How do I NOT take ownership of comments made by others?

In shared, online reviews that I initiate (Send for Shared Review), I sometimes unknowingly take ownership of others' comments- this is not desired for me (as initiator, or for any participants making their own comments).  Sometimes I take over everyone's comments, other times I don't, even with the Adobe settings are the same (see #1).  I DO need to add my own comments during the review, but want to prevent taking ownership of others in the online review.
Should I UNcheck the Review Preference box for:  Show "On Behalf Of" text...when user takes ownership of comments"?  I've always had it checked (seems to be a default), but I don't always take ownership- perhaps related to the sequence of steps (#2)?
Is there a proper Save/Publish or Publish/Save sequence that governs when you do/don't take ownership?  Does saving a draft and publishing later make me (or anyone else) take ownership of comments?
Does it make any difference with 'taking ownership' when I "Send for Shared Review" if I place my name in the "To" versus "cc" list?
Our team has really liked the shared online Adobe reviews and use it a fair amount, but this question has yet to be solved- please help!

Jay del Rosario wrote:
> How do I troubleshoot installation/distribution of a LabVIEW .exe
> which processes data using Matlab when it works on some computers but
> not others?
Poke around and$$Search/ .
Good luck, Mark

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    PS C:\> Get-Acl -path F:\testpath\locked
    Get-Acl : Attempted to perform an unauthorized operation.
    + get-acl <<<< -path F:\testpath\locked
    + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Get-Acl], UnauthorizedAccessException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.UnauthorizedAccessException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetAclCommand
    If you create a new ACL and attempt to apply it using Set-Acl, you get:
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    Set-Acl : Attempted to perform an unauthorized operation.
    At line:1 char:8
    + Set-Acl <<<< -path "F:\testpath\locked" -AclObject $DirAcl
    + CategoryInfo : PermissionDenied: (F:\testpath\locked:String) [Set-Acl], UnauthorizedAccessException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.UnauthorizedAccessException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.SetAclCommand
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    Last, here is the script I used to reset permissions on the "My Documents" tree structure that admins did not have access to:
    Example:  Powershell script to parse a directory of User-owned "My Document" redirection folders and reset permissions.
    #Script to Reset MyDocuments Folder permissions
    $domainName = ([ADSI]'').name
    Import-Module "PSCX" -ErrorAction Stop
    Set-Privilege (new-object Pscx.Interop.TokenPrivilege "SeRestorePrivilege", $true) #Necessary to set Owner Permissions
    Set-Privilege (new-object Pscx.Interop.TokenPrivilege "SeBackupPrivilege", $true) #Necessary to bypass Traverse Checking
    #Set-Privilege (new-object Pscx.Interop.TokenPrivilege "SeSecurityPrivilege", $true) #Optional if you want to manage auditing (SACL) on the objects
    Set-Privilege (new-object Pscx.Interop.TokenPrivilege "SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege", $true) #Necessary to override FilePermissions & take Ownership
    $Directorypath = "F:\Userpath" #locked user folders exist under here
    $LockedDirs = Get-ChildItem $Directorypath -force #get all of the locked directories.
    Foreach ($Locked in $LockedDirs) {
    Write-Host "Resetting Permissions for "$Locked.Fullname
    #######Take Ownership of the root directory
    $blankdirAcl = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.DirectorySecurity
    ###################### Setup & apply correct folder permissions to the root user folder
    #Using recommendation from Ned Pyle's Ask Directory Services blog:
    #Automatic creation of user folders for home, roaming profile and redirected folders.
    $inherit = []"ContainerInherit, ObjectInherit"
    $propagation = []"None"
    $fullrights = [System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights]"FullControl"
    $allowrights = [System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlType]"Allow"
    $DirACL = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.DirectorySecurity
    #Administrators: Full Control
    $DirACL.AddAccessRule((new-object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule("BUILTIN\Administrators",$fullrights, $inherit, $propagation, "Allow")))
    #System: Full Control
    $DirACL.AddAccessRule((new-object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule("NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM",$fullrights, $inherit, $propagation, "Allow")))
    #Creator Owner: Full Control
    $DirACL.AddAccessRule((new-object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule("CREATOR OWNER",$fullrights, $inherit, $propagation, "Allow")))
    #Useraccount: Full Control (ideally I would error check the existance of the user account in AD)
    #$DirACL.AddAccessRule((new-object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule("$domainName\$",$fullrights, $inherit, $propagation, "Allow")))
    $DirACL.AddAccessRule((new-object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule("$domainName\$Locked",$fullrights, $inherit, $propagation, "Allow")))
    #Remove Inheritance from the root user folder
    $DirACL.SetAccessRuleProtection($True, $False) #SetAccessRuleProtection(block inheritance?, copy parent ACLs?)
    #Set permissions on User Directory
    Set-Acl -aclObject $DirACL -path $Locked.Fullname
    Write-Host "commencer" -NoNewLine
    ##############Restore admin access & then restore file/folder inheritance on all subitems
    #create a template ACL with inheritance re-enabled; this will be stamped on each subitem to re-establish the file structure with inherited ACLs only.
    #$NewOwner = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount("$domainName","$") #ideally I would error check this.
    $NewOwner = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount("$domainName","$Locked") #ideally I would error check this.
    $subFileACL = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSecurity
    $subDirACL = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.DirectorySecurity
    ######## Enable inheritance ($False) and not copy of parent ACLs ($False)
    $subFileACL.SetAccessRuleProtection($False, $False) #SetAccessRuleProtection(block inheritance?, copy parent ACLs?)
    $subDirACL.SetAccessRuleProtection($False, $False) #SetAccessRuleProtection(block inheritance?, copy parent ACLs?)
    #####loop through subitems
    $subdirs = Get-ChildItem -path $Locked.Fullname -force -recurse #force is necessary to get hidden files/folders
    foreach ($subitem in $subdirs) {
    #take ownership to insure ability to change permissions
    #Then set desired ACL
    if ($subitem.Attributes -match "Directory") {
    # New, blank Directory ACL with only Owner set
    $blankdirAcl = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.DirectorySecurity
    #Use SetAccessControl to reset Owner; Set-Acl will not work.
    #At this point, Administrators have the ability to change the directory permissions
    Set-Acl -aclObject $subDirACL -path $subitem.Fullname -ErrorAction Stop
    } Else {
    # New, blank File ACL with only Owner set
    $blankfileAcl = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSecurity
    #Use SetAccessControl to reset Owner; Set-Acl will not work.
    #At this point, Administrators have the ability to change the file permissions
    Set-Acl -aclObject $subFileACL -path $subitem.Fullname -ErrorAction Stop
    Write-Host "." -NoNewline
    Write-Host "fin."
    Write-Host "Script Complete."
    I hope you find this useful.
    Thank you,
    Final Thought: There are great non-PS tools like
    Set-Acl and takeown which are external to PS & can also do the job wonderfully.  It may be much simpler to call those tools than recreate the wheel in pure
    code.  Feel free to use whatever best suits your time, scope & cost.

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    Thank-you for the help!

    beckyfromoz wrote:
    I do have the Time Capsule and spoke to Apple Care here in Sydney about it yesterday.  They told me my mail is not backed up there unless I create a special folder. I just tried ringing them again but Apple Care is closed today...
    Mail is backed up automatically. If you make backups automatically, open Mail application and then, open the Time Machine app (in /Applications/Utilities). You will access to the Time Machine interface, and you will be able to see all your mails of all the backups you have, and you will be able to restore them. It means that your mails are backed up onto the Time Capsule

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    It would help if you could provide the address for an example of such a site so others may check it. Give as an example something publicly accessible and not needing registration.
    Is any other software interfering?
    * what is ''Intel web components for Intel® Identity Protection Technology ''
    Have you tried clearing site cookies, reloading using Ctrl+F5 and maybe clearing the Firefox cache.
    If you have problems with only one site and only in Firefox, the problem is often outdated or corrupt files relating to that web page. I suggest you try the following.
    *Note <br /> It '''looks''' complicated but check the site after each numbered step, the first or 2nd step may solve the problem<br /> The linked articles have '''pictures''' ( screen shots) of the actions you need.
    # Try using the sites home page or a direct link and not a bookmark.
    # Reload website using an extra step to use avoid using the cached info.
    #* Hold down the Shift key and left-click the Reload button <br />OR Press '"Ctrl + F5"' |(Mac ) "Cmd + Shift + R"
    #Clear the cache, and cookies only from problem websites.
    ##<u>Remove the cookies </u>for a single problem website <br />Use: FirefoxButton / Tools → Options → |Privacy| → "Remove individual cookies"<br /> See: [[Delete cookies to remove the information websites have stored on your computer#w_delete-cookies-for-a-single-site]]'''_delete-cookies-for-a-single-site'''
    ## <u>Clear the cache</u> <br />Use ''FirefoxButton / Tools → Options → |Advanced | → Network >'' <br /> See: [[How to clear the Firefox cache#w_clear-the-cache]]_clear-the-cache
    # If the above did not work try in Firefox'[ s] Safe Mode to check if an extension or some other factor causes the issue. <br /> Use: FirefoxButton /Tools → Help → ''Restart with Addons disabled... ''. <br />See: [[Troubleshoot Firefox issues using Safe Mode]] <br />also see [[Troubleshoot extensions, themes and hardware acceleration issues to solve common Firefox problems]]

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    How can I make my imap email not take the emails off the server when I delete them on my iPad?
    Can anyone help me whith this?
    I tried to use the pop account in gmail settings but that was downloading all my emails sice 2008 ( more than 300 deleted emails tha can only be found in the deleted email box), when I just have 5 or 6 email in the inbox .
    How can I solve this????
    Thank u all...

    I have the same problem. For years I have been able to delete emails from my ipad and have them remain on the server so I can deal with them on the desktop. Now they get deleted from the server when deleted from the ipad, which makes the ipad unless for reading mail.
    You answered to delete the email account on the ipad and set up a new one as a pop. I have made many attempts to do that in the  incomping mail server "Host Name" field but it always errors out even when the host name is equal to what my desk top has. So I can see no way to change away from IMAP. I started with an ipad 1 and now have an ipad 2.

  • How do I just remove the current update to 3.6.12 and go back to an earlier version as I can not take the continual freeze ups ever few mins.? If this continues I will remove Firefox totally and switch to another browser I can not take this anymore.

    I can NOT take the continual freeze ups of my entire browser even worse when updating a page let alone just opening email. I closed the browser and have had to use even just microsoft or Google since this Firefox has gotten so horrible...
    I clear my history and my cache so many times a day I can not keep track anymore and that is insane to have to do it as many times as I am even worse that it does not help in the least!
    I have used Firefox for years now but if I have to remove it and switch to a different one by the days end I will and I will post in Facebook to all my friends who I had switch to Firefox what and why though some have already just switched to other browsers.

    First, that cannot be an iBook G4 as that machine cannot run Snow Leopard let alone Mountain Lion.  To run Snow Leopard it has to be an Intel processor, not a G4.  What does it show as the Model Identifier in About This Mac, More Info, System Report, Hardware, Model Identifier?
    Second, if you have erased the hard drive there should not be remnants of any prior content.  Even though Disk Warrior is saying nothing is wrong with the hard drive, it sounds as though there are problems.  You may want to consider simply replacing the hard drive so there are no questions about faults.  A good source is OWC, where they also have on-line videos showing how to do the replacement.
    Third, you could also try again to restart using the Snow Leopard DVD/CD and use Disk Utility on that install disk to erase again, and do it a couple times, then try to install.  If it continues to refuse, then it sounds as though there is a fault with the hard drive.

  • HT1766 Now, I understand how the backup and restore the backup functions. However, if I don't want to transfer the music that I have on iTunes to my phone, how do I avoid it? How do I not transfer the music or take it out of my iPhone if it is already the

    Now, I understand how the backup and restore the backup features function. However, if I don't want to transfer the music that I have on iTunes to my phone, how do I avoid it? How do I not transfer the music or take it out of my iPhone if it is already there? I really do not want any music on my iPhone because I have an iPod for that. Thanks. Hope someone can help.

    When you connect your phone and start iTunes on the left side you will see your phone listed under devices.Click on te icon next to it that looks like a battery. Click on the music button at the top and uncheck the sync music box.

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    I bought a Mac and have various HDDs, some Portable some SATA, I can right to them and dont seem to be able to take ownership of them, is this to do with the format or Security seting I can't find?
    Any help would be great; thanks.

    Thanks Kaz-K, this was what I assumed it to be.  I have started to move the stuf over to a 4GB internal drive, once done and verified, I will reformat the drive and move it back, blooming nusience.

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    my mac is running 10.5.8, I bought a new Nano, itunes is prompting me to get the current itunes, but my mac will not take it, states I need 10.6.8.  How do I get that?  When I run a software update, system says there is none.  Help

    Click here, check that your computer meets the requirements, buy and install the DVD, and then run Software Update.

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    you forgot your credit card info? trying to reinstall it wont fix this ( which you cant do anyway,although you can restore it to an earlier setting)

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    I am trying to create a virtual keypad and the problem is that when I have a Robot make a KeyEvent for a certain number when a certain button is pressed, the TextField loses focus and the focus is placed on the button that was pressed, so nothing appears in the TextField.
    How can I make a button NOT take the focus when it is pressed?
    Edited by: tox0tes on Nov 28, 2008 8:06 PM

    great. another way is to have a call to myTextField.requestfocus() in the button's actionlistener actionPerformed method, but that leads to tight coupling.

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