Yet Another Zeroconf/.local Issue

I'll start off with some details. This an issue at home, my router is configured to hand out the domain 'mcelheran.home' through DHCP, and it does. Using Fing (an extremely useful and handy little network discovery tool available on all platforms, even mobile), all my local hosts show up as 'HOSTNAME.mcelheran.home' as they should. But my iMac (10.9) and my Macbook Pro (10.8) are not behaving as they should, they both seem to think they have '.local' domain and everything I check on them says so, but Fing reports them as having the 'mcelheran.home' domain.
I can't access my Macs from non Apple products, Windows or Android (SMB), they just aren't being resolved through means of DNS, using IP addresses works fine, though. And now even weirder, I think anyways, is that my Macs can 'see' my SMB shares, but only sometimes. And possibly even weirder again, my Macbook Pro used to have the 'mcelheran.home' domain, at least as far as I could tell on the machine itself and using Fing.
So, I'd like to have everything working smoothly. I'd like to be able to access SMB shares on my Macs with my other devices, and I'd like to connect to SMB shares on other devices (mainly a 1TB NAS I have) without having to use IP addresses. If I could get all my devices to populate the "Network" in the file managers of all other devices, that would be really nice.
Thanks a bunch.

Yes, I am running a legal copy, I am a registered developer with Apple, I didn't think that it would be a violation seeing as how the problem is occuring on both, and the solution would probably be the same. But, I guess with NDA we can't discuss it.
So, can we discuss the problem that I'm having with my Macbook Pro running Mountain Lion?

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    Please if someone could shed some light I would greatly appreciate it even if its regarding my previous issue.
    I use the above Cooler Master PSU, zero issues. Has 4 pci-e connectors, so it's ready for quad sli if I ever want to go that route with my P6n Diamond. Has lots of different connection options, highly rated PSU. Not all Cooler Master PSUs underperform, just have to know what you're buying. The above supply also has 2 8 pin connectors so for instance when my GTX 295 arrives I'll have no trouble (card uses 6/8 pin). Reviews also can be helpful.

  • Yet another slow connection issue

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    These wait times are completely unacceptable. I understand that the attack on your servers has caused big headaches, but hire some temporary support staff to get through this.
    Please, Adobe, help me out. I need to use your products for work.

    Hi Jon,
    I am so sorry for the inconvenience  faced by you, please provide me your contact number, if possible with an alternate contact number. I will follow up the issue.
    I have send an email to you also, please respond.

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    Last edited by williamkray (2012-02-02 22:49:56)

    i have solved this, and am posting how here for anyone else who might come across this in a search. this is what i came up with:
    added the following to my /etc/rc.local:
    chgrp users /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/brightness && chmod g=+rw /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/brightness
    then i came across this script on another forum post, and saved it to /usr/sbin/brightness, made it executable and chgrp users:
    level=$(cat $file)
    if [[ "$#" -eq 0 ]]; then
    cat $file
    elif [[ "$1" = "-" ]]; then
    echo $(( level - 1 )) > $file
    elif [[ "$1" = "+" ]]; then
    echo $(( level + 1 )) > $file
    then in my ~/.config/openbox/rc.xml i added the following code to bind the commands to my Super+Up and Super+Down :
    <keybind key="W-Up">
    <action name="Execute">
    <command>brightness +</command>
    <keybind key="W-Down">
    <action name="Execute">
    <command>brightness -</command>
    Last edited by williamkray (2012-02-02 22:51:28)

  • Yet another Quick TIme issue.

    I made new audio in Digital Performer and imported an MOV file as the source video. The new file was saved as an MOV and plays perfectly on a mac. However, when I try to play this on my pc's QT, I have to load the new file first THEN the original file before both the video/audio play. Help!

    OK, that makes total sense. Thank you very much Jon; that explains the issue very clearly. This of course begs another question though; how to I merge the new audio file and the original video file?
    That may depend on how you plan to play the file. My preferred strategy is to create a new target file and prevent the original source files from being accidentally modified in case I need to repeat the merge sequence.
    1) Open the source files.
    2) Create a new empty player.
    3) Copy the individual files to the empty player in the order you wish them played.
    4 Save the resulting new file as a stand alone file.
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    Any help appreciated.

    That was part of the problem, it had been setup that way as when I'd been testing DeployStudio and had just followed the instructions. Removing it didn't just solve the problem though as I needed to add both local DNS & external DNS on both interfaces with the 192 DNS first. Anyway cheers for pointing it out, I couldn't see the wood for the trees and needed another set of eyes and to sleep on it.

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    Windows 2003 Server
    HP LaserJet 2100TN Printer attached shared through Win2k computer on the local network.
    PowerBook G4 (wireless)
    I've been successful printing in the past with this equipment. I'm not sure what happened, except I do remember resetting the print services on my Mac a while ago. That wiped out all my printers. That must have been because I lost print capabilities to the LaserJet.
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    I was wondering if anyone else has experienced this variation of the problem, or if anyone is aware of the particular bug or fault responsible, and of a more permanent solution, short of never turning it off again.

    (I live near Dundee, and my nearest Apple-owning friend lives in Aylesbury).
    Perhaps there is an Apple Store or an AASP nearby -
    Also check to see if there are any User Groups in your locale.

  • Yet Another YouTube Connection Issue

    Long time Mac user, 1st time poster
    Yes, I have the (apparently) infamous "I can't get the YouTube URL to work" problem. I have gone thru a number of the related/similar questions already on the ASC but still no joy.
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    Any help/suggestions would be appreciated!

    Even the cheapest wireless router will work much better than what you have as a WiFi access point, and over the life of the device you'll probably save enough on electricity to recover the cost.

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    I use the above Cooler Master PSU, zero issues. Has 4 pci-e connectors, so it's ready for quad sli if I ever want to go that route with my P6n Diamond. Has lots of different connection options, highly rated PSU. Not all Cooler Master PSUs underperform, just have to know what you're buying. The above supply also has 2 8 pin connectors so for instance when my GTX 295 arrives I'll have no trouble (card uses 6/8 pin). Reviews also can be helpful.

  • [SOLVED, sort of] Yet another UEFI boot issue

    Hello everyone,
    Let me start by saying sorry for the long (first) post.
    I've ended up with a UEFI boot problem I can't solve. I've searched the forum and internet and I realize I'm not the only one who ran into problems with UEFI. Unfortunately, the problems other have had seem not similar to mine. I've spent almost 2 days now trying to figure this out, and I'm getting nowhere (though I've learnt some more about UEFI, which I guess is good). I was hoping someone here can give me some hints on how to proceed.
    So lets start with the background. I recently bought a new computer (Lenovo Thinkpad Edge E530 with Windows 8) and of course I want to run ArchLinux on it (been using ArchLinux for almost 7 years now and no plans on switching). Installation went ok with only a few problems during installation that I managed to solve (or so I thought). I must admit I didn't follow the guide fully. I didn't want to remove the Restore and Windows partitions, so I figured it would be safe to reuse the existing UEFI System Partition, as long as there was enough room, which there was. Anyway, I now have a computer I can boot into ArchLinux and also Windows 8, just the way I want it, almost. There is this one final issue I haven't been able to figure out how to solve.
    The problem
    Whenever I reset/power on the computer, I must press Enter during the initial screen (showing a Lenovo logo, and a message about pressing Enter to interrupt normal startup). If I don't press Enter before the timeout (a second or so), the screen will go white and that's it. No beep, no message, no nothing but a white screen. A power cycle is the only way to leave this state. Occasionally the screen will be a white bar at the top and random colours below, but I'm guessing this only represents what is in graphics memory at the time (0x00, 0xFF or any other random value).
    If i do press Enter however, then I'm presented with a menu where I can select what to boot; rEFInd (which is preselected) along with Windows 8 and some restore and diagnostic entries. Pressing enter will take me to the preselected rEFInd, pressing enter again (or wait for timeout) will boot linux, and I'm in. Nothing weird there. And if I select Windows in rEFInd, then windows boot, just as expected.
    There is no difference whether I'm switching from Windows to Linux or Linux to Windows or just reboot the same OS I was using again. The result is the same whatever I choose to boot.
    So the question is: Why do I have to select rEFInd manually and go through all these menus? Should I not be able to just power it on and let it boot the preselected rEFInd entry and continue from there, without me helping it?
    Trying to solve it
    Searching here and on the internet gave me some ideas on what to try, so here is a list of my attempts:
    efibootmgr show me there is a rEFInd entry, and that it is the first one in boot order
    I copied refindx64.efi to /boot/efi/EFI/Boot/bootx64.efi (replacing an existing entry)
    I've updated the EFI firmware (from Lenovo) to the latest and greatest
    One other guy had almost the same issue, but with a single boot of Windows. He solved it with Microsoft Boot Manager (there is an Automatic Repair, or something). I even dared trying this, though I must admit I was a bit hesitant about letting some Microsoft program trying to repair my computer. Anyway, it said it couldn't repair my problem, nor did it say I had one, so I am none the wiser.
    None of the above gave anything.
    So, that's it. I guess I can live with having to press Enter on every power up/reset, but it is very annoying having to do so, and even more so when I forget it because then I'm forced to power cycle it. I hope someone reading this can figure out what's going on, because I am clueless.
    Best regards,
    Last edited by 6feet5 (2013-01-08 19:03:50)

    WonderWoofy wrote:@srs5694, have you thought about filing a bug report/feature request about the naming scheme here?  I would imagine that something coming directly from the upstream developer would be something that they should take into consideration.  Also, I imagine that renaming it to refindx64.efi kind of goes against the whole "vanilla packages" thing we tout around here... so it really makes me wonder why it is done in the first place.
    I've just done that:
    It's not been very important until recently; but I've been putting a lot of effort into the ancillary support scripts ( and They necessarily rely on the files having certain names, so installing them under other names robs users of functionality.
    6feet5 wrote:I've decided to try and restore the whole unit, thinking it would take maybe an hour or two. It's been running now for almost 3 hours and only completed 20%.
    Good luck with that!
    FWIW, it seems that the number of EFI-related bug reports on Linux forums has gone way up recently. No doubt this is because EFI is now pretty much universal on new computers, so problems that used to affect one or two people now affect dozens or hundreds, and some of those post about them.

  • [Solved]Yet Another HAL / Mounting issue....

    My issue can be avoided by manually mounting a device, just to get that out there.
    Whenever I transfer a larger file ( > 200mb) onto a removable USB device formated in either FAT or any non-journaled filesystem, Thunar will *pretend* like its unmounting the device but after about 20 seconds it states:
    Failed to unmount "<device name>".
    Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply,
    the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired,
    or the network connection was broken.
    On top of the message, my data written is mostly corrupt.
    What I know:
    ** Thunar uses exo-unmount to unmount devices given a HAL uuid. Maybe this is failing? Any clue how to debug this?
    ** 20-storage-methods.fdi states that all vfat mounted devices have 'flush' and 'async' mount options... could this be an issue?
    ** I'm part of the 'storage' and 'power' groups.
    ** i start XFCE using ck-launch-session startxfce4
    I've made sure that the device has no other handles and is not open in any window. My system(s) all have new and updated HAL and DBUS, as well as every other package. Running 'sync' after writing the files sometimes fixes the issue. Does anyone have a fix for why removable drives aren't "sending a reply" ? Thanks!
    Last edited by anthonyclark (2010-09-22 17:48:13)

    Alright ... well. I managed to solve this kind of. As per my last post regarding the same exact issue, I must've missed a reply from Inxsible telling me to use the FIRST suggest UDEV rule from the arch udev wiki.
    The result of this is basically...
    *Device inserted
    *Mounted in /media/<device name> automatically
    *(No access via Thunar sidepane since it gets mounted with `mount`)
    *No need to manually unmount
    *just unplug or power off the device and it gets "lazy" unmounted via `unmount`
    *Mounting a drive via TrueCrypt creates a directory in /media that doesn't get automatically deleted.
    *Not a solution to Thunar having response issues with unmounting.
    KERNEL!="sd[a-z][0-9]", GOTO="media_by_label_auto_mount_end"
    # Import FS infos
    IMPORT{program}="/sbin/blkid -o udev -p %N"
    # Get a label if present, otherwise specify one
    ENV{ID_FS_LABEL}!="", ENV{dir_name}="%E{ID_FS_LABEL}"
    ENV{ID_FS_LABEL}=="", ENV{dir_name}="usbhd-%k"
    # Global mount options
    ACTION=="add", ENV{mount_options}="relatime"
    # Filesystem-specific mount options
    ACTION=="add", ENV{ID_FS_TYPE}=="vfat|ntfs", ENV{mount_options}="$env{mount_options},utf8,gid=100,umask=002"
    # Mount the device
    ACTION=="add", RUN+="/bin/mkdir -p /media/%E{dir_name}", RUN+="/bin/mount -o $env{mount_options} /dev/%k /media/%E{dir_name}"
    # Clean up after removal
    ACTION=="remove", ENV{dir_name}!="", RUN+="/bin/umount -l /media/%E{dir_name}", RUN+="/bin/rmdir /media/%E{dir_name}"
    # Exit
    Last edited by anthonyclark (2010-09-22 03:50:00)

  • Yet another CD burning issue--won't finish "finishing"

    The subject pretty much says it all. When I try burning a CD, the computer seems to go through the process just fine until the status becomes "Burning disc.....finishing," at which time, it stops. iTunes still works and is responsive, but the CD won't finish.
    I've also tried burning discs with Windows Media Player, but it doesn't seem to work either.
    Immediate responses would be greatly appreciated--I need to burn a disc as a gift ASAP!
    Thanks in advance.
    (Please note that at the time I ran the diagnostics, it still said it was "Burning disc.....finishing." Not sure if that's relevant or not, but figured it was worth noting anyway.)
    Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 1 (Build 2600)
    Emachines xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    CD Driver
    CD Driver DLL
    LowerFilters: PxHelp20 (,
    UpperFilters: GEARAspiWDM (,
    Video Driver: Intel(r) 82810E Graphics Controller\Intel(R) 82810 Graphics Controller
    IDE\DiskWDCWD800BB-00JHC0_____________________05.01C05, Bus Type ATA, Bus Address [0,0]
    Could not open CD handler, 5. Problem with installation of drive in Windows or drive contains copy protected CD.
    Current user is an administrator.
    D: SAMSUNG CD-R/RW SW-224B, Rev R201
    Drive is empty.
    The last failed audio CD burn had error code 4220(0x0000107c). It happened on drive D: SAMSUNG CD-R/RW SW-224B on CDR media at speed 12X.

    i think i found your drivers and downloads page at Emachines:
    Emachines T-series T1150
    but there's not a lot of items of interest available there.
    on the other hand, according to Samsung's support site, there's a newer version of the firmware available for your SAMSUNG CD-R/RW SW-224B. you've got R201, and they have R205 available for download:
    Samsung SW-224B
    so it might be prudent to contact your Emachines technical support, tell them you're troubleshooting a burning issue, and asking them if the newer R205 firmware is compatible with the particular Emachines system that you have.

  • Yet Another Slow DSL Issue - Speed No Better Than Dialup?

    I consider myself fairly computer savvy (as I work with them as a profession), but must admit that Internet Connectivity is not my forte...
    I currently subscribe to the Hi Speed DSL Enhanced - lately, the speed has degraded to not much better than dialup. I have had this service for several years - nothing has changed on my end hardware-wise, so this event is not assumed to be from my end.
    I am running:
    Westell 6100 Modem (Transcever Rev Version
    NetGear RangeMax Duo Wireless N-Router #WNDR3300
    (2) computers are hooked up:
    (1) XP - hardwired directly to the Westell modem
    (1) Win7 - hooked up via wireless
    Both computers are running latest version of OS, IE and all software is up to date.
    Both computers use Kaspersky Internet Security (internet speed the same whether it is ON or OFF)
    Absolutely NO Maleware/Spyware or Viruses on either computer
    I reboot the modem several times/day - with no result in increased speed
    (2) phones installed in home - both with appropriate filters installed
    My 1st resort was to call support - I can tell you that will be the LAST time I utilize that 'service'  I have come to the end of my rope with waiting extended periods of time, only to be connected with a foreign country, with a poor connection, with an operator that barely speaks english, only to have them read thru a script telling me to do ridicuously stupid things like 'reboot the modem' (no kidding) or swap my hardwire CAT cable from my computer to modem end-for-end?
    Next resort was this forum - infinitely more helpful!
    Ran a Transceiver Stats Check as a baseline - Speed (Down-Up) was a crappy 96 Kbits/sec by 448 Kbits/sec
    Then I tried a couple suggestions from this forum - my new Transceiver Stats:
    Transceiver Statistics
    Transceiver Revision:
    Vendor ID Code:
    Line Mode:
    G.DMT Mode
    Data Path:
    Transceiver Information
    Downstream Path
    Upstream Path
    DSL Speed (Kbits/Sec)
    Margin (dB)
    Line Attenuation (dB)
    Transmit Power (dBm)
    HUGE improvement eh?
    One thing I did notice when attempting to check for newer version of modem firmware - when trying to update from web it gave me a 'Cannot Connect to Server Error'?
    Speed is noticeably increased - but is it still where it should be?
    If not, what other fixes should I attempt?
    And finally, why is it that every time the weather gets even slightly inclement (sky clouds over, rain, thunderstorm, etc) our DSL goes off entirely?
    Thanx for all your help in advance!

    Can you fill us in a bit on what you did to improve the synch speed on the modem? Did you find some advice around here to connect the modem to your NID or did you investigate for damage to the home wiring? Your line should be running at a higher speed, which for what you seem to have is 1184kbps down, 448kbps up.
    Do you also have voice service with Verizon? If so, how is that, especially during storms? Getting any noise on it? It could be possible if the line is not having issues due to corrosion, somewhere along the line shielding could be missing, and in comes a storm CRC'ing the line out of service.
    The first to bring me 1Gbps Fiber for $30/m wins!

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    ok, i had 2 websites in iweb. no problem, i was publishing to folders then uploading to a non .mac site. finally got .mac and uploaded my site, but it kept doing both, so i deleted the one i didn't wan ton .mac and assumed i could take the published

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    Hi, I know the fact that in DMS Document configuration, if we don't tick the checkbox "Use KPro" the attachment is saved to SAP database, Vault or Archive. T-code DC20 decides that. I have tested the same for Vault and it works fine. But when I don't

  • Mass delete of data in the BI system

    Hi Everyone I would like to know if there is a way to delete the data for all the InfoObjects and Cubes in one go. In our BI environment the standard Cube "Headcount and Personnel Actions" has been loaded with data from the wrong source system along