XMLelement problem

Given the following procedure see below. The result of this select starts with
instead of
XMLELEMENT("UniaxialCreepRoot",... gives what I expect.
Any idea what can be the problem?
CREATE OR REPLACE procedure testdelete(id in varchar2 default NULL,
sourceid in varchar2 default NULL,sourcenum in varchar2 default NULL,ttype_str in varchar2 default NULL) is
tmp_ttstr varchar2(50);
SELECT XMLELEMENT(tmp_ttstr,XMLAGG(extract(value(t),'//'||ttype_str))) into tmp1 from test3 x, TABLE(xmlsequence(extract(value(x),'//UniaxialCreep')))t where extractValue(value(t),'UniaxialCreep/@ID')<>id;

The first parameter of XMLElement is an identifier, not a string. The bahaviour is the same as for column or table names. If you want to use dynamic element names with
XMLElement, you have to use dynamic SQL
execute immediate 'select xmlelement('||tmp_ttstr||'...

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    I have very weird and interesting problem which I have to fix urgently. Appreciate any help you guys can provide.
    I have one query which runs in All our database enviornments but Prod. Our UAT is refreshed by Prod Fortnightly so I am sure that it is not a data problem. I even tried for very small dataset making sure to select same data in UAT and Prod.
    ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected NUMBER got -
    select level ,--works if we reomve this
    xmlelement("L1", XMLATTRIBUTES(resource_name as "L1" ,resource_id as "p_resource_id",resource_manager_id as "p_rm_id",FTE, project_hrs ,
                 misc_hrs , total_hrs, avg_tot_hrs, Perc_utilization))
          from (  SELECT   resource_id,
               trim(to_char(round(SUM (FTE),1), '999,999,999,999.9')) FTE,
               trim(to_char(round(SUM (project_hrs),1), '999,999,999,999.9')) project_hrs,
               trim(to_char(round(SUM (misc_hrs),1), '999,999,999,999.9')) misc_hrs,
               trim(to_char(round(SUM (total_hrs),1), '999,999,999,999.9')) total_hrs,
               trim(to_char(round(SUM (total_hrs)/decode(SUM (FTE),0,1,SUM (FTE)),1), '999,999,999,999.9')) avg_tot_hrs,
               trim(to_char(ROUND (SUM (project_hrs) * 100 / decode(SUM (expected_project_hrs),0,1,SUM (expected_project_hrs)), 1), '999,999,999,999.9'))
        FROM   (    SELECT   CONNECT_BY_ROOT resource_name AS resource_name,
                             CONNECT_BY_ROOT resource_id AS resource_id,
                             CONNECT_BY_ROOT resource_manager_id AS resource_manager_id,
                      FROM   (    SELECT   r.username resource_name,
                                    FROM   TIME_UTILILIZ_ORG_SUM_L3M_MV r
                              START WITH   resource_id = 129523
                             CONNECT BY   PRIOR r.resource_id = r.resource_manager_id)               
                CONNECT BY   PRIOR resource_id = resource_manager_id)
    GROUP BY   resource_id, resource_name, resource_manager_id)
              start with resource_id =129523 connect by prior resource_id=resource_manager_id; --works if we remove thisIf we remove outermost connect by, it runs so not a xmlelement problem as well. Any idea?
    Edited by: 783830 on Jul 22, 2010 6:58 AM

    I'm not sure if this will help you, but:
    with my_tab as (select 1 resource_id, 0 resource_manager_id, 1 project_hrs from dual union all
                    select 2 resource_id, 1 resource_manager_id, 1 project_hrs from dual union all
                    select 3 resource_id, 1 resource_manager_id, 1 project_hrs from dual union all
                    select 4 resource_id, 2 resource_manager_id, 1 project_hrs from dual union all
                    select 5 resource_id, 2 resource_manager_id, 1 project_hrs from dual union all
                    select 6 resource_id, 0 resource_manager_id, 2 project_hrs from dual union all
                    select 7 resource_id, 6 resource_manager_id, 2 project_hrs from dual union all
                    select 8 resource_id, 7 resource_manager_id, 2 project_hrs from dual),
    --- end of mimicking some data
        results as (select resource_id,
                           prior resource_id prev_resource_id,
                           level lvl,
                           sum(project_hrs) over (partition by connect_by_root (resource_id)) tot_project_hrs
                    from   my_tab
                    connect by prior resource_id = resource_manager_id),
       results2 as (select resource_id,
                           connect_by_root resource_id top_resource_id,
                           prior resource_id prev_resource_id,
                           level lvl
                    from   my_tab
                    connect by prior resource_id = resource_manager_id
                    start with resource_manager_id = 0)
    select r1.resource_id,
    from   results r1,
           results2 r2
    where  r1.resource_id = r2.resource_id
    and    r1.lvl = 1
    order by resource_id;
              1           1               5               1                           1
              2           1               3               1                1          2
              3           1               1               1                1          2
              4           1               1               1                2          3
              5           1               1               1                2          3
              6           2               6               6                           1
              7           2               4               6                6          2
              8           2               2               6                7          3

  • XML parsing problem

    Hi, my problem is :
    In my Application i want to parse an XML file with DOM parser. The problem is that in my Project "MyProject -> Project Properties -> Libraries and Classpath"
    I have included some 15 libraries which are useful for my Application: ADF Faces Runtime 11, ADF Web Runtime and etc.
    Problems are causing the libraries: BC4J Runtime,ADF Model Runtime, MDS Runtime Dependencies
    because when added my source which is parsing an XML file stops working.The source code is:
    DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
    DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();
    File file =
    new File("C:\\Documents and Settings\\ilia\\Desktop\\begin.xml");
    Document doc = db.parse(file);
    Element root = doc.getDocumentElement();
    NodeList dots = root.getElementsByTagName("w:t");
    Element firstDot = (Element)dots.item(0);
    String textValue = firstDot.getFirstChild().getNodeValue();
    I use DOM because i need to change some values in the XML file, but its not working neither for reading nor for writing.When debugging I see that it gets the root of the xml but " firstDot.getFirstChild().getNodeValue() " returns null and it breaks with NullPointerException. And that's only when the libraries mentioned above are added to the project. Without them it works just fine !
    I don't know, it's like when added the parser validates my xml against some schema and returns null.
    The xml file is very simple MS Word Document saved as .xml .But I don't think that's the problem.
    Thanks in advance !

    Hi all,
    I found the solution to my problem.The right way to parse and change an XML file with DOM parser using the Oracle XML Parser v2 should look like this:
    JXDocumentBuilderFactory factory =
    JXDocumentBuilder documentBuilder =
    File file = new File("c:/Documents and Settings/ilia/Desktop/begin.xml");
    InputStream input =
    new FileInputStream(file);
    XMLDocument xmlDocument = (XMLDocument)(documentBuilder.parse(input));
    System.out.println("Encoding: " + xmlDocument.getEncoding());
    System.out.println("Version: " + xmlDocument.getVersion());
    NodeList namespaceNodeList =
    XMLElement namespaceElement17 = (XMLElement)namespaceNodeList.item(17);

  • Script for generating XML file ... problem with null values

    Greetings everyone,
    i come here with a question that troubles me for some time now. I have a script which i run from SQLPLUS every now and then to generate an XML file.
    Problem is that data which needs to be in XML is not allways <> NULL and i need to hide those tags that are empty </tag>.
    I will post below my script and if you could help me with it it would be really great!
    Thanks for reading!
    set long 20000000
    set long 20000000
    set linesize 32000
    SET PAGESIZE 50000
    spool C:\test.xml
    set serveroutput on
      dbms_output.put_line('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>');
    XMLELEMENT("ReportRoot",XMLATTRIBUTES('http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance' as "xmlns:xsi", 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema' as "xmlns:xsd" , '1.0' as "Version",sysdate as "CreationDate",to_char(sysdate,'hh:mm:ss') as "CreationTime",'1524544845' as "id"),
    XMLELEMENT("Porocila",XMLELEMENT("JOLY",(SELECT XMLAGG (XMLELEMENT("RefNrReport",replace('SON'||to_char(ref_ST,'00000'),' ',''))) from access_table_2 where ref_ST = &1),
                                                 from v_xml_test where id_dok = &1 and ind_print = '1'))))
      from dual
         spool off
    exitNow lets pretend that XMLELEMENT("datep",datep), is sometimes NULL and i do not want to display it.

    may be
    with t as
    select sysdate datep from dual union all
    select null datep from dual
    select xmlagg(xmlelement("Reportf",
                             case when datep is not null then XMLELEMENT("datep", datep)
      from t

  • Approving the access request gives error in Sharepoint Foundation 2013 / Email notification codepage problem

    On our SharePoint Foundation 2013 server approving Access Requests fails with "request approval failed" after pressing the approve button. The user is site administrator, site collection administrator and site owner.
    In the ulsviewer we see the following error:
    System.NotSupportedException: No data is available for encoding 1033.     at System.Text.Encoding.GetEncodingRare(Int32 codepage)     at System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding(Int32 codepage)     at Microsoft.SharePoint.Email.SPMailMessageHelper.GetSocialNotificationMailMessage(SPWeb
    web, String senderAddress, String senderName, Boolean useSenderAddressAsFromAddress, String recipientAddress, CultureInfo recipientCulture, String subject, String sidebarHtml, String descriptionHtml, String customMessageHtml, List`1 embeddedAttachments)    
    at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSharingEmailHelper.SendAccessRequestsEmail(SPCachedItemEventProperties eventProperties, SPUser sender, String message, SPUser recipient, String recipientEmailAddress, String strSubject, String body)     at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSharingEmailHelper.SendRequestorNotification(SPCachedItemEventProperties
    eventProperties, String objRequestedTitle, SPUser reqByUser, SPUser reqForUser, String message, Boolean isMessageUpdate, Int32 status)     at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPAccessRequestsOperationHandler.HandleStatusChangingToApprove(SPCachedItemEventProperties
    properties, Int32 reqByUserId, Int32 reqForUserId, Int32 newStatus, SPUserCollection users, SPGroupCollection groups, IEnumerable`1 roleDefs)     at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPAccessRequestsOperationHandler.HandleRequestStatusChanging(SPCachedItemEventProperties
    properties, SPUserCollection users, SPGroupCollection groups, IEnumerable`1 roleDefs)     at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPAccessRequestsOperationHandler.ItemUpdating(SPCachedItemEventProperties properties, SPUserCollection users, SPGroupCollection
    groups, IEnumerable`1 roleDefs)     at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPAccessRequests.UpdateItem(Int32 newStatus, SPUser reqFor, String convStr, String permType, Int32 permissionLevel, Boolean extendInvitation, String anonLinkType, SPList accReqList,
    SPListItem item, SPUserCollection users, SPGroupCollection groups, IEnumerable`1 roleDefs)     at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPAccessRequests.ChangeRequestStatusCore(Int32 newStatus, SPUser reqFor, String convStr, String permType, Int32 newPermissionLevel,
    Boolean extendInvitation, String anonLinkType, SPList accReqList, SPListItem request)     at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPAccessRequests.ChangeRequestStatus(Int32 itemId, Int32 newStatus, SPUser reqForUser, String convStr, String permType, Int32
    permissionLevel, Boolean extendInvitation, String anonLinkType, SPWeb web)     at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPAccessRequests.ChangeRequestStatus(Int32 itemId, Int32 newStatus, String convStr, String permType, Int32 permissionLevel)    
    at Microsoft.SharePoint.ServerStub.SPAccessRequestsServerStub.ChangeRequestStatus_MethodProxy(XmlNodeList xmlargs, ProxyContext proxyContext)     at Microsoft.SharePoint.ServerStub.SPAccessRequestsServerStub.InvokeStaticMethod(String methodName,
    XmlNodeList xmlargs, ProxyContext proxyContext, Boolean& isVoid)     at Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ServerStub.InvokeStaticMethodWithMonitoredScope(String methodName, XmlNodeList args, ProxyContext proxyContext, Boolean& isVoid)    
    at Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientMethodsProcessor.InvokeStaticMethod(String typeId, String methodName, XmlNodeList xmlargs, Boolean& isVoid)     at Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientMethodsProcessor.ProcessStaticMethod(XmlElement
    xe)     at Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientMethodsProcessor.ProcessOne(XmlElement xe)     at Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientMethodsProcessor.ProcessStatements(XmlNode xe)     at Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientMethodsProcessor.Process() 449c7b9c-6cec-f09a-9792-3d76c4d7e351
    The server is running on an English Windows 2012 Server and also the English version of SharePoint Foundation 2013 with the June 2013 CU.
    We see exactly the same error when add users to a group with the option "Send an email invitation" enabled.
    Any ideas what could cause this problems?

    Hi Reinhard ,
    According to your error message, it says that no data is available after  encoding the social notification mail message. It  should be caused by the E-Mail encoding setting.
    For troubleshooting your issue, please check the character set of your E-Mail Settings:
    Verify that the user account that is performing this procedure is a member of the Farm Administrators group.
    On the Central Administration Home page, click System Settings.
    On the System Settings page, in the E-Mail and Text Messages(SMS) section, click Configure outgoing e-mail settings.
    On the Outgoing E-Mail Settings page, make sure
    Character set setting is  65001(Unicode UTF-8).
    Best Regards,
    Eric Tao
    TechNet Community Support

  • Problem with XML in APEX ORA-06502

    i, I have a problem with XML generation, I developed an application in APEX, and in a html page I have this process:
    l_XML varchar2(32767);
    select xmlElement
    xmlElement("razonSocial", J.RAZON_SOCIAL),
    xmlElement("idRepre", J.ID_REPRE),
    xmlElement("rucContador", J.RUC_CONTADOR),
    xmlElement("anio", J.ANIO),
    xmlElement("mes", J.MES),
    select xmlAgg
    --xmlAttributes(K.ID_COMPRA as "COMPRA"),
    K.COD_SUSTENTO as "codSustento",
    K.TPLD_PROV as "tpldProv",
    K.ID_PROV as "idProv",
    K.TIPO_COMPROBANTE as "tipoComprobante",
    to_char(K.FECHA_REGISTRO, 'DD/MM/YYYY') as "fechaRegistro",
    K.ESTABLECIMIENTO as "establecimiento",
    K.PUNTO_EMISION as "puntoEmision",
    K.SECUENCIAL as "secuencial",
    to_char(K.FECHA_EMISION, 'DD/MM/YYYY') as "fechaEmision",
    K.AUTORIZACION as "autorizacion",
    to_char(K.BASE_NO_GRA_IVA, 9999999999.99) as "baseNoGraIva",
    to_char(K.BASE_IMPONIBLE, 9999999999.99) as "baseImponible",
    to_char(K.BASE_IMP_GRAV, 9999999999.99) as "baseImpGrav",
    to_char(K.MONTO_ICE, 9999999999.99) as "montoIce",
    to_char(K.MONTO_IVA, 9999999999.99) as "montoIva",
    to_char(K.VALOR_RET_BIENES, 9999999999.99) as "valorRetBienes",
    to_char(K.VALOR_RET_SERVICIOS, 9999999999.99) as "valorRetServicios",
    to_char(K.VALOR_RET_SERV_100, 9999999999.99) as "valorRetServ100"
    select xmlAgg
    P.COD_RET_AIR as "codRetAir",
    to_char(P.BASE_IMP_AIR, 9999999999.99) as "baseImpAir",
    to_char(P.PORCENTAJE_AIR, 999.99) as "porcentajeAir",
    to_char(P.VAL_RET_AIR, 9999999999.99) as "valRetAir"
    xmlElement("estabRetencion1", K.ESTAB_RETENCION_1),
    xmlElement("ptoEmiRetencion1", K.PTO_EMI_RETENCION_1),
    xmlElement("secRetencion1", K.SEC_RETENCION_1),
    xmlElement("autRetencion1", K.AUT_RETENCION_1),
    xmlElement("fechaEmiRet1", to_char(K.FECHA_EMI_RET_1,'DD/MM/YYYY')),
    xmlElement("docModificado", K.DOC_MODIFICADO),
    xmlElement("estabModificado", K.ESTAB_MODIFICADO),
    xmlElement("ptoEmiModificado", K.PTO_EMI_MODIFICADO),
    xmlElement("secModificado", K.SEC_MODIFICADO),
    xmlElement("autModificado", K.AUT_MODIFICADO)
    from SRI_COMPRAS K
    into l_XML
    where J.ID_INFORMANTE =:P3_MES
    and J.RUC =:P3_ID_RUC
    and J.ANIO =:P3_ANIO
    and J.MES =:P3_MES;
    sys.htp.p('Content-Length: ' || length(l_XML));
    Now my table has more than 900 rows and only when I specifically selected 25 rows of the table "ANEXO_COMPRAS" in the where ( AND K.ID BETWEEN 1 AND 25) the XML is generated.+
    I think that the problem may be the data type declared "varchar2", but I was trying with the data type "CLOB" and the error is the same.+
    l_XML CLOB;
    --Oculta XML
    wwv_flow.g_page_text_generated := true;
    wwv_flow.g_unrecoverable_error := true;
    --select XML
    select xmlElement
    from SRI_COMPRAS K
    into l_XML
    where J.ID_INFORMANTE =:P3_MES
    and J.RUC =:P3_ID_RUC
    and J.ANIO =:P3_ANIO
    and J.MES =:P3_MES;
    sys.htp.p('Content-Length: ' || length(l_XML));
    The error generated is ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error+_
    Please I need your help. I don`t know how to resolve this problem, how to use the data type "CLOB" for the XML can be generate+

    JohannaCevallos07 wrote:
    Now my table has more than 900 rows and only when I specifically selected 25 rows of the table "ANEXO_COMPRAS" in the where ( AND K.ID BETWEEN 1 AND 25) the XML is generated.+
    I think that the problem may be the data type declared "varchar2", but I was trying with the data type "CLOB" and the error is the same.+
    The error generated is ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error+_
    Please I need your help. I don`t know how to resolve this problem, how to use the data type "CLOB" for the XML can be generate+The likeliest explanation for this is that length of the XML exceeds 32K, which is the maximum size that <tt>htp.p</tt> can output. A CLOB can store much more than this, so it's necessary to buffer the output as shown in +{message:id=4497571}+
    Help us to help you. When you have a problem include as much relevant information as possible upfront. This should include:
    <li>Full APEX version
    <li>Full DB/version/edition/host OS
    <li>Web server architecture (EPG, OHS or APEX listener/host OS)
    <li>Browser(s) and version(s) used
    <li>Region/item type(s) (making particular distinction as to whether a "report" is a standard report, an interactive report, or in fact an "updateable report" (i.e. a tabular form)
    And always post code wrapped in <tt>\...\</tt> tags, as described in the FAQ.

  • Report Problem need to fix the code

    Hello Expert
    I am new to apex, I was given a task to interpret the code and fix the problem.
    This Apex application has a list of value where the user select the institution as a drop down list menu. After selecting the institution the main report below the drop down list will be populated based on the selection. The problem is that when the user insert record for standalone program, this insert don't appear on the report when the user select the instituion.
    can someone look at the code below and explain to me line by line what it does and how can I twick it to solve this problem? I am cloue less and I need expert help
    select dt.* 
             ,case when dt.delivery_location is null then null
                      else htf.anchor ('javascript:void(0);'
                                              ,'<img src=#APP_IMAGES#location.png
                                                title=''' ||dt.delivery_location || '''
                                                alt=''' ||dt.delivery_location || '''
                                                height=24 width=24/>'
              end dl_hover
      from (
              da.DESCRIPTION   || ' with an Emphasis Area of ' ||
             nvl(dt.description, da.DESCRIPTION)
                CASE WHEN Dt.DEGREE_LEVEL IN ('V','A') THEN
                     nvl(dt.description, da.DESCRIPTION )  || ' with an Option in ' ||
                WHEN Dt.DEGREE_LEVEL IN ('E','C','Z','F')  THEN
                     nvl(dt.description, da.DESCRIPTION )  || ' in ' ||
                     nvl(dt.description, da.DESCRIPTION )  || ' with a Major in ' ||
    --,'???' emphasis_area
    ,nvl(mt.cip_code,dt.cip_code) cip_code
    ,nvl(mt.hours, dt.hours) total_credit_hours
    -- ,dt.deactivated status
    ,case when nvl(mt.deactivated,dt.deactivated)  = 'A' then 'Active'
              when nvl(mt.deactivated,dt.deactivated) = 'D' then 'Deactivated'
              when nvl(mt.deactivated,dt.deactivated) = 'T' then 'Terminated'
          WHEN NVL(mt.deactivated,dt.deactivated) = 'I'
          THEN 'Inactive'
              else null
       end status
    --,dt.degree_level program_type
    ,dl.description program_type
    ,dt.coop_indicator coop_indicator
    ,nvl(mt.approval_date,dt.approval_date) approval_date
    ,nvl(mt.implemented,dt.implemented) implemented
    ,nvl(mt.implementation_date, dt.implementation_date) implementation_date
    ,nvl(mt.delivery_mode ,dt.delivery_mode) delivery_mode
    ,(select rtrim(replace(replace(xmlagg(xmlelement("C" ,c.cixxvext_name)).getclobval() ,'<C>' ,'') ,'</C>' ,'&#xD; ') ,'&#xD; ') C
      from degree_transaction_details dtd
             ,cixxvext c
      where (dtd.degree_transaction_id = case when INDEP_DEGREE= 'Y' then dt.degree_id else mt.major_id end )
          and c.cixxvext_ext_site_cd = dtd.detail_value
    and dtd.record_type= case when INDEP_DEGREE = 'Y' then 'DEGREE' else 'MAJOR' end ) delivery_location
    ,dt.degree_id degree_id
    ,'Comparison Report' comparison_report
    ,apex_util.prepare_url ('f?p=&APP_ID.:2:&SESSION.::&DEBUG.:2:P2_FICE_CODE,P2_DEGREE_ID:&P1_FICE_CODE.,'||dt.degree_id) edit_link
    ,apex_util.prepare_url ('f?p=&APP_ID.:4:&SESSION.::&DEBUG.:RP,4:P4_DEGREE_ID:'||dt.degree_id) cr_link
    ,mt.major_id major_id
    ,nvl(mt.online_percentage,dt.online_percentage) online_percent
    ,nvl(mt.last_inst_review,dt.last_inst_review) last_inst_review
    from degree_transactions dt,
        degree_acronyms da,
        major_transactions mt,
        degree_levels dl,
        cip_codes cc
    where dt.degree_id = mt.degree_id
      and mt.cip_code = cc.cip_code
      and dl.degree_level = nvl(mt.degree_level,dt.degree_level)
      and dt.degree_acronym = da.degree_acronym
      and dt.Fice_code = da.fice_code
      and dt.degree_level = da.degree_level
      and dt.deactivated in ('A','D')
      and mt.deactivated in ('A','D')
      and dt.fice_code = :P1_FICE_CODE
      and dt.show_inst = 'Y'
    ) dt
    order by dt.description nulls first

    You said:
    "I was able to debug the code in SQL Developer."  Does this mean that you:
    ran the code, got results
    then set indep_degree to 'Y' on a row in your database
    ran the code again and saw the results you are looking for?
    If true, your code is working and should operate the same in APEX.
    So if your code is working, we need to understand what processes are running on the form and when they are firing.

  • IOException thrown in oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLElement.readExternal() method

    I have a bpel process which takes in a particular xml format and does some processing asynchronously. I am calling this bpel process from a web application which uses axis web service to call this application.
    Everything works fine when the xml is small (around 10 to 15 kb). But once the xml gets huge(around 250 to 400 kb) error is thrown in bpel in the oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLElement.readExternal() method. It seems like bpel is not able to reconstruct the object that it had written to some stream before. I learnt from some forum posts that this done for optimizing performance but I would like to know whether i have to tweak something here.
    Particularly what does this "java.io.IOException: Error in reading Namespace associated with the node" mean. Below is the error log
    10/01/05 20:40:51 java.io.IOException: Error in reading Namespace associated with the node
    10/01/05 20:40:51      at oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLElement.readExternal(XMLElement.java:2954)
    10/01/05 20:40:51      at oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLNode.readChildNodes(XMLNode.java:2842)
    10/01/05 20:40:51      at oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLNode.readChildNodes(XMLNode.java:2843)
    10/01/05 20:40:51      at oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLNode.readChildNodes(XMLNode.java:2843)
    10/01/05 20:40:51      at oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLNode.readChildNodes(XMLNode.java:2843)
    10/01/05 20:40:51      at oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLNode.readChildNodes(XMLNode.java:2843)
    10/01/05 20:40:51      at oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLNode.readChildNodes(XMLNode.java:2843)
    10/01/05 20:40:51      at oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLDocument.readExternal(XMLDocument.java:3394)
    10/01/05 20:40:51      at com.collaxa.cube.xml.dom.SDOMHelper.loadCompressedNormalDom(SDOMHelper.java:345)
    10/01/05 20:40:51      at com.collaxa.cube.xml.dom.SDOMHelper.load(SDOMHelper.java:135)
    10/01/05 20:40:51      at com.collaxa.cube.xml.dom.DOMUtil.loadDocument(DOMUtil.java:2266)
    10/01/05 20:40:51      at com.collaxa.cube.engine.delivery.DeliveryHelper.loadParts(DeliveryHelper.java:878)
    10/01/05 20:40:51      at com.collaxa.cube.engine.delivery.DeliveryService.handleInvoke(DeliveryService.java:515)
    10/01/05 20:40:51      at com.collaxa.cube.engine.ejb.impl.CubeDeliveryBean.handleInvoke(CubeDeliveryBean.java:342)
    10/01/05 20:40:51      at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    10/01/05 20:40:51      at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39)
    10/01/05 20:40:51      at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
    10/01/05 20:40:51      at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:585)
    10/01/05 20:40:51      at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.joinpoint.EJBJoinPointImpl.invoke(EJBJoinPointImpl.java:35)
    10/01/05 20:40:51      at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.InvocationContextImpl.proceed(InvocationContextImpl.java:119)
    10/01/05 20:40:51      at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.system.DMSInterceptor.invoke(DMSInterceptor.java:52)
    10/01/05 20:40:51      at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.InvocationContextImpl.proceed(InvocationContextImpl.java:119)
    10/01/05 20:40:51      at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.system.JAASInterceptor$1.run(JAASInterceptor.java:31)
    10/01/05 20:40:51      at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
    10/01/05 20:40:51      at javax.security.auth.Subject.doAs(Subject.java:396)
    10/01/05 20:40:51      at com.evermind.server.ThreadState.runAs(ThreadState.java:648)
    10/01/05 20:40:51      at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.system.JAASInterceptor.invoke(JAASInterceptor.java:34)
    10/01/05 20:40:51      at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.InvocationContextImpl.proceed(InvocationContextImpl.java:119)
    10/01/05 20:40:51      at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.system.TxRequiredInterceptor.invoke(TxRequiredInterceptor.java:50)
    10/01/05 20:40:51      at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.InvocationContextImpl.proceed(InvocationContextImpl.java:119)
    10/01/05 20:40:51      at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.system.DMSInterceptor.invoke(DMSInterceptor.java:52)
    10/01/05 20:40:51      at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.InvocationContextImpl.proceed(InvocationContextImpl.java:119)
    10/01/05 20:40:51      at com.evermind.server.ejb.InvocationContextPool.invoke(InvocationContextPool.java:55)
    10/01/05 20:40:51      at com.evermind.server.ejb.StatelessSessionEJBObject.OC4J_invokeMethod(StatelessSessionEJBObject.java:87)
    10/01/05 20:40:51      at CubeDeliveryBean_LocalProxy_4bin6i8.handleInvoke(Unknown Source)
    10/01/05 20:40:51      at com.collaxa.cube.engine.dispatch.message.invoke.InvokeInstanceMessageHandler.handle(InvokeInstanceMessageHandler.java:37)
    10/01/05 20:40:51      at com.collaxa.cube.engine.dispatch.DispatchHelper.handleMessage(DispatchHelper.java:138)
    10/01/05 20:40:51      at com.collaxa.cube.engine.dispatch.BaseScheduledWorker.process(BaseScheduledWorker.java:70)
    10/01/05 20:40:51      at com.collaxa.cube.engine.ejb.impl.WorkerBean.onMessage(WorkerBean.java:86)
    10/01/05 20:40:51      at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor49.invoke(Unknown Source)
    10/01/05 20:40:51      at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
    10/01/05 20:40:51      at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:585)
    10/01/05 20:40:51      at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.joinpoint.EJBJoinPointImpl.invoke(EJBJoinPointImpl.java:35)
    10/01/05 20:40:51      at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.InvocationContextImpl.proceed(InvocationContextImpl.java:119)
    10/01/05 20:40:51      at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.system.DMSInterceptor.invoke(DMSInterceptor.java:52)
    10/01/05 20:40:51      at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.InvocationContextImpl.proceed(InvocationContextImpl.java:119)
    10/01/05 20:40:51      at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.system.SetContextActionInterceptor.invoke(SetContextActionInterceptor.java:44)
    10/01/05 20:40:51      at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.InvocationContextImpl.proceed(InvocationContextImpl.java:119)
    10/01/05 20:40:51      at com.evermind.server.ejb.InvocationContextPool.invoke(InvocationContextPool.java:55)
    10/01/05 20:40:51      at oracle.j2ee.connector.messageinflow.MessageEndpointImpl.OC4J_invokeMethod(MessageEndpointImpl.java:297)
    10/01/05 20:40:51      at WorkerBean_EndPointProxy_4bin6i8.onMessage(Unknown Source)
    10/01/05 20:40:51      at oracle.j2ee.ra.jms.generic.WorkConsumer.run(WorkConsumer.java:266)
    10/01/05 20:40:51      at oracle.j2ee.connector.work.WorkWrapper.runTargetWork(WorkWrapper.java:242)
    10/01/05 20:40:51      at oracle.j2ee.connector.work.WorkWrapper.doWork(WorkWrapper.java:215)
    10/01/05 20:40:51      at oracle.j2ee.connector.work.WorkWrapper.run(WorkWrapper.java:190)
    10/01/05 20:40:51      at EDU.oswego.cs.dl.util.concurrent.PooledExecutor$Worker.run(PooledExecutor.java:814)
    10/01/05 20:40:51      at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:595)
    10/01/05 20:40:51 0 - ORABPEL-00000
    Exception not handled by the Collaxa Cube system.
    An unhandled exception has been thrown in the Collaxa Cube system. The exception reported is: "ORABPEL-09222
    Cannot deserialize DOM element.
    Failed to deserialize the DOM element from binary format, the document id 806601993018f2af:-5dd89d4f:125feeefac4:-7fbf. The exception reported is Error in reading Namespace associated with the node
         at com.collaxa.cube.xml.dom.SDOMHelper.loadCompressedNormalDom(SDOMHelper.java:355)
         at com.collaxa.cube.xml.dom.SDOMHelper.load(SDOMHelper.java:135)
         at com.collaxa.cube.xml.dom.DOMUtil.loadDocument(DOMUtil.java:2266)
         at com.collaxa.cube.engine.delivery.DeliveryHelper.loadParts(DeliveryHelper.java:878)
         at com.collaxa.cube.engine.delivery.DeliveryService.handleInvoke(DeliveryService.java:515)
         at com.collaxa.cube.engine.ejb.impl.CubeDeliveryBean.handleInvoke(CubeDeliveryBean.java:342)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39)
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:585)
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.joinpoint.EJBJoinPointImpl.invoke(EJBJoinPointImpl.java:35)
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.InvocationContextImpl.proceed(InvocationContextImpl.java:119)
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.system.DMSInterceptor.invoke(DMSInterceptor.java:52)
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.InvocationContextImpl.proceed(InvocationContextImpl.java:119)
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.system.JAASInterceptor$1.run(JAASInterceptor.java:31)
         at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
         at javax.security.auth.Subject.doAs(Subject.java:396)
         at com.evermind.server.ThreadState.runAs(ThreadState.java:648)
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.system.JAASInterceptor.invoke(JAASInterceptor.java:34)
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.InvocationContextImpl.proceed(InvocationContextImpl.java:119)
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.system.TxRequiredInterceptor.invoke(TxRequiredInterceptor.java:50)
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.InvocationContextImpl.proceed(InvocationContextImpl.java:119)
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.system.DMSInterceptor.invoke(DMSInterceptor.java:52)
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.InvocationContextImpl.proceed(InvocationContextImpl.java:119)
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.InvocationContextPool.invoke(InvocationContextPool.java:55)
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.StatelessSessionEJBObject.OC4J_invokeMethod(StatelessSessionEJBObject.java:87)
         at CubeDeliveryBean_LocalProxy_4bin6i8.handleInvoke(Unknown Source)
         at com.collaxa.cube.engine.dispatch.message.invoke.InvokeInstanceMessageHandler.handle(InvokeInstanceMessageHandler.java:37)
         at com.collaxa.cube.engine.dispatch.DispatchHelper.handleMessage(DispatchHelper.java:138)
         at com.collaxa.cube.engine.dispatch.BaseScheduledWorker.process(BaseScheduledWorker.java:70)
         at com.collaxa.cube.engine.ejb.impl.WorkerBean.onMessage(WorkerBean.java:86)
         at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor49.invoke(Unknown Source)
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:585)
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.joinpoint.EJBJoinPointImpl.invoke(EJBJoinPointImpl.java:35)
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.InvocationContextImpl.proceed(InvocationContextImpl.java:119)
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.system.DMSInterceptor.invoke(DMSInterceptor.java:52)
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.InvocationContextImpl.proceed(InvocationContextImpl.java:119)
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.system.SetContextActionInterceptor.invoke(SetContextActionInterceptor.java:44)
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.InvocationContextImpl.proceed(InvocationContextImpl.java:119)
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.InvocationContextPool.invoke(InvocationContextPool.java:55)
         at oracle.j2ee.connector.messageinflow.MessageEndpointImpl.OC4J_invokeMethod(MessageEndpointImpl.java:297)
         at WorkerBean_EndPointProxy_4bin6i8.onMessage(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.j2ee.ra.jms.generic.WorkConsumer.run(WorkConsumer.java:266)
         at oracle.j2ee.connector.work.WorkWrapper.runTargetWork(WorkWrapper.java:242)
         at oracle.j2ee.connector.work.WorkWrapper.doWork(WorkWrapper.java:215)
         at oracle.j2ee.connector.work.WorkWrapper.run(WorkWrapper.java:190)
         at EDU.oswego.cs.dl.util.concurrent.PooledExecutor$Worker.run(PooledExecutor.java:814)
         at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:595)
    Exception: ORABPEL-09222
    Cannot deserialize DOM element.
    Failed to deserialize the DOM element from binary format, the document id 806601993018f2af:-5dd89d4f:125feeefac4:-7fbf. The exception reported is Error in reading Namespace associated with the node
    Handled As: com.collaxa.cube.CubeException
    10/01/05 20:40:51 1 - ORABPEL-09222
    Cannot deserialize DOM element.
    Failed to deserialize the DOM element from binary format, the document id 806601993018f2af:-5dd89d4f:125feeefac4:-7fbf. The exception reported is Error in reading Namespace associated with the node
    <2010-01-05 20:40:51,381> <ERROR> <pmf_capability_domain.collaxa.cube> <BaseCubeSessionBean::logError> Error while invoking bean "cube delivery": [com.collaxa.cube.CubeException: Exception not handled by the Collaxa Cube system.
    An unhandled exception has been thrown in the Collaxa Cube system. The exception reported is: "ORABPEL-09222
    Cannot deserialize DOM element.
    Failed to deserialize the DOM element from binary format, the document id 806601993018f2af:-5dd89d4f:125feeefac4:-7fbf.  The exception reported is Error in reading Namespace associated with the node
         at com.collaxa.cube.xml.dom.SDOMHelper.loadCompressedNormalDom(SDOMHelper.java:355)
         at com.collaxa.cube.xml.dom.SDOMHelper.load(SDOMHelper.java:135)
         at com.collaxa.cube.xml.dom.DOMUtil.loadDocument(DOMUtil.java:2266)
         at com.collaxa.cube.engine.delivery.DeliveryHelper.loadParts(DeliveryHelper.java:878)
         at com.collaxa.cube.engine.delivery.DeliveryService.handleInvoke(DeliveryService.java:515)
         at com.collaxa.cube.engine.ejb.impl.CubeDeliveryBean.handleInvoke(CubeDeliveryBean.java:342)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39)
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:585)
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.joinpoint.EJBJoinPointImpl.invoke(EJBJoinPointImpl.java:35)
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.InvocationContextImpl.proceed(InvocationContextImpl.java:119)
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.system.DMSInterceptor.invoke(DMSInterceptor.java:52)
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.InvocationContextImpl.proceed(InvocationContextImpl.java:119)
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.system.JAASInterceptor$1.run(JAASInterceptor.java:31)
         at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
         at javax.security.auth.Subject.doAs(Subject.java:396)
         at com.evermind.server.ThreadState.runAs(ThreadState.java:648)
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.system.JAASInterceptor.invoke(JAASInterceptor.java:34)
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.InvocationContextImpl.proceed(InvocationContextImpl.java:119)
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.system.TxRequiredInterceptor.invoke(TxRequiredInterceptor.java:50)
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.InvocationContextImpl.proceed(InvocationContextImpl.java:119)
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.system.DMSInterceptor.invoke(DMSInterceptor.java:52)
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.InvocationContextImpl.proceed(InvocationContextImpl.java:119)
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.InvocationContextPool.invoke(InvocationContextPool.java:55)
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.StatelessSessionEJBObject.OC4J_invokeMethod(StatelessSessionEJBObject.java:87)
         at CubeDeliveryBean_LocalProxy_4bin6i8.handleInvoke(Unknown Source)
         at com.collaxa.cube.engine.dispatch.message.invoke.InvokeInstanceMessageHandler.handle(InvokeInstanceMessageHandler.java:37)
         at com.collaxa.cube.engine.dispatch.DispatchHelper.handleMessage(DispatchHelper.java:138)
         at com.collaxa.cube.engine.dispatch.BaseScheduledWorker.process(BaseScheduledWorker.java:70)
         at com.collaxa.cube.engine.ejb.impl.WorkerBean.onMessage(WorkerBean.java:86)
         at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor49.invoke(Unknown Source)
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:585)
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.joinpoint.EJBJoinPointImpl.invoke(EJBJoinPointImpl.java:35)
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.InvocationContextImpl.proceed(InvocationContextImpl.java:119)
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.system.DMSInterceptor.invoke(DMSInterceptor.java:52)
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.InvocationContextImpl.proceed(InvocationContextImpl.java:119)
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.system.SetContextActionInterceptor.invoke(SetContextActionInterceptor.java:44)
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.InvocationContextImpl.proceed(InvocationContextImpl.java:119)
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.InvocationContextPool.invoke(InvocationContextPool.java:55)
         at oracle.j2ee.connector.messageinflow.MessageEndpointImpl.OC4J_invokeMethod(MessageEndpointImpl.java:297)
         at WorkerBean_EndPointProxy_4bin6i8.onMessage(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.j2ee.ra.jms.generic.WorkConsumer.run(WorkConsumer.java:266)
         at oracle.j2ee.connector.work.WorkWrapper.runTargetWork(WorkWrapper.java:242)
         at oracle.j2ee.connector.work.WorkWrapper.doWork(WorkWrapper.java:215)
         at oracle.j2ee.connector.work.WorkWrapper.run(WorkWrapper.java:190)
         at EDU.oswego.cs.dl.util.concurrent.PooledExecutor$Worker.run(PooledExecutor.java:814)
         at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:595)
    Exception: ORABPEL-09222
    Cannot deserialize DOM element.
    Failed to deserialize the DOM element from binary format, the document id 806601993018f2af:-5dd89d4f:125feeefac4:-7fbf.  The exception reported is Error in reading Namespace associated with the node
    Handled As: com.collaxa.cube.CubeException
    ] -> [com.collaxa.cube.xml.dom.DOMException: Cannot deserialize DOM element.
    Failed to deserialize the DOM element from binary format, the document id 806601993018f2af:-5dd89d4f:125feeefac4:-7fbf.  The exception reported is Error in reading Namespace associated with the node
    Exception not handled by the Collaxa Cube system.
    An unhandled exception has been thrown in the Collaxa Cube system. The exception reported is: "ORABPEL-09222
    Cannot deserialize DOM element.
    Failed to deserialize the DOM element from binary format, the document id 806601993018f2af:-5dd89d4f:125feeefac4:-7fbf. The exception reported is Error in reading Namespace associated with the node
         at com.collaxa.cube.xml.dom.SDOMHelper.loadCompressedNormalDom(SDOMHelper.java:355)
         at com.collaxa.cube.xml.dom.SDOMHelper.load(SDOMHelper.java:135)
         at com.collaxa.cube.xml.dom.DOMUtil.loadDocument(DOMUtil.java:2266)
         at com.collaxa.cube.engine.delivery.DeliveryHelper.loadParts(DeliveryHelper.java:878)
         at com.collaxa.cube.engine.delivery.DeliveryService.handleInvoke(DeliveryService.java:515)
         at com.collaxa.cube.engine.ejb.impl.CubeDeliveryBean.handleInvoke(CubeDeliveryBean.java:342)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39)
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:585)
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.joinpoint.EJBJoinPointImpl.invoke(EJBJoinPointImpl.java:35)
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.InvocationContextImpl.proceed(InvocationContextImpl.java:119)
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.system.DMSInterceptor.invoke(DMSInterceptor.java:52)
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.InvocationContextImpl.proceed(InvocationContextImpl.java:119)
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.system.JAASInterceptor$1.run(JAASInterceptor.java:31)
         at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
         at javax.security.auth.Subject.doAs(Subject.java:396)
         at com.evermind.server.ThreadState.runAs(ThreadState.java:648)
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.system.JAASInterceptor.invoke(JAASInterceptor.java:34)
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.InvocationContextImpl.proceed(InvocationContextImpl.java:119)
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.system.TxRequiredInterceptor.invoke(TxRequiredInterceptor.java:50)
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.InvocationContextImpl.proceed(InvocationContextImpl.java:119)
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.system.DMSInterceptor.invoke(DMSInterceptor.java:52)
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.InvocationContextImpl.proceed(InvocationContextImpl.java:119)
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.InvocationContextPool.invoke(InvocationContextPool.java:55)
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.StatelessSessionEJBObject.OC4J_invokeMethod(StatelessSessionEJBObject.java:87)
         at CubeDeliveryBean_LocalProxy_4bin6i8.handleInvoke(Unknown Source)
         at com.collaxa.cube.engine.dispatch.message.invoke.InvokeInstanceMessageHandler.handle(InvokeInstanceMessageHandler.java:37)
         at com.collaxa.cube.engine.dispatch.DispatchHelper.handleMessage(DispatchHelper.java:138)
         at com.collaxa.cube.engine.dispatch.BaseScheduledWorker.process(BaseScheduledWorker.java:70)
         at com.collaxa.cube.engine.ejb.impl.WorkerBean.onMessage(WorkerBean.java:86)
         at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor49.invoke(Unknown Source)
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:585)
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.joinpoint.EJBJoinPointImpl.invoke(EJBJoinPointImpl.java:35)
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.InvocationContextImpl.proceed(InvocationContextImpl.java:119)
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.system.DMSInterceptor.invoke(DMSInterceptor.java:52)
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.InvocationContextImpl.proceed(InvocationContextImpl.java:119)
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.system.SetContextActionInterceptor.invoke(SetContextActionInterceptor.java:44)
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.InvocationContextImpl.proceed(InvocationContextImpl.java:119)
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.InvocationContextPool.invoke(InvocationContextPool.java:55)
         at oracle.j2ee.connector.messageinflow.MessageEndpointImpl.OC4J_invokeMethod(MessageEndpointImpl.java:297)
         at WorkerBean_EndPointProxy_4bin6i8.onMessage(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.j2ee.ra.jms.generic.WorkConsumer.run(WorkConsumer.java:266)
         at oracle.j2ee.connector.work.WorkWrapper.runTargetWork(WorkWrapper.java:242)
         at oracle.j2ee.connector.work.WorkWrapper.doWork(WorkWrapper.java:215)
         at oracle.j2ee.connector.work.WorkWrapper.run(WorkWrapper.java:190)
         at EDU.oswego.cs.dl.util.concurrent.PooledExecutor$Worker.run(PooledExecutor.java:814)
         at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:595)
    Exception: ORABPEL-09222

    I finally found the root cause of the solution. We are using axis serialization/deserialization at the client end to call the bpel service which works well for small xml. But mysteriously for larger xmls the deserialization fails at the server end when the incoming xml is being used. So we used the regular oracle java api to call the web service. This solved the problem.
    We could not find whether the problem lies with Oracle SOA suite or Apache axis 2.0. But as of now these two seem to be incompatible for large xmls at the moment.
    Any pointers are welcome!

  • Bpel-108-UsingXQuery $publisher - oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLElement@8b8e58

    I am using Oracle SOA Suite While executing the XQuery example bpel-108-UsingXQuery I am facing the following problem/error.
    The Xquery in the example is:
    xquery version "1.0";
    declare namespace ns0 = "http://example.com/bpel/books";
    declare namespace ns1 = "http://samples.otn.com/xquerysample";
    declare variable $category as node() external;
    declare variable $publisher as xs:string external;
    for $b in //ns0:BOOKS/ns0:ITEM
    where data($b/ns0:PUBLISHER) = $publisher
    order by string-length($b/TITLE) return
    <author> { data($b/ns0:AUTHOR) } </author>
    <title> { data($b/ns0:TITLE) } </title>
    <price>{ data(doc("pricelist.xml")/ns1:pricelist/ns1:product[1]/ns1:price) }</price>
    <publisher>{ $publisher }</publisher>
    { $category }
    The variable $publisher, declared in 'declare variable $publisher as xs:string external' shall have the value 'Associated Press' as this has been assigned in the BPEL but it has in fact the value 'oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLElement@8b8e58'.
    The variable $category has the correct value.
    What is here wrong or is it a bug in in the oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLElement class.

    What a mess:
    org.w3c.Element element = (org.w3c.Element) payload.get("payload");
    private Document writeOraXMLtoDocument(org.w3c.Element payload) throws ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, IOException, TransformerException{
              ByteArrayInputStream inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(writeXMLToStream(new DOMSource(payload)).toByteArray());
              DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
              DocumentBuilder builder =factory.newDocumentBuilder();
              return builder.parse(inputStream);
         private ByteArrayOutputStream writeXMLToStream(Source source) throws TransformerException {
    ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    // Prepare the output file
    Result result = new StreamResult(out);
    // Write the DOM document to the file
    TransformerFactory x = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
    Transformer xformer = x.newTransformer();
    xformer.transform(source, result);
    return out;
    Note, that you have to use the oracle transformer located in the xmlparserv2.jar
    if it is not your default transformer , you have to set it at least for the above code by System.setProperty("javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory","..classname...");

  • How do I check if the associated PageItem is there/exists from a XMLElement ?

    I have the following structure:
    Extension Builder 1.5;
    InDesign 5.0;
    Image (Rectangule Frame);
    XML tag associated with the Image.
    The following scenario:
    I do have an application that checks if this strucuture is available and intact, that is, the user has not deleted the tag (XMLElement) and/or the Rectangule Frame(PageItem);
    I do not want loop through allPageItems (the page should have many of them - more than 1000) and get the XMLElement;
    So, I loop over the XMLElements and get the associated PageItem through xmlElement.xmlContent property;
    The document images properties (image, epss, etc) never are populated (document.epss.length = 0);
    I can validate if the tag was deleted or untaged easy.
    The problem:
    User deletes the Image/Rectangule Frame (PageItem) and keep the xml tag (untag the XMLElement);
    The isValid property (xmlElement.isValid = true) is true;
    The associated PageItem becomes a Text and is valid as well;
    The question:
    How do I check if the associated PageItem is there/exists from a XMLElement ?

    Found it, I think

  • [JS CS3] Problem with iterating xml tags

    Below is a script that is supposed to find text in a document and then tag it with an xml tag. I have run into a problem, which if I solve in the way I know how, causes another problem.
    When I iterate in a positive direction--i++--the first instance of the text (in this example "abc") is correctly tagged. But the second instance the tag recedes by two characters, that is, tags the three characters prior to the "c." A third instance will recede two more characters, ad nauseam, if my Latin is correct.
    The solution is to iterate backwards, i.e., i--. But this causes another problem. If there is more than one story, then the xml structure reverses the order of the stories. The elements within a story are ordered correctly however.
    So why is this happening and how can I solve it?
    var myDoc = app.activeDocument;
    var findABC = theTextFinder(myDoc,"abc");
    function xmlTagIt(docRef, tagName,colorOfTag, arrToTag){
        var tagName, colorOfTag,  arrToTag;
        myDoc.xmlViewPreferences.showStructure = true;
        myDoc.xmlViewPreferences.showTaggedFrames =true;
        myDoc.xmlViewPreferences.showTagMarkers = true;
        myDoc.xmlViewPreferences.showTextSnippets =false;
        myDoc.xmlPreferences.defaultStoryTagColor = UIColors.WHITE;
        var rootElement = myDoc.xmlElements.item(0);
        if (myDoc.xmlTags.item(tagName) == null) {
            var tagRef = myDoc.xmlTags.add(tagName, colorOfTag);
      } else {//if tag already exists then stop the script. Avoid double tagging
           myDoc.xmlViewPreferences.showStructure = true;
           alert("You have already run this script.");
       }//end else
        //for (var i = arrToTag.length-1; 0 <= i; i--){
        for (var i = 0; i <= arrToTag.length-1;  i++){
            var elementRef = rootElement.xmlElements.add (tagRef,arrToTag[i]);       
         }//end for i
    }//end function xmlTagIt
    function theTextFinder(docRef,textFindIt){//last argument is the string of text to find
        app.findTextPreferences = NothingEnum.NOTHING;
        app.changeTextPreferences = NothingEnum.NOTHING;
        app.findTextPreferences.findWhat = textFindIt;
        var arrTextFindIt = myDoc.findText();
        return arrTextFindIt;
    }//end theTextFinder

    Thanks for the reply.
    I'm not sure what you mean by "convert the references on the fly." You mean find a way to advance two characters forward and tag that? In the script I submitted here I am only searching for "abc," which of course I would not search or at all  in real life. The script uses grep to search for about twenty different typographical errors that typically appear and tags them all.
    Reiterating backwards seems, at first sight the way to go. But I haven't a clue as to how to reverse the order of the stories. I can get an array of stories, and array.reverse() them, but am not sure how to then make the script put this reversed order into the xml structure. Any hints?
    There, of course is bigger problem with the stories. If the document is written with one story created after another then the order of them is top to botom. But if say a text frame edited into the middle of all this, that story is still the last one in the xml structure. At least in one test, that was so. Maybe the way to solve this is to build an array of stories that have as one xml attribute the page it first appears on. Then order the array according to that attribute.
    Any advice you give will be appreciated.

  • [JS, CS3] Texts of a xmlElement

    I'm having a little thing here i dont understand. I found the below code on the forum, and have modyfied it very little.
    I use the script to find all xmlElements with a given name, and returning an array of the xmlElements.texts. Problem is, that for autotagged text in cells, xmlElements.texts is all text in the cell, exept for the first character, what am I doing wrong?
    Please see the comments to the two alerts in the script.
    function getItemsByXmlTag() {
        var xpath = ["//Cell"];
        var xmlItemMatches = getXmlMatches(xpath);
        function getXmlMatches(myXPath){
            var myXMLElements = new Array;
            var _items = new Array;
            var myRuleProcessor = app.xmlRuleProcessors.add(myXPath);
                var myMatchData = myRuleProcessor.startProcessingRuleSet(app.documents.item(0).xmlElements.item(0));
            while(myMatchData != undefined){
                var myElement = myMatchData.element;
               alert(myElement.contents); //Always gives me the text contents
               alert(myElement.texts[0].contents); // Gives me the same as above, exept for all "autotagged" elements like "Cell". If its a cell containing some text, this alert gives me the text of the cell, but without the first character - what am i missing?
                myMatchData = myRuleProcessor.findNextMatch();
                return _items;
            catch (myError){
                throw myError;

    Hmm tested the unchanged script just now, seems the problem has been eleminated after a restart.
    Scratch that, the problem persist, could anyone try and run the script and tell me their results please
    Message was edited by: Thomas B. Nielsen

  • Facing problem while using aggregate functions.

    I am trying to use aggregate functions such as sum, count in my CQL query.
    It is not giving me an error but i am unable to get the correct output out of that.
    Query is:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <wlevs:config xmlns:wlevs="http://www.bea.com/ns/wlevs/config/application"
         <view id="CostEventView"
              schema="eventName eventType eventId opportunityStatusId opportunity_cost APL_Event_Inbound"><![CDATA[
                   SELECT      X.eventName, X.eventType,
                        X.eventId, X.opportunityStatusId,
                        from APL_EFW_Master_Inbound_Channel
                        XMLTable (
                             '/' PASSING BY VALUE APL_EFW_Master_Inbound_Channel.APL_Event_Inbound as "."
                             eventId char(256) PATH 'fn:data(Event/EventHeader/eventId)',
                             eventName char(256) PATH 'fn:data(Event/EventHeader/eventName)',
                             eventType char(256) PATH 'fn:data(Event/EventHeader/eventType)',
                                  opportunityStatusId char(256) PATH                               'fn:data(Event/ApplicationDataArea/opportunity/opportunity_details/opportunity_status)',
                                  opportunity_cost char(256) PATH                               'fn:data(Event/ApplicationDataArea/opportunity/opportunity_details/opportunity_cost)',
                                  APL_Event_Inbound xmltype path '/'
                        ) AS X
    <query id="CostEventQuery">
                                  XMLFOREST(X.opportunity_cost))) as APL_Event_Inbound
                             FROM CostEventView
                             MATCH_RECOGNIZE (
                                  A.opportunity_cost as opportunity_cost
                                  PATTERN (B A+) within 30000 milliseconds
                                  A as sum(A.opportunity_cost)> 1000                    )
                        as X
    The problem i am getting is when the value is getting compared with the opportunity cost rather than with the sum of oppCost
    A as sum(A.opportunityCost)>1000
    A as A.opportunityCost >1000
    Both the cases are treated as same .

    It would help if you could provide sample input data and associated output that illustrates the problem

  • Problem inserting and querying XML data with a recursive XML schema

    I'm facing a problem with querying XML data that is valid against a recursive XML Schema. I have got a table category that stores data as binary XML using Oracle 11g Rel 2 on Windows XP. The XML Schema is the following:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
    <xs:complexType name="bold_type" mixed="true">
              <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                   <xs:element name="bold" type="bold_type"/>
                   <xs:element name="keyword" type="keyword_type"/>
                   <xs:element name="emph" type="emph_type"/>
         <xs:complexType name="keyword_type" mixed="true">
              <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                   <xs:element name="bold" type="bold_type"/>
                   <xs:element name="keyword" type="keyword_type"/>
                   <xs:element name="emph" type="emph_type"/>
                   <xs:element name="plain_text" type="xs:string"/>
         <xs:complexType name="emph_type" mixed="true">
              <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                   <xs:element name="bold" type="bold_type"/>
                   <xs:element name="keyword" type="keyword_type"/>
                   <xs:element name="emph" type="emph_type"/>
         <xs:complexType name="text_type" mixed="true">
              <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                   <xs:element name="bold" type="bold_type"/>
                   <xs:element name="keyword" type="keyword_type"/>
                   <xs:element name="emph" type="emph_type"/>
         <xs:complexType name="parlist_type">
                   <xs:element name="listitem" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" type="listitem_type"/>
         <xs:complexType name="listitem_type">
              <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                   <xs:element name="parlist" type="parlist_type"/>
                   <xs:element name="text" type="text_type"/>
         <xs:element name="category">
                        <xs:element name="name"/>
                        <xs:element name="description">
                                                           <xs:element name="text" type="text_type"/>
                                                           <xs:element name="parlist" type="parlist_type"/>
                                                                <xs:attribute name="id"/>
    </xs:schema>I registered this schema and created the category table. Then I inserted a new row using the code below:
    insert into category_a values
          xmlattributes('categoryAAA' as "id"),
          xmlforest ('ma categ' as "name"),
          (xmlelement("description", (xmlelement("text", 'find doors blest now whiles favours carriage tailor spacious senses defect threat ope willow please exeunt truest assembly <keyword> staring travels <bold> balthasar parts attach </bold> enshelter two <emph> inconsiderate ways preventions </emph> preventions clasps better affections comes perish </keyword> lucretia permit street full meddle yond general nature whipp <emph> lowness </emph> grievous pedro')))    
    The row is successfully inserted as witnessed by the results of row counting. However, I cannot extract data from the table. First, I tried using SqlPlus* which hangs up and quits after a while. I then tried to use SQL Developer, but haven't got any result. Here follow some examples of queries and their results in SQL Developer:
    Query 1
    select * from category
    Result : the whole row is returned
    Query 2
    select xmlquery('$p/category/description' passing object_value as "p" returning content) from category
    Result: "SYS.XMLTYPE"
    now I tried to fully respect the nested structure of description element in order to extract the text portion of <bold> using this query
    Query 3
    select  xmlquery('$p/category/description/text/keyword/bold/text()' passing object_value as "p" returning content) from  category_a
    Result: null
    and also tried to extract the text portion of element <text> using this query
    Query 4
    select  xmlquery('$p/category/description/text/text()' passing object_value as "p" returning content) from  category_a
    Result: "SYS.XMLTYPE".
    On the other hand, I noticed, from the result of query 1, that the opening tags of elements keyword and bold are encoded as the less than operator "&lt;". This explains why query 3 returns NULL. However, query 4 should display the text content of <text>, which is not the case.
    My questions are about
    1. How to properly insert the XML data while preserving the tags (especially the opening tag).
    2. How to display the data (the text portion of the main Element or of the nested elements).
    The problem about question 1 is that it is quite unfeasible to write a unique insert statement because the structure of <description> is recursive. In other words, if the structure of <description> was not recursive, it would be possible to embed the elements using the xmlelement function during the insertion.
    In fact, I need to insert the content of <description> from a source table (called category_a) into a target table (+category_b+) automatically .
    I filled category_a using the Saxloader utility from an flat XML file that I have generated from a benchmark. The content of <description> is different from one row to another but it is always valid with regards to the XML Schema. The data is properly inserted as witnessed by the "select * from category_a" instruction (500 row inserted). Besides, the opening tags of the nested elements under <description> are preserved (no "&lt;"). Then I wrote a PL/SQL procedure in which a cursor extracts the category id and category name into varchar2 variables and description into an XMLtype variable from category_a. When I try to insert the values into a category_b, I get the follwing error:
    LSX-00213: only 0 occurrences of particle "text", minimum is 1which tells that the <text> element is absent (actually it is present in the source table).
    So, my third question is why are not the tags recognized during the insertion?
    Can anyone help please?

    indded, I was using an old version of Sqlplus* ( because I had a previous installation (oracle 10g XE). Instead, I used the Sqlplus* shipped with the 11g2database (version All the queries that I wrote work fine and display the data correctly.
    I also used the XMLSERIALIZE function and can now display the description content in SQL Developer.
    Thank you very much.
    To answer your question Marco, I registered the XML Schema using the following code
      doc varchar2(4000) := '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
    <xs:complexType name="bold_type" mixed="true">
              <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                   <xs:element name="bold" type="bold_type"/>
                   <xs:element name="keyword" type="keyword_type"/>
                   <xs:element name="emph" type="emph_type"/>
         <xs:complexType name="keyword_type" mixed="true">
              <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                   <xs:element name="bold" type="bold_type"/>
                   <xs:element name="keyword" type="keyword_type"/>
                   <xs:element name="emph" type="emph_type"/>
                   <xs:element name="plain_text" type="xs:string"/>
         <xs:complexType name="emph_type" mixed="true">
              <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                   <xs:element name="bold" type="bold_type"/>
                   <xs:element name="keyword" type="keyword_type"/>
                   <xs:element name="emph" type="emph_type"/>
         <xs:complexType name="text_type" mixed="true">
              <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                   <xs:element name="bold" type="bold_type"/>
                   <xs:element name="keyword" type="keyword_type"/>
                   <xs:element name="emph" type="emph_type"/>
         <xs:complexType name="parlist_type">
                   <xs:element name="listitem" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" type="listitem_type"/>
         <xs:complexType name="listitem_type">
              <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                   <xs:element name="parlist" type="parlist_type"/>
                   <xs:element name="text" type="text_type"/>
         <xs:element name="category">
                        <xs:element name="name"/>
                        <xs:element name="description">
                                                           <xs:element name="text" type="text_type"/>
                                                           <xs:element name="parlist" type="parlist_type"/>
                                                                <xs:attribute name="id"/>
      dbms_xmlschema.registerSchema('/xmldb/category_auction.xsd', doc,     LOCAL      => FALSE, 
             FORCE      => FALSE,
             OWNER      => USER);
    end;then, I created the Category table as follows:
    CREATE TABLE category_a of XMLType XMLTYPE store AS BINARY XML
        XMLSCHEMA "xmldb/category_auction.xsd" ELEMENT "category";Now, there still remains a problem of how to insert the "description" content which I serialized as a CLOB data into another table as XML. To this purpose, I wrote a view over the Category_a table as follows:
      select category_v."CATEGORY_ID",category_v."CNAME",
      XMLSerialize(content ( xmlquery('$p/category/description/*' passing object_value as "p" returning content)) as clob) as "DESCRIPTION"
      from  auction.category_a p, 
    xmltable ('$a/category' passing p.Object_Value as "a"
    columns  category_id varchar2(15) path '@id',
              cname varchar2(20) path 'name') category_v;Then, I wrote a procedure to insert data into the Category_xwh table (the source and target tables are slightly different: the common elements are just copied wereas new elements are created in the target table). The code of the procedure is the following:
    create or replace PROCEDURE I_CATEGORY AS
    v_cname VARCHAR2(30);
    v_description clob ;
    v_category_id VARCHAR2(15);
    cursor mycursor is select category_id, cname, description from category_v;
    open mycursor;
      /*retrieving the columns*/
      fetch mycursor into v_category_id, v_cname, v_description ;
      exit when mycursor%notfound;
      insert into category_xwh values
          xmlattributes(v_category_id as "category_id"),
          xmlelement("Hierarchies", xmlelement("ObjHierarchy", xmlelement ("H_Cat"),
                                                               xmlelement ("Rollsup",
                                                                                   xmlattributes('allcategories' as "all_category_id")))
        xmlforest (
                  v_cname as "cat_name",
                  v_description as "description")    
    end loop;
      close mycursor;
    END I_CATEGORY;When I execute the procedure, I get the following error:
    LSX-00201: contents of "description" should be elements onlyso, I just wonder if this is because v_description is considered as plain text and not as XML text, even if its content is XML. Do I need to use a special function to cast the CLOB as XML?
    Thanks for your help.

  • How to format generated XML using XMLELEMENT() my output is coming in a single line i want it to be in a XML format

    hi I am having problem in formatting XML file which I generated with xmlelement() when I execute it gives me putput in a single line
    is there any way that I got my output as a XML file HAS......

    That is expected behavior. PRETTY print(ing) is only needed for humans. XML Parsers don't need the XML to be pretty printed. If you open the XML file in a browser like Windows Explorer or Firefox, the browser will pretty print the output for you.
    In all, the "single line" output is done because of PERFORMANCE reasons (lack of unneeded end of line and CTRL line breaks etc)
    SELECT xmlelement("Employee Name", dummy) as "XML RESULT"
    <Employee Name>X</Employee Name>
    SELECT xmlelement("Employee Name", xmlelement("SurName", dummy)
                                     , xmlelement("LastName", dummy)
                     ) as "XML RESULT"
    <Employee Name><SurName>X</SurName><LastName>X</LastName></Employee Name>
    XMLSERIALIZE can pretty print the output if needed via INDENTation
    SELECT XMLSERIALIZE(CONTENT xmlelement("Employee Name", xmlelement("SurName", dummy), xmlelement("LastName", dummy)) as CLOB indent SIZE=1 )
    <Employee Name>
    </Employee Name>

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