XML SQL question

Is the XML SQL Utility able to store XML document that contains
attributes into the database ? If so, how ? And can it also
store document whose hierachy has many levels? I couldn't find
those information in the XML SQL documentation.

Hi Kevin,
XMLSQL Utility, today, can load xml documents that contain
attributes, but the attributes are ignored. Let me know in more
detail what are you trying to do, and maybe I can give you a
Kevin Lu (guest) wrote:
: Hi,
: Is the XML SQL Utility able to store XML document that contains
: attributes into the database ? If so, how ? And can it also
: store document whose hierachy has many levels? I couldn't find
: those information in the XML SQL documentation.
: Thanks.
: Kevin
Oracle Technology Network

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    qryCtx DBMS_XMLGEN.ctxHandle;
    result CLOB;
    xmlstr VARCHAR2(32767);
    line VARCHAR2(2000);
    qryCtx := dbms_xmlquery.newContext('Select empno category_1, ename Category_2, job Category_3 from scott.emp where rownum <= 3');
    dbms_xmlquery.useNullAttributeIndicator(qryCtx, FALSE);
    dbms_xmlquery.setRowsetTag(qryCtx, 'field-info');
    dbms_xmlquery.setrowtag(qryCtx, 'Field');
    dbms_xmlquery.setDataHeader(ctxHdl => qryCtx,header => ' ', tag => 'instance') ;
    result := dbms_xmlquery.getXML(qryCtx);
    xmlstr := dbms_lob.SUBSTR(result, 32767);
    EXIT WHEN xmlstr IS NULL;
    line := SUBSTR(xmlstr, 1, INSTR(xmlstr, CHR(10)) - 1);
    xmlstr := SUBSTR(xmlstr, INSTR(xmlstr, CHR(10)) + 1);
    Here is a sample of the output
    /<?xml version = '1.0'?>
    As you can see Category 3 is not on the second piece of output. Is there anyway I can force Category 3 to appear even if it is null? So it would look like:
    Sorry about the formatting of the code, I seem to lose the spacing when I post the message.

    Can u try using an NVL or decode in the query,try to pass space or sometiing?Just a thought, dont know whether it will work for ur requirement?

  • Oracle.xml.sql.OracleXMLSQLException when using OracleXMLQuery getXMLDOM()

    I am trying to reuse a code in JDeveloper to get XML from a query. I have copied the code from a method and created a new method with the copied code and changed it. The problem is that when I run the old code I now get following error:
    Ett oförväntat fel har inträffat: Application: FND, Message Name: FND_GENERIC_MESSAGE.
    Tokens: MESSAGE = oracle.xml.sql.OracleXMLSQLException: Det här objektet har stängts.
    Vill du inte att objektet ska stängas automatiskt mellan anropen kan du granska metoden 'keepObjectOpen()'.;
    This means in english something like:
    An unexpected error accoured: Application: FND, Message Name: FND_GENERIC_MESSAGE = oracle.xml.sql.OracleXMLSQLException: This object is closed. If you don't want the object to close automatically between calls you can check method 'keepObjectOpen()';
    the code I'm running is:
    public String punchoutSomething()
    throws Exception
    StringBuffer sqlForXml =new StringBuffer("select pv.*"
    +", cursor(select * from XXPOS_PUNCHOUT_TABLE2 c where c.vendor_id=pv.vendor_id) as contacts"
    +" from XXPOS_PUNCHOUT_TABLE1 pv where vendor_id in (");
    // add all ids
    SuppSummVOImpl vendorView = getSuppSummVO();
    Row row;
    int punchoutCnt=0;
    // vendorView.reset();
    Row[] selectedRows = vendorView.getFilteredRows("SelectStatus","Y");
    for(int i=0;i<selectedRows.length;i++)
    sqlForXml.append("-1"); // make sql valid, will not return rows
    // System.out.println(sqlForXml); // DEBUG
    OADBTransaction tx = (OADBTransaction)getOADBTransaction();
    OracleXMLQuery xq = new OracleXMLQuery( tx.getJdbcConnection()
    , sqlForXml.toString()
    xq.setRaiseException(true); // in case of error raise an exception (default
    // is to generate an error document
    xq.setEncoding("UTF-8"); // not necessary?
    //System.out.println(xq.getXMLString()); // DEBUG
    XMLDocument suppl = (XMLDocument)xq.getXMLDOM();
    XSLProcessor xslt = new XSLProcessor();
    InputStream sheetStream = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("mystylesheet.xsl");
    throw new Exception("Could not load stylesheet");
    XSLStylesheet sheet = xslt.newXSLStylesheet(
    StringWriter serialize = new StringWriter();
    xslt.processXSL(sheet,suppl,new PrintWriter(serialize));
    String returnXML = serialize.getBuffer().toString();
    // System.out.println("X:"+returnXML); // DEBUG
    return returnXML;
    i've copied the same code into another method and only changed the sql-statment to be used and the stylesheet to use to transform the xml. Is something wrong with that?
    Another question: if the xsl refers to a xsd but wihtout any path where should it be?
    Thanks for the help,

    Actually, having looked at Metalink, seems that although this message may be accurate and correct,
    it has been 'introduced' as part of the 9i JDBC driver.
    So, I used the 8i JDBC driver I happened to have instead and that worked fine.

  • XML SQL Utility, Unicode

    I have some questions to the XML-SQL-Utility:
    1.) Is there a bug in the oracle.xml.sql.query class:
    OracleXMLQuery qry = new OracleXMLQuery(conn,"select POSITION from DATAS");
    OracleXMLDocGenDOM gdoc = new OracleXMLDocGenDOM();
    Document docin = gdoc.getXMLDocumentDOM();
    NodeList rows = docin.getDocumentElement().getElementsByTagName("DROW");
    // The Node "DROW" wasn't found.
    // It work if I do it below
    NodeList rows = docin.getDocumentElement().getElementsByTagName("ROW");
    // It doesn't matter what is set in the "qry1.setRowTag("DROW");"
    (I use the sun parser)
    2.) I have a problem by insertXML(Document);
    I will insert a Document with a structure as below in my database:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>
    XmlDocument sdoc = new XmlDocument();
    Element rootDEl = sdoc.createElement("ROOTDOC");
    sdoc. appendChild(rootDEl);
    Element rowEl = sdoc.createElement("ROW");
    Element docREl = sdoc.createElement("DOCUMENTREF");
    NodeList rows = sdoc.getDocumentElement().getElementsByTagName("ROW");
    int size = rows.getLength();
    System.out.println("SIZE: " size "\n");
    // The size is null, what's wrong ?
    OracleXMLSave save = new OracleXMLSave(conn, tabName);
    int rowCount = save.insertXML(sdoc);
    // It didn't insert something in my table !
    3.) I save Unicode UTF-16 in my database with the XML SQL Utility:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>
    If I read it whit the oracle.xml.sql.query, it is Unicode UTF-8:
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <ROW num="1">
    <ROW num="2">
    I want a output as the input (Unicode UTF-16).
    Can anyone please advise on the problems.

    Hi H.Ozawa,
    thanks for trying but non of the solution helped me, sorry.
    Question 1:
    I'll try it again like this:
    OracleXMLQuery qry = new OracleXMLQuery(conn,"select POSITION from DATAS");
    Document docin = qry.getXMLDOM();
    NodeList rows = docin.getDocumentElement().getElementsByTagName("DROW");
    // The Node "DROW" wasn't found.
    Question 2:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>
    XmlDocument sdoc = new XmlDocument();
    Element rootDEl = sdoc.createElement("ROOTDOC");
    sdoc. appendChild(rootDEl);
    Element rowEl = sdoc.createElement("ROW");
    Element docREl = sdoc.createElement("DOCUMENTREF");
    Element docTEl = sdoc.createElement("TEXT");
    An error message occur:
    java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException: java.lang.IllegalAccessError: try to access class com/sun/xml/tree/ParentNode from class project/dbase/xmlwritedb at project.dbase.xmlwritedb.main(xmlwritedb.java:33)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
    at com.borland.jbuilder.util.BootStrap.invokeMain(Unknown Source)
    at com.borland.jbuilder.util.BootStrap.main(Unknown Source)
    Question 3:
    I try it like below but the output is "UTF-8" encoding
    OracleXMLDocGenDOM gdoc = new OracleXMLDocGenDOM();
    XMLDocument docin = (XMLDocument)gdoc.getXMLDocumentDOM();
    docin.setEncoding("ISO-8859-1"); //docin.setEncoding("UTF-16");
    NodeList rows = docin.getDocumentElement().getElementsByTagName("ROW");
    Element row = (Element)rows.item( i );
    NodeList elements = row.getElementsByTagName( "DOCUMENTREF" );
    So you or someone have another idea to fix this problems.

  • Is XML-SQL Utility for Java run on Client Side?

    A question about the XML-SQL Utility for Java
    When a client program connect to a Oracle database (the clinet program and Oracle DB is run on two different machine. Oracle 8i is used) and use the oracle.xml.sql.query.OracleXMLQuery Class (form the XSU) to generate XML by given a SQL query. I want to know the transforation process is execute in the Clinet side or the database?
    Is there any method that i can retrieve the XML directly from the database rather then doing the transformation form the Client side?

    Set JDK_HOME to the directory where you install your JDK (Java Development Kit).
    So instance, I've install JDK1.1.8 on my
    C drive so
    set JDK_HOME=c:\jdk1.1.8;c:\jdk1.1.8\bin

  • Tree query using XML SQL

    Any ideas or code samples of how we could use the XML SQL Utility
    to do a tree structure, like the following:
    <GROUP id="grp1">
    <ITEM> item 1 </ITEM>
    <ITEM> item 2 </ITEM>
    <GROUP id="grp2">
    <ITEM> item 3 </ITEM>
    <ITEM> item 4 </ITEM>
    <ITEM> item 5 </ITEM>

    Hi Mark,
    To a certain extent one can modify the xml generated by
    manipulating the query and by using some of the tag name
    customizations which the XSU allows. Unfortunately, what you
    want to create will take more than that; you will have to use
    XSLT - xml transformation language, part of XSL. You will find
    and XSL processor packaged with the oracle xml parser v2 (see
    oraxsl). You can find more info on XSLT at www.w3c.org
    Mark Fortner (guest) wrote:
    : I have an example similar to his:
    : Given a resultset in the form:
    : Company Department User
    : Oracle XML Dev John Smith
    : Oracle XML Dev Jane Smith
    : Oracle Mgmt Larry Ellison
    : Sun Project X Jane Doe
    : Sun Mgmt Scott McNealy
    : which usually results in XML like this
    : <rowset>
    : <row id=1>
    : <Company>Oracle</Company>
    : <Department>XML Dev</Department>
    : <User>John Smith</User>
    : </row>
    : </rowset>
    : how do I get it to look like this?
    : <JTree>
    : <Oracle>
    : <XML Dev>
    : <Jane Smith/>
    : <John Smith/>
    : </XML Dev>
    : <Mgmt>
    : <Larry Ellison/>
    : </Mgmt>
    : </Oracle>
    : <Sun>
    : <Project X>
    : <Jane Doe/>
    : </Project X>
    : <Mgmt>
    : <Scott McNealy/>
    : </Mgmt>
    : </Sun>
    : </JTree>
    : Oracle XML Team wrote:
    : : Hi Cyril,
    : : Your question is a bit vague. Do you have a table which
    : : are trying to query and get the result in the following
    : format?
    : : If these is the case please give me the description of the
    : table
    : : or the view.
    : : The other thing to keep in mind is that even if the XSU
    : can't
    : : give you the XML data in the exactly the format you want, you
    : can
    : : always use XSLT to transform the XML doc generated by the XSU
    : to
    : : the desired XML doc.
    : : Cyril Dunnion (guest) wrote:
    : : : Hi,
    : : : Any ideas or code samples of how we could use the XML SQL
    : : Utility
    : : : to do a tree structure, like the following:
    : : : <GROUP id="grp1">
    : : : <ITEM> item 1 </ITEM>
    : : : <ITEM> item 2 </ITEM>
    : : : <GROUP id="grp2">
    : : : <ITEM> item 3 </ITEM>
    : : : <ITEM> item 4 </ITEM>
    : : : </GROUP>
    : : : <ITEM> item 5 </ITEM>
    : : : </GROUP>
    : : : Thanks,
    : : : Cyril.
    : : Oracle Technology Network
    : : http://technet.oracle.com
    Oracle Technology Network

  • Re: usage of XML SQL Utility

    Hi there,
    I have such a design issue, which I posted a few days ago and I reworded here. Hopefully, I made it clearer this time.
    The working scenario, coded in Java, goes like this:
    1> Given an XML string, I parse it out and get a set of values for a certain set of elements, say in one ROW.
    2> I embed this set of values in the WHERE clause of a query string, do a SELECT.
    3> Based on the result from the above SELECT, I do UPDATE, SELECT and INSERT to a few tables.
    My question:
    Could Oracle XML SQL Utility be used here? If yes, how?
    From my reading so far, the Oracle XSU handles the SQL-XML and XML-SQL Mapping very well, in terms of a whole XML string. But, if at some point, I want to break the XML string and get some business logic mingled in it, say a simple calculation, how can I efficiently deal with it?
    Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

    Here are the five choices I see:
    [*] XSU111_ver1_2_1.zip -- to be used with JDBC1.x (JDK1.1.x or later) and loadable into Oracle8.1.5 (486 KB)
    [*] XSU12_ver1_2_1.zip -- to be used with JDBC2.0 (JDK1.2.x or later) and loadable into Oracle8.1.6 or later (508 KB)
    [*] XSU111_816_ver2_1_0_beta.zip -- to be used with JDBC1.0 and JDK1.1.8 (486 KB)
    [*] XSU12_816_ver2_1_0_beta.zip -- to be used with JDBC2.0 (JDK1.2.x or later) and loadable into Oracle8.1.6 (486 KB)
    [*] XSU12_ver2_1_0_beta.zip -- to be used with JDBC2.0 (JDK1.2.x or later) and loadable into Oracle8.1.7 or later (508 KB)

  • XML SQL for Java

    I am trying to load OracleXMLSQL utility into the Oracle 8.1.5
    database from our SUN box, but for some reason, I get the
    following error message:
    "SQL Error while connecting with oci8 driver to ....could not
    open connection"
    (I have had the USER_PASSWORD set to the right name. sqlplus
    connects fine with USER_PASSWORD)
    Any pointers ??

    Oracle Team, it is a month since I posed the question. Do U mind
    replying ???
    I am using XML SQL Utility on OAS server using Java. The code
    compiled fine and displays perfect results using the command
    line(on the server), but when I call the program thru browser
    using OAS4.0 server, it starts to download a file which has the
    following text in it:
    Exception caught..!
    ... /oracle.xml.sql.query.OracleXMLQuery.class
    Can U please explain this behavior, and advise on what need to be
    done to overcome it ??
    Sandeep Khanna (guest) wrote:
    : Hi,
    : Thanks for your reply. I don't understand why I got the error.
    : Downloading the utility again, and running it worked without
    : problems.
    : Now, I can see the results on the UNIX box by using: "java
    : name>"
    : But, when I call the program thru browser using OAS4.0 server,
    : starts to download and has the following in the downloaded
    : Exception caught..! <path of my
    : classfile>/oracle.xml.sql.query.OracleXMLQuery.class
    : Any ideas/suggestions ??
    : -Sandeep.
    : Oracle XML Team wrote:
    : : Hi Sandeep,
    : : where is the error being raised? During loading? (i.e. when
    : : running oraclexmlsqlload.csh?) Or is it when using
    : : " java OracleXML " ?
    : : The primary cause for this could be that the database is not
    : up
    : : and running. The second cause could be that the ORACLE_SID
    : : ORA_SID is not set to the right values.
    : : If you are having problems with running the client side
    : : OracleXML" then u need to supply the user name and password
    : thru
    : : the parameter, java OracleXML getXML -user
    : "username/password"...
    : : Hope this helps,
    : : Oracle XML team
    : : Sandeep Khanna (guest) wrote:
    : : : Hi,
    : : : I am trying to load OracleXMLSQL utility into the Oracle
    : 8.1.5
    : : : database from our SUN box, but for some reason, I get the
    : : : following error message:
    : : : "SQL Error while connecting with oci8 driver to ....could
    : : : open connection"
    : : : (I have had the USER_PASSWORD set to the right name.
    : : : connects fine with USER_PASSWORD)
    : : : Any pointers ??
    : : : Thanks,
    : : : -Sandeep.
    : : Oracle Technology Network
    : : http://technet.oracle.com

  • XML SQL format for Prepared statements in batch mode

    I want to use the batch mode in JDBC adapter for inserting huge volume of records with better performance.
    so i need to execute the prepared statements in one batch.   Is the XML SQL format for prepared statements below correct ?to<root>
        <Customers action="SQL_DML">
          <access> INSERT INTO Customers (CompanyName,Address,CustomerID) VALUES($NAME$,$ADDRESS$,$KEYFIELD$)
            <ADDRESS>Street 3 </ADDRESS>
            <ADDRESS>Street 4 </ADDRESS>
    Please advise

    Hello Experts
    Please throw some light on the above question.
    Thanks in advance.

  • Errors when loading XML SQL Utility

    I'm working on a Unix machine, attempting
    to load the Oracle XML SQL Utility classes
    into my database so that I can use them in
    stored procedures.
    My problem is occuring when I try to use
    loadjava to install the classes. I haved
    altered both env.csh and oraclrxmlsqlload.csh to match my shell and desired settings, but I get a core dump when loadjava executes in the script:
    SIGSEGV received. Processing terminated
    full version ""
    Full thread dump:
    "Async Garbage Collector" (TID:0x3002bd00, sys_thread_t:0x2006b7d8)
    Native Thread State: ThreadID: 00000203 Reuse: 1 DAEMON MONITOR WAIT
    Native Stack Data : base: 201133a0 pointer 20113018 used(904) free(257144)
    ----- Monitors held -----
    ----- Native stack -----
    ------ Java stack ------ () prio=1
    "Finalizer thread" (TID:0x3002bd38, sys_thread_t:0x2006b588)
    Native Thread State: ThreadID: 00000102 Reuse: 1 DAEMON MONITOR WAIT
    Native Stack Data : base: 200ca230 pointer 200c9f68 used(712) free(257336)
    ----- Monitors held -----
    ----- Native stack -----
    ------ Java stack ------ () prio=1
    "main" (TID:0x3002bd70, sys_thread_t:0x20007278)
    Native Thread State: ThreadID: 00000001 Reuse: 1 USER PRIMORDIAL RUNNING
    Native Stack Data : base: 2ff22004 pointer 2ff1f658 used(10668) free(247380)
    ----- Monitors held -----
    java.lang.Class java/sql/DriverManager@30025318
    ----- Native stack -----
    ------ Java stack ------ () prio=5 current thread
    Anyone have any ideas what might be the problem?

    Sorry...missed your first question there.
    I'm running AIX 4.3.2 on an IBM RS/6000 Server. I've got Java 1.1.6 installed.

  • XML SQL Utility & ROW-Tag

    I have a question about the XML SQL Utility.
    Must I have the <ROOTDOC> and <ROW> TAG's in my XML-Document to insert the Document with the Utility in my Database, or can I use a random defined TAG as start TAG, e.g. the <BOOK_ID>.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>
    <!DOCTYPE ANWENDUNGEN SYSTEM "file:/E:/book.dtd">
    <!-- ?xml-stylesheet href="book.xsl" type="text/xsl"? -->
    Can anyone help me, please ?

    You can use a "random" tag at the "ROW" tag, using the -rowTag XXXX command line option.
    The utility will attempt to insert the CHILDREN elements of the rowset as if they were the columns of each ROW in the table whose name you provide.

  • How to use my own DTD and table using the XML SQL utility.

    Here is my question. I have succesfully installed Oracle XML SQL utility and I had played around on that. Now I have my own DTD that too from Rosettanet(PIP). Tell me how can I use my own table, and my dtd using the existing utility. What are all the changes do I need to do. I am strugling it from past 4 days. I couldn't. Please help me!

    Hi chris,
    Yes, the SQL can be changed only by using Discoverer Administrator.
    Open the report/workbook that is based on the custom SQL that you want to change in Discoverer Plus. Look at the Folder that is being used to select the columns of the report.
    Open up the Discoverer Administrator with the id that has access to the tables referenced in the report. And the custom folder with the same name as in Disc Plus would be listed down in the Business Area (Which Business Area the custom folder belongs to can be determined with the help of disc plus).
    Just open up that folder, and change the SQL in it. You can pasted your new sql in there and click on Validate SQL to validate it for errors. If no errors, then the custom folder is successfully changed.
    In order to have it reflected, close your existing disc plus session and reopen it, and you can go about using the custom folder.
    Hope this helps!

  • Error while parsing or executing XML-SQL document

    my scenario is based on file to jdbc.i am facing  an error in receiver CC in RWB.
    The error states that '
    Error while parsing or executing XML-SQL document: Error processing request in sax parser: Error when executing statement for table/stored proc. 'MATMAS' (structure 'STATEMENT'): java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][SQLServer 2000 Driver for JDBC][SQLServer]String or binary data would be truncated.'
    My SOAP xml message is
    - <SOAP:Envelope xmlns:SOAP="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
    - <SOAP:Header>
    - <sap:Main xmlns:sap="http://sap.com/xi/XI/Message/30" versionMajor="3" versionMinor="0" SOAP:mustUnderstand="1" xmlns:wsu="http://www.docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-utility-1.0.xsd" wsu:Id="wsuid-main-92ABE13F5C59AB7FE10000000A1551F7">
    - <sap:Sender>
      <sap:Party agency="http://sap.com/xi/XI" scheme="XIParty" />
    - <sap:Receiver>
      <sap:Party agency="http://sap.com/xi/XI" scheme="XIParty" />
      <sap:Interface namespace="http://file_to_jdbc">MI_JDBC_RECEIVER</sap:Interface>
    - <sap:ReliableMessaging xmlns:sap="http://sap.com/xi/XI/Message/30" SOAP:mustUnderstand="1">
    - <sap:DynamicConfiguration xmlns:sap="http://sap.com/xi/XI/Message/30" SOAP:mustUnderstand="1">
      <sap:Record namespace="http://sap.com/xi/XI/System/File" name="Directory">
      <sap:Record namespace="http://sap.com/xi/XI/System/File" name="FileEncoding">UTF-8</sap:Record>
      <sap:Record namespace="http://sap.com/xi/XI/System/File" name="FileType">txt</sap:Record>
      <sap:Record namespace="http://sap.com/xi/XI/System/File" name="FileName">matmas1.txt</sap:Record>
    - <sap:HopList xmlns:sap="http://sap.com/xi/XI/Message/30" SOAP:mustUnderstand="1">
    - <sap:Hop timeStamp="2008-02-06T22:30:21Z" wasRead="false">
      <sap:Engine type="AE">af.e6e.sapecc6eval</sap:Engine>
      <sap:Adapter namespace="http://sap.com/xi/XI/System">XIRA</sap:Adapter>
      <sap:Info />
    - <sap:Hop timeStamp="2008-02-06T22:30:21Z" wasRead="false">
      <sap:Engine type="IS">is.01.sapecc6eval</sap:Engine>
      <sap:Adapter namespace="http://sap.com/xi/XI/System">XI</sap:Adapter>
    - <sap:Hop timeStamp="2008-02-06T22:30:22Z" wasRead="false">
      <sap:Engine type="AE">af.e6e.sapecc6eval</sap:Engine>
      <sap:Adapter namespace="http://sap.com/xi/XI/System">XIRA</sap:Adapter>
    - <sap:Diagnostic xmlns:sap="http://sap.com/xi/XI/Message/30" SOAP:mustUnderstand="1">
    - <SOAP:Body>
    - <sap:Manifest xmlns:sap="http://sap.com/xi/XI/Message/30" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns:wsu="http://www.docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-utility-1.0.xsd" wsu:Id="wsuid-manifest-5CABE13F5C59AB7FE10000000A1551F7">
    - <sap:Payload xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="cid:[email protected]">
      <sap:Description />
    and payload message is
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    - <ns0:MT_JDBC_RECEIVER xmlns:ns0="http://file_to_jdbc">
    - <ROW action="INSERT">
    - <access>
    - <access>
    - <access>
    - <access>
    - <access>
    - <access>
    - <access>
    - <access>
    - <access>
    - <access>
    Could anybody help me in sorting out this issue.My advance thanks

    ypur structure is bad defined.
    if you want to do an insert, the DT should be
    <ns0:MT_JDBC_RECEIVER xmlns:ns0="http://file_to_jdbc">
    ______<dbTableName action=”INSERT”>
    _______ <access>
    __ </StatementName>
    the ROW field is used when you wait receive data from DB for example you execute and SQL Query from Sender communication channel "SELECT name FROM TABLE Names"
    so, the result of this query would be, for example:
    See this link
    Edited by: Rodrigo Pertierra on Feb 8, 2008 8:40 AM
    Edited by: Rodrigo Pertierra on Feb 8, 2008 8:42 AM

  • Unable to load Oracle XML SQL utility

    The following error appears for each java
    class, when we attempt to load Oracle XML sql
    utility into Oracle using the oraclexmlsqlload
    Error while resolving class OracleXMLStore
    ORA-00904: invalid column name
    Does anyone know why we would receive this error?
    Platform: Hp-UX 11.0
    Oracle Version:
    Background information:
    The database was original created with the
    compatible=8.0.5 set in the init.ora file, and
    the creatation of java classes failed due to this,
    so switched compatible to 8.1.0. Now after we
    we adjusted the compatible setting and restarted
    database, we started to receive the errors as
    described above.

    Thank you, after I initialized Oracle's javavm
    the errors disappeared.
    The scripts were located under the javavm/install
    Thanks again.
    Murali K (guest) wrote:
    : Hi Steven,
    : Is the JavaVM loaded. i.e. are all the classes necessary for
    : running Java in the server are loaded into the server? The
    : common answer to your problem is that the javavm has not been
    : initialized correctly or the database does not have all the
    : library files necessary to load java programs.
    : Please read chapter 4 in the Oracle8i java developers guide
    : which talks about initializing a java-enabled database by
    : running the initjvm script.
    : If this still occurs then maybe it is a bug and we will have
    : look at it.
    : Thx
    : Murali
    : Steven Wegner (guest) wrote:
    : : The following error appears for each java
    : : class, when we attempt to load Oracle XML sql
    : : utility into Oracle using the oraclexmlsqlload
    : : script:
    : : E.g.
    : : Error while resolving class OracleXMLStore
    : : ORA-00904: invalid column name
    : : Does anyone know why we would receive this error?
    : : Platform: Hp-UX 11.0
    : : Oracle Version:
    : : Background information:
    : : The database was original created with the
    : : compatible=8.0.5 set in the init.ora file, and
    : : the creatation of java classes failed due to this,
    : : so switched compatible to 8.1.0. Now after we
    : : we adjusted the compatible setting and restarted
    : : database, we started to receive the errors as
    : : described above.

  • Error while parsing or executing XML-SQL document attribute "action" missin

    Hi All,
          I am doing a scenario for IDOC to JDBC, When I push IDOC from R/3 , IDOC sent to XI System successfully, 
           I have also checked in SXMB_MONI it is showing the successful staus without any errors, and I have also copied the xml structure from main document of payloads and tested the mapping in Integration Designer, and it is showing successfull message.
    here is the xml structure from  payloads of Request Message Mapping ........
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    - <ns0:RTACOGRP_RECEIVER_MT xmlns:ns0="http://prospecta.com/wsorta/cosmas/idoc2jdbc">
    - <COGRP_TMP_PROC action="EXECUTE">
      <IDOCNUMBER isInput="TRUE" type="CHAR">1000001</IDOCNUMBER>
      <E1COGH_NUMBER isInput="TRUE" type="CHAR">1</E1COGH_NUMBER>
      <E1COGH_MSGFN isInput="TRUE" type="CHAR">1</E1COGH_MSGFN>
      <E1COGH_KOKRS isInput="TRUE" type="CHAR">1</E1COGH_KOKRS>
      <E1COGHT_NUMBER isInput="TRUE" type="CHAR">1</E1COGHT_NUMBER>
      <E1COGHT_LANGU isInput="TRUE" type="CHAR">2</E1COGHT_LANGU>
      <E1COGV_NUMBER isInput="TRUE" type="CHAR">1</E1COGV_NUMBER>
      <E1COGV_TOVALUE isInput="TRUE" type="CHAR">6</E1COGV_TOVALUE>
      <E1COGS_NUMBER isInput="TRUE" type="CHAR">1</E1COGS_NUMBER>
      <E1COGHR_NUMBER isInput="TRUE" type="CHAR">1</E1COGHR_NUMBER>
      <E1COGHR_SNAME isInput="TRUE" type="CHAR">3</E1COGHR_SNAME>
      <E1COGHR_AUTHGR isInput="TRUE" type="CHAR">3</E1COGHR_AUTHGR>
      <E1COGSR_NUMBER isInput="TRUE" type="CHAR">1</E1COGSR_NUMBER>
      <E1COGSR_LNAME isInput="TRUE" type="CHAR">5</E1COGSR_LNAME>
      <E1COGVT_NUMBER isInput="TRUE" type="CHAR">1</E1COGVT_NUMBER>
      <E1COGVT_LANGU isInput="TRUE" type="CHAR">7</E1COGVT_LANGU>
      <E1COGVR_NUMBER isInput="TRUE" type="CHAR">1</E1COGVR_NUMBER>
      <E1COGVR_LNAME isInput="TRUE" type="CHAR">8</E1COGVR_LNAME>
    When I checked for component monitoring in runtime workbench....
    these are the messages........
    <i>Error while parsing or executing XML-SQL document: Error processing request in sax parser: No 'action' attribute found in XML document (attribute "action" missing or wrong XML structure)</i>
    Here are the messages from message monitoring ......
    2007-06-07 12:42:17 Success Receiver JDBC adapter: processing started; QoS required: ExactlyOnce
    2007-06-07 12:42:17 Success JDBC adapter receiver channel RTACOGRP_COM_Chan: processing started; party  , service WSORTABS
    2007-06-07 12:42:17 Error No "action" attribute found in XML document ("action" attribute missing or wrong XML structure)
    2007-06-07 12:42:17 Error MP: exception caught with cause com.sap.aii.af.ra.ms.api.RecoverableException: Error processing request in sax parser: No 'action' attribute found in XML document (attribute "action" missing or wrong XML structure)
    2007-06-07 12:42:17 Error Exception caught by adapter framework: Error processing request in sax parser: No 'action' attribute found in XML document (attribute "action" missing or wrong XML structure)
    2007-06-07 12:42:17 Error Delivery of the message to the application using connection JDBC_http://sap.com/xi/XI/System failed, due to: com.sap.aii.af.ra.ms.api.RecoverableException: Error processing request in sax parser: No 'action' attribute found in XML document (attribute "action" missing or wrong XML structure).
    2007-06-07 12:42:17 Error The message status set to NDLV.
    Can any body please resolve the problem.....
    Thanks in Advance

    Now I have changed the data structure , and the resultant structure is like this...
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    - <ns0:RTACOGRP_RECEIVER_MT xmlns:ns0="http://prospecta.com/wsorta/cosmas/idoc2jdbc">
    - <Statement>
    - <COGRP_TMP_PROC action="EXECUTE">
      <IDOCNUMBER isInput="TRUE" type="CHAR">100002223</IDOCNUMBER>
      <E1COGH_NUMBER isInput="TRUE" type="CHAR">1</E1COGH_NUMBER>
      <E1COGH_MSGFN isInput="TRUE" type="CHAR">H</E1COGH_MSGFN>
      <E1COGH_KOKRS isInput="TRUE" type="CHAR">H</E1COGH_KOKRS>
      <E1COGHT_NUMBER isInput="TRUE" type="CHAR">1</E1COGHT_NUMBER>
      <E1COGHT_LANGU isInput="TRUE" type="CHAR">T</E1COGHT_LANGU>
      <E1COGV_NUMBER isInput="TRUE" type="CHAR">1</E1COGV_NUMBER>
      <E1COGS_NUMBER isInput="TRUE" type="CHAR">1</E1COGS_NUMBER>
      <E1COGHR_NUMBER isInput="TRUE" type="CHAR">1</E1COGHR_NUMBER>
      <E1COGHR_SNAME isInput="TRUE" type="CHAR">R</E1COGHR_SNAME>
      <E1COGSR_NUMBER isInput="TRUE" type="CHAR">1</E1COGSR_NUMBER>
      <E1COGSR_LNAME isInput="TRUE" type="CHAR">S</E1COGSR_LNAME>
      <E1COGVT_NUMBER isInput="TRUE" type="CHAR">1</E1COGVT_NUMBER>
      <E1COGVT_LANGU isInput="TRUE" type="CHAR">T</E1COGVT_LANGU>
      <E1COGVR_NUMBER isInput="TRUE" type="CHAR">1</E1COGVR_NUMBER>
      <E1COGVR_LNAME isInput="TRUE" type="CHAR">E</E1COGVR_LNAME>
    Now in message monitoring error is showing like this...
    <i>Error while parsing or executing XML-SQL document: Error processing request in sax parser: Error when executing statement for table/stored proc. 'COGRP_TMP_PROC' (structure 'Statement'): java.sql.SQLException: General error</i>
    Now in Component Monitoring error is showing like this....
    <i>Delivery of the message to the application using connection JDBC_http://sap.com/xi/XI/System failed, due to: com.sap.aii.af.ra.ms.api.RecoverableException: Error processing request in sax parser: Error when executing statement for table/stored proc. 'COGRP_TMP_PROC' (structure 'Statement'): java.sql.SQLException: General error</i>
    I have tested the stored procedure in sql by giving the same values , it was successfully executed..
    Can you please tell me where is the error still in structure ...
    Thanks in Advance,

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