Yet another no mount ipod touch

I have a problem. I tried a number of things to make this work including all (that I could find) suggested fixes.
I uninstalled iTunes and reinstalled.
I restarted my Mac
I restarted my iPod touch.
When I connect my iPod touch and launched iTunes the iPod does not register. The iPod does not show up in Disk Utility (if it does). Here is the funny part. When I connect my wife's iPhone it mounts and shows up in iTunes. When I connect my wife's iPhone into her Mac it mounts and iTunes launches. When I connect my iPod touch into her Mac it does not mount and iTunes does not launch.
So, though trial and error I think it is safe to say the problem is with the iPod touch. This is a new problem too. My iPod is v2.2.1 (5h11). It is a first gen iPod touch.
So, does anyone have fix that works? Ideas?

Did you try to connect it in recovery mode?
Did you remove and reinstall Apple Mobile Divice Service?

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    My personal opinion is that the POP protocol is better suited to a device like the Touch where always-on Internet access is not available.
    GMail POP/iPhone setup:
    GMail IMAP/iPhone setup:

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    Alright ... well. I managed to solve this kind of. As per my last post regarding the same exact issue, I must've missed a reply from Inxsible telling me to use the FIRST suggest UDEV rule from the arch udev wiki.
    The result of this is basically...
    *Device inserted
    *Mounted in /media/<device name> automatically
    *(No access via Thunar sidepane since it gets mounted with `mount`)
    *No need to manually unmount
    *just unplug or power off the device and it gets "lazy" unmounted via `unmount`
    *Mounting a drive via TrueCrypt creates a directory in /media that doesn't get automatically deleted.
    *Not a solution to Thunar having response issues with unmounting.
    KERNEL!="sd[a-z][0-9]", GOTO="media_by_label_auto_mount_end"
    # Import FS infos
    IMPORT{program}="/sbin/blkid -o udev -p %N"
    # Get a label if present, otherwise specify one
    ENV{ID_FS_LABEL}!="", ENV{dir_name}="%E{ID_FS_LABEL}"
    ENV{ID_FS_LABEL}=="", ENV{dir_name}="usbhd-%k"
    # Global mount options
    ACTION=="add", ENV{mount_options}="relatime"
    # Filesystem-specific mount options
    ACTION=="add", ENV{ID_FS_TYPE}=="vfat|ntfs", ENV{mount_options}="$env{mount_options},utf8,gid=100,umask=002"
    # Mount the device
    ACTION=="add", RUN+="/bin/mkdir -p /media/%E{dir_name}", RUN+="/bin/mount -o $env{mount_options} /dev/%k /media/%E{dir_name}"
    # Clean up after removal
    ACTION=="remove", ENV{dir_name}!="", RUN+="/bin/umount -l /media/%E{dir_name}", RUN+="/bin/rmdir /media/%E{dir_name}"
    # Exit
    Last edited by anthonyclark (2010-09-22 03:50:00)

  • IPod touch Not recognized by Computer but charges?

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    Want to ask you to help me.
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    So far so good. Got speakers now and I'm happy.
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    What I want to know really is really just "Is this a design defect w/ the iPod Touch 2g (and if so is apple going to fix it w/ a software update or recall them or something)?".
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    - Does it charge when connect to your computer?
    - Does it charge other devices?
    - Does your iPod charge when connect to your computer?
    - Try another cable
    - See:
    iPod touch: Hardware troubleshooting

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    Contacts are included with the backup, which is updated by iTunes as the first step during the iTunes sync process. Although included with the backup, contacts are designed to be synced with a supported address book application on your computer. If not and your iPod Touch is lost or stolen and not replaced with another, kiss your iPod Touch contacts goodbye.
    Yes you should have transferred the backup for your 3rd gen to your new iPod especially if you don't sync contacts with a supported address book application on your computer. When connected a new iOS device to iTunes for the first time on a computer that is used to sync another iOS device, you are prompted to transfer the backup for the other iOS device to the new device, or set up the new device as new or don't transfer the backup. Now you must restore the 4th gen with iTunes from the backup for the 3rd gen. Be sure to sync the 3rd gen with iTunes before doing so.

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    If they are an iTunes backup of your iPod then extract them by:
    How to perform iPad recovery for photos, videos
    Wondershare Dr.Fone for iOS: iPhone Data Recovery - Wondershare Official
    Restore another iOS device (iPod touch, iPad or iPhone) from the the iCloud or iTunes backup of your iPod.
    If the photos were in your PhotosStream only the last 30 dys (from today, not when it was lost) will be restored

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    My dad has an iPad 2 and my little brother has an iPod Touch (4th generation). As long as there is a Wi-Fi signal, they are able to message, Facetime, and use the internet all for "free" (no extra charges from our internet service provider, which is obvious).
    My dad recently purchased an iPhone 4S from Verizon.
    He is currently on the "Pay As You Go" plan for messages ($0.20/text and $0.25/picture and video).
    When are messages free, and when are they not free? Are they free as long as there is a Wi-Fi signal? Are they free as long as it is from the iPhone to another iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch? Do I get charged for data only when I see the "3G" symbol displayed in the upper left corner of the iPhone?
    Thanks in advance!

    I then turned Wi-Fi off on the iPhone 4S but had "Send as SMS" turned on, tried sending another message to the Touch (Wi-Fi activated), and it did not send at all (because the Touch is SMS-incapable).
    That sort of makes sense, but even with wi-fi off the 4S should have been able to send the iMessage over 3G to the Touch, which was on wi-fi.  Your results would only make sense if the 4S didn't have 3G service, or if the iMessage servers were down, or if you've turned iMessage off completely on the 4S.  That would force the message to go out as SMS but the Touch can't receive SMS.
    Sorry, I was a bit unclear there.
    I had both Wi-Fi and Cellular Data (3G) turned off to see if "Send as SMS" alone would work if I was sending a message to an SMS-incapable device (to see if the iPhone would try anyway and to see if I would get charged for that).
    I'll type out some scenarios, and tell me if I'm wrong on these. They might seem redundant since you have pretty much answered all my questions, but I want to make absolutely sure that I understand. These could also clear things up for others who will/have read this discussion.
    Scenarios involving iPhone 4S to iPod Touch (both running iOS 5):
    4S has Wi-Fi, 3G, and "Send as SMS" turned on. Touch has Wi-Fi turned on.
    4S can iMessage to Touch via Wi-Fi (as long as there is a Wi-Fi signal) free of charge and will remain free of charge and with no accrued data usage because 4S prioritizes Wi-Fi before 3G before SMS.
    Once out of range of the Wi-Fi signal, 3G kicks in and any iMessages sent from 4S to Touch will count towards data plan usage (in my dad's case, 300MB/$20 per month - the minimum plan). However, data size will be insignificantly small if it's a simple words-only message and will only be a fraction of a percentage of the 300 MB.
    My dad turns off Cellular Data (3G), Wi-Fi is still out of range, and he sends a message (keep in mind that "Send as SMS" is still turned on). Because the Touch is not capable of sending/receiving SMS messages, the message will just fail to send.
    These scenarios would also have the same outcome if the Touch had been a Wi-Fi-only iPad. If the iPad had 3G capability, the message received from the 4S would have added towards the data plan usage of the iPad.
    Scenarios involving iPhone 4S to another iPhone (both running iOS 5):
    Both phones have Wi-Fi, 3G, and "Send as SMS" turned on. Messaging plan for each phone is "Pay as You Go" - $0.20/text and $0.25/picture or video.
    iMessages are free and do not count towards data plan usage if both currently have strong Wi-Fi signals.
    4S still has strong Wi-Fi signal, other iPhone gets out of Wi-Fi range and switches to 3G. Any messages received by the other iPhone from the 4S will count towards data plan usage of the other iPhone. However, the outgoing message from the 4S will still be free and will not count towards data plan usage.
    Other iPhone turns off 3G and is still out of Wi-Fi range but still has "Send as SMS" turned on. 4S (with strong Wi-Fi signal) sends message, "I love you." to other iPhone. The message will still be free and will not count towards data plan usage for 4S but will charge $0.20 to other iPhone.
    Scenario involving iPhone 4S to Samsung Galaxy 2 (running Android OS):
    4S has Wi-Fi, 3G, and "Send as SMS" turned on.
    Any message sent from 4S to Galaxy will count as SMS because Galaxy is incapable of iMessage. Therefore, Wi-Fi and 3G are insignificant, and 4S is charged $0.20.
    4S has Wi-Fi, 3G, and "Send as SMS" turned off.
    4S will not be capable of sending anything.
    4S has Wi-Fi and 3G turned on, but "Send as SMS" is turned off.
    4S has strong Wi-Fi signal, but message will not be sent to Galaxy.
    4S gets out of Wi-Fi range and 3G kicks in, but message will not be sent to Galaxy and no data usage will have occurred.
    That should be least everything I've considered.
    Again, thank you.

  • Wanting to ask for iPod touch for my birthday.

    I only sometimes listen to music (Not a big fan of anything today, Most of it's crappy imo) but I love games, Like on my PC and Xbox 360, And I know iPod touch can download games and stuff, But is there anything you can play with against other people online? Like online multiplayer? Sorry is this isn't the right forum, I just want to get it anwsered quickly. Thanks in advance

    yes there are many games like that, but your going to have to look for them. and btw iphone os 3.0 will allow to connect to another iphone or ipod touch through bluetooth so you'll be able to play with each other directly. it's called peer to peer, it's kind of like the nintendo ds. 3.0 comes out this summer.

  • TS2634 My ipod touch will no longer play in both my docking stations, Bowers and Wilkins mini zeppellin and a Logitech, yet it plays in my car.  Is the ipod about to die?  Do I repair or buy another? It's only 2 years old!  thanks!

    My ipod touch will not play music in my Bowers and Wilkins mini zeppelin nor my Logitech.  Yet, it plays in my car.  The music can be heard playing in the ipod itself.  It is only 2 years old.  Should I repair or just buy another?  Thanks!

    Did it start not working after updating the iPOs on the iPod? SOmetimes updating an iOS breaks compatibility.
    You can try the standard fixes:
    - Reset. Nothing is lost
    Reset iPod touch: Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
    least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    - Restore from backup
    - Restore to factory defaults/new iPod.

  • Yet Another iPod Touch user with WIFI problem

    I have Linksys WRT54GS wifi router setup at home. I use four notebooks, one mac mini and one mobile phone (Nokia N80) without any problem on my wifi network.
    The only problem is with my brand new iPod Touch 16GB (firmware: 1.1.2 3B48b - no jailbreak). It always shows an error "Unable to join the network 'MY-SSID-NAME'". I have tried to change SSID, change security settings (WPA, WEP, no security, ...) - but nothing helped. All other devices (notebooks, macmini and phone) always worked like a charm.
    iPod worked only once - the first time I used it (after buying). Since then it does not. I have tried all resets, Restore in iTunes, ...
    I think it might be a bug in firmware. Please help someone.
    BTW: How (an where) can I report a bug to Apple ?

    Just like many others, I bought Ipod Touch in Christmas and felt frustrated about surfing the net. I have read many posts in the forum. And I have tried many methods suggested by others to try to figure out the problems. Finally I have solved the problem and I want to share some ideas with others.
    Steps of Checking:
    (1) Check whether you have a wireless network at home or at work. Check whether the network is security protected or not. If it is, better ask the admininistrator (at home, the admin should be the one who bought the wireless router.) for password.
    (2) Check the latest firmware upgrade for the wireless router (in my case, I use Linksys WRT54G. After I upgraded the firmware, my ipod touch could get the necessary IP from the router.)
    (3) For the wireless router, better broadcast the SSID for the first time so that the IPod Touch can find it easily. I use WPA2-Personal Encryption AES (though many buddies here point out that WEP, WPA or even no security is also okay). I even set the MAC filtering and the Ipod Touch still works fine!(though you need to input the MAC address of your Ipod Touch to the MAC filtering table in the admin page of your router. the MAC address of Ipod Touch can be found in the Ipod Touch general information. There is a string like XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
    (4) To mininimize the interference from neighbouring wireless networks, better try the connection near the wireless router.
    (5) If you have tried for several times and failed to connect, you may reset the router by powering off for 15 seconds and reset the network configuration of the Ipod.
    I have used Compag IPAQ before and I must say that for those tiny toys with Wifi capability, the connection is not that stable. However, I find that using the Ipod Touch to watch Youtube video is very good and the speed is excellent!
    The steps suggested above are not exclusive. There are too many factors which influence the performance of Wifi. Hope you will succeed and enjoy the Ipod Touch in the New Year 2008!

  • IPod Touch syncing to another library

    This question involves 3 iPod touches and 1 computer! I am asking this question for my parents who are not that iTunes savy as of yet.
    They both have iPod touches that were once synced to their computer. My nephew came over and hooked his iPod up to their computer a while back and now at the top it will say (my nephews name's iPod) even though his iPod is not plugged in. How can they get his name off of there? When my stepmom plugs her ipod up, she wants to see her name same as my dad. When I opened iTunes and clicked on Preferences then Devices, I see BOTH my stepmoms and Dad's iPods listed. My nephews is not listed but that same computer was used to get his iPod up and running at one point.
    My folks are scared they will lose all their music if they hook up their iPod's then click the wrong thing.
    Secondly when they (my parents) plug their ipods up to the computer its says their iPods are synced to another library. It gives them an option of Erase and Sync or Transfer Store Purchases. All the songs in the current library on the screen is songs my parents both added to their library. This is the CORRECT library according to them. For now, I just had them click cancel.
    So my stepmom said at one point she could sign in with her login and sync her iPod and then my Dad could sync his iPod under her login name. They said he didn't have to log her out then log back in with his user email address. Could this be a problem?
    Now if they each signed in with their own user and password, can they have their own separate playlists and libraries even though its on the SAME computer?
    Would Erase and Sync be the best option? I recently had to use Senuti for Mac for my own iPod for a similar issue but I think that might be a bit complicated for them to learn if I suggested that option LOL!
    Im trying to make this as painless as possible for them so they can get back to downloading music and apps. Even though its saying their iPods are syncing to another library, all the music on the screen MATCHES everything that is currently on their iPod's now. This is why I was pushing more for them to do an Erase and Sync.
    What are your thoughts?

    Recover media from iPod
    See this post from forum regular Zevoneer for options on moving your iPod data back to your computer.

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