XSD Loading problem

I got this error from bpel console .. Can any one please update on this.. Why this this error should occur?.
<messages><input><InvokePlanningOrderRoadshowProducerInputVariable><part name="PlanningOrderRequest" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"><PlanningOrderRequest xmlns:ns0="http://xmlns.hdnl.com/EnterpriseObject/Core/PlanningOrder" xmlns="http://xmlns.hdnl.com/EnterpriseObject/Core/PlanningOrder">
<ns0:CustomerName>MRS JUNE OCKWELL</ns0:CustomerName>
<ns0:HouseNumber>8 Bentinck Street</ns0:HouseNumber>
<ns0:Postcode>WN3 6RB</ns0:Postcode>
<ns0:ItemDescription>RICHMOND KING BED</ns0:ItemDescription>
<ns0:SpecialInstruction>IF NOT IN GO TO NUMBER 6 FOR KEY</ns0:SpecialInstruction>
</part></InvokePlanningOrderRoadshowProducerInputVariable></input><fault><bindingFault xmlns="http://schemas.oracle.com/bpel/extension"><part name="summary"><summary>file:/SOA2M01/app/oracle/product/10.1.3/bpel/domains/operations/tmp/.bpel_PlanningOrder_1.0_06bcbd311b9a0d44d808edcbcee42770.tmp/PlanningOrderRoadShowProducer.wsdl [ Produce_Message_ptt::Produce_Message(PlanningOrderRequest) ] - WSIF JCA Execute of operation 'Produce_Message' failed due to: Could not instantiate InteractionSpec oracle.tip.adapter.jms.outbound.JmsProduceInteractionSpec due to: XSD Loading problem.
Unable to load Translation schemas from for http://xmlns.hdnl.com/EnterpriseObject/Core/PlanningOrder due to: XSD Location problem.
No XSD (XML Schema) found for target namespace http://xmlns.hdnl.com/EnterpriseObject/Core/PlanningOrder and input element PlanningOrderRequest
Please make sure the WSDL message points to a valid type.
Please make sure all used XML schemas are imported/included correctly.
; nested exception is:
XSD Loading problem.
Unable to load Translation schemas from for http://xmlns.hdnl.com/EnterpriseObject/Core/PlanningOrder due to: XSD Location problem.
No XSD (XML Schema) found for target namespace http://xmlns.hdnl.com/EnterpriseObject/Core/PlanningOrder and input element PlanningOrderRequest
Please make sure the WSDL message points to a valid type.
Please make sure all used XML schemas are imported/included correctly.
; nested exception is:
org.collaxa.thirdparty.apache.wsif.WSIFException: Could not instantiate InteractionSpec oracle.tip.adapter.jms.outbound.JmsProduceInteractionSpec due to: XSD Loading problem.
Unable to load Translation schemas from for http://xmlns.hdnl.com/EnterpriseObject/Core/PlanningOrder due to: XSD Location problem.
No XSD (XML Schema) found for target namespace http://xmlns.hdnl.com/EnterpriseObject/Core/PlanningOrder and input element PlanningOrderRequest
Please make sure the WSDL message points to a valid type.
Please make sure all used XML schemas are imported/included correctly.
; nested exception is:
XSD Loading problem.
Unable to load Translation schemas from for http://xmlns.hdnl.com/EnterpriseObject/Core/PlanningOrder due to: XSD Location problem.
No XSD (XML Schema) found for target namespace http://xmlns.hdnl.com/EnterpriseObject/Core/PlanningOrder and input element PlanningOrderRequest
Please make sure the WSDL message points to a valid type.
Please make sure all used XML schemas are imported/included correctly.
</part><part name="detail"><detail>org.collaxa.thirdparty.apache.wsif.WSIFException: Could not instantiate InteractionSpec oracle.tip.adapter.jms.outbound.JmsProduceInteractionSpec due to: XSD Loading problem.
Unable to load Translation schemas from for http://xmlns.hdnl.com/EnterpriseObject/Core/PlanningOrder due to: XSD Location problem.
No XSD (XML Schema) found for target namespace http://xmlns.hdnl.com/EnterpriseObject/Core/PlanningOrder and input element PlanningOrderRequest
Please make sure the WSDL message points to a valid type.
Please make sure all used XML schemas are imported/included correctly.
; nested exception is:
XSD Loading problem.
Unable to load Translation schemas from for http://xmlns.hdnl.com/EnterpriseObject/Core/PlanningOrder due to: XSD Location problem.
No XSD (XML Schema) found for target namespace http://xmlns.hdnl.com/EnterpriseObject/Core/PlanningOrder and input element PlanningOrderRequest
Please make sure the WSDL message points to a valid type.
Please make sure all used XML schemas are imported/included correctly.

You remove xmlns:ns0 attribute from PlanningOrderRequest and the prefix ns0: from xsd tags. When you declare xmlns:ns0 means it is looking for that ns0 namespace in the project directory or oracle server global directory.

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  • XSD Location Problem.

    Hi Gurus,
    After starting the node in a cluster environemnt, often receiving "Unable to load Translation schemas from for http://xmlns.oracle.com/BRM/schemas/BusinessOpcodes due to: XSD Location problem.
    XSD Loading problem."
    This is mainly observed in BRM schemas, has anyone exprienced this? what shall be the workaround/solution other than restarting the container/application?
    We are using SOA MLR 8 and Oracle AIA 2.4.
    Please help.

    The BRM schemas are present in the AIA Components which will be referred by the load balancer url in a clustered environment. However, if in any of the nodes, the url for AIA Components has the local node url instead of load balancer url, this issue occurs.
    Identify the node which is giving the issue (shutting down one node at a time and retrying the operation which gives the error). In the node which has the issue, try doing a search on AIA components to find out if there is any reference using local node url instead of load balancer.
    If you find any, replace with the load balancer url. I had faced a similar issue and I was able to resolve it as I have mentioned above.
    - AR

  • XSD Resolution problem - Unable to load Translation schemas

    I've run into a very strange kind of problem (not to say some are less strange then others). Let me explain the context of the situation.
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    When I deploy the BPEL process and execute it, the first two instances always fail. The same happens when I restart the server, the errors are repeated after a certain period as well (for example over night). The process always fails EXACTLY TWICE, before running normally. Every other instance executed after the two initial failures runs WITHOUT the following error.
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    I think it has something to do with generated xsd definitions by the java web service (it's the http://localhost:8001/S50040PrenosSouboruBS/PrenosSouboruBSSOAP11BindingPort?xsd=1 and http://localhost:8001/S50040PrenosSouboruBS/PrenosSouboruBSSOAP11BindingPort?xsd=2 from following stack trace), but I can't figure out what exactly is wrong with them.
    Anybody come accross a similar error? Thanks for tips, I've run out of ideas.      
    Error Message: {http://schemas.oracle.com/bpel/extension}bindingFault
    Fault ID     default/S50001KontrolaSouboruBS!1.0*soa_be986963-f9d9-412d-b692-43804a35b3ee/KontrolaSouboru/830023-BpInv18-BpSeq8.12-2
    Fault Time     14-Feb-2012 11:11:16
    Non Recoverable System Fault :
    <bpelFault><faultType>0</faultType><bindingFault xmlns="http://schemas.oracle.com/bpel/extension"><part name="summary"><summary>Exception occured when binding was invoked. Exception occured during invocation of JCA binding: "JCA Binding execute of Reference operation 'LogFile' failed due to: Exception occured when binding was invoked. Exception occured during invocation of JCA binding: "Could not instantiate InteractionSpec oracle.tip.adapter.db.DBStoredProcedureInteractionSpec due to: XSD Resolution problem. XSD Resolution problem. Unable to load Translation schemas from for http://xmlns.oracle.com/pcbpel/adapter/db/TST_IP/LOG_FILE/LOG_FILE/ due to: Different schema default values detected between: http://localhost:8001/S50040PrenosSouboruBS/PrenosSouboruBSSOAP11BindingPort?xsd=2 and oramds:/apps/LCRInterface/DataObjects/Common/V1/Common.xsd elementFormDefault values are differentDifferent schema default values detected between: http://localhost:8001/S50040PrenosSouboruBS/PrenosSouboruBSSOAP11BindingPort?xsd=2 and http://localhost:8001/soa-infra/services/default/S50035NotifikaceChybyBS/apps/LCRInterface/DataObjects/Common/V1/Common.xsd elementFormDefault values are differentDifferent schema default values detected between: http://localhost:8001/S50040PrenosSouboruBS/PrenosSouboruBSSOAP11BindingPort?xsd=2 and oramds:/apps/LCRInterface/DataObjects/Common/V1/DataTypes.xsd elementFormDefault values are differentDifferent schema default values detected between: http://localhost:8001/S50040PrenosSouboruBS/PrenosSouboruBSSOAP11BindingPort?xsd=2 and http://localhost:8001/soa-infra/services/default/S50035NotifikaceChybyBS/apps/LCRInterface/DataObjects/Common/V1/DataTypes.xsd elementFormDefault values are differentGlobal element declaration/definition of name '{http://xmlns.lesycr.cz/DO/PrenosSouboru/V1}GetFileListByMaskRespDM' are duplicated at the following locations: http://localhost:8001/S50040PrenosSouboruBS/PrenosSouboruBSSOAP11BindingPort?xsd=1 [line#: 7] oramds:/apps/LCRInterface/DataObjects/D500Proces/PrenosSouboru/V1/PrenosSouboruDM.xsd [line#: 82] There are at least two of them looking different: http://localhost:8001/S50040PrenosSouboruBS/PrenosSouboruBSSOAP11BindingPort?xsd=1 [difference starting at line#:7] oramds:/apps/LCRInterface/DataObjects/D500Proces/PrenosSouboru/V1/PrenosSouboruDM.xsd [difference starting at line#:82] Global element declaration/definition of name '{http://xmlns.lesycr.cz/DO/PrenosSouboru/V1}GetFileListDM' are duplicated at the following locations: http://localhost:8001/S50040PrenosSouboruBS/PrenosSouboruBSSOAP11BindingPort?xsd=1 [line#: 9] oramds:/apps/LCRInterface/DataObjects/D500Proces/PrenosSouboru/V1/PrenosSouboruDM.xsd [line#: 36] There are at least two of them looking different: http://localhost:8001/S50040PrenosSouboruBS/PrenosSouboruBSSOAP11BindingPort?xsd=1 [difference starting at line#:9] oramds:/apps/LCRInterface/DataObjects/D500Proces/PrenosSouboru/V1/PrenosSouboruDM.xsd [difference starting at line#:36] Global element declaration/definition of name '{http://xmlns.lesycr.cz/DO/PrenosSouboru/V1}SaveFileDM' are duplicated at the following locations: http://localhost:8001/S50040PrenosSouboruBS/PrenosSouboruBSSOAP11BindingPort?xsd=1 [line#: 19] oramds:/apps/LCRInterface/DataObjects/D500Proces/PrenosSouboru/V1/PrenosSouboruDM.xsd [line#: 21] There are at least two of them looking different: http://localhost:8001/S50040PrenosSouboruBS/PrenosSouboruBSSOAP11BindingPort?xsd=1 [difference starting at line#:19] oramds:/apps/LCRInterface/DataObjects/D500Proces/PrenosSouboru/V1/PrenosSouboruDM.xsd [difference starting at line#:21] Global element declaration/definition of name '{http://xmlns.lesycr.cz/DO/PrenosSouboru/V1}GetFileListRespDM' are duplicated at the following locations: http://localhost:8001/S50040PrenosSouboruBS/PrenosSouboruBSSOAP11BindingPort?xsd=1 [line#: 11] oramds:/apps/LCRInterface/DataObjects/D500Proces/PrenosSouboru/V1/PrenosSouboruDM.xsd [line#: 51] There are at least two of them looking different: http://localhost:8001/S50040PrenosSouboruBS/PrenosSouboruBSSOAP11BindingPort?xsd=1 [difference starting at line#:11] oramds:/apps/LCRInterface/DataObjects/D500Proces/PrenosSouboru/V1/PrenosSouboruDM.xsd [difference starting at line#:51] Global element declaration/definition of name '{http://xmlns.lesycr.cz/DO/PrenosSouboru/V1}GetFileListByMaskDM' are duplicated at the following locations: http://localhost:8001/S50040PrenosSouboruBS/PrenosSouboruBSSOAP11BindingPort?xsd=1 [line#: 5] oramds:/apps/LCRInterface/DataObjects/D500Proces/PrenosSouboru/V1/PrenosSouboruDM.xsd [line#: 66] There are at least two of them looking different: http://localhost:8001/S50040PrenosSouboruBS/PrenosSouboruBSSOAP11BindingPort?xsd=1 [difference starting at line#:5] oramds:/apps/LCRInterface/DataObjects/D500Proces/PrenosSouboru/V1/PrenosSouboruDM.xsd [difference starting at line#:66] Global element declaration/definition of name '{http://xmlns.lesycr.cz/DO/PrenosSouboru/V1}GetTextFileDM' are duplicated at the following locations: http://localhost:8001/S50040PrenosSouboruBS/PrenosSouboruBSSOAP11BindingPort?xsd=1 [line#: 13] oramds:/apps/LCRInterface/DataObjects/D500Proces/PrenosSouboru/V1/PrenosSouboruDM.xsd [line#: 112] There are at least two of them looking different: http://localhost:8001/S50040PrenosSouboruBS/PrenosSouboruBSSOAP11BindingPort?xsd=1 [difference starting at line#:13] oramds:/apps/LCRInterface/DataObjects/D500Proces/PrenosSouboru/V1/PrenosSouboruDM.xsd [difference starting at line#:112] Global element declaration/definition of name '{http://xmlns.lesycr.cz/DO/PrenosSouboru/V1}GetTextFileRespDM' are duplicated at the following locations: http://localhost:8001/S50040PrenosSouboruBS/PrenosSouboruBSSOAP11BindingPort?xsd=1 [line#: 15] oramds:/apps/LCRInterface/DataObjects/D500Proces/PrenosSouboru/V1/PrenosSouboruDM.xsd [line#: 127] There are at least two of them looking different: http://localhost:8001/S50040PrenosSouboruBS/PrenosSouboruBSSOAP11BindingPort?xsd=1 [difference starting at line#:15] oramds:/apps/LCRInterface/DataObjects/D500Proces/PrenosSouboru/V1/PrenosSouboruDM.xsd [difference starting at line#:127] Global element declaration/definition of name '{http://xmlns.lesycr.cz/DO/PrenosSouboru/V1}RenameFileDM' are duplicated at the following locations: http://localhost:8001/S50040PrenosSouboruBS/PrenosSouboruBSSOAP11BindingPort?xsd=1 [line#: 17] oramds:/apps/LCRInterface/DataObjects/D500Proces/PrenosSouboru/V1/PrenosSouboruDM.xsd [line#: 97] There are at least two of them looking different: http://localhost:8001/S50040PrenosSouboruBS/PrenosSouboruBSSOAP11BindingPort?xsd=1 [difference starting at line#:17] oramds:/apps/LCRInterface/DataObjects/D500Proces/PrenosSouboru/V1/PrenosSouboruDM.xsd [difference starting at line#:97] Global Type declaration/definition of name '{http://xmlns.lesycr.cz/DO/PrenosSouboru/V1}GetFileListRespDataType' are duplicated at the following locations: http://localhost:8001/S50040PrenosSouboruBS/PrenosSouboruBSSOAP11BindingPort?xsd=1 [line#: 115] oramds:/apps/LCRInterface/DataObjects/D500Proces/PrenosSouboru/V1/PrenosSouboruDM.xsd [line#: 52] There are at least two of them looking different: http://localhost:8001/S50040PrenosSouboruBS/PrenosSouboruBSSOAP11BindingPort?xsd=1 [difference starting at line#:117] oramds:/apps/LCRInterface/DataObjects/D500Proces/PrenosSouboru/V1/PrenosSouboruDM.xsd [difference starting at line#:54] Global Type declaration/definition of name '{http://xmlns.lesycr.cz/DO/PrenosSouboru/V1}RenameFileDataType' are duplicated at the following locations: http://localhost:8001/S50040PrenosSouboruBS/PrenosSouboruBSSOAP11BindingPort?xsd=1 [line#: 175] oramds:/apps/LCRInterface/DataObjects/D500Proces/PrenosSouboru/V1/PrenosSouboruDM.xsd [line#: 98] There are at least two of them looking different: http://localhost:8001/S50040PrenosSouboruBS/PrenosSouboruBSSOAP11BindingPort?xsd=1 [difference starting at line#:177] oramds:/apps/LCRInterface/DataObjects/D500Proces/PrenosSouboru/V1/PrenosSouboruDM.xsd [difference starting at line#:100] Global Type declaration/definition of name '{http://xmlns.lesycr.cz/DO/PrenosSouboru/V1}GetTextFileRespDataType' are duplicated at the following locations: http://localhost:8001/S50040PrenosSouboruBS/PrenosSouboruBSSOAP11BindingPort?xsd=1 [line#: 153] oramds:/apps/LCRInterface/DataObjects/D500Proces/PrenosSouboru/V1/PrenosSouboruDM.xsd [line#: 128] There are at least two of them looking different: http://localhost:8001/S50040PrenosSouboruBS/PrenosSouboruBSSOAP11BindingPort?xsd=1 [difference starting at line#:155] oramds:/apps/LCRInterface/DataObjects/D500Proces/PrenosSouboru/V1/PrenosSouboruDM.xsd [difference starting at line#:130] Global Type declaration/definition of name '{http://xmlns.lesycr.cz/DO/PrenosSouboru/V1}GetFileListByMaskRespDataType' are duplicated at the following locations: http://localhost:8001/S50040PrenosSouboruBS/PrenosSouboruBSSOAP11BindingPort?xsd=1 [line#: 64] oramds:/apps/LCRInterface/DataObjects/D500Proces/PrenosSouboru/V1/PrenosSouboruDM.xsd [line#: 83] There are at least two of them looking different: http://localhost:8001/S50040PrenosSouboruBS/PrenosSouboruBSSOAP11BindingPort?xsd=1 [difference starting at line#:66] oramds:/apps/LCRInterface/DataObjects/D500Proces/PrenosSouboru/V1/PrenosSouboruDM.xsd [difference starting at line#:85] Global Type declaration/definition of name '{http://xmlns.lesycr.cz/DO/PrenosSouboru/V1}SaveFileDataType' are duplicated at the following locations: http://localhost:8001/S50040PrenosSouboruBS/PrenosSouboruBSSOAP11BindingPort?xsd=1 [line#: 93] oramds:/apps/LCRInterface/DataObjects/D500Proces/PrenosSouboru/V1/PrenosSouboruDM.xsd [line#: 22] There are at least two of them looking different: http://localhost:8001/S50040PrenosSouboruBS/PrenosSouboruBSSOAP11BindingPort?xsd=1 [difference starting at line#:95] oramds:/apps/LCRInterface/DataObjects/D500Proces/PrenosSouboru/V1/PrenosSouboruDM.xsd [difference starting at line#:24] Please make sure all used XML schemas are imported/included correctly. ". The invoked JCA adapter raised a resource exception. Please examine the above error message carefully to determine a resolution. ". The invoked JCA adapter raised a resource exception. Please examine the above error message carefully to determine a resolution. </summary></part><part name="detail"><detail>Different schema default values detected between: http://localhost:8001/S50040PrenosSouboruBS/PrenosSouboruBSSOAP11BindingPort?xsd=2 and oramds:/apps/LCRInterface/DataObjects/Common/V1/Common.xsd elementFormDefault values are differentDifferent schema default values detected between: http://localhost:8001/S50040PrenosSouboruBS/PrenosSouboruBSSOAP11BindingPort?xsd=2 and http://localhost:8001/soa-infra/services/default/S50035NotifikaceChybyBS/apps/LCRInterface/DataObjects/Common/V1/Common.xsd elementFormDefault values are differentDifferent schema default values detected between: http://localhost:8001/S50040PrenosSouboruBS/PrenosSouboruBSSOAP11BindingPort?xsd=2 and oramds:/apps/LCRInterface/DataObjects/Common/V1/DataTypes.xsd elementFormDefault values are differentDifferent schema default values detected between: http://localhost:8001/S50040PrenosSouboruBS/PrenosSouboruBSSOAP11BindingPort?xsd=2 and http://localhost:8001/soa-infra/services/default/S50035NotifikaceChybyBS/apps/LCRInterface/DataObjects/Common/V1/DataTypes.xsd elementFormDefault values are differentGlobal element declaration/definition of name '{http://xmlns.lesycr.cz/DO/PrenosSouboru/V1}GetFileListByMaskRespDM' are duplicated at the following locations: http://localhost:8001/S50040PrenosSouboruBS/PrenosSouboruBSSOAP11BindingPort?xsd=1 [line#: 7] oramds:/apps/LCRInterface/DataObjects/D500Proces/PrenosSouboru/V1/PrenosSouboruDM.xsd [line#: 82] There are at least two of them looking different: http://localhost:8001/S50040PrenosSouboruBS/PrenosSouboruBSSOAP11BindingPort?xsd=1 [difference starting at line#:7] oramds:/apps/LCRInterface/DataObjects/D500Proces/PrenosSouboru/V1/PrenosSouboruDM.xsd [difference starting at line#:82] Global element declaration/definition of name '{http://xmlns.lesycr.cz/DO/PrenosSouboru/V1}GetFileListDM' are duplicated at the following locations: http://localhost:8001/S50040PrenosSouboruBS/PrenosSouboruBSSOAP11BindingPort?xsd=1 [line#: 9] oramds:/apps/LCRInterface/DataObjects/D500Proces/PrenosSouboru/V1/PrenosSouboruDM.xsd [line#: 36] There are at least two of them looking different: http://localhost:8001/S50040PrenosSouboruBS/PrenosSouboruBSSOAP11BindingPort?xsd=1 [difference starting at line#:9] oramds:/apps/LCRInterface/DataObjects/D500Proces/PrenosSouboru/V1/PrenosSouboruDM.xsd [difference starting at line#:36] Global element declaration/definition of name '{http://xmlns.lesycr.cz/DO/PrenosSouboru/V1}SaveFileDM' are duplicated at the following locations: http://localhost:8001/S50040PrenosSouboruBS/PrenosSouboruBSSOAP11BindingPort?xsd=1 [line#: 19] oramds:/apps/LCRInterface/DataObjects/D500Proces/PrenosSouboru/V1/PrenosSouboruDM.xsd [line#: 21] There are at least two of them looking different: http://localhost:8001/S50040PrenosSouboruBS/PrenosSouboruBSSOAP11BindingPort?xsd=1 [difference starting at line#:19] oramds:/apps/LCRInterface/DataObjects/D500Proces/PrenosSouboru/V1/PrenosSouboruDM.xsd [difference starting at line#:21] Global element declaration/definition of name '{http://xmlns.lesycr.cz/DO/PrenosSouboru/V1}GetFileListRespDM' are duplicated at the following locations: http://localhost:8001/S50040PrenosSouboruBS/PrenosSouboruBSSOAP11BindingPort?xsd=1 [line#: 11] oramds:/apps/LCRInterface/DataObjects/D500Proces/PrenosSouboru/V1/PrenosSouboruDM.xsd [line#: 51] There are at least two of them looking different: http://localhost:8001/S50040PrenosSouboruBS/PrenosSouboruBSSOAP11BindingPort?xsd=1 [difference starting at line#:11] oramds:/apps/LCRInterface/DataObjects/D500Proces/PrenosSouboru/V1/PrenosSouboruDM.xsd [difference starting at line#:51] Global element declaration/definition of name '{http://xmlns.lesycr.cz/DO/PrenosSouboru/V1}GetFileListByMaskDM' are duplicated at the following locations: http://localhost:8001/S50040PrenosSouboruBS/PrenosSouboruBSSOAP11BindingPort?xsd=1 [line#: 5] oramds:/apps/LCRInterface/DataObjects/D500Proces/PrenosSouboru/V1/PrenosSouboruDM.xsd [line#: 66] There are at least two of them looking different: http://localhost:8001/S50040PrenosSouboruBS/PrenosSouboruBSSOAP11BindingPort?xsd=1 [difference starting at line#:5] oramds:/apps/LCRInterface/DataObjects/D500Proces/PrenosSouboru/V1/PrenosSouboruDM.xsd [difference starting at line#:66] Global element declaration/definition of name '{http://xmlns.lesycr.cz/DO/PrenosSouboru/V1}GetTextFileDM' are duplicated at the following locations: http://localhost:8001/S50040PrenosSouboruBS/PrenosSouboruBSSOAP11BindingPort?xsd=1 [line#: 13] oramds:/apps/LCRInterface/DataObjects/D500Proces/PrenosSouboru/V1/PrenosSouboruDM.xsd [line#: 112] There are at least two of them looking different: http://localhost:8001/S50040PrenosSouboruBS/PrenosSouboruBSSOAP11BindingPort?xsd=1 [difference starting at line#:13] oramds:/apps/LCRInterface/DataObjects/D500Proces/PrenosSouboru/V1/PrenosSouboruDM.xsd [difference starting at line#:112] Global element declaration/definition of name '{http://xmlns.lesycr.cz/DO/PrenosSouboru/V1}GetTextFileRespDM' are duplicated at the following locations: http://localhost:8001/S50040PrenosSouboruBS/PrenosSouboruBSSOAP11BindingPort?xsd=1 [line#: 15] oramds:/apps/LCRInterface/DataObjects/D500Proces/PrenosSouboru/V1/PrenosSouboruDM.xsd [line#: 127] There are at least two of them looking different: http://localhost:8001/S50040PrenosSouboruBS/PrenosSouboruBSSOAP11BindingPort?xsd=1 [difference starting at line#:15] oramds:/apps/LCRInterface/DataObjects/D500Proces/PrenosSouboru/V1/PrenosSouboruDM.xsd [difference starting at line#:127] Global element declaration/definition of name '{http://xmlns.lesycr.cz/DO/PrenosSouboru/V1}RenameFileDM' are duplicated at the following locations: http://localhost:8001/S50040PrenosSouboruBS/PrenosSouboruBSSOAP11BindingPort?xsd=1 [line#: 17] oramds:/apps/LCRInterface/DataObjects/D500Proces/PrenosSouboru/V1/PrenosSouboruDM.xsd [line#: 97] There are at least two of them looking different: http://localhost:8001/S50040PrenosSouboruBS/PrenosSouboruBSSOAP11BindingPort?xsd=1 [difference starting at line#:17] oramds:/apps/LCRInterface/DataObjects/D500Proces/PrenosSouboru/V1/PrenosSouboruDM.xsd [difference starting at line#:97] Global Type declaration/definition of name '{http://xmlns.lesycr.cz/DO/PrenosSouboru/V1}GetFileListRespDataType' are duplicated at the following locations: http://localhost:8001/S50040PrenosSouboruBS/PrenosSouboruBSSOAP11BindingPort?xsd=1 [line#: 115] oramds:/apps/LCRInterface/DataObjects/D500Proces/PrenosSouboru/V1/PrenosSouboruDM.xsd [line#: 52] There are at least two of them looking different: http://localhost:8001/S50040PrenosSouboruBS/PrenosSouboruBSSOAP11BindingPort?xsd=1 [difference starting at line#:117] oramds:/apps/LCRInterface/DataObjects/D500Proces/PrenosSouboru/V1/PrenosSouboruDM.xsd [difference starting at line#:54] Global Type declaration/definition of name '{http://xmlns.lesycr.cz/DO/PrenosSouboru/V1}RenameFileDataType' are duplicated at the following locations: http://localhost:8001/S50040PrenosSouboruBS/PrenosSouboruBSSOAP11BindingPort?xsd=1 [line#: 175] oramds:/apps/LCRInterface/DataObjects/D500Proces/PrenosSouboru/V1/PrenosSouboruDM.xsd [line#: 98] There are at least two of them looking different: http://localhost:8001/S50040PrenosSouboruBS/PrenosSouboruBSSOAP11BindingPort?xsd=1 [difference starting at line#:177] oramds:/apps/LCRInterface/DataObjects/D500Proces/PrenosSouboru/V1/PrenosSouboruDM.xsd [difference starting at line#:100] Global Type declaration/definition of name '{http://xmlns.lesycr.cz/DO/PrenosSouboru/V1}GetTextFileRespDataType' are duplicated at the following locations: http://localhost:8001/S50040PrenosSouboruBS/PrenosSouboruBSSOAP11BindingPort?xsd=1 [line#: 153] oramds:/apps/LCRInterface/DataObjects/D500Proces/PrenosSouboru/V1/PrenosSouboruDM.xsd [line#: 128] There are at least two of them looking different: http://localhost:8001/S50040PrenosSouboruBS/PrenosSouboruBSSOAP11BindingPort?xsd=1 [difference starting at line#:155] oramds:/apps/LCRInterface/DataObjects/D500Proces/PrenosSouboru/V1/PrenosSouboruDM.xsd [difference starting at line#:130] Global Type declaration/definition of name '{http://xmlns.lesycr.cz/DO/PrenosSouboru/V1}GetFileListByMaskRespDataType' are duplicated at the following locations: http://localhost:8001/S50040PrenosSouboruBS/PrenosSouboruBSSOAP11BindingPort?xsd=1 [line#: 64] oramds:/apps/LCRInterface/DataObjects/D500Proces/PrenosSouboru/V1/PrenosSouboruDM.xsd [line#: 83] There are at least two of them looking different: http://localhost:8001/S50040PrenosSouboruBS/PrenosSouboruBSSOAP11BindingPort?xsd=1 [difference starting at line#:66] oramds:/apps/LCRInterface/DataObjects/D500Proces/PrenosSouboru/V1/PrenosSouboruDM.xsd [difference starting at line#:85] Global Type declaration/definition of name '{http://xmlns.lesycr.cz/DO/PrenosSouboru/V1}SaveFileDataType' are duplicated at the following locations: http://localhost:8001/S50040PrenosSouboruBS/PrenosSouboruBSSOAP11BindingPort?xsd=1 [line#: 93] oramds:/apps/LCRInterface/DataObjects/D500Proces/PrenosSouboru/V1/PrenosSouboruDM.xsd [line#: 22] There are at least two of them looking different: http://localhost:8001/S50040PrenosSouboruBS/PrenosSouboruBSSOAP11BindingPort?xsd=1 [difference starting at line#:95] oramds:/apps/LCRInterface/DataObjects/D500Proces/PrenosSouboru/V1/PrenosSouboruDM.xsd [difference starting at line#:24] </detail></part><part name="code"><code>null</code></part></bindingFault></bpelFault>

    I had similar issue, when i deployed composite using Jdeveloper. The problem was with my adf-config.xml pointing to dev server and all my references in my composite.xml referring to test server.
    I changed property of 'oracle.mds.persistence.stores.db.DBMetadataStore' in adf-config.xml to test server. After adf-config.xml change in Jdev my compilation went smooth.
    Note: If above changes doesn't work, try restarting JDeveloper, sometimes the changes in adf-config.xml is not getting effect immediately.
    Ziaur Rahuman S
    Edited by: Ziaur Rahuman on Feb 13, 2013 10:58 PM

  • DB Adapter JCA-12563, XSD Resolution problem

    I am using Oracle SOA Suit, and I am getting error in my db adapter.
    Below is the SOA adapter logs.
    This is intermittent issue, and occurs If i test the process for some time. After reeploying the service, same does not happen for some time but reoccurs after some good amount of testing.
    Can anybody help me with this issue?
    [2011-07-23T14:48:31.398+01:00] [managed1_metbsoa2] [ERROR] [] [oracle.soa.adapter] [tid: orabpel.engine.pool-5.thread-26] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 16acbfc99351d211:2a7cdad1:13156bb951c:-8000-0000000000118eab,0:1:100392924] [APP: soa-infra] JCABinding=> NotificationService:DBA_GetConfigurationDetail [ DBA_GetConfigurationDetail_ptt::DBA_GetConfigurationDetailSelect(DBA_GetConfigurationDetailSelect_inputParameters,TConfigurationCollection) ] Could not invoke operation 'DBA_GetConfigurationDetailSelect' against the 'Database Adapter' due to: [[
    Exception occured when binding was invoked.
    Exception occured during invocation of JCA binding: "Could not instantiate InteractionSpec oracle.tip.adapter.db.DBReadInteractionSpec due to: XSD Resolution problem.
    XSD Resolution problem.
    Unable to load Translation schemas from for http://xmlns.oracle.com/pcbpel/adapter/db/top/DBA_GetConfigurationDetail due to:
    Please make sure all used XML schemas are imported/included correctly.
    The invoked JCA adapter raised a resource exception.
    Please examine the above error message carefully to determine a resolution.

    I am also observing the similar issue , when db adapter is called getting the error
    Exception occured when binding was invoked. Exception occured during invocation of JCA binding: "JCA Binding execute of Reference operation 'ObjectVersionNumber' failed due to: Exception occured when binding was invoked. Exception occured during invocation of JCA binding: "Could not instantiate InteractionSpec oracle.tip.adapter.db.DBPureSQLInteractionSpec due to: XSD Resolution problem. XSD Resolution problem. Unable to load Translation schemas from for http://xmlns.oracle.com/pcbpel/adapter/db/ObjectVersionNumber due to: Global element declaration/definition of name '{http://xmlns.oracle.com/apps/cac/soaprovider/plsql/jtf_tasks_pub/create_task/}InputParameters' are duplicated at the following locations: oramds:/apps/crm/services/IntegratedSoaGateway/APPS_ISG_CREATE_TASK_JTF_TASKS_PUB-24CREATE_TASK.xsd [line#: 3] http://civiceb.mfltest.co.uk/webservices/SOAProvider/plsql/jtf_tasks_pub/APPS_ISG_CREATE_TASK_JTF_TASKS_PUB-24CREATE_TASK.xsd [line#: 1] There are at least two of them looking different: oramds:/apps/crm/services/IntegratedSoaGateway/APPS_ISG_CREATE_TASK_JTF_TASKS_PUB-24CREATE_TASK.xsd [difference starting at line#:79] http://civiceb.mfltest.co.uk/webservices/SOAProvider/plsql/jtf_tasks_pub/APPS_ISG_CREATE_TASK_JTF_TASKS_PUB-24CREATE_TASK.xsd [difference starting at line#:1] Please make sure all used XML schemas are imported/included correctly. ". The invoked JCA adapter raised a resource exception. Please examine the above error message carefully to determine a resolution. ". The invoked JCA adapter raised a resource exception. Please examine the above error message carefully to determine a resolution.
    There is a retry logic in a composite and after 2 or 3 retries this error does not comes, Its an intermittent issue.
    Is anyone able to find the resolution for this issue?.

  • OpenTrans 2.1 .xsd import problem into PI 7.1

    While trying to import the latest version 2.1 of openTrans .xsd Files (I downloaded "openTRANS_2.1_german_all-in-one_package.zip") into PI 7.1 we fail. Error message while loading the file "opentrans_2_1.xsd" is:
    Unable to convert imported document to WSDL
    Unable to recognize document as valid XSDCheck selected category
    OpenTrans 1.0 we have already in use since several time, however there is a need for the latest version now.
    Has anybody managed to get openTrans 2.1 to work with PI 7.1? And if so - how?

    Hello Andreas
    This error can occur if there is an element tag with the name XML, e.g.: <xsd:element name="xml">.  If the element name is something other than xml, e.g. <xsd:element name="test">, then the import should be ok.
    SAP does not allow the element name in an XSD to start with the prefix -   xml                                                                               
    This conforms to the xml schema standards set by W3C  i.e.  http://www.w3schools.com/xml/xml_elements.asp
    -> XML Naming Rules section.
    Also, check note #1255351 External Defintion - XSD Checks Problem

  • Flat-File Loading problem

    Hi Friends,
    I am struggling with flat-file loading problem. I am trying to load a .csv file into data target. I took all pre-cautions while loading data. I look into preview and simulate the data. Everything is ok, but when i schedule the data, i found 0 records in the monitor. The following is the STATUS message of the above problem:
       No data available
    The data request was a full update.
    In this case, the corresponding table in the source system does not
    contain any data.
    System response
    Info IDoc received with status 8.
    Check the data basis in the source system.
             Can anybody help me what is the problem and procdure to resolve it?

    Hi Eugene,
    Thanks for the quick reply. The following screen-shot tells you the messages of detail tab;
               The above message was shown in details tab. Pls guide me to locate the problem.

  • App keeps loading problem solve

    Anyone with an app still loading problem can get rid of it by going into the app store. tap on "updates"- bottem right corner. tap on purchased where you get a list of your downloads then tap on the cloud with the arrow, enter your pin. hit ok for app over 20mb. go back into the app store and to your purchased list and wait for it to reload. once done come out of the app store and hopefully all the loading apps are gone. hope it works for you.

    I had this same problem when trying to download some training app. I could not delete or get it to upload completely either. Very frustrating. What I did was plug it into my computer, went to Itunes and searched the same app. I was able to download it here and then it starte to sync with my Iphone. You can remove the app after it finishes the download if u want. Hope this works!

  • Loader-Problem mit I.Explorer / FireFox ist OK

    Die Domain "http://woopi.net"
    enthält eine "site", die nur mit Flash generiert wurde.
    Teste ich diese "Site" mit Firefox, dann gibt es keine Probleme, alles OK.
    Teste ich mit dem Internet-Explorer, dann muß dieser erst lernen mit den LoaderKomponenten umzugehen,
    nach dem 2. oder 3. "rollOver" werden dann diese Elemente richtig angezeigt.
    beim Aufruf von "woopi.net"  wird auf dem Bildschirm die Bundesrepublik dargestellt.
    Ein Klick auf die BRD öffnet ein Navigationsfeld mit 7 Button.
    Der Klick auf den Button "Alle Banken in Deutschland" öffnet ein Navigationsfeld, in welchem bei einem RollOver
    unten links auf dem Bildschirm ein Bild angezeigt wird, in einer LoaderKomponente.
    Der InternetExplorer zeigt diese Bilder falsch an, erst nach dem 2., ev. nach dem 3. RollOver wird das Bild richtig angezeigt.
    Unten rechts auf dem Bildschirm gibt es den Zugang zu einem weiteren Navigationsfeld, "WebKatalog 2".
    Die Darstellung in diesem Navigationsfenster ist geradezu scheußlich.
    auch die Html-Seiten in denen die Flash-Seiten eingebettet sind,  wurden mit Flash-Cs4 generiert.
    Es wurden keine ProgrammErweiterungen verwendet.
    Wer kennt die Problemlösung?
    mfG, Jochen

    danke für die Information:
    "you have incomplete swf embedding code"
    Die Kompelation der html-Datei erfolgt unter Flash automatisch, ich habe leider
    "fast keine" html-Kenntnisse, kann also nur laborieren. Können Sie mir einen Hinweis geben ?
    cue.fla     "wurde kompelliert". Ergebnis:
    Hier das, was ich vorfand:
    <body bgcolor="#e7e7e7">
    <!--Im Film verwendete URLs-->
    <a href="./cue/queue2.swf"></a>
    <a href="./cue/queue3.swf"></a>
    <a href="javascript: end("document.cue");"></a>
    <a href="http://www.basiszins.de"></a>
    <a href="http://www.onvista.de"></a>
    <!--Im Film verwendeter Text-->
    <!-- saved from url=(0013)about:internet -->
    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
    Es müßte vielleicht so aussehen:
    <body bgcolor="#e7e7e7">
    <!--Im Film verwendete URLs-->
    <a href="./cue/queue1.swf"></a>     //das Script in  cue.swf:   loadMovieNum("./cue/queue1.swf", 1);
    <a href="./cue/queue2.swf"></a>    //d.Script in queue1.swf:  on (release){loadMovieNum("./cue/queue2.swf",2);}
                                                        //d.Script in queue2.swf:   loadMovieNum("./cue/queue10.swf", 3);
    <a href="./cue/queue3.swf"></a>    //d.Script in queue1.swf:   on (release){loadMovieNum("./cue/queue3.swf",2);}
                                                       //d.Script in queue3.swf:    loadMovieNum("./cue/queue30.swf", 3);
    <a href="javascript: end("document.cue");"></a>
    <a href="http://www.basiszins.de"></a>
    <a href="http://www.onvista.de"></a>
    <!--Im Film verwendeter Text-->
    <!-- saved from url=(0013)about:internet -->
    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
    Das "Loader-Problem" zeigt sich aber schon in der "queue1.swf" Datei, welche nach _level1 geladen wird.
    Es wird hier nur Actionscript 2 eingesetzt. Bemerkenswert ist, daß sich Firefox ohne Probleme sehr stabil verhält.
    Vielleicht können Sie hiermit etwas anfangen. Wenn ein SreenShoot eine bessere Analyse ermöglicht, schiebe ich ein Bild gerne nach.
    mfG. Jochen

  • PSE 12 trial version - loading problems

    I have been trying for 3 days to load the 30 day trial of PSE12 on my new computer. My computer is loaded with Windows 8.  I have encountered problems over and over again with loading PSE12, but never the same problem.
    For example: after one download the start menu would open but it wouldn't go to the organizer or editor.  So I deleted that program and re-loaded it BUT -
    then , it went straight to the organizer - and froze, so I clicked out - tried to click back in, and NOTHING> >> not even the start menu.
    THIS IS SOOO FRUSTRATING! Makes me really second guess whether I should purchase this or not
    Please help!!!

    I think it said error 101, but not totally sure that I recall it 
    correctly.  I deleted everything and reinstalled and then it  worked.
    In a message dated 12/31/2013 11:27:15 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, 
    [email protected] writes:
    Re:  PSE 12 trial version - loading problems
    created by Jeff A Wright (http://forums.adobe.com/people/JeffAWright) 
    in  Trial Download & Install - View the full  discussion

  • Adobe Captivate 8 projects published to HTML 5 shows major loading problems and stops

    Adobe Captivate 8 projects published to HTML 5 cause major loading problems in most browsers(IE 11, Chrome v. 35.0, Firefox v. 31). Loading… (screen)
    The view stops after a while and only the Loading… (icon) can be seen on the page.
    Is this a known problem with Captivate projects published to html5 and is there a way to fix it? What is wrong?
    Test the html5 version of this project at: http://kurs.dokker.no/captivate/
    and see for yourself what happends.

    I changed the Preferences/Project/Start and End  Preloader % to 25 and published the projects again. The course: http://kurs.dokker.no/captivate/elev/
    stopped like before on one of the first slides, loading… screen like before in IE11.
    In Chrome v. 37.0 the course worked badly, would not run, sound missing and buttons not working.
    In Firefox 31.0 the course worked to a degree even if the program was advising to use another browser for this content.
    In Opera 23.0 sound was missing and else working as bad as IE.
    All this testes is done on a PC using Windows 8 connected på internet via ethernet, download speed: 66.57.
    I would like to use the HTML5-format since it has a cleaner view than swf-files that appear to be jagged, but there is a lot missing before Adobe Captivates html5 publish is where it needs to be. Her are the complete html5 course and here are the swf based course for comparison.

  • Flex 1.5 loader problem

    Hi previous we wore having some loader problem. Now it is
    cleared. but now our problem is,
    In our home page, we are having one loader. In to that we
    are loading our applicaions by clicking different links. It was
    also fine. By clicking But1 we will get app1 in our loader. By
    clicking But2 we will get app2 in our loader. Up to now OK. But
    when i click the But1 again, we are able to load app1 but the
    cursor is not stopping with its clock symbol. This is become a very
    big problem for us. Can anybody know how to recover tis. I am
    attacing my sample code.
    <mx:GridItem horizontalAlign="center"
    <mx:Loader id="mainpage_content_loader" width="700"
    horizontalAlign="center" showBusyCursor="false" />
    .as file:
    function f1()
    mainpage_content_loader.contentPath = app1.mxml.swf";
    function f2()
    mainpage_content_loader.contentPath = "app2.mxml.swf";
    function f3()
    mainpage_content_loader.contentPath = "app3.mxml.swf";

    With the free developer's license, all swfs generated by Flex
    will expire in 24 hours.
    You can put the Flex server (developer's license) on the
    network server. It is limited to the first 5 IP addresses that hit
    the site until you restart the Flex server.

  • Mail loading problem

    Hi all
    I've got this mail loading problem,
    whenever the mail is loading I always scroll down to read the text first
    but it always to back to the top, I scroll down again it scroll back up.
    this happen only during the images are loading.
    it is very annoying, though it might be fix in 10.5.7
    but it was not.
    any plan to solve this?

    I have the same problem. Did you get any answers?

  • Macbook Pro/Mozill​a Firefox --Page Loading Problems

    I experience 'page loading' problems when going from one page to another. Sometimes the page takes a long time to load. Sometimes it times out and never does load.
    Does anyone else with this combination of laptop and browser experience these problems? Any suggestions for overcoming this lag?

    I know OS X used to have some problems with the way some routers do DNS.  There was this topic a while ago:
    For our Mac we had to set the router to send external IP addresses of a DNS system (either verizon's or something like OpenDNS which we use).
    You could manually change the DNS settings on the Mac to see if that fixes the problem and then you could mac the change the settings at the router level if you like.

  • IMac, sudden extremely slow webpage loading problem

    Hi guys,
       I had this problem all of a sudden, not sure whether it was caused by malware, my own python scripts or the 10.8.2 update. However all the other devices in my wifi network work just fine. And also my iMac is not disconnected from the internet, ping "www.google.com" is fine, and other IM apps are working properly too.
       I tried different browswers (chrome, firefox, safari) since then, and all the other suggested solutions (resetting DNS, using static ip address, clear cache and etc.) None of them actually solved the problem.
      My friend told me to reinstall a clean OS X, which could be a huge pain for me.
      However, I accidently found out some softlinks and permissions are messed up in my superuser directories. So I did a "repair disk permission" , now the browsers are back on the horse. That actually makes sense to me.
      Long story short, verify/repair disk permissions (in Utilities/disk utility) might solve your browser page loading problem! I just wanna to share with you guys if you are struggling on the same issue as I was.

    Thanks for the report & sharing!

  • Safari page load problems and 10.5.3

    Since I have upgraded to 10.5.3, I am experiencing Safari page load problems on all my user accounts on my 2.0 GHz Core Duo Black MacBook. I have reviewed threads in this forum and that of the Safari forum with no solution that solves the problem. so I post here in hopes of additional expert solution ideas.
    *The Problem:* Since upgrading to 10.5.3 Safari fails to complete page downloads for some, but not all websites. When these same websites are accessed with Firefox there is no problem. With Safari the page load will stop at about 75% completion, or the page will not load at all.
    Here is an example of a webpage that will not complete: http://www.realclearpolitics.com/
    Here is an example of a webpage that will not load at all: http://cherylsguitar.com/site (my wife's business)
    I also have a G4 iMac running 10.4.11 on the same WiFi network that does NOT experience the Safari page load problems. All is good and speedy on this trusty machine.
    *Solutions Attempted:*
    - Deleted plist (with no effect)
    - Re-installed Safari from Leopard disk (with no effect)
    - Scoured User Preferences in Library for offending applications, plug-ins, etc.
    - Reset PRAM
    - Reset and examined cable modem and router (AirPort Extreme 802.11g)
    *Hardware and Network info:*
    - 2.0 GHz Core Duo Black MacBook
    - 2 GB Ram
    - AirPort Extreme Base Station (generation 1) running 802.11g

    Allan Eckert wrote:
    Hi Perry Lehman;
    Have you cleared out your cookies?
    Yes. I have reset Safari clearing all but website icons with no effect. I also tried turning of the Safari pop-up blocker with some very limited success. Disabling pop-up blocker will marginally help page load speed for some websites, but others still fail to load at all.
    Thanks for taking time to post.

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  • APO 3.1 connected to ECC 6.0

    Our client is going ahead with upgrade from R3 4.5 to ECC 6.0. However the new ECC 6.0 is aimed to be connected to APO 3.1 Is it possible to connect APO 3.1 to ECC 6.0 through CIF? What are the technical limitations to do the same? Regards Manotosh