Difficulties displaying images and Page Link

Item Type "Page Link" is visible in the drop down list for Content Item Types, but after selecting a valid image, the image does not show up on the portal page. Page group properties also have "Page Link" as a visible item type. The same behaviour is noted for "Image" and "Simple Image".
Any ideas?

Edit the Region properties that contain the image item. On the Attributes Tab of the region properties, ensure the image attribute has been shuttled over to the right. This could cause the problem.

Similar Messages

  • How to display URL images and URL link (html) from Smartforms?

    Hi Gurus,
    I'm having difficulty on how to display targeted URL images and URL link from the smartforms, after i sending it out as html mail. The mail i sent just can be preview as a plain text, which can't execute the html code that i put inside the smartforms itself. I follow a few step from this very useful blog.. Hopefully, you guys can give me some solutions or ideas on this.
    /people/pavan.bayyapu/blog/2005/08/30/sending-html-email-from-sap-crmerp -thanks to Pavan for his useful blog.
    My code is like this..
    <--- Start Code.
    FORM call_smartforms.
      DATA : lv_subject TYPE so_obj_des,
             lc_true(1) VALUE 'X',
             lw_control_parameters TYPE ssfctrlop,
             lw_output_options TYPE ssfcompop,
             lc_graphics(8) VALUE 'GRAPHICS',
             lw_xsfparam_line TYPE ssfxsfp,
             lc_extract(7) VALUE 'EXTRACT',
             lc_graphics_directory(18) VALUE 'GRAPHICS-DIRECTORY',
             lc_mygraphics(11) VALUE 'mygraphics/',
             lc_content_id(10) VALUE 'CONTENT-ID',
             lc_enable(6) VALUE 'ENABLE',
             lw_job_output_info TYPE ssfcrescl,
             lw_html_data TYPE trfresult,
             lw_graphics TYPE ssf_xsf_gr,
             lt_graphics TYPE tsf_xsf_gr,
             lv_html_xstr TYPE xstring,
             lw_html_raw LIKE LINE OF lw_html_data-content,
             lv_incode TYPE tcp00-cpcodepage VALUE '4110',
             lv_html_str TYPE string,
             lv_html_len TYPE i,
             lc_utf8(5) VALUE 'utf-8',
             lc_latin1(6) VALUE 'latin1',
             lv_offset TYPE i,
             lv_length TYPE i,
             lv_diff TYPE i,
             lt_soli TYPE soli_tab,
             lw_soli TYPE soli,
             lc_mime_helper TYPE REF TO cl_gbt_multirelated_service,
             lv_name TYPE mime_text VALUE 'sapwebform.htm',
             lv_xstr TYPE xstring,
             lw_raw TYPE bapiconten,
             lt_solix TYPE solix_tab,
             lw_solix TYPE solix,
             lv_filename TYPE string,
             lv_content_id TYPE string,
             lv_content_type TYPE w3conttype,
             lv_obj_len TYPE so_obj_len,
             lv_bmp TYPE so_fileext VALUE 'BMP',
             lv_description TYPE so_obj_des VALUE 'Graphic in BMP format',
             lc_doc_bcs TYPE REF TO cl_document_bcs,
             lc_bcs TYPE REF TO cl_bcs,
             lc_send_exception TYPE REF TO cx_root,
             lw_adsmtp TYPE lty_adsmtp,
             lv_mail_address TYPE ad_smtpadr,
             lc_recipient TYPE REF TO if_recipient_bcs,
             lc_send_request TYPE REF TO cl_bcs,
             lv_sent_to_all TYPE os_boolean.
      DATA : v_language TYPE sflangu VALUE 'E',
             v_e_devtype TYPE rspoptype.
      v_form_name = 'ZTEST_EMAIL'.
          formname           = v_form_name
          fm_name            = v_namef
          no_form            = 1
          no_function_module = 2
          OTHERS             = 3.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
       break mhusin.
    starting here. ***
    Set title for the output
      lv_subject = 'Smartforms.'.
    Set control parameters to "no dialog"
      lw_control_parameters-no_dialog = lc_true.
    IF lw_service_subject-code = lc_fm1.
    *--- To get output device type
          i_language    = v_language
          i_application = 'SAPDEFAULT'
          e_devtype     = v_e_devtype.
      lw_output_options-tdprinter = v_e_devtype.
      lw_control_parameters-getotf = 'X'.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
       break mhusin.
    Set output options
      lw_output_options-xsf        = lc_true.
      lw_output_options-xsfcmode   = lc_true.
      lw_output_options-xsfoutmode = 'A'.
      lw_output_options-xsfoutdev  = space.
      lw_output_options-xsfformat  = lc_true.
      lw_xsfparam_line-name  = lc_graphics.
      lw_xsfparam_line-value = lc_extract.
      APPEND lw_xsfparam_line TO lw_output_options-xsfpars.
      lw_xsfparam_line-name  = lc_graphics_directory.
      lw_xsfparam_line-value = lc_mygraphics.
      APPEND lw_xsfparam_line TO lw_output_options-xsfpars.
      lw_xsfparam_line-name  = lc_content_id.
      lw_xsfparam_line-value = lc_enable.
      APPEND lw_xsfparam_line TO lw_output_options-xsfpars.
    Get the smartform content
      CALL FUNCTION v_namef
          control_parameters   = lw_control_parameters
          output_options       = lw_output_options
    *pass other application specific parameters (eg order number, items ).
          job_output_info    = lw_job_output_info
          tt_tabh              = tt_tabh
          tt_tabb              = tt_tabb
          tt_tabf              = tt_tabf
          formatting_error = 1
          internal_error   = 2
          send_error       = 3
          user_canceled    = 4
          OTHERS           = 5.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
       break mhusin.
      lw_html_data  = lw_job_output_info-xmloutput-trfresult.
      lt_graphics[] = lw_job_output_info-xmloutput-xsfgr[].
      CLEAR lv_html_xstr.
      LOOP AT lw_html_data-content INTO lw_html_raw.
        CONCATENATE lv_html_xstr lw_html_raw INTO lv_html_xstr IN BYTE MODE.
      lv_html_xstr = lv_html_xstr(lw_html_data-length).
          inbuff       = lv_html_xstr
          incode       = lv_incode
          csubst       = lc_true
          substc_space = lc_true
          outbuff      = lv_html_str
          outused      = lv_html_len
          OTHERS       = 1.
    CALL METHOD html_control - >load_mime_object
         object_id  = 'ZWN'
         object_url = 'ZWN.GIF'
         OTHERS     = 1.
      REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF lc_utf8 IN lv_html_str WITH lc_latin1.
    REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF lc_utf8 IN lv_html_str WITH 'iso-8859-1'.
       break mhusin.
      lv_html_len = STRLEN( lv_html_str ).
      lv_offset = 0.
      lv_length = 255.
      WHILE lv_offset < lv_html_len.
        lv_diff = lv_html_len - lv_offset.
        IF lv_diff > lv_length.
          lw_soli-line = lv_html_str+lv_offset(lv_length).
          lw_soli-line = lv_html_str+lv_offset(lv_diff).
        APPEND lw_soli TO lt_soli.
        ADD lv_length TO lv_offset.
      CREATE OBJECT lc_mime_helper.
      CALL METHOD lc_mime_helper->set_main_html
          content     = lt_soli
          filename    = lv_name
          description = lv_subject.
      LOOP AT lt_graphics INTO lw_graphics.
        CLEAR lv_xstr.
        LOOP AT lw_graphics-content INTO lw_raw.
          CONCATENATE lv_xstr lw_raw-line INTO lv_xstr IN BYTE MODE.
        lv_xstr = lv_xstr(lw_graphics-length).
        lv_offset = 0.
        lv_length = 255.
        CLEAR lt_solix[].
        WHILE lv_offset < lw_graphics-length.
          lv_diff = lw_graphics-length - lv_offset.
          IF lv_diff > lv_length.
            lw_solix-line = lv_xstr+lv_offset(lv_length).
            lw_solix-line = lv_xstr+lv_offset(lv_diff).
          APPEND lw_solix TO lt_solix.
          ADD lv_length TO lv_offset.
        CONCATENATE lc_mygraphics lw_graphics-graphics text-001 INTO lv_filename.
        CONCATENATE lc_mygraphics lw_graphics-graphics text-001 INTO lv_content_id.
        lv_content_type = lw_graphics-httptype.
        lv_obj_len      = lw_graphics-length.
    *Add images to the email
        CALL METHOD lc_mime_helper->add_binary_part
            content      = lt_solix
            filename     = lv_filename
            extension    = lv_bmp
            description  = lv_description
            content_type = lv_content_type
            length       = lv_obj_len
            content_id   = lv_content_id.
          lv_subject = lv_subject.
          lc_doc_bcs = cl_document_bcs=>create_from_multirelated(
                   i_subject          = lv_subject
                   i_multirel_service = lc_mime_helper ).
        CATCH cx_document_bcs INTO lc_send_exception.
        CATCH cx_bcom_mime INTO lc_send_exception.
        CATCH cx_gbt_mime INTO lc_send_exception.
    Create send request
          lc_bcs = cl_bcs=>create_persistent( ).
        CATCH cx_send_req_bcs INTO lc_send_exception.
          lc_bcs->set_document( i_document = lc_doc_bcs ).
        CATCH cx_send_req_bcs INTO lc_send_exception.
    Set-up email receiver
      lv_mail_address = '[email protected]'.
    TRANSLATE lv_mail_address TO UPPER CASE.
          lc_recipient = cl_cam_address_bcs=>create_internet_address(
              i_address_string = lv_mail_address ).
        CATCH cx_address_bcs INTO lc_send_exception.
          lc_bcs->add_recipient( i_recipient = lc_recipient ).
        CATCH cx_send_req_bcs INTO lc_send_exception.
    Send smartforms as HTML email
          lc_bcs->send( ).
        CATCH cx_send_req_bcs INTO lc_send_exception.
      WRITE:/ 'Mail sent'.
    ENDFORM.                    "call_smartforms
    End Code --->
    Thanks and Regards.

    1- put your images in a directory under the web app directory. Example: app/images/
    2- in your jsp, use: String file = application.getRealPath("/images/"); to get the images directory. See http://java.sun.com/j2ee/sdk_1.3/techdocs/api/javax/servlet/ServletContext.html#getRealPath(java.lang.String)
    3- it's not the right forum to post this kind of question. Post them in the JSP/Servlet JSTL forum instead

  • How do i send an html file exported from muse as email blast with images and live links?

    My question it:
    How do i send an html file exported from muse as email blast with images and live links?
    I have designed a "website" in adobe muse and exported it as an html file. I am not sure how to send my .html file in an email!

    Unfortunately, the answer is, you don't. The requirements for HTML displayed in an e-mail reader are very different than those for HTML displayed in a browser. The output of Muse won't work as an HTML e-mail. You could upload the Muse site as a website and provide a link to it in an e-mail, but the HTML generated by Muse is not suitable for direct display by an e-mail program.

  • How to display images and information

    how to display images and information(e.g. like questions) on a jsp page that stored in a database

    Look As far as i can see....
    Utlimately every file could be expressed as a bytes buffer.
    so say if you have a bean called Choice Bean which is expressed as
    public class ChoiceBean{
       private String choiceid;
       private String choicedesc;
       private byte image[];
       public void setChoiceId(String choiceid){
              this.choiceid = choiceid;
        public String getChoiceId(){
               return this.choiceid;
          public void setChoiceDesc(String choicedesc){
               this.choicedesc = choicedesc;
           public String getChoiceDesc(){
               return this.choicedesc;
           public void setImage(byte image[]){
                  this.image = image;
             public byte[] getImage(){
                  return this.image;
    public class QuestionList{
         private List<ChoiceBean> choicelist;
          /*Other member variable declarations*/
           public  List<ChoiceBean> getChoiceList(){
                    /*Custom code where you may build the list by querying the DA layer*/
                     return this.choicelist;
         public int search(String choiceid){
                 int index = -1;
                 for(int i =0 ; i < this.choicelist.size() ; i++){
                        ChoiceBean cb = this.choicelist.get(i);
                                index = i;
                 return index;
        /* Other member method declarations */
    }and you are retreving List<ChoiceBean> from DB using your query & have created a session attribute / <jsp:useBean> named ChoiceList
    NOTE: sometimes your application server can go out of bounds as you are consuming a lot of memory by creating an arraylist object.
    use the following methodology to display images & choices
    <jsp:useBean id="QuestionList"  class="com.qpa.dao.QuestionList" scope="session"/>
    /* QuestionList.getChoiceList() is a method which fetches data from the DB & returns it in form of  List<ChoiceBean> */
    List<ChoiceBean> choicelist = QuestionList.getChoiceList();
    for(int i =0 ; i < choicelist.size() ; i++){
    <!-- calling servlet which renders an images in JPG format based upon given choiceid(unique field) -->
    <TD><IMAGE src="ImageServlet?choiceid=<%!=choicelist.get(i).getChoiceId()%>"/> </TD>
    NOTE: usage of JSTL or any other custom built tag-libraries makes life more simpler in the following case
    public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
            byte buffer[] = null;
            HttpSession session = request.getSession(false);
            /*getting the QuestionList from the session*/
            QuestionList ql = null;
            String choiceid = new String("");
                 choiceid = request.getParameter("choiceid");
                 /*getting the QuestionList from the session*/
                ql = (QuestionList)  session.getAttribute("QuestionList");
            } catch(Exception exp){
            if(choiceid.equals("") == false &&  ql != null ){
                List<ChoiceBean> clist = QuestionList.getChoiceList();           
                   assuming that you have created a serach method which searches the entire choice list and would give you
                   the index of that object which is being refered by unique choiceid and returns -1 if not found
                int index =  QuestionList.search(choiceid);
                if(index != -1){
                   ChoiceBean cb = clist.get(index);
                   buffer = cb.getImage();
            if(buffer != null){
                 // assuming that we have stored images in JPEG format only
                 JPEGImageDecoder decoder = JPEGCodec.createJPEGDecoder(new ByteArrayInputStream(buffer));
                 BufferedImage image =decoder.decodeAsBufferedImage();
                 // Send back image
                 ServletOutputStream sos = response.getOutputStream();
                 JPEGImageEncoder encoder = JPEGCodec.createJPEGEncoder(sos);
            } else {
               response.getWriter().println("<b>Image data not found</b>");              
    }However,i still feel there are few loopholes with this approach where Application Server can eat up a lot of heap space which may result in outofmemorybound exception.
    Hope this might help :)

  • How to display image and data in module pool screen?

    I want to display image and relevant data besides the image in module pool screen, I am using docking container to display the image.
    Actually I am able to display image or data any one but not both.
    one more thing I want to display multiple images and their data.
    Please suggest some one if you have any idea.

    You can try below way, I have used in report.
    DATA: gc_docking              TYPE REF TO cl_gui_docking_container, "#EC NEEDED  "Docking Container
           gc_split                 TYPE REF TO cl_gui_easy_splitter_container, "#EC NEEDED  "Splitter
           gc_top_container         TYPE REF TO cl_gui_container, "#EC NEEDED  "Top Container
           gc_bottom_container      TYPE REF TO cl_gui_container, "#EC NEEDED  "Bottom Container
          gc_document              TYPE REF TO cl_dd_document, "#EC NEEDED  "Document
           gc_events                TYPE REF TO lcl_event_class, "#EC NEEDED  " Local Event Class
           gc_grid                  TYPE REF TO cl_gui_alv_grid, "#EC NEEDED  " ALV Class
    " Creating Docking
    CREATE OBJECT gc_docking
             ratio = c_95.
         IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
    * Splitting the Docking container
           CREATE OBJECT gc_split
               parent        = gc_docking
               sash_position = c_10 "Position of Splitter Bar (in Percent)
               with_border   = c_1. "With Border = 1 Without Border = 0
    *   Placing the containers in the splitter
         gc_top_container = gc_split->top_left_container .
         gc_bottom_container = gc_split->bottom_right_container .
    *   Creating Grid
         CREATE OBJECT gc_grid
             i_parent = gc_bottom_container.
    * Background job handling
         CREATE OBJECT gc_grid
             i_parent = gc_docking.
    *   Creating the document
       CREATE OBJECT gc_document
           style = 'ALV_GRID'.

  • Please add Image and Page Transition Effects/Widgets

    Please add Image and Page Transition Effects/Widgets
    - Roland

    You can try the following:-
    1) Add a composition widget.
    2) Add text frames to the triggers to create first level of menu.
    3) To the target of trigger in first level, add another composition widget.
    4) The triggers of this new composition will be the next level of menu.
    5) You need to set the 'Show target' value to 'On rollover'
    Hope this helps.

  • Problems with template and page links..

    Hello community!
    I'm pretty new to dreamweaver Cs4 and am having a slight problem. I have my template.dwt file and 5 other pages which use this template layout. However when I preview my website in my browser, the template.dwt file links to all the pages, however when I click on another link (a page link) once on this page, the hyperlinks from the navigation cant be clicked. In other words the navigation turns into just text and no hyperlinks.
    I want to be able to click on any page on my website using the navigation bar, so i can go back and forth onto pages all over my website using my navigation.
    Anyone know what to do or a solution to allow me to have all the links working from the template

    You are being confused by a) not understanding root relative vs document
    relative links, and b) not understanding how DW previews files.
    If I have a document with a link to an image that looks like this -
    <img src="/images/foo.gif"...
    That's what's called a root relative link.
    If I preview that document in DW, then the browser gets the document, sees
    the leading "/" and reads that as the root of the hard drive, since the
    browser has no idea where the root of the site is.  Thus, the image is
    broken in the preview.
    If I have temp files enabled, then DW will secretly convert the file being
    previewed into a temporary file, and hand that to the browser.  This temp
    file has had all root relative links converted to document relative links
    (as you will see by looking at the code in the browser), and has had all
    include files actually embedded in the page, and has had all external CSS
    and js markup embedded in the page.  In other words, DW has made the
    document into a stand-alone page.
    If you do not have temp files enabled, all of these links would be broken on
    Now - if you are using root relative links, AND you have temp files enabled,
    AND you click away from the previewed document, then all of your links will
    be broken, since DW has not made that linked file into a temp file.  This is
    what you are seeing.
    So - if you want to click away on preview, then you must use document
    relative links for the site -
    <img src="../images/foo.gif"... (for example)
    These will still work on preview since the browser knows how to determine
    the current file's location and how to follow that path.

  • Thumbs with Large Image and Text/Links

    I am running some script on the link below to try and get a look of when you click a thumbnail the large image and text that goes with it changes with each different thumb.  I am able to do that right now, but not to the affect that I want. 
    Ideally I would like all the text to be on the right hand side of the image with spacing and links, but I seem to only be able to get the text to show itself on the bottom of the picture right now.  I think I need to approach it in a different way then I am currently.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    This is the page I am working on - http://mnkr.com/womens_stylepages/bigsur_TEST
    Please let me know if I can offer up any other info.

    Sorry to keep replying to my own post, but I am trying to work on this in the meantime.
    I am currently trying to get this to work through this forum - http://forums.adobe.com/message/4001227?tstart=0
    This is what I have done so far and I think I am on on the right track?. 

  • Displaying image and node name while dragging ...like Windows Explorer.

    hi group,
    i want to display the image and node name of the node while dragging in my tree.like windows Explorer.
    Any body can help me regarding this.?pls
    thank u...

    hi group,
    Anybody knows regarding this "dragging nodename and image"?
    pls let me know
    thank u...

  • Adobe Reader 9 doesn't display image and barcode

    We are using Adobe LiveCycle 7 for creating the pdf rendition of forms. We recently got Adobe Reader 7 updated to Adobe reader 9.0. After the updation, forms are not displaying barcode and image .
    With Adobe Reader 7, barcode and image displays. Any idea how can we solve this issue in Adobe Reader 9.0?

    Did you optimize the file before uploading the pdf?

  • Displaying active and inactive links in a table.

    Hi all,
    I'm trying to display active links and inactive links in a table.  The problem that I have is that the inactive links are grey, I would like them to appear like normal text in a textview.  From what I understand, I can't have two different celleditor types in the same column, so there goes that idea.
    Does any one have any suggestions on how I may be able to display this intermixing?

    Hi Michael,
    you're right, as for now there is only one cell editor assotiated with one column, probably in near future that won't change.
    Maybe you should try to change the stylesheet of your application?
    Best reagrds,

  • Firefox 4.0.1 (or 5.0) will not display "Terms and Conditions" link content - online registration site, why? (Note Firefox 3.6.18 will).

    At the "URL of affected site", below, the "Terms and Conditions" link will not work on machine1 with Firefox 4.0.1, cookies and caches cleared (I clear "temp" directories too). I updated to Firefox 5.0, the "Terms and Conditions" link still won't work.
    Note that other 'pop up' windows encountered while navigating through the parts look up function (i.e. http://www.fordparts.com/Default.aspx#tabs-2) on that site appear to work fine, with or without pop up windows enabled, in this install of Firefox 4.0.1.
    As a sanity check, I tried the link on machine2, which uses Firefox 4.0.1 also, Windows XP. The "Terms and Conditions" link will not work there either.
    I tried the link on a third machine, with Firefox 3.6.16, also Windows XP, and the "Terms and Conditions" link *does* work there.
    So this would seem to be an incompatibility with Firefox 4.0.1 and/or 5.0. Any ideas [besides regressing back to Firefox 3.6.16 :) ].?

    No errors in error console. No effect using *. I tried using the dns name of my localhost both in the Firefox URL and in the javascript and I get exactly the same. I have spent a huge amount of time looking into this issue.
    One thing I noticed is that if I use the examples on the internet (http://arunranga.com/examples/access-control/preflightInvocation.html or http://saltybeagle.com/cors/) they work in the same browser. These examples however, are accessed through HTTP proxies.
    I am wondering if the issue has to do with using the same hostname just with different ports.

  • Firefox and Safari browser not displaying images and text properly

    I am new to the support/discussion forum and previously ran Windows on my Macbook OS X 10.5.8. I switched over to the Mac OS X and am finding that the Safari and Firefox browser shows much images/text as 'squished' or not aligned properly. I suppose this is due to development and the cross browser formats are not compatible.
    However, I would like to ask if there is some display error in the system preferences or perhaps even some coding I'm not looking at to correct or fix the appearance.
    Can anyone please help me out? I appreciate it:)

    You are not using the latest Spry files
    The latest version of the Adobe Spry Framework is 1.6.1, this is the same version that ships with Dreamweaver CS4. If you use Dreamweaver CS3 (uses Spry 1.4), its wise to upgrade your files to the latest version. This can easily be done using the Spry Updater that can be found here.
    Then, if you have a look near the bottom of SpryMenuBarVertical.css you will see that the white background colour has been specified for IE as in
    @media screen, projection
        ul.MenuBarVertical li.MenuBarItemIE
        display: inline;
        f\loat: left;
        background: #FFF;
    Change the value to #CCC and it will have fixed that part of the problem.
    When you upgrade to the later version of Spry, make sure to keep a copy of the CSS file as a reference to modifying the new CSS file.

  • Display Image and Download the same in PDF

    We have requirement to display the Image of materials in the Web using the Web Dynpro ABAP.
    We have the images in web server and URL for each image.
    Once the image is visible in the web, user shoud be able to download the output in PDF copy with a button click in the screen.
    The PDF output should be as in Web Screen output.
    Can you please share how to achive this requirement using the Web Dynpro ABAP?

    To display an image, simply use the "IMAGE" control in webdynpro.
    To export to PDF, several options can be considered.
    For example, try out the "INTERACTIVE FORM" control and embed your images dynamically into the form, or display the image in an ALV and use the PDF Print Preview function of the ALV.

  • Displaying Image and even hiding after few seconds when button is clicked

    Hi All,
    How to perform an action with a JButton.When clicked image should be displayed and after span of 10 seconds it should get invisible???
    Thanks in advance.

    kevinaworkman wrote:
    For creating an image, look at the getImage() function of the Toolkit class: [http://java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/awt/Toolkit.html#getImage(java.lang.String)|http://java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/awt/Toolkit.html#getImage(java.lang.String)]
    Or use the more modern [ImageIO |http://java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/api/javax/imageio/ImageIO.html] class, which is generally preferred over the older Toolkit methods.
    As for drawing it, I'd suggest extending a JPanel and overriding its paintComponent functionOr simply use a JLabel that displays only the image. There is no need to subclass JPanel simply for displaying an image, that is re-inventing the wheel.
    As for having the image fade away over a few seconds, use a [Swing Timer|http://java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/api/javax/swing/Timer.html] . It ensures that your rendering updates are done on the EDT.
    Try some stuff out and post back with an SSCCE if you are still having problems. We will not write the code for you.

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