Flex sdk incremental build will lose swc information

I have a mxmlc ant task job like this
            <load-config filename="${basedir}/flex-config-sea.xml"/>
            <source-path path-element="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks"/>
in flex-config-sea.xml I put this in for incremental compile and swc build
the first time build is ok, but the second time after I changed one single file, the output is
[mxmlc] Loading configuration file /opt/cruisecontrol-bin-2.8.4/projects/cc/flex-config-sea.xml
    [mxmlc] Recompile: /opt/cruisecontrol-bin-2.8.4/projects/sea_client/trunk/main/src/C.as
    [mxmlc] Reason: The source file or one of the included files has been updated.
    [mxmlc] Files changed: 1 Files affected: 0
    [mxmlc] Required RSLs:
    [mxmlc]     textLayout_2.0.0.232.swz with 1 failover.
    [mxmlc]     framework_4.6.0.23201.swz with 1 failover.
    [mxmlc]     rpc_4.6.0.23201.swz with 1 failover.
    [mxmlc]     mx_4.6.0.23201.swz with 1 failover.
    [mxmlc]     spark_4.6.0.23201.swz with 1 failover.
    [mxmlc]     sparkskins_4.6.0.23201.swz with 1 failover.
    [mxmlc] /tmp/sea_local/app/bin/main.swf (426617 bytes)
but the output swf is complaining lack of some swc when running, which didn't show up in the first time
ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable _shared_maps_GlobalMapWatcherSetupUtil is not defined.
          at global/flash.utils::getDefinitionByName()
          at shared.maps::GlobalMap()
          at main/_main_GlobalMap1_i()
          at main()
          at _main_mx_managers_SystemManager/create()
          at mx.managers.systemClasses::ChildManager/initializeTopLevelWindow()
          at mx.managers::SystemManager/initializeTopLevelWindow()
          at mx.managers::SystemManager/http://www.adobe.com/2006/flex/mx/internal::kickOff()
          at mx.managers::SystemManager/http://www.adobe.com/2006/flex/mx/internal::preloader_completeHandler()
          at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEventFunction()
          at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEvent()
          at mx.preloaders::Preloader/timerHandler()
          at flash.utils::Timer/_timerDispatch()
          at flash.utils::Timer/tick()
this message normally shows up when there's no Mate_08_9.swc found at runtime. but this shouldn't happen.
is there anyway to work around this? thanks a lot
here is the full flex-config-sea.xml:
   <!-- benchmark: output performance benchmark-->
   <!-- benchmark usage:
      <!-- compiler.accessible: generate an accessible SWF-->
      <!-- compiler.actionscript-file-encoding: specifies actionscript file encoding. If there is no BOM in the AS3 source files, the compiler will use this file encoding.-->
      <!-- compiler.actionscript-file-encoding usage:
      <!-- compiler.allow-source-path-overlap: checks if a source-path entry is a subdirectory of another source-path entry. It helps make the package names of MXML components unambiguous.-->
      <!-- compiler.as3: use the ActionScript 3 class based object model for greater performance and better error reporting. In the class based object model most built-in functions are implemented as fixed methods of classes.-->
      <!-- compiler.compress usage:
      <!-- compiler.context-root: path to replace {context.root} tokens for service channel endpoints-->
      <!-- compiler.context-root usage:
      <!-- compiler.debug: generates a movie that is suitable for debugging-->
      <!-- compiler.defaults-css-files usage:
      <!-- compiler.defaults-css-url: defines the location of the default style sheet. Setting this option overrides the implicit use of the defaults.css style sheet in the framework.swc file.-->
      <!-- compiler.defaults-css-url usage:
      <!-- compiler.define: define a global AS3 conditional compilation definition, e.g. -define=CONFIG::debugging,true or -define+=CONFIG::debugging,true (to append to existing definitions in flex-config.xml) -->
      <!-- compiler.define usage:
      <!-- compiler.enable-runtime-design-layers usage:
      <!-- compiler.es: use the ECMAScript edition 3 prototype based object model to allow dynamic overriding of prototype properties. In the prototype based object model built-in functions are implemented as dynamic properties of prototype objects.-->
         <!-- compiler.extensions.extension usage:
      <!-- compiler.external-library-path: list of SWC files or directories to compile against but to omit from linking-->
         <!-- compiler.fonts.advanced-anti-aliasing: enables advanced anti-aliasing for embedded fonts, which provides greater clarity for small fonts.-->
         <!-- compiler.fonts.flash-type: enables FlashType for embedded fonts, which provides greater clarity for small fonts.-->
         <!-- compiler.fonts.flash-type usage:
            <!-- compiler.fonts.languages.language-range: a range to restrict the number of font glyphs embedded into the SWF-->
            <!-- compiler.fonts.languages.language-range usage:
         <!-- compiler.fonts.local-font-paths usage:
         <!-- compiler.fonts.local-fonts-snapshot: File containing system font data produced by flex2.tools.FontSnapshot.-->
         <!-- compiler.fonts.managers: Compiler font manager classes, in policy resolution order-->
         <!-- compiler.fonts.max-cached-fonts: sets the maximum number of fonts to keep in the server cache.  The default value is 20.-->
         <!-- compiler.fonts.max-glyphs-per-face: sets the maximum number of character glyph-outlines to keep in the server cache for each font face. The default value is 1000.-->
      <!-- compiler.headless-server: a flag to set when Flex is running on a server without a display-->
      <!-- compiler.headless-server usage:
      <!-- compiler.include-libraries: a list of libraries (SWCs) to completely include in the SWF-->
      <!-- compiler.include-libraries usage:
      <!-- compiler.incremental: enables incremental compilation-->
      <!-- compiler.incremental usage:
      <!-- compiler.isolate-styles: enables the compiled application or module to set styles that only affect itself and its children-->
      <!-- compiler.isolate-styles usage:
      <!-- compiler.keep-all-type-selectors: disables the pruning of unused CSS type selectors-->
      <!-- compiler.keep-all-type-selectors usage:
      <!-- compiler.keep-as3-metadata: keep the specified metadata in the SWF-->
      <!-- compiler.keep-as3-metadata usage:
      <!-- compiler.keep-generated-actionscript: save temporary source files generated during MXML compilation-->
      <!-- compiler.library-path: list of SWC files or directories that contain SWC files-->
      <!-- compiler.locale: specifies the locale for internationalization-->
      <!-- compiler.minimum-supported-version usage:
      <!-- compiler.mobile: specifies the target runtime is a mobile device-->
         <!-- compiler.mxml.compatibility-version: specifies a compatibility version. e.g. -compatibility-version=2.0.1-->
         <!-- compiler.mxml.compatibility-version usage:
         <!-- compiler.mxml.minimum-supported-version usage:
         <!-- compiler.mxml.qualified-type-selectors usage:
         <!-- compiler.namespaces.namespace: Specify a URI to associate with a manifest of components for use as MXML elements-->
      <!-- compiler.omit-trace-statements: toggle whether trace statements are omitted-->
      <!-- compiler.optimize: Enable post-link SWF optimization-->
      <!-- compiler.preloader: Specifies the default value for the Application's preloader attribute. If not specified, the default preloader value is mx.preloaders.SparkDownloadProgressBar when -compatibility-version >= 4.0 and mx.preloaders.DownloadProgressBar when -compatibility-version < 4.0.-->
      <!-- compiler.preloader usage:
      <!-- compiler.report-invalid-styles-as-warnings: enables reporting of invalid styles as warnings-->
      <!-- compiler.report-invalid-styles-as-warnings usage:
      <!-- compiler.report-missing-required-skin-parts-as-warnings: Use this option to generate a warning instead of an error when a missing required skin part is detected.-->
      <!-- compiler.report-missing-required-skin-parts-as-warnings usage:
      <!-- compiler.services: path to Flex Data Services configuration file-->
      <!-- compiler.services usage:
      <!-- compiler.show-actionscript-warnings: runs the AS3 compiler in a mode that detects legal but potentially incorrect code-->
      <!-- compiler.show-binding-warnings: toggle whether warnings generated from data binding code are displayed-->
      <!-- compiler.show-invalid-css-property-warnings: toggle whether invalid css property warnings are reported-->
      <!-- compiler.show-invalid-css-property-warnings usage:
      <!-- compiler.show-shadowed-device-font-warnings: toggles whether warnings are displayed when an embedded font name shadows a device font name-->
      <!-- compiler.show-unused-type-selector-warnings: toggle whether warnings generated from unused CSS type selectors are displayed-->
      <!-- compiler.source-path: list of path elements that form the roots of ActionScript class hierarchies-->
      <!-- compiler.strict: runs the AS3 compiler in strict error checking mode.-->
      <!-- compiler.theme: list of CSS or SWC files to apply as a theme-->
      <!-- compiler.use-resource-bundle-metadata: determines whether resources bundles are included in the application.-->
      <!-- compiler.verbose-stacktraces: save callstack information to the SWF for debugging-->
      <!-- compiler.warn-array-tostring-changes: Array.toString() format has changed.-->
      <!-- compiler.warn-assignment-within-conditional: Assignment within conditional.-->
      <!-- compiler.warn-bad-array-cast: Possibly invalid Array cast operation.-->
      <!-- compiler.warn-bad-bool-assignment: Non-Boolean value used where a Boolean value was expected.-->
      <!-- compiler.warn-bad-date-cast: Invalid Date cast operation.-->
      <!-- compiler.warn-bad-es3-type-method: Unknown method.-->
      <!-- compiler.warn-bad-es3-type-prop: Unknown property.-->
      <!-- compiler.warn-bad-nan-comparison: Illogical comparison with NaN. Any comparison operation involving NaN will evaluate to false because NaN != NaN.-->
      <!-- compiler.warn-bad-null-assignment: Impossible assignment to null.-->
      <!-- compiler.warn-bad-null-comparison: Illogical comparison with null.-->
      <!-- compiler.warn-bad-undefined-comparison: Illogical comparison with undefined.  Only untyped variables (or variables of type *) can be undefined.-->
      <!-- compiler.warn-boolean-constructor-with-no-args: Boolean() with no arguments returns false in ActionScript 3.0.  Boolean() returned undefined in ActionScript 2.0.-->
      <!-- compiler.warn-changes-in-resolve: __resolve is no longer supported.-->
      <!-- compiler.warn-class-is-sealed: Class is sealed.  It cannot have members added to it dynamically.-->
      <!-- compiler.warn-const-not-initialized: Constant not initialized.-->
      <!-- compiler.warn-constructor-returns-value: Function used in new expression returns a value.  Result will be what the function returns, rather than a new instance of that function.-->
      <!-- compiler.warn-deprecated-event-handler-error: EventHandler was not added as a listener.-->
      <!-- compiler.warn-deprecated-function-error: Unsupported ActionScript 2.0 function.-->
      <!-- compiler.warn-deprecated-property-error: Unsupported ActionScript 2.0 property.-->
      <!-- compiler.warn-duplicate-argument-names: More than one argument by the same name.-->
      <!-- compiler.warn-duplicate-variable-def: Duplicate variable definition -->
      <!-- compiler.warn-for-var-in-changes: ActionScript 3.0 iterates over an object's properties within a "for x in target" statement in random order.-->
      <!-- compiler.warn-import-hides-class: Importing a package by the same name as the current class will hide that class identifier in this scope.-->
      <!-- compiler.warn-instance-of-changes: Use of the instanceof operator.-->
      <!-- compiler.warn-internal-error: Internal error in compiler.-->
      <!-- compiler.warn-level-not-supported: _level is no longer supported. For more information, see the flash.display package.-->
      <!-- compiler.warn-missing-namespace-decl: Missing namespace declaration (e.g. variable is not defined to be public, private, etc.).-->
      <!-- compiler.warn-negative-uint-literal: Negative value will become a large positive value when assigned to a uint data type.-->
      <!-- compiler.warn-no-constructor: Missing constructor.-->
      <!-- compiler.warn-no-explicit-super-call-in-constructor: The super() statement was not called within the constructor.-->
      <!-- compiler.warn-no-type-decl: Missing type declaration.-->
      <!-- compiler.warn-number-from-string-changes: In ActionScript 3.0, white space is ignored and '' returns 0. Number() returns NaN in ActionScript 2.0 when the parameter is '' or contains white space.-->
      <!-- compiler.warn-scoping-change-in-this: Change in scoping for the this keyword.  Class methods extracted from an instance of a class will always resolve this back to that instance.  In ActionScript 2.0 this is looked up dynamically based on where the method is invoked from.-->
      <!-- compiler.warn-slow-text-field-addition: Inefficient use of += on a TextField.-->
      <!-- compiler.warn-unlikely-function-value: Possible missing parentheses.-->
      <!-- compiler.warn-xml-class-has-changed: Possible usage of the ActionScript 2.0 XML class.-->
   <!-- debug-password: the password to include in debuggable SWFs-->
   <!-- debug-password usage:
   <!-- default-background-color: default background color (may be overridden by the application code)-->
   <!-- default-frame-rate: default frame rate to be used in the SWF.-->
   <!-- default-script-limits: default script execution limits (may be overridden by root attributes)-->
   <!-- default-size: default application size (may be overridden by root attributes in the application)-->
   <!-- externs: a list of symbols to omit from linking when building a SWF-->
   <!-- externs usage:
      <!-- frames.frame: A SWF frame label with a sequence of classnames that will be linked onto the frame.-->
      <!-- frames.frame usage:
   <!-- include-inheritance-dependencies-only: only include inheritance dependencies of classes specified with include-classes -->
   <!-- include-inheritance-dependencies-only usage:
   <!-- include-resource-bundles: a list of resource bundles to include in the output SWC-->
   <!-- include-resource-bundles usage:
   <!-- includes: a list of symbols to always link in when building a SWF-->
   <!-- includes usage:
   <!-- link-report: Output a XML-formatted report of all definitions linked into the application.-->
   <!-- link-report usage:
   <!-- load-config: load a file containing configuration options-->
   <!-- load-externs: an XML file containing <def>, <pre>, and <ext> symbols to omit from linking when building a SWF-->
   <!-- load-externs usage:
      <!-- metadata.contributor: A contributor's name to store in the SWF metadata-->
      <!-- metadata.contributor usage:
      <!-- metadata.creator: A creator's name to store in the SWF metadata-->
      <!-- metadata.date: The creation date to store in the SWF metadata-->
      <!-- metadata.date usage:
      <!-- metadata.description: The default description to store in the SWF metadata-->
      <!-- metadata.language: The language to store in the SWF metadata (i.e. EN, FR)-->
      <!-- metadata.localized-description: A localized RDF/XMP description to store in the SWF metadata-->
      <!-- metadata.localized-description usage:
      <!-- metadata.localized-title: A localized RDF/XMP title to store in the SWF metadata-->
      <!-- metadata.localized-title usage:
      <!-- metadata.publisher: A publisher's name to store in the SWF metadata-->
      <!-- metadata.title: The default title to store in the SWF metadata-->
   <!-- raw-metadata: XML text to store in the SWF metadata (overrides metadata.* configuration)-->
   <!-- raw-metadata usage:
   <!-- remove-unused-rsls: remove RSLs that are not being used by the application-->
   <!-- resource-bundle-list: prints a list of resource bundles to a file for input to the compc compiler to create a resource bundle SWC file. -->
   <!-- resource-bundle-list usage:
   <!-- runtime-shared-libraries: a list of runtime shared library URLs to be loaded before the application starts-->
   <!-- runtime-shared-libraries usage:
   <!-- runtime-shared-library-path: specifies a SWC to link against, an RSL URL to load, with an optional policy file URL and optional failover URLs -->
      <!-- runtime-shared-library-settings.application-domain: override the application domain an RSL is loaded into. The supported values are 'current', 'default', 'parent', or 'top-level'.-->
      <!-- runtime-shared-library-settings.force-rsls: force an RSL to be loaded, overriding the removal caused by using the remove-unused-rsls option-->
      <!-- runtime-shared-library-settings.force-rsls usage:
   <!-- size-report: Output an XML-formatted report detailing the size of all code and data linked into the application.-->
   <!-- size-report usage:
   <!-- static-link-runtime-shared-libraries: statically link the libraries specified by the -runtime-shared-libraries-path option.-->
   <!-- swf-version: specifies the version of the compiled SWF file.-->
   <!-- target-player: specifies the version of the player the application is targeting. Features requiring a later version will not be compiled into the application. The minimum value supported is "9.0.0".-->
   <!-- tools-locale: specifies the locale used by the compiler when reporting errors and warnings.-->
   <!-- tools-locale usage:
   <!-- use-direct-blit: Use hardware acceleration to blit graphics to the screen, where such acceleration is available.-->
   <!-- use-direct-blit usage:
   <!-- use-gpu: Use GPU compositing features when drawing graphics, where such acceleration is available.-->
   <!-- use-gpu usage:
   <!-- use-network: toggle whether the SWF is flagged for access to network resources-->
   <!-- verify-digests: verifies the libraries loaded at runtime are the correct ones.-->
   <!-- warnings: toggle the display of warnings-->
   <!-- warnings usage:

Somewhere in your pom.xml where you are configuring your build dependancies there will be a line <scope>caching</scope> this line is configuring the build to use a flex runtime shared library. This line is generating the error because caching is not a valid dependancy scope in maven 3 however mojos uses it anyway. There was a defect opened against flexmojos; I've linked it below. Froeder's response to the issue was that it was not fixable, that the warning is expected and that we'll have to live with it for now.
https://issues.sonatype.org/browse/FLEXMOJOS-363?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.iss uetabpanels%3Achangehistory-tabpanel

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    Revision: 12087
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2009-11-21 20:56:09 -0800 (Sat, 21 Nov 2009)
    Log Message:
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    Doc notes: N/A
    Bugs: N/A
    Reviewer: N/A
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    Added Paths:
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    Status Update - don't know if this is a bug, design flaw, install problem or my misunderstanding.
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    I'll add that when I run devenv.exe with the flag /TFSLink, VS opens a Team Explorer window that contains the following text:
    An exception was encountered while constructing the content of this frame. This information is also logged in "C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\VisualStudio\11.0\ActivityLog.xml".Exception details:System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.   at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop.IVsShell5.LoadPackageWithContext(Guid& packageGuid, Int32 reason, Guid& context)   at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Platform.WindowManagement.WindowFrame.GetPackage()   at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Platform.WindowManagement.WindowFrame.ConstructContent()

  • [svn:fx-trunk] 20696: update build. properties values that are used for flex-sdk-description.xml.

    Revision: 20696
    Revision: 20696
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2011-03-08 14:09:49 -0800 (Tue, 08 Mar 2011)
    Log Message:
    update build.properties values that are used for flex-sdk-description.xml. release.version = 4.5.1 release = Superhero
    QE notes: no
    Doc notes: no
    Bugs: no
    Reviewer: lauren
    Tests run: no
    Is noteworthy for integration: most likely FB will have to be aware of this
    Modified Paths:

    Thats good news.

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    Author: [email protected]
    Date: 2008-10-14 16:49:56 -0700 (Tue, 14 Oct 2008)
    Log Message:
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    To opt out use -Dno.doc=true
    QA: No
    Doc: No
    Tests: checkintests
    Modified Paths:

    Revision: 3638
    Author: [email protected]
    Date: 2008-10-14 16:49:56 -0700 (Tue, 14 Oct 2008)
    Log Message:
    Changing the build order of swc file update with dita xml files.
    By default this would now happen during the checkintests target - so "ant clean main" shouldn't get affected.
    To opt out use -Dno.doc=true
    QA: No
    Doc: No
    Tests: checkintests
    Modified Paths:

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    Revision: 10602
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2009-09-25 14:27:02 -0700 (Fri, 25 Sep 2009)
    Log Message:
    -include the flex-sdk-description in the mpl package
    bug: sdk-22539
    -fix up the build.xml that we include in the packaged sdk.  This has no bearing on building the sdk, but only when someone wants to rebuild the swcs from within a packaged sdk.
    Ticket Links:
    Modified Paths:

  • Flex SDK 3.5 support

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    So wanted to know if someone knows if there is a due date in which the compiled swf will no longer continue to work properly in the newer version of flash player.
    Thanks in advance.

    There is no due date.  Adobe wants all future players to run all existing content.  Extensive testing is done before each release to try to ensure that.  Adobe in general will only purposefully break content if required to fix a security issue.  I’m pretty sure you aren’t the only one maintaining a Flex 3 app for years to come.
    And don’t forget, there is continuing development on the Flex 4 code at Apache.  If enough folks showed up on the Apache Flex mailing lists wanting to make improvements to Flex 3, such a thing could happen there too.  At Apache, development is completely community-driven.
    And also, there is progress being made on FlexJS, a next-generation Flex SDK that cross-compiles to HTML/JS/CSS.  That could make your transition off of Flash much easier.  Volunteers are always welcome to help accelerate its development

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    Revision: 962
    Author: [email protected]
    Date: 2008-03-27 09:49:15 -0700 (Thu, 27 Mar 2008)
    Log Message:
    fix SDK-15020 get the proper values in flex-sdk-description.xml when packaging flex_sdk_4.zip
    -also add setup.sh.build.xml,build.properties
    Ticket Links:
    Modified Paths:

    Revision: 962
    Author: [email protected]
    Date: 2008-03-27 09:49:15 -0700 (Thu, 27 Mar 2008)
    Log Message:
    fix SDK-15020 get the proper values in flex-sdk-description.xml when packaging flex_sdk_4.zip
    -also add setup.sh.build.xml,build.properties
    Ticket Links:
    Modified Paths:

  • Flex Builder 3.1 Standard and Flex SDK 4.1 build 16076

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    Does anyone know why? Do I have to add another swc in?

    You should always have separate workspaces for separate versions of Flash Builder.
    Flex 3 and Flex 4 have some large differences.  You will probably want to spend some time reading about migrating by searching on Google.  Here is a good place to start: http://www.adobe.com/devnet/flex/articles/flex3and4_differences.html

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    Any idea ?

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    If I don't delete it and still add another one, either I get a conflict error or a "not found" error. either way it won't compile.

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    Got an exclamation mark which said
    'The import flash.display.Sprite is not used
    Continuing with the rest of the project the exclamation mark disappeared:
    However on selecting run- Debug we got a blank Flash Player window  ('generate HTML wrapper file' was deselected)
    So either we've done something wrong, or the book and FB version are not compatible?
    Any advice would be great!
    Thank you
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    I thought that installing Flex SDK may solve the problem but after following instructions I have the error message, see image below. Really stumped now!

    Sorry, if I went a little overboard. After re-reading your post, perhaps I should back up a little.
    First, there are little things that Flash Builder (FB) will complain about. Having extra import statements in your code doesn't hurt anything. If I'm trying different solutions and then commenting out the code, the import statements will hang around, FB will complain, but just ignore it. If you see a little icon on the left edge of your code editor and its a red circle with an X in it, then that is something that will have to be fixed.
    When you create an app in FB or Flash you can choose to create a web app which means it will run in a browser window. The project can optionally create an HTML wrapper, or web page that will load your app. In Flash Pro you can choose File->Publish Settings and there will be a checkbox on the left to publish a HTML wrapper. In FB, you can right click your project in the Package Explorer, select Properties at the bottom, select the ActionScript Compiler, and down at the bottom there will be a checkbox to create a HTML wrapper.
    If you're just learning Flash Builder, then the FlexSDK 4.6 and the AIR SDK 3.1 that comes with it should be fine. You mentioned Apache SDK and I'd recently been working with that so I ended up getting side-tracked.
    Getting an AIRSDK to work with when build ActionScript projects is easy. Just go to the adobe site, type AIR SDK in the search box, and you should find a page that will let you downloaded the latest version. There's also a page to let you download the latest AIR runtime, and if you were just going to run AIR apps and not build them, then that's all you would need. As a developer you'll want to install the runtime from the downloaded .exe file. With the SDK, after downloading it, installing it is easy. Just create a new folder an unzip the SDK into it, then place it somewhere easy to find. I put all my SDK's in their own directory right off the c: drive. So I have c:\AIRSDK_3.5.0.880 and c:\AIRSDK_3.7.0.1530. I use very descriptive folder names so I always know which SDK's I have to work from.
    To use the SDK in Flash Pro select Help -> Manage AIR SDK, hit the plus button and add the folder you created. Now when you've opened a Flash project, you go to File->Publish Settings and select the combo box at the top, you'll see options like 'AIR for Android' in the list that reflect the SDK's you've added.
    Generally with FB you'll be using a FlexSDK, or perhaps a FlexSDK overlaid with a newer version of AIRSDK. Overlaid basically means you copied the contents of the AIR SDK into the Flex Folder. The article I mentioned above will give you all the details on creating those. For instance, I downloaded the Apache Flex installer, installed it, then created an empty folder called c:\ApacheFlexSDK_4.9.1, launched the Apache installer, gave it the new empty folder I'd created, selected all the download options, and let it all download. If it launches a popup box or a security warning, you can allow it, and it will continue. Once you have the SDK and you want to use it with a project in FB, just right click the project, select Properties, selected that Compiler tab again, and up in the right corner you'll see 'Manage SDK's...'. Hit that link, add your new SDK to the list and give it a descriptive name, then selected the checkbox beside it to set it up as your default. If you do this, then all your projects set to use the default will automatically switch to it and rebuild. So if you want a project to stay with a specific SDK then select that option in your Compiler tab, and then you could use the combo box to select your new added SDK.
    When I started with FB I think I spent the first 2 days going round and round with project settings and options until I got them all figured out.
    When I develop, I usually have my browser open and I have bookmarks and favorites to let me quickly get to all the pages I use most often. Here are a few of them:
    http://help.adobe.com/en_US/FlashPlatform/reference/actionscript/3/index.html  <---- The API reference. In the packages window check out 'Top Level' at the top and Language Elements near the bottom. I think I have this page open in one or more tabs almost every day.
    Free videos to help you learn Flash Pro:
    And you've already found the forums! But if you don't find an answer here, many times you can find your question already answered on www.stackoverflow.com forums.
    Ok, I think I went a little overboard again.

  • Any tutorials on how to use the daily build of the Flex SDK to create Flash Player 10 content?

    Is there a tutorial on Adobe on how to use the daily build of
    the Flex SDK to create Flash Player 10 content?

    The approach you take might depend on a few things, but it boils down to using mouse interactive coding to trigger whatever effect you eventually realize.  The code you use will depend on the version of Actionscript you plan to use.
    You could make this as a movieclip that is normally stopped at its first frame and when you mouseover or click the movieclip, it animates along its own timeline to its enlarged state.  If the thumbnail is very small and the larger version is substantially larger, and both need to be clear images, this might be the better approach.
    If this only involves enlarging something, you could also probably realize it just using Actionscript Tween coding rather than timeline animation.

  • Help installing Flex SDK 4.1 on Flex Builder 3 properly

    Flex Builder 3 comes with SDK for 2.0.1 and 3.2 by default, so I want to add Flex SDK 4.1
    I downloaded it, made a directory in the Flex Builder 3 sdks folder, and unzipped the contents there.
    After adding it and selecting/checking it on Flex Builder, I tried to use it by running a project I was using with 3.2 and I get the error below:
    unable to open 'C:\Program Files\Adobe\Flex Builder 3\sdks\4.1.0\frameworks\libs\player\9.0\playerglobal.swc'
    What do I need to do or didn't do?

    You can not use SDK 4.1 in flex builder 3. You need to purchase Flash Builder 4 or use free SDK 4.1 in eclipse.
    http://arunbluebrain.wordpress.com/2008/12/05/flex-40-gumbo-tutorial-installing-flex-40-sd k-in-eclipse-ide-flash-player-10/

  • Flash Builder 4 with Flex SDK 4.0 for Intel App Up

    There is some misinformation on Intel AppUp and the Melrose FAQ about being able to publish with Flash Builder 4.
    Intel App Up Program Submission
    According to http://appdeveloper.intel.com/en-us/article/adobe-air-packaging-guide-atom-developer-progr am-submissions
    "AIR app must be built using Flex Builder 3 with Flex SDK 3.5a.  Currently Flex Builder 4 with Flex SDK 4 is not supported."
    Melrose FAQ
    According to http://learn.adobe.com/wiki/display/melrose/Melrose+Developer+FAQ
    "Q: Are there system requirements for enabling try and buy in AIR apps using Melrose?
    A: You must have Adobe Flex Builder 3 or greater and Adobe AIR 1.5.3 or greater."
    Is the Intel App Up statement correct?  If it is, could I get an explanation why?  I've been waiting for the last 3 months waiting for the Melrose SDK to deploy to Intel App Up and now I can't even submit my application.

    The current version of Melrose supports Flex 3.5 SDK for AIR applications running on AIR 1.5.3 runtime or higher. You can use Adobe Flex Builder 3 with Flex 3.5 SDK or Adobe Flash Builder 4 with Flex 3.5 SDK.
    Support for Flex 4.1 SDK for AIR applications running on AIR 2.0 runtime should be available within a few weeks. Please note that we will not be able to support Flex 4.0 SDK because of certain technical challenges.

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