How to get UTF-8 encoding when create XML using DBMS_XMLGEN and UTL_FILE ?

How to get UTF-8 encoding when create XML using DBMS_XMLGEN and UTL_FILE ?
I do generate XML-Files by using DBMS_XMLGEN with output by UTL_FILE
but it seems, the xml-Datafile I get on end is not really UTF-8 encoding
( f.ex. cannot verifying it correct in xmlspy )
my dbms is
I do generate it in this matter :
xmldoc CLOB;
ctx number ;
-- generate fom xml-view :
ctx := DBMS_XMLGEN.newContext('select xml from xml_View');
DBMS_XMLGEN.setRowSetTag(ctx, null);
DBMS_XMLGEN.setRowTag(ctx, null );
-- create xml-file:
xmldoc := DBMS_XMLGEN.getXML(ctx);
-- put data to host-file:
vblob_len := DBMS_LOB.getlength(xmldoc);
DBMS_LOB.READ (xmldoc, vblob_len, 1, vBuffer);
bHandle := utl_file.fopen(vPATH,vFileName,'W',32767);
UTL_FILE.put_line(bHandle, vbuffer, FALSE);
end ;
maybe while work UTL_FILE there is a change the encoding ?
How can this solved ?
Thank you
Edited by: astramare on Feb 11, 2009 12:39 PM with database charsets

I tryed to work with dbms_xslprocessor.clob2file,
that works good,
but what is in this matter with encoding UTF-8 ?
in my understandig, the xmltyp created should be UTF8 (16),
but when open the xml-file in xmlSpy as UTF-8,
it is not well ( german caracter like Ä, Ö .. ):
my dbms is
-- test:
create table nh_test ( s0 number, s1 varchar2(20) ) ;
insert into nh_test (select 1,'hallo' from dual );
insert into nh_test (select 2,'straße' from dual );
insert into nh_test (select 3,'mäckie' from dual );
insert into nh_test (select 4,'euro_€' from dual );
select * from nh_test ;
S0     S1
1     hallo
1     hallo
2     straße
3     mäckie
4     euro_€
rc sys_refcursor;
open rc FOR SELECT * FROM ( SELECT s0,s1 from nh_test );
dbms_xslprocessor.clob2file( xmltype( rc ).getclobval( ) , 'XML_EXPORT_DIR','my_xml_file.xml');
( its the same when using output with DBMS_XMLDOM.WRITETOFILE )
open in xmlSpy is:
<?xml version="1.0"?>

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    Hi Loan,
    In your stock transfer Purchase Order has the correct 'Shipping Point' been determined for this item - i.e. the 'Shipping Point' associated with your 0002 Storage Location?
    The 'Shipping Point' determination is setup in config in <OVL2>, you can use the 'Loading Group' field in the Material Master (Sales:General Plant) tab to influence the shipping point that is automatically determined for a Material.
    Assuming the Shipping Point has been determined correctly for your 0002 SLoc - then in <VL10B> you will have selected this 'Shipping Point' for your delivery creation.  I also noticed that in <VL10B> on the Material tab you have the option to specify a SLoc (I'm assuming this is a source SLoc since the help doesn't clearly specify) - try entering this data too and see if you can generate your delivery.
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    What are you exactly looking for in "used by" (if it's who launched the transaction lastly -> performance statistics, transaction ST03N, search forum how to read it) and "used in" (programs in which the transaction is statically defined in CALL TRANSACTION, and other statements -> CROSS table)?

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    Description: input data here
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    Hi This may help, Previous does not work properly, coz I didnt find much difficult to code so you can build on your own from Next option logic
    Here is the code. Here and there couple of probs exist but they are solvable easily,
    <%@ page language="java"
         java.util.* "
         Vector customers;
    void dummyMethod()
         customers = new Vector();
         for (int i=0;i<30;++i)
              // Prints only one time when browser opened first time.
    <script language=JavaScript>
    function getNextRows(begin,end)
         document.frmPage.begin.value = begin;
         document.frmPage.end.value = end;
         document.frmPage.which.value = "next";
         document.frmPage.action = "getRows.jsp";
    function getPrevRows(begin,end)
         document.frmPage.begin.value = begin;
         document.frmPage.end.value = end;
         document.frmPage.which.value = "prev";
         document.frmPage.action = "getRows.jsp";
    <%! int x = 0; %>
    <TITLE>Customer Account Information</TITLE>
    <META HTTP-EQUIV="Expires" CONTENT="0">
    <form name=frmPage>
    <input type=hidden name="begin" value="0">
    <input type=hidden name="end" value="10">
    <input type=hidden name="which" value="">
    <H2 ALIGN="CENTER"><FONT COLOR="#000099">Customer Account Information</FONT></H2>
    <H2><FONT COLOR="#000099"></FONT></H2>
    <TABLE BORDER="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" WIDTH="80%" ALIGN="CENTER">
    <TD WIDTH="10%" BGCOLOR="#CCCCFF"><FONT FACE="Italic">Acct# </FONT> </TD>
    int begin = Integer.parseInt((request.getParameter("begin")==null)?"0":request.getParameter("begin"));
    int end = Integer.parseInt((request.getParameter("end")==null)?"10":request.getParameter("end"));
    int max=0;
    if (request.getSession(false).isNew() ||
    request.getSession(false) == null)
    max = customers.size();
    String     which = (request.getParameter("which")==null)?"next":request.getParameter("which");
    if (which.equals("next"))
         for (x = begin; x < max && x <= end; ++x)
                   "<TD WIDTH='50%' BGCOLOR='#CCFFCC'>"+customers.elementAt(x)+"</TD>"+
         begin = end;
         end +=10;
         for (x=begin; x <max &&x <= end; --x)
                   "<TD WIDTH='50%' BGCOLOR='#CCFFCC'>"+customers.elementAt(x)+"</TD>"+
         end = begin;
         begin -=10;
         if (begin == max)
              out.println("<tr><td>Next  <a href='javascript:getPrevRows("+begin+","+end+")'>Previous </a></td></tr>");
              out.println("<tr><td><a href='javascript:getNextRows("+begin+","+end+")'>Next </a></td></tr>");

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    The xsd I've registered:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="WINDOWS-1252"?>
    <xs:schema targetNamespace="" xmlns:sit="" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" Site.xsd" xmlns:oraxdb="" oraxdb:flags="311" oraxdb:schemaURL="" oraxdb:schemaOwner="XMLDBMASTER" oraxdb:numProps="14">
    <xs:element name="site" oraxdb:propNumber="5953" oraxdb:global="true" oraxdb:SQLName="site" oraxdb:SQLType="site1681_T" oraxdb:SQLSchema="XMLDBMASTER" oraxdb:memType="258" oraxdb:defaultTable="site1683_TAB" oraxdb:defaultTableSchema="XMLDBMASTER">
    <xs:documentation>Comment describing your root element</xs:documentation>
    <xs:complexType oraxdb:SQLType="site1681_T" oraxdb:SQLSchema="XMLDBMASTER">
    <xs:element name="SiteIDType" type="xs:ID" oraxdb:propNumber="5940" oraxdb:global="false" oraxdb:SQLName="SiteIDType" oraxdb:SQLType="VARCHAR2" oraxdb:memType="1" oraxdb:SQLInline="true" oraxdb:MemInline="true" oraxdb:JavaInline="true"/>
    <xs:element name="SiteNameType" type="xs:string" minOccurs="1" oraxdb:propNumber="5941" oraxdb:global="false" oraxdb:SQLName="SiteNameType" oraxdb:SQLType="VARCHAR2" oraxdb:memType="1" oraxdb:SQLInline="true" oraxdb:MemInline="true" oraxdb:JavaInline="true"/>
    <xs:element name="SiteAddressStructure" oraxdb:propNumber="5947" oraxdb:global="false" oraxdb:SQLName="SiteAddressStructure" oraxdb:SQLType="SiteAddressStructure1682_T" oraxdb:SQLSchema="XMLDBMASTER" oraxdb:memType="258" oraxdb:SQLInline="true" oraxdb:MemInline="false" oraxdb:JavaInline="false">
    <xs:complexType oraxdb:SQLType="SiteAddressStructure1682_T" oraxdb:SQLSchema="XMLDBMASTER">
    <xs:element name="AddressLine1" type="xs:string" minOccurs="1" oraxdb:propNumber="5942" oraxdb:global="false" oraxdb:SQLName="AddressLine1" oraxdb:SQLType="VARCHAR2" oraxdb:memType="1" oraxdb:SQLInline="true" oraxdb:MemInline="true" oraxdb:JavaInline="true"/>
    <xs:element name="AddressLine2" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" oraxdb:propNumber="5943" oraxdb:global="false" oraxdb:SQLName="AddressLine2" oraxdb:SQLType="VARCHAR2" oraxdb:memType="1" oraxdb:SQLInline="true" oraxdb:MemInline="true" oraxdb:JavaInline="true"/>
    <xs:element name="AddressLine3" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" oraxdb:propNumber="5944" oraxdb:global="false" oraxdb:SQLName="AddressLine3" oraxdb:SQLType="VARCHAR2" oraxdb:memType="1" oraxdb:SQLInline="true" oraxdb:MemInline="true" oraxdb:JavaInline="true"/>
    <xs:element name="AddressLine4" type="xs:string" minOccurs="1" oraxdb:propNumber="5945" oraxdb:global="false" oraxdb:SQLName="AddressLine4" oraxdb:SQLType="VARCHAR2" oraxdb:memType="1" oraxdb:SQLInline="true" oraxdb:MemInline="true" oraxdb:JavaInline="true"/>
    <xs:element name="PostCode" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" oraxdb:propNumber="5946" oraxdb:global="false" oraxdb:SQLName="PostCode" oraxdb:SQLType="VARCHAR2" oraxdb:memType="1" oraxdb:SQLInline="true" oraxdb:MemInline="true" oraxdb:JavaInline="true"/>
    <xs:element name="SiteTelephoneNoType" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" oraxdb:propNumber="5948" oraxdb:global="false" oraxdb:SQLName="SiteTelephoneNoType" oraxdb:SQLType="VARCHAR2" oraxdb:memType="1" oraxdb:SQLInline="true" oraxdb:MemInline="true" oraxdb:JavaInline="true"/>
    <xs:element name="SiteMobilePlantType" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" oraxdb:propNumber="5949" oraxdb:global="false" oraxdb:SQLName="SiteMobilePlantType" oraxdb:SQLType="VARCHAR2" oraxdb:memType="1" oraxdb:SQLInline="true" oraxdb:MemInline="true" oraxdb:JavaInline="true"/>
    <xs:element name="SiteFaxNoType" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" oraxdb:propNumber="5950" oraxdb:global="false" oraxdb:SQLName="SiteFaxNoType" oraxdb:SQLType="VARCHAR2" oraxdb:memType="1" oraxdb:SQLInline="true" oraxdb:MemInline="true" oraxdb:JavaInline="true"/>
    <!--***Location code must reference the code in the Location Dataset***-->
    <xs:element name="SiteLocationCode" type="xs:string" minOccurs="1" oraxdb:propNumber="5951" oraxdb:global="false" oraxdb:SQLName="SiteLocationCode" oraxdb:SQLType="VARCHAR2" oraxdb:memType="1" oraxdb:SQLInline="true" oraxdb:MemInline="true" oraxdb:JavaInline="true"/>
    <xs:element name="SitePopulationEquivType" type="xs:positiveInteger" minOccurs="0" oraxdb:propNumber="5952" oraxdb:global="false" oraxdb:SQLName="SitePopulationEquivType" oraxdb:SQLType="NUMBER" oraxdb:memType="2" oraxdb:SQLInline="true" oraxdb:MemInline="true" oraxdb:JavaInline="true"/>
    The method for generating the XML:
    v_ctx DBMS_XMLGEN.ctxhandle;
    v_xml XMLTYPE;
    SELECT e.site_id "SiteIDType", e.site_name "SiteNameType", sit_address(e.addr_line1, e.addr_line2,
    e.addr_line3, e.addr_line4, e.post_code) AS "SiteAddressStructure", e.tel_no "SiteTelephoneNoType"
    , e.mobile_plant "SiteMobilePlantType",
    e.fax_no "SiteFaxNoType", e.ge1_location_code "SiteLocationCodeType" ,e.population_equivalent "SitePopulationEquivType"
    WHERE e.site_id = 15'
    DBMS_XMLGEN.setrowsettag (v_ctx, 'site');
    DBMS_XMLGEN.setrowtag (v_ctx, NULL);
    v_xml := DBMS_XMLGEN.getxmltype (v_ctx);
    INSERT INTO js_xml_test
    (ID, xml_data
    VALUES ('site test', v_xml
    DBMS_XMLGEN.closecontext (v_ctx);
    The resulting XML:
    <SiteNameType>Finlas Water Treatment Works</SiteNameType>
    <AddressLine1>Finlas Water Treatment Works</AddressLine1>
    <AddressLine2>Shermor Farm</AddressLine2>
    <PostCode>G83 8RH</PostCode>
    <SiteTelephoneNoType>01389 850224</SiteTelephoneNoType>
    When I try to validate it, I get:
    ORA-30937: No schema definition for 'site' (namespace '') in parent '/'
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.XMLTYPE", line 345
    ORA-06512: at line 30
    How do I get a namespace declaration in the XML? Any suggestions gratefully received.

    Did you change any of the text in the lob write statements ?
    I believe you get this error if you increase the number of characters without increasing the 1st argument which looks as though it represents the number of characters

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    I still haven't found any solution to that and i love my EarPods. That's a big discomfort, especially when listening at low volume, which i do quite often.

    I think what you are hearing is just air flowing around in the room causing a very similar white noise, I noticed this myself when using the "EarPods" on my Macbook Pro. It could also be caused by a damaged Audio port or the Earpods audio jack itself. Twisting the jack while inside the port may help if this is the case, but I would first highly recommend trying to wear the Earpods and then covering your ears and see if the noise goes away, as twisting could potentially cause damage. If covering your ears seems to remove the sound, then it would most likely just be airflow. If neither work and persist, I would then recommend trying to return the Earpods, or getting a new In/Out for your Mac. I am experienced with music production and sound design so if none of these solutions work, please let me know. ~SirFox

  • Error message when importing data using Import and export wizard

    Getting below error message when importing data using IMPORT and EXPORT WIZARD
    Error 0xc0202009: Data Flow Task 1: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR.  An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005.
    Error 0xc0202009: Data Flow Task 1: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR.  An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005.
    An OLE DB record is available.  Source: "Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 11.0"  Hresult: 0x80004005  Description: "Could not allocate a new page for database REPORTING' because of insufficient disk space in filegroup 'PRIMARY'.
    Create the necessary space by dropping objects in the filegroup, adding additional files to the filegroup, or setting autogrowth on for existing files in the filegroup.".
    (SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)
    Error 0xc0209029: Data Flow Task 1: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_INDUCEDTRANSFORMFAILUREONERROR.  The "Destination - Buyer_.Inputs[Destination Input]" failed because error code 0xC020907B occurred, and the error row disposition on "Destination
    - Buyer_First_Qtr.Inputs[Destination Input]" specifies failure on error. An error occurred on the specified object of the specified component.  There may be error messages posted before this with more information about the failure.
    (SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)
    Error 0xc0047022: Data Flow Task 1: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_PROCESSINPUTFAILED.  The ProcessInput method on component "Destination - Buyer" (28) failed with error code 0xC0209029 while processing input "Destination Input" (41). The
    identified component returned an error from the ProcessInput method. The error is specific to the component, but the error is fatal and will cause the Data Flow task to stop running.  There may be error messages posted before this with more information
    about the failure.
    (SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)
    Error 0xc02020c4: Data Flow Task 1: The attempt to add a row to the Data Flow task buffer failed with error code 0xC0047020.
    (SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)
    Error 0xc0047038: Data Flow Task 1: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_PRIMEOUTPUTFAILED.  The PrimeOutput method on Source - Buyer_First_Qtr returned error code 0xC02020C4.  The component returned a failure code when the pipeline engine called PrimeOutput().
    The meaning of the failure code is defined by the component, but the error is fatal and the pipeline stopped executing.  There may be error messages posted before this with more information about the failure.
    (SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

    Hi Smash126,
    Based on the error message” Could not allocate a new page for database REPORTING' because of insufficient disk space in filegroup 'PRIMARY'. Create the necessary space by dropping objects in the filegroup, adding additional files to the filegroup, or setting
    autogrowth on for existing files in the filegroup”, we can know that the issue is caused by the there is no sufficient disk space in filegroup 'PRIMARY' for the ‘REPORTING’ database.
    To fix this issue, we can add additional files to the filegroup by add a new file to the PRIMARY filegroup on Files page, or setting Autogrowth on for existing files in the filegroup to increase the necessary space.
    The following document about Add Data or Log Files to a Database is for your reference:
    If there are any other questions, please feel free to ask.
    Katherine Xiong
    Katherine Xiong
    TechNet Community Support

  • How to get the search option when we are creating new view

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    Ex:- if we see the standard component BT112S_SC. Under this
    AdvancedSP  is the view,
    same kind of view if i want to create new view with same bol entity in my new component. I am unable to get that search functionality.
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    In case you are still not able to proceed please refer the following blog.

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    ESS_TSA_ELEMENT(ESS_ULONG_T, Version); /* This should be set to ESS_API_VERSION */
    ESS_TSA_ELEMENT(ESS_PVOID_T, UserContext); /* void pointer to user's message context */
    ESS_TSA_ELEMENT(ESS_USHORT_T, MaxHandles); /* max number of context handles required */
    ESS_TSA_ELEMENT(ESS_SIZE_T, MaxBuffer); /* max size of buffer that can be allocated */
    ESS_TSA_ELEMENT(ESS_STR_T, LocalPath); /* local path to use for file operations */
    ESS_TSA_ELEMENT(ESS_STR_T, MessageFile); /* full path name of message database file */
    ESS_TSA_ELEMENT(ESS_PFUNC_T, AllocFunc); /* user-defined memory allocation function */
    ESS_TSA_ELEMENT(ESS_PFUNC_T, ReallocFunc); /* user-defined memory reallocation function */
    ESS_TSA_ELEMENT(ESS_PFUNC_T, FreeFunc); /* user-defined memory free function */
    ESS_TSA_ELEMENT(ESS_PFUNC_T, MessageFunc); /* user-defined message callback function */
    ESS_TSA_ELEMENT(ESS_STR_T, HelpFile); /* user-defined help file path */
    ESS_TSA_ELEMENT(ESS_PVOID_T, Ess_System); /* reserved for internal use */
    ESS_TSA_ELEMENT(ESS_PCATCHFUNC_T, CatchFunc); /* user-defined kill-own-request signal callback function */
    ESS_TSA_ELEMENT(ESS_PCATCH_INIT_FUNC_T, CatchInitFunc); /* user-defined kill-own-request signal initialization callback function */
    ESS_TSA_ELEMENT(ESS_PCATCH_TERM_FUNC_T, CatchTermFunc); /* user-defined kill-own-request signal termination callback function */
    ESS_TSA_ELEMENT(ESS_PCOOKIE_CREATE_FUNC_T, CookieCreateFunc); /* user-defined cookie creation function */
    ESS_TSA_ELEMENT(ESS_PCOOKIE_DELETE_FUNC_T, CookieDeleteFunc); /* user-defined cookie creation function */
    I could not find any document to introduce the API (11.1.1. And what does the error “Unable to get UTF-8 locale” mean? How can work around it. Any environment parameters or paths need to be set?
    Please advise.

    The API documentation for V11 is available from :-
    Hopefully it might point you in the right direction.

  • How to get Manager id automatically when Employee Id is given.

    How to get Manager id automatically when Employee Id is given.
    1) I created a simple BO with two elements namely
        1.Employee Id
        2.Manager id
    How to get employee's first name and last name?
    And how will i get manager id  automatic when i click employee id in element field.

    Have you tried to use "APPS.FND_CONCURRENT" API?

  • How to get those Char Description when i record please give a solution

    Hi Experts
    when i try to extend using BDC the meterial all data is getting copied to new plant but in MRP3 Configure varients is not getting copied in bdc i am getting all the values from parent plant but these values are not getting displayed in new plant for only *MRP3 Configure varients
    how to get those values please give a solution
    when i am trying to make the BDC recording of creation of meterial in this process
    in MRP3 when i give configurable meterial  = Lamp  or CT or VOLTMETER and when
    i go for configurevariants button it's not displaying any Char Description  for the perticular meterial
    but in general when i creat a material process  there Char Description  are coming where i can give the values
    how to get those Char Description when i record please give a solution

    Hi Maen Anachronos
    i am Getting popup where i can give any value
    but in creation of meterial for a perticular config meterial there is will be 1 templete in which we will get some constant  Char Description where we'll have some options to give the value
    but when it 's done in BDC Recording  it's not displaying any values Char Description then how can we decide the values to what to give when Recording

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    The Retrospect you used way back when is no longer around. The company was sold and that company produced a new version of Retrospect - Retrospect 8.x
    So, as you've been told, you would have to be running a Tiger system with an old version of Retrospect software (5.x or 6.x - you would need to know) assuming you can find the software.
    As best I can remember you cannot extract files from a Retrospect backup except using the software since Retrospect did not normally make a file by file backup rather it created an archive of the files in the backup. I'm assuming that the EMC/Retrospect people have told you that old Retrospect backups are not accessible by Retrospect 8.x?

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    Creating a real instrument track is a very silent matter normally. Once you start recording, you can indeed pick up noise - but that depends on what you're recording, how you're recording etc. - you didn't tell us anything about it.

  • How to get the Useru2019s position when the user doesnu2019t have CP relation

    We have a custom program which will add / delete attributes (In transaction PPOSA_BBP). It is working fine for users which were assigned with CP relation But it fails for users which doesnu2019t have CP relation (since we are getting the position of users form HRP1001 then we are retrieving the existing attributes based on the position after that updating the attributes) as we are getting the position from HRP1001 it fails for users were no CP relation.
    Help us how to get the Useru2019s position when the user doesnu2019t have CP relation. Suggest us any function module or how to query the HRP1001 or some other table if exists

    Hi Paul,
    Have a look at these tables.
    Using table BUT000 the central business partner data are stored, f.e. partner type, partner names, partner number, partner guid, person number, etc. In table BUTBKK the bank data to a business partner are stored.
    Central business partner address data
    The table ADRC is used for the address of a business partner. Table BUT020 links the business partner number with the address number. Using table BUT021 several addresses to a business partner with different usages (modes), f.e. correspondence or delivery address, can be stored. The personal data of a business partner person are stored with key person number in table ADRP. The person number is assignd to a business partner person in table BUT000. Communication data of business partners as e-mail, telephone, fax, etc. are stored in the tables ADDR1 u2013 ADDR12. The business address of a contact person or an employee consists of the organization address (company resp. org.-unit) and of an address addition, which describes f.e. a building, a room number, etc. The address addition is stored in table ADCP and is identified by the keys address number of the organization address and person number.
    Relationships between business partners
    Table BUT050 contains the relationships between a business partner organization and a business partner person using relation types. The relation types are defined in table TBZ9, f.e. the relation type u2018has employeeu2019 corresponds to identifier u2018BUR010u2019, the relation type u2018has contact personu2019 corresponds to identifier u2018BUR001u2019. Table BUT051 stores communication data of a contact person relationship (compare to table ADCP). Table BUT052 stores several address numbers to one business partner relationship (including a standard flag).
    Hope this helps,
    Kind Regards,

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