Zen CAST organizer: the triumph of the creat

Ok, can someone tell me the meaning of this stupid program?
When I saw it I thought that finally Creative labs released a new organizer to resolve the HUGE problems they kindly gave us with the last stupid firmware.
But once again, Creative showed us how incompetent they are... they just made a stupid commercial thing to copy Apple.
And this new organizer is totally useless, because all you can do is download music from their affiliated partners (under payiment of course) and transfer it in an arcane and not customizable way to your MP3.
Is this progress? I don't think so. The original organizer of the 2004 was WAY better and more advanced then this crappy thing.
Good job Creative, instead of progressing you are going down!
Mod Note: Edited the subject header. You need to watch your language if you're going to post in the forum.Message Edited by Jason-CL on 08-7-2006 03:40 PM

To jassy:
thank you very much for your advices, I checked the programs online and it seems that they can be a good alternati've to our old, dead and beloved Media Organizer.
But still I think it's very sad that we have to pay third parties to recover the functionality of our beloved Zen Xtra because Creative isn't able (or doesn't care) to give us a decent solution after the mess they caused with the last firmware.
I think Creative should care more of her customers beacuse, after all, it's thank to us if she got so much success in the last years. I read the posts in this forum and I saw how many people are disappointed. And I bet that a lot of these people are old Creative customers like me.
So why don't they try to make a Creative Media Organizer with all the functionalities of the old one (the pre-firmware upgrade)? Is it so hard to make it's I don't think it's impossibile, because Winamp and other third parties software can reach similar results.
Maybe it's me, but I don't see the point in releasing this new, useless organizer that doesn't fix ANY of the problems that you can find in the many threads around here...

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    Kevin is suggesting that you store the projects you create while working through his book in a folder called RoboHelpProjects. It is not where you have to store every project you ever create.That is for the purposes of his book.
    RoboHelp initially defaults to My RoboHelp Projects but it's up to you whether you do. Generally on the forums we advise against that as  it is part of your profile and can result in excessively long path names in a few cases. Generally where authors create file names that are so long they almost serve as the content.
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    Make sure that your control exist in 15 hive under given location. Just a little change in your snippit, try using below snippet in your HTML master page.
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    <!--CS: Start Create Snippets From Custom ASP.NET Markup Snippet-->
    <!--SPM:<uc1:MyDepartmentControl runat="server" id="MyDepartmentControl1" />-->
    <!--CE: End Create Snippets From Custom ASP.NET Markup Snippet-->
    Adnan Amin MCT, SharePoint Architect | If you find this post useful kindly please mark it as an answer.

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    From the FCP 7 User Manual. You can access your copy of the Manual through the HELP menu on the menu bar at the top of your main screen.
    Subtract Composite Mode
    Subtract darkens all overlapping colors. Whites in the foreground image go black, while whites in the background image invert overlapping color values in the foreground image, creating a negative effect.
    Blacks in the foreground image become transparent, while blacks in the background image are preserved.
    Overlapping midrange color values are darkened based on the color of the background image. In areas where the background is lighter than the foreground, the background image is darkened. In areas where the background is darker than the foreground, the colors are inverted.
    The order of two clips affected by the Subtract composite mode is important.
    Difference Composite Mode
    The Difference composite mode is similar to the Subtract composite mode, except that areas of the image that would be severely darkened by the Subtract composite mode are colored differently.
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    go to your Home()/Library/Caches/com.apple.iWeb folder and delete its contents.
    Click to view full size
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    launch iWeb, create a new test site, save the new domain file and close iWeb.
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    move your original domain file from the Desktop to the iWeb folder.
    launch iWeb and try again.
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    2 - use the Share ➙ iWeb ➙ Photo page menu option.
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    railman wrote:
    I have a Zen Micro 4GB setup and working great on our desktop computer. I have the Creative Media Source v3.0.9 and Zen Micro Media Explorer v4.00.22 software installed. I purchased two Zen Micro 6GBs at Christmas for my kids. I have been through the manual and these forums, but no help on how to setup the two new Zen Micros to work with the existing software. The new Zens do show the popup "Creative Media Device Detected", and I can see the new Zens in Windows Explorer. The new Zens do not show up in the Zen Micro Media Explorer. Do I have to install the Zen software for each of the three Zens? If not, any ideas? Thanks
    It appears that you may have both PlaysForSure Zen Micro and non-PlaysForSure Zen Micro. As such, you should install both plugins for MediaSource. A newer version of MediaSource is also available to you.
    Here is what you should do:
    - Download and install the latest Creative MediaSource Player/Organizer 3.30.2 from your product download site.
    - Download and install the latest Creative Zen and NOMAD Jukebox plugin 2.00.20 for Creative MediaSource from your product download site.
    - Download and install the latest Creative MediaSource Plugin for PlaysForSure devices (version .00.8) from your product download site.

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    IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.database_principals WHERE name = N'foouser')
    CREATE USER [foouser] FOR LOGIN [foouser] WITH DEFAULT_SCHEMA=[dbo]
    Error: "The CREATE USER statement must be the only statement in the batch."
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    >IF...ELSE imposes conditions on the execution of a Transact-SQL statement
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    IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.server_principals WHERE name = N'foouser')
    CREATE LOGIN [foouser] WITH PASSWORD = 'asdfasdf'
    If I try and execute this script, it throws the same error as above.
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    CREATE LOGIN [foouser] WITH PASSWORD = 'asdfasdf'
    But if the login already exists on the server (because a similar script was already run), then the script throws an error.
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    DROP LOGIN [foouser]
    CREATE LOGIN [foouser] WITH PASSWORD = 'asdfasdf'
    Obviously this throws an error in the second block if the login doesn't already exist on the server.
    The third workaround idea I have is to go conditional by putting an IF condition around DROP instead of CREATE:
    Unfortunately that doesn't work for me either!
    "The DROP LOGIN statement must be the only statement in the batch"
    (This is despite the fact that 'drop login' is listed on the
    supported commands page, not the partially supported page..?! Which disagrees with the notes on
    this page.)
    Anyway the real question I am interesting in addressing is: is there actually a way to have a 'Create/Delete login
    if exists' operation which is SQL-Azure compatible and doesn't throw me error messages (which messes with the sql execution tool I am using)?
    If there is no way, I would like to believe it's because it would be a bad idea to do this. But in that case why is it a bad idea?

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    Thanks for all,

    Hello Naomi,
    I have imported all the tables into SQL Server,
    I created a table:
    TABLE dbo.Orders
    Now I want to populate this table with the values from imported tables, will this code take care of this task?
    INSERT INTO dbo.Orders(OrderId, OrderDate)
    SELECT OrderId, OrderDate
    FROM Sales.Orders
    SELECT OrderId, OrderDate
    FROM Sales.Orders1
    SELECT OrderId, OrderDate
    FROM Sales.Orders2
    If not, what is the code?
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  • The Create List Item workflow action does not work in document library with document template

    My end goal is more complex but below is a basic example of the issue I’m having that just simply does not work.
    I'm trying to use a site workflow to create an item in a document library that has a document template applied to it but the file that gets created by the workflow is corrupt and cannot be opened.
    I created a document library and edited the document template by adding some text to the header and changing it to a Word docx file instead of a Word dotx file. I tested the document template by clicking the files tab in the ribbon and then clicking new
    document which opens the document template in Word and allows me to edit and save the document back to SharePoint. Then I created a SharePoint 2013 site workflow in SharePoint Designer that contains a single Create List Item action, and that action creates
    an item in the document library with the name field statically defined. I published the workflow and then manually start it on the site. The workflow completes successfully and when I navigate to the document library the document has been created by the workflow.
    When I click on the document to open it in the Word Web App it throws the error pictured below and if I open it in the Word client application it just opens a blank document and not the correct document template.
    I also tried using a SharePoint 2010 workflow with pretty much the same results. Opening the document in Word Web App gives the same error as above and opening the document in the Word client application gives the error pictured below.
    Come on Microsoft creating a Word Document in a SharePoint Document Library from a SharePoint Workflow should just work! Is this a bug or does anyone have any ideas on what is causing the this issue?

    I had the same problem with corrupted document - this worked for me:
    1. Create a 2010 Workflow which creates the list element in a document library
    (you may start this workflow from your 2013 workflow if applicable)
    2. In the Create New List Item properties - make sure to set ContentTypeId to your content type
    ("Id for indholdstype" is Danish for "Contenttype ID")
    3. Your Content Type template should be a ".docx" file - NOT a ".dotx" file...!
    (I have always created my templates for content types as .dotx files - seems Microsoft wants us to use ordinary .docx files as template files for content types)
    Hope this helps you!

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