Help: Links to Slide Show aren't working

I'm baffled & frustrated.
I've created a "Photo Albums" page which links 23 thumbnails to their album page. All the 23 links work to get you to the album page. But, on (only) 4 of them, the Slide Show button leads to an error page instead of to the slide show. The error page says:
Safari can’t open the specified address.
Safari can’t open “paris:%20Day%20in%20Senlis%20&%20Chantilly_files/slideshow.html” because Mac OS X doesn’t recognize Internet addresses starting with “paris:”.
(Each of the 4 error pages is slightly different.)
Best way to demonstrate this problem is to send you there to see. Here's the link to the Photo Albums page:
The 4 which don't work are:
(from the 5th row down) Florence: Duomo; Italy: Tuscany; and Tuscany: Siena
And, from the last row: Paris: Day in Senlis & Chantilly
On these 4, when you get to the Album page & click on the Slide Show icon, you get the error message.
I've tried re-doing these 4 thumbnails on the iWeb page, to no avail. Can anyone help me figure this out?
PowerBook G4   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

My problem was caused by changing page titles in the site organizer. I had read here in the forums that spaces, odd characters, etc could cause problems in some browsers when published so I removed all caps, spaces, etc. After those changes anything that was cached with the old titles wouldn't go to the new pages. There may be no connection to your problem. Have you tried publishing to a folder on your own computer to see if the problem is there also? If the problem is still there if you publish to a folder, you could do some experimenting without affecting your published site.
Here's something you could try:
Duplicate your "Domain" file and store it in a safe place. You can then play around with the duplicate without affecting the original. Build a new photo page with some of those same photos. Publish to a folder on your hard drive and open it with Safari. You may be able to isolate the problem this way without affecting your published site or your original "Domain" file. Once you figure it out you can make the changes to your original "Domain" file and then publish.
Good luck, David
ibook & imac   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

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    <!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

    All these supporting files are missing (404 not found on server). 
    <link href="../Spry-UI-1.7/css/SpryImageSlideShow.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
    <script src="../Spry-UI-1.7/includes/SpryDOMUtils.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="../Spry-UI-1.7/includes/SpryDOMEffects.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="../Spry-UI-1.7/includes/SpryWidget.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="../Spry-UI-1.7/includes/SpryPanelSet.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="../Spry-UI-1.7/includes/SpryFadingPanels.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="../Spry-UI-1.7/includes/SpryImageLoader.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="../Spry-UI-1.7/includes/SpryImageSlideShow.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="../Spry-UI-1.7/includes/plugins/ImageSlideShow/SpryPanAndZoomPlugin.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    Upload Spry-UI-1.7 folder to your remote server by clicking the folder and hitting the UP arrow in your Files Panel.
    Also, validate your code and fix reported errors.  You have unbalanced div tags.
    HTML -
    Nancy O.

  • Converted WinHelp to HTML Help and context-sensitive topics aren't working.

    Converted WinHelp to HTML Help and context-sensitive topics
    aren't working. Anyone run across this?

    I am a developer and we have big project that needs to be
    converted from winhelp to HTML help. I received only the .CHM help
    file from the help auther. I added the HTMLhelp.lib file and
    HTMLhelp.h file in to my project. I tried to change atleast one
    page of the dialog. I added on helpinfo function htmlhelp function
    call and hard coded the .chm file path and for the right click I as
    well did the same thing. But I am getting "No Help topic is
    associated with this item" upon F1 key and crash after the right
    click with wincore.cpp error.
    The code is as below.
    BOOL CCnvCfgGenNRecPage::OnHelpInfo(HELPINFO* pHelpInfo)
    // TODO: Add your message handler code here and/or call
    if (pHelpInfo->iContextType == HELPINFO_WINDOW)
    int nCtrlId = pHelpInfo->iCtrlId;
    DWORD dwContextId = pHelpInfo->dwContextId;
    (DWORD)&IDARRAY(nCtrlId, dwContextId)) ;
    ::WinHelp ((HWND)pHelpInfo->hItemHandle,
    // HELP_WM_HELP flag brings up pop-up help and expects an
    // of DWORD pairs of the control ID and the context help ID
    (DWORD)&IDARRAY(nCtrlId, dwContextId));
    return TRUE;
    DO I NEED ANY OTHER FILE? Should I checked out the dialog h
    file and .hm file which compling the html related code?

  • How to ad link to slide show ? Help !!

    I have this slide show and am trying to add a link to each image loaded, can anyone help me with this ?
    I am new to this and have no clue how to go about this, so maybe you can help me with the completed code if you can !
    thanks to anyone that can help. Here is the code.....
    // set random # variables - each must be 0 for first 'while' loop below
    var randomNum = 0;
    var randomNumLast = 0;
    // parent container
    var container_mc = this.createEmptyMovieClip("container",0);
    // movie clip containers
    // preload watcher
    // load xml
    images_xml = new XML();
    images_xml.onLoad = parse;
    function parse(success) {
        if (success) {
            imageArray = new Array();
            var root = this.firstChild;
            _global.numPause = Number(this.firstChild.attributes.timer * 1000);
            _global.order = this.firstChild.attributes.order;
            _global.looping = this.firstChild.attributes.looping;
            _global.fadetime = Number(this.firstChild.attributes.fadetime);
            _global.xpos = Number(this.firstChild.attributes.xpos);
            _global.ypos = Number(this.firstChild.attributes.ypos);
            var imageNode = root.lastChild;
            var s=0;
            while (imageNode.nodeName != null) {
                imageData = new Object;
                imageData.path = imageNode.attributes.path;
                imageNode = imageNode.previousSibling;
            // place parent container
            container_mc._x = _global.xpos;
            container_mc._y = _global.ypos;
            // parse array
        } else {
    // depth swapping
    function swapPlace(clip,num) {
    function loadImages(data,num) {
        if (i==undefined || i == 2) {
        } else if (i==1) {
    function createLoader(i,data,num) {
        watcher_mc.onEnterFrame=function () {
            var picLoaded = thisLoader.getBytesLoaded();
            var picBytes = thisLoader.getBytesTotal();
            if (isNaN(picBytes) || picBytes < 4) {
            if (picLoaded / picBytes >= 1) {
                alphaTween = new mx.transitions.Tween(thisLoader, "_alpha", mx.transitions.easing.Regular.easeOut,0,100,_global.fadetime,true);
                timerInterval = setInterval(imageGen,_global.numPause,data);
                delete this.onEnterFrame;
    function imageGen(data) {
        // random, or sequential?
        if (_global.order=="random") {
            // choose random # between 0 and total number of images
            while (randomNum == randomNumLast) {
                randomNum = Math.floor(Math.random() * data.length);
            randomNumLast = randomNum;
        } else if (_global.order=="sequential") {
            // start at 0, increment to total number of images, then drop back to zero when done
            if (p==undefined || p==data.length && _global.looping=="yes") { p=0; } else { break; }
        } else {
            trace ("order attribute in xml isn't correct - must specify either 'random' or 'sequential'");

    It doesn't look like the xml file matches the code.  While folks here like to help, there's a point where the effort is fairly time consuming and it becomes doing your design work for you, which is what we normally do for a living.  Your best bet will be to find something that has all of the features you want included in it.  If you are willing to spend a little money, you can probably find one fairly inexpensive that you can tailor to your needs without having to edit the file code at all.
    You can always wait to see if someone else responds.

  • How can I attach link to slide show

    I want to create a slide show displaying pictures of my daughter's confections.
    I can animate the pictures over the background using keyframes, but I would like to have an active link for her web page displayed somewhere on the page.
    Thanks for any advice.

    I created the slide show with Bionx's "PhotoPresenter". The music I used, "Sugar Sugar" was to long, so I sent the resulting QT file to FCPX to add the music, shorten it and add some taper.
    I then sent the resulting QT file to "Keynote" and added the link to my daughter's confections web page and a link to the artist's iComposition address. For some reason, the link would not work for a direct access to the song. I had to link it to all of his songs, which is good. The artist has very graciously given me permission to use his excellent recording.

  • Links around slide show are obtrusive

    Sorry- I need help again. How do you move the links around the slide show like: Back to Album, Play Slide Show, Download, Previous and Next?
    Can you change the wording, position, font or color? They are pretty obtrusive. The My Albums Index page is much cleaner.
    Can they be replaced by pictures?
    or even controls like in Quicktime?
    Or am I asking too much?
    J- thanks

    You can't change them easily. They are java based and it would be very difficult to change the java scripted link with type of link that you would like. There are play references in the iWebMediaGrid.js file and the sitename.html file but not sure which you'd change and how. Maybe one of the more advance users know of an easy way to change them.

  • Links on DVD menu aren't working.

    Hi, I recorded a short Camtasia video showing how a chunk of the links on my DVD menu aren't working. I can't figure out what's going on. I cannot click on anything past "Marianna Ingraham", including "Main Menu". I burned a disc image and a hard copy DVD, neither of which worked. Can someone explain to me what's happening? Is there a link limit? Thanks.
    Encore Link Problem - YouTube

    Yes, the DVD spec is 36 buttons per menu for a 4:3 menu, and 18 for a 16:9.

  • Need help fast - iPhoto slide show on Windows ?

    I am really needing your help with this. I have created a slideshow in iPhoto for a funeral service for our uncle which is being held this evening. However, I just found out that they need to view this slideshow on a Windows computer.
    HELP !! I tried exporting the slide show to iDVD but just want to burn a DVD that will play this looping slide show along with the iTunes playlist they already have set up on this Windows laptop.
    Do I have to go through all the theme stuff in iDVD just to create this slideshow that will keep looping ? I don't want it to go back to the chapter menu everytime it finishes.
    I am under a really tight time line to get this done...please help.
    Thanks !

    I'm not an expert on this, but...
    Have you tried exporting the slideshow to a Quicktime Movie? (Select the slideshow, then File>Export). You could burn that to a disc just as a file and play it in Quicktime on the Windows PC. Quicktime has a loop function, so you wouldn't have to mess with chapter menus, etc.
    Maybe someone with more experience has a better idea.
    Good Luck,

  • Is the slide show suppose to work in iweb?

    Hey guys...i know this might seem dumb, but i've scoured the forums for an answer and there doesn't seem to be a problem like mine. so here goes.
    When the slide show is filled with thumbnail pictures and then you go to click on the pictures. Should a seperate little window pop up that contains the larger photo? If so.........mine isn't doing that. Can you help?

    If you want to use the photo template as a web gallery you
    can delete the "start slide show button" and put an
    instruction to "Click on any thumbnail to enlarge".
    The size of the enlarged photo will depend on the resolution
    of the photo you uploaded. 600x400 is a starting point for
    thanks for the tip.
    This is published on a commercial server and not .Mac so the
    enlargement is different in that you can scroll the the
    enlarged photos.
    rats! and I thought there is something wrong with my slideshow
    it's like magic...

  • Elements 8 -help with outputting slide shows to File?

    Can anyone help with saving a slide show in created in Elements to a file on my laptop? I know a WMV file is created, which option should I select to save in UK widescreen format 16:9?

    Bob, thanks for prompt answer.
    I am ultimately going to write the file to a DVD using Windows DVD Maker. Is the 16:9 format the DVD-PAL 720x576 option, or the High 1024x768 option?

  • Second button on menu for slide show does not work.

    Anyone else having problems with this? Despite three separate attempts using different photos, different Macs and different themes... it is always the second button (to access the second folder) in the slide show that does not work. It fails to access the slides in the folder.
    Our conclusion finally was that this is a bug, so we used only text buttons and put the second button over to the side of the main menu with just a period in it, and one image in the folder (it will not allow a folder without any images) and then we can skip from the first button to the third (seen on the screen as the second button) and bypass the problem.
    Has anyone come up with an explanation or a better solution?

    Anyone else having problems with this? Despite three separate attempts using different photos, different Macs and different themes... it is always the second button (to access the second folder) in the slide show that does not work. It fails to access the slides in the folder.
    Our conclusion finally was that this is a bug, so we used only text buttons and put the second button over to the side of the main menu with just a period in it, and one image in the folder (it will not allow a folder without any images) and then we can skip from the first button to the third (seen on the screen as the second button) and bypass the problem.
    Has anyone come up with an explanation or a better solution?

  • Organizer 12 slide show editor not working

    The editor button in organizer 12 slide show is grayed out, therefore not working. Is
    there a fix for this. It is inconvenient to go back into pe12 and back to organizer just
    to fix a photo.

    Found the solution to the issue on another bulletin board. I read that if a file is imported into slide show from a pc file and not from organizer, this will happen.
    I tried this out and it was true. Here is the screen shot of the slide show with edit grayed out even though the picture is selected.

  • PE9- Saving slide shows - always stops working at 94% of .wmv file

    I have a 40 minute slide show with music. When I output to .wmv file, PE9 always stops working at 94% of download, whether I use the maximum or the high resolution settings. I have a powerful computer with all the bells and whistles. I'm disapointed that E9 does not perform as advertised. Any solutions or comments beyong what's in the release notes? Any fix for this soon? Thanks to all.

    Most probably Premiere Elements is causing the rotation you are experiencing
    That is because the recent versions of Premiere Elements do not recognize the rotation indicator set in a photo file.  However the Photoshop Elements Organizer does recognize a photo orientation indicator set within the photo file when displaying thumbnails and displaying the photo file.
    At this point for this slide show,
    it might be simplest to initiate an edit in Photoshop Elements of each of the portrait orinetation photo files that are in this slide show -- so that the pixels within the photo file itself can be rotated and saved as a new photo file. .
    In the future,
    -- it would probably be simpler to multiple select thumbnails in the Organizer and rotate those photo thumbnails (once 90 degrees  and then a second time back in the opposite direction 90 degrees).
    -- most cameras that set rotation indicators in a photo file also have an option not to set that indicator which then usually results in portrait orientation photos displaying sideways in the Elements Organizer until you rotate them yourself. (to me this is a second choice approach but it is a possibility)

  • Slide show ceased to work on Leopard

    I have slide shows created on iWeb08 which suddenly don't work anymore on my iMac running Leopard. The picture page shows OK but when I click "Play Slideshow" I get a blank page which fails to load. They work normally on my other Macs running Tiger. The same problem exits on Safari and Firefox. I've tried republishing the slide show pages but the problem persists.
    Home page created on Freeway4Pro
    Any ideas why this has suddenly happened?

    You might consider posting this in a more appropriate forum than Getting Online and Networking.
    iWeb forum:
    Using Leopard forum:

  • Slide Show does not work properly

    When reviewing a previously created slide show or when creating a new one, the first slide appears in the window.  As the current slide indication at the bottom of the screen advances, the main screen goes blank. When I hit pause, the current slide will be displayed.  If I resume by clicking on play, the subsequent slides are blank in the main window

    Extra information-the only change in my computer was downloading PE 12 Trial

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