XML syntax for tags

It has always been a habit of mine to use XML syntax for CF tags since I've been working with XHTML. For instance, I will do <cfset var myVar = "" /> However, I noticed when doing <cfdump var"#myvar#" />, the output is displayed twice. So now I am wondering if whenever I use a /> on something such as cfset, is the tag actually executing twice? How does this affect performance?
I just happened to notice that in CFBuilder, when I do <cfargment name="myVar" required="true" type="string" default="" />, when I go to the next line and start typing <cfarg auto-suggest will select the cfargument tag, but this is only if I use a />. If I omit the ending forward-slash, auto-suggest does not work. That may be a setting specific to CFBuilder, but that wasn't the scope of this question.
What syntax is correct and how does it affect performance?

According to the document I've linked to below; using self-closing CF tags, such as <cfset myname="Bob" /> is permissible.  The document also notes exceptions to this such as CFIF and custom tags as examples where a self-closing tag shouldn't be used.
Althoguh it doesn't look like it, that's an internal coding standard for one of Adobe's (well: it was Macromedia at the time) internal teams, and is not supposed to be a suggested standard for everyone.  I've had this same discussion with them, too.
As Owainnorth (and many others) observe, it's completely doable.  My only challenge to it (and it's a challenge I state in an unduly heavy-handed fashion sometimes!) is the nonsensical rationales people use for doing it: making it more like XML, it's good if the CFML blends in better with the XHTML mark-up it's generating, it's tidier, etc.
I hasten to add that Owainnorth's position that he finds it easier to read and assists with code navigation, whilst leaving me with a blank look on my face, is a completely reasonable basis for doing it.  I personally don't believe it, but there's no reason why that should bother him (and I'm sure it doesn't).
I think it was reasonable of me to challenge his wording that it's easier to identify where CF code blocks are by looking at the closing slash rather than the tag name; but having explained himself better, I reckon it's not quite so much tosh as it originally sounded.  I mean: I still can't see it, but obviously he can, so fair enough.

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    It would be complaining about using a tag as an attribute to another tag.
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    So I wrote my own, and after tweaking a bit here and there whenever I encountered a config file for which the highlighting wasn't satisfactory at first, I think the result is now good enough (screenshots below) that it's worth sharing with my fellow Arch users:
    Code & Instructions:
    Here is the syntax definition:
    # config file highlighting
    syntax "conf" "(\.(conf|config|cfg|cnf|rc|lst|list|defs|ini|desktop|mime|types|preset|cache|seat|service|htaccess)$|(^|/)(\w*crontab|mirrorlist|group|hosts|passwd|rpc|netconfig|shadow|fstab|inittab|inputrc|protocols|sudoers)$|conf.d/|.config/)"
    # default text
    color magenta "^.*$"
    # special values
    icolor brightblue "(^|\s|=)(default|true|false|on|off|yes|no)(\s|$)"
    # keys
    icolor cyan "^\s*(set\s+)?[A-Z0-9_\/\.\%\@+-]+\s*([:]|\>)"
    # commands
    color blue "^\s*set\s+\<"
    # punctuation
    color blue "[.]"
    # numbers
    color red "(^|\s|[[/:|<>(){}=,]|\])[-+]?[0-9](\.?[0-9])*%?($|\>)"
    # keys
    icolor cyan "^\s*(\$if )?([A-Z0-9_\/\.\%\@+-]|\s)+="
    # punctuation
    color blue "/"
    color brightwhite "(\]|[()<>[{},;:=])"
    color brightwhite "(^|\[|\{|\:)\s*-(\s|$)"
    # section headings
    icolor brightyellow "^\s*(\[([A-Z0-9_\.-]|\s)+\])+\s*$"
    color brightcyan "^\s*((Sub)?Section\s*(=|\>)|End(Sub)?Section\s*$)"
    color brightcyan "^\s*\$(end)?if(\s|$)"
    # URLs
    icolor green "\b(([A-Z]+://|www[.])[A-Z0-9/:#?&$=_\.\-]+)(\b|$| )"
    # XML-like tags
    icolor brightcyan "</?\w+((\s*\w+\s*=)?\s*("[^"]*"|'[^']*'|!?[A-Z0-9_:/]))*(\s*/)?>"
    # strings
    color yellow "\"(\\.|[^"])*\"" "'(\\.|[^'])*'"
    # comments
    color white "#.*$"
    color blue "^\s*##.*$"
    color white "^;.*$"
    color white start="<!--" end="-->"
    To install, save the above above code snippet as a file called conf.nanorc in the folder /usr/share/nano/ (or /usr/local/share/nano/ or similar if you feel strongly about the /usr <--> /usr/local separation), and then add the following to the end of the file /etc/nanorc:
    ## Configuration files (catch-all syntax)
    include "/usr/share/nano/conf.nanorc"
    The colors I chose look good (imo) with the terminal background and color settings that I use, but might not look good, or even readable, with yours, so simply change the color names in the code snippet to whatever you prefer - valid color names are:
    If you use a console with white background, you'll have to change at least the white color I chose for comments and punctuation.
    The first code line in the snippet includes a regular expression that defines for which file names this syntax highlighting should be used. Whenever you encounter a config file that is not matched by this, but you would still like to open it with syntax highlighting, you can manually select this syntax with nano's -Y switch, like so:
    nano -Y conf myConfigFile
    Technical Note:
    It's implemented as a single catch-all syntax, since nano chooses which syntax to apply based on the filename, and in the case of config files usually not much can be learned about the content format from the file name extension (.conf can by anything from flat key/value tuples to XML, .ini can be the official INI format or something else, etc...).
    This means that some compromises have been made, so with this highlighting syntax probably no config file looks 100% as good as a highlighting syntax that would be specifically optimized for one kind of config format, but all in all the vast majority of config files should look pretty good.
    /etc/rc.conf,  /etc/hosts:
    /etc/pacman.conf,  /etc/group:
    xorg.conf,  some .desktop file:
    httpd.conf (Apache config),  php.ini:
    More screenshots:
    /etc/fonts/fonts.conf (uses XML)
    See Also:
    nano syntax highlighting: GNU makefiles
    Update [2012-01-28]: Made some more improvements to the syntax definition (see post)
    Last edited by sas (2012-02-01 15:26:43)

    doug piston wrote:I deal with alot of .mk files and would love to see it there.
    You mean GNU makefiles?
    I'm afraid they might be out of scope for this generic config-file syntax.
    Logically they're not system config files, and technically they're a pretty specialized and complex format (different "types" of rules, rules spanning multiple lines, rules containing arbitrary Bash code, etc.).
    This is how an .mk file currently looks with this highlighting syntax:
    $ nano -Y conf /usr/lib/httpd/build/rules.mk
    And apart from highlighting variables of the form $$abc or $(abc), I'm not sure how much can be improved here without breaking the highlighting for more conventional config files.
    It would probably be better to create a specialized highlighting syntax just for .mk files.
    EDIT: I sat down and did just that, here's the result: nano syntax highlighting: GNU makefiles, and here is how the above makefile snipped looks with it:
    Last edited by sas (2012-02-01 15:18:52)

  • XML format for Acrobat JavaScript

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    I'm interested in the XML format for Acrobat JavaScript.  I'll be using an external editor (UltraEdit).  When I do (in Acrobat 8) Advanced-->Document Processing-->Edit All JavaScripts, UltraEdit starts off with this:
    //-----------------Do not edit the XML tags--------------------
    Interesting, but not very useful.  If I look at some existing PDF files containing JavaScript, I see things like:
    //-----------------Do not edit the XML tags--------------------
    /*********** belongs to: Document-Level:DocOpen ***********/
    OK, this is better.  In fact, if I look at enough existing PDF files containing JavaScript, I could probably figure out the XML format by myself, including the XML format of tags like <Page-Actions>,  <AcroForm>, etc.  However, it would be far easier to get the specification of the JavaScript XML format -- for example, what is the format of the text following the "belongs to:" string within the various types of XML tags?
    I *presume* this is documented somewhere but I couldn't find it.  If someone has the Acrobat JavaScript XML format specification, it would be greatly appreciated.
    P.S. Another possible approach would be to create JavaScripts myself using Advanced-->Document Processing-->Document JavaScripts, and then see what XML is created based on the code I enter into the GUI, e.g. form code, functions, etc. This also seems somewhat inefficient, presuming again that the JavaScript XML format is already documented.

    Thanks for the additional information.
    I played with JavaScript some more, using my preferred editor, UltraEdit, which I attached to Acrobat.  I thought I would be able to take a JavaScript program from one PDF file (source file) and do a copy & paste into another PDF file (destination file).  While I can do the paste (again, via UltraEdit) into the destination file and can do an UltraEdit Save, when I go back into UltraEdit via Advanced --> Document Processing --> Edit All JavaScripts, the JavaScript I pasted from the source file to the destination file isn't there in the destination file.
    From this, I concluded that I'll need to create the Document-level JavaScript and the form field Javascripts (e.g. a JavaScript triggered by a "Mouse Down" in a button) via the Acrobat GUI's.  Acrobat doesn't seem to like it if I bypass the GUIs and just attempt to paste the code directly into the PDF file via an editor.  By not using the GUI and just doing the cut & paste as I did, I'm probably missing some part of the code setup/creation process that Acrobat needs to know about.
    This is why I originally asked about the syntax for the pseudo-XML, thinking I could just copy the pseudo-XML/JavaScript code from one PDF file to another, and then modify the code to reflect the needs of the destination PDF.  Now I understand the need you mentioned to use the Acrobat GUIs to set up the initial XML/JavaScript structure.
    Once I have the XML structure set up in the destination file (e.g. a JavaScript triggered by a "Mouse Down" in a button), I can obviously copy code snippets into that <AcroForm> sections, I just can't *create* the original "Mouse Down" <AcroForm> sections via the editor.
    Another approach I could follow would be to make a copy of the original source file and change the name of the copy to the desired destination file name, and then start modifying the code in the new (destination) file -- presuming that's the easiest path to get the desired functionality created.  This way, I wouldn't have to manually (via the Acrobat GUI) create all of the <Document-Level> and <AcroForm> sections.
    Thanks for your (and others') help, let me know if I'm missing anything.

  • XML syntax error in a JSP page.

    i was trying to include xml syntax in a jsp page in stead of core jsp syntax. it didn't work.But the jsp document with the core jsp syntax works. I'm wondering what's the problem.any help would be really helpful. I'm using Tomcat 3.2.1.
    Thanx in adv,
    JSP file - NOT WORKING
    <jsp:directive.page import="java.util.Date"/>
    private static String loadTime = new Date().toString();
    private static String getLoadTime() { return loadTime; }
    private static String getCurrentTime() { return new Date().toString(); }
    JSP page is created using XML syntax...<BR>
    This page was loaded into memory at <%= getLoadTime() %>.<BR>
    The current time is <%= getCurrentTime() %>
    ERROR :
    Error: 500
    Location: /test/declarations.jsp
    Internal Servlet Error:
    org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSPC:\tomcat321\tomcat\work\localhost_8080%2Ftest\_0002fdeclarations_0002ejspdeclarations_jsp_6.java:59: Method getLoadTime() not found in class _0002fdeclarations_0002ejspdeclarations_jsp_6.
    out.print( getLoadTime() );
    C:\tomcat321\tomcat\work\localhost_8080%2Ftest\_0002fdeclarations_0002ejspdeclarations_jsp_6.java:65: Method getCurrentTime() not found in class _0002fdeclarations_0002ejspdeclarations_jsp_6.
    out.print( getCurrentTime() );
    2 errors

    any help on this question would be really appreciated..
    Thanx in adv,

  • XML file for GigE Vision camera

    I am working on a design of GigE Vision camera. It should be very simple linescan camera. I implemented the whole required GigE Vision register set, can communicate with the camera in MAX. The problem is that I need to creata this XML file for the camera.There is this XML file here: 
    What should I do with it? My first version of the camera will have 2 funcions: turn it on and turn it off I am bit confused, because the xml file template has lots of functions, that I don't really need. Should I delete them? Or leave inside with default values? What does minimal configuration XML file need?
    Go to Solution.

    linru wrote:
    Thank you very much! Perhaps I was too concentrated on digging through various documents and missed the important info.
    And one more question: how does NI software build the *.icd file? By reading XML file? Or by reading registers in my camera? 
    Both. The XML is processed by the GenApi software component which then translates it to register operations. The XML file thus controls what features are visible based both on the XML file as well as the camera registers (features in the XML may be conditionally available based on the <pIsImplemented< tag). Next, the IMAQdx ICD file contains the subset of features in the XML file that are available and are tagged as <Streamable>, meaning they can be saved to a settings file.

  • Possible elements in the instanceconfig.xml file for presentation services

    Has anyone here come across a list of all the possible elements that can be put in the configuration file for a presentation service, instanceconfig.xml ?<P>
    I have found next to nothing in the documentations, about what can be configured there.<P>
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    Also, how can I move the JavaHost from the default port 9810? I can change the file <i>OracleBI/web/javahost/config/config.xml</i> to reflect the change. Once the JavaHost has been restarted it starts up on the expected port, but the Presentation Service still tries to communicate over RPC to port 9810. How do I configure the presentation service to search for the JavaHost on a non-default port?<P>
    I have boiled it down to my original question: What are the possible values I can configure in the instanceconfig.xml file?<P>
    Any comments here would be great.<P>

    So, I had a little breakthrough here.
    I found in the OBIEE deployment guide, page 142:
    To change the Presentation Services listener port
    1 Open the instanceconfig.xml file for editing.
    2 Locate the <WebConfig> element.
    3 Within the <WebConfig> tags, create the element <RPC> and assign it the RPC Listener Port
    value for the BI Presentation Services instance, as shown in the following example.
    <Listener port="9715" />
    NOTE: In the preceding example, the RPC Listener port for the BI Presentation Services instance
    has been changed to port 9715 from the default of 9710.
    4 Save changes to the file.
    This almost works. The RPC element has been deprecated, as was reported in the sawserver.out.log:
    The configuration entry 'RPC/Listener' is deprecated. Please refer to the admin guide for more information.
    What I then did was to just remove the RPC elements and leaving the Listener element straight under there ServerInstance element. This seems to have solved the problem.
    I still have to figure out how to let the Presentation Service know that I have moved the JavaHost to antoher port ...

  • ANN: XML Parser for Java v2.0.2.6

    The v2.0.2.6 of the XML Parser for Java is now available for download. The following features and bug fixes are included:
    Conformance to the XSLT/XPATH October REC.
    New API in XSLStylesheet class:
    removeParam(String param)
    Bug fixes:
    Bug #1111423: OutOfMemory exception, if multiple calls made to document()
    Bug #1101028: Unexpected character error in DTD parsing document using Docbook DTD
    Bug #1101021: #default not supported in exclude-result-prefixes
    Bug #1099830: Extra characters inserted into output using the XML Parser
    Bug #1099663: HTML output does not allow only doctype-public to be specified
    Bug #1099536: HTML output does not disable escaping for script, style unless lowercase
    Bug #1098738: ArrayOutOfBoundsException xsl:if test="not(@a)'"
    Bug #1095047: XSLProcessor NPE'S on named templates with non-empty namespaces
    Bug #1094971: XSLStylesheet needs methods for removing parameters
    Bug #1092351: Using valueof() shuffles order of elements in my source document
    Bug #1086663: xsl:sort data-type attribute can now be a namespace-prefixed name
    Bug #1086661: xsl:version attribute now required on literal result element
    Bug #1064692: Default xml-serialization should use empty-element syntax
    Bug #1064689: Current() function doesn't work correctly
    This is the sixth production patch release for v2.
    Oracle XML Team http://technet.oracle.com
    Oracle Technology Network

    The link has been fixed. You will go to the v2 download page
    now. Sorry for the inconvience.
    Oracle XML Team
    Oracle Technology Network
    Renilton Oliveira (guest) wrote:
    : I didn't find the file for version as well.
    : Renilton
    : Andrei Filimonov (guest) wrote:
    : : I tried to download XML Parser for Java v2 it seems that
    : v
    : : is available. Could you please give an exact URL for
    : v2
    : : download?
    : : Andrei Filimonov
    : : Oracle XML Team wrote:
    : : : The Oracle XML v2 parser is now available for download
    : as
    : : : an early beta release and is written in Java. It features
    : an
    : : : improved architecture over the Oracle XML v1 parser and
    : : : shown better performance on small to large XML documents.
    : It
    : : : will also be able to format the XML document according to
    : : : stylesheet, having integrated an XSLT processor.
    : : : Version 2 of the XML Parser for Java, besides
    : an
    : : : XSLT processor, has been re-architected from version 1.
    : : has
    : : : resulted in a number of changes to the class names
    : especially
    : : : those that support Namespaces. See v2changes.txt and
    : the .diff
    : : : difference files in the sample directory.
    : : : Oracle XML Team
    : : : http://technet.oracle.com
    : : : Oracle Technology Network

  • From XML (import) for each record automatic new page creation?

    I'm playing around with XML.
    Can someone tell me where to look and help me?
    I load variable data via XML.
    Example content xml:
             <article>title page 1</article>
             <info>Info page 1</info>
             <price>price page 1</price>
             <article>title page 2</article>
             <info>Info page 2</info>
             <price>price page 2</price>
             <article>title page 3</article>
             <info>Info page 3</info>
             <price>price page 3</price>
    I have 1 page classified (ie 3 text boxes). The idea is that for each record in the xml (in this case 1, 2 and 3) a new page is created (Qua layout identical to the page that I had prepared, but with the corresponding data in each box)
    How do I do this?

    If you need to keep the three parts of your page in separate text frames, you are probably out of luck.
    I can't tell from your question whether you know how to tag frames and import XML content into them. If you don't, the manual is fairly clear on it. However, it states more than once that "InDesign flows merged XML content into existing frames only."  That means that it won't add frames or pages for you -- you can only load XML into tagged frames on the first page and will have to add extra ones by hand.
    If you could rework your design so that all the elements could be accommodated in a single text frame, using paragraph styles to keep them apart, you could just import the XML and map tags to styles, then drag it into a frame on the first pages. If your article style was set to start in a new frame,  everything but the first would go into overset text, which you could deal with in the usual way -- shift-click on the in port of a new frame and InDesign will add the pages you need.

Maybe you are looking for

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