XMLTYp - new node (simple question?)

Help me, please. I've spent much time on trying resolve this problem with no result... Give sample code please.
The problem is:
vxml XMLType;
vxml := XMLType('<A><B><C></C></B></A>');
What I have to do in "[...]" to add new child-node to <C> node?
As a result I whant vxml: '<A><B><C><new></new></C></B></A>'.
And please:
- don;t say about updateXML because it works only in SQL-DML
- if You think it necessity to use dbms_xmldom, let me show how (I tried to use xmldom in many ways)
Thank you in advance

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Forums Home » Oracle Technology Network (OTN) » Products » Database » XML DB

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    Help me, please. I've spent much time on trying resolve this problem with no result... Give sample code please.
    The problem is:
    vxml XMLType;
    vxml := XMLType('<A><B><C></C></B></A>');
    What I have to do in "[...]" to add new child-node to <C> node?
    As a result I whant vxml: '<A><B><C><new></new></C></B></A>'.
    And please:
    - don;t say about updateXML because it works only in SQL-DML
    - if You think it necessity to use dbms_xmldom, let me show how (I tried to use xmldom in many ways)
    Thank you in advance

    Please post this message at:
    Forums Home » Oracle Technology Network (OTN) » Products » Database » XML DB

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    Hi everyone!
    Quick question. I am working through the XML Schema evolution process and was able to use inplaceevolve successfully. I can see the new node added to my schema under user_xml_schemas. However, when I try to upload an XML document with that new node, it shows up in the stored XML as empty?
    Here are some more details...
    I added the assistant nickname element
    <element name="spousePartner" nillable="true" minOccurs="0" type="xsd:string" />
    <element name="title" nillable="true" minOccurs="0" type="xsd:string" />
    *<element name="assistantNickName" nillable="true" minOccurs="0" type="xsd:string" />*
    and I see it was added in my registered schema.
    I then add the node to my test XML and in my program's console I see the node being parsed...
    physicalStreet>10 Green St</physicalStreet>
    *<assistantNickName>Big Bird</assistantNickName>*
    However, when I look at the stored XML in my XMLTYPE column, I see an empty node...
    <physicalStreet>10 Green St</physicalStreet>
    What am I missing?
    Any help is greatly appreciated - thank you much!

    Are you using BINARY XML?
    I've just tested the following with object-relational storage (not binary) :
    Connected to Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release
    Connected as dev
    SQL> var schema1 varchar2(4000);
    SQL> var schema2 varchar2(4000);
      2   :schema1 := '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      3  <xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
      4             xmlns:xdb="http://xmlns.oracle.com/xdb">
      5   <xs:element name="root" xdb:SQLName="root">
      6    <xs:complexType xdb:SQLType="ROOT_TYPE">
      7     <xs:sequence>
      8      <xs:element name="item" maxOccurs="unbounded" xdb:SQLCollType="ITEM_COLL">
      9       <xs:complexType xdb:SQLType="ITEM_TYPE">
    10        <xs:sequence>
    11         <xs:element name="Code" type="xs:string"/>
    12         <xs:element name="Val" type="xs:integer"/>
    13        </xs:sequence>
    14       </xs:complexType>
    15      </xs:element>
    16     </xs:sequence>
    17    </xs:complexType>
    18   </xs:element>
    19  </xs:schema>'
    20  ;
    22  :schema2 := '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    23  <xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
    24             xmlns:xdb="http://xmlns.oracle.com/xdb">
    25   <xs:element name="root" xdb:SQLName="root">
    26    <xs:complexType xdb:SQLType="ROOT_TYPE">
    27     <xs:sequence>
    28      <xs:element name="item" maxOccurs="unbounded" xdb:SQLCollType="ITEM_COLL">
    29       <xs:complexType xdb:SQLType="ITEM_TYPE">
    30        <xs:sequence>
    31         <xs:element name="Code" type="xs:string"/>
    32         <xs:element name="Val" type="xs:integer"/>
    33         <xs:element name="Comm" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
    34        </xs:sequence>
    35       </xs:complexType>
    36      </xs:element>
    37     </xs:sequence>
    38    </xs:complexType>
    39   </xs:element>
    40  </xs:schema>'
    41  ;
    42  END;
    43  /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed
      2   dbms_xmlschema.registerSchema(
      3    schemaURL => 'schema1.xsd',
      4    schemaDoc => :schema1,
      5    local => true,
      6    genTypes => true,
      7    genTables => false
      8   );
      9  END;
    10  /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed
      3  XMLSCHEMA "schema1.xsd" ELEMENT "root"
      4  ;
    Table created
    SQL> INSERT INTO test_evolve
      2  VALUES(
      3   xmltype('<root>
      4   <item><Code>A</Code><Val>1</Val></item>
      5   <item><Code>B</Code><Val>2</Val></item>
      6   <item><Code>C</Code><Val>3</Val></item>
      7  </root>')
      8  );
    1 row inserted
    Commit complete
      3   xdiff xmltype;
      5  BEGIN
      7   select xmldiff(
      8           xmltype(:schema1),
      9           xmltype(:schema2)
    10          )
    11   into xdiff
    12   from dual;
    14   dbms_xmlschema.InPlaceEvolve(
    15    schemaURL => 'schema1.xsd',
    16    diffXML => xdiff,
    17    flags => dbms_xmlschema.INPLACE_EVOLVE
    18   );
    20  END;
    21  /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed
    SQL> INSERT INTO test_evolve
      2  VALUES(
      3   xmltype('<root>
      4   <item><Code>A</Code><Val>1</Val><Comm>This a comment</Comm></item>
      5   <item><Code>B</Code><Val>2</Val></item>
      6   <item><Code>C</Code><Val>3</Val></item>
      7  </root>')
      8  );
    1 row inserted
    SQL> SELECT t.object_value.getClobVal()
      2  FROM test_evolve t
      3  WHERE xmlexists('/root/item/Comm' passing t.object_value);
        <Comm>This a comment</Comm>
    The new element has been added correctly.

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    Or you can actived the right button on your magic mouse and click on they icon in the dock. then you select "stop" and it's out of your dock.
    *update: Sorry, my mistake! I didn't read your message correct! Sorry for the inconvience!

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    I have the origina iPhone.
    Downloaded 2.0, synced phone with everything UNchecked. Installed 2.0. Synced with all the options checked to reload my data. The iPhone has been great. Noticed a little lag when I opened contacts. Installed the new upgrade, and everything is back, no lag.
    Edge is Edge and nothing more. It is slow compared to a strong 3g signal. But is liveable most of the time. Heavy traffic can slow it down to barely usable.
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    If you are using Address Book, open it, create a new Group, select all you contacts by click the top one while holding down the shift key and then select the last one. Drag the contacts to the group, then send an e-mail to the group.

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    In Preferences -> Global -> Editing you can choose weather right click is assignable or opens the tools box.
    Not to sure about the score dude

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    If that uses the Android operating system, anything for Android works
    Mobile Apps
    As far as future plans, I don't work for Adobe so have no idea
    https://www.adobe.com/cfusion/mmform/index.cfm?name=wishform for feature requests

  • Problem inserting new node into JTree with depthFirstEnumeration()

    I'm currently trying to use depthFirstEnumeration() to add and delete nodes for a simple JTree. I've written a method to handle this, but it keeps coming back with an exception saying that 'new child is an ancestor'.
    All I'm trying to do is add and delete nodes from a JTree using add and remove buttons within a swing program. When a user adds the new node the JTree needs to be updated with new labels in sequential order dependent upon a depthFirst traversal of the JTree.
    My current code for the add button is as follows,
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) 
            DefaultMutableTreeNode selectedNode = (DefaultMutableTreeNode)tree.getLastSelectedPathComponent();
            Enumeration e = rootNode.depthFirstEnumeration();
                if (selectedNode != null)
                    while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
                    // add the new node as a child of a selected node at the end
                    DefaultMutableTreeNode newNode = (DefaultMutableTreeNode)e.nextElement();
                     // treeModel.insertNodeInto(newNode, selectedNode, selectedNode.getChildCount());
                    //System.out.print(newNode.getUserObject() + "" + newNodeSuffix++);
                    String label = "Node"+i;
                    treeModel.insertNodeInto(newNode, selectedNode, selectedNode.getChildCount());
                      //make the node visible by scrolling to it
                    TreeNode[] totalNodes = treeModel.getPathToRoot(newNode);
                    TreePath path = new TreePath(totalNodes);
            else if(event.getSource().equals(deleteButton))
                //remove the selected node, except the parent node
        } As you can see in the above code, I've tested the incrementing of the new nodes in a System.out.print() statement and they appear to be incrementing correctly. I just can't see how to correctly output the labels for the nodes.
    Any help and advice always appreciated.

    This is about the 5th posting on the same question. Here is the link to the last posting so you can see what has already been suggested so you don't waste your time making the same suggestion.
    The OP doesn't seem to understand that nodes don't just rename themselves and that renderers will only display the text of the current node. If you want the text displayed to changed, then you need to change the text associated with each node, which means iterating through the entire tree to update each node with new text. Then again, maybe I don't understand the question, but the OP keeps posting the same question without any additional information.

  • How to add a new node into existing XML Document

    I have a very simple question. I use XML as input argument for PL/SQL procedure that inserts data into the corresponding table. All I have to do is to add a new tag for Primary Key column and put sequence.NEXTVAL - value into it.
    -- Add <ID_table_name> value </ID_table_name> ??????
    I've parsed XML, but I couldn't find the way how to insert the new NODE.
    If you know how to use packages XMLDOM, XMLParser for this purpose, please help me!
    Oracle version 8.1.7

    DOMParser parser=new DOMParser();
    XMLDocument xmlDocument=parser.getdocument();
    Node node=xmlDocument.selectSingleNode("/ROWSET/ROW");
    Element element=xmlDocument.createElement(String tagName)

  • A simple question on random number generation?

    This is a rather simple question and shows my newbieness quite blatantly!
    I'm trying to generate a random number in a part of a test I have.
    So, I have a little method which looks like this:
    public int getRandomNumber(int number){
            Random random = new Random(number);
            return random.nextInt(number);
        }And in my code I do int random = getRandomNumber(blah)...where blah is always the same number.
    My problem is it always returns the same number. What am I missing here. I was under the impression that nextint(int n) was supposed to generate the number randomly!! Obviously I'm doing something wrong or not using the correct thing. Someone please point out my stupidity and point me in the right direction? Ta

    I think the idea is that Random will generate the same pseudo-random sequence over and over if you don't supply a seed value. (The better to debug with, my dear.) When you're ready to put an app into production, the seed value should be the current system time in milliseconds to guarantee a new sequence with each run.
    Do indeed move Random outside the loop. Think of it like a number factory - instantiate it once and let it pump out the random values for you as needed.

  • SQL Server Distributed Partitioning Views how to add a new node online

    We are using distributed partitioning views in SQL Server 2012 Enterprise Edition for scaling out our data across more than one servers. Now we faced to question how to add a new node (server) into the scale outed db servers system without sending the servers
    down, so our users will be able to use them during the process as well.
    For example we have 4 servers with scaled out data. When we add the new empty server, the CHECKINGs for the partitioning columns should be reorganized. But during the process the partitioning views are not working.
    The High Availability, Always On or Failover Cluster approaches seem are not resolve the problems.
    So my question is how to add new node online?

    Thank you Erland for the reply.
    Yes, it's sounds as possible solution but has some not resolvable nuance in it. Let's say we copied some data from Node5 to new added Node6. Let's assume in Node5 we had data in Table1 with partitioning column's values 100,101,102,103,104,105,106.  Now
    we want to copy part of the rows with partitioning column's values 103,104,105,106 from Node5.Table1 into Node6.Table1. With this Node5 will contain less data and will work more quickly (less IO, less CPU usage etc), and the rest data will be contained on
    Node6. But because of Node5 is already in use, the Node5.Table1 contains CHECK CONSTRAINT = ParttionColumn should be from 100 up to 106. This is check for Node5. The Distributed Partitioning Views are already using the CHECKs to identify what server should
    be used to get data from.
    Now when we copied part of the Node5.Table1 rows to Node6.Table1 the views are still using the 103-106 rows from Node5.Table1 because the CHECK points there. Then we include the newest Node6.Table1 in the distributed partitioning views. OK, but we should
    set some CHECK on new Node6.Table1 which will be used by views. We can't set intersecting checking like Node5 has CHECK 100-106 and Node6 has CHECK 103-106. We also can't edit Node5 check and set it 100-102 untill the data will be removed in it. But this means
    that the data will not be available during the execution. 
    So, any ideas ?

  • Error when adding a new node to RAC 10g

    Hi all,
    I have a RAC 10g environment test in Linux Red Hat Umbreakble 5 with two nodes. This RAC is fine on 2 nodes.
    I want to add a new node (rac3) of the following way:
    - The node 1 (rac1) is started and the instance ORCL1 is online.
    - The node 2 (rac2) is offline. i.e the machine is off.
    - The node 3 (rac3). The machine is on and already configured
    So that when I execute the CRS_home\oui\bin\addnode.bat on node 1 and put the information of node 3 (Public node name, Private node name, Virtual host name) and press next I get the following message:
    OUI-35000: Fatal cluster error encountered (PRKC-1071 Nodes rac2 did not respond to ping in 30 seconds) - Sure: The machine is off;
    My question is: Can´t I add a new node on RAC if a node is off ?
    Anybody can help me.
    (Wander Brazil)

    Interesting question.
    You might have better luck getting an answer if you ask where people discuss RAC, instead of asking where people report documentation issues. (Go to http://forums.oracle.com and scroll down to 'Grid Computing' to see RAC forums.)

  • What will happen if adding a new node with current cluster, while new node's CPU is slower quality?

    Say, I have a 3 nodes RAC, I want to add a new node to current cluster... while the new node's CPUs are slower than the others.. what will happen?
    (my concern is : can I add this new node successfully? if yes, can it anyway improve the whole cluster performance or not?)
    Thank you

    Also you can refer MOS note : RAC: Frequently Asked Questions (Doc ID 220970.1)
    Can I have different servers in my Oracle RAC? Can they be from different vendors? Can they be different sizes?

Maybe you are looking for