Geting null values from request

i m producing this code through out.println() method in my page and then using java script
i am submiting this page to another page
<td width="56%"><textarea name="question_no_1"></textarea></td>
<input name="question_no_1_radio1" type="radio" value="radio"></td>
<td width="59%"> <textarea name="question_no_1_ans1"></textarea></td>
<input type="radio" name="question_no_1_radio2" value="radio"></td>
<td><textarea name="question_no_1_ans2"></textarea></td>
<input type="radio" name="question_no_1_radio3" value="radio"></td>
<td><textarea name="question_no_1_ans3"></textarea></td>
<input name="question_no_1_radio4" type="radio" value="radio"></td>
<td><textarea name="question_no_1_ans4"></textarea></td>
but when i submit it to the other page and try to retrieve value of parameter "question_no_1"
through the bellow statement it shows a null value but i have given a value previously by
typing a question in it
System.out.println("the Body Of The First Question Is "+request.getParameter("question_no_1"));
can anybody help me what is going on here.
also if i try to normaly submit first page (ie <form="form1" method="post" action="other_jsp_page.jsp"> ) then the statement in the next page gives me the correct value but
i have to submit the first paper through java script.
if u want to see full detail of my code then go to the following link
thanx in advance

OK, your problem is that you are not submmiting the values to the other page. When you do the
--> document.forms[0].submit();
in JavaScript, the form has to action defined
--> <form name="form1" method="" action="">
So, the page does nothing. The line following the submit just changes the location of the page, IT DOES NOT POST the values.
One solutions is the following:
1.- define an action for your form:
<form name="form1" method="POST" action="'save_paper.jsp">
2.- Then create a JavaScript function that validates the fields and simply return "true" if the form is correct, and false if there is a problem (just a little modification of the one you have).
3.- Then modify your submit button:
Instead of:
<input type="button" name="Save" value="Save" onClick="validateField()">
<input type="SUBMIT" value="Save" onclick="validateField();">

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  • Reading Null Values From Request Object

    For a proof-of-concept, I wrote a mini program that has 2 files. File #1 is main.html. There's a javascript function called addNewRowToThisTable that isn't displayed but it basically allows the user to create as many rows in the table as user desires. When the "Submit" button is clicked the file ReadIt.jsp is called and it's supposed to display on the first and last names of the people who had the checkbox for that row checked. The best way to illustrate the problem I'm having is through an example. Let's say there are 3 rows:
    [x] Alan Anderson [Add New Row]
    [ ] Bob Brady [Add New Row]
    [x] Carl Chadwick [Add New Row]
    Let's assume that only rows 1 and 3 are clicked. After the form is submitted the JSP will print...
    firstNameArr .length = 3
    lastNameArr .length = 3
    isSelectedArr.length = 2
    firstNameArr[0] = Alan
    lastNameArr[0] = Anderson
    firstNameArr[1] = Bob
    lastNameArr[1] = Brady
    Unfortunately firstNameArr[1] and lastNameArr[1] should be "Carl", and "Chadwick" respectively. I know the reason why it's failing is because my program relies on the array index of the "isSelected" field to perfectly match up with the "firstName" and "lastName" fields. It's unreliable because if the checkbox for a row is not checked then it won't show up in the JSP String array isSelectedArr. I'm not really sure how to get around this problem. I have 2 ideas at the beginning of solutions but I'm not sure how to follow through on either and I'm also not sure if either is the proper approach to take. My guesses are...
    1) There's some way in JSP to use "getParameterValues('isSelected')" to retrieve the full array of "isSelected" items regardless of whether or not they're checked. That would guarantee that my arrays would match up correctly. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find this.
    2) Maybe I can put in some sort of ID in the "isSelected" field that would relate the checkbox to the rest of the data in the row. The problem with this is that I've got a dynamic # of rows due to my addNewRowToThisTable method.
    So the bottom line is that I'm thoroughly stumped. If anyone can offer advice I'd be very grateful.
    <form method="get" action="ReadIt.jsp">
         <td><input type="checkbox" name="isSelected" /></td>
         <td><input type="text" name="firstName" /> </td>
         <td><input type="text" name="lastName" /></td>
         <td><input type="button" value="Add New Row" onClick="addNewRowToThisTable(this)" />
         <td colspan=4><input type="submit" value="submit"></input></td>
    String[] isSelectedArr = request.getParameterValues("isSelected");
    String[] firstNameArr = request.getParameterValues("firstName");
    String[] lastNameArr = request.getParameterValues("lastName");
    if (firstNameArr != null) System.out.println("firstNameArr .length = " + firstNameArr .length);
    if (lastNameArr != null) System.out.println("lastNameArr .length = " + lastNameArr .length);
    if (isSelectedArr != null) {
         System.out.println("isSelectedArr.length = " + isSelectedArr.length);
         for (int i=0; i < isSelectedArr.length; i++) {
              System.out.println("firstNameArr["+i+"] = " + firstNameArr);
              System.out.println("lastNameArr["+i+"] = " + firstNameArr[i]);

    it's sort of a kludge, but try this:
    your javascript function adds new for fields that get submitted to the servlet. name the checkboxes uniquely with a patterm with said function, say isSelected-1, isSelected-2, isSelected-3... now also name the first and last name fields the same way. fname-1, fname-2, fname-3... lname-1,lname-2,lname-3.
    when you get to the page that is supposed to match them up, go through all the request parameters looking for those that start with "isSelected-" take the last char (the index), convert it to an int, and then from your request do:
    String first = request.getParameter("fname-" + indexThatWasFound);
              String last = request.getParameter("lname-" + indexThatWasFound);in looping over the request for each index recovered from the searching of the request for the isSelected-n values, you will get the matching first and last name.
    I TOLD you it was a kludge.

  • Need help Take out the null values from the ResultSet and Create a XML file

    I wrote something which connects to Database and gets the ResultSet. From that ResultSet I am creating
    a XML file. IN my program these are the main two classes Frame1 and ResultSetToXML. ResultSetToXML which
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    from Frame1 class. I am passing the boolean value to get the null values from the ResultSet and then add those
    null values to XML File. When i run the program it works alright and adds the null and not null values to
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    the null and not null values.
    Please look at the code i am posing. I am showing step by step where its not adding the null values.
    Any help is always appreciated.
    Thanks in advance.
    Frame1 Class
    public class Frame1 extends JFrame{
    private JPanel contentPane;
    private XQuery xQuery1 = new XQuery();
    private XYLayout xYLayout1 = new XYLayout();
    public Document doc;
    private JButton jButton2 = new JButton();
    private Connection con;
    private Statement stmt;
    private ResultSetToXML rstx;
    //Construct the frame
    public Frame1() {
    try {
    catch(Exception e) {
    //Component initialization
    private void jbInit() throws Exception {
    //setIconImage(Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage(Frame1.class.getResource("[Your Icon]")));
    contentPane = (JPanel) this.getContentPane();
    this.setSize(new Dimension(400, 300));
    this.setTitle("Frame Title");
    xQuery1.setSql("Select * from Pinfo where pid=2 or pid=4");
    jButton2.setText("Get XML from DB");
    try {
    catch(java.lang.ClassNotFoundException ex) {
    System.err.print("ClassNotFoundException: ");
    try {
    con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:SCANODBC","SYSDBA", "masterkey");
    stmt = con.createStatement();
    catch(SQLException ex) {
    System.err.println("SQLException: " + ex.getMessage());
    jButton2.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
    contentPane.add(jButton2, new XYConstraints(126, 113, -1, -1));
    //Overridden so we can exit when window is closed
    protected void processWindowEvent(WindowEvent e) {
    if (e.getID() == WindowEvent.WINDOW_CLOSING) {
    void jButton2_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
    OutputStream out;
    XMLOutputter outputter;
    Element root;
    org.jdom.Document doc;
    root = new Element("PINFO");
    String query = "SELECT * FROM PINFO WHERE PID=2 OR PID=4";
    ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(query);
    /*===========This is where i am passing the ResultSet and boolean=======
    ===========value to either add the null or not null values in the file======*/
    rstx = new ResultSetToXML(rs,true);
    } //end of try
    catch(SQLException ex) {
    System.err.println("SQLException: " + ex.getMessage());
    ResultSetToXML class
    public class ResultSetToXML {
    private OutputStream out;
    private Element root;
    private XMLOutputter outputter;
    private Document doc;
    // Constructor
    public ResultSetToXML(ResultSet rs, boolean checkifnull){
    String tagname="";
    String tagvalue="";
    root = new Element("pinfo");
    while ({
    Element users = new Element("Record");
    for(int i=1;i<=rs.getMetaData().getColumnCount(); ++i){
    tagname= rs.getMetaData().getColumnName(i);
    /*============if the boolean value is false it adds the null and not
    null value to the file =====================*/
    /*============else it checks if the value is null or the length is
    less than 0 and does the else clause in the if(checkifnull)===*/
    if((tagvalue == null) || tagvalue.length() < 0 ){
    users.addContent((new Element(tagname).setText(tagvalue)));
    users.addContent((new Element(tagname).setText(tagvalue)));
    users.addContent((new Element(tagname).setText(tagvalue)));
    out=new FileOutputStream("c:/XMLFile.xml");
    doc = new Document(root);
    outputter = new XMLOutputter();
    catch(IOException ioe){
    catch(SQLException sqle){

    Can someone please help me with this problem

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    How can i fix this? Perhaps set some parameters for data conversion on the gateway?
    Thank you.

    If the driver is not fully ODBC level 3 compliant and misses functions, we're lost. But sometimes the drivers are ODBC level 3 compliant but miss the correct 64bit implementation. In those cases we can tell the gateway to use the 32bit ODBC level 3 standard by setting in the gateway init file:

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    I used List item for field job_Type, I entered values in List item at design time through property pallet. When I run form I will see null values in this List Item.
    How can I remove these null values from the List?
    Best regards,

    Dear Shahzad,
    It can be removed by adding the following code in the When-new-Form-Instance.
    Set_item_property('List name', required, property_true);
    :block_name.list_name := <put your default value here>; (If you didn't oput the default value, then you will get some problem and the cursor may not navigate away from the list).
    Senthil Alagu .P.

  • How to post null values from h:inputText?

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    However, I would like to post null values to my entity, because that would indicate that the user did not fill out the field. In other contexts (outside of the web app) it is possible to set the fields to empty strings, but from the web app it should always be null. How can I get JSF to do this correctly?
    Also, when reading entitys with null values from the database, these are converted to empty h:inputText fields, so this direction works as expected.

    I haven't seen a solution for this as far.
    This is how I do it:
    public void action() {
        if (isEmpty(inputValue)) {
            // do your thing
        } else {
            // do your thing
    public static boolean isEmpty(Object value) {
        if (value == null) {
            return true;
        if (value instanceof String && ((String) value).trim().length() == 0) {
            return true;
        if (value instanceof Collection && ((Collection) value).size() == 0) {
            return true;
        // And go so on .. make it an utility method.
        return false;

  • How to replace NULL values from main table

    Dear all,
    I like to remove the NULL values from a main table field. Or the question is how to replace any part of the string field in MDM repository main table field.
    e.g.   I have a middle name field partly the value is NULL in some hundreds of records, I like to replace NULL values with Space
    any recommendation.

    Hi Naeem,
    You can try using Workflows for automatically replacing NULLs with any specific value.
    What you can do is: Create a workflow and set trigger action as Record Import, Record Create and Record Update. So, that whenever any change will occur in the repository; that workflow will trigger.
    Now create an assignment expression for replacing NULLs with any specific value and use that assignment expression in your workflow by using Assign Step in workflow.
    For exiting records, you will have to replace NULLs manually using the process given by Preethi else you can export those records in an Excel spreadsheet which have NULLs and then replace all NULLs with any string value and then reimport those records in your MDM repository.
    Hope this will solve your problem.
    Edited by: Varun Agarwal on Dec 2, 2008 3:12 PM

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    How can I eliminate null values from 'display queue' of a target mapping.
    Can it be done through a UDF? Kindly help.
    Because of null value, it is creating issue in the mapping logic.

    We can remove null values using node functions.
    Check the below thread:
    Re: How to remove [] form Message Mapping Display Queue
    Try with the below UDF:
    for (int i=0; i<a.length;i++)
    if (! a<i>.equals(ResultList.SUPPRESS) || ! a<i>.equals(""))

  • Eliminating the null values from popup list item

    Dear All,
    i create a popup list,at runtime it shows a null blank value among the values i specified while the combo box is not,
    i want to eleminate the blank null value from the popup list.
    Need Help.
    Thanks & Regards.

    i create a popup list, populate it in runtime with create_group_from_query builtin.
    now when i run the form and click the list item, it display a null value among the other values which are
    return from the create_group_from_query .
    the procedure is below
    procedure Department_proc is
    rg recordgroup;
    n number;
    remove_record_group('RG');------  this is another procedure which checks for Record group existance and remove it.
    rg=:=create_group_from_query('RG4','SELECT NAME,TO_CHAR(DEPT_ID) FROM TAB_DEPT_SECTION
    SELECT '||'''All Departments'''||'as name,'||'''0'''||' as name from dual');
    it display a null value among the other values for the first time is run the form,but when i click it and select a value from it
    and the onward click dont show the null value.i want to eleminate the null value even for the first time when the user run the
    Best Regards

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    Hi All,
    I need to pull the data which has null values from source. I tried to write routine by giving l_t_range-low = '' , space. nothing is working.
    Please guide me with sample code.
    Very Urgent.

    Hi Mario.
    Assuming that you want to avoid uploading of records having
    zero for a keyfigure:
    Create a startroutine for transfer rules and add this coding:
    'VALUE' represents the fieldname in transferstructure
    Please let me know if i misundersttod the issue.

  • Remove null values from query

    Hi All;
    Below is my query and the output and i need to remove null values from the output
    Any help regarding same is much appreciated
    select a.opportunityid,a.new_entrypoint_displayname,c.parentcustomerid,c.contactid,c.fullname,a.new_mainprogramme_idname,
    a.new_dateofapplication,count(appt.activityid) as NoOfAppointments,
    from opportunity a
    left join contact c on (c.contactid = a.parentcontactid)
    inner join activitypointer ap on ( ap.regardingobjectid = c.contactid )
    inner join appointment appt on (appt.activityid = ap.ActivityId)
    appt.new_didmeetingtakeplace = 1
    and appt.statecode = 1 and
    (a.SCRIBE_DELETEDON is null and c.SCRIBE_DELETEDON is null and ap.SCRIBE_DELETEDON is null and appt.SCRIBE_DELETEDON is null)
    group by a.opportunityid,a.new_entrypoint_displayname,c.parentcustomerid, c.contactid,c.fullname,a.owneridname,
    select a.opportunityid,a.new_entrypoint_displayname,c.parentcustomerid,c.contactid,c.fullname,
    a.new_dateofapplication,count(appt.activityid) as NoOfAppointments,
    from opportunity a
    left join contact c on (c.contactid = a.parentcontactid)
    inner join activitypointer ap on (ap.regardingobjectid = a.opportunityid)
    inner join appointment appt on (appt.activityid = ap.ActivityId)
    appt.new_didmeetingtakeplace = 1
    and appt.statecode = 1 and
    (a.SCRIBE_DELETEDON is null and c.SCRIBE_DELETEDON is null and ap.SCRIBE_DELETEDON is null and appt.SCRIBE_DELETEDON is null)
    group by a.opportunityid,a.new_entrypoint_displayname,c.parentcustomerid,c.contactid,a.owneridname,
    CTE2 As
    select opportunityid,parentcustomerid,new_entrypoint_displayname,contactid,fullname,
    case when ac.new_businessstartdate > = CTE.scheduledstart
    then (CTE.scheduleddurationminutes) end as PreStartHours,
    case when ac.new_businessstartdate < CTE.scheduledstart
    then (CTE.scheduleddurationminutes) end as PostStartHours
    case when po.new_outputsname = 'Pre Start Assist'
    then 'Yes' else 'No' end as Precheck,
    case when po.new_outputsname = 'Business Assist'
    then 'Yes' else 'No' end as Buscheck
    from CTE
    join account ac on (ac.accountid = CTE.parentcustomerid)
    join dbo.new_programmeoutput as po on (CTE.opportunityid = po.new_relatedopportunity)
    join dbo.new_programmeprofile pp on (
    po.new_mainprogrammeid = pp.new_mainprogrammeid and
    po.new_subprogrammeid = pp.new_subprogrammeid
    and pp.new_claimstartdate = po.new_claimdate
    and pp.new_outputsname = po.new_outputsname)
    where (ac.SCRIBE_DELETEDON is null)
    group by opportunityid,parentcustomerid,new_entrypoint_displayname,contactid,fullname,ac.new_businessstartdate,new_dateofapplication,NoOfAppointments,
    select opportunityid,parentcustomerid,new_entrypoint_displayname,contactid,fullname,
    PreStartHours, PostStartHours,po.new_programmeoutputid,
    case when (new_outputsname) = 'Pre Start Assist'
    then 'Yes' else 'No' end as Precheck,
    case when (new_outputsname) = 'Business Assist'
    then 'Yes' else 'No' end as Buscheck --po.*
    from cte2
    left join dbo.new_programmeoutput as po on (cte2.opportunityid = po.new_relatedopportunity)
    where po.new_claimmonthidname is not null and po.statuscode_displayname = 'claimed'
    group by opportunityid,parentcustomerid,new_entrypoint_displayname,contactid,fullname,
    PreStartHours, PostStartHours,po.new_programmeoutputid,new_outputsname
    --where new_claimmonthidname is not null --and CTE2.PreStartHours is not null and CTE2.PostStartHours is not null

     i need to remove null values from the output
    What exactly do you mean with "remove", to filter the rows out from result set or to replace the null value by an other value e.g. 0? This can be done with the
    ISNULL function:
    ISNULL(case when ac.new_businessstartdate > = CTE.scheduledstart
    then (CTE.scheduleddurationminutes) end, 0) as PreStartHours, ...
    Olaf Helper
    [ Blog] [ Xing] [ MVP]

  • Prevent null values from displaying in answers OBIEE 11g

    Is there any possibilities in OBIEE to Prevent null values from displaying in answers
    For example, If i have two records in table
    TV         cost=NULL(having agg rule sum in BMM layer)
    RADIO   cost=10(having agg rule sum in BMM layer)
    in answers i get two records
    TV       NULL
    RADIO 10
    but i want to get one, only with not null cost

    Just want to clarify your question,You want to eliminate the NULL values from the report am i right? If that is the case then put the filter COST <> NULL.
    Do let me know the updates?

  • Error while selecting NULL value from Popup Key LOV(numeric or value error)

    I have a item P1_DEPTNO with following properties.
    P1_DEPTNO - Popup Key LOV (Displays description, returns key value)
    select deptname d, deptno r from deptP1_DEPTNO item properties
    List of Values
      Named LOV - P1_DEPT_LOV
      Display Null - Yes // changed to Yes, so that it can accept NULL values.
      Null display value - NULL
      Null return value -   (blank)PL\SQL Process -
    v1 number;
    if :P1_DEPTNO is null OR :P1_DEPTNO = '' then
        v1 := 0;
        v1 := :P1_DEPTNO;
    end if;
    // rest of the PL\SQL process
    end;Now, when I run the page and select NULL value from Popup LOV and submit, I get the following error.
    ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character to number conversion error.When, I select any other value other than NULL, then it's working perfectly fine.
    Only in case of NULL value, I am getting this error.
    ANY idea, why this error is coming??

    Hi Varad,
    I did the following change
    Null display value - (blank) // by default it is displaying '%' in the select this
    Null return value - -1
    but when I select % (null value) from the popup list, it displays the return value -1 in the text field.
    My question is why it is displaying the return value -1 in the text field...*It should display the display value in the text field (i.e blank in this case)*
    then, I did the following change
    Null display value - (blank) // by default it is displaying '%' in the select this
    Null return value - // a single space, so that when I select %(null value) from the list, it should display blank in the text field...
    then I did the following change in the PL\SQL process.
    PL\SQL process
    v1 number;
    if :P1_DEPTNO = ' ' then // -- checking the value of single space ' ' when we select %(null) in the popup list, BUT even I select %(null), control is not coming here.
        v1 := 0;
        v1 := :P1_DEPTNO;
    end if;
    // rest of the PL\SQL process

  • How to get Int value from request.getParameter()?

    Hi all,
    I have a integer value which is passed from one page to another page.
    i am geting this value in the next page using
    Suppose value of "i" in page1 is 32, i pass this as hidden variable to next page.
    <input type="hidden" Value="<%=i%>" NAME="limit">
    in page2, i fethch this value to a variable by name "limit"
    String limit=request.getParameter("limit");
    but, since value stored in limit is int, i can't assign it to string.
    i can't use request.getParameter for int values.
    How to solve my problem.
    I know it is simple,
    Pls. help me
    String limit=request.getParameter("limit");

      String limitSTR = request.getParameter("limit");
      int limit = -1;
      if (limitSTR != null) limit = Integer.parseInt(limitSTR);

  • Help with getting values from request. Very Strange!!

    My very strange problem is the following.
    I have created three dynamic list boxes. When the user select
    the first list box, the second becomes populated with stuff
    from a database. The third becomes populated when the second
    is selected. Now, I have used hidden values in order for
    me to get the selected value from the first listbox. The
    following code is my first listbox:
    <SELECT NAME="resources" onChange="document.hiddenform.hiddenObject.value = this.option [this.selectedIndex].value; document.hiddenform.submit();">
    <OPTION VALUE =""> Resource</OPTION>
    <OPTION VALUE ="soil"> Soil </OPTION>
    <OPTION VALUE ="water"> Water </OPTION>
    <OPTION VALUE ="air"> Air </OPTION>
    <OPTION VALUE ="plants"> Plants </OPTION>
    <OPTION VALUE ="animals"> Animals </OPTION>
    I use the getRequest method to get the value of hiddenObject.
    At this time I am able to get the value of hiddenObject to populate
    the second list box.
    But, when the user selects an item from the second list box
    and the second form is also submitted,
    I lose the value of hiddenObject. Why is this??
    The code to populate my second listbox is the following:
    <SELECT NAME ="res_categories" onChange="document.hiddenform2.hiddenObject2.value = this.options[this.selectedIndex].value; document.hiddenform2.submit(); ">
    Here I access a result set to populate the list box.
    Please help!!

    Form parameters are request-scoped, hence the request.getParameter("hiddenObject"); call after the submission of the second form returns a null value because the hiddenObject parameter does not exist within the second request.
    A solution would be to add a hiddenObject field to your second form and alter the onChange event for res_categories to read
    document.hiddenform2.hiddenObject2.value = this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;
    document.hiddenform2.submit();You will then come across a similar problem with your third drop-down if indeed you need to resubmit the form...
    A far better approach would be to create a session scoped bean, and a servlet to handle these requests. Then when the servlet is called, it would set the value of the bean property, thus making it available for this request, and all subsequent requests within the current session. This approach would eliminate the need for the clunky javascript, making your application far more stable.

Maybe you are looking for