters!YearExpand.Value="Yes", False, True)
    6. Click SalesTerritoryGroup text box in the tablix. Select InitialToggleState property in the Properties dialog box, and type following expression:
    =IIF(Parameters!GroupExpand.Value="Yes", True, False)
    7. Use the same method setting SalesTerritoryCountry, CalendarYear text box with following expression:
    =IIF(Parameters!CountryExpand.Value="Yes", True, False)
    =IIF(Parameters!YearExpand.Value="Yes", True, False)
    After that, when we preview the report, we can use these three parameters to expand/collapse drill-down.
    In our test, we may meet following issue. We can check the expression of InitialToggleState property to troubleshooting the issue.
    Applies to
    Reporting Services 2008
    Reporting Services 2008 R2
    Reporting Services 2012

  • Expand and Collapse(+/-) option in a Matrix SQL Reporting Services 2008

    Hello All,
    I am having Expand and Collapse(+/-) option in a Matrix SQL Reporting Services 2008. It's not working when it is havnig a Row Group and Column Group.
    Does reporting services has this flexibulity?? It's working fine if it's only have a Row Group an it's not working if it is having Row and a Column Group. Can any one suggest how to work aroung with this.
    any help much appriciated.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Jeevan Dasari.

    Drill-down feature is a basic requirement, it is concluded in Reporting service from SSRS2000 to SSRS2008 R2, To
    your scenario I think the root cause is relevant to your incorrect steps. Please follow the steps below and then give the feedback:
    1.     Right-click the child groups in the
    Row Groups panel which is at the left-bottom of the BIDS, and then select
    Group Properties…
    Switch to Visibility tab, and then select
    Hide Radio-button, click the checkbox of Display can be toggled by this report item.
    Then select the parent group datafield in the drop-down list.
    Click OK.
    Challen Fu
    Challen Fu [MSFT]
    MSDN Community Support | Feedback to us
    Get or Request Code Sample from Microsoft
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help.

  • How to generate expand/collapse ssrs report?

    I have a requirement, where i have to expand/collapse the columns like below
    ID  Name  Profile
    1     X          A
    1     X           B
    2     Y            C
    2     X             D
    2     X             E
    now i want to group ID's  and Names  
    ID  name  Profile
    when i expand '1' then 
    ID  Name profile
    1     X
    when i expand 'X' then i have to c Profiles of that

    Hi jyoshnaa,
    Based on my understanding, you want to display the Name values toggled by the ID, and the Profile toggled by Name.
    In your scenario, you can specify the Visibility for the textbox as hidden, then make the Textbox can be toggled by the corresponding report item. Please refer to the steps below:
    1. Specify the Visibility option for the Name group and [Profile] textbox like below:
    2. Preview the report.
    If you have any question, please feel free to ask.
    Best regards,
    Qiuyun Yu
    Qiuyun Yu
    TechNet Community Support

  • XML Report - Excel output automatic cell expand

    I created a XML report with Excel output. It works fine but I have 35 columns in that report.
    When I open the excel file - columns are not expanded, user needs to expand it manually.
    But It should automatically expanded when the user opens the report. How can i do that?
    Thanks in advance.

    You need to create the rtf template with enough width for each column to render the output fully expanded when viewed from BI Publisher Desktop, which will look the same when run as a concurrent request. If you used the table wizard to create your excel layout, you can widen the columns in Word and paste/enter some spaces before or after each header field in the top row which will force the html rendering that XML Plublisher utilizes to widen the columns when creating Excel output. The fundamental disconnect here is XML Publisher is not rendering .xls or .csv output, but rather html that opens in Excel minus most Excel formatting. You might need to use a 22 inch landscape layout to fit all 35 columns after they are widened.

  • How to Expand/Collapse Select Option Tray

    I have a View in which I have dynamically created a select-option Tray and then added select-options within the Tray using:
    DATA lr_cost_ctr            TYPE REF TO data.
    DATA lr_interfacecontroller TYPE REF TO iwci_wdr_select_options.
    DATA lr_select_options      TYPE REF TO if_wd_select_options.
    * Initialise the selection screen.
      lr_interfacecontroller = wd_this->wd_cpifc_select_options_search( ).
      lr_select_options =
               lr_interfacecontroller->init_selection_screen( ).
    * Add a tray.
        i_id           = 'TRY_ACCT_***'
        i_block_type   = if_wd_select_options=>mc_block_type_tray
        i_title        = 'Account Assignment' ).
    * Add a Select Option.
      lr_cost_ctr = lr_select_options->create_range_table( 'KOSTL' ).
        i_id              = 'COST_CTR'
        i_within_block    = 'TRY_ACCT_***'
        it_result         = lr_cost_ctr ).
    This works fine, but how do I dynamically expand and collapse the select-option Tray ?  There are plenty of examples for expanding/collapsing normal Trays by binding the "expanded" attribute at design time or dynamically.  But with a Tray created as a select-option block I do not have a reference to the Tray.
    I have searched high and low but cannot find how to do this.
    I don't want to create the Tray at design time because there will be select-options above and within the Tray.
    Any help will be appreciated.
    Thanks & regards,

    My Approch is:
    ---Initially set the webBean property in processReq
    ---On Button click navigate to the same page n set the webBean properties..
    put var in session.
    pageContext.forwardImmediatelyToCurrentPage(null, true, null);
    ---in process req get teh value of var from session.
    if(pageContext.getSessionValue(var)!= null)
    Hope it will helps..:)
    ---We cant modify the webBean properties in processformReq and processformdata.
    Meher Irk

  • How to expand/collapse detail rows per each row in APEX reports

    I want to add functionality to my APEX classic reports which allows me to expand/collapse rows using something like +/- buttons. Please let me know how to achieve this.

    This Carls example might help
    See also post relating that sample
    Re: Question for Carl Backstrom

  • Is there an option to control whether a refiner is expanded / collapsed?

    Is there an option to control whether a refiner is expanded  / collapsed in the refinement web part?
    keren tsur

    You can create your own copy of the default refiner template (Filter_Default.html) and then use some JavaScript code to loop through all the properties in your refiner,  and then call the Srch.Refinement.setExpanded Method With true or false as
    the 2nd parameter according to Your requirements.
    Here's a sample:
    Kind Regards
    Twitter: Follow @bjoern_rapp

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