XP Svc Pack 3 Errors wlanapi.dll

I am running Windows XP Service Pack 3 and recently upgraded to a WRT110 wireless router.  Every time I start my pc, I get 2 error messages.
'The procedure entry point apsSearchInterface could not be located in the dynamic link library wlanapi.dll.'
'the procedure entry point apsIntialize could not be located in the dynamic link library wlanapi.dll.'
How to I correct this issue?

This is basically the problem with the Wireless Adapters Drivers on your Computer, As you have upgraded to SP3, may be your wireless adapter drivers must have not got configured properly.
To Download the wlanapi.dll click Here.

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    Click here and follow the instructions. You may need to completely remove and reinstall iTunes and all related components, or run the process multiple times; this won't normally affect its library, but that should be backed up anyway.

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    Hi All !
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    For general advice see Troubleshooting issues with iTunes for Windows updates.
    The steps in the second box are a guide to removing everything related to iTunes and then rebuilding it which is often a good starting point unless the symptoms indicate a more specific approach. Review the other boxes and the list of support documents further down the page in case one of them applies.
    Your library should be unaffected by these steps but there is backup and recovery advice elsewhere in the user tip.
    If you are running 64-bit Windows and the above steps haven't helped try installing the version of iTunes that can be downloaded from this support document. iTunes 12.1 for Windows (64-bit — for older video cards)
    If you still have no luck try reinstalling iTunes 12.0, links in the user tip.

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    Click here and follow the instructions. You may need to completely remove and reinstall iTunes and all related components, or run the process multiple times; this won't normally affect its library, but that should be backed up anyway.

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    23   19:15:34 Error:
         Error while executing "DATASAVE("Brake_1231")" command
         Error type: ACCESS VIOLATION
         Error address: 00009E81
         Module name:kernel32.dll
    24   19:15:34 Error:
         Error in <Rumore.VBS> (Line: 234, Column: 5):
         Error while executing "DATASAVE("Brake_1231")" command
         Error type: ACCESS VIOLATION
         Error address: 00009E81
         Module name:kernel32.dll
    25   19:16:08 Error:
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         Error type: ACCESS VIOLATION
         Error address: 000631BA
         Module name:gfsdesk.DLL
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    Hello MicheleS! Hello Brad!
    In the past I ran several times into the same strange error messages. The DATASAVE AV was never the reason, but it was always the symptom for a corrupt memory content. In my case it was caused by extension DLLs (GPI) I used (and developed).
    I recommend to find the reason for the 'mfc71u.dll' AV.
    Matthias Alleweldt
    Project Engineer / Projektingenieur

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    has been previously installed on the same host. A workaround is, when
    the error message displays, you DON'T press ok, but search your
    computer for the missing file (usually found in temp-directory).
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    can press the OK button and the installation will fail. Re-install
    the calendar server, this time the installation won't fail.

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    File 'C:\TEMP\RegUtils.dll' can not be found. Make sure the file is on the target system or installed already.
    I searched www.installshield.com since the error is an installer error and the installer is InstallShield. NO results found there either.
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    lvrt_err_log.txt ‏66 KB

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    Application running on PXI consist of several never-ending loop, one of this is a time-critical loop where I from CAN, DAQ, and I send data via CAN. There is other Hardware-timed loop that comunicate via TCP/IP with PLC and with host computer (but application on host is not developed with LV, use a client socket to comunicate with PXI for reading data).
    Error Log show alwayis the same error, and for my opionon, there is no relation for when the event occur, can be in any moment.
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    Strange is that error position is always at 0x1924000, in all the error log!
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    Enabling the debug mode, It's possible to have more information about the problem without changing the performance of the system?
    Thank's for you help!
    img1.JPG ‏36 KB
    img2.JPG ‏28 KB
    img3.JPG ‏29 KB

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    Adobe Photoshop CS4 English Language Pack
    Error 2.
    LangPack (English) for DeviceCentral
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    Anyone have any suggestions. I noticed that even though i uninstalled pshop, bridge CS3 is still functioning.

    Problem Solved:
    I finally spoke to a US tech guy.
    He acknowledged I had tried all the simple and radical fixes, so he suggested I upgrade to XP service pack 3 and also to download the CS4 extended again. I did both.
    I used Beyond Compare to do a CRC comparison between the old and new Software which found no differences.
    I restored my Ghost backup of C: from just before I had removed all the adobe programs, so the PC was back to the original setup before I had the installation problems.
    Then I installed SP3, which went well and ghosted the PC again.
    Then, just to increase the odds of a successful installation, I did an alt-ctrl-del and went to the processes tab and killed anything which seemed unnecessary (things I recognized, like anti-virus, Norton, update managers, etc).
    Finally, I installed from the new download of CS4 extended.
    It worked!!!!!!!
    Hope this helps anyone with similar problems.

  • Recently updated iTunes on my PC. iTunes has disappeared and I'm getting an error MSVCR80.dll missing. Error 7 (Windows Error 126)

    Recently updated iTunes on my PC. iTunes has disappeared and I'm getting an error MSVCR80.dll missing. Error 7 (Windows Error 126)

    Here is the fix!

  • Upon start up of my laptop I get a APS Daemon.exe system error - MSVCR80.dll is missing.  This just started out of the blue.  At one point it told me to reinstall ITunes.  Is that truly necessary?

    Upon start up of my laptop I get a APS Daemon.exe system error - MSVCR80.dll is missing.  This just started out of the blue.  At one point it told me to reinstall ITunes.  Is that truly necessary?

    I have the same issue after installing the new update and reinstalling iTunes doesn't fix the issue.
    I found disabling Apple push (APSDaemon.exe) from the start up will stop the error from appearing, however this will disable wireless syncing. If you don't use it than it shouldn't be an issue.
    I'm using a PC so you can disable it using the msconfig command and turning it off in the Startup tab. I don't know if Mac users are experiencing the same issue. Hopefully Apple will fix it in their next update.

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    Try the following user tip:
    Troubleshooting issues with iTunes for Windows updates

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    after I-Tunes update I receive an error MSVCR80.DLL missing please reinstall I-Tunes, I did a few times but it is not working

    Okay! Thanks for the tip, David. I did what you did too, and that fixed my Apple Software Update thing. I downloaded the latest update using that program and installed using the program, and everything was fixed!
    I think it was when I had a problem installing using Apple Updater that began the problems, and installing manually just added fuel to the fire. But now everything's fine! Thanks, man!

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