Ajuda no Caminho Completo da Imagem no Upload

Será que alguem poderia me ajudar, estou utilizando o ADDT e fazendo um upload de uma imagem, só que para o bando de dados vai apenas o nome da imagem e eu necessito de que para o banco de dados, vá o caminho correto de onde esta há imagem, ou seja ( vejo o exemplo abaixo).
No bando de dados a imagem está sendo cadastrada desse jeito: imagem.jpg (apenas com o nome da imagem)
o que eu preciso, que quando a pessoa cadastrar e enviar uma imagem, a imagem vá para o banco com o endereço: ../../../imagem.jpg
ou seja, eu preciso cadastrar um caminho, já que no upload (na configuração do ADDT) eu determino o caminho de onde a imagem será guardada, só que no bando de dados, fica apenas o nome da imagem e não o caminho completo.
Preciso dessa ajuda.
Abaixo segue o código da página.
[email protected]
<!--#include file="../../Connections/gresil_conexao.asp" -->
<!--#include file="../../includes/common/KT_common.asp" -->
<!--#include file="../../includes/tNG/tNG.inc.asp" -->
'Make a transaction dispatcher instance
Dim tNGs: Set tNGs = new tNG_dispatcher
tNGs.Init "../../"
' Start trigger
Dim formValidation: Set formValidation = new tNG_FormValidation
tNGs.prepareValidation formValidation
' End trigger
'start Trigger_FileUpload trigger
'remove this line if you want to edit the code by hand
Function Trigger_FileUpload (ByRef tNG)
  Dim uploadObj: Set uploadObj = new tNG_FileUpload
  uploadObj.Init tNG
  uploadObj.setFormFieldName "Foto"
  uploadObj.setDbFieldName "Foto"
  uploadObj.setFolder "../../d/"
  uploadObj.setMaxSize 1500
  uploadObj.setAllowedExtensions "pdf, txt, jpg"
  uploadObj.setRename "auto"
  Set Trigger_FileUpload = uploadObj.Execute()
End Function
'end Trigger_FileUpload trigger
' Make an insert transaction instance
Dim ins_bateria_cadastro: Set ins_bateria_cadastro = new tNG_insert
ins_bateria_cadastro.init MM_gresil_conexao_STRING
tNGs.addTransaction ins_bateria_cadastro
' Register triggers
ins_bateria_cadastro.registerTrigger Array("STARTER", "Trigger_Default_Starter", 1, "POST", "KT_Insert1")
ins_bateria_cadastro.registerTrigger Array("BEFORE", "Trigger_Default_FormValidation", 10, formValidation)
ins_bateria_cadastro.registerTrigger Array("END", "Trigger_Default_Redirect", 99, "../html/validacao_cadastro_ritmista.html")
ins_bateria_cadastro.registerTrigger Array("AFTER", "Trigger_FileUpload", 97)
' Add columns
ins_bateria_cadastro.setTable "bateria_cadastro"
ins_bateria_cadastro.addColumn "Foto", "FILE_TYPE", "FILES", "Foto", ""
ins_bateria_cadastro.setPrimaryKey "Código", "NUMERIC_TYPE", "", ""
'Execute all the registered transactions
'Get the transaction recordset
Dim rsbateria_cadastro
Dim rsbateria_cadastro_numRows
Set rsbateria_cadastro = tNGs.getRecordset("bateria_cadastro")
rsbateria_cadastro_numRows = 0
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<link href="../../includes/skins/mxkollection3.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" />
<script src="../../includes/common/js/base.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="../../includes/common/js/utility.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="../../includes/skins/style.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<% Response.Write tNGs.displayValidationRules()%>
<body leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0">
    Response.Write tNGs.getErrorMsg()
<form method="post" id="form1" action="<%= KT_escapeAttribute(KT_getFullUri()) %>" enctype="multipart/form-data">
  <table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" class="KT_tngtable">
      <td class="KT_th"><label for="Foto">Foto:</label></td>
      <td><input type="file" name="Foto" id="Foto" size="32" />
        <%=(tNGs.displayFieldError("bateria_cadastro", "Foto"))%></td>
    <tr class="KT_buttons">
      <td colspan="2"><input type="submit" name="KT_Insert1" id="KT_Insert1" value="Insert record" /></td>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>

Faça uma ''Reinstalação Limpa''.
#Baixe a última versão do Firefox para Desktop em http://www.mozilla.org e salve o arquivo de instalação no seu computador.
#Quando o download acabar, feche todas as janelas do Firefox (clique no botão Sair ou através do menu Arquivo).
#Delete a pasta de instalação do Firefox, que está localizada em um dos seguintes diretórios, por padrão:
#**C:\Arquivos de Programas\Mozilla Firefox
#**C:\Arquivos de Programas (x86)\Mozilla Firefox
#Agora, vá em frente e reinstale o Firefox:
##Dê um clique duplo sobre o arquivo de instalação e siga os passos do guia de instalação.
##Quando o guia terminar, escolha a opção para abrir o Firefox assim que o botão Concluir for pressionado.
Mais informações sobre como reinstalar o Firefox podem ser encontradas [[Troubleshoot and diagnose Firefox problems#w_5-reinstall-firefox|aqui]].
<b>Atenção:</b> Não use um desinstalador de terceiros como parte desse processo. Porque isso poderia excluir permanentemente os dados do seu [[Profiles|perfil do Firefox]], incluindo mas não limitado a extensões, cache, cookies, favoritos, configurações pessoais e senhas salvas. <u>Estes não podem ser recuperados, a menos que tenham sido copiados para um dispositivo externo!</u> Veja [[Back up and restore information in Firefox profiles]]. <!-- Starting in Firefox 31, the Firefox uninstaller no longer lets you remove user profile data.Ref: Bug 432017 and https://support.mozilla.org/kb/uninstall-firefox-from-your-computer/discuss/5279 [Fx31] Windows uninstaller will no longer offer the option to remove personal data -->

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  • How to open a PDF File from a ByteArray

    Hi, Fellows,
    I'm having the following problem:
    I have put a PDF file inside a BLOB field in a table in my SQLite database.
    And I can retrieve it from this database without any problem, receiving a ByteArray data type as result.
    What I want to know is what I should do to render this file in my HTML flex object without saving it to a file…
    I used the mx.controls.HTML.data property, but what I see is the TEXT of my PDF file. The mx.controls.HTML.location needs a STRING with the link to a URL site or file.
    Thanks in advance for your help.
    Here, my code:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:WindowedApplication xmlns:mx=" http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute" width="810" height="620"
                      import flash.data.*;
                      import flash.filesystem.*;
                       private var _connection:SQLConnection;
                      private var _statement:SQLStatement; 
                 private function creationCompleteHandler():void {
                    var file:File = File.applicationStorageDirectory.resolvePath("arq.db");
                    _connection = new SQLConnection();
                    _connection.addEventListener(SQLEvent.OPEN, openHandler);
                    _connection.openAsync(file, SQLMode.CREATE);
                 private function openHandler(event:SQLEvent):void {
                    var sql:SQLStatement = new SQLStatement();
                    sql.sqlConnection = _connection;
                    sql.text = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS arq(" +
                               "id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, " +
                               "nome TEXT, " + 
                                "arquivo BLOB)";
                 private function insertFile(identificacao:String, caminho:String):void {
                            var sql:SQLStatement = new SQLStatement();
                            sql.sqlConnection = _connection;
                            var arquivo:File = new File(caminho);
                            var arqStream:FileStream = new FileStream();
                            var arqBlob:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
                    sql.text = "INSERT INTO arq(nome, arquivo)" + 
                                "VALUES(@nome, @arquivo)";
                    sql.parameters["@nome"] = identificacao;
                    sql.parameters["@arquivo"] = arqBlob;
                     trace("Arquivo inserido com Sucesso!!!");
                     lb1.text = "Arquivo inserido com Sucesso!!!";
                 private function selectFile(identificacao:String):void {
                             var sql:SQLStatement = new SQLStatement();
                            sql.sqlConnection = _connection;
                    sql.text = "SELECT id, arquivo FROM arq WHERE nome=@nome";
                    sql.parameters["@nome"] = identificacao;
                    sql.addEventListener(SQLEvent.RESULT, apresentarDados);
                 private function apresentarDados(event:SQLEvent):void {
                             var statement:SQLStatement = event.target as SQLStatement;
                            var result:SQLResult = statement.getResult();
                            if(result != null && result.data != null) {
                                  var dataset:Array = result.data;
                            var arqBlob:ByteArray = dataset[0].arquivo;
                       var xx:HTMLLoader = new  HTMLLoader();
                      var ur:URLRequest = new URLRequest();
                      var ul:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
                       //Right now, it's doing nothing
    ur.contentType = "application/pdf";
                       ul.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.BINARY;
                      ul.data = arqBlob;
                       //Here is my problem - WHAT SHOULD I DO?
    pdfFile.data = arqBlob;
                          lb1.text = "Cheguei!!!";
                             } else {
                                  trace("Não funcionou!!!")
                 private function sair():void {
          <mx:TextInput x="99" y="10" id="arq"/>
          <mx:Label x="10" y="12" text="Identificação:" width="81"/>
          <mx:Button x="168" y="40" label="Apresentar" click="selectFile(arq.text)"/>
          <mx:Button x="728" y="10" label="Sair" width="60" click="sair()"/>
          <mx:TextInput x="417" y="10" id="id1"/>
          <mx:TextInput x="417" y="40" id="cm1"/>
          <mx:Button x="585" y="12" label="Gravar" click="insertFile(id1.text, cm1.text)"/>
          <mx:Label x="291" y="12" text="Identificação:" width="105"/>
          <mx:Label x="291" y="42" text="Caminho Completo:" width="118"/>
          <mx:Label x="615" y="42" width="173" id="lb1"/>
          <mx:HTML id="pdfFile" width="800" height="520" y="79"/>

    Bob, Here's some ActionScript code for saving the byte array data to temporary file. (In this code, pdfData is a ByteArray object containing the PDF data.)
    var tempFile:File = File.createTempFile();
    var stream:FileStream = new FileStream();
    stream.open(tempFile, FileMode.WRITE);
    Next you can load the file into your Flex HTML control (represented as html in the following code):
    html.location = tempFile.url;
    Here's more information on reading and writing files:
    http://help.adobe.com/en_US/AIR/1.5/devappsflex/WS5b3ccc516d4fbf351e63e3d118666ade46-7dc2. html (for Flex developers)
    http://help.adobe.com/en_US/AIR/1.5/devappsflash/WS5b3ccc516d4fbf351e63e3d118666ade46-7dc2 .html (for Flash developers)
    http://help.adobe.com/en_US/AIR/1.5/devappshtml/WS5b3ccc516d4fbf351e63e3d118666ade46-7dc2. html (for Ajax developers)

  • Upload arrastando e soltando não suportado como corrigir este problema?

    AssuntoCampo obrigatório
    MensagemCampo obrigatório
    Família da fonte
    Tamanho da fonte
    Impedir vinculação automática Moodle Media
    Caminho: p
    Assinatura Ajuda com Assinatura
    Anexo Ajuda com Anexo
    Tamanho máximo para novos arquivos: 500Kb, máximo de anexos: 9 - Upload arrastando e soltando não suportadoAjuda com Upload arrastando e soltando não suportado
    Você pode arrastar e soltar arquivos aqui para adicioná-los.
    Não esta funcionando arrastar e colar, o que fazer para corrigir?

    *Primeiro [[Atualizando o Firefox|atualize se Firefox]], depois verifique se o problema ocorre no [[Solucione problemas do Firefox usando o modo de segurança|modo de segurança]].
    *Para verificar seus plugins [https://www.mozilla.org/plugincheck entre nesta pagina]


    Não consigo receber ou enviar e-mail através da caixa de correio do meu Mac ou do meu Ipad!
    Minha conta de e-mail é gerenciada pelo Gmail, ela é do google app.
    Antes, eu estava recebendo e enviando e-mails normalmente através da minha caixa de correio do Mail da Apple 4.5, através do meu IMAC, mas em meados de março começou a ficar intermitente... começou a aparecer uma caixa de pop up dizendo que era para digitar a senha e pra tentar resolver, troquei a senha do provedor e nas configurações do Mail da Apple e voltou a funcionar...porém às vezes ele desconectava o smtp sozinho e eu ia lá refazia o “serviço” e voltava a funcionar...
    Recentemente, de repente, parei tanto de receber como de enviar e-mails através do meu Mail da Mac... Já na minha caixa de e-mail da Web do Gmail, meus e-mails estão lá normalmente.
    Já fui nas configurações POP, desativei IMAP e nada...
    Também já ativei no meu e-mail da web a tal da “Verificação em duas etapas” no site da Gmail...e habilitei uma senha para o Mail da Apple e nada...
    Também já segui as instruções de fazer o desbloqueio através do link https://www.google.com/a/YOURDOMAINNAME/UnlockCaptcha e nada também...
    Com relação ao Ipad, há um mês mais ou menos eu fiz o cadastro para receber os e-mails, daí começou a baixar os meus e-mails que ficam armazenados no site da Gmail (na web), mas não baixou todos, chegou em uma determinada data de e-mails de 2011 e parou de receber... Mas pelo Ipad eu consigo enviar...
    No Mail da Apple do meu IMAC, aparece uma mensagem dentro de um pop up que manda digitar a senha novamente, porém digito a senha do site e nada, também fiz o teste digitando a senha obtida pelo “Verificação em duas etapas” e nada...
    E apesar das configurações do POP e do SMTP estarem cadastradas conforme mencionado nas instruções , pelo visto não estão mais funcionando...
    Tem mais uma coisa que pode ser que ajude a alguma alma boa a me ajudar... O SMTP diz que está desabilitado, mas as configurações estão à risca do que mandam o site da Gmail e da Apple... ou seja, está habilitado com o pop.gmail.com, o nome de usuário está completo, ou seja, [email protected], com a senha e na descrição está Gmail e a Porta é 995 e está marcada a “SSL”.
    Já no SMTP , A CONFIGURAÇÃO É: “Usar portas padrão (25, 465, 587); está marcada a SSL, o nome de usuário é o [email protected] e a senha está cadastrada.
    Mas aparece em “Servidor de saída” (SMTP) – Desconectada!
    No item “janela” vou em “verificar conexão” e aparece “A tentativa de início de sessão nesta Conta POP falhou. Certifique-se de que o nome de usuário e a senha sejam corretos. E quanto ao SMTP diz: “A tentativa de início de sessão nesta conta SMTP falhou. Certifique-se de que o nome de usuário e senha sejam corretos”.
    Não sei mais o que fazer. Ontem eu fiquei de 13h até às 4 horas da manhã tentando resolver e hoje o dia inteiro  até agora 22h e nada!
    Também já tentei usar Imap e nada...
    Alé disso, tô igual a uma bolinha de ping pong O técnico da informática diz que eu tenho que verificar com o pessoal do meu “provedor” e o pessoal do meu “provedor” diz que ninguém tem esse problema e só eu e que quase todo mundo usa o Windows e eu o Mac e assim, diz que o problema é alguma coisa ou com a MAC ou com o Google app (GMAIL), possivelmente com configuração ou problema de firewall...Mas já tentei de um tudo ou “quase tudo”...
    O Meu Mac é OS X 10.6.8 e o Ipad é o 1.
    E eu só não consigo enviar e receber e-mails desse provedor da gmal (google app) mas do Hotmail, funciona normalmente...
    Por favor, alguém me ajuda?? Obrigada!

    Oi, obrigada por responder!
    Em inglês, só se eu transformar pelo Google Tradutor rsrs mas mesmo assim seguirei seu conselho!
    Apagar a conta e recriá-la é a última coisa eu não poderia fazer, porque é um e-mail que uso para trabalho e preciso das cópias dos e-mails enviados e recebidos para que eu possa inclusive fazer cobranças do meu trabalho, me resguardar, fazer provas e etc... Por isso, não posso nem pensar em fazer isso, enquanto eu não imprimir pelo menos. O problema é que são mais de 3000 e-mails...
    No gmail a conta fnciona normalmente...
    Preciso muito de ajuda e não sei mais o que fazer ou aonde procurar ajuda!

  • Eu consigo adicionar um campo de imagem no adobe forms central ?

    eu consigo adicionar um campo de imagem no adobe forms central ?

    Show de bola! Valeu pela ajuda Rodrigo! =)
    - Ralph

  • " Can not interpret the data in file " error while uploading the data in DB

    Dear All ,
    After running the below report I am getting the " Can not interpret the data in file " error.
    Need to upload the data in DB through excel or .txt file.
    Kindly advise to resolve the issue.
    data : it like ZPRINT_LOC occurs 0 with header line,
    FILETABLE type table of FILE_TABLE,
    wa_filetable like line of filetable,
    wa_filename type string,
    rc type i.
    FILE_TABLE = filetable
    RC = rc.
    IF SY-SUBRC = 0.
    read table filetable into wa_filetable index 1.
    move wa_filetable-FILENAME to wa_filename.
    Write: / 'HI'.
    FILENAME = wa_filename
    DATA_TAB = it.
    IF SY-SUBRC = 0.
    Write: / 'HI'.
    insert ZPRINT_LOC from table it.
    if sy-subrc = 0.
    commit work.
    rollback work.
    Machindra Patade
    Edited by: Machindra Patade on Apr 9, 2010 1:34 PM

    Dear dedeepya reddy,
    Not able to upload the excel but have sucess to upload the .csv file to db through the below code. Thanks for your advise.
             internal table declaration
          wa LIKE LINE OF itab,
          wa1 like line of itab.
                       variable  declaration
    DATA: v_excel_string(2000) TYPE c,
           v_file LIKE v_excel_string VALUE    'C:\Documents and Settings\devadm\Desktop\test.csv',  " name of the file
            delimiter TYPE c VALUE ' '.         " delimiter with default value space
         read the file from the application server
    IF sy-subrc NE 0.
    write:/ 'error opening file'.
        WHILE ( sy-subrc EQ 0 ).
          READ DATASET v_file INTO wa.
          IF NOT wa IS INITIAL.
            append wa TO itab.
          CLEAR wa.
    CLOSE DATASET v_file.
    *------display the data from the internal table
    LOOP AT itab into wa1.
    WRITE:/ wa1-mandt,wa1-zloc_code,wa1-zloc_desc,wa1-zloc,wa1-zstate.
    insert ZPRINT_LOC from table itab.

  • Ajuda - Planejamento de Projeto

    Estou em um cliente e surgiu a seguinte necessidade: Existe um projeto que deve ser feito dentro de 4 meses, e dentro desse período há fases que devem ser cumpridas dentro de um prazo determinado
    - Emitir requisição em até 15 dias
    - Emitir parecer técnico em até 5 dias
    - Emtir cotações em 15 dias
    - Emitir pedido de compra em 10 dias
    Ao se aproximar da data limite de cada item pensamos na possibilidade de ativar o workflow para avisar o responsável que existe X pendências para serem tratatadas.
    Existe dentro do módulo PS ou PP algo que possa ser trabalhado para esse fim?
    Infelizmente não conheço ninguém desse módulo para pedir um help, então se alguém pelo menos puder me nortear, já será de grande ajuda!

    sei que já se faz muito tempo desde quando pediu ajuda, mais, vou tentar.
    O inicio de cada tarefa do projeto pode dar um start em cada Marco do projeto e no próprio marco pode ser definido um workflow para iniciar um processo.

  • Installation of IPC AP 7.0 Jar is getting Failed when uploading in CRM

    Hello Experts,
    we did some changes in the previosly uploded version of IPC AP 7.0  customer user exit Jar file in eclipse.
    While uploading the new modified jar through transaction /SAPCND/UE_DEV in CRM we are getting error :" installation of module <Jar file name > has failed ".
    when we checked the logs in SM 53 we seen the below mentioned error:
    Message: Exception of type com.sap.sql.log.OpenSQLException caught: Exception of type com.sap.sql.sqlparser.CommonSQLParserException: - statement "DELETE FROM "SVMCRT_MOD_TR_T" WHERE "MODULE_NAME" LIKE ? ESCAPE ^ (reason: Modification of ABAP tables is not permit ted)" is not supported
    caught: - statement "DELETE FROM "SVMCRT_MOD_TR_T" WHERE "MODULE_NAME" LIKE ? ESCAPE ^ (reason: Modification of ABAP tables is not permitted)" is not supported
    --> com.sap.sql.log.OpenSQLException: Exception of type com.sap.sql.sqlparser.CommonSQLParserException: - statement "DELETE FROM "SVMCRT_MOD_TR_T" WHERE "MODULE_NAME" LIKE ? ESCAPE '^' (reason: Modification of ABAP tables is n" is not suppor ted
    caught: - statement "DELETE FROM "SVMCRT_MOD_TR_T" WHERE "MODULE_NAME" LIKE ? ESCAPE '^' (reason: Modification of ABAP tables is not permitted)" is not supported
    at com.sap.sql.log.Syslog.createAndLogOpenSQLException(Ljava/lang/Class;Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Lcom/sap/sql/log/OpenSQLException;(Syslog.java:85)
    if  required i can post the complete stack trace.
    any inputs/suggestions are most welcome.
    Thanks & regards,

    Hi Mark,
    Yesterday after Posting the thread we found the same Note ,Issue occured because of  JAVA write access was not enabled on the table ,After enabling it as mentioned in SAP Note, Jar file get successfully uploaded.
    Thanks for your Help also.

  • Upload Error message: HTTPS protocol is not supported

       Whenever I do a quick par upload i'm getting an 'Operation failed' message to check sap-plugin.log.
       Log says
    Upload Error message: HTTPS protocol is not supported, please ensure this server is not using HTTPS. My webdynpro applications are getting deployed without any issues.
         How to resolve this?

    Hi Sumathi,
    As there are often problems with the Quick PAR Upload reported, I would suggest to use the "normal" PAR upload from the icon tray (you have to activate the portal icons in the icon tray). That is almost that "quick" (one or two clicks more needed, we don't talk about more than a second) and - it works (it least it should, and at least it works in most cases even if the Quick PAR Upload fails).
    Hope it helps

  • Downloads to documents folder fail due to parallel upload

    Hi, mobile documents is a great tool that I use to replicate all business relevant documents to mobile clients. However there is one great disadvantage for me. When you download a file that is a bit larger (>1 MB), during the download the client will already start uploading the temporary file. So the download then fails as it cannot convert the temporary file into the final one.
    This is something that does not happen for equivalent clients (for example skydrive). Do you think this is something that can be fixed?

    Hi Heiko,
    Let me explain again:
    You said "uploader locks the file so that it can no longer be changed". For the temporary file it is the downloader which have locked the file. Hence, the impression that file is getting uploaded because it is locked is hence not correct.
    The next version might be available in Q1\Q2 2014. We will keep everyone updated via community.
    Best Regards,
    Ashwani Kr Sharma

  • How do I use the Web module to upload video to my website?

    I'm using the Lightroom HTML gallery to upload my photos, fine and dandy, very happy with it. I also have some videos trimmed in Lightroom that I want incorporated into the gallery. This doesn't seem to be happening, instead I just get thumbnails. What/how do I incorporate my video clips into my web gallery? I moved over from jAlbum so I could have a simple one-tool workflow, so I'm really hoping that this is possible.

    You can combine stills and video for output to h.264 (mp4 file) for example to upload to Youtube or Vimeo.
    FTP upload will be subject to the limitations of your host. The web module within Lightroom creates all resources to link to the file index.html
    The forthcoming LR6 is anticipated to have HTML5 galleries.

  • CD's not purchased from iTunes but uploaded to iTunes do not show up in the music folder on Apple TV!  How can I fix this?

    CD's purchased from iTunes but uploaded to iTunes do not show up in the music folder on my Apple TV!  How do I fix this?

    You would need to make sure you're accessing the Computers icon. If you are under the Music icon, that will be accessing the cloud and only show iTunes purchases (unless you subscribe to iTunes Match)

  • Issue when uploading Sales data from DSO to Cube.

    Dear All,
    I have an issue when I am uploading Sales data from DSO to Cube.  I am using BI 7.0 and I have uploaded all sales document level data to my DSO.  Then I use a transformation rule to calculate the Sales Value when I am doing DTP to cube.  Cube has customer wise aggregation data.
    In DSO I have NetPrice(KF) and Delivered_QTY(KF).  I do a simple multiplication routine in the transformation from DSO to Cube.
    At the moment I use Active Table(With out Archive) on the DSO to get the data since this is my first load.
    Issue is that the figure (Sales Value) in the cube is incorrect. I am getting a very large values which is impossible.
    Can someone please help me.

    are you sure that cube has customer wise aggregated data..since it will always aggregate the values of the key figures for the same set of characters...
    did you checked the values for the key figures as well and if even they are inflated or is the problem with this key figure only.
    During the data load the records may aggregates first for the same values of characters and then multiplication will be happening....if that is the case then you may have to multiply the values before storing it in the data package and then let it aggregate....can be achived through start routine...
    but first verify if other key figures are also having the same issue.

  • Upload data from Excel to BI

    Hi 2 all,
    Can anyone please send me the complete steps for uploading of data from excel to BI??
    Also tell me that when we use DSO or when we use infocube? and if we design query in query designer then we use info cube fields or DSO fields??
    Please respond.
    Aisha Ishrat
    ICI Pakistan Ltd.

    there is no separate Tcode for 3.5 environment... but in RSA1 itself they give 3.X functionality also.. So, if you want to follow the 3.5 procedure you can go thru that... in the Infosource tab--> select your info area -->and right clcik it.. ->in that create INFOSOURCE 3.X.. for that just right clcik ur CUBE or DSO and --> Additional functions --> Update Rules.. and like that you can follow the same procedure which you done in 3.5..
    and for data loading in BI 7.0 from fla file means
    fisrt create one Cube or DSO with the same structure which you have in flatfile..
    and activate it..
    ->now comes to Datasource tab> create one Datasource here you need to select type of data for example.. select Transactional data --> and menntion your flatfile name in extraction tab- and file type and eneter your info object names in FIELDS tab --> and load preview data Activate it..
    now select your datasource and create info package and schedule it.. now your data will loded in to PSA level...
    > and now comes to info provider select your cube.. and right clcik it.. and create transformations.,. and activate it..
    > and create DTP -- Activate it.. and Execute it..
    1)Create datasource. Here u can set/check the Soucre System fields.
    2)Create Transformation for that datasource. (no more update rules/transfer rules)
    2.1) While creating transformation for DS it will ask you for data target name, so just assign where u want to update ur data.
    DataSource -> Transformation -> (DTP)-->Data Target
    Now if you want to load data into data target from Source System Datasource:
    1) Create infopackage for that data source. If you are creating infopackage for new datasources, it will only allow you update upto PSA, all other options u can see as disabled.
    2)Now Create DTP (Data Transfer Process) for that data source.
    3) NOw schdule the Infopackage, once the data is loaded to PSA, you can execute your DTP which will load data to data target.
    Data Transfer Process (DTP) is now used to load data using the dataflow created by the Transformation. Here's how the DTP data load works:
    1) Load InfoPackage
    2) Data gets loaded into PSA (hence why PSA only is selected)
    3) DTP gets "executed"
    4) Data gets loaded from PSA into the data target once the DTP has executed
    1) Create a data source
    RSA1->Source Systems->FILE(File)->PC_FILE(Filesourcesystem)->Create Application Component(optional)-Create Data source
    2) Create the data provider
    3) Create Transformation
    Right click on the data provider, choose 'create transformation' and choose your data source (give relevant data source and its type)
    Just connect the relavant fields between your data source and data provider.
    4) Create DTP
    Then Double click on the DTP node created under yous transformations. choose the extraction mode
    5) Load the data: there are 2 ways:
    you can run the infopackage and DTP separately or create a process chain consisting of these infopackage and DTP and run.
    Also check /people/sankar.kumar/blog/2006/10/11/loading-text-filestxt-into-bw-with-hex-option for hex option
    Sankar M

  • On excel sheet upload read the workbook and populate data to sharepoint list

    Requirement in my current project:
    In a document library when I upload an excel sheet, a specific workbook has to be read and the contents have to be uploaded to a sharepoint custom list.
    The approach followed was create an event receiver and register as a feature. Following is the code for event receiver.
    public override void ItemAdded(SPItemEventProperties properties)
                var list = getSPList("{150301BF-D0BD-452C-90D7-2D6CD082A247}");          
                SPListItem doc = properties.ListItem;
                doc["Msg"] = "items deleted from req list";
                string excelname=doc.File.Name;
                System.Diagnostics.EventLog.WriteEntry("ExcelUpload", "calling read excel");
                string filepath = doc.File.Url.ToString();
                doc["Msg"] = "excel name" + excelname + filepath;
            private static SPList getSPList(String SPListGuid)
               // SPSite Site = SPContext.Current.Site;
                SPSite Site = new SPSite("http://omistestsrv:32252/sites/OMD");
                SPWeb web = Site.OpenWeb();
                Guid listid = new Guid(SPListGuid);
                web.AllowUnsafeUpdates = true;
                SPList List = web.Lists[listid];
                return List;
            private void readExcel(string excelname,string filepath)
                        using (SPSite Site = new SPSite("http://omistestsrv:32252/sites/OMD"))
                            SPWeb web = Site.OpenWeb();
                            string workbookpath = web.Url + "/" + filepath;
                            web.AllowUnsafeUpdates = true;
                            var _excelApp = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application();
                            System.Diagnostics.EventLog.WriteEntry("ExcelUpload", "iside read excel");
        //my code breaks or fails when cursor reaches this statement. I am not able to open the excel sheet, there is no    //problem related to the permission. same code snippet works in a console application. but when tried as an
    event    //handler in sharepoint it breaks. can anyone help me to resolve the problem
                            workBook = _excelApp.Workbooks.Open(workbookpath, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing,Type.Missing,
    Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing,Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing,Type.Missing, Type.Missing);
                            System.Diagnostics.EventLog.WriteEntry("ExcelUpload", "after excel open");
                                int numSheets = workBook.Sheets.Count;
                                // Iterate through the sheets. They are indexed starting at 1.
                                System.Diagnostics.EventLog.WriteEntry("ExcelUpload", numSheets.ToString());
                                for (int sheetNum = 12; sheetNum < 13; sheetNum++)
                                    System.Diagnostics.EventLog.WriteEntry("ExcelUpload", "inside first for
                                    Worksheet sheet = (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet)workBook.Sheets[sheetNum];
                                    Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range excelRange = sheet.get_Range("A13",
    "P89") as Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range;
                                    object[,] valueArray = (object[,])excelRange.get_Value(
                                    var list = getSPList("{150301BF-D0BD-452C-90D7-2D6CD082A247}");
                                    for (int L = 1; L <= excelRange.Rows.Count; L++)
                                        string stringVal = valueArray[L, 1] as string;
                                        if ((valueArray[L, 1] != null) && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(stringVal)))
    "inside second for loop");
    listItems = list.Items;
                                            SPListItem item = listItems.Add();
                                            item["Product"] = valueArray[L,
                                            item["App"] = valueArray[L,
    = true;
                                web.AllowUnsafeUpdates = false;
                                //Or Another Method with valueArray Object like "ProcessObjects(valueArray);"
                    //workBook.Close(false, excelname, null);
                catch (Exception e)
                    System.Diagnostics.EventLog.WriteEntry("ExcelUpload", e.Message.ToString());
                    System.Diagnostics.EventLog.WriteEntry("ExcelUpload", "finally block");
    Is this the only approach to meet this requirement or is there any other way to crack it. sharepoint techies please help me.

    as you described the scenario of the event that it should happen when user upload excel to a document library. Event Receiver is your best bet. However if you would have a requirement that users can send excel files any time to a network file location and
    you want to pick it, read it and create list items etc. You would write a sharepoint timer job that would run every 10 minute to check for file and if available on the network drive, perform the operation etc. so that users who send excel file does not need
    to come to the sharepoint etc. You can see that you have Event Receivcer option or Timer job option OR you would write a console application to trigger the code at a scheduled time on sharepoint server etc. so you are using the event receiver in the correct
    Moonis Tahir MVP, MCPD, MCSD.net, MCTS BizTalk 2006/SQL 2005/SharePoint Server 2007 (Dev & Config)

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