Z68S G43 G3) B4 fluctuating its overclock, not saving profiles correct?

I have this board clock to 4.6ghz and the setting is saying but the clock speed is not.  When I look at CPUZ it clocks itself down to as low as 1500hmz and fluctuating up to 4.58.  Also I see the base clock is not at 100, I have seen this issue for similar boards.  Is there a bios which I can use to fix these issues.
Another thing I found odd was I cant select in increments the mem voltage, and non of the choices are 1.5. only 1.65?  Also to add to this my profiles are not saving as when I load them they havent loaded the settings, also noticed how the name hasnt been kept for my profile?

 This is not high expectations, almost every motherboard Ive owned has had voltage options in the bios. The only boards not to have them are ones that come from OEM companys like Dell ect and even then its not a board issue but a limited bios set that way by Dell engineers.
  Even my very first MSI motherboard many years ago had voltage options, I bought a pre-built gamer rig many years ago which was supposed to be top of the range but ended up being alot of cheap parts inside a nice looking case. The motherboard was a MSI 7060, when I checked online I found this board retailed for £35 at that time. So even the lowest end boards have voltage options.
This isnt even about the board been capable of overclock, (although the board clearly is capable of oc'ing the bios has been nerfed obviously to make ppl have to buy the higher end boards if we want those options) its about having the ability to set voltages for the other components, my cpu will do 4.5Ghz with 1.28vcore, I want to be able to run it with that vcore not .1volt higher, nor do I want the fluctuations of the voltage jumping around as much as they do without simple vdroop control. My ram is rated for 1.65v but I can get away with under clocking it to 1600Mhz with just 1.58vddr, but this board doesnt give that option to do so.
Again I want to illiterate this is not high expectations, I am an extreme overclocker , I have used many boards from all different price ranges and never had a board (other than OEM) with the voltage options nerfed. I know this is a mainstream product not aimed for extreme overclockers and I didnt buy it for that use. It was bought to go in a new dailly pc for gaming, media and web browsing and I was planing on running it at stock or only mildly overclocked. Either way I should be able to and have the options to change the voltages to settings I want to run. I shouldnt have to put up with the board overvolting and degrading my hardware.

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    lamar64 wrote:
    Problem 1:
    After saving a file as a WAV file when you view that file in Windows Explorer many of the metadata tags have the last character truncated.  The only way that I have found to solve the problem is to add a trailing space on each fields entry.  In fact if you change the Recording Date to say "2012" the date won't show up at all in Windows Explorer, but if you save it as "2012 " it shows correctly.
    Okay, well I just checked this out in Windows 7, 64bit. If there were going to be problems, this is where I'd expect them to be - and there simply aren't any - it works absolutely fine. If you don't put the metadata in a fields absolutely correctly, you get a ! at the end of the line, and all bets are off at that stage. And in the date format, that puts the year in first, then the month and then the date (yyyy-mm-dd). So if you try to put too many figures at the end, then yes I'd expect them to get truncated. But everything I put in my test file showed up fine, and correctly, in Windows Explorer.
    lamar64 wrote:
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    Hi Nathan
    In iPhoto, are you looking at the info window bottom left? You may find that if you right click on the image (or control click) and choose 'Get Info' you will see the co-ordinates listed. It took me ages to work that one out.
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    Someone posted exactly the same problem a few months ago. Was it you? I don't recall that we found a solution, bit if it was someone else, it would be worth searching to see if you can find the old thread.
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    Are you using Version Cue?

  • Overclocking Notes

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    I use CPUID and setfsp (a google search will find both)
    When overclocked to 1.8 the my booklet gets a GeekBench score of 847 and at 1.9 it was 944. Pretty impressive, but like I said, at 1.9 the system crashes.
    Also, without a new bios allowing overclovking you will have to set the overclock speed rach time the overclocking program is closed. Sure you can set this up as an automated task to occur at start-up, but that doesnt always work either. Not to mention the sensitive nature of overclocking.
    If you have any other thoughts here, let me know. I don't advocate overclocking too often, but i do think that we, the users, should petition NOKIA to offer a new bios with an overclocking option. This would make it much safer and more stable. 

    Your right that overheating is a concern when overclocking, however, the z530 is a great processor to overclock. This is because it has a low watt hour power consumption (which is why nokia chose this processor in the first place).
    There is also a lot of data to support overclocking this processor. This information comes mainly from the real world example of Asus and thr eeePC. Asus actually created another bios version for their users to choose from if they wanted to overclovk their machine. You can search these forums or google to find the info if you like.
    I wouldn't suggest overclocking the z530 more than 200mhz (from 1.6 to 1.8). In fact overclocking is only a real solution if supported by nokia. But for more power in a pinch, why not?
    I have not seen that an overclocked processor will only be good for 2 years. That doesnt matter because the processor still manages its power consumptipon and clock cycles. That is to say that it only uses all its power when it needs to. Its not like the processor is just screaming at the overclocked speed all the time. Instead it continues to act just like it normally would, with the exception of when it needs full power.
    Lastly, the Booklet is really great at passive cooling, the whole thing is a heat sink!
    to overclock or not to overclock, that is the question. 

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    Hello, I have the MSI Z68S-G43(G3) (MS-7750) board and I was very pleased with it so far.
    (running bios version 4.3 atm)
    However I have a problem with Control center 2 and it's fan control.
    I just bought Noctua NH-D14 and plugged it's fans into the sysfan 1, as well as other fans in sysfan 2.
    I am trying to change the fan control profile, however there are few problems:
    1. Fan profiles are reset upon restart to some default setting even if I overwrite it by saving the profile .
    2. Whenever I edit the curve in Control Center,  fan speeds are just stuck at the lowest speed .
    Which is rather dangerous tbh.
    (for ex. if 50% is lowest and max is 100% if cpu is stressed fans still stay at 50%)
    I have tested this with Intel Burn test, while monitoring the temps and fan speeds with CPUID Hardware Monitor.
    Another problem I have is after Bios update to v4.3 is with my keyboard.
    It does not work outside OS, however before the update it worked.
    Keyboard info:
    Noppoo choc mini which is Full NKRO over usb and is implemented as three keyboard controllers according to Device manager.
    Now the biggest problem I have is with the fan speeds, the keyboard is more of a gripe... I just keep a spare one around  ...
    Any help is greatly appreciated

    yes the sysfan 1 has a 4pin connector, but in the manual it says that the pwm pin is not to be used.
    The cpu fan is 4 pin pwm.
    And the sysfan 2 is 3pin .
    So the cpu fan connector is pwm, while the others are voltage controlled.
    I am currently using Sysfan 1 for Noctua's fans and Sysfan 2 for the other fans.
    I checked and I can control sysfan's speeds from control panel.
    But the problem I am having is that if I modify the min speed of the curve fans stick to min speed without regard to the temp-speed curve. As if I set them to a fixed speed.
    Here is a sceenshot of the default curve. Now I would like to change the min here to 50% at 40C.

  • Does the MSI Z68-G43 G3 support 8/8 PCIe 2.0 lanes (for SLI/CF)

    The MSI webpage states
        • 1 PCI Express gen3 x16 slot, 1 PCI Express gen2 x16 slot
        • 2 PCI Express gen2 x1 slots
        • 3 PCI slots, support 3.3V/ 5V PCI bus Interface
    for the MSI Z68-G43 G3. It doesn't say whether the board can run the 16 PCIE 2.0 Lanes in 8/8 configuration. My current (Gigabyte P67A-D3-B3) board can only do 16/4, so I am considerung moving to this board for Crossfire. Does anyone know if 8/8 2.0 is possible with this board and a Sandy Bridge CPU?

    Quote from: RemusM on 27-September-14, 04:52:45
    SLI is not possible on this board.
    The PCI-E 2.0 slot is equipped with only 4 lanes.
    PCI-E Gen : Gen3 (1x16), Gen2 (1x4)
    Thanks for the help, Remus!
    I am now looking to get a Z77A-GD55 instead. It is specified as PCI-E Gen : Gen3 (16, 16), Gen2(4) so it should be fine (Sandy Bridge only reduces it to Gen2 (16, 16) instead of Gen3 (16, 16), right?).
    They are somewhat hard to find, though, unlike the Z68A-GD65-G3 with Gen3 (16/0, 8/8) and Z68A-GD80-G3 with Gen3 (16/0, 8/8), Gen2 (1x4) . So I'll see what I can get.

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    where did you download the movie from?
    what is it doing when it wont allow you to play the movie?
    since you downloaded quicktime is it still asking you to download quicktime?

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    Cconnect it to your computer with the latest version of iTunes installed.

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    Hi Priya,
    You need to Implement the following SNOTE's for these changes.
    Union Budget 2015: As per Finance Bill 2015, the Government has implemented amendments to existing sections and introduced new sections in the Income Tax Act. Changes have been made in the following topics:
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    2139208 - Union Budget Changes – 2015
    2138605 - Sec80C: Sukanya Samriddhi Scheme
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    Average Rate of Tax
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