Double window

recently when opening a new URL the browser puts the new window in a partially visible window on the left of the original window. The partial window is not wanted.
I want all windows to open in their own space/tab or a new window.
What must I change to fix this?

When i start the first browser, it's all fine, but while the first window is open, any other new window i open looks like the image below, the bookmark toolbar is not there,(even if it's clicked on) to get it back, i have to view, unselec bookmark, then view again, select toolbar.. i also get 2 close red box "x" the inner one is useless, and does nothing. and i also get a firefox orange box to left corner.. very annoying.. Any one else getting this problem? I have uninstall and reinstall firefox 5 3 times all ready.. i have also uninstall without saving preferences... getting annoyed.. any one? annyone?

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    To recreate:
    Open Address Book
    Open Time Machine
    Scroll to the oldest address book window in TM
    Click Cancel
    TM returns to present and as TM quits the two windows appear.

    I duplicated this, and indeed, a second window shows up. However, it vanishes in less than a second on my machine. I believe it's the one shown while in Time Machine mode; apparently, when viewing the address book, Time Machine moves back to "real time" before closing the window, the opposite of what one usually sees. Are you saying that in your case, the second window stays open?

  • Double WINDOW SORT Operation

    Please review following SQL and it's execution plan. Why am I seeing 2 WINDOW SORT operations even though in sql . analytic function "row_number" has been used only once?
    Also, In step 3 of the plan, why "bytes" goes from 35 GB(4th step) to 88GB when row count remains the same. In fact , since I'm selecting just 1st row , both row count as well as "bytes" should have gone down. Shouldn't it?
      SELECT orddtl.ord_dtl_key, orddtl.ld_nbr, orddtl.actv_flg,
         FROM (SELECT /*+ parallel(od, 8) parallel(sc,8) */  od.ord_dtl_key, od.ld_nbr, od.actv_flg,
                      ROW_NUMBER () OVER (PARTITION BY od.ord_dtl_key, od.START_TS ORDER BY sc.START_TS DESC)
                 FROM edw.order_detail od LEFT OUTER JOIN edw.srvc_code sc
                      ON (    sc.srvc_cd_key = od.srvc_cd_key
                          AND od.part_nbr = sc.part_nbr
                          AND od.item_cre_dt >= sc.START_TS
                          AND od.item_cre_dt < sc.END_TS
                WHERE od.part_nbr = 11 ) orddtl
        WHERE orddtl.rownbr = 1;Execution Plan
    | Id  | Operation                      | Name              | Rows  | Bytes |TempSpc| Cost (%CPU)| Time     | Pstart| Pstop |    TQ  |IN-OUT| PQ Distrib |
    |   0 | SELECT STATEMENT               |                   |    88M|   121G|       |  2353K (65)| 00:33:07 |       |       |        |      |            |
    |   1 |  PX COORDINATOR                |                   |       |       |       |            |          |       |       |        |      |            |
    |   2 |   PX SEND QC (RANDOM)          | :TQ10002          |    88M|   121G|       |  2353K (65)| 00:33:07 |       |       |  Q1,02 | P->S | QC (RAND)  |
    |*  3 |    VIEW                        |                   |    88M|   121G|       |  2353K (65)| 00:33:07 |       |       |  Q1,02 | PCWP |            |
    |*  4 |     WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK    |                   |    88M|    35G|    75G|  2353K (65)| 00:33:07 |       |       |  Q1,02 | PCWP |            |
    |   5 |      PX RECEIVE                |                   |    88M|    35G|       |  2353K (65)| 00:33:07 |       |       |  Q1,02 | PCWP |            |
    |   6 |       PX SEND HASH             | :TQ10001          |    88M|    35G|       |  2353K (65)| 00:33:07 |       |       |  Q1,01 | P->P | HASH       |
    |*  7 |        WINDOW CHILD PUSHED RANK|                   |    88M|    35G|       |  2353K (65)| 00:33:07 |       |       |  Q1,01 | PCWP |            |
    |*  8 |         HASH JOIN RIGHT OUTER  |                   |    88M|    35G|       |  1610K (92)| 00:22:39 |       |       |  Q1,01 | PCWP |            |
    |   9 |          PX RECEIVE            |                   |  1133K|    32M|       |  1197  (20)| 00:00:02 |       |       |  Q1,01 | PCWP |            |
    |  10 |           PX SEND BROADCAST    | :TQ10000          |  1133K|    32M|       |  1197  (20)| 00:00:02 |       |       |  Q1,00 | P->P | BROADCAST  |
    |  11 |            PX BLOCK ITERATOR   |                   |  1133K|    32M|       |  1197  (20)| 00:00:02 |   KEY |   KEY |  Q1,00 | PCWC |            |
    |  12 |             TABLE ACCESS FULL  |  SRVC_CODE        |  1133K|    32M|       |  1197  (20)| 00:00:02 |     1 |     1 |  Q1,00 | PCWP |            |
    |  13 |          PX BLOCK ITERATOR     |                   |    88M|    32G|       |   188K (27)| 00:02:39 |   KEY |   KEY |  Q1,01 | PCWC |            |
    |  14 |           TABLE ACCESS FULL    |    ORDER_DETAIL   |    88M|    32G|       |   188K (27)| 00:02:39 |     1 |     1 |  Q1,01 | PCWP |            |
    Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
       3 - filter("orddtl"."rownbr"=1)
                  DESC )<=1)
                  DESC )<=1)
       8 - access("od"."part_nbr"="SC"."part_nbr"(+) AND "SC"."SRVC_CD_KEY"(+)="od"."SRVC_CD_KEY")
           filter("od"."ITEM_CRE_DT"<"SC"."END_TS"(+) AND "od"."ITEM_CRE_DT">="SC"."START_TS"(+))

    Thanks Jonathan for your reply.
    This type of pattern happens quite frequently in parallel execution with aggregation. A layer of slave processes can do partial aggregation before passing a reduced result set to the query co-ordinator to finish the job.
    I wouldn't be 100% sure without building a model to check, but I think the logic of your quer allows the eight slaves to identify each "rownumber() = 1" for the data set they have collected, and the allows the query coordinator to do the window sort on the eight incoming rows (for each key) and determine which one of the eight is ultimate the highest date.So is it a normal pattern? Will step#7 & #4 do the same amount work as stated in PREDICATE information part of execution plan.?
    You’re correct! There are 8 slave processes appears to be performing WINDOW PUSHED RANK ( Step#7 in Execution Plan ) as you see in following output. Per execution plan and your comment, each one appears to be finding partial set of rows row_num <= 1. It’s apparently doing lots of work and very slow even with 8 processes. So not sure , how slow would be QC doing the same work just by itself.
    And as you see below , it’s [Step#7 ] very slow and half of the slaves performing multi pass sort operation. Even though , it was estimated 35GB for that operation, why it’s estimating work area size of only 6-14MB only? Also, It’s allocating so low amount of PGA than expected. P_A_T was set to approx 11 GB. Currently this was the only query/operation on the Instance.
    Why it’s not allocating more PGA for that operation? [My apologies for diverting from my original question ].
    I have included PGA stats as well here which was taken 5-10 minutes later than other PQ session information. It’s still shows that there is no shortage of PGA.
    Moreover, I have observed this behavior (under allocation of PGA) especially for WINDOWS SORT operations for other SQLs too. Is it normal behavior ? I’m on
    ' - '||lower(substr(pp.SERVER_NAME,
    length(pp.SERVER_NAME)-4,4) ) )"Username",
    decode(px.qcinst_id,NULL, 'QC', '(Slave)') "QC/Slave" ,
    to_char( px.server_set) "SlaveSet",
    to_char(s.sid) "SID",
    to_char(px.inst_id) "Slave INST",
    decode(sw.state,'WAITING', 'WAIT', 'NOT WAIT' ) as STATE,
    case  sw.state WHEN 'WAITING' THEN substr(sw.event,1,30) ELSE NULL end as wait_event ,
    to_char(s.ROW_WAIT_OBJ#)  wait_OBID,
    decode(px.qcinst_id, NULL ,to_char(s.sid) ,px.qcsid) "QC SID",
    to_char(px.qcinst_id) "QC INST",
    px.req_degree "Req. DOP", "Actual DOP"
    from gv$px_session px,
    gv$session s ,
    gv$px_process pp,
    gv$session_wait sw
    where px.sid=s.sid (+)
    and px.serial#=s.serial#(+)
    and px.inst_id = s.inst_id(+)
    and px.sid = pp.sid (+)
    and px.serial#=pp.serial#(+)
    and sw.sid = s.sid
    and sw.inst_id = s.inst_id
    order by
      decode(px.QCINST_ID,  NULL, px.INST_ID,  px.QCINST_ID),
      decode(px.SERVER_GROUP, NULL, 0, px.SERVER_GROUP),
    UNAME        QC/Slave SlaveSet SID       Slave INS STATE    WAIT_EVENT                      WAIT_OBID QC SID QC INS Req. DOP Actual DOP
    APPS_ORD     QC                1936      2         WAIT     PX Deq: Execute Reply          71031      1936
    - p006      (Slave)  1        1731      2         WAIT     PX Deq: Execution Msg          71021      1936   2             8          8
    - p007      (Slave)  1        2159      2         WAIT     PX Deq: Execution Msg          71021      1936   2             8          8
    - p002      (Slave)  1        2090      2         WAIT     PX Deq: Execution Msg          71021      1936   2             8          8
    - p005      (Slave)  1        1965      2         WAIT     PX Deq: Execution Msg          71021      1936   2             8          8
    - p001      (Slave)  1        1934      2         WAIT     PX Deq: Execution Msg          71021      1936   2             8          8
    - p004      (Slave)  1        1843      2         WAIT     PX Deq: Execution Msg          71021      1936   2             8          8
    - p000      (Slave)  1        1778      2         WAIT     PX Deq: Execution Msg          71021      1936   2             8          8
    - p003      (Slave)  1        1751      2         WAIT     PX Deq: Execution Msg          71021      1936   2             8          8
    - p009      (Slave)  2        2138      2         NOT WAIT                                71031      1936   2             8          8
    - p012      (Slave)  2        1902      2         NOT WAIT                                71031      1936   2             8          8
    - p008      (Slave)  2        1921      2         NOT WAIT                                71031      1936   2             8          8
    - p013      (Slave)  2        2142      2         NOT WAIT                                71031      1936   2             8          8
    - p015      (Slave)  2        2091      2         NOT WAIT                                71031      1936   2             8          8
    - p014      (Slave)  2        2122      2         NOT WAIT                                71031      1936   2             8          8
    - p010      (Slave)  2        2146      2         NOT WAIT                                71031      1936   2             8          8
    - p011      (Slave)  2        1754      2         NOT WAIT                                71031      1936   2             8          8
    SELECT operation_type AS type                      ,
            workarea_address WADDR,
            operation_id as OP_ID,
            policy                                      ,
            vwa.inst_id i#,
            vwa.sid                                     ,
            vwa.qcsid   QCsID,
            vwa.QCINST_ID  QC_I#,
            s.username uname,
            ROUND(active_time    /1000000,2)   AS a_sec ,
            ROUND(work_area_size /1024/1024,2) AS wsize ,
            ROUND(expected_size  /1024/1024,2) AS exp   ,
            ROUND(actual_mem_used/1024/1024,2) AS act   ,
            ROUND(max_mem_used   /1024/1024,2) AS MAX   ,
            number_passes                      AS p#,
            ROUND(tempseg_size/1024/1024,2)    AS temp
    FROM   gv$sql_workarea_active vwa ,
            gv$session s
    where  vwa.sid = s.sid
    and    vwa.inst_id = s.inst_id
    order by vwa.sql_id, operation_id, vwa.inst_id, username, vwa.qcsid
    TYPE            WADDR            OP_ID POLI SQL_ID         I#    SID  QCSID QC_I# UNAME                A_SEC      WSIZE        EXP        ACT        MAX   P#       TEMP
    WINDOW (SORT)   07000003D2B03F90     7 AUTO 8z5s5wdy94ty3   2   2146   1936     2 APPS_ORD            1181.22      13.59      13.59       7.46      90.98    1        320
    WINDOW (SORT)   07000003D2B03F90     7 AUTO 8z5s5wdy94ty3       2142   1936     2 APPS_ORD            1181.07       7.03       7.03       4.02      90.98    0        288
    WINDOW (SORT)   07000003D2B03F90     7 AUTO 8z5s5wdy94ty3       2091   1936     2 APPS_ORD            1181.06       7.03       7.03        4.5      90.98    0        288
    WINDOW (SORT)   07000003D2B03F90     7 AUTO 8z5s5wdy94ty3       1921   1936     2 APPS_ORD            1181.09      13.59      13.59       2.24      90.98    1        320
    WINDOW (SORT)   07000003D2B03F90     7 AUTO 8z5s5wdy94ty3       2138   1936     2 APPS_ORD            1181.16       7.03       7.03       1.34      90.98    0        288
    WINDOW (SORT)   07000003D2B03F90     7 AUTO 8z5s5wdy94ty3       1754   1936     2 APPS_ORD            1181.09      14.06      14.06       5.77      90.98    1        320
    WINDOW (SORT)   07000003D2B03F90     7 AUTO 8z5s5wdy94ty3       2122   1936     2 APPS_ORD            1181.15       6.56       6.56        .24      90.98    0        288
    WINDOW (SORT)   07000003D2B03F90     7 AUTO 8z5s5wdy94ty3       1902   1936     2 APPS_ORD            1181.12      14.06      14.06       9.12      90.98    1        320
    HASH-JOIN       07000003D2B03F28     8 AUTO 8z5s5wdy94ty3       2142   1936     2 APPS_ORD            1183.24      98.64      98.64     100.44     100.44    0
    HASH-JOIN       07000003D2B03F28     8 AUTO 8z5s5wdy94ty3       2138   1936     2 APPS_ORD            1183.24      98.64      98.64     100.44     100.44    0
    HASH-JOIN       07000003D2B03F28     8 AUTO 8z5s5wdy94ty3       2122   1936     2 APPS_ORD            1183.24      98.64      98.64     100.44     100.44    0
    HASH-JOIN       07000003D2B03F28     8 AUTO 8z5s5wdy94ty3       2091   1936     2 APPS_ORD            1183.24      98.64      98.64     100.44     100.44    0
    HASH-JOIN       07000003D2B03F28     8 AUTO 8z5s5wdy94ty3       1921   1936     2 APPS_ORD            1183.24      98.64      98.64     100.44     100.44    0
    HASH-JOIN       07000003D2B03F28     8 AUTO 8z5s5wdy94ty3       1902   1936     2 APPS_ORD            1183.24      98.64      98.64     100.44     100.44    0
    HASH-JOIN       07000003D2B03F28     8 AUTO 8z5s5wdy94ty3       2146   1936     2 APPS_ORD            1183.24      98.64      98.64     100.44     100.44    0
    HASH-JOIN       07000003D2B03F28     8 AUTO 8z5s5wdy94ty3       1754   1936     2 APPS_ORD            1183.24      98.64      98.64     100.44     100.44    0
                                                              sum                                                872.07            838.21
    PGA Stats – taken 5-10 minutes later than above.
    select name, decode(unit,'bytes',round(value/1048576,2)||' MB', value) value from v$pgastat
    NAME                                               VALUE
    aggregate PGA target parameter                     11264 MB
    aggregate PGA auto target                          9554.7 MB
    global memory bound                                1024 MB
    total PGA inuse                                    902.21 MB
    total PGA allocated                                3449.64 MB
    maximum PGA allocated                              29155.44 MB
    total freeable PGA memory                          2140.56 MB
    process count                                      107
    max processes count                                379
    PGA memory freed back to OS                        77240169.56 MB
    total PGA used for auto workareas                  254.14 MB
    maximum PGA used for auto workareas                22797.02 MB
    total PGA used for manual workareas                0 MB
    maximum PGA used for manual workareas              16.41 MB
    over allocation count                              0
    bytes processed                                    323796668.77 MB
    extra bytes read/written                           183362312.02 MB
    cache hit percentage                               63.84
    recompute count (total)                            2054320
            1,408         .125 ON     362,905,053    774,927,577              32      19973
            2,816          .25 ON     362,905,053    571,453,995              39        709
            5,632           .5 ON     362,905,053    249,201,001              59          5
            8,448          .75 ON     362,905,053    216,717,381              63          0
           11,264            1 ON     362,905,053    158,762,256              70          0
           13,517          1.2 ON     362,905,053    153,025,642              70          0
           15,770          1.4 ON     362,905,053    153,022,337              70          0
           18,022          1.6 ON     362,905,053    153,022,337              70          0
           20,275          1.8 ON     362,905,053    153,022,337              70          0
           22,528            2 ON     362,905,053    153,022,337              70          0
           33,792            3 ON     362,905,053    153,022,337              70          0
           45,056            4 ON     362,905,053    153,022,337              70          0
           67,584            6 ON     362,905,053    153,022,337              70          0
           90,112            8 ON     362,905,053    153,022,337              70          0

  • Allowing evenly spaced double windows on one screen for quikc referencing?

    I can’t believe I am asking this but on Windows if you drag the window to the far right or far left it reduces the viewed window to have the screen allowing you to do the same but on the opposite side. This is really good when I am studying and need to keep looking for info on the two separate windows. It saves me from forever having to click on the window I want to view and then click back. Is there an Apple script or something that does the same so I can have the same functionality in my MacBook Pro?

    I got again a total system freeze today when I wanted to launch firefox using only the openbox menu, without wbar running.
    So I decided to try now the 'nouveau.noaccel=1' kernel command line parameter, and to use again wbar for my frequently used applis.
    In the Xorg log, the differences are:
    without 'nouveau.noaccel=1'
    [ 30.761] (II) UnloadModule: "nv"
    [ 30.761] (II) Unloading nv
    [ 30.761] (--) Depth 24 pixmap format is 32 bpp
    [ 30.762] (II) NOUVEAU(0): Opened GPU channel 0
    [ 30.765] (II) NOUVEAU(0): [DRI2] Setup complete
    [ 30.765] (II) NOUVEAU(0): [DRI2] DRI driver: nouveau
    [ 30.765] (II) NOUVEAU(0): [DRI2] VDPAU driver: nouveau
    [ 30.776] (II) EXA(0): Driver allocated offscreen pixmaps
    [ 30.777] (II) EXA(0): Driver registered support for the following operations:
    [ 30.777] (II) Solid
    [ 30.777] (II) Copy
    [ 30.777] (II) Composite (RENDER acceleration)
    [ 30.777] (II) UploadToScreen
    [ 30.777] (II) DownloadFromScreen
    [ 30.777] (==) NOUVEAU(0): Backing store disabled
    [ 30.777] (==) NOUVEAU(0): Silken mouse enabled
    with 'nouveau.noaccel=1'
    [ 1191.621] (II) UnloadModule: "nv"
    [ 1191.621] (II) Unloading nv
    [ 1191.621] (--) Depth 24 pixmap format is 32 bpp
    [ 1191.621] (EE) NOUVEAU(0): Error creating GPU channel: -19
    [ 1191.621] (EE) NOUVEAU(0): Error initialising acceleration. Falling back to NoAccel
    [ 1191.621] (==) NOUVEAU(0): Backing store disabled
    [ 1191.621] (==) NOUVEAU(0): Silken mouse enabled
    [ 1191.621] (==) NOUVEAU(0): DPMS enabled
    So now 3D acceleration is disabled.
    I will see now if the system is stable enough for my daily usage and gives satisfactory performances.
    I am almost sure that the mesa nouveau dri driver is the cause of the freezes.
    Last edited by berbae (2013-03-27 10:07:42)

  • Flash player show movies in double window

    I have a problem with my flash player. For some reason it plays an online movie 2 times in the same window above each other divided by a green bar.
    To make this more graphic, I made a screenshot:
    Anyone an idea why this is happening and how I can fix this?
    Thanks in advance!
    I have this problem in both Firefox and IE.

    Hi, glad that worked for you!! I've thot of changing my screen name, but everyone would think I'm a new helper, LOL
    Thanks for marking your thread as answered

  • Dashboard "Double-Windowing"

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    Clarification - it's actually displaying the entire OnDemand frame within the OnDemand frame. I wish I could add an attachment, but alas.
    Edited by: mcombo on Oct 28, 2009 6:52 AM

    Can you post your URL here?
    also check out this thread for the correct URL syntax.
    Dashboard Path

  • Start transaction shows the original screen within a double window

    Hi SRM-experts,
    we are running the SRM5.0 in the classic scenario and are facing the following actual error. After logging on to SRM I click on a transaction (for example "Go shopping") the navigation bar and startscreen is shown again on the right sight. We also running the SRM under the Enterprise Portal and within this scenario no error occured. I checked the OSS and the parameters for the Service BBPSTART in transaction SCIF but without result. Can anybody give me a hint what can be the reason ?

    Solution in the foll threads:
    SRM open the same page in main frame
    SRM opens itself again in its own frame
    BBPSTART reopening again in internal frame

  • Second window loses funtionality in 4.01. Very frustrating.

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    I tried disabling all plugins, rebooted my computer -- nothing changed.

    I see this same problem with Firefox 5.0.1. Also, my bookmarks are empty in the new window. This second instance of Firefox seems to not be connected to my profile.
    Ideas anyone?

  • Movie project somehow doubled

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    "MovieFolder" had five movie files in it.
    I created the project in the same folder; call it ProjectX, and started importing the files one by one. With two imported, I received an error that there wasn't enough hard drive space.
    So, I copied the entire folder (the iMovie project and the associated files, both imported and not) to a large external drive. Call it HardDrive2. When that was done,
    was deleted--both the folder and the files.
    So, I double click on ProjectX, now only located on HardDrive2. iMovie opens, and TWO project windows, both entitled ProjectX, now open. Searching my harddrive using EasyFind, I can only find one project movie.
    Why are two projects opening?
    Also, when I send one to iDVD, it reports it as being too big to fit on a disc. I've burnt similar projects and they fit fine; I wonder if this doubled-window is somehow screwing things up.

    in a single iMovie window for ProjectX, the content is reported as being 1:10:33 (1 hour, 10 minutes, 33 seconds).
    When iDVD reports its error, it says the total project duration is 154:07 minutes (upon immediate export to iDVD, nothing added).

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    No, its not for a web browser. Go to 9:55 in this video and you'll see what I mean.
    Flash Match Game Hollywood Squares Hour Final - YouTube

  • My clips all merged, and it won't let me ungroup..Help

    After about 70 hours of work putting together a video compilation and only being half done, I was adding and removing audio tracks, and when I went back to slideview, all my clips somehow "merged" into what now looks like one really long clip.  It's got the little "double-window" icon in the upper right which wasn't there before, and try as I might, I cannot figure out how to ungroup/break it back up!!  It still lets me skip from clip to clip in the monitor view, but I can no longer see the separate elements in the slide view, and eveything seems to be grayed out when I right click on the clip in slide view and try and ungroup or break it up.  (it doesnt have the little ungroup arrows either). Timeline view looks pretty normal.
    I used up all my undos removing the audio tracks I was editing at the time, and I really don't want to start this all over again, is there a way to restore it back to the individual clips in the slide view?

    Im not in front of it right now to check things out, but I will check the auto saves tonight when I get home.  Your reccomendation seems to suggest Autosaves are stored seperately from the manual saves?   That "may" be okay, but Im pretty sure I changed the value down to 10 minutes, and I think I wasted more than an hour trying to get it back, so even my oldest autosave is likely snafu'd.
    The video sources are all mpg and vobs from burned DVD's, stored on the hard drive, and opened via the organizer, then I would drop a chapter onto a blank slide and then parse it into the clips I wanted to use for the compilation, deleting the others. That's worked great so far.
    I first noticed the merge after I added a mp3 to the soundtrack, then I wanted a 2nd mp3 for a few minutes, then back to the first mp3.  I added a new Audio Track, added the 2nd mp3, then went and added another copy of the 1st mp3 onto Soundtrack, and did some fading in/out and trimming.
    Went out of timeline and back into slides, and thats when I noticed all my video clips were now merged/stacked onto one slide, with no indication that it was groupd somehow.  (I know what grouped it items should like like, I had some clips grouped already within the project). Went back and removed the mp3's from the soundtrack and new Audio Track, but no dice.  (and though that new Audio Track is now empty, it doesnt get removed when I select "Remove empty tracks" for some reason)
    The timeline view looks normal apart from the extra audio track, 4 video tracks currently to handle some split screen segments, and there's no soundtrack,or narration.
    I can use the "next/last edit point" buttons in the monitor controls to jump to the individual clips..and I guess  I "could" reorder/insert/delete clips from the timeline view, but it would be quite a pain!

  • There Has to Be an Easier Way ...

    W3C says you should notify a visitor of where they're being
    directed once
    they click a link. For external links, I'm simply placing a
    icon next to the link. At this point in time, I'm coding the
    image in each
    time, like so:
    <img src="...." width="x" height="x" alt="..."
    It's just getting cumbersome to do this - and I've seen other
    websites use
    this icon technique but the explicit coding of the image was
    not there.
    What's the "known" work-around?
    Shane H
    [email protected]
    Proud GAWDS Member
    Delivering accessible websites to all ...

    To elaborate - Thierry - I'm really interested in the
    methodology your
    article demonstrates the potential for. For learners like
    myself - it's a
    bit hard to catch on to what exactly is going on. In the
    code, I don't see a
    way to implement displaying the image when Javascript is
    enabled and to not
    do so if it's disabled.
    Also - how is this relayed to only *certain* links. Looking
    through your
    personal code on your website, the <a> links only
    contain the href="..."
    location - no hooks or anchors such as rel, class, etc.
    If you could elaborate - I'd truly appreciated it, Thierry.
    Shane H
    [email protected]
    Proud GAWDS Member
    Delivering accessible websites to all ...
    "Shane H" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:[email protected]...
    > Fair enough - but what happens with the length of the
    text changes - the
    > padding would off, no?
    > --
    > Shane H
    > [email protected]
    > =============================================
    > Proud GAWDS Member
    > Delivering accessible websites to all ...
    > =============================================
    > "Thierry |"
    <[email protected]> wrote in message
    > news:[email protected]...
    >> Shane H wrote:
    >>> Thanks Thierry. I've already implemented a
    Javascript solution for
    >>> pop-ups; however, reading through your article -
    I didn't see any
    >>> indication of how to add the double-window icon.
    >> It's all over the place
    >>> Do you have an explanation?
    >> You set a class to these anchors and then use a
    background image with
    >> padding.
    >> You should also add something in the title of these
    links to let users
    >> know
    >> they open a popup.
    >> Check your JS solution to make sure it degrades
    nicely regarding the
    >> title
    >> attribute value; with JS off, there is no need to
    warn the user that
    >> these
    >> links open in a popup
    >> --
    >> Thierry
    >> Articles and Tutorials:
    >> The perfect FAQ page:
    >> CSS-P Templates:
    >> CSS Tab Menu:

  • Error message when reading PDF files

    I'm running FFox 5.0 and have the Adobe Acrobat plug-in (V10.1.0.534). My system in WinXP/SP3. I recently updated my Adobe Reader to Version X and ever since then I encounter an error when trying to read a pdf document on a web site. The document comes up, but in a bit of a strange way. First I get an "(JavaScript Application)" error box showing the message "Load: TypeError: browser is unidentified." Then when I touch the OK button the document is displayed, but with a double window header, the upper one showing "Mozilla Firefox" and the lower one the orange-shaded "Firefox v". As I said, the document is displayed OK, but something isn't normal. Is it the fault of the updated Adobe Reader, or FFox V5, or what?

    Does it work the first time after you delete your Normal.dotm file? You may be running into the same issue that is detailed in this post Unable to open document. Please check to see if you have read permission for the above file.

  • Why I cann't see the navigator pane in directory manager?

    Why I cann't see the navigator pane (left side of the double window interface according to 'oracle internet directory administrator's guide') while I login to directory manager?
    The other confusing question is why the directory information still exists after I uninstalled, deleted all related files to Oracle products, and re-installed them?
    Thank any help.

    make sure JDeveloper ios closed and the directory structure or their contained file aren't used elsewhere.

  • Can let *.ini file not exist ?

    I have buit an EXE application, multiple, there are an *.ini file, as I deleted it, but it will be created new one automatically, though it is empty, can I let my EXE lonely ? I don't like that INI file, any setting can reach ?
    thanks in advance.

    I don't know, maybe some option in the ini file.
    Anyway, why do you want to get rid of this file? It will not harm your application.
    It can also be useful in some cases. For example, if you create in the ini file a section like this one:
    you will get only one window in the task bar (under Windows).
    This double window hurted my esthetical feeling more than a useless file.
    LV 7.0, 7.1, 8.0.1, 2011

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