Yahoo Server Unavailable on 2 iphone 4S's

I just got my wife a new iPhone 4S from Verizon, and I am unable to setup her Yahoo Account, and when I try her account on my iPhone 4S it states the samething as server uavailable.  However, I have had my Yahoo Account setup perfectly fine on my phone, and it connects to the Yahoo Mail Server.  I have tried multiple times to delete and re-add the account, and nothing works.  Her gmail account, however, was setup with no issues or fuss.  I just find it odd, that her email on yahoo will not function on a phone that already has a yahoo email account setup. 
So please can you let me and the community know what the fix action is?
This is very frustrating.  I will try adding my account to her phone, and see if it works.
I have restored / reset the phone to out of box environment and that did not solve the issue.
iPhone 4S iOS 5.1.1

None of the above provided users provided anything that assisted me in solving my issues.  In the future, I will not use these forums to get assistance.  I will speak with apple directly regarding my issues with future problems with my Apple Products and services.  I feel the above people copped the attitude, and therefore caused me to speak in a tone that was progressively getting worse. 
This has been a very negative experience for a new user to the community forum that apple provides. 
My wife was able to get it to work on her own with no intervention from apple or yahoo. 
The error messages that we received on our phones were very vague and lacking of anything important.  I would imagine that a multi-billion a year company would take consideration into providing more detailed errors then "Server Unvailable".  That is very vague, and as a seasoned IT Professional I would expect more from an application that deals with Mail.  Not only would it provide users with more information to assist them in diagnosing / reporting issues but it would prevent users like me from having negative experiences at support sites.  I chalk this up to the same quality of support that VALVe Software provides its uers whe solving issues. 
Due this experience, I would recommend that people use android or microsoft powered phones for better support.

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    When setting up you email, do not click on the Yahoo!  Use "Other" and follow the promps.  Use as your Incoming Mail Server, and as your Outgoing Mail Server.
    This should fix it

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    jenlang wrote:
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    That is a known issue with yahoo servers on mobile devices.  Have you tried using yahoo app?

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    the issues are on Yahoo's end. They have been updating/upgrading their servers for the past few weeks, and when they are working on the server your mail is on, you will experience outages.
    Usually all you can do is just wait it out or try a different way to access. For example I accessed my mail via safari when mine weren't working.

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    anyone able to shed any further light on this.
    and before any smart alec says search the forums i have done. and its not a yahoo issue as my Ipad mail and my Sons IPOD mail clients get mail from yahoo fine.

    I have been looking at a similar issue for over a week, this most frustrating thing I have every known and the lack of support or answers is amazing.  It has to be an iOS issue, but I haven't managed to fix it yet.
    Have a look at my post "Yahoo mail connectivity issues - Yahoo Server unavailable" from 5 days ago, the only update is from me :-) .. sounds like a similar issue. 
    Just glad I use Android OS devices ......... as the iPod is my daughters. 
    I'll update your post if I fix the issue I am having

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    This is how I fixed it on my new iPhone 5S. Using the standard yahoo setting on my phone.
    You will have to access  "managing your app passwords" on your account profile for yahoo. Generate password for your app. For example: "My iPhone 5S'
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    Many thanks
    Hope someone can point me in the right direction

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    Cannot get mail
    No password provided for "Yahoo!".
    Please go to your mail account settings and enter a password
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  • TS3899 my 4s keeps saying yahoo server unavailable why?

    my 4s keeps saying yahoo server unavailabl why?

    Yahoo has dozens, if not hundreds of servers. Just because one device is accessing a specific server, does not mean that another one gets the same server.
    Yahoo's servers are notoriously bad.
    All you can do is wait.
    While you're waiting, create a gmail account.

  • TS4069 Yahoo server unavailable

    Somebody can help me

    the issues are on Yahoo's end. They have been updating/upgrading their servers for the past few weeks, and when they are working on the server your mail is on, you will experience outages.
    Usually all you can do is just wait it out or try a different way to access. For example I accessed my mail via safari when mine weren't working.

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