Yesterday songs playing fine, today warped and distorted

I've had my 30G pod for just over a year. Yesterday I was listening to it and the play back was just fine, same quality as it always has been. Then I turned it off because I was at work, then a few hours later turned it back on to listen some more and now all the songs are distorted and warped. Some songs will play for a few seconds correctly then they will start distorting too. Help me! Do I need to take it in for repair or what? I've restarted it, but I'm afraid to restore it, I'm afraid that it won't work ever again. About a month ago I transferred it to another computer and wiped the library, all my songs have come from CD's so I know its not a "virus". I just want it to work normally again!
Dell e1705   Windows XP   Capacity 27.8GB -- Available 24.2GB

This version of iTunes 12.1:
iTunes 12.1 for Windows (64-bit — for older video cards)
seems to address the playback issues that some users have been reporting with the full 64-bit version (the installer here is the same architecture as most previous "64-bit" versions of iTunes, i.e., a 32-bit application with a 64-bit installer).  The "for older video cards" does not seem to fully define the scope of systems for which this alternative works better.

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    - Reset the iOS device. Nothing will be lost      
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    If still problem, make an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store since it appears you have a hardware problem.
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    So, if you select one of these songs on the iPods screen, and try to play it, what happens?  The iPod does nothing?  It skips to the next song?
    It's possible you will have to do a Restore on the iPod, if there is data corruption on the iPod causing this problem.  The Restore erases the iPod, and removes any corruption.
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    If your country's iTunes Store allows you to redownload purchased tracks, I'd delete your current copies of the tracks and try redownloading fresh copies. For instructions, see the following document:
    Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store
    Otherwise, I'd report the problem to the iTunes Store.
    Log in to the Store. Click on "Account" in your Quick Links. When you're in your Account information screen, go down to Purchase History and click "See all".
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    I'd report the problem to the iTunes Store.
    Log in to the Store. Click on "Account" in your Quick Links. When you're in your Account information screen, go down to Purchase History and click "See all".
    Find the item that is not playing properly. If you can't see "Report a Problem" next to the entry, click the "Report a problem" button. Now click the "Report a Problem" link next to the item.
    (Not entirely sure what happens after you click that link, but fingers crossed it should be relatively straightforward.)

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    Did you let the scan in iTunes finish before you enabled the service on the iPhone? If not you need to. Disable iTM on the iPhone, then launch the Music app and let the content clear out. Once the scan is complete in iTunes re-enable iTM on the iPhone.

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    We want you to be able to enjoy all your music! Were all the songs downloaded from the same source? Are all the songs that play at the low volume from the same place? Is the music you are listening to stored on your device or a 3rd party application?
    Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport

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    What is your iTunes version?
    If iTunes 11, have you checked the "Up Next" list? If it is not empty, try if clearing "UP Next" will help:

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    Video formats supported:
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    MPEG-4 video up to 2.5 Mbps, 640 by 480 pixels, 30 frames per second, Simple Profile with AAC-LC audio up to 160 Kbps per channel, 48kHz, stereo audio in .m4v, .mp4, and .mov file formats;
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    Other people have been having similar problems with songs over a number of days.
    Depending upon what country that you are in (music can't be re-downloaded in all countries) then try deleting the incomplete tracks from your iTunes library and redownload them via the Purchased link under Quick Links on the right-hand side of the iTunes store home page on your computer's iTunes : re-downloading.
    If you aren't in a country where you can re-download music or if they re-download in the same state then try the 'report a problem' link from your purchase history : log into your account on your computer's iTunes via Store > View My Account and you should then see a Purchase History section with a 'see all' link to the right of it ; click on that and you should see a list of your purchases ; find those songs and use the 'Report a Problem' link.

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    Since the iPod is only a week old, I would consider returning it to Apple or wherever you purchased it from and showing them what is happening.  If they decide that the unit is faulty, they'll swap it out for you at no cost.

  • Cannot burn a DVD without errors!! Plays fine in IMovie and Quicktime.

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    Then, I burn the DVD, using IDVD. I think this is the issue! Specifically, when I play the new DVD, the following occurs:
    1. Some (not all) music tracks are distorted or sound like there are two tracks playing over each other;
    2. Some (not all) music tracks don't play;
    3. The sound levels of the music is erratic and increases in volume significantly;
    4. The DVD (normally towards the end) starts pausing and usually takes me back to the beginning.
    I have now made a number of DVDs, some longer than others, some shorter, but all seem to have these issues.
    As stated above. The movie plays fine in the IMovie file on full screen view AND in the Quick Time viewer file. It is when the DVD is burnt that all these errors occur.
    I have tried changing the settings in IDVD. Even tried the professional quality.
    Can some one please help in a relatively non technical way? I am really ready to throw away the IMac and go back to Showtime on windows, which was far easier to use. Please help?

    Not sure how to check how much memory?
    Click on the icon for your hard drive. Then go to File>Get info; this will bring up a window that will show you what the capacity is for your hard drive as well as the amount of available space. It is this available amount that you need to check.
    The source of the music is ITunes. I think they are MP3, not sure, but they are MP3 compatible.
    It is possible that this could be the origin to your difficulty; it has been in the past. Convert the format of your music to AIFF. Here are the directions from iTunes Help:
    +_Saving a copy of a song in a new file format_+
    +You can convert a song to a different file format (and keep a copy of the original). For example, you can save a copy of a compressed song file such as MP3 or AAC in an uncompressed song format (AIFF or WAV).+
    +When converting from a compressed to uncompressed file format (for example, from MP3 to AIFF), you shouldn't notice any reduction in sound quality. However, when converting between compressed formats (for example, MP3 and AAC), you may notice a reduction in the sound quality. For the best results, if you want your music encoded in a different file format, import the music again from the original source using the new encoding format.+
    +IMPORTANT: Except for iTunes Plus songs, you can’t convert iTunes Store purchases.+
    +To convert a song's file format:+
    +Choose iTunes > Preferences, click Advanced, and then click Importing.+
    +In the Import Using pop-up menu, choose the format you want to convert songs to, and then click OK to save the settings.+
    +Select one or more songs in your library, Option-click, and choose “Convert Selection to.”+
    +The song in its original format and the newly converted song appear in your library.+
    If your music was purchased from iTunes and is not iTunes plus, post back for directions on how to change the format.
    What brand of DVD are you using and what speed are you using for the burn?
    The very knowledgeable users on this forum recommend Maxell or Verbatim. Also, be sure to burn at 4x or lower. This tends to reduce the likelihood of errors during the burn process. As an added step, close your other applications during the burn process.

  • Song plays fine on computer, not on iPod

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    Have you tried completely removing the song from your ipod? Remove the song from the list of songs to be synced with your ipod, sync the ipod so the song is removed from it. Then go back into the sync preferences for the ipod set it to sync that particular song again, and resync. This way you know it will transfer a new copy of the song over to your ipod.

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    I tried upgrading my Superdrive to the new Pioneer 111D (it was suggested to me that my older 103 was not compatible with Panther) and still the same problem.
    I am noticing now that when I go to check my system profiler, it's now saying for the new Pioneer 111D that "disc burning is NOT supported".
    I'm in the midst of a project and feeling pretty screwed. HELP!

    First of all, I'm appreciating all the responses and help. This is a serious concern for me which I need to find a solution for asap.
    As far as the media itself... the discs are TDK DVD- and I've ruined about 4 or 5 of them... each having the same problem...taking 12 hours to burn they play for awhile on a commercial DVD player then freezes up about 2/3rds the way through (unless you try to scan through, in which case it freezes up on the spot.) There are a total of 3 scenes... and the 3rd scene doesn't happen at all in the final burned disc. So, J.Keller, as much as I'd love to blame the media I don't think I can. But it's certainly a reasonable explanation.
    Karsten, I have to tell you the thought that it might actually take LONGER to butn this disc is painful. It's actually only 45 minutes or so of material. But if I knew that it would take 24 hours but it would work perfectly I'd go for it! I will download the patch you recommend to see if it offers a workaround solution.
    But I'm still perplexed that in the SYSTEM PROFILER for the Pioneer 111D it says that "burning is NOT supported". Should I be concerned about this?
    At this point I'll try just about anything. So if J Keller thinks that by waving a dead chicken over my head while singing dixie would help create a workable DVD so I can finish this project for my boss, I'd give it a try.
    Any other thoughts? I really appreciating the insights and suggestions.

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    Hi Gerani30,
    Thanks for visiting Apple Support Communities.
    You can troubleshoot AirPlay performance issues using the steps in this article:
    iOS: Troubleshooting AirPlay and AirPlay Mirroring
    Best Regards,

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