Xmlparser error when xml ref's dtd

When calling xmlparser from PL/SQL to parse an xml file
referencing a dtd, I get the following error, even though both
the xml file and dtd are valid with XML Spy:
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-20100: Error occurred while parsing: Invalid argument
ORA-06512: at "SYS.XMLPARSER", line 22
ORA-06512: at "SYS.XMLPARSER", line 69
ORA-06512: at line 6
If I remove the dtd reference from the xml file it runs without
Here's the PL/SQL:
p xmlparser.parser;
d xmldom.DOMDocument;
p := xmlparser.newParser;
xmlparser.parse (p, 'C:\test.xml');
xmlparser.freeParser (p);
Here's the xml file 'C:\test.xml':
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<!DOCTYPE Department SYSTEM "C:\test.dtd">
          <SOURCE_KEY>200600 Sales-Northeast</SOURCE_KEY>
Here's the dtd 'C:\test.dtd':
<!ELEMENT Department (DepartmentRec*)>
Any help is appreciated!
Thanks - Dana

This error is caused by your using an illegally formatted URL in
the DTD SYSTEM parameter. This is a misleading "feature" of XML
Spy that it allows your file to validate. A line like:
<!DOCTYPE Department SYSTEM "C:\test.dtd">
Is not a legal SYSTEM identifier, which must
be a valid URL. This is a windows-specific file path.
When I changed:
<!DOCTYPE Department SYSTEM "C:\test.dtd">
<!-- Use relative URL for DTD -->
<!DOCTYPE Department SYSTEM "test.dtd">
or alternatively to:
<!-- Use absolute URL for DTD -->
<!DOCTYPE Department SYSTEM "file:///C:/test.dtd">
and I changed your file of PL/SQL from:
xmlparser.parse (p, 'C:\test.xml');
xmlparser.parse (p, 'file:///C:/test.xml');
it works fine for me.

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    Hi Skywalker73,
    According to your description, when you export the report to Excel, the error “Excel was able to open the file by repairing or removing the unreadable content.” throws out when opening the Excel file.
    Based on my research, it has reported the same issue when exporting to Excel. The issue could cause by numeric columns has  a precision of 16 or higher. To fix the issue, we could change data type in the table to a support lower precision, or convert
    the numbers in the stored procedure that populates the report. For more information, please refer to this article:
    SSRS 2012 Bug – “Excel found unreadable content”. Besides, please refer to this
    article to check if non-printing characters exist in the report.
    If you have any question, please feel free to ask.
    Best regards,
    Qiuyun Yu
    Qiuyun Yu
    TechNet Community Support

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                  at android.content.res.StringBlock.getShort(StringBlock.java:231)
                  at android.content.res.StringBlock.getString(StringBlock.java:91)
                  at android.content.res.AXmlResourceParser.getName(AXmlResourceParser.java:140)
                  at test.AXMLPrinter.main(AXMLPrinter.java:56)
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    It reads:
    Final conclusion:
    In minSdkVersion <= 7, AXMLPrinter2.jar can normally decompile xml file
    Greater than 7 can not be normal decompile xml file (AndroidManifest.xml except)
    Give way to share a batch decompile xml file:
    First, create a *. Txt file
    Stresses inside the content authoring
    for / r layout%% a in (*. xml) do @ java-jar AXMLPrinter2.jar "%% a" >> "%% a". txt
    Then this txt file extension into bat form, and this BAT the file and AXMLPrinter2.jar on the same directory will be decompiled xml into the layout directory
    Decompilation results can be generated by executing the bat file multiple xml files."
    - http://hi.baidu.com/ghcghc/item/ecbaa1ce997cb225a0b50ac2
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         I also tried to remove "air." package name in air application. And i encounter the same problem.
         I do not find any solution to decode the xml inside res folder by AXMLPrinter2.jar. And those xml inside is compressed which is unreadable.
         However, what you can do is copying the structure of res folder. And go to your air sdk file path -  adobeair-sdk-folder/lib/android/lib/resources/
         Replace those file exists in your res folder. And copy "values" folder to your res folder.
         Hope this solve your problem~

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    Hi Vinoth Raja,
    For resolving the following exception
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    You have to follow the below link:-
    May be it will help you
    Sushma Yadav

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    It fixed the problem for this DukeHutchens in this thread:

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    Thank you.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <STREET>Vitacura #40</STREET>
      <DESCRIPTION>01 Parts Center</DESCRIPTION>
      <NAME1>Campos de Almacenaje SA</NAME1>
      <STREET>Calacoto2, Calle 1</STREET>
      <HOUSE_NO>Piso 1</HOUSE_NO>
      <CITY>La Paz</CITY>
      <DESCRIPTION>01 Parts Center</DESCRIPTION>
      <STREET>Ruta Panamericana Km 100</STREET>
      <CITY>San Antonio 23</CITY>
      <DESCRIPTION>01 Parts Center</DESCRIPTION>
    ARCHIVO DTD CREADO (automáticamente con xml spy)
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!-- DTD generado con XMLSpy v2014 rel. 2 (x64) (http://www.altova.com) -->
    <!ELEMENT ADDRESS (item)>
    <!ELEMENT EQUIPMENT (item+)>
    <!ELEMENT STORAGE_LOC (item+)>
    <!ELEMENT CUSTOMER_FULL_2014 (item+)>
    The error of MONITOR Data Services
    11-04-2014 17:34:16
    |Data flow CARGA_XML_CUSTOMER|Reader READ MESSAGE customer OUTPUT(customer)
    11-04-2014 17:34:16
    An element named <item> present in the XML data input does not exist in the XML format used to set up this XML source in data
    11-04-2014 17:34:16
    flow <CARGA_XML_CUSTOMER>. Please validate your XML data.
    11-04-2014 17:34:16
    |Data flow CARGA_XML_CUSTOMER|Reader READ MESSAGE customer OUTPUT(customer)
    11-04-2014 17:34:16
    XML parser failed: See previously displayed error message.
    The Error from Monitor
    The metadata DTD

    Hi Juan Juan,
    I generated a new XSD file using MS Visual Studio based on your XML file.
    The empty spaces in the source is replaced with <Null> in the target table.
    Here is the XSD:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <xs:schema attributeFormDefault="unqualified" elementFormDefault="qualified" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
        <xs:element name="CUSTOMER_FULL_20140207_033015_001">
                    <xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
                        <xs:element name="CUST_NO" type="xs:unsignedInt" />
                        <xs:element name="ADDRESS">
                                    <xs:element name="SHIP_TO" type="xs:unsignedInt" />
                                    <xs:element name="NAME1" type="xs:string" />
                                    <xs:element name="STREET" type="xs:string" />
                                    <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="HOUSE_NO" type="xs:string" />
                                    <xs:element name="CITY" type="xs:string" />
                        <xs:element name="EQUIPMENT">
                                    <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" name="EQUI_NO" type="xs:string" />
                        <xs:element name="STORAGE_LOC">
                                    <xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
                                        <xs:element name="STOR_LOC_NO" type="xs:unsignedByte" />
                                        <xs:element name="DESCRIPTION" type="xs:string" />
    For Source XML
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <STREET>Dean Camilo # 148, San Carlos</STREET>
      <DESCRIPTION>01 Parts Center</DESCRIPTION>
      <NAME1>Minera San Cristobal S.A.</NAME1>
      <STREET>Calacoto, Calle 90, Torre 2</STREET>
      <HOUSE_NO>Piso 5</HOUSE_NO>
      <CITY>La Paz</CITY>
      <DESCRIPTION>01 Parts Center</DESCRIPTION>
      <NAME1>ISEMAR S.A.</NAME1>
      <STREET>Ruta Km 28.45</STREET>
      <CITY>Don Torcuato Paraguay</CITY>
      <DESCRIPTION>01 Parts Center</DESCRIPTION>

  • Error when converting form to XML

    I get this error when trying to convert a form using this method:
    frmf2xml.bat OVERWRITE=YES AvaAcPt.fmb
    Oracle Forms 10.1.2 Forms to XML Tool
    Copyright(c) 2001, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    Processing module AvaAcPt.fmb
    WARNING: Invalid value (100) for property DataType on object OK.
    WARNING: Item CURR_CODE - all ListItemElements must have an Index, Name and Value.
    WARNING: Invalid value (100) for property DataType on object OK.
    WARNING: Invalid value (100) for property DataType on object INACTIVECUSTOMER.
    WARNING: Invalid value (100) for property DataType on object OK.
    XML Module saved as AvaAcPt_fmb.xml
    The WARNING: Item CURR_CODE - all ListItemElements must have an Index, Name and Value. is obvious. It a list is empty this warning is thrown out. Of course my concern is when we do the XML to Forms conversion later will the list item and associated code be reconstructed correctly?
    As for the 3 OK buttons and the INACTIVECUSTOMER button the converter puts a DataType attribute, which is meaningless to a button.
    I tried to find any peculiarities with the buttons but could not find any.
    Has anybody else experienced this problem?

    I have got the same warning “ all ListItemElements must have an Index, Name and Value” when converting form from fmb to xml using frmf2xml.
    Have you find any course of this and how to fix it?

  • Error when using the REF eCATT command ....

    When the REF command is used in an eCATT test script to execute another eCATT, only the first REF command executes successfully - all subsequent REF commands fail with these error msgs 'Error in eCATT function SAPGUI', 'Error in Control', 'Message raised at CL_APL_ECATT_LINE_INTERPRETER =CM00K  LINE   347'.
    Executed separately, the referenced eCATT test scripts are successful.   Executed from one eCATT test script via the REF command, only the first REF command is successful.  We are on SAP 6.7 6.40, GUI is 6.40 as well.
    Any suggestions would be appreciated - Thanks !

    Thanks for the reply, Jonathan.   Still having the same problem after implementing your suggestion.   Any other suggestions you have would be appreciated.  
    The ResetGUI = 'X' was done for each command interface in the REFerenced test scripts.   The ResetGUI statement was only found immediately after the 'Command Interface' statement (wasn't found after the 'Processed Screen' statement).
    The error still happens for the second and all subsequent test scripts referenced by the 'REF' command.   In the failed REF test scripts, the ConnectionID, SessionID, and SystemInfo statements are the failed statments (red lights beside them).   These three statements are immediately after the ResetGUI = 'X' statment (which has a green light).
    Different execution options have been tried, including closing, and not closing, generated GUI sessions.
    Really at a loss here to figure out how to get the REF statement to work !

  • PARSE_APPLICATION_DATA Error during XML = ABAP conversion: Response Message; CX_ST_DESERIALIZATION_ERROR in /1SAI/SAS0446CC11CC6EC1AD4789 Line 24 An error occurred when deserializing in the simple transformation program /1SAI/SAS0446CC11CC6EC1AD4789

    Hi Experts ,
    i have a scenario proxy to soap  where i am getting error while getting the response .
    we are sending the request successfully and getting response .some times we are getting in proxy level error below
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    Please help us to fix this bug in proxy response.

    Hello Ravinder,
    Can you please post the complete stack trace, it seems to be some fields are getting truncated i,e data sent from the program to the proxy object might be violating some length restrictions.
    Please check your message interface field lengths and what is being passed to the proxy.

  • Soap response Error when processing XML CF.

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    Every time I send my message via soap I get the following error:
    com.sap.aii.af.ra.ms.api.RecoverableException: SOAP: response message contains an error XIAdapter/HTTP/ADAPTER.HTTP_EXCEPTION - HTTP 500 Error when processing XML CF.
    Is it possible that the communication is aborted and  my response message mapping is never started?
    (Additional info: I tried to create an integration process and am not able to evaluate the response.)
    Thanks a lot for your help.

    do you see any more error details in :
    did you check logs in visual admin ?
    >>>>Is it possible that the communication is aborted and my response message mapping is never started?
    yes - if the response is not ok the mapping may not be started
    <a href="/people/michal.krawczyk2/blog/2005/06/28/xipi-faq-frequently-asked-questions"><b>XI / PI FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions</b></a>

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    Here's the error in full:
    error in XML task: error writing XML document: You do not have appropriate access privileges to save file “002800.xml” in folder “0000000000004f17”.
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    Hi Josh, thanks for responding.
    No, I did not set up anything like that - this is a pretty plain jane setup, just trying to check out an FCP project. Some work was done on the SAN while I was away, and now we can't get it to work. The IT team (I'm just the FCS guy) says permissions appear to be correct, but it isn't working, and it did before.
    I presume that if user A is trying to check out a project, that FCS is doing the dirty work at a permissins level, so it'd be the FCServer machine's admin account that set up the FCS install that needs permissions....right? Or user A? In either case, we can't get it to go.

Maybe you are looking for