XMLLoader Errors in Grid

Observed below errors daily in the Grid under Setup > Management Services & Repository > Errors tab. When I check the loader directory, there are no such files seen. Also checked the clob and the errors folder in the loader direcotry but the files are not there. If these are uploaded in repository, why are these errors seen in the Grid.
GC -
Repository -
Platform - Windows
Loader n/a Aug 20,2008 9:41:03 AM Error Thread: XMLLoader0 20000001625.xml Could not delete file D:\Oracle\OMS10g\RECV\20000001625.xml, File name:D:\Oracle\OMS10g\RECV\20000001625.xml
Loader n/a Aug 20,2008 9:36:23 AM Error Thread: XMLLoader0 90000001616.xml Could not delete file D:\Oracle\OMS10g\RECV\90000001616.xml, File name:D:\Oracle\OMS10g\RECV\90000001616.xml
Loader n/a Aug 20,2008 8:48:09 AM Error Thread: XMLLoader0 40000001830.xml Could not delete file D:\Oracle\OMS10g\RECV\40000001830.xml, File name:D:\Oracle\OMS10g\RECV\40000001830.xml
Loader n/a Aug 20,2008 8:47:53 AM Error Thread: XMLLoader0 40000001826.xml Could not delete file D:\Oracle\OMS10g\RECV\40000001826.xml, File name:D:\Oracle\OMS10g\RECV\40000001826.xml
Loader n/a Aug 20,2008 6:52:02 AM Error Thread: XMLLoader0 20000001436.xml Could not delete file D:\Oracle\OMS10g\RECV\20000001436.xml, File name:D:\Oracle\OMS10g\RECV\20000001436.xml
Loader n/a Aug 20,2008 6:07:08 AM Error Thread: XMLLoader0 20000001383.xml Could not delete file D:\Oracle\OMS10g\RECV\20000001383.xml, File name:D:\Oracle\OMS10g\RECV\20000001383.xml
Loader n/a Aug 20,2008 6:07:08 AM Error Thread: XMLLoader0 20000001384.xml Could not delete file D:\Oracle\OMS10g\RECV\20000001384.xml, File name:D:\Oracle\OMS10g\RECV\20000001384.xml
Loader n/a Aug 20,2008 5:02:20 AM Error Thread: XMLLoader0 50000001700.xml Could not delete file D:\Oracle\OMS10g\RECV\50000001700.xml, File name:D:\Oracle\OMS10g\RECV\50000001700.xml

Check the user that started the Service to ensure that it is the owner of the software.
ALso check that the correct permissions are on the directories

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    Hello everyone
    I am struggling using the Smart View fucntions to access an HFM application and retrieving data using the HsGetValue function. I have the following to automatically create a connection:
    Sub CreateConn()
    '!***Adhoc Analysis - Financial Management***!
    'requires smartview.bas located in the \SmartView\bin directory (included in module hyperion) and HsAddin.dll
    'HFM application
    Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("aSheet")
    MyUsername = "aUsername"
    MyPassword = "aPassword"
    MyAppHFMQMR = "anApp"
    'Activate adhoc sheet (required for Hyp-functions)
    'Check connection
    Dim bIsConnection As Boolean
    bIsConnection = HypConnectionExists(MyAppHFMQMR & "New")
    If bIsConnection = True Then: X = HypRemoveConnection(MyAppHFMQMR & "New")
    If X < 0 Then: ErrorMsg CInt(X) 'handle errors
    'Create connection
    X = HypCreateConnection(ws, MyUsername, MyPassword, HYP_FINANCIAL_MANAGEMENT, _
    "http://epmhfm-dev/hfmofficeprovider/hfmofficeprovider.aspx", "DevCluster", _
    MyAppHFMQMR, MyAppHFMQMR, MyAppHFMQMR & "New", "Analytic Provider Services")
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    'Establish pre-defined connection
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    If X < 0 Then: ErrorMsg CInt(X) 'handle errors
    'Disable suppress #Missing
    X = HypSetSheetOption(ws, 6, False)
    If X < 0 Then: ErrorMsg CInt(X) 'handle errors
    'Preserve formulae
    X = HypSetOption(HSV_PRESERVE_FORMULA_COMMENT, True, ws)
    If X < 0 Then: ErrorMsg CInt(X) 'handle errors
    'Missing data shows as numeric zero
    X = HypSetSheetOption(Null, 13, "#NumericZero")
    If X < 0 Then: ErrorMsg CInt(X) 'handle errors
    End Sub
    This code works fine by itself. I have a second code snippet that builds the HsGetValue function and copies it to the worksheet. Both are embedded in a larger project. Everything works fine if I only run the two modules (the one creating the connection and the second building the functions). If I run some code beforehand, however, I get the 'Error in Grid XML' error and all retrieved data is shown as 0. Incidentally, the connection is still established and the HsGetValue() functions are assembled as they were before including a valid (and identical) PoV.
    I understand that it is difficult to establish from this what the rpoblem might be. I need some help to hone in on the error since Smart View is giving me nothing to work with. To say the least, errors are not handled gracefully in Smart View. I suspect something gets stuck in the cache that prevents the retrieve sheet from updating appropriately.
    Any pointers are appreciated ff anyone else has come across a similar problem using Smart View functions.

    I guess when you say that Test 1 does not work you are sure that connection is getting established, though I can see that connection errors are being handled but you should be sure that connection creation and connect code is working and that can be done by debugging the code- in vba editor using 'F8'.
    also check the below code is working or not by debugging again
    bIsConnection = HypConnectionExists(MyAppHFMQMR & "New")
    If bIsConnection = True Then: X = HypRemoveConnection(MyAppHFMQMR & "New")
    Use X<>0 instead of X<0 and see if you get any exception/error. X should be 0 if your code is working.
    Also once done with above test cases can you replace the connection name as something like anAppConn by hardcoding it into your create connection function and then try again..
    If you go to Smart View and Click over sheet info then you can find if the sheet consists of saved connection or not...You can delete it as needed.
    As you say that if you manually create a connection then the code works then there should be a problem with your connection code it seems...

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    Thanks for your help,

    Thanks for the reply. I had this question before and the link for that is
    Adding New Targets to Grid Control

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    Error Querying: Arithmetic overflow occurred.
    I verified Sybase parameters using the Manual's troubleshooting and installed de plugin carefully with all the grants. Would anyone had this problem before or know what it would be?
    Thanks in advance

    Thanks for the reply. I had this question before and the link for that is
    Adding New Targets to Grid Control

  • Error when grid downlaod to excel

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    BUMA_AP,PW17/20-19 ' . but when i try to downlaod to excel, theres a dump saying unable to interpret BUMA_AP,PW17/20-19 as a number. when i manually give a number like '12345' its getting downlaoded. Please help.
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    Edited by: ganesh62 on Oct 5, 2009 7:47 AM

            I_CALLBACK_PROGRAM          = sy-repid
            I_CALLBACK_HTML_TOP_OF_PAGE = gv_htoppg
            IS_LAYOUT                   = gs_layout
            I_CALLBACK_USER_COMMAND     = gv_usrcom
            IT_FIELDCAT                 = gt_fieldcat[]
            I_DEFAULT                   = gv_vdef
            I_SAVE                      = gv_save
            IS_VARIANT                  = wa_vari
            it_sort                     = gt_sort[]
            T_OUTTAB                    = gt_outp[].
    ENDFORM.                    " ALV_OUTPUT
    form fieldcat_int using rt_fieldcat type slis_t_fieldcat_alv.
      data : ls_fieldcat type slis_fieldcat_alv,
             lv_tabname  type slis_tabname  value 'GT_OUT',
             lv_col_pos  type sy-cucol.
      clear: ls_fieldcat,lv_col_pos.
      lv_col_pos                = lv_col_pos + 1 .     "Registration Serial No #RSN
      ls_fieldcat-col_pos       = lv_col_pos     .
      ls_fieldcat-tabname       = lv_tabname     .
      ls_fieldcat-fieldname     = 'SERIAL_NO'.
      ls_fieldcat-seltext_l     =  text-a44 .
    ls_fieldcat-seltext_m     =  text-a44      .
    ls_fieldcat-seltext_s     =  text-a44      .
      append ls_fieldcat to rt_fieldcat.
      clear  ls_fieldcat.
      lv_col_pos                = lv_col_pos + 1 .     "Registration Serial No #RSN
      ls_fieldcat-col_pos       = lv_col_pos     .
      ls_fieldcat-tabname       = lv_tabname     .
      ls_fieldcat-fieldname     = 'REG_SERIAL_NO'.
      ls_fieldcat-ref_fieldname = 'REG_SERIAL_NO'.
      ls_fieldcat-ref_tabname   = 'ZTRUCKREG'    .
      ls_fieldcat-hotspot       = 'X'.
      append ls_fieldcat to rt_fieldcat.
      clear  ls_fieldcat.
        lv_col_pos                = lv_col_pos + 1 .     "Truck Number
      ls_fieldcat-col_pos       = lv_col_pos     .
      ls_fieldcat-tabname       = lv_tabname     .
      ls_fieldcat-fieldname     = 'TRUCK_NUMBER' .
      ls_fieldcat-ref_fieldname = 'TRUCK_NUMBER'.             " not done
      ls_fieldcat-ref_tabname   = 'ZTRUCKPLNT'.
      append ls_fieldcat to rt_fieldcat.
      clear  ls_fieldcat.
      lv_col_pos                = lv_col_pos + 1 .      "Manufacturing Plant
      ls_fieldcat-col_pos       = lv_col_pos     .
      ls_fieldcat-tabname       = lv_tabname     .
      ls_fieldcat-fieldname     = 'WERKS'        .
      ls_fieldcat-seltext_l     =  text-a35.
    ls_fieldcat-seltext_m     =  text-a36      .
    ls_fieldcat-seltext_s     =  text-a37      .
      append ls_fieldcat to rt_fieldcat.
      clear  ls_fieldcat.
      lv_col_pos                = lv_col_pos + 1 .      "Marketing Logical Plant
      ls_fieldcat-col_pos       = lv_col_pos     .
      ls_fieldcat-tabname       = lv_tabname     .
      ls_fieldcat-fieldname     = 'LWERK'        .
      ls_fieldcat-seltext_l     =  text-a38      .
    ls_fieldcat-seltext_m     =  text-a39      .
    ls_fieldcat-seltext_s     =  text-a40      .
      append ls_fieldcat to rt_fieldcat.
      clear  ls_fieldcat.

  • Error in Grid Control: Setup - Management Services and Repository - error

    Hi, sometimes , in our grid control, we could see in
    Setup -> Management Services and Repository -> errors, the following error
    OMS failover: Error in OMS status collection. ORA-20233: Invalid Target=Management Services and Repository or Metric=Management_Servlet_Status (validate_target_metric)
    How can I correct this ?
    We are in ( with 3 management servers )
    thanks for your help

    See the metalink note 388280.1,4487966 for solution.
    Hope this helps,
    Click here to [ Restore and recover OCR|http://www.oracleracexpert.com/2009/08/restore-and-recover-ocr-from-backup.html]
    Click here to [Replace and repair OCR|http://www.oracleracexpert.com/2009/09/how-to-move-or-replace-and-repair-ocr.html]
    Click here to [Backup and Recover VOTE|http://www.oracleracexpert.com/2009/08/voting-disk-backup-and-recovery.htmll]

  • Database patched Error on Grid Control :Failed to connect

    HI my patch was laready on and just upgraded by databse from to
    though database and listener and agent are up and running at the OS
    but on Grid Control I'm getting the error under
    Failed to connect to database instance: ORA-01034: ORACLE not available.
    Any Idea guys

    I would check whether Oracle was still available. With the current state of Oracle software you never know.
    If Oracle was available I would try to use sqlplus to connect to the database using the dbsnmp account.
    If that works, it is SR time.
    As you don't specify any O/S information, it is difficult to tell you more, especially as some releases of Oracle on some processors are flaky, and Oracle can not always reproduce the problems in house.
    Sybrand Bakker
    Senior Oracle DBA

  • Error prevents Grid from working

    I took the Grid course and thught I'd followed the install instructions to the T, but I get the following error in the message file:
    04/25/2007 13:50:06|qmaster|thomas|C|denied: request for user "sgeadmin" does not match credentials for connection <niaaa-james,execd,1>
    04/25/2007 13:50:06|qmaster|thomas|C|denied: request for user "sgeadmin" does not match credentials for connection <terry,execd,1>
    I've checked and sgeadmin has the same uic on all three machines.
    thomas is the master host.
    thomas, niaaa-james, terry are all submit and administrative host.
    niaaa-james and terry are execution host.
    Any suggestions?

    You're right, so far, but inside sun this forum is only known to the SPS folks...
    Might be, that Lubos might know at least something, so perhaps you might get an answer, but from the history of this forum, I would not bet on that...
    Still, worth a try (as you did, so let's cross the fingers!)
    Aren't there other lists, that do cover Grid engine? Not necessarily on forums.sun.com?

  • Getwa_not_assigned - error in grid display - when trying for list output

    Hi all,
    i have searched the SDN before posting and tried all the possibilites given in the forum.
    my problem is
    data gr_alvgrid type ref to cl_gui_alv_grid.
    data: gc_custom_control_name type scrfname value 'CC_ALV'.
    data gr_ccontainer type ref to cl_gui_custom_container.
    data: gt_fieldcat type lvc_t_fcat.
    data gs_layout type lvc_s_layo.
    data: begin of gt_itab_alv occurs 0,
            lifnr type char10,    "ekko-lifnr,                " vendor
            ebeln type ekpo-ebeln,                " purchase order
            aedat type ekko-aedat,                " order date
            ebelp like ekpo-ebelp,                " item
            matnr like mara-mfrpn,                " material part no.
           end of gt_itab_alv.
    in field cat preparation
    perform prepare_fieldcat changing gt_fieldcat.
    form prepare_fieldcat  changing pt_fieldcat type lvc_t_fcat. "M24
      data ls_fcat type lvc_s_fcat.
        ls_fcat-fieldname = 'LIFNR'.
    *    ls_fcat-ref_table = 'EKKO'.
    *    ls_fcat-ref_field = 'LIFNR'.
       ls_fcat-inttype   = 'C'.
       ls_fcat-outputlen = '12'.
        ls_fcat-coltext = 'Vendor'.
        ls_fcat-seltext = 'Vendor'.
        append ls_fcat to pt_fieldcat.
        clear ls_fcat.
          CALL METHOD gr_alvgrid->set_table_for_first_display
              is_layout                     = gs_layout
              it_outtab                     = gt_itab_alv[]
              it_fieldcatalog               = gt_fieldcat
              invalid_parameter_combination = 1
              program_error                 = 2
              too_many_lines                = 3
              OTHERS                        = 4.
          IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    i am trying to change it to list output - it is giving the getwa_not_assigned dump error.
    when i try to do it for one field also, it is giving the same error.
    kindly help me.
    thanks and regards,
    Sakthi Sri.

    The Problem is with the layout and not with the field cat preparation.
    I gave colours to the layout and now i have changed it to the zebra and the problem solved by me.

  • Error installing Grid Control 11g

    Hi. I'm trying to install Grid Control 11g without success.
    I'm using SuSe Enterprise 10 sp3, already installed weblogic 10.3.2 and created a database instance for repository without problems.
    The installation process fails when reaches the 'OMS configuration' step. Here's the last part of the omsca log file (log says to check the 'omsca_20110209122055.log' file for more info, but it points to itself):
    FINA: Stopped WebTier successfully.
    09-feb-2011 12:45:16 oracle.sysman.omsca.adapter.wls.OMSWLSAdapter adapterDeleteOMS
    FINA: Cleaning up instance directory: /home/oracle/gc_inst/user_projects
    09-feb-2011 12:45:41 oracle.sysman.omsca.adapter.wls.OMSWLSAdapter adapterDeleteOMS
    FINA: Cleaning up instance home directory: /home/oracle/gc_inst/em
    09-feb-2011 12:45:41 oracle.sysman.omsca.adapter.wls.OMSWLSAdapter adapterDeleteOMS
    FINA: Succesfully deleted the oms
    09-feb-2011 12:45:41 oracle.sysman.omsca.adapter.wls.OMSWLSAdapter adapterCleanup
    FINA: The value of infra setup completion is :true
    09-feb-2011 12:45:41 oracle.sysman.omsca.adapter.wls.OMSWLSAdapter adapterCleanup
    FINA: Cleaning the OMS from the repository
    09-feb-2011 12:45:51 oracle.sysman.omsca.adapter.wls.OMSWLSAdapter adapterCleanup
    FINA: Got the Host URL as: null
    09-feb-2011 12:45:51 oracle.sysman.omsca.framework.OMSGenericAdapter postDeployAndReposSetup
    GRAVE: OMSCA-ERR: Fallo de protección de OMS. Consulte el archivo de rastreo:/home/oracle/middleware_home/oms11g/cfgtoollogs/omsca/omsca_20110209122055.log
    09-feb-2011 12:45:51 oracle.sysman.omsca.framework.OMSCAFreshInstall execute
    GRAVE: Securing of OMS failed.
    09-feb-2011 12:45:51 oracle.sysman.omsca.framework.OMSConfigAssistantDriver main
    FINA: Got resultfalse
    Thanks for your help.

    Here it is:
    FINA: Properties: {ListenAddress=consolaoracle.indra.es,ListenPort=7403,NodeManagerHome=/home/oracle/middleware_home/wlserver_10.3/common/emnodemanager20110209122055,StartScriptEnabled=true,StartScriptName=startEMServer.sh,}
    09-feb-2011 12:21:55 oracle.sysman.omsca.util.ProcessOutputReader run
    FINA: Command: /usr/local/jdk1.6.0_18/jre/bin/java -classpath /usr/local/jdk1.6.0_18/jre/lib/rt.jar:/usr/local/jdk1.6.0_18/jre/lib/i18n.jar:/home/oracle/middleware_home/patch_wls1032/profiles/default/sys_manifest_classpath/weblogic_patch.jar:/usr/local/jdk1.6.0_18/lib/tools.jar:/home/oracle/middleware_home/utils/config/10.3/config-launch.jar:/home/oracle/middleware_home/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic_sp.jar:/home/oracle/middleware_home/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar:/home/oracle/middleware_home/modules/features/weblogic.server.modules_10.3.2.0.jar:/home/oracle/middleware_home/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/webservices.jar:/home/oracle/middleware_home/modules/org.apache.ant_1.7.0/lib/ant-all.jar:/home/oracle/middleware_home/modules/net.sf.antcontrib_1.0.0.0_1-0b2/lib/ant-contrib.jar:/home/oracle/middleware_home/oms11g/sysman/jlib/emConfig.jar:/home/oracle/middleware_home/oracle_common/modules/oracle.jrf_11.1.1/jrf-api.jar:/home/oracle/middleware_home/oracle_common/common/wlst/resources/jrf-wlst.jar:/home/oracle/middleware_home/oracle_common/modules/oracle.odl_11.1.1/ojdl.jar:/home/oracle/middleware_home/oracle_common/modules/oracle.odl_11.1.1/ojdl2.jar:/home/oracle/middleware_home/oracle_common/modules/oracle.dms_11.1.1/dms.jar:/home/oracle/middleware_home/oracle_common/modules/oracle.dconfig-infra_11.1.1.jar:/home/oracle/middleware_home/oracle_common/modules/oracle.fabriccommon_11.1.1/fabric-common.jar:/home/oracle/middleware_home/oracle_common/modules/oracle.xdk_11.1.0/xmlparserv2.jar:/home/oracle/middleware_home/oracle_common/modules/oracle.xdk_11.1.0/xml.jar:/home/oracle/middleware_home/oracle_common/modules/oracle.wsm.common_11.1.1/wsm-pmlib.jar:/home/oracle/middleware_home/oracle_common/modules/oracle.wsm.common_11.1.1/wsm-policy-core.jar:/home/oracle/middleware_home/oracle_common/modules/oracle.wsm.common_11.1.1/wsm-secpol.jar:/home/oracle/middleware_home/oracle_common/modules/oracle.wsm.common_11.1.1/wsm-dependencies.jar:/home/oracle/middleware_home/oracle_common/modules/oracle.wsm.policies_11.1.1/wsm-seed-policies.jar:/home/oracle/middleware_home/oracle_common/modules/oracle.webservices_11.1.1/orawsdl.jar:/home/oracle/middleware_home/oracle_common/modules/oracle.webservices_11.1.1/mdds.jar:/home/oracle/middleware_home/oracle_common/modules/oracle.webservices_11.1.1/ws_confmbeans.jar:/home/oracle/middleware_home/oracle_common/modules/org.apache.commons.digester_1.7.jar:/home/oracle/middleware_home/oracle_common/../modules/javax.xml.bind_2.1.1.jar:/home/oracle/middleware_home/oracle_common/../modules/javax.activation_1.1.jar:/home/oracle/middleware_home/oracle_common/../modules/javax.xml.stream_1.1.1.0.jar:/home/oracle/middleware_home/oracle_common/modules/oracle.http_client_11.1.1.jar:/home/oracle/middleware_home/oracle_common/modules/oracle.jmx_11.1.1/jmxframework.jar:/home/oracle/middleware_home/oracle_common/modules/oracle.jmx_11.1.1/jmxspi.jar:/home/oracle/middleware_home/oracle_common/modules/oracle.adf.dconfigbeans_11.1.1.jar:/home/oracle/middleware_home/oracle_common/modules/oracle.adf.share.ca_11.1.1/adf-share-base.jar:/home/oracle/middleware_home/oracle_common/modules/oracle.adf.share.ca_11.1.1/adf-share-ca.jar:/home/oracle/middleware_home/oracle_common/modules/oracle.adf.share_11.1.1/adflogginghandler.jar:/home/oracle/middleware_home/oracle_common/modules/oracle.adf.share_11.1.1/adfsharembean.jar:/home/oracle/middleware_home/oracle_common/modules/oracle.adf.share_11.1.1/commons-el.jar:/home/oracle/middleware_home/oracle_common/modules/oracle.adf.share_11.1.1/jsp-el-api.jar:/home/oracle/middleware_home/oracle_common/modules/oracle.adf.share_11.1.1/oracle-el.jar:/home/oracle/middleware_home/oracle_common/common/wlst/resources/auditwlst.jar:/home/oracle/middleware_home/oracle_common/common/wlst/resources/sslconfigwlst.jar:/home/oracle/middleware_home/oracle_common/common/wlst/resources/oamap_help.jar:/home/oracle/middleware_home/oracle_common/common/wlst/resources/ossoiap_help.jar:/home/oracle/middleware_home/oracle_common/common/wlst/resources/jps-wlst.jar:/home/oracle/middleware_home/oracle_common/modules/oracle.auditprovider_11.1.1/jps-wls-auditprovider.jar:/home/oracle/middleware_home/oracle_common/modules/oracle.jps_11.1.1/jps-manifest.jar:/home/oracle/middleware_home/oracle_common/modules/oracle.jps_11.1.1/jps-mbeans.jar:/home/oracle/middleware_home/oracle_common/modules/oracle.jps_11.1.1/jps-upgrade.jar:/home/oracle/middleware_home/oracle_common/modules/oracle.jps_11.1.1/jps-patching.jar:/home/oracle/middleware_home/oracle_common/common/wlst/lib/adf-share-mbeans-wlst.jar:/home/oracle/middleware_home/oracle_common/common/wlst/lib/mdswlst.jar:/home/oracle/middleware_home/oracle_common/common/wlst/resources/auditwlst.jar:/home/oracle/middleware_home/oracle_common/common/wlst/resources/jps-wlst.jar:/home/oracle/middleware_home/oracle_common/common/wlst/resources/jrf-wlst.jar:/home/oracle/middleware_home/oracle_common/common/wlst/resources/oamap_help.jar:/home/oracle/middleware_home/oracle_common/common/wlst/resources/oamAuthnProvider.jar:/home/oracle/middleware_home/oracle_common/common/wlst/resources/ossoiap_help.jar:/home/oracle/middleware_home/oracle_common/common/wlst/resources/ossoiap.jar:/home/oracle/middleware_home/oracle_common/common/wlst/resources/sslconfigwlst.jar:/home/oracle/middleware_home/oracle_common/common/wlst/resources/wsm-wlst.jar:/home/oracle/middleware_home/wlserver_10.3/common/eval/pointbase/lib/pbembedded57.jar:/home/oracle/middleware_home/wlserver_10.3/common/eval/pointbase/lib/pbclient57.jar:/home/oracle/middleware_home/wlserver_10.3/common/eval/pointbase/lib/pbtools57.jar weblogic.NodeManager -v
    09-feb-2011 12:21:57 oracle.sysman.omsca.util.ProcessOutputReader run
    FINA: NMProcess: <09-feb-2011 12:21:56> <INFO> <Loading domains file: /home/oracle/middleware_home/wlserver_10.3/common/emnodemanager20110209122055/nodemanager.domains>
    09-feb-2011 12:21:57 oracle.sysman.omsca.util.ProcessOutputReader run

  • Install error 10gr2 Grid control on AIX 5.3

    INFO: Configuration assistant "EM Technology Stack Upgrade" succeeded
    INFO: Command = oracle.sysman.emcp.oms.OmsPlugIn -configureOms
    Operation Stopping OPMN Processes is in progress.
    Operation EM Deploying is in progress.
    Operation Unlocking Passwords and Out of Box setup is in progress.
    Command = oracle.sysman.emcp.oms.OmsPlugIn has failed
    INFO: Configuration assistant "OMS Configuration" failed
    *** Starting OUICA ***
    Oracle Home set to /u01/app/oracle/product/10gdb/db10g
    Configuration directory is set to /u01/app/oracle/product/10gdb/db10g/cfgtoollogs. All xml files under the directory will be processed
    INFO: The "/u01/app/oracle/product/10gdb/agent10g/cfgtoollogs/configToolFailedCommands" script contains all commands that failed, were skipped or were cancelled. This file may be used to run these configuration assistants outside of OUI. Note that you may have to update this script with passwords (if any) before executing the same.
    INFO: Created a new file /u01/app/oracle/product/10gdb/agent10g/cfgtoollogs/configToolFailedCommands
    INFO: Since the option is to overwrite the existing /u01/app/oracle/product/10gdb/agent10g/cfgtoollogs/configToolFailedCommands file, backing it up
    INFO: The backed up file name is /u01/app/oracle/product/10gdb/agent10g/cfgtoollogs/configToolFailedCommands.bak
    INFO: Created a new file /u01/app/oracle/product/10gdb/oms10g/cfgtoollogs/configToolFailedCommands
    INFO: Since the option is to overwrite the existing /u01/app/oracle/product/10gdb/oms10g/cfgtoollogs/configToolFailedCommands file, backing it up
    INFO: The backed up file name is /u01/app/oracle/product/10gdb/oms10g/cfgtoollogs/configToolFailedCommands.bak
    SEVERE: OUI-25031:Some of the configuration assistants failed. It is strongly recommended that you retry the configuration assistants at this time. Not successfully running any "Recommended" assistants means your system will not be correctly configured.
    1. Check the Details panel on the Configuration Assistant Screen to see the errors resulting in the failures.
    2. Fix the errors causing these failures.
    3. Select the failed assistants and click the 'Retry' button to retry them.
    INFO: User Selected: Yes/OK

    It could be due to many reasons.
    Do you have a folder em under /tmp ? Try to remove or rename it, and (if it's not too late) click on retry.

  • Strange error on Grid Infrastructure install -2_node_VirtualBox

    2 node Oracle Linux 5.6 RAC setup on VirtualBox 4.2.4
    [root@rac1 Desktop]# uname -a
    Linux rac1.localdomain 2.6.32-300.39.1.el5uek #1 SMP Wed Nov 7 18:13:56 PST 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
    $cluvfy.sh stage -pre crsinst -n rac1,rac2 -verbose - successfull
    After the summary the install hangs as in the following picture:
    Any hints?
    Thanks in advance
    Paolo Filippi

    This should be the correct link
    Thanks Chen

  • Grid XML Error

    I'm getting an error for a VB I created to "refresh all" in smart view.
    Here is the error:
    Error in Grid XML: each dimension must be used once and only once.
    Macro used: HFM Refresh macro
    Dim X As Variant
    Dim oBar As CommandBar
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Set oBar = Application.CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar")
    End Sub

    I do get the same error message when using Oracle Hyperion Smart View for Office, Fusion Edition. However, the error does not show up when using the 9.3.2 Smart View client.
    Any help on this will be greatly appreciated.

  • Grid XLM Error

    I'm getting an error for a VB I created to "refresh all" in smart view.
    Here is the error:
    Error in Grid XML: each dimension must be used once and only once.
    Macro used: HFM Refresh macro
    Dim X As Variant
    Dim oBar As CommandBar
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Set oBar = Application.CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar")
    End Sub

    kuldeep wrote:
    I posted this in Grid Computing but there was no reply so i am posting this here ant help is appreciated.
    Grid Login Error

  • Error applying Patch 11724916 - Patch Set Update.

    Hello, I have an GI installation and 12311357 path applied correctly. But patch 11724916 is missing (I know they both are installed together). Trying to apply it I have the following error (as grid) :
    grid@selva-2./usr/local/software/oracle/11724916 $ opatch apply
    Invoking OPatch
    Oracle Interim Patch Installer version Copyright (c) 2010, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
    Oracle Home : /app/oracle/grid/11.2
    Central Inventory : /app/oracle/oraInventory
    from : /var/opt/oracle/oraInst.loc
    OPatch version :
    OUI version :
    OUI location : /app/oracle/grid/11.2/oui
    Log file location : /app/oracle/grid/11.2/cfgtoollogs/opatch/opatch2011-10-13_12-20-37PM.log
    Patch history file: /app/oracle/grid/11.2/cfgtoollogs/opatch/opatch_history.txt
    ApplySession applying interim patch '11724916' to OH '/app/oracle/grid/11.2'
    Running prerequisite checks...
    Patch 11724916: Optional component(s) missing : [ oracle.sysman.console.db, ] , [ oracle.sysman.oms.core, ] , [ oracle.rdbms.dv, ] Prov! ide your email address to be informed of security issues, install and initiate Oracle Configuration Manager. Easier for you if you use your My Oracle Support Email address/User Name.
    Visit http://www.oracle.com/support/policies.html for details.
    Email address/User Name:
    You have not provided an email address for notification of security issues.
    Do you wish to remain uninformed of security issues ([Y]es, [N]o) [N]: Y
    OPatch detected the node list and the local node from the inventory. OPatch will patch the local system then propagate the patch to the remote nodes.
    This node is part of an Oracle Real Application Cluster.
    Remote nodes: 'selva-1'
    Local node: 'selva-2'
    Please shutdown Oracle instances running out of this ORACLE_HOME on the local system.
    (Oracle Home = '/app/oracle/grid/11.2')
    Is the local system ready for patching? y y
    User Responded with: Y
    Backing up files and inventory (not for auto-rollback) for the Oracle Home
    Backing up files af! fected by the patch '11724916' for restore. This might take a while...
    Backing up files affected by the patch '11724916' for rollback. This might take a while...
    Patching component oracle.rdbms.rsf,
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libgeneric11.a" with "lib/libgeneric11.a/kgl2.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libgeneric11.a" with "lib/libgeneric11.a/kgh.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libgeneric11.a" with "lib/libgeneric11.a/kgx.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libgeneric11.a" with "lib/libgeneric11.a/kgl.o"
    Copying file to "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/rdbms/mesg/oraus.msb"
    Copying file to "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/rdbms/mesg/oraus.msg"
    Patching component oracle.rdbms,
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kfc.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/li! bserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kfcl.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kfd.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kfds.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kff.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kffm.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kfgb.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/ksvt.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kfdp.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kspt.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/qks3t.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.! a" with "lib/libserver11.a/qerbo.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/ksols.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/dgl.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kcvfdb.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kks1.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kkscs.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/krsm.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/ksws.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kql.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kqlb.o"!
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" &n bsp;with "lib/libserver11.a/kqlm.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kjcv.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kjl.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kjs.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kjx.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kjg.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kjak.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kdi.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kfg.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kfio.o"
    Updating ar! chive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kfio0.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kfis.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kfnm.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/ksbt.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kfdvf.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kqld.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kkae.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kcb.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kcl.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libse! rver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/dmlsrv.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/updexe.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/qesltc.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/qerlt.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kksc.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/ktsld.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/krcp.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kkxs.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kkj.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/jslv.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserv! er11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kza.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kdu.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/ktsf.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/ktsp.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kqlf.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kks.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kkss.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kdlw.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/ktuq.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kkfd.o"Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" &nb sp;with "lib/libserver11.a/kxfp.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/upsexe.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kkdl.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kcbz.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kjcs.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kjctc.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kjdd.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kjfc.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kjfm.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kjfz.o"
    Upd! ating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kjgcr.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kjm.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kjpnp.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kju.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libasmclnt11.a" with "lib/libasmclnt11.a/kgfdputl.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libasmclntsh11.a" with "lib/libasmclntsh11.a/kgfdputl.o"
    Copying file to "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/rdbms/admin/bundledata_PSU.xml"
    Copying file to "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/psu/"
    Copying file to "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/psu/"
    Patching component oracle.ldap.rsf,
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libnnz11.a" ! with "lib/libnnz11.a/nzos.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/gri d/11.2/lib/libnnz11.a" with "lib/libnnz11.a/nzu.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libnnz11.a" with "lib/libnnz11.a/ssl_createglobalcontext.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libnnz11.a" with "lib/libnnz11.a/ssl_decoderecord.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libnnz11.a" with "lib/libnnz11.a/ssl_destroyconnectioncontext.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libnnz11.a" with "lib/libnnz11.a/ssl_getversion.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libnnz11.a" with "lib/libnnz11.a/ssl_setupconnectioncontext.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libnnz11.a" with "lib/libnnz11.a/ssl_read.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libnnz11.a" with "lib/libnnz11.a/ssl_write.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libnnz11.a" with "lib/libnnz11.a/ssl_hshk_getnextevent.o"
    Updating archive file "/! app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libnnz11.a" with "lib/libnnz11.a/ssl_hshk_handshakeproceed.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libnnz11.a" with "lib/libnnz11.a/ssl_hshk_priv_onerror.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libnnz11.a" with "lib/libnnz11.a/ssl_hshk_priv_process_client_hello.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libnnz11.a" with "lib/libnnz11.a/ssl_hshk_priv_process_hello_shared.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libnnz11.a" with "lib/libnnz11.a/ssl_hshk_priv_processserverhello.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libnnz11.a" with "lib/libnnz11.a/ssl_hshk_priv_ssl2_processclienthelloshared.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libnnz11.a" with "lib/libnnz11.a/ssl_hshk_priv_ssl3_process_finished.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libnnz11.a" with "lib/libnnz11.a/ssl_hshk_priv_ssl3_tls1_writeserver! hello_handler.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/l ibnnz11.a" with "lib/libnnz11.a/ssl_hshk_priv_ssl3_writefinished_handler.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libnnz11.a" with "lib/libnnz11.a/ssl_hshk_priv_tls1_process_finished.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libnnz11.a" with "lib/libnnz11.a/ssl_hshk_priv_tls1_writefinished_handler.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libnnz11.a" with "lib/libnnz11.a/ssl_hshk_priv_writeclienthello.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libnnz11.a" with "lib/libnnz11.a/ssl_hshk_read.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libnnz11.a" with "lib/libnnz11.a/ssl_hshk_refuserenegotiation.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libnnz11.a" with "lib/libnnz11.a/ssl_hshk_requestrenegotiation.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libnnz11.a" with "lib/libnnz11.a/ssl_createconnectioncontext.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/gr! id/11.2/lib/libnnz11.a" with "lib/libnnz11.a/ssl_enableclientauthentication.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libnnz11.a" with "lib/libnnz11.a/ssl_modifyclientauthmodes.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libnnz11.a" with "lib/libnnz11.a/ssl_disableclientauthentication.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libnnz11.a" with "lib/libnnz11.a/ssl_hshk_priv_write_certificate_request_handler.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libnnz11.a" with "lib/libnnz11.a/ssl_hshk_priv_calc_enabled_cipher_suites.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libnnz11.a" with "lib/libnnz11.a/ssl_hshk_priv_is_client_cert_requested.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libnnz11.a" with "lib/libnnz11.a/ssl_hshk_priv_processcertificaterequest_handler.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libnnz11.a" with "lib/libnnz11.a/ssl_hshk_priv_! process_client_hello_shared.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/g rid/11.2/lib/libnnz11.a" with "lib/libnnz11.a/ssl_hshk_priv_setclientcertrequested_handler.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libnnz11.a" with "lib/libnnz11.a/ssl_hshk_priv_ssl2_write_client_certificate_handler.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libnnz11.a" with "lib/libnnz11.a/ssl_modifyciphersuites.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libnnz11.a" with "lib/libnnz11.a/ssl_getconnectionrenegotiationoptions.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libnnz11.a" with "lib/libnnz11.a/ssl_getrenegotiationoptions.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libnnz11.a" with "lib/libnnz11.a/ssl_hshk_priv_dooptionsallowrenegotoation.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libnnz11.a" with "lib/libnnz11.a/ssl_modifyrenegotiationoptions.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libnnz11.a" with "lib/libnnz11.a/ssl_setrenegotiation! options.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libzt11.a" with "lib/libzt11.a/nzdacval.o"
    Copying file to "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libnnz11.so"
    Patching component oracle.rdbms.dbscripts,
    Copying file to "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/rdbms/admin/c1101000.sql"
    Copying file to "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/rdbms/admin/catupstr.sql"
    Running make for target client_sharedlib
    OPatch found the word "failed" in the stderr of the make command.
    Please look at this stderr. You can re-run this make command.
    Stderr output:
    ln: cannot create libclntsh.so: Permission denied
    ar: cannot create shoc.o
    Permission denied
    ld: fatal: file /app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/shoc.o: open failed: No such file or directory
    ln: cannot create libagtsh.so: Permission denied
    Running make for target client_sharedlib
    Make failed to invoke "/usr/ccs/bin/make -f ins_rdbms.mk client_sharedlib ORAC! LE_HOME=/app/oracle/grid/11.2"....'ln: cannot create libclntsh.so: Per mission denied
    make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `client_sharedlib'
    Running make for target ioracle
    The following make actions have failed :
    Re-link fails on target "client_sharedlib".
    Do you want to proceed? y
    User Responded with: N
    ApplySession failed: ApplySession failed in system modification phase... 'ApplySession::apply failed: Re-link fails on target "client_sharedlib".
    OPatch will attempt to restore the system...
    Restoring the Oracle Home...
    Checking if OPatch needs to invoke 'make' to restore some binaries...
    OPatch found the word "failed" in the stderr of the make command.
    Please look at this stderr. You can re-run this make command.
    Stderr output:
    ln: cannot create libclntsh.so: Permission denied
    ar: cannot create shoc.o
    Permission denied
    ld: fatal: file /app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/shoc.o: open failed: No such file or directory
    ln:! cannot create libagtsh.so: Permission denied
    Make failed to invoke "/usr/ccs/bin/make -f ins_rdbms.mk client_sharedlib ORACLE_HOME=/app/oracle/grid/11.2"....'ln: cannot create libclntsh.so: Permission denied
    make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `client_sharedlib'
    Failed to run make commands. They are stored in file '/app/oracle/grid/11.2/.patch_storage/11724916_Apr_13_2011_03_16_19/make.txt'
    Invoke these commands manually to restore the binaries in the Oracle Home.
    OPatch failed to restore OH '/app/oracle/grid/11.2'. Consult OPatch document to restore the home manually before proceeding.
    The following warnings have occurred during OPatch execution:
    1) OUI-67215:
    OPatch found the word "failed" in the stderr of the make command.
    Please look at this stderr. Yo! u can re-run this make command.
    Stderr output:
    ln: cannot create libclntsh.so: Permission denied
    ar: cannot create shoc.o
    Permission denied
    ld: fatal: file /app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/shoc.o: open failed: No such file or directory
    ln: cannot create libagtsh.so: Permission denied
    2) OUI-67200:Make failed to invoke "/usr/ccs/bin/make -f ins_rdbms.mk client_sharedlib ORACLE_HOME=/app/oracle/grid/11.2"....'ln: cannot create libclntsh.so: Permission denied
    make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `client_sharedlib'
    3) OUI-67124:Re-link fails on target "client_sharedlib".
    4) OUI-67215:
    OPatch found the word "failed" in the stderr of the make command.
    Please look at this stderr. You can re-run this make command.
    Stderr output:
    ln: cannot create libclntsh.so: Permission denied
    ar: cannot create shoc.o
    Permission denied
    ld: fatal: file /app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/shoc.o: open failed: No such file or directory
    ln: cann! ot create libagtsh.so: Permission denied
    5) OUI-67200:Make failed to invoke "/usr/ccs/bin/make -f ins_rdbms.mk client_sharedlib ORACLE_HOME=/app/oracle/grid/11.2"....'ln: cannot create libclntsh.so: Permission denied
    make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `client_sharedlib'
    OPatch failed with error code 115
    Trying to install it as root I have another error:
    root@selva-2./usr/local/software/oracle/11724916 # opatch apply
    Invoking OPatch
    The user is root. OPatch cannot continue if the user is root.
    OPatch failed with error code 255
    How should I apply this patch? Should I rollback path 12311357 and reapply both together?

    Thanks. Although it is true my grid user environment doesnt contain /usr/ccs/bin in the PATH variable, opatch seems to know where to find those commands. I have included it in the PATH but the error persists.
    On the other hand I have seen lib directory under GI HOME, where libclntsh.so link should be created applying the patch, belongs to root with 755 permissions. IS THIS CORRECT? Then grid user never will be able to create the link reported in the opatch error above :
    ln: cannot create libclntsh.so: Permission denied
    ar: cannot create shoc.o
    Permission denied
    So, What is wrong?
    Thanks again.

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