
Hi guys,
Imagine I have this XML:
</ANTENNA-MASK-LIST>Is it possible to replace the second comma om each "M" node, with a dot using XMLUPDATE function, or do I need to use PL/SQL?
The output XML should be:
</ANTENNA-MASK-LIST>I'm able to change the content of each node to a fixed value:
(SELECT xmltype(to_clob(
    FROM dual)
select updatexml(mask, '/ANTENNA-MASK-LIST/*/M/text()','test') from tBut I don't know how I can base the replace value with a modification of the current value.
Thanks in advance,

Oh I see. At first glance it looked like you were using the id.
I'm now stuck as this:
SELECT updatexml(xmltype(to_clob('<A><B>4</B><B>6</B></A>')), '/A/B[1]', '11111')
  FROM dualIt replaces the entire node, how can I change the statement in order to replace only the first occurrence ?

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    Handlers are java-classes so I would say yes.
    Classes (including BC4J View and Entity objects) must
    be recompiled and your server should be restarted.
    Anything XML-related (including UIX) does not immediately
    force you to restart OC4J, although the MVC Framework
    descriptor-xml should be reloaded by for instance re-
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    anything in the java-classes.

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    /**the Component*/
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute" xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark" width="1400" backgroundColor="#666666" xmlns:mx2="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" creationComplete="initApp(event)">
        <mx:Style source="map_1.css"/>
        <mx:XML id="customer_info.xml" source="Assets/customer_info.xml" />
                /**Google Map Code API:http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/flash/tutorial-flexbuilder.html#DeclaringMa ps_&
                 _http://www.adobe.com/devnet/flex/articles/googlemaps_api.html */
                import com.google.maps.LatLng;
                import com.google.maps.Map;
                import com.google.maps.MapEvent;
                import com.google.maps.MapType;
                private function onMapReady(event:Event):void {
                        this.map.setCenter(new LatLng(31.683952973286058, -97.09904551506042), 14, MapType.NORMAL_MAP_TYPE);
                            private function processForm(event:Event):void { trace(from.text + " " + to.text); }
                    public var directionsSteps:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();
                    var directions:Directions = new Directions(); directions.addEventListener(DirectionsEvent.DIRECTIONS_SUCCESS, onDirectionsSuccess);
                    directions.addEventListener(DirectionsEvent.DIRECTIONS_FAILURE, onDirectionsFail);directions.load("from: " + from.text + " to: " + to.text);
                    Alert.show("Status:" + event.directions.status);
                    map.clearOverlays(); var directions:Directions = event.directions; var directionsPolyline:IPolyline = directions.createPolyline(); map.addOverlay(directionsPolyline);
                                var directionsBounds:LatLngBounds = directionsPolyline.getLatLngBounds(); map.setCenter(directionsBounds.getCenter()); map.setZoom(map.getBoundsZoomLevel(directionsBounds));
                                var startLatLng:LatLng = dir.getRoute(0).getStep(0).latLng;
                                var endLatLng:LatLng = dir.getRoute(directions.numRoutes-1).endLatLng; map.addOverlay(new Marker(startLatLng)); map.addOverlay(new Marker(endLatLng));
                    for (var r:Number = 0 ; r < directions.numRoutes; r++ ) { var route:Route = directions.getRoute(r); for (var s:Number = 0 ; s < route.numSteps; s++ )
                    { var step:Step = route.getStep(s); directionsSteps.addItem(step);
                                    privatefunction onGridClick(event:Event):void { var latLng:LatLng = directionsGrid.selectedItem.latLng;
                                        var opts:InfoWindowOptions = new InfoWindowOptions(); opts.contentHTML = directionsGrid.selectedItem.descriptionHtml; map.openInfoWindow(latLng, opts);
                                        var ServerPath:String = "http://www.sometext.com/";
                                        var ServerPage:String = serverPath + "getCountries";
                                                var directions:Directions = new Directions(); directions.addEventListener(DirectionsEvent.DIRECTIONS_SUCCESS, onDirectionsSuccess); directions.addEventListener(DirectionsEvent.DIRECTIONS_FAILURE, onDirectionsFail);
                                                directions.load("from: " + from.text + " to: " + to.text);
                                                Alert.show("Status:" + event.directions.status);
                                                map.clearOverlays(); var directions:Directions = event.directions; var directionsPolyline:IPolyline = directions.createPolyline();
                                                var directionsBounds:LatLngBounds = directionsPolyline.getLatLngBounds(); map.setCenter(directionsBounds.getCenter());
                                                var startLatLng:LatLng = dir.getRoute(0).getStep(0).latLng; var endLatLng:LatLng = dir.getRoute(directions.numRoutes-1).endLatLng; map.addOverlay(new Marker(startLatLng));
                                                map.addOverlay(new Marker(endLatLng));
                                                for (var r:Number = 0 ; r < directions.numRoutes; r++ ) { var route:Route = directions.getRoute(r); for (var s:Number = 0 ; s < route.numSteps; s++ )
                                                { var step:Step = route.getStep(s); directionsSteps.addItem(step); } }
                        import flash.events.IOErrorEvent;
                        import flash.events.SecurityErrorEvent;
                                    var sender:URLLoader;
                                    var sendPage:URLRequest;
                                    var sendVars:URLVariables;
                                        function initApp:void {
                                    var ServerPath:String = "http://localhost/silverfoxcc/";
                                    var url:String = serverPath + "login.aspx";
                                    sender = new URLLoader();
                                    sendPage = new URLRequest(url);
                                    sendPage.method = URLRequest.POST;
                                    sendvars = new URLVariables();
                                    SUBMIT.btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHandler);
                                    sender.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, completeHandler);
                                    sender.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, securityErrorhandler);
                                                function clickhandler(e:MouseEvent:void{
                                                    var suppSUBMIT:String = username_txt.text;
                                                    var suppRESET:String = reset_txt.text;
                                                    if (suppSUBMIT.length > 0 && suppRESET.length > 0) {
                                                        message_txt.text = "";
                                                        sendVars.submit = suppSUBMIT;
                                                        sendVars.reset = suppRESET;
                                                        sendPage.data = sendVars;
                                                        message_txt.text ="You must enter a last name and customer identification before clicking the submit button."
                                                  function completeHandler(e:Event):void{
                                                      var xmlResponse:XML = XML(e.target.data;
                                                          var userMessage:String;
                                                          if (xmlResponse.text().toString() == "true") {
                                                              userMessage = "Congratulations, information is retrieved"'';
                                                          else {
                                                              usermessage = "Information to be retrieved failed. Please try again";
                                                                              message_txt.text =userMessage;
                                                                      function ioErrorHandler(e:IOErrorEvent):void{
                                                                          message_txt.text = e.text;
                                                                      function securityErrorHandler(e:SecurityErrorEvent):void {
                                                                          message_txt.text = e.text;
                                                             /**Foundation for Ed: XML & E4X-Chapter 9: COMMUNICATION WITH THE SERVER*/
                                                              import mx.events.FlexEvent;
                                                              import xmlUtilities.XMLLoader;
                                                              import flash.events.IOErrorEvent;
                                                              import flash.events.SecurityErrorEvent
                                                              private var serverPath:String = "http://localhost/FOE/";
                                                              private function initApp(e:FlexEvent):void {
                                                                  myXMLLoader = new XMLLoader();
                                                                  myXMLLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, completeHandler);
                                                                  myXMLLoader.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_Error, IOErrorHandler);
                                                                  SUBMIT.btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHandler);
                                                                          private function completeHandler(e:Event):void{
                                                                              var userMessage:String;
                                                                              var response:String =myXMLLoader.response().toString();
                                                                              if (response:String = myXMLLoader.response().toString();
                                                                                  if (response == true"){
                                                                                         usermessage = "Congratualtions. You were successful";
                                                                                            userMessage = Login failed. Please try again";
                                                                                      message_txt.text = userMessage;
                                                                                  private function clickHandler(e:MouseEvent):void{
                                                                                      var SUBMIT:String = submit_txt.text;
                                                                                      var RESET:String = reset_txt.text;
                                                                                      vars myVars:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
                                                                                      if (username.length > 0 && password.length > 0) {
                                                                                          myVars.SUBMIT = submit;
                                                                                          myVars.CUSTMER ID = customerid;
                                                                                          myXMLLOADER.loafxml("login.aspx, myVars);
                                                                                            else {
                                                                                             message_txt.text = "You must enter a last name and customer id before clicking the submit button"
                                                                                  private function IOErrorHandler(e:IOErrorEvent):void{
                                                                                      message_txt.text = e.text;
                                                                                  private function securityErrorHandler(e:SecurityErrorEvent):void{
                                                                                      message_txt.text = e.text;
                                                                            /**Foundation for Ed: XML & E4X-Chapter 8: MODIFYING XML CONTENT WITH ACTIONSCRIPT 3.0*/
                                                                                import mx.events.FlexEvent;
                                                                                import mx.events.ListEvent;
                                                                                import mx.collections.XMLListCollection;
                                                                                import xmlUtilities.MyXMLLoaderHelper;
                                                                                import mx.events.FlexEvent;
                                                                                import mx.events.DataGridEvent;
                                                                                private function initApp(e:Event):void {
                                                                                /add testing lines here
                                                                                            private var myXMLLoader:MyXMLLoaderHelper;
                                                                                            private function initApp(e:FlexEvent):void {
                                                                                                 myXMLLoader = new MyXMLLoaderHelper();
                                                                                                 myXMLLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, completeHandler);
                                                                                                 myXMLLoader.addEventListener("xmlUpdated", xmlUpdatedHandler);
                                                                                                 authors_cbo.addEventListener(ListEvent.CHANGE, changeHandler);
                                                                                                 addRow_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, addClickHandler);
                                                                                                 delete_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, deleteClickHandler);
                                                                                                 books_dg.addEventListener(DataGridEvent.ITEM_EDIT_END, itemEditEndHandler);
                                                                                                 authors_cbo.labelFunction = getFullName;
                                                                                                 myXMLLoader.loadXML("Assets/customer_info.xml", "lastname");
                                                                                            private function completeHandler(e:Event):void {
                                                                                                 authors_cbo.dataProvider = myXMLLoader.getChildElements("author");
                                                                                                 tree_txt.text = myXMLLoader.getXML().toXMLString();
                                                                                                 books_dg.dataProvider = myXMLLoader.getBooks(0);
                                                                                            private function getFullName(item:Object):String {
                                                                                              return item.authorFirstName + " " + item.customerLastName;
                                                                                            private function changeHandler(e:Event):void {
                                                                                                 books_dg.dataProvider = myXMLLoader.getBooks(e.target.selectedIndex);
                                                                                            private function addClickHandler(e:MouseEvent):void {
                                                                                              var newBookName:String = name_txt.text;
                                                                                              var newPublishYear:String = year_txt.text;
                                                                                              var newBookCost:String = cost_txt.text;
                                                                                              var authorIndex:int = authors_cbo.selectedIndex;
                                                                                              if(newBookName.length > 0 && newPublishYear.length > 0 && newBookCost.length > 0) {
                                                                                                 myXMLLoader.addBook(authorIndex, newBookName, newPublishYear, newBookCost);
                                                                                            private function deleteClickHandler(e:MouseEvent):void {
                                                                                              var bookIndex:int = books_dg.selectedIndex;
                                                                                              var authorIndex:int = authors_cbo.selectedIndex;;
                                                                                              if (books_dg.selectedIndex != -1) {
                                                                                                 myXMLLoader.deleteBook(authorIndex, bookIndex);
                                                                                            private function itemEditEndHandler(e:DataGridEvent):void {
                                                                                              var authorIndex:int = authors_cbo.selectedIndex;
                                                                                              var dg:DataGrid = e.target as DataGrid;
                                                                                              var field:String = e.dataField;
                                                                                              var row:int = e.rowIndex;
                                                                                              var col:int = e.columnIndex;
                                                                                              var oldVal:String = e.itemRenderer.data[field];
                                                                                              var newVal:String = dg.itemEditorInstance[dg.columns[col].editorDataField];
                                                                                              if (oldVal != newVal) {
                                                                                                   myXMLLoader.modifyXMLTree(authorIndex, dg.columns[col].dataField, row, newVal)
                                                                                            private function xmlUpdatedHandler(e:Event):void {
                                                                                                 books_dg.dataProvider = myXMLLoader.getBooks(authors_cbo.selectedIndex);
                                                                                                 tree_txt.text = myXMLLoader.getXML().toXMLString();
        <s:Panel x="9" y="257" width="459" height="383" contentBackgroundColor="#666666" backgroundColor="#666666" chromeColor="#FCF6F6" title="DIRECTIONS TO SILVER FOX COLLISION CENTER:" fontSize="14">
            <s:TextInput x="55" y="7" contentBackgroundColor="#030000" height="17" width="392"/>
            <mx:Label x="3" y="6" text="FROM:" fontSize="14" color="#FDF9F9"/>
            <s:TextInput x="1114" y="637" contentBackgroundColor="#FCF7F7" height="17" width="213"/>
            <s:Button x="1337" y="634" label="GET DIRECTIONS" focusColor="#FBFCFD" chromeColor="#666666" color="#FEFEFE" width="141" fontSize="14"/>
            <mx:Label x="1088" y="637" text="TO:" fontSize="12" color="#FDFBFB"/>
            <s:Button x="295" y="56" label="GET DIRECTIONS" focusColor="#FBFCFD" chromeColor="#666666" color="#FEFEFE" width="157" fontSize="12"/>
            <s:TextInput x="55" y="31" contentBackgroundColor="#070000" height="17" width="392"/>
            <mx:Label x="25" y="30" text="TO:" fontSize="14" color="#FDFBFB"/>
        <mx2:DataGrid x="10" y="54" width="458" height="104" color="#666666" contentBackgroundColor="#060000" borderColor="#030000" fontSize="8" focusColor="#666666" chromeColor="#030000" selectionColor="#666666" dropShadowVisible="true" rollOverColor="#FFFFFF">
                <mx2:DataGridColumn headerText="LAST NAME:" dataField="col1"/>
                <mx2:DataGridColumn headerText="DESIGNATED DUE DATE:" dataField="col2"/>
                <mx2:DataGridColumn headerText="STATUS UPDATED:" dataField="col3"/>
                <mx2:DataGridColumn headerText="CUSTOMER ID:" dataField="col3"/>
        <mx:Text id="directionsSummary" width="100%"/> <mx:DataGrid id="directionsGrid" dataProvider="{directionsSteps}" width="100%" height="100%" sortableColumns="false" />
        <mx:Text id="directionsCopyright" width="100%"/>
        <mx:HBox> <mx:Label text="From: " width="70"/> <mx:TextInput id="from" text="San Francisco, CA" width="100%"/> </mx:HBox>
        <mx:HBox> <mx:Label text="To: " width="70"/> <mx:TextInput id="to" text="Mountain View, CA" width="100%"/> </mx:HBox>
        <s:Label x="11" y="38" text="LAST NAME:" color="#FCFBFB" fontSize="14" verticalAlign="top"/>
        <s:TextArea x="96" y="32" width="145" height="18" focusColor="#FCFAFA" color="#010000" contentBackgroundColor="#000000" id="message_txt" text="{xmlService.lastResult.toString()}>
        <s:Label x="273" y="37" text="CUSTOMER ID;" fontSize="14" color="#FDFBFB"/>
        <s:TextInput x="376" y="32" width="89" height="18" focusColor="#FCF9F9" color="#FAF8F8" contentBackgroundColor="#040000"/>
        <s:Button x="318" y="212" label="RESET" focusColor="#F8FAFB" color="#FEFBFB" chromeColor="#666666" fontSize="12"/>
        <s:Button x="393" y="212" label="SUBMIT" focusColor="#F8F9FA" color="#FFFBFB" chromeColor="#666666" fontSize="12"/>
        <s:TextArea x="10" y="160" width="458" height="48" color="#FEF8F8" contentBackgroundColor="#050000"/>
        <mx:Panel x="483" y="31" width="750" height="609" layout="absolute" backgroundColor="#666666" borderVisible="true" dropShadowVisible="true" chromeColor="#FDF9F9">
            <mx:VBox x="26" y="7" height="559" width="708">
                <maps:Map xmlns:maps="com.google.maps.*" id="map" mapevent_mapready="onMapReady(event)" x="500" y="25" width="700" height="550" key="ABQIAAAA9YXHa-b0xqHBMiooUNYUbhRpa9TAnukyOWjhoGl3Y9H2BJoi9xSrm6cnM0lBZ4lCtqRLxKpQK_eb Rg" sensor="true"/>
    /**the AIR APPLICATION*/
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:WindowedApplication xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
                           xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" backgroundColor="#666666" width="854" height="348" creationComplete="initApp(event)">
        <s:HTTPService id="customer_info" url="data/customer_info.xml" resultFormat="e4x" result="resultHandler(event)"/>
            /**FLEX 4 Bible: Chapter 24- Managing XML w/ E4X*/
            private var xmlData:XML;
            private function resultHandler(event:ResultEvent):void
                xmlData = event.result as XML:
            <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
        <mx:Image source="@Embed('Assets/logo.png')" x="1" y="0" width="760" height="168"/>
        <s:Label x="96" y="126" text="Last Name:&#xd;" color="#FFFFFF" fontSize="20" fontFamily="Times New Roman"/>
        <s:Label x="13" y="218" text="Designated Due Date:&#xd;" fontSize="20" fontFamily="Times New Roman" color="#FBF8F8"/>
        <s:Label x="63" y="186" text="Status Updated:&#xd;" color="#FCF5F5" fontSize="20" fontFamily="Times New Roman"/>
        <s:TextInput x="192" y="125" width="196"/>
        <s:TextInput x="193" y="215" width="195"/>
        <s:TextInput x="193" y="185" width="195"/>
        <s:Label x="80" y="158" text="Customer ID:" color="#FDFCFC" fontSize="20" fontFamily="Times New Roman"/>
        <s:TextInput x="192" y="155" width="196"/>
        <s:Button x="243" y="241" label="RESET"/>
        <s:Button x="317" y="241" label="UPDATE" focusColor="#666666"/>
    /**the Customer Information XML*/
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
            <name namesID="1">
                    <customerid customerID="1">

    Hi All,
    please note that we found the problem. The problem was that we didn't configure under:
    "Configuration-> Security -> Message Security -> SOAP" the voprrect provider to handle the security.
    After that was done (extract of domain.xml) the message was understood.
    <provider-config class-name="com.sun.identity.agents.jsr196.as9soap.AMServerAuthModule" provider-id="AMServerProvider-UserNameToken-Plain" provider-type="server">
                <request-policy auth-source="content"/>
                <response-policy auth-source="content"/>
                <property name="providername" value="UserNameToken-Plain"/>
              </provider-config>unfortunately the next problem occured I will post in a new thread.
    Edited by: rankin_ut on Jan 26, 2009 4:43 AM

  • Binding to remote Oracle DB

    I have successfully added a new datasource to my project that connects to a remote oracle database. I used the same settings that I do in Eclipse. The test connection worked fine. I was also able to click on the button to select a validation table from the Add DataSource dialog. This worked as well.
    But when I try to expand the new DataSource node whether from the Servers pallete or from the bind to data provider from a component the IDE seems to hang. It no longer responds and if I switch to another program and come back I just see a grey backgound.
    When I right click on the datasource node and choose view data I am able to perform queries with no problem.
    Here is what I see in the log file that may be useful:
    INFORMATIONAL *********** Exception occurred ************ at 4:23 PM on Aug 6, 2007
    Annotation: URL: http://www.netbeans.org/updates/creator/2_1/en/catalog_Windows_x86.xml?unique=345793752
    java.net.UnknownHostException: www.netbeans.org
         at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.connect(PlainSocketImpl.java:177)
         at java.net.Socket.connect(Socket.java:507)
         at java.net.Socket.connect(Socket.java:457)
         at sun.net.NetworkClient.doConnect(NetworkClient.java:157)
         at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.openServer(HttpClient.java:365)
         at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.openServer(HttpClient.java:477)
         at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.<init>(HttpClient.java:214)
         at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.New(HttpClient.java:287)
         at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.New(HttpClient.java:299)
         at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getNewHttpClient(HttpURLConnection.java:792)
         at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.plainConnect(HttpURLConnection.java:744)
         at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.connect(HttpURLConnection.java:669)
         at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream(HttpURLConnection.java:913)
         at com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.impl.XMLEntityManager.setupCurrentEntity(XMLEntityManager.java:973)
         at com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.impl.XMLVersionDetector.determineDocVersion(XMLVersionDetector.java:184)
         at com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.parsers.XML11Configuration.parse(XML11Configuration.java:798)
         at com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.parsers.XML11Configuration.parse(XML11Configuration.java:764)
         at com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.parsers.XMLParser.parse(XMLParser.java:148)
         at com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.parsers.DOMParser.parse(DOMParser.java:250)
         at com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.jaxp.DocumentBuilderImpl.parse(DocumentBuilderImpl.java:292)
         at org.netbeans.updater.XMLUtil.parse(XMLUtil.java:73)
         at org.netbeans.modules.autoupdate.XMLUpdates.parseDocumentImpl(XMLUpdates.java:359)
    [catch] at org.netbeans.modules.autoupdate.XMLUpdates.parseDocument(XMLUpdates.java:335)
         at org.netbeans.modules.autoupdate.XMLUpdates.access$500(XMLUpdates.java:38)
         at org.netbeans.modules.autoupdate.XMLUpdates$2.run(XMLUpdates.java:190)
         at org.openide.util.Task.run(Task.java:189)
         at org.openide.util.RequestProcessor$Task.run(RequestProcessor.java:330)
         at org.openide.util.RequestProcessor$Processor.run(RequestProcessor.java:721)
    You are trying to access file: local-logging.properties from the default package.
    Please see http://www.netbeans.org/download/dev/javadoc/OpenAPIs/org/openide/doc-files/classpath.html#default_package
    You are trying to access file: logging.properties from the default package.
    Please see http://www.netbeans.org/download/dev/javadoc/OpenAPIs/org/openide/doc-files/classpath.html#default_package
    Any help would be greatly appreciated as I have really been enjoying working with this IDE up to this point.

    Never mind. It finally worked. I just needed to go and workout and when I got back viola the tree for the datasource node was expanded. Hope I can figure out how to speed things up.

  • Sun Download Center Maintenance

    The Sun Download Center will be unavailable Wednesday, July 21, from 4:00 � 6:30 PM (PDT) due to scheduled maintenance. Downloading releases and updates of Sun Java Studio products will not be possible during this time.

    The update center for Java Studio Creator continues to fail... the error in the IDE log is:
    java.io.IOException: Server returned HTTP response code: 500 for URL: http://www
    =creator&osname=Linux&osarch=i386&osversion=2.4.20-31.9smp&sn=<SERIAL NUMBER REMOVED FOR SECURITY REASONS>
    at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream(HttpURLConnecti
    at org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLEntityManager.setupCurrentEntity(Unknown Source)
    at org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLVersionDetector.determineDocVersion(Unknown Sour
    at org.apache.xerces.parsers.XML11Configuration.parse(Unknown Source)
    at org.apache.xerces.parsers.XML11Configuration.parse(Unknown Source) at org.apache.xerces.parsers.XMLParser.parse(Unknown Source)
    at org.apache.xerces.parsers.DOMParser.parse(Unknown Source)
    at org.apache.xerces.jaxp.DocumentBuilderImpl.parse(Unknown Source)
    [catch] at org.openide.xml.XMLUtil.parse(Unknown Source)
    at org.netbeans.modules.autoupdate.XMLUpdates.parseDocument(Unknown Source)
    at org.netbeans.modules.autoupdate.XMLUpdates.access$500(Unknown Source)
    at org.netbeans.modules.autoupdate.XMLUpdates$2.run(Unknown Source)
    at org.openide.util.Task.run(Unknown Source)
    at org.openide.util.RequestProcessor$Task.run(Unknown Source)
    at org.openide.util.RequestProcessor$Processor.run(Unknown Source)
    Any ideas?

  • Is the new Update  not for OS X

    JSC 2004 Q2 ML - not trial
    Just trying to download the new patch - but no dice.
    unable to connect to update center - no proxy ...
    Any idee why it is not working
    Or even better any place to download the update mauallly

    Well its not
    but Seeing how bad Update center works, i took a look at my log file
    maybe QA want to take a closer look at this:
    INFORMATIONAL *********** Exception occurred ************ at Thu Oct 28 12:36:23 CEST 2004
    Annotation: URL: http://www.sun.com/applink?SunDispatchService=qmds&SunDispatchSubService=creatorcatalog&SunDispatchVersion=1.0&idev=4.26.2&auv=&lc=no&ibr=creator&osname=Mac+OS+X&osarch=ppc&osversion=10.3.5&sn=myserialnumberherexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Premature end of file.
         at org.apache.xerces.parsers.DOMParser.parse(Unknown Source)
         at org.apache.xerces.jaxp.DocumentBuilderImpl.parse(Unknown Source)
    [catch] at org.openide.xml.XMLUtil.parse(Unknown Source)
         at org.netbeans.modules.autoupdate.XMLUpdates.parseDocument(Unknown Source)
         at org.netbeans.modules.autoupdate.XMLUpdates.access$500(Unknown Source)
         at org.netbeans.modules.autoupdate.XMLUpdates$2.run(Unknown Source)
         at org.openide.util.Task.run(Unknown Source)
         at org.openide.util.RequestProcessor$Task.run(Unknown Source)
         at org.openide.util.RequestProcessor$Processor.run(Unknown Source)

  • Oracle XMLtype data type

    Latest Powerbuilder 12.5.2
    Oracle 11g
    How can I update a XMLType column?
    can select it, but errors on update.

    Sorry about that, I got the information from this link:
    XMLType Operations
    I guess we need to get the right syntax in sqlplus (or equivalent) then map that to PB.
    The other alternative is to create a procedure to do the update for you, pass in a clob and convert that. The 4k limit you are seeing is the limit on a varchar2. All the xml work I have done has involved endless conversions.
    CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE xmlupdate (xmlin IN CLOB, xmlout OUT CLOB)
       txml           XMLTYPE;
    -- Convert Clob Received into an XML document
       txml := xmltype (xmlin);

  • Update XML

    I have a question for updating an xml document.
    I will show it on an example. I have follow xml document as xml type in the db.
    I know how to update the existing elements(change the EMPNAME or SALSRY) but how can i add a new EMP. The result should like this:
    <--begin new element -->
    <-- end new element -->
    Is this possible with XMLupdate???

    Sorry Wrong forum. I will add it to XML DB.

  • XML Update

    I have a question for updating an xml document.
    I will show it on an example. I have follow xml document as xml type in the db.
    I know how to update the existing elements(change the EMPNAME or SALSRY) but how can i add a new EMP. The result should like this:
    <--begin new element -->
    <-- end new element -->
    Is this possible with XMLupdate???

    Today in 9.2 and 10.1 you have to the DBMS_XMLDOM package. In 10.2 there will be new SQL functions insertChildXML(), appendChildXML() deleteXML() to do this

  • Xpath help needed

    Hi all.
    I'm totally stuck on what should(?) be a simple problem.
    We are provided with an external XML file which references a local(their local) schema etc.
    What I'd like to do is remove or update all the attributes passed in -
    the file starts as
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <RegistrationMessage xmlns="http://www.dca.gov.uk/xmlschemas/libra" xmlns:apd="http://www.govtalk.gov.uk/people/AddressAndPersonalDetails" xmlns:bsa="http://www.govtalk.gov.uk/people/bs7666" xmlns:cor="http://www.govtalk.gov.uk/core" xmlns:fin="http://www.govtalk.gov.uk/financial/GDSCFinancialTypes" xmlns:org="http://www.govtalk.gov.uk/financial/OrganisationIdentifiers" xmlns:pds="http://www.govtalk.gov.uk/people/PersonDescriptives" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.dca.gov.uk/xmlschemas/libra H:\General\General\XML-Files\LibraSchemas\FixedPenaltyOffice170504\DCA-Libra-FixedPenaltyRegistration-v0-3c.xsd" Flow="RegistrationsForTheCourt" Interface="LibraFixedPenaltyOffice" SchemaVersion="0.3c">
    and I'd quite happily strip all the attributes except the namespace - we validate it against a registered schema later.
    I'm quite a beginner at XMLDB, but from my reading of XPATH I expected that
    '/RegistrationMessage[@*]' would select just the attributes, but xmlupdate or xmldelete seem to hit all of the file
    Can anyone suggest the correct way to hit just these attributes?
    Many thanks

    Which version are you working with
    This works
    SQL> with XML as
      2  (
      3  select XMLTYPE(
      4  '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      5  <RegistrationMessage xmlns="http://www.dca.gov.uk/xmlschemas/libra" xmlns:apd="http://www.govtalk.gov.uk/people/AddressAndPerso
    nalDetails" xmlns:bsa="http://www.govtalk.gov.uk/people/bs7666" xmlns:cor="http://www.govtalk.gov.uk/core" xmlns:fin="http://www.gov
    talk.gov.uk/financial/GDSCFinancialTypes" xmlns:org="http://www.govtalk.gov.uk/financial/OrganisationIdentifiers" xmlns:pds="http://
    www.govtalk.gov.uk/people/PersonDescriptives" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.d
    ca.gov.uk/xmlschemas/libra H:\General\General\XML-Files\LibraSchemas\FixedPenaltyOffice170504\DCA-Libra-FixedPenaltyRegistration-v0-
    3c.xsd" Flow="RegistrationsForTheCourt" Interface="LibraFixedPenaltyOffice" SchemaVersion="0.3c">
      6     <Registration>
      7             <CTOcode>ABC01C</CTOcode>
      8     </Registration>
      9  </RegistrationMessage>') as OBJECT_VALUE from dual
    10  )
    11  select deleteXML
    12         (
    13            object_value,
    14            '/RegistrationMessage/@*',
    15            'xmlns="http://www.dca.gov.uk/xmlschemas/libra"'
    16         )
    17    from XML
    18  /
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="WINDOWS-1252"?>
    <RegistrationMessage xmlns="http://www.dca.gov.uk/xmlschemas/libra" xmlns:apd="h
    ttp://www.govtalk.gov.uk/people/AddressAndPersonalDetails" xmlns:bsa="http://www
    .govtalk.gov.uk/people/bs7666" xmlns:cor="http://www.govtalk.gov.uk/core" xmlns:
    fin="http://www.govtalk.gov.uk/financial/GDSCFinancialTypes" xmlns:org="http://w
    ww.govtalk.gov.uk/financial/OrganisationIdentifiers" xmlns:pds="http://www.govta
    lk.gov.uk/people/PersonDescriptives" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema
    SQL>Note that those peski namespace prefix mappings that start with xmlns: are not really attributes, so you cannot remove them, if that's what you were trying to do, so you are going to have to make sure that you provide namespace prefix mapping to the other operations on the document

  • Cannot connect to update center

    I can't connect to JSC2 Update 1 Update center, even though i've setup the proxy setting and proxy port.. Last week I can connect to the Update center, it's prompt a username and password, but now I can't connect.
    Is there any log file for updating JSC2 Update1? I;ve tried delete .Creator folder on my Documents and Settings..
    What's wrong with my JSC?

    I got the same problem, when I saw the JSC Log Windows, it said like this..
    Annotation: URL: http://www.netbeans.org/updates/creator/2_1/en/catalog_Windows_x86.xml?unique=1854890396
    java.io.IOException: Server returned HTTP response code: 407 for URL: http://www.netbeans.org/updates/creator/2_1/en/catalog_Windows_x86.xml?unique=1854890396
            at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream(HttpURLConnection.java:1149)
            at com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.impl.XMLEntityManager.setupCurrentEntity(XMLEntityManager.java:973)
            at com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.impl.XMLVersionDetector.determineDocVersion(XMLVersionDetector.java:184)
            at com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.parsers.XML11Configuration.parse(XML11Configuration.java:798)
            at com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.parsers.XML11Configuration.parse(XML11Configuration.java:764)
            at com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.parsers.XMLParser.parse(XMLParser.java:148)
            at com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.parsers.DOMParser.parse(DOMParser.java:250)
            at com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.jaxp.DocumentBuilderImpl.parse(DocumentBuilderImpl.java:292)
            at org.netbeans.updater.XMLUtil.parse(XMLUtil.java:73)
            at org.netbeans.modules.autoupdate.XMLUpdates.parseDocumentImpl(XMLUpdates.java:359)
    [catch] at org.netbeans.modules.autoupdate.XMLUpdates.parseDocument(XMLUpdates.java:335)
            at org.netbeans.modules.autoupdate.XMLUpdates.access$500(XMLUpdates.java:38)
            at org.netbeans.modules.autoupdate.XMLUpdates$2.run(XMLUpdates.java:190)
            at org.openide.util.Task.run(Task.java:189)
            at org.openide.util.RequestProcessor$Task.run(RequestProcessor.java:330)
            at org.openide.util.RequestProcessor$Processor.run(RequestProcessor.java:721)anyone can help us?
    Message was edited by:

  • Piecewise Insert into structured storage

    I understand that XMLUPDATE can handle piecewise update, but what do I do for piecewise insert. I want to add a sub-tree (document fragment) conformant with the registered schema to the xml document, without re-writing the whole (possibly very, very large and growing) document, and retaining all the power and abstraction of structured storage.
    It would be nice to get an XMLType via an XPath select, get the DOM object from the XMLTYpe, operate on the DOM, and see those changes reflected in the database. I can do all that, but the changes to the DOM seem to be in-memory only.
    How do I add a sub-node to an existing structured document?

    Oracle version is
    Metalink found three bugs related to the error ORA-00600: Interner Fehlercode, Argumente: [qmxConvUnkType], [], [], [], [],
    The bugs are:
    Well, I have to look round in XML DB Forum yet.

  • Why is this table trigger not firing when insert/update from servlet?

    I have this servlet that parses XML and stores values into Oracle tables. I have created a table trigger so that when one table is updated, a trigger is fired and the current system date is store in another table's field.
    I have tested the trigger in Toad and it works, that is, if I update the table that the trigger is set to, the SYSDATE is stored as intended.
    Here is the trigger's code:
    tmpVar NUMBER;
    NAME: transaction_time
    Ver Date Author Description
    1.0 9/14/2007 1. Created this trigger.
    Automatically available Auto Replace Keywords:
    Object Name: transaction_time
    Sysdate: 9/14/2007
    Date and Time: 9/14/2007, 8:00:42 AM, and 9/14/2007 8:00:42 AM
    Username: (set in TOAD Options, Proc Templates)
    Table Name: MS_RESLIMITS (set in the "New PL/SQL Object" dialog)
    Trigger Options: (set in the "New PL/SQL Object" dialog)
    tmpVar := 0;
    UPDATE MS_Misc SET mi_lastrun = SYSDATE;
    -- Consider logging the error and then re-raise
    END transaction_time;
    Now, when the table is updated by the servlet, the trigger does not fire. And here is the code from the servlet:
    --- <start of code> ---
    boolean recordExists =
    this.isRecordPresent("MS_ResLimits", "rl_compcode",
    compCode, url);
    Connection rlConn = null;
    try {
    rlConn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, dbUser,
    Statement stmt = rlConn.createStatement();
    PreparedStatement xmlUpdate = null;
    if (recordExists) {
    xmlUpdate =
    rlConn.prepareStatement("UPDATE MS_ResLimits SET rl_compcode = ?, rl_maxreslimit= ? WHERE rl_compcode =?");
    xmlUpdate.setString(1, compCode);
    xmlUpdate.setString(2, maximumReservationDate);
    xmlUpdate.setString(3, compCode);
    } else {
    xmlUpdate =
    rlConn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO MS_ResLimits VALUES(?,?)");
    xmlUpdate.setString(1, compCode);
    xmlUpdate.setString(2, maximumReservationDate);
    } //end-if-else
    int n = xmlUpdate.executeUpdate();
    } catch (Exception ex) {
    out.println(ex.toString() +
    "-> error inserting Max Reservation Date<br>");
    } finally {
    if (rlConn != null) {
    } //end-try-catch-finally
    --- <end of code> ---
    What causes the trigger to fire? the commit? My understanding is that executeUpdates are in autocommit mode by default, or am I mistaken? Do I have to programmatically send something to the DB so that the trigger fires?
    BTW, I'm using JDeveloper The project is being compiled with Java 1.5.0_06. The servlet is running in OCJ4 standalone. DB is 10g (don't know the release version).
    ...and, for some reason this message is not keeping format from my edit window to the post...
    Message was edited by:
    Message was edited by:
    Message was edited by:

    You are supposed to be able to preserve you formatting using the <pre></pre> tags but I can't get this to work either<br>

  • Insensitive Sort in DataGrid

    Hi All,
    Is there a property that can be set to provide for a
    case-insensitive sort? or do I need to create a custom sort compare

    I imagine the datagrid is resetting when you reassign its dataProvider.
    If you use a single instance of XMLListCollection as the dataProvider
    for the grid and assign your XML data to the XMLListCollection's
    'source' property, your data will update without the grid resetting.
    Here's a very simple example:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
             import mx.collections.XMLListCollection;
             private var xmlOriginal : XML =
                   <item name="Alpha" letter="Z"/>
                   <item name="Beta" letter="P"/>
                   <item name="Gamma" letter="X"/>
                   <item name="Delta" letter="P"/>
             private var xmlUpdated : XML =
                   <item name="Alpha" letter="F"/>
                   <item name="Beta" letter="U"/>
                   <item name="Gamma" letter="A"/>
                   <item name="Delta" letter="P"/>
                   <item name="Epsilon" letter="F"/>
             private function setDataProvider() : void
                dataGrid.dataProvider = new XMLListCollection( xmlOriginal..item );
          label="Simulate Update"
          click="XMLListCollection( dataGrid.dataProvider ).source = xmlUpdated..item"/>

  • Unable to contact update center after installing ML update

    I have a licensed version of Java Studio Creator. Yesterday, I downloaded and installed the Multilanguage version of Java Studio Creator, after uninstalling the old one. Now, every time I try to update JSC, it give an error: unable to conatact update center and the following exception is thrown:
    Annotation: URL: http://www.sun.com/applink?SunDispatchService=qmds&SunDispatchSubService=creatorcatalog&SunDispatchVersion=1.0&idev=4.26.2&auv=&lc=en&ibr=creator&osname=Windows+2000&osarch=x86&osversion=5.0&sn=(I have removed this)
    org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Premature end of file.
         at org.apache.xerces.parsers.DOMParser.parse(Unknown Source)
         at org.apache.xerces.jaxp.DocumentBuilderImpl.parse(Unknown Source)
    [catch] at org.openide.xml.XMLUtil.parse(Unknown Source)
         at org.netbeans.modules.autoupdate.XMLUpdates.parseDocument(Unknown Source)
         at org.netbeans.modules.autoupdate.XMLUpdates.access$500(Unknown Source)
         at org.netbeans.modules.autoupdate.XMLUpdates$2.run(Unknown Source)
         at org.openide.util.Task.run(Unknown Source)
         at org.openide.util.RequestProcessor$Task.run(Unknown Source)
         at org.openide.util.RequestProcessor$Processor.run(Unknown Source)I have already posted this on another thread,
    but that seems to have diverted to other issues.

    This is on the update center side of things. Even if you were to get a response (instead of an error) the response would be an empty update catalog (no updates available). This problem will be resolved before any updates are available, so don't worry about missing updates.

Maybe you are looking for

  • Moving folders?

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    I am unable to find something that points to the source of an error seen in the Backup tab of my FMS Web Client. I am using OracleXE with FMS 5.01a (switch firmware is 4.2.3) I am trying to backup the running config to my TFTP host (defined as my FMS

  • Scaling text

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  • Can't sync my ipad2, itunes quits, what's up?

    I'm using windows 7 x 64 and all had been working until today I tried to sync my ipad2 and itunes through and error and shutdown.  I then tried to work with itunes on my account (using windows 7) and even after verification of my account itunes would