Group by groups

I have a bunch of data I need to transform and "group by groups." Let me explain by an example:
SQL> create table orig_data as
  2  select distinct job, deptno
  3  from scott.emp e
  4  /
Table created.
SQL> select job
  2       , deptno
  3    from orig_data
  4   order by
  5         job
  6       , deptno
  7  /
JOB           DEPTNO
ANALYST           20
CLERK             10
CLERK             20
CLERK             30
MANAGER           10
MANAGER           20
MANAGER           30
PRESIDENT         10
SALESMAN          30
9 rows selected.The real-world data is about 5 million rows.
First I group by job (I use xmlagg here because I am on version 11.1 and therefore no listagg ;-) ):
SQL> select od.job
  2       , rtrim(xmlagg(xmlelement(d,od.deptno,',').extract('//text()') order by od.deptno),',') deptnos
  3    from orig_data od
  4   group by od.job
  5  /
CLERK     10,20,30
MANAGER   10,20,30
SALESMAN  30I notice here that both job CLERK and MANAGER has the same set of deptnos.
So if I group by deptnos I can get this result:
SQL> select s2.deptnos
  2       , rtrim(xmlagg(xmlelement(j,s2.job,',').extract('//text()') order by s2.job),',') jobs
  3    from (
  4     select od.job
  5          , rtrim(xmlagg(xmlelement(d,od.deptno,',').extract('//text()') order by od.deptno),',') deptnos
  6       from orig_data od
  7      group by od.job
  8         ) s2
  9   group by s2.deptnos
10  /
DEPTNOS                        JOBS
10                             PRESIDENT
10,20,30                       CLERK,MANAGER
20                             ANALYST
30                             SALESMANMy requirement is to identify all such unique groups of deptnos in my orig_data table, give each such group a surrogate key in a parent table, and then populate two child tables with the deptnos of each group and the jobs that have that group of deptnos:
SQL> create table groups (
  2     groupkey number primary key
  3  )
  4  /
Table created.
SQL> create table groups_depts (
  2     groupkey number references groups (groupkey)
  3   , deptno number(2)
  4  )
  5  /
Table created.
SQL> create table groups_jobs (
  2     groupkey number references groups (groupkey)
  3   , job varchar2(9)
  4  )
  5  /
Table created.For the surrogate groupkey I can just use a rownumber on my group by deptnos query:
SQL> select row_number() over (order by s2.deptnos) groupkey
  2       , s2.deptnos
  3       , rtrim(xmlagg(xmlelement(j,s2.job,',').extract('//text()') order by s2.job),',') jobs
  4    from (
  5     select od.job
  6          , rtrim(xmlagg(xmlelement(d,od.deptno,',').extract('//text()') order by od.deptno),',') deptnos
  7       from orig_data od
  8      group by od.job
  9         ) s2
10   group by s2.deptnos
11  /
  GROUPKEY DEPTNOS                        JOBS
         1 10                             PRESIDENT
         2 10,20,30                       CLERK,MANAGER
         3 20                             ANALYST
         4 30                             SALESMANThat query I can use for a (slow) insert into my three tables in this simple manner:
SQL> begin
  2     for g in (
  3        select row_number() over (order by s2.deptnos) groupkey
  4             , s2.deptnos
  5             , rtrim(xmlagg(xmlelement(j,s2.job,',').extract('//text()') order by s2.job),',') jobs
  6          from (
  7           select od.job
  8                , rtrim(xmlagg(xmlelement(d,od.deptno,',').extract('//text()') order by od.deptno),',') deptnos
  9             from orig_data od
10            group by od.job
11               ) s2
12         group by s2.deptnos
13     ) loop
14        insert into groups values (g.groupkey);
16        insert into groups_depts
17           select g.groupkey
18                , to_number(regexp_substr(str, '[^,]+', 1, level)) deptno
19             from (
20                    select rownum id
21                         , g.deptnos str
22                      from dual
23                  )
24           connect by instr(str, ',', 1, level-1) > 0
25                  and id = prior id
26                  and prior dbms_random.value is not null;
28        insert into groups_jobs
29           select g.groupkey
30                , regexp_substr(str, '[^,]+', 1, level) job
31             from (
32                    select rownum id
33                         , str
34                      from dual
35                  )
36           connect by instr(str, ',', 1, level-1) > 0
37                  and id = prior id
38                  and prior dbms_random.value is not null;
40     end loop;
41  end;
42  /
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.The tables now contain this data:
SQL> select *
  2    from groups
  3   order by groupkey
  4  /
SQL> select *
  2    from groups_depts
  3   order by groupkey, deptno
  4  /
         1         10
         2         10
         2         20
         2         30
         3         20
         4         30
6 rows selected.
SQL> select *
  2    from groups_jobs
  3   order by groupkey, job
  4  /
         1 PRESIDENT
         2 CLERK
         2 MANAGER
         3 ANALYST
         4 SALESMANI can now from these data get the same result as before (just to test I have created the desired data):
SQL> select g.groupkey
  2       , d.deptnos
  3       ,
  4    from groups g
  5    join (
  6           select groupkey
  7                , rtrim(xmlagg(xmlelement(d,deptno,',').extract('//text()') order by deptno),',') deptnos
  8             from groups_depts
  9            group by groupkey
10         ) d
11         on d.groupkey = g.groupkey
12    join (
13           select groupkey
14                , rtrim(xmlagg(xmlelement(j,job,',').extract('//text()') order by job),',') jobs
15             from groups_jobs
16            group by groupkey
17         ) j
18         on j.groupkey = g.groupkey
19  /
  GROUPKEY DEPTNOS                        JOBS
         1 10                             PRESIDENT
         2 10,20,30                       CLERK,MANAGER
         3 20                             ANALYST
         4 30                             SALESMANSo far so good. This all works pretty much as desired - except for a couple of things:
The very simple loop insert code will be slow. OK, it is a one-time conversion job (in theory, but very few times at least) so that could probably be acceptable (except for my professional pride ;-) .)
But worse is, that I have groups where the string aggregation won't work - the string would have to be about varchar2(10000) which won't work in SQL in the group by :-( .
So I have tried an attempt using collections. First a collection of deptnos:
SQL> create type deptno_tab_type as table of number(2)
  2  /
Type created.
SQL> select od.job
  2       , cast(collect(od.deptno order by od.deptno) as deptno_tab_type) deptnos
  3    from orig_data od
  4   group by od.job
  5  /
CLERK     DEPTNO_TAB_TYPE(10, 20, 30)
SALESMAN  DEPTNO_TAB_TYPE(30)All very good - no problems here. But then a collection of jobs:
SQL> create type job_tab_type as table of varchar2(9)
  2  /
Type created.
SQL> select s2.deptnos
  2       , cast(collect(s2.job order by s2.job) as job_tab_type) jobs
  3    from (
  4     select od.job
  5          , cast(collect(od.deptno order by od.deptno) as deptno_tab_type) deptnos
  6       from orig_data od
  7      group by od.job
  8         ) s2
  9   group by s2.deptnos
10  /
group by s2.deptnos
ERROR at line 9:
ORA-00932: inkonsistente datatyper: forventede -, fik XAL_SUPERVISOR.DEPTNO_TAB_TYPENow it fails - I cannot group by a collection datatype...
I am not asking anyone to write my code, but I know there are sharper brains out there on the forums ;-) .
Would anyone have an idea of something I might try that will allow me to create these "groups of groups" even for larger groups than string aggregation techniques can handle?
Thanks for any help, hints or tips ;-)

The "group-by-collection" issue can be solved by creating a container object on which we define an ORDER method :
SQL> create type deptno_container as object (
  2    nt deptno_tab_type
  3  , order member function match (o deptno_container) return integer
  4  );
  5  /
Type created
SQL> create or replace type body deptno_container as
  2    order member function match (o deptno_container) return integer is
  3    begin
  4      return case when nt = o.nt then 0 else 1 end;
  5    end;
  6  end;
  7  /
Type body created
Then a multitable INSERT can do the job, after unnesting the collections :
SQL> insert all
  2    when rn0 = 1 then into groups (groupkey) values (gid)
  3    when rn1 = 1 then into groups_jobs (groupkey, job) values(gid, job)
  4    when rn2 = 1 then into groups_depts (groupkey, deptno) values(gid, deptno)
  5  with all_groups as (
  6    select s2.deptnos
  7         , cast(collect(s2.job order by s2.job) as job_tab_type) jobs
  8         , row_number() over(order by null) gid
  9    from (
10      select od.job
11           , deptno_container(
12               cast(collect(od.deptno order by od.deptno) as deptno_tab_type)
13             ) deptnos
14      from orig_data od
15      group by od.job
16    ) s2
17    group by s2.deptnos
18  )
19  select gid
20       , value(j) job
21       , value(d) deptno
22       , row_number() over(partition by gid order by null) rn0
23       , row_number() over(partition by gid, value(j) order by null) rn1
24       , row_number() over(partition by gid, value(d) order by null) rn2
25  from all_groups t
26     , table( j
27     , table(t.deptnos.nt) d
28  ;
15 rows inserted
SQL> select * from groups;
SQL> select * from groups_jobs;
         1 SALESMAN
         2 PRESIDENT
         3 CLERK
         3 MANAGER
         4 ANALYST
SQL> select * from groups_depts;
         1     30
         2     10
         3     10
         3     30
         3     20
         4     20
6 rows selected
Works great on the sample data but how this approach scales on a much (much) larger dataset is another story :)

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    There indeed ARE apps in the app store that will do what you want.  Just search and find the one that best fits your needs.

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    ?end if?
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    <MAT_RATE> 8.50</MAT_RATE>
    <NET_TONS> -7.96</NET_TONS>
    RTF Template
    S M
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    Cost Center: COST_CNTR Cost Acct: COST_ACCT Project: PROJECT_NBR Task: PROJECT_TASK
    Ticket Nbr     ORGCD     OrigTck     V     ST     Location     Po Nbr     Tax Cd     Prod Code     ZN     Hauler      Truck     Haul Rate     UnitPrice     Tons     SalesAmount
    F TCK#M     CODE     OTCK#     V     ST     LOCATION     PO_NBR      TC     PROD     HZ     HAULER     TRUCK     0.00     0.00     0.00 *      0.00 E

    Post Author: Guy
    CA Forum: General
    You should add a first level of grouping in your subreport on a fake formula field with a constant value.  Put your header and footer information in this group header and footer.  In the group option make sure to check the "repeat group header on each page option".
    This group will act as a page header + footer within your subreport.
    good luck!

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    export all image of each page try like this
    var myDoc = app.activeDocument;
    var myFolder = myDoc.filePath;
    var myImage = myDoc.allGraphics;
    for (var i=0; myImage.length>i; i++){[i]);
        var MyImageNmae  = myImage[i];
        app.jpegExportPreferences.jpegQuality = JPEGOptionsQuality.high;
        app.jpegExportPreferences.exportResolution = 300;
           app.selection[0].exportFile(ExportFormat.JPG, File(myFolder+"/"+MyImageNmae+".JPEG"), false);

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    Regarding your statement about the gift card balance being used if redeemed to the organizers account -
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    Redeem and use iTunes Gift Cards and content codes - Apple Support

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    Please check the subform which is the container of all these text boxes. Please see this :!topic/livecycle/yq8FauqHD3w

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    I have a requirement to restrict number of rows in report output.I have three different group , if i use same no of rows to restrict then output is as expected but if i want Deduction group should have 7 rows , earning should have 5 rows and Tax group have 3 rows in report output then XML tag is not working.
    Below is the XML tag i am using -
    First i have declare the variable to restrict the rows -
    <xsl:variable name="lpp" select="number(7)"/>
    <xsl:variable name="lpp1" select="number(5)"/>
    <xsl:variable name="lpp2" select="number(3)"/>
    For Each -
    <xsl:variable xdofo:ctx="incontext" name="DedLines" select=".//AC_DEDUCTIONS"/>
    <xsl:variable xdofo:ctx="incontext" name="EarLines" select=".//AC_EARNINGS[ELEMENT_CLASSIFICATION!='Taxable Benefits']"/>
    <xsl:variable xdofo:ctx="incontext" name="EarTaxLines" select=".//AC_EARNINGS[ELEMENT_CLASSIFICATION='Taxable Benefits']>
    <?for-each:$DedLines?><?if:(position()-1) mod $lpp=0?> <xsl:variable name="start" xdofo:ctx="incontext" select="position()"/>
    <?if:(position()-1) mod $lpp1=0?><xsl:variable name="start1" xdofo:ctx="incontext" select="position()"/
    <?if:(position()-1) mod $lpp2=0?><xsl:variable name="start2" xdofo:ctx="incontext" select="position()"/>
    Report output is tabular form (one page has two column - Earning and Deduction ) . Tax group comes below earning group.
    Deduction Group -
    <?for-each-group:$DedLines;./REPORTING_NAME?><?if:position()>=$start and position()<$start+$lpp?>
    <?end if?><?end for-each-group?>
    Earning Group -
    <?for-each-group:$EarLines;./REPORTING_NAME?><?if:position()>=$start1 and position()<$start1+$lpp1?>
    <?end if?><?end for-each-group?>
    Tax Group -
    <?for-each-group:$EarTaxLines;./REPORTING_NAME?><?if:position()>=$start2 and position()<$start2+$lpp2?>
    <?end if?><?end for-each-group?>
    Please let me know in case additional detail is require.
    Thanks in Advance.
    Edited by: Harsh.rkg on Jan 14, 2013 9:43 PM

    variable lpp2 is declare to restrict EarTaxLines -
    <xsl:variable name="lpp2" select="number(2)"/>
    This will help to restrict the no of rows on one page , if we have more then two tax benefits line then layout will roll over to continuation page.
    As part of report output my expectation is if i restrict Earning , Deduction and Tax benefits to same no of line for example - variable lpp ,lpp1 and lpp2 have same value "number(2)" , we can see the layout is continue on next page (restrict every group can have max two lines) .This is the reason we have 4 header grid , deduction and Tax Benefit lines are rolled over to continuation page .But if we restrict different value for each variable then continuation page layout is missing .
    When we tried for <xsl:variable name="lpp2" select="number(3)"/> value continuation page layout is not getting generate for both employee number .

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    Is it not more logical to have the phone as the main source of this sort of data?  We're more likely to update on a device we carry all the time surely?
    Please advise. Thank you

    Hey Cornish wrinkly,
    It sounds like you want to create a group message. You can read about group messaging on the iPhone here:
    iOS: Understanding group messaging
    Welcome to Apple Support Communities!

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    See if this thread helps.

  • How do I move multiple tabs into a tab group in one go?

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    Please feel free to enlighten me if I've missed some method by which this is currently doable. However, I would still suggest to add the above feature, so it conforms to Windows standards. :-)

    As far as I can tell, it doesn't look like this is part of Tab Groups yet. It would definitely make a great feature though! :)

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    Is it possible to move them from one group to another once entered?

    Do the contacts that are not in iCloud belong to an external account such as Gmail, Yahoo or an Exchange account?  Or, do they belong to On My iPhone?

Maybe you are looking for