Design Problem: Object reference another object at different states

This is a problem I came across today while developing a simple prototype. Imagine I have a class Boy which has a one-to-many relation with a class Dog.
The class Boy has the following methods: getName(), setName(), getAge(), setAge(), getDogs().
The class Dog has the following methods: getName(), getOwner()
When the application starts I load a Boy from the database as follows:
Boy peter = BoyFactory.loadBoyByName("Peter");
I then add peter to a static list which can be accessed from everywhere within my application.
At a different stage in the application I want to load a dog (just a dog). So I use the following code:
Dog dog = DogFactory.loadDogByOwnerName("Peter");
The dog object (using JDO or Hibernate) would also have a reference to the Boy object. However when calling the getOwner() method, the boy returned will not be the same boy stored in that static list (I expect the age, which was not persisted in the database, to be different).
Is there a way how when loading the Dog object, since its Owner of type Boy is already loaded in my object model, a Framework such as Hibernate or JDO will use this object rather then re-build a new one.
I am planning to use either Hibernate or some JDO framework and that is why I am asking this question.
If I where going to use some custom made way to load Dog then I would just search if the Owner was in that static list and if yes then set the owner of the dog equal to the object found in the static list.
However I was wondering if there is some design I should consider (study) to handle such a problem.
Thanks and Regards,

Thanks uj :) I had another thought...
I will give another scenario so things are more clear.
Imagine having a class Teacher which has one-to-many relation with a class Student.
If you where programming the classes for these two entities then would you program the student class as follows:class Student{
Teacher t = null;
void setTeacher(Teacher t){...}
Teacher getTeacher(){...}
}ORclass Student{
int teacherId = -1;
void setTeacherId(int tId){...}
int getTeacherId(){...}
}The difference between these two methods is that in the first method, if I wanted to know the teacher of a student then I would only have to call the getTeacher() method while using the second design I would first need to get the teacher Id and then make a database call to actually get the Teacher object (or else get it from a static list where the teacher could be saved.
Personally I prefer the first method since I like to have an object model where objects are directly linked with other rather then linked through some form of id. However I do not know which design is best to use...

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    This will be moved to the design fourm, which I don't monitor, by a moderator within a day or so.
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    You say:
    While creating scripts of tables we are removing all tablespace names as we will be having 3 tablespaces at target that is also after loading the data into them.Don't remove the TS clause, but replace the TS so-and-so with TS that-and-that.
    Or replace tablespaces a, b and c with x+, and d* and e with y*+.
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    Because ... we will be having only 3 tablespaces in DEV. ex NEWYORK tablespace is in production but it won't be created in DEv , istead all the objects into that tablespace will be moved to large table space.
    As I said: You will need a code which greps for TS NEWYORK* and replaces it with +<your_big_TS>+.
    So once again: Where is the problem?
    It's just a question of coding.

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    When faced with this problem I usually use a Comparator helper class. Depending on whether the Comparator can be re-used I'll create a separate class or if not an inner or anonymous inner class. For example:
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    import java.util.Arrays;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.Collections;
    public class Main {
      // Compares Fields.f1 ascending
      public Comparator c1 = new Comparator() {
        public int compare(Object o1,
                           Object o2) {
          return ((Main.Fields)o1).f1.compareTo(((Main.Fields)o2).f1);
      public void sortem() {
        // Create our array of objects
        Object[] array = new Object[] {
          new Fields(new Integer(1),3,"3"),
          new Fields(new Integer(2),2,"1"),
          new Fields(new Integer(3),1,"2")
        // Sort on Field.f1 using reusable comparator
        // Sort on Field.f2 using inner class
        Arrays.sort(array,new C2());
        // Sort on f3 using an anonymous inner class
        Arrays.sort(array, new Comparator(){
          public int compare(Object o1,
                           Object o2) {
      public static void main(String[] args) {
        Main m = new Main();
      // Class with many fields of different types
      class Fields {
        public Integer f1;
        public int     f2;
        public String  f3;
        public Fields(Integer f1, int f2, String f3) {
          this.f1 = f1;
          this.f2 = f2;
          this.f3 = f3;
        public String toString() {
          return ""+f1+" "+f2+" "+f3;
      // Inner class comparator on Field.f2
      class C2 implements Comparator {
        public int compare(Object o1,
                           Object o2) {
          int result = 0;
          int i1 = ((Main.Fields)o1).f2;
          int i2 = ((Main.Fields)o2).f2;
          if (i1==i1) result = 0;
          if(i1<i2) result = -1;
          else if (i1>i2) result = 1;
          return result;

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    sun_shree wrote:
    Thanks for all giving reply.....
    please write the constructor which is accepting reference and please,,,,,, explain......
    Thanking youNo.
    This will be covered in any Java textbook or tutorial. Like this one: []
    After reading it and writing some code of your own to test your understanding, if you still have a specific question, post again.

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    Twistx77 wrote:
    Thanks to both of you. I'll check out the Link and if I can't find the solution there I'll make the array , I don't know how I didn't think about doing that. There are two collections you should study specifically:
    First you have the ArrayList which in essense is a growable array. This means you don't have to decide in advance how big it can be.
    Second there's the HashMap. It's sometimes called an associate array. Such an array doesn't have fixed position indexes like an ordinary array. Instead each index (called key) is associated with a value but the keys don't have any particular order. Still, given a certain key, finding the corresponding value in a HashMap is almost as fast as an array access.

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    S R Prasad

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    Best regards:

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    You could make your own component class (extending JPanel and containing other components you want) and then create an instance of this for each tab.

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    Any suggestions? 

    Hi Daniel,
    Since you have posted this issue to the SSDT forum here:
    I will move this thread to the Off-topic forum, thanks for your understanding.
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • Issues in the import of Design & Configuration objects

    Hi SDNers,
    I have a small doubt. In one of our scenario we have exported the Design & Configuration objects (all objects) from DEV to ACC.
    But actually we want only selected objects to be imported into ACC.
    Will the import of objects under the same namespace append / overwrite the already imported objects ??
    Kindly advice us.
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi Roger,
    Thanks for your reply..
    Actually with IR we are not facing any issues.. but with ID when we are importing the objects from Dev to Acc , some objects are getting overwritten and some are getting appended.
    Could you please let me know what is the actual behaviour in PI 7.0
    When  the object will overwrite and will append.
    Appreciate for exact reply.

  • Is it possible to create 2 Date objects with different hashcode.

    I want to create 2 java.util.Date objects with different hashcodes. Is it possible??

    import java.util.Date;
    import java.util.Calendar;
    public class TwoDates {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            Calendar oneCal = Calendar.getInstance();
            oneCal.set(Calendar.YEAR, 1903);
            Calendar anotherCal = Calendar.getInstance();
            Date oneDate = oneCal.getTime();
            Date anotherDate = anotherCal.getTime();
            System.out.println(oneDate.hashCode() + " " +
    -14330615 -825112150

  • Compare DB objects between different schemas

    I want to compare db objects beween 2 different schemas like QA and PROD.
    Please suggest me a tool that compares table definitions,stored procedures and other db objects between different schemas.

    Did you check the above video link which is shared?
    Yes I'd agree with you and also i faced these situations to check what objects i need to export from Dev to Quality ( to analyze what are already correct or what have to be imported again)
    Generally Quality & Prod are in sync.
    Also will be waiting along with you if anyone comments on any such tool.
    Krishna Tangudu

Maybe you are looking for