Flex optimization

Hey there,
I was wondering if there are any techniques to reduce the filesize of my Flex application? With dynamic linking, it's 41k. With static linking, it's about 300k. What's all that extra heavyweight that brings it up to 300k? And by my understanding, with dynamic linking, if the user doesn't have the required libs, they will auto-download themselves right? I'm curious about whether or not I can make my app be 41k flat and bundled with everything it needs?

You can run a link-report to see what is in the other 259K.  It will be
mostly infrastructure.  Flex is a toolbox of feature-rich components and
infrastructure.  It is the same reason that a Swiss Army knife doesn't lie
For example, the List control doesn't just handle a list of items, it also
has code for drag-drop and tooltips and custom cursors.
If you use dynamic linking you are betting that everyone already has the
Swiss Army knife and that you only need ship the instructions on how to use
it.  If they don't have the framework already, it will auto-download it.  I
believe it is a pretty safe bet that folks already have the Flex framework
these days.
The only way to get to 41k all-inclusive is to write most of what you are
using from the framework yourself so you only have code for the features you
are using.  That will probably take much longer than just setting properties
on the framework components.

Similar Messages

  • Unable to load app with rsl

    Please help!!
    My company project has 2 component libraries (swc) and 4-5 separate flex apps that use the 2 component libraries.  So far, the entire project has been build using "merge in code" and it is working fine.  However, some of the applications are getting so big that we need to reduce the overall size of all components and apps.  Using ant (flextask), I try to compile the components and the apps using the framework RSL and I was be able to get everything compiled and linked, but when I try to load one of the application at run time, nothing happens - I got no errors, just a blank, empty default screen.
    pic 1: ant script to compile bs_vo component:
         <!-- Compile component files -->
         <target name="compile" depends="init,doWindows,doUnix" description="Compiles the mxml/as source files">
              <!-- Create the deploy directory if it doesn't exist -->
              <mkdir dir="${deploy.dir}" />
              <mkdir dir="${deploy.dir}/lib" />
              <!-- Compile Flex mxm/as files -->
              <compc output="${swc.export}" locale="${DEFAULT.LOCAL}" debug="${FLEX_DEBUG}">
                   <!-- Define namespace to be referenced in other MXML source files -->
                   <namespace uri="http://bidshift.com/vo" manifest="${manifest.xml.file}" />
                   <include-namespaces uri="http://bidshift.com/vo" />
                   <!-- Load default compiler options -->
                <load-config filename="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks/${flex.conf.filename}" />
                   <!-- List of path elements that form the roots of ActionScript
                   class hierarchies -->
                   <source-path path-element="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks"/>
                   <!-- Path of mxml/as source files -->
                   <compiler.source-path path-element="${src.dir}" />
                   <!-- List of SWC files or directories that contain SWC files use to
                        build and include in the component -->
                   <compiler.include-libraries dir="${lib.dir}" append="true">
                        <include name="**/*.swc"/>
                   <!-- Do not merge the framework SWC files -->
                   <compiler.external-library-path dir="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks" append="true">
                        <include name="libs/**/*.swc" />
                        <exclude name="libs/framework.swc" />
                        <exclude name="libs/rpc.swc" />
            <!-- Prepare the RSL so that it can be found at run time -->
            <!-- Extract the SWF file from the SWC file -->
            <unzip src="${swc.export}" dest="${deploy.dir}/lib">
                    <include name="library.swf" />
            <!-- Run the flex optimizer on the extracted SWF so that it does not
                 contain any debug code or unnecessary metadata.  Note that the
                 as3 metadata that's kept, it's required -->
            <exec executable="${flex.optimizer}" dir="." failonerror="true">
                <arg line="-input ${deploy.dir}/lib/library.swf -output ${deploy.dir}/${application.name}.swf" />
                <arg line="-keep-as3-metadata='Bindable,Managed,ChangeEvent,NonCommittingChangeEvent,Transient'" />
            <!-- Delete the unoptimized SWF, don't need it anymore -->
            <delete file="${deploy.dir}/lib/library.swf" />
            <!-- Restore the digest from catalog.xml -->
            <exec executable="${flex.digest}" dir="." failonerror="true">
                <arg line="-digest.rsl-file ${deploy.dir}/${application.name}.swf" />
                <arg line="-digest.swc-path ${swc.export}" />
    pic 2:  ant script to compile bs_comp component which includes bs_vo as dependency
         <!-- Compile component files -->
         <target name="compile" depends="init,doWindows,doUnix" description="Compiles the mxml/as source files">
              <!-- Create the deploy directory if it doesn't exist -->
              <mkdir dir="${deploy.dir}" />
              <mkdir dir="${deploy.dir}/lib" />
              <!-- Compile Flex mxm/as files -->
              <compc output="${swc.export}" locale="${DEFAULT.LOCAL}" debug="${FLEX_DEBUG}">
                   <!-- Define namespace to be referenced in other MXML source files -->
                   <namespace uri="http://bidshift.com/component" manifest="${manifest.xml.file}" />
                   <include-namespaces uri="http://bidshift.com/component" />
                   <namespace uri="http://mikenimer.com/component" manifest="${nimer.manifest.xml.file}"/>
                   <include-namespaces uri="http://mikenimer.com/component"/>
                   <namespace uri="http://hevery.com/component" manifest="${hevery.manifest.xml.file}"/>
                   <include-namespaces uri="http://hevery.com/component"/>
                   <namespace uri="http://adobe_extra.com/component" manifest="${adobe.manifest.xml.file}"/>
                   <include-namespaces uri="http://adobe_extra.com/component"/>
                   <!-- Load default compiler options -->
                <load-config filename="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks/${flex.conf.filename}" />
                   <!-- List of path elements that form the roots of ActionScript
                   class hierarchies -->
                   <source-path path-element="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks"/>
                   <!-- Path of mxml/as source files -->
                   <compiler.source-path path-element="${src.dir}" />
                   <!-- List of SWC files or directories that contain SWC files use to
                        build and include in the component -->
                   <compiler.include-libraries dir="${lib.dir}" append="true">
                        <include name="**/*.swc" />
                   <!-- List of SWC files or directories to compile against but to omit
                     from linking -->
                            <compiler.external-library-path dir="${deploy.dir}/lib">
                                 <include name="bs_vo.swc" />
                   <!-- Do not merge the framework SWC files -->
                   <compiler.external-library-path dir="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks/" append="true">
                        <include name="libs/**/*.swc" />
                        <exclude name="libs/framework.swc" />
                        <exclude name="libs/rpc.swc" />
            <!-- Prepare the RSL so that it can be found at run time -->
            <!-- Extract the SWF file from the SWC file -->
            <unzip src="${swc.export}" dest="${deploy.dir}/lib">
                    <include name="library.swf" />
            <!-- Run the flex optimizer on the extracted SWF so that it does not
                 contain any debug code or unnecessary metadata.  Note that the
                 as3 metadata that's kept, it's required -->
            <exec executable="${flex.optimizer}" dir="." failonerror="true">
                <arg line="-input ${deploy.dir}/lib/library.swf -output ${deploy.dir}/${application.name}.swf" />
                <arg line="-keep-as3-metadata='Bindable,Managed,ChangeEvent,NonCommittingChangeEvent,Transient'" />
            <!-- Delete the unoptimized SWF, don't need it anymore -->
            <delete file="${deploy.dir}/lib/library.swf" />
            <!-- Restore the digest from catalog.xml -->
            <exec executable="${flex.digest}" dir="." failonerror="true">
                <arg line="-digest.rsl-file ${deploy.dir}/${application.name}.swf" />
                <arg line="-digest.swc-path ${swc.export}" />
    pic 3:  ant script to compile application
         <!-- Compile Main application -->
         <target name="compile" depends="init" description="Compiles the mxml/as source files">
              <!-- get the common styles css files -->
              <copy todir="${src.assets}" includeEmptyDirs="no">
                   <fileset dir="${assets.dir}">
                        <include name="**/*.css" />
                        <include name="**/*.gif" />
                        <include name="**/*.jpg" />
                        <include name="**/*.png" />
                        <include name="**/*.svg" />
                        <include name="**/*.swf" />
                        <include name="**/*.ttf" />
              <!-- Compile client flex mxm/as -->
              <mxmlc file="${main.class}"
                   <!-- Load default compiler options -->
                <load-config filename="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks/${flex.conf.filename}" />
                   <!-- List of path elements that form the roots of ActionScript class hierarchies -->
                   <source-path path-element="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks"/>
                   <!-- Path of mxml/as source files -->
                   <compiler.source-path path-element="${src.dir}"/>
                   <!-- List of SWC files or directories that contain SWC files use to
                        build and include in the component -->
                   <compiler.include-libraries dir="${lib.dir}" append="true">
                        <include name="**/*.swc"/>
                        <exclude name="bs_vo.swc"/>
                        <exclude name="bs_comp.swc"/>
                            <!-- Location and other information about an RSL that the -->
                            <!-- application will use                                 -->
                <!-- Framework RSL linked libraries -->
                <runtime-shared-library-path path-element="${FRAMEWORKS}/libs/framework.swc">
                    <url rsl-url="framework_3.5.0.12683.swz"/>
                    <url rsl-url="framework_3.5.0.12683.swf"/>
                <!-- RPC RSL linked libraries -->
                <runtime-shared-library-path path-element="${FRAMEWORKS}/libs/rpc.swc">
                    <url rsl-url="rpc_3.5.0.12683.swz"/>
                    <url rsl-url="rpc_3.5.0.12683.swf"/>
                <!-- Third party RSL linked libraries -->
                <runtime-shared-library-path path-element="${flex.src.dir}/deploy/lib/bs_vo.swc">
                    <url rsl-url="bs_vo.swf"/>
                <runtime-shared-library-path path-element="${flex.src.dir}/deploy/lib/bs_comp.swc">
                    <url rsl-url="bs_comp.swf"/>
    Thanks in advance.

    If you are going to use RSLs in a multi-SWF project, it is recommended that
    the first app load the RSLs and the others don't.

  • Flex sdk incremental build will lose swc information

    I have a mxmlc ant task job like this
                <load-config filename="${basedir}/flex-config-sea.xml"/>
                <source-path path-element="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks"/>
    in flex-config-sea.xml I put this in for incremental compile and swc build
    the first time build is ok, but the second time after I changed one single file, the output is
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration file /opt/cruisecontrol-bin-2.8.4/projects/cc/flex-config-sea.xml
        [mxmlc] Recompile: /opt/cruisecontrol-bin-2.8.4/projects/sea_client/trunk/main/src/C.as
        [mxmlc] Reason: The source file or one of the included files has been updated.
        [mxmlc] Files changed: 1 Files affected: 0
        [mxmlc] Required RSLs:
        [mxmlc]     textLayout_2.0.0.232.swz with 1 failover.
        [mxmlc]     framework_4.6.0.23201.swz with 1 failover.
        [mxmlc]     rpc_4.6.0.23201.swz with 1 failover.
        [mxmlc]     mx_4.6.0.23201.swz with 1 failover.
        [mxmlc]     spark_4.6.0.23201.swz with 1 failover.
        [mxmlc]     sparkskins_4.6.0.23201.swz with 1 failover.
        [mxmlc] /tmp/sea_local/app/bin/main.swf (426617 bytes)
    but the output swf is complaining lack of some swc when running, which didn't show up in the first time
    ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable _shared_maps_GlobalMapWatcherSetupUtil is not defined.
              at global/flash.utils::getDefinitionByName()
              at shared.maps::GlobalMap()
              at main/_main_GlobalMap1_i()
              at main()
              at _main_mx_managers_SystemManager/create()
              at mx.managers.systemClasses::ChildManager/initializeTopLevelWindow()
              at mx.managers::SystemManager/initializeTopLevelWindow()
              at mx.managers::SystemManager/http://www.adobe.com/2006/flex/mx/internal::kickOff()
              at mx.managers::SystemManager/http://www.adobe.com/2006/flex/mx/internal::preloader_completeHandler()
              at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEventFunction()
              at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEvent()
              at mx.preloaders::Preloader/timerHandler()
              at flash.utils::Timer/_timerDispatch()
              at flash.utils::Timer/tick()
    this message normally shows up when there's no Mate_08_9.swc found at runtime. but this shouldn't happen.
    is there anyway to work around this? thanks a lot
    here is the full flex-config-sea.xml:
       <!-- benchmark: output performance benchmark-->
       <!-- benchmark usage:
          <!-- compiler.accessible: generate an accessible SWF-->
          <!-- compiler.actionscript-file-encoding: specifies actionscript file encoding. If there is no BOM in the AS3 source files, the compiler will use this file encoding.-->
          <!-- compiler.actionscript-file-encoding usage:
          <!-- compiler.allow-source-path-overlap: checks if a source-path entry is a subdirectory of another source-path entry. It helps make the package names of MXML components unambiguous.-->
          <!-- compiler.as3: use the ActionScript 3 class based object model for greater performance and better error reporting. In the class based object model most built-in functions are implemented as fixed methods of classes.-->
          <!-- compiler.compress usage:
          <!-- compiler.context-root: path to replace {context.root} tokens for service channel endpoints-->
          <!-- compiler.context-root usage:
          <!-- compiler.debug: generates a movie that is suitable for debugging-->
          <!-- compiler.defaults-css-files usage:
          <!-- compiler.defaults-css-url: defines the location of the default style sheet. Setting this option overrides the implicit use of the defaults.css style sheet in the framework.swc file.-->
          <!-- compiler.defaults-css-url usage:
          <!-- compiler.define: define a global AS3 conditional compilation definition, e.g. -define=CONFIG::debugging,true or -define+=CONFIG::debugging,true (to append to existing definitions in flex-config.xml) -->
          <!-- compiler.define usage:
          <!-- compiler.enable-runtime-design-layers usage:
          <!-- compiler.es: use the ECMAScript edition 3 prototype based object model to allow dynamic overriding of prototype properties. In the prototype based object model built-in functions are implemented as dynamic properties of prototype objects.-->
             <!-- compiler.extensions.extension usage:
          <!-- compiler.external-library-path: list of SWC files or directories to compile against but to omit from linking-->
             <!-- compiler.fonts.advanced-anti-aliasing: enables advanced anti-aliasing for embedded fonts, which provides greater clarity for small fonts.-->
             <!-- compiler.fonts.flash-type: enables FlashType for embedded fonts, which provides greater clarity for small fonts.-->
             <!-- compiler.fonts.flash-type usage:
                <!-- compiler.fonts.languages.language-range: a range to restrict the number of font glyphs embedded into the SWF-->
                <!-- compiler.fonts.languages.language-range usage:
             <!-- compiler.fonts.local-font-paths usage:
             <!-- compiler.fonts.local-fonts-snapshot: File containing system font data produced by flex2.tools.FontSnapshot.-->
             <!-- compiler.fonts.managers: Compiler font manager classes, in policy resolution order-->
             <!-- compiler.fonts.max-cached-fonts: sets the maximum number of fonts to keep in the server cache.  The default value is 20.-->
             <!-- compiler.fonts.max-glyphs-per-face: sets the maximum number of character glyph-outlines to keep in the server cache for each font face. The default value is 1000.-->
          <!-- compiler.headless-server: a flag to set when Flex is running on a server without a display-->
          <!-- compiler.headless-server usage:
          <!-- compiler.include-libraries: a list of libraries (SWCs) to completely include in the SWF-->
          <!-- compiler.include-libraries usage:
          <!-- compiler.incremental: enables incremental compilation-->
          <!-- compiler.incremental usage:
          <!-- compiler.isolate-styles: enables the compiled application or module to set styles that only affect itself and its children-->
          <!-- compiler.isolate-styles usage:
          <!-- compiler.keep-all-type-selectors: disables the pruning of unused CSS type selectors-->
          <!-- compiler.keep-all-type-selectors usage:
          <!-- compiler.keep-as3-metadata: keep the specified metadata in the SWF-->
          <!-- compiler.keep-as3-metadata usage:
          <!-- compiler.keep-generated-actionscript: save temporary source files generated during MXML compilation-->
          <!-- compiler.library-path: list of SWC files or directories that contain SWC files-->
          <!-- compiler.locale: specifies the locale for internationalization-->
          <!-- compiler.minimum-supported-version usage:
          <!-- compiler.mobile: specifies the target runtime is a mobile device-->
             <!-- compiler.mxml.compatibility-version: specifies a compatibility version. e.g. -compatibility-version=2.0.1-->
             <!-- compiler.mxml.compatibility-version usage:
             <!-- compiler.mxml.minimum-supported-version usage:
             <!-- compiler.mxml.qualified-type-selectors usage:
             <!-- compiler.namespaces.namespace: Specify a URI to associate with a manifest of components for use as MXML elements-->
          <!-- compiler.omit-trace-statements: toggle whether trace statements are omitted-->
          <!-- compiler.optimize: Enable post-link SWF optimization-->
          <!-- compiler.preloader: Specifies the default value for the Application's preloader attribute. If not specified, the default preloader value is mx.preloaders.SparkDownloadProgressBar when -compatibility-version >= 4.0 and mx.preloaders.DownloadProgressBar when -compatibility-version < 4.0.-->
          <!-- compiler.preloader usage:
          <!-- compiler.report-invalid-styles-as-warnings: enables reporting of invalid styles as warnings-->
          <!-- compiler.report-invalid-styles-as-warnings usage:
          <!-- compiler.report-missing-required-skin-parts-as-warnings: Use this option to generate a warning instead of an error when a missing required skin part is detected.-->
          <!-- compiler.report-missing-required-skin-parts-as-warnings usage:
          <!-- compiler.services: path to Flex Data Services configuration file-->
          <!-- compiler.services usage:
          <!-- compiler.show-actionscript-warnings: runs the AS3 compiler in a mode that detects legal but potentially incorrect code-->
          <!-- compiler.show-binding-warnings: toggle whether warnings generated from data binding code are displayed-->
          <!-- compiler.show-invalid-css-property-warnings: toggle whether invalid css property warnings are reported-->
          <!-- compiler.show-invalid-css-property-warnings usage:
          <!-- compiler.show-shadowed-device-font-warnings: toggles whether warnings are displayed when an embedded font name shadows a device font name-->
          <!-- compiler.show-unused-type-selector-warnings: toggle whether warnings generated from unused CSS type selectors are displayed-->
          <!-- compiler.source-path: list of path elements that form the roots of ActionScript class hierarchies-->
          <!-- compiler.strict: runs the AS3 compiler in strict error checking mode.-->
          <!-- compiler.theme: list of CSS or SWC files to apply as a theme-->
          <!-- compiler.use-resource-bundle-metadata: determines whether resources bundles are included in the application.-->
          <!-- compiler.verbose-stacktraces: save callstack information to the SWF for debugging-->
          <!-- compiler.warn-array-tostring-changes: Array.toString() format has changed.-->
          <!-- compiler.warn-assignment-within-conditional: Assignment within conditional.-->
          <!-- compiler.warn-bad-array-cast: Possibly invalid Array cast operation.-->
          <!-- compiler.warn-bad-bool-assignment: Non-Boolean value used where a Boolean value was expected.-->
          <!-- compiler.warn-bad-date-cast: Invalid Date cast operation.-->
          <!-- compiler.warn-bad-es3-type-method: Unknown method.-->
          <!-- compiler.warn-bad-es3-type-prop: Unknown property.-->
          <!-- compiler.warn-bad-nan-comparison: Illogical comparison with NaN. Any comparison operation involving NaN will evaluate to false because NaN != NaN.-->
          <!-- compiler.warn-bad-null-assignment: Impossible assignment to null.-->
          <!-- compiler.warn-bad-null-comparison: Illogical comparison with null.-->
          <!-- compiler.warn-bad-undefined-comparison: Illogical comparison with undefined.  Only untyped variables (or variables of type *) can be undefined.-->
          <!-- compiler.warn-boolean-constructor-with-no-args: Boolean() with no arguments returns false in ActionScript 3.0.  Boolean() returned undefined in ActionScript 2.0.-->
          <!-- compiler.warn-changes-in-resolve: __resolve is no longer supported.-->
          <!-- compiler.warn-class-is-sealed: Class is sealed.  It cannot have members added to it dynamically.-->
          <!-- compiler.warn-const-not-initialized: Constant not initialized.-->
          <!-- compiler.warn-constructor-returns-value: Function used in new expression returns a value.  Result will be what the function returns, rather than a new instance of that function.-->
          <!-- compiler.warn-deprecated-event-handler-error: EventHandler was not added as a listener.-->
          <!-- compiler.warn-deprecated-function-error: Unsupported ActionScript 2.0 function.-->
          <!-- compiler.warn-deprecated-property-error: Unsupported ActionScript 2.0 property.-->
          <!-- compiler.warn-duplicate-argument-names: More than one argument by the same name.-->
          <!-- compiler.warn-duplicate-variable-def: Duplicate variable definition -->
          <!-- compiler.warn-for-var-in-changes: ActionScript 3.0 iterates over an object's properties within a "for x in target" statement in random order.-->
          <!-- compiler.warn-import-hides-class: Importing a package by the same name as the current class will hide that class identifier in this scope.-->
          <!-- compiler.warn-instance-of-changes: Use of the instanceof operator.-->
          <!-- compiler.warn-internal-error: Internal error in compiler.-->
          <!-- compiler.warn-level-not-supported: _level is no longer supported. For more information, see the flash.display package.-->
          <!-- compiler.warn-missing-namespace-decl: Missing namespace declaration (e.g. variable is not defined to be public, private, etc.).-->
          <!-- compiler.warn-negative-uint-literal: Negative value will become a large positive value when assigned to a uint data type.-->
          <!-- compiler.warn-no-constructor: Missing constructor.-->
          <!-- compiler.warn-no-explicit-super-call-in-constructor: The super() statement was not called within the constructor.-->
          <!-- compiler.warn-no-type-decl: Missing type declaration.-->
          <!-- compiler.warn-number-from-string-changes: In ActionScript 3.0, white space is ignored and '' returns 0. Number() returns NaN in ActionScript 2.0 when the parameter is '' or contains white space.-->
          <!-- compiler.warn-scoping-change-in-this: Change in scoping for the this keyword.  Class methods extracted from an instance of a class will always resolve this back to that instance.  In ActionScript 2.0 this is looked up dynamically based on where the method is invoked from.-->
          <!-- compiler.warn-slow-text-field-addition: Inefficient use of += on a TextField.-->
          <!-- compiler.warn-unlikely-function-value: Possible missing parentheses.-->
          <!-- compiler.warn-xml-class-has-changed: Possible usage of the ActionScript 2.0 XML class.-->
       <!-- debug-password: the password to include in debuggable SWFs-->
       <!-- debug-password usage:
       <!-- default-background-color: default background color (may be overridden by the application code)-->
       <!-- default-frame-rate: default frame rate to be used in the SWF.-->
       <!-- default-script-limits: default script execution limits (may be overridden by root attributes)-->
       <!-- default-size: default application size (may be overridden by root attributes in the application)-->
       <!-- externs: a list of symbols to omit from linking when building a SWF-->
       <!-- externs usage:
          <!-- frames.frame: A SWF frame label with a sequence of classnames that will be linked onto the frame.-->
          <!-- frames.frame usage:
       <!-- include-inheritance-dependencies-only: only include inheritance dependencies of classes specified with include-classes -->
       <!-- include-inheritance-dependencies-only usage:
       <!-- include-resource-bundles: a list of resource bundles to include in the output SWC-->
       <!-- include-resource-bundles usage:
       <!-- includes: a list of symbols to always link in when building a SWF-->
       <!-- includes usage:
       <!-- link-report: Output a XML-formatted report of all definitions linked into the application.-->
       <!-- link-report usage:
       <!-- load-config: load a file containing configuration options-->
       <!-- load-externs: an XML file containing <def>, <pre>, and <ext> symbols to omit from linking when building a SWF-->
       <!-- load-externs usage:
          <!-- metadata.contributor: A contributor's name to store in the SWF metadata-->
          <!-- metadata.contributor usage:
          <!-- metadata.creator: A creator's name to store in the SWF metadata-->
          <!-- metadata.date: The creation date to store in the SWF metadata-->
          <!-- metadata.date usage:
          <!-- metadata.description: The default description to store in the SWF metadata-->
          <!-- metadata.language: The language to store in the SWF metadata (i.e. EN, FR)-->
          <!-- metadata.localized-description: A localized RDF/XMP description to store in the SWF metadata-->
          <!-- metadata.localized-description usage:
          <!-- metadata.localized-title: A localized RDF/XMP title to store in the SWF metadata-->
          <!-- metadata.localized-title usage:
          <!-- metadata.publisher: A publisher's name to store in the SWF metadata-->
          <!-- metadata.title: The default title to store in the SWF metadata-->
       <!-- raw-metadata: XML text to store in the SWF metadata (overrides metadata.* configuration)-->
       <!-- raw-metadata usage:
       <!-- remove-unused-rsls: remove RSLs that are not being used by the application-->
       <!-- resource-bundle-list: prints a list of resource bundles to a file for input to the compc compiler to create a resource bundle SWC file. -->
       <!-- resource-bundle-list usage:
       <!-- runtime-shared-libraries: a list of runtime shared library URLs to be loaded before the application starts-->
       <!-- runtime-shared-libraries usage:
       <!-- runtime-shared-library-path: specifies a SWC to link against, an RSL URL to load, with an optional policy file URL and optional failover URLs -->
          <!-- runtime-shared-library-settings.application-domain: override the application domain an RSL is loaded into. The supported values are 'current', 'default', 'parent', or 'top-level'.-->
          <!-- runtime-shared-library-settings.force-rsls: force an RSL to be loaded, overriding the removal caused by using the remove-unused-rsls option-->
          <!-- runtime-shared-library-settings.force-rsls usage:
       <!-- size-report: Output an XML-formatted report detailing the size of all code and data linked into the application.-->
       <!-- size-report usage:
       <!-- static-link-runtime-shared-libraries: statically link the libraries specified by the -runtime-shared-libraries-path option.-->
       <!-- swf-version: specifies the version of the compiled SWF file.-->
       <!-- target-player: specifies the version of the player the application is targeting. Features requiring a later version will not be compiled into the application. The minimum value supported is "9.0.0".-->
       <!-- tools-locale: specifies the locale used by the compiler when reporting errors and warnings.-->
       <!-- tools-locale usage:
       <!-- use-direct-blit: Use hardware acceleration to blit graphics to the screen, where such acceleration is available.-->
       <!-- use-direct-blit usage:
       <!-- use-gpu: Use GPU compositing features when drawing graphics, where such acceleration is available.-->
       <!-- use-gpu usage:
       <!-- use-network: toggle whether the SWF is flagged for access to network resources-->
       <!-- verify-digests: verifies the libraries loaded at runtime are the correct ones.-->
       <!-- warnings: toggle the display of warnings-->
       <!-- warnings usage:

    Somewhere in your pom.xml where you are configuring your build dependancies there will be a line <scope>caching</scope> this line is configuring the build to use a flex runtime shared library. This line is generating the error because caching is not a valid dependancy scope in maven 3 however mojos uses it anyway. There was a defect opened against flexmojos; I've linked it below. Froeder's response to the issue was that it was not fixable, that the warning is expected and that we'll have to live with it for now.
    https://issues.sonatype.org/browse/FLEXMOJOS-363?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.iss uetabpanels%3Achangehistory-tabpanel

  • Error in compiling Flex application: 64K byte limit

    Hi experts ,
    While deploying the VC model , i m getting this error :
    Error in compiling Flex application: Error: A function in the code exceeds the 64K byte limit (actual size = '65557'). Since the problem occurs in the compiler-generated deferred instantiation code, please refactor/componentize portions of this document.
    Failed to compile AAD15VY.mxml
    Could any one help me out in solving this issue ..its urgent ...
    Your suggestions will be rewarded.

    You have to remove few components from your model to decrease the compiler generated LOC.
    Check the following link for detailed solution:
    Taken from SAP Notes:
    Doing the following may help:
    1.Divide problematic iViews into a number of nested iViews.
    2.Optimize each model to reduce the number of elements that it
      a.Reduce the number of signals by merging signals of the same name.
      b.When your application updates forms with read-only fields, use
        expression boxes and a data store instead of signals.
      c.Minimize the use of animations in your models, including form
        sliding and chart animation effects
      d.Use a data store to store variables, instead of invisible forms.
        To display messages, use a simple text rather than a static dynamic
    3.For on-the-spot, temporary workarounds, you can try dragging an empty
      layer onto the Design board. This sometimes solves the problem ad
      hoc, but is not recommended as a best practice.

  • Cisco Flex 7500 controller with client disconnects

    Hey All,
    There will be alot of info in this post, hopefully all helpful, more info the better right!  If you require anymore info to help me out to not hesistate to request it.
    We have been having some issues with clients connecting and disconnecting several times a day and having to manually reconnect from the icon on their taskbar. We have about 380 APs, and 200+ more to deploy that we have and are licensed for but are having some issues that we want to resolve first obviously.
    Some locations our setup is a bit more complex than this with multiple SSIDs and vlans, but this issue is everywhere so i will keep it to our simple setup for now:
    AP Models: AIR-LAP1042N-A-K9, AIR-CAP1602I-A-K9 (Most locations do not have a mix of both, most have 1042s)
    Running a single SSID - WPA/WPA2 with: WPA - TKIP and WPA2 - AES on the same SSID. 
    They talk back to a Cisco Flex 7500 Series through a tunnel (should not be any port blocking preventing communication)
    We are running from what i understand a bad firmware version ( and during our next maintenance window i am going to try and get them to change to a more stable firmware version.
    Data Rates of 1,2,5.5,11 Mbps are disabled
    TPCv1 coverage running
    Automatic Power Assignment
    I will not focus on the a/n/ac network as most of our devices are connecting to WPA due to the config they already have.
    Ideally i would like to get rid of WPA all together but i am not 100% in control of the decisions to get the started and people here like to delay things lol.
    It is hard to say if the issue is specific to a model as we have so few 1602Is, and it is just at our main office.  I have not heard many complaints but i have noticed i will now and then get a limited or no connectivity settings on my wireless icon on my PC.  I use hard-wired so i don't really notice if it is not working.
    In most locations it looks like the controller is doing a decent job at selection channels to use. I did find one spot where it had on 11 APs down a long hallway, and did not use channel 6 once. I statically set that location to stagger the channels to see what kind results we had and am still waiting to hear on that as they complained the most out of all of our locations. In some cases 3 APs in a row were on channel 1 in the hallway, in alot of casses 1 was 2 times in a row as well as 11 so there was alot of overlap.
    I am attaching my show sysinfo and show wlan 17 for that informtion, some of the other settings i have changed today that were previously enabled/set different are:
    Disabled Cisco Aironet IE
    Set channel automatic rescan from 10 mintues to 12 hours as i can image if it is changing the channels alot it can lead to disconnects.
    Some of the main things we get in our message log are:
    *dot1xMsgTask: Oct 16 15:17:36.943: #DOT1X-4-MAX_EAPOL_KEY_RETRANS: 1x_ptsm.c:508 Max EAPOL-key M5 retransmissions exceeded for client 84:85:06:0b:a6:33 
        - Not sure why we get this as we have a PSK and do not have local eap enabled.....
    *apfMsConnTask_6: Oct 16 15:19:01.753: #APF-3-AID_UPDATE_FAILED: apf_80211.c:6570 Error updating Association ID for REAP AP Clientc8:f9:f9:2b:fd:50 - AID 4
    *apfMsConnTask_6: Oct 16 15:19:01.753: #LWAPP-3-INVALID_AID2: spam_api.c:1462 Association identifier 4 for client 18:9e:fc:4d:9e:87 is already in use by 8c:2d:aa:b7:70:5e
        - There is a bug for this log, but according to the bug our is not effected
    Here is my show sysinfo:
    (Cisco Controller) >show sysinfo
    Manufacturer's Name.............................. Cisco Systems Inc.
    Product Name..................................... Cisco Controller
    Product Version..................................
    RTOS Version.....................................
    Bootloader Version...............................
    Emergency Image Version..........................
    Build Type....................................... DATA + WPS
    System Name...................................... Cisco_cf:17:26
    System Location..................................
    System Contact...................................
    System ObjectID..................................
    Redundancy Mode.................................. Disabled
    IP Address.......................................
    System Up Time................................... 52 days 5 hrs 54 mins 25 secs
    System Timezone Location......................... (GMT -4:00) Altantic Time (Canada)
    System Stats Realtime Interval................... 5
    System Stats Normal Interval..................... 180
    Configured Country............................... CA  - Canada
    --More-- or (q)uit
    Operating Environment............................ Commercial (10 to 35 C)
    Internal Temp Alarm Limits....................... 10 to 38 C
    Internal Temperature............................. +22 C
    Fan Status....................................... OK
    RAID Volume Status............................... OK
    State of 802.11b Network......................... Enabled
    State of 802.11a Network......................... Enabled
    Number of WLANs.................................. 13
    Number of Active Clients......................... 1584
    Burned-in MAC Address............................ 70:81:05:CF:17:20
    Power Supply 1................................... Present, OK
    Power Supply 2................................... Present, OK
    Maximum number of APs supported.................. 600
    Here is my Show wlan 17
    WLAN Identifier.................................. 17
    Profile Name..................................... AirCCRSB
    Network Name (SSID).............................. AirCCRSB
    Status........................................... Enabled
    MAC Filtering.................................... Disabled
    Broadcast SSID................................... Enabled
    AAA Policy Override.............................. Disabled
    Network Admission Control
    Client Profiling Status
        Radius Profiling ............................ Disabled
         DHCP ....................................... Disabled
         HTTP ....................................... Disabled
        Local Profiling ............................. Disabled
         DHCP ....................................... Disabled
         HTTP ....................................... Disabled
      Radius-NAC State............................... Disabled
      SNMP-NAC State................................. Disabled
      Quarantine VLAN................................ 0
    Maximum number of Associated Clients............. 0
    Maximum number of Clients per AP Radio........... 200
    Number of Active Clients......................... 1768
    Exclusionlist Timeout............................ 60 seconds
    Session Timeout.................................. 28800 seconds
    User Idle Timeout................................ Disabled
    Sleep Client..................................... disable
    Sleep Client Timeout............................. 12 hours
    User Idle Threshold.............................. 0 Bytes
    NAS-identifier................................... Cisco_cf:17:26
    CHD per WLAN..................................... Enabled
    Webauth DHCP exclusion........................... Disabled
    Interface........................................ management
    Multicast Interface.............................. Not Configured
    WLAN IPv4 ACL.................................... unconfigured
    WLAN IPv6 ACL.................................... unconfigured
    WLAN Layer2 ACL.................................. unconfigured
    mDNS Status...................................... Disabled
    mDNS Profile Name................................ unconfigured
    DHCP Server...................................... Default
    DHCP Address Assignment Required................. Disabled
    Static IP client tunneling....................... Disabled
    Quality of Service............................... Silver
    Per-SSID Rate Limits............................. Upstream      Downstream
    Average Data Rate................................   0             0
    Average Realtime Data Rate.......................   0             0
    Burst Data Rate..................................   0             0
    Burst Realtime Data Rate.........................   0             0
    Per-Client Rate Limits........................... Upstream      Downstream
    Average Data Rate................................   0             0
    Average Realtime Data Rate.......................   0             0
    Burst Data Rate..................................   0             0
    Burst Realtime Data Rate.........................   0             0
    Scan Defer Priority.............................. 4,5,6
    Scan Defer Time.................................. 100 milliseconds
    WMM.............................................. Allowed
    WMM UAPSD Compliant Client Support............... Disabled
    Media Stream Multicast-direct.................... Disabled
    CCX - AironetIe Support.......................... Disabled
    CCX - Gratuitous ProbeResponse (GPR)............. Disabled
    CCX - Diagnostics Channel Capability............. Disabled
    Dot11-Phone Mode (7920).......................... Disabled
    Wired Protocol................................... None
    Passive Client Feature........................... Disabled
    Peer-to-Peer Blocking Action..................... Disabled
    Radio Policy..................................... All
    DTIM period for 802.11a radio.................... 1
    DTIM period for 802.11b radio.................... 1
    Radius Servers
       Authentication................................ Global Servers
       Accounting.................................... Global Servers
          Interim Update............................. Disabled
          Framed IPv6 Acct AVP ...................... Prefix
       Dynamic Interface............................. Disabled
       Dynamic Interface Priority.................... wlan
    Local EAP Authentication......................... Disabled
       802.11 Authentication:........................ Open System
       FT Support.................................... Disabled
       Static WEP Keys............................... Disabled
       802.1X........................................ Disabled
       Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA/WPA2)............. Enabled
          WPA (SSN IE)............................... Enabled
             TKIP Cipher............................. Enabled
             AES Cipher.............................. Disabled
          WPA2 (RSN IE).............................. Enabled
             TKIP Cipher............................. Disabled
             AES Cipher.............................. Enabled
                                                                   Auth Key Management
             802.1x.................................. Disabled
             PSK..................................... Enabled
             CCKM.................................... Disabled
             FT-1X(802.11r).......................... Disabled
             FT-PSK(802.11r)......................... Disabled
             PMF-1X(802.11w)......................... Disabled
             PMF-PSK(802.11w)........................ Disabled
          FT Reassociation Timeout................... 20
          FT Over-The-DS mode........................ Enabled
          GTK Randomization.......................... Disabled
          SKC Cache Support.......................... Disabled
          CCKM TSF Tolerance......................... 1000
       WAPI.......................................... Disabled
       Wi-Fi Direct policy configured................ Disabled
       EAP-Passthrough............................... Disabled
       CKIP ......................................... Disabled
       Web Based Authentication...................... Disabled
       Web-Passthrough............................... Disabled
       Conditional Web Redirect...................... Disabled
       Splash-Page Web Redirect...................... Disabled
       Auto Anchor................................... Disabled
       FlexConnect Local Switching................... Enabled
       flexconnect Central Dhcp Flag................. Disabled
       flexconnect nat-pat Flag...................... Disabled
       flexconnect Dns Override Flag................. Disabled
       flexconnect PPPoE pass-through................ Disabled
       flexconnect local-switching IP-source-guar.... Disabled
       FlexConnect Vlan based Central Switching ..... Disabled
       FlexConnect Local Authentication.............. Disabled
       FlexConnect Learn IP Address.................. Enabled
       Client MFP.................................... Optional
       PMF........................................... Disabled
       PMF Association Comeback Time................. 1
       PMF SA Query RetryTimeout..................... 200
       Tkip MIC Countermeasure Hold-down Timer....... 60
       Eap-params.................................... Disabled
    AVC Visibilty.................................... Disabled
    AVC Profile Name................................. None
    Flow Monitor Name................................ None
    Split Tunnel (Printers).......................... Disabled
    Call Snooping.................................... Disabled
    Roamed Call Re-Anchor Policy..................... Disabled
    SIP CAC Fail Send-486-Busy Policy................ Enabled
    SIP CAC Fail Send Dis-Association Policy......... Disabled
    KTS based CAC Policy............................. Disabled
    Assisted Roaming Prediction Optimization......... Disabled
    802.11k Neighbor List............................ Disabled
    802.11k Neighbor List Dual Band.................. Disabled
    Band Select...................................... Disabled
    Load Balancing................................... Disabled
    Multicast Buffer................................. Disabled
     Mobility Anchor List
     WLAN ID     IP Address            Status
    802.11u........................................ Disabled
    MSAP Services.................................. Disabled
    Local Policy
    Priority  Policy Name

    As long as you take the configuration backup downgrading from to should be fine. Because this is Flexconnect deployment, make sure you review the release notes thoroughly as config like vlan mapping is impacted it is painful to reconfigure.
    I still think moving to 7.6MR3 & once 8.x get stable going for that code is a good plan. Though is assure wave it does not mean it has no bugs.(remember that prior to this was assure wave & it deferred in quick time) . I would say 8.x going to be the code staying for long time period, so ultimately you have to be there.
    In 8.x there are few FlexConnect improvements,one being AP won't reload when you change from local mode to FlexConnect.
    **** Pls rate all useful responses ***

  • Solution manager maintenance optimizer

    Hi all,
    I have what I think is an issue, and hoping someone could possibly point me in the direction to correct. I have setup our solution manager system and trying to get the maintenance optimizer option working fully. I have a java system that I pull the information from SLD perfectly fine, and it lists all installed software components via SMSY>SYSTEMS perfectly. I have assigned logical components etc. I can create a new maintenance optimizer transaction, select the proper system with assigned components, but when it lists the files to be downloaded automatically I expect to see alot more files available for download than it lists for me. I assume I am missing something, but not sure where to look.
    Would anyone be able to possibly point me in the right direction on what I might be missing?

    Hi Markus,
    The system is SAP EHP1 for SAP Netweaver 7.0. It has the following components installed and specified in logical components:
    Adobe Document services
    Application server Java
    EP Core
    Enterprise Portal
    Along with the kernel files I also get the following files available for download via maintenance optimizer (6 in total)
    FORUMS06_0-10005892.SCA SP06 for FORUMS 7.01
    BPPPMDC17_0-10003174.SCA BP PROJ., PORT. & DCOL. 4.0 SP17
    BPERP5PSS17_0-10003284.SCA BP ERP05 PROJ SELF-SERV 1.0 Support Package 17
    BPERP5MTC07_0-10004455.SCA SP07 for BP ERP05 MAINTENANCE TECH 1.2
    BPIS7TST07_0-10004458.SCA SP07 for BP ERP SITE TECHNICIAN 1.20
    BPIS7ICMAL06_0-10006119.SCA SP06 for BP ERP ICM ANALYST 1.41
    When I look at installed system components via SMSY it correctly shows everything installed which includes:
    BP ERP FIN MDM 1.40 0006 SP006 BP for Financial MDM 1.40
    BP ERP HR EIC 1.40 0006 SP006 BP für HR Employee Interaction Center 1.40
    BP ERP ICM ANALYST 1.41 0004 SP004 BP for ICM-Analyst 1.41
    BP ERP RECRUITER 1.40 0006 SP006 BP for Recruiter 1.40
    BP ERP RECRUITING ADMIN 1.40 0006 SP006 BP for E-Recruiting Administrator 1.40
    BP ERP SITE TECHNICIAN 1.20 0006 SP006 BP for Site Technician (Telecommunications) 1.20
    BP ERP UT XSS 1.40 0006 SP006 BP ERP UT Definition für Self Service BP 1.40
    BP ERP05 BUS UNIT ANALYST 20 1.0 0017 SP017 BP for Business Unit Analyst (mySAP ERP) 1.0
    BP ERP05 COMMON PARTS 1.41 0006 SP006 BP ERP05 COMMON PARTS 1.41
    BP ERP05 ESS 1.41 0006 SP006 BP for Employee Self-Service 1.41
    BP ERP05 HR ADMINISTRATOR 1.41 0006 SP006 BP for HR Administrator (mySAP ERP) 1.41
    BP ERP05 MAINTENANCE TECH 1.2 0006 SP006 BP for Maintenance Technician 1.2
    BP ERP05 MSS 1.41 0006 SP006 BP for Manager Self-Service 1.41
    BP ERP05 PROJ SELF-SERV 1.0 0016 SP016 BP for Project Self-Service (mySAP ERP) 1.0
    BP ERP05 SELF-SERV ADMIN 1.0 0017 SP017 BP for Self-Service Administrator (my SAP ERP) 1.0
    BP ERP05 TALENT DEV 1.01 0010 SP010 BP for Talent Development Specialist 1.01
    BP_PROJ_PORT_DESIGNCOLL 4.0 0015 SP015 BP for Project Portfolio Management and Design Collaboration 4.0
    CAF EU 7.01 0006 SP006 SAP Net Weaver End User 7.01
    DI BUILD TOOL 7.01 0000  SAP BUILD TOOL 7.01
    FORUMS 7.01 0005 SP005 FORUMS 7.01
    JAVA SP MANAGER 7.01 0006 SP006 JAVA SP MANAGER 7.00
    KMC UI LAYER 7.01 0006 SP006 KMC UI LAYER 7.01
    MI DRIVERS 7.01 0006 SP006 MI DRIVERS 7.00
    MI WD LAPTOP 7.01 0006 SP006 Net Weaver Mobile Infrastructure Web Dynpro LAPTOP 7.00
    PORTAL CORE SERVICES 7.01 0006 SP006 EPBC 7.01
    PORTAL FRAMEWORK 7.01 0006 SP006 EPBC2 7.01
    PORTAL PLATFORM 7.01 0006 SP006 EP - Portal Server PORTAL 7.01
    RTC 7.01 0006 SP006 RTC 7.00
    RTC-STREAM 7.01 0006 SP006 RTC-STREAM 7.00
    SAP CAF 7.01 0006 SP006 SAP CAF 7.01
    SAP CAF-KM 7.01 0006 SP006 SAP CAF-KM 7.01
    SAP CAF-UM 7.01 0006 SP006 SAP CAF-UM 7.01
    SAP CPS BASIC (SCHEDULER) 7.01 0004 SP004 Job scheduling capabilities of SAP NetWeaver 7.01
    SAP ESS 603 0006 SP006 SAP ESS 603
    SAP INTERNET KNOWLEDGE SERVLET 7.01 0006 SP006 SAP Internet Knowledge Servlet 7.00 (SAP J2EE IKS)
    SAP J2EE ENGINE 7.01 0006 SP006 SAP J2EE Engine 7.01
    SAP MI CLIENT 7.01 0006 SP006 SAP Mobile Infrastructure Client 7.0
    SAP MSS 600 0017 SP017 SAP MSS 600 (Manager Self Services)
    SAP PCUI_GP 603 0006 SP006 SAP PCUI_GP 603
    I expect to see more than the 6 previously mentioned files available for download, also the option for EHP2 which I know is available, or am I wrong in expecting this.

  • FB 4.7 AIR 3.6 Flex 4.9 iOS packing - Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError'

    I've got an error similar to Isaac_Sunkes' 'FB 4.7 iOS packaging - Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError',
    but the causes are not related to what he discovered, corrupt image or other files, I'd exclude bad archive contents in my project.
    I'm using Flash Builder 4.7 with Adobe AIR 3.6 set into an Apache Flex 4.9.1 SDK;
    HW system is:
    iMac,    2,7 GHz Intel Core i5,    8 GB 1600 MHz DDR3,    NVIDIA GeForce GT 640M 512 MB,    OS X 10.8.2 (12C3103)
    The Flash project consists in an application with a main SWF file which loads, via ActionScript methods, other SWF in cascade.
    I've formerly compiled and run the application on an iPad 1, IOS 5.0.1 (9A405), but got on the device the error alert:
    "Uncompiled ActionScript
    Your application is attempitng to run
    uncompiled ActionScript, probably
    due to the use of an embedded
    SWF. This is unsupported on iOS.
    See the Adobe Developer
    Connection website for more info."
    Then I changed the FB compiler switches, now are set to:
    -locale en_US
    Please note that without the switch    -swf-version=19     the application is compiled correctly and the IPA is sent to the device
    and I can debug it, but iOS traps secondary SWF files and blocke the app usage, as previously told.
    they work on deploy of small applications,
    but, when I try to build a big IPA file either for an ad-hoc distribution, either for an debug on device, after some minutes long waiting, I get a Java stuck, with this trace:
    Error occurred while packaging the application:
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
        at java.util.HashMap.addEntry(HashMap.java:753)
        at java.util.HashMap.put(HashMap.java:385)
        at java.util.HashSet.add(HashSet.java:200)
        at adobe.abc.Algorithms.addUses(Algorithms.java:165)
        at adobe.abc.Algorithms.findUses(Algorithms.java:187)
        at adobe.abc.GlobalOptimizer.sccp(GlobalOptimizer.java:4731)
        at adobe.abc.GlobalOptimizer.optimize(GlobalOptimizer.java:3615)
        at adobe.abc.GlobalOptimizer.optimize(GlobalOptimizer.java:2309)
        at adobe.abc.LLVMEmitter.optimizeABCs(LLVMEmitter.java:532)
        at adobe.abc.LLVMEmitter.generateBitcode(LLVMEmitter.java:341)
        at com.adobe.air.ipa.AOTCompiler.convertAbcToLlvmBitcodeImpl(AOTCompiler .java:599)
        at com.adobe.air.ipa.BitcodeGenerator.main(BitcodeGenerator.java:104)
    I've tried to change the Java settings on FB's eclipse.ini in MacOS folder,
    -Xms(various settings up to)1024m
    -Xmx(various settings up to)1024m
    -XX:MaxPermSize=(various settings up to)512m
    -XX:PermSize=(various settings up to)256m
    but results are the same.
    Now settings are back as recommended:
    I've changed the Flex build.properties
    jvm.args = ${local.d32} -Xms64m -Xmx1024m -ea -Dapple.awt.UIElement=true
    with no results; now I'n get back to the standard:
    jvm.args = ${local.d32} -Xms64m -Xmx384m -ea -Dapple.awt.UIElement=true
    and now I truely have no more ideas;
    could anyone give an help?
    many thanks in advance.

    I solved this. It turns out the app icons were corrupt. After removing them and replacing them with new files this error went away.

  • Session in Flex

    You can Use the following class as a session in flex..
    private var session:Session = Session.getInstance();
    How to insert data to session
    How to retrive data from session
    var userName:String=session.getAttribute('username');
    package model
        import flash.utils.Dictionary;
         * @author Sanka Senavirathna
         *    Conforms to Singleton Design Pattern.
         *     </p>
         *    <p>
         *        Session.getInstance().getAttribute(key)
         *        Session.getInstance().setAttribute(key,value)
         * Code example for client
         private var session:Session = Session.getInstance();
         *    </p>
        public class Session
            private static var instance:Session = new Session();
            private var dic:Dictionary=new Dictionary(); // keep user session
            public function Session()
                if (instance != null) { throw new Error('Cannot create a new instance.  Must use Session.getInstance().') }
             * This Session is a Dictionary that keep key value pairs.Key can be object and value can be object.
             * [Bindable]
             * private var session:Session = Session.getInstance();
             * @langversion ActionScript 3.0
             * @playerversion Flash 8
             * @see getAttribute
             * @see setAttribute
             * @author Sanka Senavirathna
            public static function getInstance():Session
                return instance;
             * [Bindable]
             * private var session:Session = Session.getInstance();
             * Session.getInstance().setAttribute(key,value)
             * <p>example
             * session.setAttribute('username','sanka')
             * @langversion ActionScript 3.0
             * @playerversion Flash 8
             * @param key Describe key here.
             * @param value Describe value here.
             * @see getAttribute
             * @author Sanka Senavirathna
            public function setAttribute(key:*,value:*):void
             * [Bindable]
             * private var session:Session = Session.getInstance();
             * Session.getInstance().getAttribute(key)
             * <p>example
             * var userName:String=Session.getInstance().getAttribute('username');
             * @langversion ActionScript 3.0
             * @playerversion Flash 8
             * @param param1 Describe key here.
             * @see setAttribute
             * @author Sanka Senavirathna
            public function getAttribute(key:*):*
                return dic[key];

    I think This will help you to keep your shaired data in single place.this will optimize your program by
    reducing database hits,
    reducing Server hits
    Onece you retrive the data then put it into session (flex) and retrive it when you need..For example username in system.when user logged successfully
    put the user object in to session and hide the login component.then pop-up your other component.But you can access the user data from session by using
    var user:User=Session.getInstance().getAttribute('user'); something like that.
    Hope this will help you.
    happy cording

  • Flex 4 web application not loading (blank white swf)

    We've recently updated our code-base from the Flex 4 Beta 2 SDK to the Flex 4 final SDK.  The release builds using the final SDK do not load on all user's machines (the Beta 2 builds were all ok).  The flash player version varies on our systems, but in all cases the version is higher than 10.0.  All machines (we all use Win XP sp3) with the debug player will load the release version without a problem.  Some machines with the non debug player will load the application, others will not (it loads to a blank white swf and the Flex SDK does not load (the preloader is not visible)).
    In the compiler settings in Flash Builder 4, I've tried to add -debug=false -optimize=true but that had no effect.  I've also done a search for any debug-only code in the application (there are 2 "trace" statements in there) and have commented that code out.  Also no effect.
    Any suggestions as to where I should look next?

    Yup, we tried that, but it didn't fix anything.
    One thing we did do was go to http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/155/tn_15507.html on all of the computer where it didn't work.  After going there, the site loaded fine.  I'm not sure if going to the site had anything to do with it (I don't see how it would), but in all cases, after visiting that site, the application loaded fine.  Very strange.  I guess it could be that one of our load balancing servers wasn't serving the application correctly and it fixed itself in the time that we went to that site.
    Is it posible that the Flash player was not registered on the system correctly and by visiting that site, it registered correctly?

  • Flex and zend , php services - soooo slow. any ideas?

    Hey Folks,
    I have a flex application that uses PHP services with the Zend framework.
    When I run it locally, the speed is great. My largest query returns data to my datagrid in 2-3 seconds.
    When I do run it locally, it is pulling from the production database.
    When I move the project to my dedicated server, the same query takes a painful 30 seconds.
    When I run the SQL query directly in MYSQL, it is back to around 2 seconds.  So the problem is not the query itself.
    So, any ideas why the results would take so much longer in my production environment? I purposely purchased dedicated server hosting because I thought it might of been server load.  That didn't help.  The queries are not complex at all. The most they return is under 200 rows.
    In summary: Why would my results set populate so much quicker on my development computer than on the production server?
    Flash builder 4
    Thank you for any assitance.

    Your question seems to be outside of the scope of this forum.  But as someone who uses Zend_AMF and PHP for a backend I'll take a whack.  Have you analyzed your query, you may discover some inefficiencies there ?  This could be a problem if you have many joins, not leading you "WHERE" statement off with the most selective property and so on and so on try basic db optimizations if you haven't already.  Are you using an ORM of any kind ?  These can add to the time it takes to get results back, especially if you have lazy loading enabled instead of bringing back associated objects with your query and not on the fly.  The next step I would check would be for any type of serialization issues that might arise if you are doing so.  Even though a database usually isn't considered "large" until it has 10's of millions of rows, joins as I have verified the hardway, when done incorrectly without any type of keys or indexing can be particularly painful.

  • Flash CS3 vs. Flex Builder 2

    Here's the $64,000 question: should we be developing in Flash
    CS3 or should we shift over to Flex Builder 2? I maintain that AS
    3.0 is a pain in the proverbial, but I've been researching and
    finding as much help as possible online about it, and I've found
    that by and large people are using Flex Builder 2 as the basis of
    tutorials about AS 3.0. Does anyone have an official slant on this
    question? Should we abandon Flash for Flex? Will it help? Will it
    mitigate the difficulties non-programmers are experiencing with AS
    3.0 - or as I call it simply ***? Would I be getting more responses
    to my *** questions if I post them over in the *** forum under Flex
    Any thoughts on this matter would be most welcome, thank

    >> Help please.
    Sorry about that ... some days are crazier than others. :-/
    [From an earlier reply ...]
    > Thank you very much, that's exactly the sort of answer I
    > needed. Hmmm, cheque's in the mail. ;)
    Heh, good on ya! :)
    > I'm definitely a 'deseloper' and will stick with Flash.
    I wish
    > I had the luxury of only dipping into AS3.
    I don't know that I'd call it a luxury, really. Work is
    work. ;) As
    you might imagine, though, Flex Builder 2 provides a number
    of scripting
    improvements over the Actions panel (there's really no
    comparison; if you've
    tried them both, the Actions panel barely feels useful) and
    the Flex
    framework offers significantly more UI Components. Ideally,
    if the pocket
    book allows it, using both applications is the killer setup.
    > My problem is that I built a little program that draws
    scale bars
    > on uploaded images that can then be printed. It did
    > it needed to, but in AS2.0 you can't control the quality
    of the
    > imported jpgs.
    When you say imported, you mean dynamically loaded (loaded
    at runtime),
    right? Otherwise, I'm confused. The Flash IDE itself allows
    you to
    determine the quality of imported JPGs. In ActionScript 3.0
    ... are you
    talking about the Stage.quality property?
    > I'm experimenting with Sprites and I have something
    > as the line is drawn but I can't crack the new way to
    > coordinates.
    Not sure what might be tripping you up, actually. The
    coordinate grid
    is the same. Horizontally, higher numbers move toward the
    vertically, higher numbers move toward the bottom. That's the
    same as it's
    > I just want a blue hair line with a nice green dot at
    each end
    > that can be seen while the line is drawn. Once the
    > happens the drawing guide should disappear and the black
    > line appear.
    Having heard what you're after, I just started a quick
    experiment from
    scratch. Here's my version, below. Note: I've made no effort
    to optimize
    my code. This is just a first draft to achieve a blue line
    segment with
    green dots on each end that becomes a black line segment when
    the mouse
    var startX:Number;
    var startY:Number;
    var canvas:Sprite = new Sprite();
    function mouseDownHandler(evt:MouseEvent):void {
    startX = mouseX;
    startY = mouseY;
    var dot:Sprite = new Sprite();
    dot.name = "dotStart";
    dot.graphics.drawCircle(mouseX, mouseY, 5);
    dot = new Sprite();
    dot.name = "dotEnd";
    dot.graphics.drawCircle(0, 0, 5);
    function enterFrameHandler(evt:Event):void {
    var dot:DisplayObject = canvas.getChildByName("dotEnd");
    dot.x = mouseX;
    dot.y = mouseY;
    canvas.graphics.lineStyle(1, 0x0000FF);
    canvas.graphics.moveTo(startX, startY);
    canvas.graphics.lineTo(mouseX, mouseY);
    function mouseUpHandler(evt:MouseEvent):void {
    canvas.graphics.lineStyle(2, 0x000000);
    canvas.graphics.moveTo(startX, startY);
    canvas.graphics.lineTo(mouseX, mouseY);
    There's a lot of repeated code there, and this isn't how I'd
    leave the
    above in an actual project, but by spilling out a rough cut
    like this, I'm
    hoping it gives you something to work with -- showing the
    mechanics of how
    this might be done.
    David Stiller
    Adobe Community Expert
    Dev blog,
    "Luck is the residue of good design."

  • Flex Debugger

    Flex Builder 3 has a brilliant debugger and I would like to
    debug my Flash code in it. The Flash debugger is not as good. How
    can I develop my applications in Flash and debug them in

    Okay, figured out a solution to this fdb issue:
    Swishsoft, with their useless swf optimizer, make 3
    significant changes to your computer's registry, indicating that
    their useless swf optimizer is the default JAR Launcher, creating
    conflicts with fdb's attempts to launch your debug swf file.
    I deleted all 3 entries in the registry (2 of them reverted
    back to their default state), and now fdb works as it was designed
    to. Problem solved :)
    NOTE: Modifying your computer's registry could render your
    computer kaput. Tinker carefully ;)

  • Flex 4 MXMLC Problem With Modules

    I am trying to configure my Ant build script to compile modules, but I get the following errors:
    /Users/loc_admin/ContinuousIntegration/CruiseControl/projects/leadlaw/source/src/com/rocki ngmm/leadlaw/modules/News.mxml(33): Error: Could not resolve <valueObjects:ArticleVO> to a component implementation.
    <valueObjects:ArticleVO title="Changelog: 16 Sep 2010" content="Login:&#13;- Updated positioning of error tooltips on login window.&#13;&#13;News:&#13;- Created initial rudimentary article component for news page." timestamp="{new Date(2010, 9, 16, 19, 20, 00, 00)}" author="Mike Bronner" />
    /Users/loc_admin/ContinuousIntegration/CruiseControl/projects/leadlaw/source/src/com/rock ingmm/leadlaw/modules/News.mxml(29): Error: Could not resolve <valueObjects:ArticleVO> to a component implementation.
    <valueObjects:ArticleVO title="Changelog: 23 Sep 2010" content="My Jobs:&#13;- Changed map markers to show numbers.&#13;- Map markers will now expand when hovered over to show info.&#13;- Items selected in list on the left will expand the corresponding markers to show their info." timestamp="{new Date(2010, 9, 23, 18, 00, 00, 00)}" author="Mike Bronner" />
    /Users/loc_admin/ContinuousIntegration/CruiseControl/projects/leadlaw/source/src/com/rock ingmm/leadlaw/modules/News.mxml(30): Error: Could not resolve <valueObjects:ArticleVO> to a component implementation.
    <valueObjects:ArticleVO title="Changelog: 20 Sep 2010" content="My Jobs:&#13;- Added rudimentary initial jobs list to Job Overview page.&#13;- Added job markers to map, these correspong to the listed jobs to the left of the map.&#13;- Set map to automatically center on the center point of all jobs listed.&#13;- Set map to find best zoom to fit all jobs on map." timestamp="{new Date(2010, 9, 20, 18, 00, 00, 00)}" author="Mike Bronner" />
    /Users/loc_admin/ContinuousIntegration/CruiseControl/projects/leadlaw/source/src/com/rock ingmm/leadlaw/modules/News.mxml(28): Error: Could not resolve <valueObjects:ArticleVO> to a component implementation.
    <valueObjects:ArticleVO title="Changelog: 24 Sep 2010" content="My Jobs:&#13;- Updated job list to display items as they correspond to the markers on the map.&#13;- Added 'Add New Job' button that starts the new job wizard.&#13;- Added initial form (general job informaion) to job wizard.&#13;- Added requirements gathering form to new job wizard." timestamp="{new Date(2010, 9, 24, 16, 00, 00, 00)}" author="Mike Bronner" />
    /Users/loc_admin/ContinuousIntegration/CruiseControl/projects/leadlaw/source/src/com/rock ingmm/leadlaw/modules/News.mxml(27): Error: Could not resolve <valueObjects:ArticleVO> to a component implementation.
    <valueObjects:ArticleVO title="Changelog: 5 Oct 2010" content="New Job Wizzard:&#13;- Added General Job Information screen.&#13;- Added Requirements Gathering screen.&#13;- Added Renovation Components screen." timestamp="{new Date(2010, 10, 5, 10, 00, 00, 00)}" author="Mike Bronner" />
    /Users/loc_admin/ContinuousIntegration/CruiseControl/projects/leadlaw/source/src/com/rock ingmm/leadlaw/modules/News.mxml(32): Error: Could not resolve <valueObjects:ArticleVO> to a component implementation.
    <valueObjects:ArticleVO title="Changelog: 17 Sep 2010" content="News:&#13;- Fixed height of article items to adjust to their content.&#13;&#13;General:&#13;- Fixed menubar navigation probems when clicking on items without a submenu.&#13;&#13;My Jobs:&#13;- Started implementation of Jobs module (nothing visible yet)." timestamp="{new Date(2010, 9, 17, 17, 00, 00, 00)}" author="Mike Bronner" />
    /Users/loc_admin/ContinuousIntegration/CruiseControl/projects/leadlaw/source/src/com/rock ingmm/leadlaw/modules/News.mxml(31): Error: Could not resolve <valueObjects:ArticleVO> to a component implementation.
    <valueObjects:ArticleVO title="Changelog: 18 Sep 2010" content="My Jobs:&#13;- Added initial map control to Job Overview page, including zoom and panning.&#13;- Added buttons to the map to switch between Hybrid, Map, and Satelite views." timestamp="{new Date(2010, 9, 18, 18, 00, 00, 00)}" author="Mike Bronner" />
    This is the target block I am using:
        <target name="build">
            <echo>Compiling flex project...</echo>
                <load-config filename="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks/flex-config.xml" />
                <source-path path-element="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks" />
                <source-path path-element="${basedir}/../components/source/src" />
                <source-path path-element="${basedir}/../modestmaps/source/src" />
                    <creator>Mike Bronner</creator>
                    <publisher>Rocking Double-M Services</publisher>
                <compiler.source-path path-element="${basedir}/source/src" />
                <compiler.library-path dir="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks" append="true">
                    <include name="libs" />
                    <include name="../bundles/{locale}" />
                <load-config filename="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks/flex-config.xml" />
                <source-path path-element="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks" />
                <source-path path-element="${basedir}/../components/source/src" />
                <source-path path-element="${basedir}/../modestmaps/source/src" />
                    <creator>Mike Bronner</creator>
                    <publisher>Rocking Double-M Services</publisher>
                <compiler.source-path path-element="${basedir}/source/src" />
                <compiler.library-path dir="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks" append="true">
                    <include name="libs" />
                    <include name="../bundles/{locale}" />
                <load-config filename="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks/flex-config.xml" />
                <source-path path-element="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks" />
                    <creator>Mike Bronner</creator>
                    <publisher>Rocking Double-M Services</publisher>
                <compiler.source-path path-element="${basedir}/source/src" />
                <compiler.library-path dir="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks" append="true">
                    <include name="libs" />
                    <include name="../bundles/{locale}" />
    Of course, I'm not sure if this is the right way to do it, but as I understand it, each module needs to have its own MXMLC block. Personally, I don't like that idea, because it hampers development. Each time I create a new module I need to update my build script? That's a little too tightly coupled for my tastes.
    Anyway, if anyone has any ideas, that would be great!

    <valueObject:ArticleVO> can't be found by searching the set of source-paths
    and lib-paths.  Either the source or SWC for that is missing, or not listed

  • Job Opportunity for Flex Developer in NYC

    Hello Adobe Flex forum members!  I have a great opportunity available for a solid Flex Developer in NYC, so I wanted to post it here. If you are interested in the following position, please e-mail your current resume to: [email protected]   Iris's client, one of the world's largest global investment banking and securities firms is looking to hire a strong Adobe Flex Developer for a contract opportunity.  Our client is a one of the largest global investment banking and securities firms in the Americas. A major securities, futures and options exchange and a shareholder of the major clearing organizations, providing full market access to its clients. Their four major divisions - Equities, Fixed Income, Asset Management, Investment Banking - all work in sync to enhance distribution or create new products and services and provide clear benefits to their clients.  Location: New York, NY  Job Requirement: Flex developer w/ some Java: 2-3 yrs experience Flex 3 Cairngorm or any other MVC architecture - highly prefer Cairngorm. Blaze ES Should be good with : Charts / Data Grids / Item Renderers / Item Configurators Must come from  Java Backend to be able to work well within Java based environment (Jsp / Websphere portal exp is very good to have) Should be familiar with all Java Controls Should be familiar with Code optimization in Java Good to have a Math background  - to understand numbers Should be good with extenral Interface APIs for Flex / Blaze   Iris Software, Inc. is a New Jersey based company providing information technology solutions to clients nationwide. Iris has been growing at over 100% annually. In a program sponsored by Price Waterhouse, PNC Bank and Marsh, Iris has been honored for being  - One of New Jersey's Finest 25 companies for the year 2001 and 2002. - Iris is also ranked 75th among Inc 500 s list of privately held companies for year 2001.  - NJ Technology FAST 50 Company for year 2002.  In a competitive industry, we distinguish ourselves by reliability, technical expertise and a history of successfully completed projects for clients ranging from mid-sized to Fortune 1000 companies  Best Regards,  David Gargano  IRIS Software, Inc.  Ph: 732 393 0034 x 19 Cell: 732 535 0235 Fax: 732 393 0035  200 Metroplex Drive, Suite 300, Edison, NJ 08817 5 Penn Plaza, 23rd Floor, New York, NY 10001  A CMMi, ISO 9001:2008, ISO 27001 Company Ranked on the Inc 500 list, Deloitte & Touche Fast Technology Companies, and NJ Finest Companies

    hi tw
    I did my certification in SAP SD from Bangalore by month of October 2012, after that
    i received only one opportunity to attend interview at Capgemini, I cleared my
    interview but unluckily project was canceled and they haven't done any recruitment.
    your view is add on Knowledge, still I am maintaining studying, at least every day 7hrs plus, but problem is, job market or industry not have need of certified person, companies prefer to get 3 years real time exp persons more willingly than certified fresher.
    I had discussed with few of the HR managers, their reply was, in certification course there is no real time project training, it’s just about overall SAP concept, so we prefer 1 or 2 years exp people.
    So my opinion is going for SAP SD certification is useless and money wasting.
    Bangalore, India

  • How Open source Flex looks to a mid level developer

    Here is my response to a post Matt made on a blog:
    THe whole post:
    1st off thanks, now my input:
    The crux of your criticism seems to be that the process that we use for decision-making is closed its certainly not how we feel
    Unfortuntly, this seems like a case of bad commuication by Adobe and the Flex team. If notable community experts get the impression of closed doors, then *certainly* the rest of us get this impression as well.
    but there has been very little participation from the community so far
    Im a solid dev, and not an expert but I can contribute in things such as testing and low level optimization; But, the Adobe open source site is a galactic disaster and discourages me from getting invloved. It has so many webpages that just go around in circles - filled with text that is verbose, this frustrates me to a great deal. As opposed to somehting straight foreward like:
    Everything is here and easily notable. I avoid the seamingly endless pages and confusion. If I want to get to the Flex dev mailing list I have to register, then choose the lists, add the lists to my account. go though my account prefs read some directions.. then set up some other preferences..jeeeezzzz. If I want to submit a feature request I am directed to create another login for some Bug and Issue management? HUH? I thought I was submitting a featue request.
    Right on papervisions google HOME page I see Getting started > Papervision3D Mailing List.
    Next when I finially do get to Flex SVN, this trunk. is nothing like I have seen.what IS all this stuff and where do I go to learn about it? There are countless subfolders filled with things I vaguely understand and if I want to learn what it is. where do I go? Is there even a src folder?
    Here is a classic example.
    Flex trunk Read Me:
    Zend Trunk Read me:
    *What* is the Flex team thinking with this?
    I just spent 5 minutes or so twirling through all these SVN directories and Adobes website and I am clueless. I feel like the project is unessarily complex and disorganized - even if it isnt. This just convinced me to delete my Flex sdk bookmark on my SVN client.
    Adobe just lost one potential contributor to Flex SDK.
    We have another idea that were bouncing around that I hope to share in a week or two but wont get into now.
    Saying stuff like this is what gives people the impression of closed. Why not post these ideas the Flex team has? Even if it is stupid or incomplete
    Thats the whole point.

    Wow, thanks for your response. This is great.<br /><br />I now understand that I had a combination of prejudice and ignorance  <br />when regarding Adobe Open Source. Perhaps my ignorance on these  <br />particulars is something that other devs encounter ( that whole  <br />perception thing ).   I have chatted with people who consider the Flex  <br />SDK and Flex Builder... not the same... but fused together so much  <br />that it'd be just crazy to try and use one with out the other   When I  <br />mention using Flex without Flex Builder.... people get that glazed  <br />over look in their eyes....( FYI I'm a FDT man, but am keeping a close  <br />eye on the new Flex Builder )<br /><br />I'll use Zend as an example ( it's the best that I can come up with )  <br />but I feel like there is a difference between the open source  <br />framework and Zend Studio ( commercial software ). Anyway, I'm really  <br />excited about how you've responded to all this.  I have more ideas,  <br />but Ill sit on them and think it through and get ready for next weeks  <br />meeting.<br /><br />Thanks,<br /><br />Alan<br /><br /><br />On Jan 23, 2009, at 1:31 AM, Matt Chotin wrote:<br /><br />> A new message was posted by Matt Chotin in<br />><br />> General Discussion --<br />>  How Open source Flex looks to a mid level developer<br />><br />> I've delayed responding to this because frankly I'm not sure what to  <br />> say for much of it.  The first thing I have to point out is that  <br />> many of the things you mention are related to Flex Builder and not  <br />> the Flex SDK, which is the part that is open source. So things like  <br />> the FB features, and NDA as part of its prerelease program, etc are  <br />> part of the commercial offerings from Adobe, not the Flex SDK.   <br />> Every build of the SDK has been available from the open source site,  <br />> the MAX issues were for commercial products.<br />><br />> The roadmap for Flex 4 has been posted on the Gumbo page now for a  <br />> while, we don't put up specific dates because we don't know specific  <br />> dates, and as we get closer to feeling certain on a date we've put  <br />> it up.  I think that having dates up that constantly change is  <br />> counter-productive.<br />><br />> We use a code name because you never know if another version is  <br />> going to jump into the middle or what could happen, locking in on a  <br />> version number is often just setting yourself up for confusion  <br />> later.  Plenty of other projects use code names too, the idea that a  <br />> code name denotes secrecy is frankly ludicrous.<br />><br />> Regarding your question about 1000 developers and 80% wanting to go  <br />> in a different direction: if 80% of our customers think we should  <br />> move one way, don't you think it'd be pretty silly as a company to  <br />> go against them?  Adobe as a company, and the Flex team as a product  <br />> team, are very focused on delivering our customers value.  If we  <br />> fail to deliver value, not only is our free open source product not  <br />> used, but our paid products aren't used as well.  The things that  <br />> you sometimes run into are long-term vision vs. short-term pains,  <br />> and that may be where some aspects of open source vs. closed  <br />> differ.  The Adobe team has a long-term vision of Flex, which we  <br />> have tried to share and get feedback on, and we make decisions based  <br />> on that vision while taking into account the short-term needs of  <br />> developers.  I think this is a pretty reasonable approach overall,  <br />> and you as a Flex/Flash developer have probably benefited from it.<br />><br />> I'm sorry you feel like Adobe is getting the only benefit of open  <br />> source and you aren't, we certainly believe that we've put pieces in  <br />> place to allow for everyone to benefit, and will continue to take  <br />> suggestions on how we can improve.<br />><br />> Matt<br />><br />><br />> On 1/21/09 7:54 AM, "Alan Klement" <[email protected]> wrote:<br />><br />> A new message was posted by Alan Klement in<br />><br />> General Discussion --<br />>  How Open source Flex looks to a mid level developer<br />><br />> Matt, your right.  The Adobe Open Source site does have sufficient   <br />> resources, but the perception I had , as a developer interested in  <br />> getting invloved,  was that the information was either not there,  <br />> incomplete, or difficult to find.  The perception to me is that  <br />> Adobe is not serious about 'Open Source" - even if it is, the  <br />> perception I have is that it isn't.<br />><br />> I don't mean disrespect, but I don't take "Adobe Open Source"  <br />> seriously.   To illustrate my point I'll use this ( albeit a bit  <br />> extreme ) example:<br />><br />> Suppose the Flex community consists of 1000 devoted developers.    <br />> 80% of these developers decide to take the sdk into a direction they  <br />> feel it needs to go.  This decision, regardless if it's 'good' or  <br />> not, renders it incompatible with other Adobe products, namely Adobe  <br />> Catalyst. WIll Adobe accept the community's decision?<br />><br />> When Adobe can answer 'yes' to that question, I will take Adobe's  <br />> commitment seriously.<br />><br />> And there are so many other things t! hat send me red flags.<br />><br />> - Why is the new name of Flex not public, and why am I, as others,  <br />> breaking NDA to talk about the renaming process with other Flex devs?<br />> - What business is NDA doing in an 'Open' project.<br />> - Why is Adobe tight lipped about a release for Flex 4?  Where is  <br />> the roadmap?   https://wiki.mozilla.org/Releases .<br />> - Why are new features in Flex Builder not public?  Adobe asks 'what  <br />> do you want', but never tells us the results of these polls and what  <br />> features it is actively working on.<br />> - Why are there builds of Flex 4 passed out at MAX, but unavailable  <br />> to non-attendies. Had I *paid* to go to MAX, I'd have Flex 4...<br />> - You mentioned that there wasn't a 'budget' to make it easier for  <br />> devs to submit feature suggestions? Set up a google mailing list,  <br />> that'll cost you 0 dollars.<br />> - What is the term 'budget' doing in open source.  If Adobe won't do  <br />> something, ask the community to chip in.<br />> -Who are the other Adobe Flex devs? I can go to other open source  <br />> projects and see the names and contact info of other devs. Why  <br />> aren't THEY posting their opinions on this message board?<br />> _Why all the 'codename' garbage.  'Codename' denotes secrecy.<br />> - and on and on....<br />><br />> To me, Adobe looks like they want all the benefits of an open source  <br />> project, but none of the consequences.   Being open source means  <br />> releasing a degree of control over the software.  Hell, Richard  <br />> Stallman is still trying to convince people to change 'Linux' to  <br />> 'Linux-GNU'.<br />><br />> I would like to help, but I just don't think my efforts would be  <br />> seriously considered.  I work all day developing Flex applications  <br />> and front end Flash web sites. I don't want to then spend my free  <br />> time to be engrossed with a project's red tape ( Adobe policies ) -  <br />> only to have my efforts to be blown off.<br />><br />> Sorry guys, it just looks like a win-win for Adobe and a lose-lose  <br />> for me.<br />><br />> ________________________________<br />> View/reply at How Open source Flex looks to a mid level developer <a href=http://www.adobeforums.com/webx?13@@.59b790da/2 <br />> ><br />> Replies by email are OK.<br />> Use the unsubscribe <a href=http://www.adobeforums.com/webx?280@@.59b790da!folder=.3c060fa1 <br />> >  form to cancel your email subscription.<br />><br />><br />><br />><br />> ------------------------------------------------------<br />> View/reply at <a href=http://www.adobeforums.com/webx?13@@.59b790da/5><br />> Replies by email are OK.<br />> Use the unsubscribe form at <a href=http://www.adobeforums.com/webx?280@@.59b790da!folder=.3c060fa1 <br />> > to cancel your email subscription.

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