Add one day to

I ask user to enter a date: yyyy-mm-dd, then I want to add one day to that date, I don't know how to do it?
java.sql.Date time2 = java.sql.Date.valueOf( args[0] );
Many Thanks.

since a date object is really nothing more than a long you can always add one day's worth of milliseconds to it....
long milliInADay = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24;
Date d = ......
d.setTime(d.getTime() + milliInADay);although there may be some issues with this i'm unaware of, but seems pretty straightforward to me.

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    A stupid question...
    How can I add one day to the current date in a select. I want something similar to add one month to current date, but with days:
    something like:
    from dual

    select sysdate+1 "add one day" from dual;

  • Difference in two java.SQL.Date in Days

    I have two java.sql.Dates. One sendDate and other is recieveDate. Could you please tell me how can I calculate the diffenence in these two dates in Days.
    Thank you

    here is the code
    public int DayDiff(String start, String end)
    SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy");
    Date startDate = dateFormat.parse(start);
    Date endDate = dateFormat.parse(end);
    GregorianCalendar calStart = new GregorianCalendar();
    GregorianCalendar calEnd = new GregorianCalendar();
    if (calStart.get(Calendar.YEAR) == calEnd.get(Calendar.YEAR))
    return calEnd.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR) - calStart.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR);
    else if ((calEnd.get(Calendar.YEAR) - calStart.get(Calendar.YEAR)) == 1)
    int daysEndYear = calEnd.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR);
    int daysStartYear = calStart.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR) - calStart.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR);
    return daysEndYear + daysStartYear;
    int startYear = calStart.get(Calendar.YEAR);
    int endYear = calEnd.get(Calendar.YEAR);
    GregorianCalendar cal = new GregorianCalendar();
    int days = 0;
    for (int i = startYear + 1; i < endYear; i++)
    cal.set(Calendar.YEAR, i);
    days += cal.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR);
    days += calEnd.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR);
    days += (calStart.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR) - calStart.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR));
    return days;
    catch (ParseException e)
    return -1;
    sorry about the formatting
    hope this works

  • How to add one day to a Date?

    What is the simplest way to daa one day to a Date object?

    You use a database query just to add one day
    to a Date object? I wouldn't call that the "simplest"
    way at all.I was going to suggest firing off an email to the naval observatory and having them carry out the calculation, emailing the result back (maybe using JMS, not sure - web service possibly?) but the OP's way is simpler.

  • Add one day to current date

    Hi ,
    can anyone tell me the logic for add one day to sysdate()?
    Thanks and Regards,

    Hi Ranjith K,
    you can use sysdate()+1 to increment the system date.
    I hope this will help you out.

  • Java.sql.Date vs java.util.Date vs. java.util.Calendar

    All I want to do is create a java.sql.Date subclass which has the Date(String) constructor, some checks for values and a few other additional methods and that avoids deprecation warnings/errors.
    I am trying to write a wrapper for the java.sql.Date class that would allow a user to create a Date object using the methods:
    Date date1 = new Date(2003, 10, 7);ORDate date2 = new Date("2003-10-07");I am creating classes that mimic MySQL (and eventually other databases) column types in order to allow for data checking since MySQL does not force checks or throw errors as, say, Oracle can be set up to do. All the types EXCEPT the Date, Datetime, Timestamp and Time types for MySQL map nicely to and from java.sql.* objects through wrappers of one sort or another.
    Unfortunately, java.sql.Date, java.sql.Timestamp, java.sql.Time are not so friendly and very confusing.
    One of my problems is that new java.sql.Date(int,int,int); and new java.util.Date(int,int,int); are both deprecated, so if I use them, I get deprecation warnings (errors) on compile.
    public class Date extends java.sql.Date implements RangedColumn {
      public static final String RANGE = "FROM '1000-01-01' to '8099-12-31'";
      public static final String TYPE = "DATE";
       * Minimum date allowed by <strong>MySQL</strong>. NOTE: This is a MySQL
       * limitation. Java allows dates from '0000-01-01' while MySQL only supports
       * dates from '1000-01-01'.
      public static final Date MIN_DATE = new Date(1000 + 1900,1,1);
       * Maximum date allowed by <strong>Java</strong>. NOTE: This is a Java limitation, not a MySQL
       * limitation. MySQL allows dates up to '9999-12-31' while Java only supports
       * dates to '8099-12-31'.
      public static final Date MAX_DATE = new Date(8099 + 1900,12,31);
      protected int _precision = 0;
      private java.sql.Date _date = null;
      public Date(int year, int month, int date) {
        // Deprecated, so I get deprecation warnings from the next line:
        if(! isWithinRange(this))
          throw new ValueOutOfRangeException((RangedColumn)this, "" + this);
      public Date(String s) {
        // Start Cut-and-paste from java.sql.Date.valueOf(String s)
        int year;
        int month;
        int day;
        int firstDash;
        int secondDash;
        if (s == null) throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException();
        firstDash = s.indexOf('-');
        secondDash = s.indexOf('-', firstDash+1);
        if ((firstDash > 0) & (secondDash > 0) & (secondDash < s.length()-1)) {
          year = Integer.parseInt(s.substring(0, firstDash)) - 1900;
          month = Integer.parseInt(s.substring(firstDash+1, secondDash)) - 1;
          day = Integer.parseInt(s.substring(secondDash+1));
        } else {
          throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException();
        // End Cut-and-paste from java.sql.Date.valueOf(String s)
        // Next three lines are deprecated, causing warnings.
        if(! isWithinRange(this))
          throw new ValueOutOfRangeException((RangedColumn)this, "" + this);
      public static boolean isWithinRange(Date date) {
          return false;
          return false;
        return true;
      public String getRange() { return RANGE; }
      public int getPrecision() { return _precision; }
      public String getType() { return TYPE; }
    }This works well, but it's deprecated. I don't see how I can use a java.util.Calendar object in stead without either essentially re-writing java.sql.Date almost entirely or losing the ability to be able to use java.sql.PreparedStatement.get[set]Date(int pos, java.sql.Date date);
    So at this point, I am at a loss.
    The deprecation documentation for constructor new Date(int,int,int)says "instead use the constructor Date(long date)", which I can't do unless I do a bunch of expensive String -> [Calendar/Date] -> Milliseconds conversions, and then I can't use "super()", so I'm back to re-writing the class again.
    I can't use setters like java.sql.Date.setYear(int) or java.util.setMonth(int) because they are deprecated too: "replaced by Calendar.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, int date)". Well GREAT, I can't go from a Date object to a Calendar object, so how am I supposed to use the "Calendar.set(...)" method!?!? From where I'm sitting, this whole Date deprecation thing seems like a step backward not forward, especially in the java.sql.* realm.
    To prove my point, the non-deprecated method java.sql.Date.valueOf(String) USES the DEPRECATED constructor java.util.Date(int,int,int).
    So, how do I create a java.sql.Date subclass which has the Date(String) constructor that avoids deprecation warnings/errors?
    That's all I really want.

    I appreciate your help, but what I was hoping to accomplish was to have two constructors for my java.sql.Date subclass, one that took (int,int,int) and one that took ("yyyy-MM-dd"). From what I gather from your answers, you don't think it's possible. I would have to have a static instantiator method like:public static java.sql.Date createDate (int year, int month, int date) { ... } OR public static java.sql.Date createDate (String dateString) { ... }Is that correct?
    If it is, I have to go back to the drawing board since it breaks my constructor paradigm for all of my 20 or so other MySQL column objects and, well, that's not acceptable, so I might just keep my deprecations for now.

  • Cannot convert from java.util.Date to java.sql.Date

    In the below code am trying to get the current date and 60 days prior date:
    Date  todayDate;
              Date  Sixtydaysprior;
              String DATE_FORMAT = "MM/dd/yy";
              DateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT);
             Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
              todayDate = sdf.parse(sdf.format(cal.getTime()));
              cal.add(Calendar.DATE, -60);
             Sixtydaysprior = sdf.parse(sdf.format(cal.getTime()));I have imported following files:
    %>Shows up following error msg:
    Type mismatch: cannot convert from java.util.Date to java.sql.Date
    Edited by: MiltonDetroja on May 22, 2009 11:03 AM

    Shows up following error msg:
    Type mismatch: cannot convert from java.util.Date to java.sql.Date
    I don't think this exception is thrown from the portion of code you have shown. As clearly specified in exception message, you cannot cast an instance of java.util.Date to java.sql.Date. you will need to do something like this
    java.util.Date today = new java.util.Date();
    long t = today.getTime();
    java.sql.Date dt = new java.sql.Date(t);

  • Convert Calendar to Java.sql.Date

    I seached for a solution for converting a Calendar-object to a for inserting it into a MySQL DB (DateTime). I know this question is a FAQ. The solution I found is the following code:
    java.sql.Date sqlDate =  new java.sql.Date(cal.getTime().getTime() );When i do a print of the sqlDate to the console I get: sqlDate: 2005-06-27
    But when I look into de DB I get the following date: 27/05/1905
    I know that in Java the months are starting from 0-�11 and that the years counting is starting from 1900. But I assume that the solution is not to just add the correct month and year manually. because I get a correct console-output. If I do this I get a correct DB Date, but a wrong console-date.

    II dont know if you found an answer but I needed a similar solution so I wrote a test program.
    Let me know if this solves the problem for you.
    import java.util.*;
    import java.sql.*;
    public class dateTest{
    public static void main(String args[]){
    // Step by step
    // Calendar rightNow = Calendar.getInstance();
    // java.util.Date today = rightNow.getTime();
    // long theTime = today.getTime();
    // java.sql.Date sDate = new java.sql.Date(theTime);
    // In one line
    java.sql.Date sDate = new java.sql.Date(Calendar.getInstance().getTime().getTime());
    System.out.println("sDate is: "+sDate.toString());

  • PreparedStatement.setDate(new java.sql.Date(long))

    Anyone knows how to set insert a Date with Time, Day, Year into a database? I have tried using the preparedStatement.setDate(new java.sql.Date(long)) but it only inserts yyyy mm dd but I want to include time too.
    Anyone knows how here? Please advice.

    how to create an instance of Timestamp?
    new java.sql.Timestamp(????)
    What to put in the parameter?I think that I might have answered that in another one of your posts, if not could you elaborate your problem

  • Java.sql.Date output help

    i want to add a date to a mysql databse but im getting incorrect info...
    here is a similiar code to what i have in my software
    import java.util.Calendar;
    import java.sql.Date;
    public class test {
         public static void main(String[] args) {
            Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
            int year = c.get(Calendar.YEAR);
            int month = c.get(Calendar.MONTH);
            int day = c.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK);
            Date d = new Date(year, month, day);
    }i get 3906-09-06 as an output...please help

    Date d = new Date(year, month, day);
    The year is a number from 1900. So u need to substract 1900 from the value u got before.

  • XSLT Mapping: how to add one day to TimeStamp

    Hello Experts,
    My requirement is to add one day to current timestamp. Used $TimeSent to get the currenttimestamp. In Expired field, the need to add one day
    say Created= 2011-03-30T20:29:13Z
           Expired = 2011-03-31T20:29:13Z
         <xsl:param name="TimeSent"/>
         <created><xsl:value-of select="$TimeSent"/></created>
    How to add one day to the current timestamp. I am new to XSLT mapping and need some help with the code.
    Shikha Jain
    Edited by: Jain Shikha on Mar 30, 2011 8:34 PM
    Edited by: Jain Shikha on Mar 30, 2011 8:36 PM

    Hello All,
    Thanks for your reply. i tried the function and the code is working when i am testing in stylus studio. But the same code gives error when i  tested the xslt mapping in PI (Error: TransformerConfigurationException triggered while loading XSLT mapping).
    $TimeSent function is working when code is tested in PI , but it doesnot give value in stylus studio. Also Current-dateTime() function is doesnot give value in PI but works in stylus studio. Is there any difference in the functions used in stylus studio and XSLT mapping in PI?
    Also if i remove the code used for function(to add one day to timestamp), and use constant value(2011-04-02T23:24:56.763Z)the code is working fine in PI. Please help me to find out where the code is going wrong when tested in PI.
    Below is the XSLT code i am using
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="" xmlns:ds="" xmlns:functx="" xmlns:xs="">
       <xsl:function name="functx:next-day" as="xs:date?">
          <xsl:param name="TimeSent" as="xs:anyAtomicType?"/>
          <xsl:sequence select="xs:date(current-date()) + xs:dayTimeDuration(&apos;P1D&apos;) "/>
    <xsl:template match="/">
          <xsl:param name="TimeSent"/>
          <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:olsa="" xmlns:soapenv="">
                <wsse:Security soapenv:mustUnderstand="1" xmlns:wsse="">
                   <wsu:Timestamp wsu:Id="Timestamp-191900" xmlns:wsu="">
                         <xsl:value-of select="$TimeSent"/>
         <xsl:value-of select="concat(substring(functx:next-day($TimeSent) ,1,10) ,&apos;T&apos;, current-time())"/>                  </wsu:Expires>
                   <wsse:UsernameToken wsu:Id="UsernameToken-19030197" xmlns:wsu="">
                      <wsse:Password Type="">XYZ</wsse:Password>
    Shikha Jain
    Edited by: Jain Shikha on Apr 2, 2011 9:51 PM

  • Add one day to a binding

    Hi all,
    I assume this is a very dumb question... How can I add one day to a date that is like this :
    It's a binding in a the header text property of a column.
    That : #{bindings.ChooseDateCrah.inputValue + 1} or that : #{bindings.ChooseDateCrah.inputValue} +1 does not work.

    Hi Frédéric,
    Yeah, you cannot apply a converter on the headerText attribute of a column. However, you can instead place an outputText in the header facet of the column, then the converter option still works.
    As for the code, no, in the RowImpl object in the getter method of your calculated attribute. (That method is quite complicated for a read only value though).
    You can check my reply at Re: How to access menbers of the current row of an af:table component? as for how to create a custom converter. In your specific case, however, you would have to extends DateTimeConverter and decorate the getAsObject and getAsString methods in order to add one day before calling super.getAsString and remove one day from the returned value of super.getAsObject before returning to ensure reversibility.
    A managed bean solution would imply the use of the implements Map EL hack which is both easy and hard, depending on your experience level with JSF and EL.
    ~ Simon

  • How to set SPD workflow to send email one day before the Due Date? ?

    I need to add a step in workflow for a item tracking list: send reminder email one day before the due date.
    I thought there is an Action in SPD: wait for [Due Date] to equal [Today]minus one day
    But there is no way to do that.
    I figured may be I need to create a calculated field [cal-date] that set to: =[today] plus one day.
    Then in workflow -
    wait till [Due Date] is equal to [cal-date], and send an email
    What is the formula for the above calculated field [Today] plus one day?

    You can add an approval action( such as Start Approval Process) -> click "Approval" -> go to “Change the behavior of a single task” . Then you will
    see the "When Task expires" stage.
    You can have a look at the blog: 
    Forum Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers
    if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact [email protected]
    Eric Tao
    TechNet Community Support

  • How to Add 15 Days to the current Date in eCATT

    Hello eCATT Guru's,
    How to add 15 days to the current date in eCATT.
    I have changed the Date format to mm/dd/yyyy.
    now i want to add 15 days to the sy-datum.
    How to do any one know?
    Thanks in Advance,

    Check out this link -
    It gives details about DATE variables in CATT. Hope this will help you out.
    Reward points if you find this helpful.
    Message was edited by: Ashish Gundawar

  • How to use java.sql.Date ?

    hi there:
    I used
    ps.setDate(27, new java.sql.Date(new java.util.Date().getTime()));
    in my code to insert the current date to the 27th column of one table, this column's type is DATE, the database is ORACLE. However, I got the error like this one: ORA-01843: not a valid month.
    I think I incorrectly used the java.sql.Date API to cause this error. So anyone can tell me how to use it correctly?
    Thanks for the answers,

    Other columns are all VARCHAR2 type;
    The oracle error message indicated that this is a
    date-related one. 27th are the only column using DATE
    So I came to draw my conclusion that the SQL might be
    wrong.Except that if, for example, the date column is actually at index 26 then Oracle might try to convert the string being passed in (at 26) as a date. But it isn't a date. So then oracle is going to throw an exception indicating that something is wrong - like that the month is invalid.

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