Xpath runtime evaluation?

Hi all,
We would like to give our Dataspace consumers the ability to push some XPath down to the DataServices themselves. We are aware of how can this be done using the mediator API. We are in doubt whether this can be done via WebServices, using an extra param for the XPath expression. Something along the lines of
declare function tns:getWithXPath($id as xs:string, $xpath as xs:string) as element(ns2:TypeofElement)*{
for $elem in tns:getAll()
where $id eq $elem/Id
bea:xpath-eval($elem, $xpath)
[I hear there are implementations|http://lists.xml.org/archives/xml-dev/200710/msg00065.html] that manage to do that, in spite the fact that having such a function would introduce ambiguity in the return type.
Can it be done in ODSI?
Thanks in advance
(Also as SR:7667695.992)
Edited by: vlf on Jul 2, 2009 4:36 AM

We are aware of how can this be done using the mediator API. The webservice api is almost exactly identical to the java (mediator) API. What is it you can do in the java api that you cannot do in the java api?
Your requirement sounds like a case for using ad hoc queries. Off the top of my head, I don't recall if that is exposed via webservices - I don't think it is. Check the Advance API Examples that are references in an Announcement in this forum.

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    You could use RSRT which has a boatload of options on how you want the query to run when you first select Execute and Debug button (e.g. Do not use Cache, Do Not use BIA, etc.).  One of my favorite options is Display Statistics Data which breaks down the query execution time into all of its myriad of components.  You need to Green arrow back after you get the results to get to the Statistics screen.
    Hope this helps.

  • Jdom xpath runtime error

    First, I am a newbie.
    I am getting an error while trying to use xpath and jdom. Here is the error:
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/saxpath/SAXPathEx
            at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
            at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:140)
            at org.jdom.xpath.XPath.newInstance(XPath.java:133)
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    import org.jdom.*;
    import org.jdom.input.*;
    import org.jdom.output.*;
    import org.jdom.xpath.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class hello
        public static void main( String args[] ) throws Exception {
              System.out.println("Hello") ;
              System.out.println("Hello ugh") ;
              Document doc = new SAXBuilder().build("catalog.xml");
              List compositions = doc.getRootElement().getChildren("composition");
              for(int i=0; i < compositions.size(); i++) {
                   String title = ((Element)compositions.get(i)).getChildText("title");
                   //here i want to get the composer, will use xpath to find it
                   //this line gets the 'key'
                   String comp = ((Element)compositions.get(i)).getAttribute("composer").getValue();
                   //this one does the xpath lookup
                   XPath xpath = XPath.newInstance("composer");
                   //List results = xpath.selectNodes(doc);
                   System.out.println("  " + title + " -- " + comp );

    I'm sorry. I am confused. I don't know how to do
    that-- I thought I only needed to do that when I
    compiled. How can I make sure it works in other
    Thanksno need to be sorry.
    when you run java.exe, you need to tell the jvm where the classes that you are referring to are. you do this with the -classpath or set the environment variable CLASSPATH. i prefer to tell it in my script. for example
    java -classpath ".;C:\Work\myclasses\" test.SessionManager
    . - indicates the current directory, in addition to c:\work\myclasses
    in the path can be .classes or .jar which hold the classes.

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    I am interesting in the optimization of XPath queries evaluation time.
    Does someone know what is the more efficient XPath processor which provides good performance than the other ones ? are there special tools to optimize queries in order to decrease response time ?
    Thank you in advance.

    mis-typed. Meant "stretch" as in push outside the normal bounds.
    ------ Bugs listed after this line are fixed in 5.2hf1.27
    5042885 Unable to write expunge file under stress
    ------- Bugs listed after this line are fixed in 5.2p2
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  • XPath /A/B/C/@a works, but /A/A/A/@a doesn't ...

    I get XPath values for simple XML files without problems (element values or attribute values). Now I have an XML file where a quite simple XPath doesn't work:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <gesmes:Envelope xmlns:gesmes="http://www.gesmes.org/xml/2002-08-01" xmlns="http://www.ecb.int/vocabulary/2002-08-01/eurofxref">
         <gesmes:subject>Reference rates</gesmes:subject>
              <gesmes:name>European Central Bank</gesmes:name>
              <Cube time="2005-06-15">
                   <Cube currency="USD" rate="1.2069" />
    </gesmes:Envelope>The XPaths "/gesmes:Envelope/Cube/Cube/@time" or "//Cube/Cube/@time" don't work. I notice that the element names of different hierarchies are the same so I built a similar XML with distinguished element names and there my xpath works. Alas, the XML file is the source that I can't change. So is there another way to state an XPath to get the time value?

    I use this code:
         * Get value of the node specified by an XPath.
         * @param item The starting context (e.g. document, node, node list).
         * @param xPath XPath to select single node value (e.g. "/root/data/value[1]/text()")
         * @return Result of <i>xPath</i> (the node's value) or null if failed.
         * @throws XPathExpressionException if <i>xPath</i> is wrong.
        static public String getXPathValue(Object item, String xPath) throws XPathExpressionException {
            String result = null;
            if (item != null && xPath != null) {
                try {
                    result = XPathFactory.newInstance().newXPath().evaluate(xPath, item);
                } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
                    //XPathFactory.newInstance() throws NullPointerException when called from ActiveX bean
                    if (item instanceof Document) {
                        result = getXPathValueApache((Document) item, xPath);
    //            if (ICUtils.isEmptyString(result)) {
    //                XPath xp = XPathFactory.newInstance().newXPath();
    //                xp.setNamespaceContext(new javax.xml.namespace.NamespaceContext () {
    //                    public String getNamespaceURI (String prefix) {
    //                        if (prefix.equals("rsp")) {
    //                          return "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/";
    //                        else if (prefix.equals(javax.xml.XMLConstants.XML_NS_PREFIX)) {
    //                          return javax.xml.XMLConstants.XML_NS_URI;
    //                        else if (prefix.equals(javax.xml.XMLConstants.XMLNS_ATTRIBUTE)) {
    //                          return javax.xml.XMLConstants.XMLNS_ATTRIBUTE_NS_URI;
    //                        else {
    //                          return javax.xml.XMLConstants.NULL_NS_URI;
    //                    public String getPrefix (String namespaceURI) {
    //                        if (namespaceURI.equals(javax.xml.XMLConstants. "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/")) {
    //                            return "rsp";
    //                          else if (namespaceURI.equals(javax.xml.XMLConstants.XML_NS_URI)) {
    //                            return javax.xml.XMLConstants.XML_NS_PREFIX;
    //                          else if (namespaceURI.equals(javax.xml.XMLConstants.XMLNS_ATTRIBUTE_NS_URI)) {
    //                            return javax.xml.XMLConstants.XMLNS_ATTRIBUTE;
    //                          else {
    //                            return null;
    //                    public Iterator getPrefixes (String namespaceURI) {
    //                        // not implemented for the example
    //                        return null;
    //                result = xp.evaluate(xPath, item);
                //workaround for non working XPaths of SOAP messages:
                if (ICUtils.isEmptyString(result) && item instanceof Document) {
                    //some XPaths for SOAP Messages don't work with Java API:
                    String r  = getXPathValueApache((Document) item, xPath);
                    if (!ICUtils.isEmptyString(r)) {
                        result = r;
            }//else: input values not available
            return result;
         * Get value of the node specified by an XPath.
         * @param document Document to get node value of.
         * @param xPath XPath to select single node value (e.g. "/root/data/value[1]/text()")
         * @return Result of <i>xPath</i> (the node's value) or null if failed.
         * @throws org.w3c.dom.xpath.XPathException if XPath result object is not of type XPathResult.
         * @see <a href="http://www.w3schools.com/xpath/default.asp">XPath Tutorial</a>
        static private String getXPathValueApache(Document document, String xPath) throws org.w3c.dom.xpath.XPathException {
            String result = null;
            if (document != null && xPath != null) {        
                org.w3c.dom.xpath.XPathEvaluator evaluator = new org.apache.xpath.domapi.XPathEvaluatorImpl(document);
                Object o = evaluator.evaluate(xPath, document, evaluator.createNSResolver(document), org.w3c.dom.xpath.XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null);
                if (o != null) {
                    if (o instanceof org.w3c.dom.xpath.XPathResult) {
                        org.w3c.dom.xpath.XPathResult xpResult = (org.w3c.dom.xpath.XPathResult) o;
                        Node node = xpResult.getSingleNodeValue();
                        if (node != null) {
                            result = node.getNodeValue();   
                    } else {
                        throw new org.w3c.dom.xpath.XPathException(org.w3c.dom.xpath.XPathException.TYPE_ERR, "XPath '"+xPath+"' didn't return an object of type  XPathResult!");
                }//else: no result for XPath
            }//else: input values not available
            return result;
        }//getXPathValue()and it works well with "normal" XML files (distinguished element names) and also to get element attribute values. But for this specific XML (posted above), the XPaths don't work.

  • XPath - limited logical operators?

    Hi out there!
    Currently I am experiencing an XPath problem, evaluating an XML file with it.
    Imagine I got an XML file like this:
    <xml? version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <mission_number>4bubu </mission_number>
    Using XPath i would like to get a Node back, not a boolean value. The Evaluations works fine for the following expression wiht any value:
    //child::*[name() = 'mission_number and starts-with(descendant-or-self::*,'4') and contains(descendant-or self::*,'bubu') or name()='revised_priority' and starts-with(descendant-or-self::*,'45') and contains(descendant-or-self::*,'')]/parent::*
    as soon, as i put in another AND condition, i get no result anymore - no matter which way i try. May it be name() = 'request_identifier' within the brackets, concatenated with an AND, or may it be as stand alone expression like this [name()='request_identifier'].
    So my question is just if there is a certain limit to the logical expressions, and how to put in another AND condition. Do i miss something? Any suggestions welcome!
    Thanks for paying attention!
    Regards, Jens

    Having created the XML files with the XML Spy, i use the XPath evaluation option of the tool itself. Just recognized some inconsistencies and getting confused quite frequently. But the expression should work in any case - shouldnt it?

  • XPath: doesn't work for SOAP message?

    My method
         * Get value of the node specified by an XPath.
         * @param item The starting context (e.g. document, node, node list).
         * @param xPath XPath to select single node value (e.g. "/root/data/value[1]/text()")
         * @return Result of <i>xPath</i> (the node's value) or null if failed.
         * @throws XPathExpressionException if <i>xPath</i> is wrong.
        static public String getXPathValue(Object item, String xPath) throws XPathExpressionException {
            String result = null;
            if (item != null && xPath != null) {
                try {
                    result = XPathFactory.newInstance().newXPath().evaluate(xPath, item);
                } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
                    //XPathFactory.newInstance() throws NullPointerException when called from ActiveX bean
                    if (item instanceof Document) {
                        result = getXPathValueApache((Document) item, xPath);
            }//else: input values not available
            return result;
        }//getXPathValue()works good enough for plain XML files (no namespaces). Now I have a SOAP XML message and my XPath doesn't work with this code - but it works with other XPath tools or my old Apache method:
         * Get value of the node specified by an XPath.
         * @param document Document to get node value of.
         * @param xPath XPath to select single node value (e.g. "/root/data/value[1]/text()")
         * @return Result of <i>xPath</i> (the node's value) or null if failed.
         * @throws org.w3c.dom.xpath.XPathException if XPath result object is not of type XPathResult.
         * @see <a href="http://www.w3schools.com/xpath/default.asp">XPath Tutorial</a>
        static private String getXPathValueApache(Document document, String xPath) throws org.w3c.dom.xpath.XPathException {
            String result = null;
            if (document != null && xPath != null) {        
                org.w3c.dom.xpath.XPathEvaluator evaluator = new org.apache.xpath.domapi.XPathEvaluatorImpl(document);
                Object o = evaluator.evaluate(xPath, document, evaluator.createNSResolver(document), org.w3c.dom.xpath.XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null);
                if (o != null) {
                    if (o instanceof org.w3c.dom.xpath.XPathResult) {
                        org.w3c.dom.xpath.XPathResult xpResult = (org.w3c.dom.xpath.XPathResult) o;
                        Node node = xpResult.getSingleNodeValue();
                        if (node != null) {
                            result = node.getNodeValue();   
                    } else {
                        throw new org.w3c.dom.xpath.XPathException(org.w3c.dom.xpath.XPathException.TYPE_ERR, "XPath '"+xPath+"' didn't return an object of type  XPathResult!");
                }//else: no result for XPath
            }//else: input values not available
            return result;
        }//getXPathValue()The XPath is quite simple and I also had it in 2 ways: short and long:
    Why doesn't this work with the standard
    XPathFactory.newInstance().newXPath().evaluate(xPath, item)

    I have cancelled your Export PDF subscription for the order no.AD013879714.
    Your refund no.is 66181172.
    You will get the refund in 7 business days.

  • Why don't sub elements of Scene show up when hosted in a Swing application?

    I'm using some well publicised tricks to get at the SwingScene object from some runtime evaluated JavaFX code and insert it into a JFrame. However no elements within that Scene are displayed, the fill colour is applied, but a test Rectangle object does not appear to be there.
    For reference here is the JavaFX code that I'm using to test this:
    Scene {
    content: Group {
        content: [
            Rectangle {
                x: 10
                y: 10
                width: 100
                height: 10
                fill: Color.RED
    fill: Color.BLUE

    Try this extension:
    Add Bookmark Here ² :

  • NamespaceContext.getPrefix() never called

    I am a newbie in the Java XML world.
    Here is my issue and the snippet of code is used to explain the problem:
    XPathVariableResolver jxvr = new JSTLXPathVariableResolver(pageContext);
    Node contextNode = adaptParamsForXalan(n, xpathString.trim(), jxvr);
    XPath xpath = XPathFactory.newInstance().newXPath();
    xpath.setNamespaceContext(jstlXPathNamespaceContext); //jstlXPathNamespaceContext is
    // initialized somewhere else
    Now when the xpath is evaluated using:
    xpath.evaluate(xpathString, contextNode);
    Under the debugger I can see that this call eventually calls the getNamespaceURI() method
    of JSTLXPathNamespaceContext (class for jstlXPathNamespaceContext) and then after that
    I land up at the resolveVariable(QName qname) call of JSTLXPathVariableResolver.
    What I notice in resolveVariable() call is that qname.getPrefix() is always an empty string. However, qname.getNamespaceURI() returns the proper URI string. In addition, prior to reaching resolveVariable() in JSTLXPathVariableResolver, I do see that the getNamespaceURI() method
    is being called in JSTLXPathNamespaceContext class. However, getPrefix() method of this
    class is never called. My instinct says that if this was called before resolveVariable() method is
    reached (during the creation of QName) I would get a valid prefix instead of an empty string.
    Could someone help with this. Is there something that I am doing wrong. Where does QName
    get created in resolveVariable() and why does it not call getPrefix()
    Please let me know if I can provide more info
    Thanks in advance

    The installer extension isn't removed with the application. It still can be found in Java Cache Viewer. When you remove this extension using Java Cache Viewer the uninstall method will be called.
    Is there a way to force the extension uninstallation when the main application is being removed? Removing the very application is user-friendly, you can do it from the Control Panel in Windows. It looks like JWS is missing a very important feature.
    I'm using Java 1.6.0_03 right now.

  • Workflows | Defining sub-workflows and capturing wfActions

    Hi All,
    I am trying to define a sub-workflow post which I want to make a jump based on the action taken in the one step sub-workflow. I tried to use the wfActions to find the action taken at a step, but the applet shows the following error:
    Offset in runtime evaluation is at character 17. Could not find the parameter 'wfAction'.
    I even tried to do a <$wfSet("myvar",wfAction)$> which gave the same error.
    I tried to capture this action in the Update section of the script as well as in the Exit section. Has someone used this parameter, has it worked on UCM 10gR3.
    Thanks in advance
    - AU

    Thanks for that
    "Kara Moscoe" <[email protected]> wrote:
    Your sub-workflow template definition must be defined for the current
    organization, must have a Start node defined as "Called", and it must
    marked "Active" for it to display in the Start Workflow dialog.
    "Paul Clements" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:3b8e5800$[email protected]..
    I am trying to get wlpi to allow me once a workflow is completed tostart
    different workflow. Hence I have tried on the done icon to add anaction
    of type
    start workflow but when the start workflow window pops up there areno
    that I can start even though some exist. Can someone shed any lighton
    what I
    am doing wrong?
    Many thanks
    Paul Clements

  • Text/expression-language-based paradigma continues?

    i've been working with jsp and struts for a while. the most significant drawback of jsp, custom tags/jstl and struts is its "runtime" binding caused by the heavy use of string-attributes and interpreted expressions.
    it makes the coding itself harder (loss of compiler support and strong typing), it increases the amount of testing (automated tests, regression tests) extremely, it makes jsp-apps very hard to mantain, it is error-prone when changed or refactored, it is slower in execution and last but not james requires extra developement tools (such as struts-editors) to effectively maintain the applications.
    but i like the paradigma of a web application that keeps a view state, handles "events" etc.
    the only thing i can't understand is why jsf builds on the error-prone jsp/custom tag paradigma instead of compiled server side ui components. it obviuosly still tries to follow the myth, that web-designers and application developers can share their source (i.e. js-pages) by using tags. imo this is a degeneration of the good idea to leverage html by some custom tags. these tags empower designers to make their pages dynamic. (enterprise) software developement ist very different: complex use cases, business logic and often ui-"logic", integration issues etc...
    the life cycle of a jsp with custom tags is weird (even more in struts):
    - objects (variables in scriptlets) already existing in the scope of the jsp-execute-method are wrapped into attributes of page, request or application scope.
    - tags are defined using string-based attributs, such as <html:write name="pinky" property="brain" />
    - the implementation of the tag tries to look up the object in any of the scopes, starting with page scope
    - if the object exists, it tries to read/set its property via reflection
    so you lose strong typing, compile time checks and performance.
    there are several frameworks that do not build upon jsp and tags but put in an extra layer. this layer is similar to a rich client "form" and renders the output into html or any other format.
    so i'm not preferring any framework, just looking around and curious why this architecture has been chosen for jsf.

    the most significant drawback of jsp, custom tags/jstl and struts is its "runtime" binding
    caused by the heavy use of string-attributes and interpreted expressions.I second this heartily.
    but i like the paradigma of a web application that keeps a view state, handles "events" etc.
    the only thing i can't understand is why jsf builds on the error-prone jsp/custom tag
    paradigma instead of compiled server side ui components. The JSF - JSP connection is a major problem. More and more developers are starting to express reservations about it, because the two technologies don't play well together. But I think you've hit on an even deeper fundamental flaw in the equation -- the evils of runtime binding. The heavy JSF/JSP reliance on runtime evaluation is a reliability nightmare. Developers choose Java, in part, because of the robustness provided by compile-time checking. We give that up when it comes to JSF/JSP or Struts web applications, and that's an unacceptable state of affairs.
    Winer says that "JSF has taken a major step in the right direction with the <managed-bean> and <referenced-bean> configuration elements. These give some hope for development tools to finally provide real code insight (and even error reporting) for EL expressions, because they define both what keys are used in the expression language and what types of objects may be at those keys." However, this will help with only the simplest EL expressions. As soon as an EL expression reaches into nested properties and maps that aren't defined in the config file, we're back to runtime binding and error reporting. The addition of generics to the language with 1.5 might have made it possible to introduce strong EL type checking at page compile time, but Sun's short-sighted type-erasure implementation of generics rules this out permanently.
    Look at what Microsoft is doing with ASP.NET. It's not perfect, but the fundamental technology is based on compiled server side ui components. There are places in that framework where you can write expressions aren't evaluated until runtime, but it's certainly not the fundamental basis of the model as it is with JSF/JSP. And the .NET implementation of generics may make it possible to have these dynamic expressions type-checked at page compile time in a future implementation of .NET.
    I keep reading comments from the JSF proponents who say things to the effect of "yes, we know JSP doesn't play well with JSF, but JSF allows you to plug in a different rendering technology." Well, we need one, and we need it urgently. ASP.NET has been out for two years now, and was far more polished and useable at its release than JSF is now after a very long development cycle.
    Rightly or wrongly, people will judge JSF on the merits of the reference implementation. And I fear that a lot of developers are going to throw up their hands after a taste of the JSF/JSP world and move to .NET.
    Stephen Schaub

  • Workflow issues for checking in content in URM

    I am pretty new to the whole workflow thing and am giving it my best shot.
    I am trying to trigger the workflow for all new content that has the account 'ABC'. Setting up the criteria was the easy part.
    The hard part for me is the statements that actually trigger the workflow.
    I used the following statements, where my name is entered into the metadata field xvg_busconname and received this error:
    <$wfSet("wfMailSubject","workflow item " & DocName)$>
    <$wfSet("wfMessage", "This item has been checked in." & DocName)$>
    Error executing script:
    Evaluated value: <$wfSet("wfMailSubject","workflow item " & DocName)$>
    <$wfSet("wfMessage", "This item has been checked in." & DocName)$>
    <$wfNotify(xvg_busconname,"user")$>. Offset in runtime evaluation is at line 3 and character 27. Could not find the parameter 'xvg_busconname'&lrm;.
    wfMailSubject=workflow item
    wfMessage=This item has been checked in.
    I also tried it slightly different, where my email address was entered into the metadata field xvg_busconeemail:
    <$wfSet("wfMailSubject","workflow item " & DocName)$>
    <$wfSet("wfMessage", "This item has been checked in." & DocName)$>
    and recieved this error:
    Error executing script:
    Evaluated value: <$wfSet("wfMailSubject","workflow item " & DocName)$>
    <$wfSet("wfMessage", "This item has been checked in." & DocName)$>
    <$wfNotify(xvg_busconemail,"emailformat")$>. Offset in runtime evaluation is at line 3 and character 27. Could not find the parameter 'xvg_busconemail'&lrm;.
    wfMailSubject=workflow item
    wfMessage=This item has been checked in.
    If anyone sees an obvious problem with where I am going wrong, please let me know.

    Hi liqian,
    Download the ContentIntegrationSuite which gives you Java API's to interract with URM.
    I would like to know about the usage of agent services / web services to checkin / checkout the content from Content Server.

  • Switch Step Problem

    I have a Switch Step that receives a message base on a Message Type without Namespace, despite evaluation path is good and the Switch Step recieves a correct message the Step is not working, the xPath for evaluation does not include Namespace, Is the Namespace necesary in order to use a Switch Step?

    Hi Rubens,
    <i>>> Is the Namespace necesary in order to use a Switch Step?</i>
    Yes it is!Look at this..
    Prblem with Switch step in BPM
    Hope this solves ur issue!
    P.S Please mark helpful answers

  • 10g Production: Code Insight run amok

    I just upgraded to In my jsp's, I have an include directive to include a file that contains all of my taglib directives.
    When editing the jsp, if I edit, say a bean: tag, completion insight causes a taglib directive to be added at the beginning of the file, which then causes compile errors.
    I can turn off completion insight to avoid the problem but who wants to do without that? I searched through every other option that I thought might have an effect on this but to no avail.
    Does anybody know of anyway to keep completion insight alive but disable the automatic addition of the taglib directive?

    After reading a bit more now I know how the tags work.
    However from the example I see (eStore) an array called by name "products" is created and set on the jspContext. If I already have the list and want to pass on the list which is in a bean or a session or a request can I provide it this way.
    <tag:myTag var=${bean.list}>
    <tag:myTag var=${session.list}>
    <tag:myTag var=${request.list}>in the .tld file I should specify the attribute var and whether it should be runtime evaluable.
    and in the TagClass
    private Collection var;
    private String listName;
    public void setVar(Colloection aList) {
      this.var = aList;
    public Collection getVar() {
      return var;
    public void doTag( ) throws JspException{
      // do i always need to this next line ------
      getJspContext( ).setAttribute(listName, getVar());
    }so that in my .tag file I can use some thing like this
    <c:forEach var="list" items="${item}">
    </c:forEach>And finally... as and when a tag is encountered the .tag file contents corresponding to that tag is called to get the html text and all that text is printed out in the jsp page right (without the jspWriter "out"). How does the browser know when to stop? like doEndTag() function? are these functions implicitly called?

  • Jsp 2.0 and jdev 10g production (custom tags)

    there are some examples at
    I have certian questions it would be great if some one would clear these for me..
    In JSP 1.2 if we wanted to write the custom tag's we had tag classes that extend TagSupport or TagBodySupport and the doStart() and doEnd() tag with the evaluate body. I could spit out the complete html text on an encounter of a tag! but in the JSP 2.0 a doTag() seems to take care of the intracies! how??
    Now with jsp 2.0 I want to do the same... say some thing like this ....
    <tg:myTag list="${somelist}"></tg:myTag> and say in my tag handler class I know what to do with this list. May be I will create complete html code and will use jspWriter to write out the html inbetween these tags!!
    I have downloaded the eStore example but this class
    javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.SimpleTagSupport; is not imported. So I am not able to look at the SimpleTagSupport class.
    If I am trying to run the example in jdev 10g production should I have to specify that I am using jsp 2.0 so that jdev knows not to use jsp 1.2? if so how can I do this.
    Does all the examples provided use the OC4J standalone? Can I use the embedded oc4J instead?

    After reading a bit more now I know how the tags work.
    However from the example I see (eStore) an array called by name "products" is created and set on the jspContext. If I already have the list and want to pass on the list which is in a bean or a session or a request can I provide it this way.
    <tag:myTag var=${bean.list}>
    <tag:myTag var=${session.list}>
    <tag:myTag var=${request.list}>in the .tld file I should specify the attribute var and whether it should be runtime evaluable.
    and in the TagClass
    private Collection var;
    private String listName;
    public void setVar(Colloection aList) {
      this.var = aList;
    public Collection getVar() {
      return var;
    public void doTag( ) throws JspException{
      // do i always need to this next line ------
      getJspContext( ).setAttribute(listName, getVar());
    }so that in my .tag file I can use some thing like this
    <c:forEach var="list" items="${item}">
    </c:forEach>And finally... as and when a tag is encountered the .tag file contents corresponding to that tag is called to get the html text and all that text is printed out in the jsp page right (without the jspWriter "out"). How does the browser know when to stop? like doEndTag() function? are these functions implicitly called?

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