How to implement the abstract classes MessageDigest and Signature?

Hi all,
I've recently started working on JCDK 2.2.1.
I have a problem to share and get suggestions from you!
My aim is to implement ECDSA on Java card
I have seen the Javacard API and tried to program using the classes
MessageDigest and Signature. They are abstract classes and except the
Method getInstance in them, the rest of all methods are declared abstract.
Does that mean we have to give definition for them or else can we use
them as they are?
I tried giving some definitions, but to my surprise there's no such
initiation of any variable to the algorithm we provide in the method
"getInstance"! Then, it's not possible to give defn,. for other
methods like getAlgorithm, reset, etc. How can we resolve this ?
Any ideas?

try this...
hope it can help u

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    Some more concrete code if it helps:
    Abstract class:
    * Created on 21. leden 2007, 1:08
    package genetics;
    * Abstract class defining fields and methods of one individual for genetic algorithms
    * This class is supposed to be implemented according to problem to be solved
    * @author Richard V�tek
    * @version 1.0
    abstract public class Individual implements Comparable<Individual>
       * Create random chromosomes for this individual
      protected abstract void createRandomChromosomes();
       * Count fitness of this individual
       * This number says how good is this individual (the higher number the better).
       * Better fitness means that this individual is closer to solution.
       * @return  int   Fitness of this individual
      protected abstract int getFitness();
       * Cross-breed this individual with another individual
       * This leaves untouched number of chromosomes to certain (randomly generated) position.
       * From this position on, it will swap chromosomes between this and another individual.
       * So this individual gets changed (cross-breeded) as well as the other, which is returned
       * as result of this method.
       * @param   other              The other individual to cross-breed with
       * @return  Individual         Hybrid of this and another individual (in fact, the other individual
       *                             after cross-breed (this (source) individual gets changed too after cross-breed)
      protected abstract Individual crossbreed(Individual other);
       * Mutate this individual
       * Mutate chromosomes of this individual; every chromosome is mutated
       * with probability set in settings of evolution.
       * This probability is supposed to be quite low number, roughly 1 %.
      protected abstract void mutate();
       * Check this individual
       * Check if this individual still suits the assignment.
       * If not, repair this individual to suit it again.
      protected abstract void check();
       * Implementation of Comparable: comparing of individuals by fitness
       * @param other Another individual to compare
      public int compareTo(Individual other)
        return this.getFitness() - other.getFitness();
    One implementation class:
    * Created on 21. leden 2007, 1:41
    package genetics;
    import java.util.Random;
    import java.util.TreeMap;
    import knapsack.KnapsackProblem;
    * This is practically the same as KnapsackProblem class but designed specially
    * for solving knapsack problem with genetic algorithm so all unnecessary fields
    * and methods are removed.
    * @author Richard V�tek
    * @version 1.0
    public class KnapsackIndividual extends Individual
       * Chromosomes of this individual
       * In case of knapsack problem, they are things currentl in knasack
      protected boolean[] arrChromosomes;
       * Cached value of fitness of this individual
       * Used to not to count fitness of this individual everytime when needed
       * (and it is often needed); once counted, it will be read from this cached value
      private int intFitnessCache = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
       * Randomizer for random-driven methods (like mutation, etc.)
      private Random randomizer = new Random();
       * Reference to evolution to read mutation probability from
      protected Evolution evolution;
       * Assignment of problem instance
      protected KnapsackProblem assignment;
       * Create a new Individual instance
       * @param   assignment  Object representing assignment of particular problem
       * @param   evolution   Reference to evolution object to be able to read evolution's settings from
      public KnapsackIndividual(KnapsackProblem assignment, Evolution evolution)
        this.assignment = assignment;
        this.evolution = evolution;
        this.arrChromosomes = new boolean[assignment.getNumberOfThings()];
       * Create random chromosomes for this individual
       * @see Individual#createRandomChromosomes()
      protected void createRandomChromosomes()
        int intChromosomeCount = this.arrChromosomes.length;
        for (int i = 0; i < intChromosomeCount; i++)
          this.arrChromosomes[i] = this.randomizer.nextBoolean();
       * Get fitness of this individual
       * In case of knapsack, fitness is sum of prices of all things currently in knapsack
       * @see Individual#getFitness()
      protected int getFitness()
        //if cached value exist, return it
        if (this.intFitnessCache != Integer.MIN_VALUE)
          return this.intFitnessCache;
        //otherwise, count fitness of this individual
        int intChromosomeCount = this.arrChromosomes.length;
        int intSumOfValues = 0;
        //in case of knapsack, fitness is value of all things currently in knapsack
        //(sum of values of all things in knapsack)
        for (int i = 0; i < intChromosomeCount; i++)
          intSumOfValues = this.assignment.arrPrices;
    //save counted fitness to cache
    this.intFitnessCache = intSumOfValues;
    return intSumOfValues;
    * Cross-breed two individuals
    * @param other The other individual for cross-breed
    * @return The other individual after cross-breed (but this individual is affected too)
    * @see Individual#crossbreed()
    protected Individual crossbreed(Individual other)
    int intChromosomeCount = this.arrChromosomes.length;
    //position from which on swap chromosomes of this and the other individual
    int intCrossbreedPosition = this.randomizer.nextInt(intChromosomeCount);
    boolean booTemp;
    //swap chromosomes from cross-breed position on
    for (int i = intCrossbreedPosition; i < intChromosomeCount; i++)
    booTemp = ((KnapsackIndividual) this).arrChromosomes[i];
    ((KnapsackIndividual) this).arrChromosomes[i] = ((KnapsackIndividual) other).arrChromosomes[i];
    ((KnapsackIndividual) other).arrChromosomes[i] = booTemp;
    return other;
    * Mutate individual chromosomes of this individual with certain probability
    * In case of knapsack, particular thing is just inserted/taken out of the knapsack
    * @see Individual#mutate()
    protected void mutate()
    //probability of mutation (in percents)
    int intMutationProbability = this.evolution.getMutationProbability();
    int intChromosomeCount = this.arrChromosomes.length;
    //iterate through all chromosomes, mutating them with certain (set) probability
    for (int i = 0; i < intChromosomeCount; i++)
    //mutation probability passed => mutate this chromosome
    if (this.randomizer.nextInt(100) < intMutationProbability)
    this.arrChromosomes[i] = !this.arrChromosomes[i];
    //when mutation finished, we must check if this individual still suits the assignment;
    //if not, repait it
    * Check if this individual still suits the assignment; if not, repair it
    * In case of knapsack it means that sum of weights of things currently in knapsack
    * will not exceed capacity of backpack; if exceeds, take out as many things as necessary
    * to not to exceed again; choose things to be taken out according to worst weight to price ratio
    * @see Individual#check()
    protected void check()
    int intSumOfWeights = 0;
    //list of things in the knapsack sorted by weight to price ratio
    //key: index of thing in knapsack
    //value: weight/price ratio
    TreeMap<Integer, Float> things = new TreeMap<Integer, Float>();
    for (int i = 0; i < this.arrChromosomes.length; i++)
    //thing in the knapsack
    if (this.arrChromosomes[i] == true)
    //add its weight to sum of weights
    intSumOfWeights += this.assignment.arrWeights[i];
    //add it to the list of things sorted by weight to price ratio
    things.put(i, (((float) this.assignment.arrWeights[i]) / ((float) this.assignment.arrPrices[i])));
    //sum of weights exceeds knapsack capacity => take out as many things as necessary
    while (intSumOfWeights > this.assignment.getKnapsackCapacity())
    //take out thing with worst weight/price ratio from all things currently in knapsack
    this.arrChromosomes[things.lastKey()] = false;
    //update sum of weights of things currently in knapsack
    intSumOfWeights -= things.get(things.lastKey());
    //also remove this thing from list of things
    And another class, where i need this feature (tried to use generics for that, but they can't be used in this way):
    * Created on 21. leden 2007, 2:47
    package genetics;
    import java.util.Arrays;
    * Class for algorithms using simulated evolution to deal with a problem
    * Tried to be designed general enough to allow to be used for every genetic algotihm.
    * If true, only class Individual must be implemented according to problem to be solved,
    * the rest of genetic algorithm stays the same.
    * @author Richard V�tek
    * @version
    public class Evolution<Problem, IndividualClass extends Individual>
       * Number of generations of evolution to finish
      protected int intGenerationCount;
       * Number of individuals in each generation
      protected int intGenerationSize;
       * Elite individual count
       * All elite individuals are just copied from one generation to another with no change
      protected int intGenerationEliteCount;
       * Number of individuals participating a tournament
       * To select an good individual for next generation, tournaments are hold.
       * This affects number of individuals which one good individual is selected
       * from in one tournament.
       * @see <a href="">Genetic Algorithm Example Applet</a>
      protected int intGenerationTournamentSize;
       * Probability of mutation (in percents)
      protected int intMutationProbability;
       * Current generation of individuals in evolution
      protected Generation<IndividualClass> thisGeneration;
       * Next generation of individuals in evolution
      protected Generation<IndividualClass> nextGeneration;
       * Fitness of best individual in this generation
      private int intIndividualBestFitness;
       * Sum of fitnesses of all individuals in this generation
      private int intIndividualsSumFitness;
       * Fitness of worst individual in this generation
      private int intIndividualWorstFitness;
       * Fitness of best elite individual in (every) generation
       * Auxilliary variable to not to count statistics for elite individuals
       * in each generation as well (not needed - elite individuals don't change themselves)
      private int intIndividualEliteBestFitness;
       * Sum of fitnesses of all elite individuals in (every) generation
       * Auxilliary variable to not to count statistics for elite individuals
       * in each generation as well (not needed - elite individuals don't change themselves)
      private int intIndividualElitesSumFitness;
       * Fitness of worst elite individual in (every) generation
       * Auxilliary variable to not to count statistics for elite individuals
       * in each generation as well (not needed - elite individuals don't change themselves)
      private int intIndividualEliteWorstFitness;
       * Create a new instance of Evolution (settings passed through parameters)
       * @param   intGenerationCount            Number of generation of evolution to finish
       * @param   intGenerationSize             Number of individuals in each generation
       * @param   intGenerationEliteRatio       Elite individuals to generation size ratio (in percents)
       * @param   intGenerationTournamentRatio  Members of tournament to generation size ratio (in percents)
       * @param   intMutationProbability        Probability of mutation of each chromosome of each individual of generation (in percents)
       * @see     #intGenerationEliteCount
       * @see     #intGenerationTournamentSize
      public Evolution(
        int intGenerationCount, int intGenerationSize,
        int intGenerationEliteRatio, int intGenerationTournamentRatio,
        int intMutationProbability)
        this.intGenerationCount = intGenerationCount;
        this.intGenerationSize = intGenerationSize;
        this.intGenerationEliteCount = (int) (intGenerationSize * (intGenerationEliteRatio / 100.0));
        this.intGenerationTournamentSize = (int) (intGenerationSize * (intGenerationTournamentRatio / 100.0));
        this.intMutationProbability = intMutationProbability;
       * Create a new instance of Evolution (settings loaded from settings file)
       * @param   strSettingFile  Name of file containing settings for evolution
       * @throws  IOException     File does not exist, cannot be read, etc.
       * @throws  Exception       Another exception occured during loading of file
      public Evolution(String strSettingFile)
        BufferedReader settings;
        String settingsLine;
        int intLineCounter = 0;
        int intSetting;
          settings = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(strSettingFile));
          while ((settingsLine = settings.readLine()) != null)
            settingsLine = settingsLine.substring(0, settingsLine.indexOf("\t"));
            intSetting = Integer.parseInt(settingsLine);
            switch (intLineCounter)
              case 1:
                this.intGenerationCount = intSetting;
              case 2:
                this.intGenerationSize = intSetting;
              case 3:
                this.intGenerationEliteCount = (int) (this.intGenerationSize * (intSetting / 100.0));
              case 4:
                this.intGenerationTournamentSize = (int) (this.intGenerationSize * (intSetting / 100.0));
              case 5:
                this.intMutationProbability = intSetting;
            } //switch
          } //while
          //after reading has been completed, let's close the stream
        } //try
        //IO exception - file not found, cannot be read, etc.
        catch (IOException ioe)
          System.out.println("Vyskytl se I/O probl�m p&#345;i na&#269;�t�n� zad�n� ze souboru " + strSettingFile);
        //Exception - another problem during reading of file
        catch (Exception e)
          System.out.printf("Vyskytl se n&#283;jak� divn� probl�m p&#345;i na&#269;�t�n� zad�n� ze souboru %s. V�pis vyj�mky:\n", strSettingFile);
       * Vivify first generation for evolution
       * Necessary number of individuals is created with random chromosomes.
       * Their chromosomes must then be checked if they suit the assignment
       * and if not so, repaired.
      private Generation<IndividualClass> vivifyFirstGeneration()
        //create a brand-new generation
        Generation generation = new Generation<IndividualClass>(this);
        int intTemp;
        //for all individual of this generation
        for (int i = 0; i < this.intGenerationSize; i++)
    //create an individual with no chromosomes
    generation.arrIndividuals[i] = new IndividualClass(this, Problem);
          //create a set of random chromosomes
    //if these chromosomes does not suit assignment, repair them
    //sort Individuals by fitness so elite individuals get to first positions of array
    //now count statistics for elite individuals (it is enough to count them once,
    //elite don't get changed so their statistics don't get changed either)
    this.intIndividualEliteBestFitness = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
    this.intIndividualElitesSumFitness = 0;
    this.intIndividualEliteWorstFitness = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    //count statistics for elite individuals
    for (int i = 0; i < this.intGenerationEliteCount; i++)
    intTemp = generation.arrIndividuals[i].getFitness();
    //better fitness than best fitness so far
    if (intTemp > this.intIndividualEliteBestFitness)
    this.intIndividualEliteBestFitness = intTemp;
    //worse fitness than worst fitness so far
    else if (intTemp < this.intIndividualEliteWorstFitness)
    this.intIndividualEliteWorstFitness = intTemp;
    this.intIndividualElitesSumFitness += intTemp;
    //reset generation's statistics
    this.intIndividualBestFitness = this.intIndividualEliteBestFitness;
    this.intIndividualsSumFitness = this.intIndividualElitesSumFitness;
    this.intIndividualWorstFitness = this.intIndividualEliteWorstFitness;
    //count generation's statistics also from rest of individuals
    for (int i = this.intGenerationEliteCount; i < this.intGenerationSize; i++)
    return generation;
    * Get next generation in evolution
    * Core method for all evolution; Through this method, new generation is obtained.
    * Every next generation should contain better individuals than the previous one
    * (till certain point) so with growing number of iterations in evolution, we
    * get better results (till certain point).
    * Everytime all elite individuals are copied to next generation, then hold needed number of
    * tournaments to choose a pair of good-looking individuals, cross-breed individuals in these
    * pairs, mutate them (and repair if necessary) and finally add to next generation.
    * @return Generation Next generation in evolution
    * @see Generation#tournament()
    * @see Generation#crossbreed()
    * @see Generation#mutate()
    private Generation getNextGeneration()
    Generation nextGeneration = new Generation(this);
    //number of pairs of individuals to select for next generation
    int intIndividualPairsToSelect = (this.intGenerationSize - this.intGenerationEliteCount) / 2;
    int intTemp;
    //reset generation's statistics
    this.intIndividualBestFitness = this.intIndividualEliteBestFitness;
    this.intIndividualsSumFitness = this.intIndividualElitesSumFitness;
    this.intIndividualWorstFitness = this.intIndividualEliteWorstFitness;
    //just copy all elite individuals from this generation to another
    //(they are on first positions of array of individuals)
    for (int i = 0; i < this.intGenerationEliteCount; i++)
    nextGeneration.arrIndividuals[i] = this.thisGeneration.arrIndividuals[i];
    //hold as many tournaments as necessary to select remaining number of pairs
    //of good-looking individuals for next generation (apart from the elite ones)
    for (int i = 0; i < intIndividualPairsToSelect; i++)
    //add this individual in next generation
    nextGeneration.arrIndividuals[2 * i] = this.thisGeneration.nextGenerationIndividual01;
    //update statistics of generation
    //add this individual in next generation
    nextGeneration.arrIndividuals[2 * i + 1] = this.thisGeneration.nextGenerationIndividual02;
    //update statistics of generation
    //next generation is complete => return it
    return nextGeneration;
    * Update statistics of current generations
    * @param intFitness Fitness that may possibly update generation's statistics
    * (best fitness, worst fitness, sum of fitnesses)
    private void updateGenerationStatistics(int intFitness)
    //better fitness than best fitness so far
    if (intFitness > this.intIndividualBestFitness)
    this.intIndividualBestFitness = intFitness;
    //worse fitness than worst fitness so far
    else if (intFitness < this.intIndividualWorstFitness)
    this.intIndividualWorstFitness = intFitness;
    //update sum of fitnesses as well (for average fitness)
    this.intIndividualsSumFitness += intFitness;
    * Execute evolution process
    * Vivify first generation and then as many next generations as set in settings of evolution
    public void evolution()
    this.thisGeneration = vivifyFirstGeneration();
    //output generation's statistics
    System.out.printf("Generace 0:\t%d\t%d\t%d", this.getIndividualBestFitness(), this.getIndividualAverageFitness(), this.getIndividualWorstFitness());
    for (int i = 0; i < this.intGenerationCount; i++)
    this.nextGeneration = getNextGeneration();
    this.thisGeneration = this.nextGeneration;
    //output generation's statistics
    System.out.printf("Generace %d:\t%d\t%d\t%d", i, this.getIndividualBestFitness(), this.getIndividualAverageFitness(), this.getIndividualWorstFitness());
    * Get best fitness of all individuals in this generation
    public int getIndividualBestFitness()
    return intIndividualBestFitness;
    * Get average fitness of all individuals in this generation
    public float getIndividualAverageFitness()
    return (this.intIndividualsSumFitness / (float) this.intGenerationSize);
    * Get worst fitness of all individuals in this generation
    public int getIndividualWorstFitness()
    return intIndividualWorstFitness;
    * Get probability of mutation
    * @return Probability of mutation of each chromosome of every individual in generation (in percents)
    public int getMutationProbability()
    return intMutationProbability;

  • What are abstract classes/methods and what are they for?

    I've just heard about abstract classes and methods and I'm just wondering what exactly they're used for, and why are they there for the Graphics class for example?

    raggy wrote:
    bastones_ wrote:
    I've just heard about abstract classes and methods and I'm just wondering what exactly they're used for, and why are they there for the Graphics class for example?
    Cheers.Hey bro, I'll try to solve your problemYou have to know two important concepts for this part. 1 is Abstract classes and the other is Interface classes. Depends on the nature of the project, you need to set certain level of standards and rules that the other developers must follow. This is where Abstract classes and Interface classes come into picture.
    Abstract classes are usually used on small time projects, where it can have code implementation like general classes and also declare Abstract methods (empty methods that require implementation from the sub-classes).Wrong, they are used equally among big and small projects alike.
    Here are the rules of an Abstract class and method:
    1. Abstract classes cannot be instantiatedRight.
    2. Abstract class can extend an abstract class and implement several interface classesRight, but the same is true for non-abstract classes, so nothing special here.
    3. Abstract class cannot extend a general class or an interfaceWrong. Abstract classes can extend non-abstract ones. Best example: Object is non-abstract. How would you write an abstract class that doesn't extend Object (directly or indirectly)?
    4. If a class contains Abstract method, the class has to be declared Abstract classRight.
    5. An Abstract class may or may not contain an Abstract methodRight, and an important point to realize. A class need not have abstract methods to be an abstract class, although usually it will.
    6. Abstract method should not have any code implementations, the sub-classes must override it (sub-class must give the code implementations). An abstract method must not have any implementation code code. It's more than a suggestion.
    7. If a sub-class of an Abstract class does not override the Abstract methods of its super-class, than the sub-class should be declared Abstract also.This follows from point 4.
    9. Abstract classes can only be declared with public and default access modifiers.That's the same for abstract and non-abstract classes.

  • How to implement a java class in my form .

    Hi All ,
    I'm trying to create a Button or a Bean Area Item and Implement a class to it on the ( IMPLEMENTATION CLASS ) property such as ( oracle.forms.demos.RoundedButton ) class . but it doesn't work ... please tell me how to implement such a class to my button .
    Thanx a lot for your help.

    hi [email protected]
    tell me my friend .. how can i extend
    the standard Forms button in Java ? ... what is the tool for that ... can you explain more please .. or can you give me a full example ... i don't have any expereience on that .. i'm waiting for your reply .
    Thanx a lot for your cooperation .
    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by [email protected]:
    Henrik, the Java importer lets you call Java classes on the app server side - I think what Ali is trying to do is integrate on the client side.
    If you want to add your own button then if you extend the standard Forms button in Java and then use this class name in the implementation class property then the Java for your button will be used instead of the standard Forms button. And since it has extended the basic Forms button it has all the standard button functionality.
    There is a white paper on OTN about this and we have created a new white paper which will be out in a couple of months (I think).
    Grant Ronald<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

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    Do you mean 'model?' and 'servlet?' and are you referring to the interface with that name? which your servlet class just has to declare that it implements?

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    Hi Experts,
    How to use the different class for each screen as well as function.
    With BestRegards,
    M.Thippa Reddy.

    Hi ThippaReddy,
    see this sample code
    Public Class ClsMenInBlack
    #Region "Declarations"
        'Class objects
        'UI and Di objects
        Dim objForm As SAPbouiCOM.Form
        Dim strQuery As String
    #End Region
    #Region "Methods"
        Private Function GeRate() As Double
                Return Double
        End Function
    #End Region
    Public Sub SBO_Appln_MenuEvent(ByRef pVal As SAPbouiCOM.MenuEvent, ByRef BubbleEvent As Boolean)
            If pVal.BeforeAction = True Then
                If pVal.MenuUID = "ENV_Menu_MIB" Then
                End If
            Else ' Before Action False
                End If
        End Sub
    #End Region
    End Class
    End Class
    Vasu Anna Regional Feeling a???? Just Kidding
    Edited by: micheal willis on Jul 27, 2009 5:49 PM
    Edited by: micheal willis on Jul 27, 2009 5:50 PM

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    georgemc wrote:
    DrLaszloJamf wrote:
    Post a SSCCE:
    You're not the boss of me ;-)Actually, I haven't stopped to count, but most of the time the poster never bothers to write a sample program. If fact, if I weren't such a softie, I would make that an absolute requirement for any further help. Too often, you are just shooting in the dark and 50 replies later the question is still vague.

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    Here is one different from Jspell..
    In 6i client/server you can call MS Word spell checker using OLE. Below sample code for 6i.
    For 10g you will need webutil to use same code. install webutil and just replace "OLE2." with "CLIENT_OLE2."
    PROCEDURE spell_check (item_name IN VARCHAR2)
       my_application   ole2.obj_type;
       my_documents     ole2.obj_type;
       my_document      ole2.obj_type;
       my_selection     ole2.obj_type;
       get_spell        ole2.obj_type;
       my_spell         ole2.obj_type;
       args             ole2.list_type;
       spell_checked    VARCHAR2 (4000);
       orig_text        VARCHAR2 (4000);
       orig_text := NAME_IN (item_name);
       my_application := ole2.create_obj ('WORD.APPLICATION');
       ole2.set_property (my_application, 'VISIBLE', FALSE);
       my_documents := ole2.get_obj_property (my_application, 'DOCUMENTS');
       my_document := ole2.invoke_obj (my_documents, 'ADD');
       my_selection := ole2.get_obj_property (my_application, 'SELECTION');
       ole2.set_property (my_selection, 'TEXT', orig_text);
       get_spell :=ole2.get_obj_property (my_application, 'ACTIVEDOCUMENT');
       ole2.invoke (get_spell, 'CHECKSPELLING');
       ole2.invoke (my_selection, 'WholeStory');
       ole2.invoke (my_selection, 'Copy');
       spell_checked := ole2.get_char_property (my_selection, 'TEXT');
       spell_checked :=SUBSTR (REPLACE (spell_checked, CHR (13), CHR (10)),1,LENGTH (spell_checked));
       COPY (spell_checked, item_name);
       args := ole2.create_arglist;
       ole2.add_arg (args, 0);
       ole2.invoke (my_document, 'CLOSE', args);
       ole2.destroy_arglist (args);
       ole2.RELEASE_OBJ (my_selection);
       ole2.RELEASE_OBJ (get_spell);
       ole2.RELEASE_OBJ (my_document);
       ole2.RELEASE_OBJ (my_documents);
       ole2.invoke (my_application, 'QUIT');
       ole2.RELEASE_OBJ (my_application);
    END;Call it like this: SPELL_CHECK ('BLOCK.MY_TEXT_ITEM' );

  • How to find the Feeder class behind Incident creation in SAP EHS?

    I have a requirement where i need to change the message text after clicking "Send" button while creating Incident.
    How to find the feeder class and method which is called behind "Send" button ?

    I dont have such.. but you can set  external debug point in function module POWL_QUERY_REFRESH
    * get the result object type from the feeder
           i_selcrit_values = lt_crit_para  " selcrit dependent object def.
           i_langu = l_langu                                     "nt_1673495
           i_type  = i_query_data-type
           e_object_def = lr_object_def
    In I_QUERY_DATA-TYPE you can see name of POWL ID.
    Find it in transaction POWL_TYPE and you get name of feader class!

  • How to implement XI interfaces in online and offline modes?

    Hi Everybody,
    Can you please tell me how to implement XI interfaces in online and offline modes?
    thanks a lot,
    Ramya Shenoy.

    Are you looking for Push and Pull mechanism of PI?
    When the adapters like SOAP, HTTP, IDOC, etc. send the data to PI , it is nothing but a push mechanism, and hence the communication is synchronous by default.
    But adapters like JDBC, File, etc. they fetch the data from Source Applications, so it is a kind of Pull mechanism for PI, and
    by default communication is asynchrnous.
    Pls elaborate exactly what are you looking for?

  • How to implement the FCKeditor in the WPC

    Hi all,
    can anyone tell me how to implement the FCKeditor in the Web Page Composer?
    I failed to implement TinyMCE because of the domain relaxing thing...
    Thanks a lot

    It's one of J2EE Patterns - Value List Handler.
    Here is some implementation.
    and some article
    Just google "J2EE paging"

  • How to implement the Internationaliztion in VC

    Hi All,
    How to implement the Internationalization in VC. Based on the Portal user Lanugauge attribute. how to implement .? Is it possible to implement the Internationalization , changing the  displaying label data and Title names in VC application.

    Hi Vijay,
    I think this help-entry should answer all your questions:
    Preparing iViews for Portal Translation:
    If you have further questions, don't hesitate to ask!
    don't forget the points

  • How to implement the pagination  in the entity bean?

    How to implement the pagination in the entity bean? could The rumnum and sub qurey be used in the ejb ql?
    Would you mind giving me some methods to implement it?

    It's one of J2EE Patterns - Value List Handler.
    Here is some implementation.
    and some article
    Just google "J2EE paging"

  • How to implement the pessimistic locking using toplink with sybase

    we want to allocate the unique primary key to each row when many user try to insert the records concurrently..So what we are trying to do is we calculate the maximum of Primary Key and incremented it by 1. Now we want to Apply the locking concept on the so that unique key will be allocated to each newly inserted row
    Can you please tell me
    1. how we can genrate unique primary key in toplink using sybase? to implement the pessimistic or optimistic locking ?which one will be preferable?

    Hi brother
    I think that this link can help you
    Good luck

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