Is it possible to adjust the size of the columnes when send alv by mail  ?

is it possible to adjust the size of the columns when send alv by mail  ?
i send alv ( list ) by mail  , work fine but all the columns are small and in the
same size , can i adjust it in the mail   ?
how to do it in regular alv i know it  .

is it possible to adjust the size of the columns when send alv by mail  ?
i send alv ( list ) by mail  , work fine but all the columns are small and in the
same size , can i adjust it in the mail   ?
how to do it in regular alv i know it  .

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  • How can I set the language when sending an e-mail with attachment - 'Html'?

    "Character Broken"
    I made an ALV program, and this convert to "HTML',  and send an e-mail with this.
    Used Process is:
    DATA: gt_abaplist LIKE TABLE OF abaplist,
          gt_html LIKE TABLE OF w3html,
          doc_chng LIKE sodocchgi1,
          objpack LIKE TABLE OF sopcklsti1 WITH HEADER LINE,
          objhead LIKE TABLE OF solisti1 WITH HEADER LINE,
          mail LIKE TABLE OF solisti1 WITH HEADER LINE,
          reclist LIKE TABLE OF somlreci1 WITH HEADER LINE,
          lv_line TYPE i.
    SUBMIT z_template
        listobject = gt_abaplist
        not_found  = 1
        OTHERS     = 2.
        html       = gt_html
        listobject = gt_abaplist.
    doc_chng-obj_name   = 'URGENT'.
    doc_chng-sensitivty = 'O'.
    doc_chng-obj_descr  = ' '.
    doc_chng-obj_langu  = '3'.
    objhead-line        = ' '.
    APPEND objhead.
    mail[] = gt_html[].
    DESCRIBE TABLE mail LINES lv_line.
    CLEAR: objpack.
    objpack-transf_bin = 'X'.
    objpack-head_start = 1.
    objpack-head_num   = 0.
    objpack-body_start = 1.
    objpack-body_num   = lv_line.
    objpack-doc_type   = 'htm'.
    objpack-obj_descr  = ' '. 
    objpack-doc_size   = lv_line * 255.
    objpack-obj_langu = '3'.
    APPEND objpack.
    CLEAR: reclist.
    reclist-receiver = 'e-mail address'.
    reclist-rec_type = 'U'.
    APPEND reclist.
        document_data              = doc_chng 
        put_in_outbox              = 'X'
        commit_work                = 'X'
        packing_list               = objpack
        object_header              = objhead
        contents_bin               = mail
        receivers                  = reclist
        too_many_receivers         = 1
        document_not_sent          = 2
        document_type_not_exist    = 3
        operation_no_authorization = 4
        parameter_error            = 5
        x_error                    = 6
        enqueue_error              = 7
        OTHERS                     = 8.
    SUBMIT rsconn01 AND RETURN.
    I want to show  this by "Japanese".
    But the character is broken.
    LIke This:
    u01D1u072C          u0205|            u0205u072C          u0508           QC u04B90m
    How can I set the language?  How can I solve "Charancter Broken" ?
    Plesse, let me know.
    Thank you so much.
    Edited by: Jaime White 999 on Nov 21, 2011 8:45 AM
    Edited by: Jaime White 999 on Nov 21, 2011 8:46 AM

    Hi Jaime,
    Are you saying, you are getting junk characters in the email attachment? Then pls check the following. Since you want to send Japanese fonts, please pass language 'J' in both  objpack-obj_langu = '3' & doc_chng-obj_langu  = '3' instead of '3' please replace it with 'J'.
    Another thing which you may have to check is the SCOT device type. As I understand from my basis colleague, this may also affect your attachment fonts since the emails are sent through SCOT. Go to transaction SCOT-> Settings-> Device types for format conversion. Check whether wrong device type is defined for Japanese there. Hope this helps

  • How to fix the width of the column when using alv table

    Hi ,
    I am displaying the contents in a table. Of course using alv component i displayed the content. Now the problem is the column width is not fixed with value of the table entries( based on the domain length level). As  length  of field increases or decreses as the length of the content increases or decreases. I wanted to fix the column width whatever be the length of the contents.
    Can any one help in this regard ?
    Thanks Pons.

    Please find the code related to your problem.
    METHOD configure_alv .
    data declaration for column settings
      DATA  : lr_column_settings   TYPE REF TO if_salv_wd_column_settings,
              lr_col_header        TYPE REF TO cl_salv_wd_column_header,
              lt_columns           TYPE salv_wd_t_column_ref,
              ls_column            TYPE salv_wd_s_column_ref.
    data declaration for table settings
      DATA : lr_salv_wd_table_ctr  TYPE REF TO iwci_salv_wd_table,
             lr_table_settings_ctr TYPE REF TO if_salv_wd_table_settings,
             lr_header_ctr         TYPE REF TO cl_salv_wd_header.
    Variables for drop-down and inpufield reference
      DATA : lr_drdn_by_key        TYPE REF TO cl_salv_wd_uie_dropdown_by_key,
             lr_input_field        TYPE REF TO cl_salv_wd_uie_input_field,
             l_header              TYPE string.
    get ALV Component <CONTRACT_DETAILS>
      lr_salv_wd_table_ctr = wd_this->wd_cpifc_payment_detail( ).
      wd_this->alv_config_table = lr_salv_wd_table_ctr->get_model( ).
    set visible row count
      lr_table_settings_ctr ?= wd_this->alv_config_table.
      lr_table_settings_ctr->set_visible_row_count( '5' ).
      lr_table_settings_ctr->set_read_only( abap_false ).
      lr_table_settings_ctr->set_grid_mode( ).
          value = '980PX' ).
      wd_this->alv_config_table->if_salv_wd_table_settings~set_data_check( if_salv_wd_c_table_settings=>data_check_on_cell_event ).
      wd_this->alv_config_table->if_salv_wd_std_functions~set_pdf_allowed( abap_false ).
      wd_this->alv_config_table->if_salv_wd_std_functions~set_view_list_allowed( abap_false ).
      wd_this->alv_config_table->if_salv_wd_std_functions~set_edit_insert_row_allowed( abap_false ).
      wd_this->alv_config_table->if_salv_wd_std_functions~set_edit_delete_row_allowed( abap_true ).
      wd_this->alv_config_table->if_salv_wd_std_functions~set_export_allowed( abap_false ).
      wd_this->alv_config_table->if_salv_wd_std_functions~set_edit_check_available( abap_false ).
      CLEAR: l_header.
      l_header = wd_assist->if_wd_component_assistance~get_text( '030' ).
      lr_header_ctr = lr_table_settings_ctr->get_header( ).
      lr_header_ctr->set_text( l_header ).
    set text header for Columns.
      CLEAR: l_header,lt_columns.
      lr_column_settings ?= wd_this->alv_config_table.
      lt_columns = lr_column_settings->get_columns( ).
      LOOP AT lt_columns INTO ls_column.
        CASE ls_column-id.
    get header details
            lr_col_header = ls_column-r_column->get_header( ).
    disable DDIC field label
            CALL METHOD lr_col_header->set_prop_ddic_binding_field
                property = if_salv_wd_c_ddic_binding=>bind_prop_text
                value    = if_salv_wd_c_ddic_binding=>ddic_bind_none.
    set user defined column header
            l_header = wd_assist->if_wd_component_assistance~get_text( key = '020' ).
            lr_col_header->set_text( l_header ).
            CREATE OBJECT lr_drdn_by_key
                selected_key_fieldname = ls_column-id.
            ls_column-r_column->set_cell_editor( lr_drdn_by_key ).
            ls_column-r_column->se_width( '100PX' ).
                value = abap_true ).
          WHEN OTHERS.
        CLEAR: l_header,ls_column.
    Manoj Kumar

  • Is it possible to adjust the size of an inputText to the column size ..?

    Is it possible to adjust the size of an inputText that it correspond to the column size in a af:table.

    I don't need 30% ... i just need that me tree as a mininal width
    Here is my page :
    <f:facet name="top">
    <af:panelHeader text="#{res['classification.repository.entryList.panelHeader.title']}"/>
    <f:facet name="left">
    <af:panelGroup layout="vertical">
    <af:panelHeader text="#{res['classification.repository.entryList.list.panelHeader.title']}">
    <af:tree value="#{bindings.ClassificationEntryListclassificationEntry.treeModel}"
    <f:facet name="nodeStamp">
    <af:commandLink text="#{node.classificationEntryCategoryCode} #{node.classificationEntryCode}"
    shortDesc="#{res['classification.repository.entryList.tree.commandLink.shortDesc.textPart1']} #{node.classificationEntryStatus} #{res['classification.repository.entryList.tree.commandLink.shortDesc.textPart2']}#{node.classificationEntryCodeFullPath}">
    <f:param name="selectedIdentification"
    <af:panelGroup layout="vertical">
    <af:panelHeader text="#{res['classification.repository.entryList.node.panelHeader.title']}"
    <af:showDetailHeader text="#{res['classification.repository.entryList.base.panelHeader.title']}">
    <af:inputText value="#{bindings.classificationEntryCategoryCode.inputValue}"
    <af:validator binding="#{bindings.classificationEntryCategoryCode.validator}"/>
    <af:inputText value="#{bindings.classificationEntryCode.inputValue}"
    <af:validator binding="#{bindings.classificationEntryCode.validator}"/>
    <af:inputText value="#{bindings.classificationEntryCodeFullPath.inputValue}"
    <af:validator binding="#{bindings.classificationEntryCodeFullPath.validator}"/>
    <af:inputText value="#{bindings.classificationEntryIdentification.inputValue}"
    <af:validator binding="#{bindings.classificationEntryIdentification.validator}"/>
    <af:showDetailHeader text="#{res['classification.repository.entryList.mainTitle.panelHeader.title']}">
    <af:table value="#{bindings.ClassificationEntryTitleclassificationEntryMainTitle.collectionModel}"
    emptyText="#{bindings.ClassificationEntryTitleclassificationEntryMainTitle.viewable ? 'No rows yet.' : 'Access Denied.'}"
    <af:column sortProperty="language" sortable="true"
    <af:inputText value="#{row.language}" simple="true"
    inlineStyle="width: 100%"/>
    <af:column sortProperty="content" sortable="true"
    <af:inputText value="#{row.content}" simple="true"
    inlineStyle="width: 100%"/>
    <f:facet name="selection">
    <af:tableSelectOne text="Select and">
    <af:commandButton text="Submit"/>
    <af:showDetailHeader text="#{res['classification.repository.entryList.complementaryTitle.panelHeader.title']}">
    <af:table value="#{bindings.ClassificationEntryTitleclassificationEntryComplementaryTitle.collectionModel}"
    emptyText="#{bindings.ClassificationEntryTitleclassificationEntryComplementaryTitle.viewable ? 'No rows yet.' : 'Access Denied.'}"
    <af:column sortProperty="content" sortable="true"
    <af:inputText value="#{row.content}" simple="true"
    inlineStyle="width: 100%"/>
    <af:column sortProperty="language" sortable="true"
    <af:inputText value="#{row.language}" simple="true"
    inlineStyle="width: 100%"/>
    <f:facet name="selection">
    <af:tableSelectOne text="Select and">
    <af:commandButton text="Submit"/>

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    Why is the number "1" when setting up the dial fat thickness did not change the font? Is it possible to adjust the font in the thick klavioture typing?

    paulcb wrote:
    Using the Bold Text Accessibility option does make the keypad numbers a little bolder.
    Yep - I was only looking at Text Size.
    But still, not sure what the deal is. The "1" is just as readable as any other number on the keyboard regardless.

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    Here's the solution I used to solve the same problem. If you're not comfortable editing the source files, this might be more than you want to take on--but I've done it to several files with no ill effects. You can follow the instructions on this page and the referenced original post from (he includes a link on the page). Good luck! He's got some great tips on some of his other pages.
    A warning about editing the Master pages--it only edits them in that book--it doesn't update the theme. So if you go to create another book with those same layouts, you'll have to duplicate the book and replace all the images. An alternative would be to create a "clean" book with no photos in it and then just use that as a starting point each time.

  • How to adjust the column size

    Hi All,
    I have a table UI element and due to length of header my column is expanded in width.  Kindly assist how I can adjust the column length so the look and feel is good.  I am using NWDS 7.0 sp 05.
    Thank you
    Jaspreet Kaur Grewal

    Hi Jaspreet ,
    Try to use less letter in header for table.
    Refer to
    Hope it migh helps

  • In Lightroom 4, is it possible to change the resolution when exporting to Facebook?

    Is it possible to change the resolution when exporting a photo to Facebook using either the regular plugin or Jeffrey Friedl's plugin?  I can't seem to do it; I only have control over the image dimensions, not the resolution and the dimensions, as you can see in the screen shots below:
    I have control over both when I export to my hard drive (or a flash drive, etc.), as you can see below:
    I can't find the option to control the resolution when I try to export to Facebook.  Before I got Lightroom 4, I would create whole new low-resolution files of images I wanted to post online using Photoshop.  The image size settings I would use are a longest edge of 10 inches at 72ppi, and I would like to continue doing this.  If I can only set the longest side to 720 pixels (I can't even seem to set the longest edge to an inches value - I can only choose a pixels value) and not change the resolution from 300ppi to 72ppi, then my photos' longest edge will only be less than 3 inches long (right?).  Thus, I really want to be able to upload low-resolution photos to Facebook via Lightroom with the ability to change both the resolution and the image dimensions.  Any idea how to do it without having to export to my hard drive first?  Thanks!

    Rob Cole wrote:
    I'd be inclined to set it to zero so it obviously doesn't mean anything
    You can set it to whatever you like, and it makes no difference. Most of the time (depending on how you saved it), it will still open as "72".
    When you save an image for web, the resolution is usually stripped from the file. It's simply not there anymore. That's probably what happens in the Lr facebook module, and that's why there's no entry for it.
    But when you open that image somewhere else, that default of 72 ppi is assigned. Most apps need to know what to do with a file if asked to print it out. So there is a default, and that's usually 72, mostly by convention. With that default ppi, it prints out at a comparable size to what you see on screen at 1:1 display.
    And when people see that, they think "hey, web images are 72 ppi". But they're not - that figure is just inserted there by the opening application.

  • Is it possible to include the device name in an e-mail signature?

    I am currently managing 150 iPads we have deployed in our school system.  The iPads are on carts of 30 which are moved from classroom to classroom as needed. For student work I have set up Dropbox and it has been working fine.  However, a few teachers requested the iPads be set up with e-mail which can be used to prevent filling up our Dropbox space.  I have successfully done this using a shared Exchange e-mail address between all the devices.  However, this has begun to cause some minor issues as the students can send an e-mail essentually anonymously from any of the iPads.  We are trying to avoid creating e-mail accounts for all the students or iPads and I figured the easiest way to do this would be to add the device name to the e-mail signature.  After searching for a while I have not come up with a yes or no as to whether this is possible or not.  If it is not, are there any other solutions that don't involve a lot of work after reimaging the devices.  Thanks in advance!

    You can set the signature for an email to be anything you want it to be. Go to the Mail, Contacts, Calendars setting and go to the Signatures area. There is however no way I know of to lock this setting, so the students can just remove the device name if they know about the setting. I also don't know if there's a way to automate the configuration so you don't have to do this manually on each iPad. Perhaps someone else here will know.

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    My computer runs under Windows Vista Home Premium, and Firefox browser 3.6.13. Within the Firefox browser, it shows an AT&T email window ( There are several columns such as subject, date, etc. I was able to adjust such column width before. Now I cannot do it. (Also I can adjust column width if I run in the Internet Explorer. I have another computer running Window 7 professional, same set up with Fire Fox and AT&T email, I am able to adjust the column width so I can show the full subject line.

    Start Firefox in [[Safe Mode]] to check if one of the add-ons is causing the problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Tools > Add-ons > Themes).
    * Don't make any changes on the Safe mode start window.
    * [[Troubleshooting extensions and themes]]
    You can also try to set the pref layout.frames.force_resizability to true on the about:config page.
    See also

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    It depends on how the java code is gnerated. If for example months are given with fixed array .... then it will only be english
    But then agin you have the source code (.java files) open all java files in the oracle.forms froject and alter to your language then recompile and reacreate the jar (easily done with Jdeveloper)

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    Scott Fox wrote:
    Using iWork '09: specifically Keynote '09 and want to adjust the column width of just one cell in the column, not the other cells in the whole column just this one individual cell. Have no idea how to do it though. Checked the manual and this discussion group as well as youtube and found nothing.
    Perfectly normal, this feature is unavailable.
    Keynote, Numbers and Pages use quite the same code to build tables which are in fact spreadsheets and this code doesn't offer this feature.
    As you don't give many details, look at the merge cells feature.
    Given your exact problem, it may be a soluce.
    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) mercredi 7 octobre 2009 18:26:05

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    You are not addressing Apple here. And your post is a bit confusing. See Klaus's answer in this thread:

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    There is no BIOS in OS X. There is only the EFI stored in ROM that is not user modifiable. OS X is probably checking Bay 0 for the boot drive since that is where it should be. It won't check the Tempo drive since it is treated like an external drive. I suggest you open Startup Disk preferences to see if the Tempo device is selected as the boot device. If it isn't, then select it. That will probably shave off a few seconds in the startup time.

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    Regards, Lars.

      LS_VARI-HANDLE      = SPACE.
      LS_VARI-TEXT        = SPACE.
    <b>      IS_VARIANT           = LS_VARI</b>
          IS_LAYOUT            = GS_LAYOUT
    <b>      I_SAVE               = 'A'</b>
          IT_OUTTAB            = IT_FINAL[].
    try this

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