Issues in running a report on an app server

Hi all,
         I have a report that fails daily on one of our app servers.This report fails daily with the failure reason "Failed to open connection. D:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects Enterprise 11.5\Data\procSched\\~tmp1de458dada37ff3.rpt
Can anyone help me with this error ?
Any help is really appreciaetd

Hi ...I tried your approach but still my report is failing. I increased the trace level and found some error in the log file ....I'm pasting the same below..i'm not able to decipher the error ...please help !!!
[Tue Feb 24 02:40:31 2009]     6848     5952     trace message: CrpeMgrPEAddParameterCurrentValue(1) out returns 1
[Tue Feb 24 02:40:31 2009]     6848     5952     (.\src\rptjob.cpp:7700): trace message: CReportPrintJob::SetPromptInfo(): bResult[true], missingPromptsArray.GetSize()[0]
[Tue Feb 24 02:40:31 2009]     6848     5952     (.\src\rptproc.cpp:1387): trace message: procReport.dll: Done applying parameters after db logons
[Tue Feb 24 02:40:31 2009]     6848     5952     trace message: procReport.dll: Exporting whole report to xls [crxf_xls]
[Tue Feb 24 02:40:31 2009]     6848     5952     trace message: procReport.dll: CReportPrintJob::SetExportOptionsHelper() [crxf_xls]: FormatOptions: [<quote:"> <separator:,> <sameNumber:0> <sameDate:0> <nLinesPerPage:60> <bColumnHeadings:0> <bUseConstColWidth:0> <fConstColWidth:720.000000> <baseAreaType:1> <baseAreaGroupNum:1> <usebUseWorksheetFunc:1> <bUseWorksheetFunc:0> <bExportPageRange:0> <pageRangeStart:0> <pageRangeEnd:0> <usebReserved3:1> <bReserved3:1> <usebExportPageBreaks:0> <bExportPageBreaks:0> <usebCnvrtDateValToStr:0> <bCnvrtDateValToStr:0> <usebChopPageHeader:1> <bChopPageHeader:1> <usebUseFormatInDataOnly:1> <bUseFormatInDataOnly:1> <usebMaintainColumnAlignment:1> <bMaintainColumnAlignment:0> <usebExportImagesInDataOnly:1> <bExportImagesInDataOnly:0> <usebMaintainRelativeObjectPosition:1> <bMaintainRelativeObjectPosition:0> <usebShowGridlines:0> <bShowGridlines:0> <usewExportPageAreaPair:0> <wExportPageAreaPair:1> <useuserDefinedCPI:0> <userDefinedCPI:0> <usebRetainPageWidth:0> <bRetainPageWidth:1> <usebPageBreakAfterEachReportPage:0> <bPageBreakAfterEachReportPage:0> <usebUseExportOptionsInRptFile:1> <bUseExportOptionsInRptFile:0> <usebExportImages:0> <bExportImages:0> <metafileImageConversionType:100> <bitmapImageConversionType:100> <nJpegQuality:0> <usebCreateBookmarksFromGroupTree:0> <bCreateBookmarksFromGroupTree:0> <formatExportMode:100> <reportSectionsOptions:100> <groupSectionsOptions:100> <usebShowGroupOutlines:1> <bShowGroupOutlines:0>]
[Tue Feb 24 02:40:31 2009]     6848     5952     trace message: procReport.dll: CReportPrintJob::SetExportOptionsHelper() [crxf_xls]: UXFXlsOptions: [<structSize:92> <bColumnHeadings:0> <bUseConstColWidth:0> <fConstColWidth:720.000000> <bTabularFormat:0> <baseAreaType:1> <baseAreaGroupNum:1> <bUseWorksheetFunc:0> <bExportPageBreaks:0> <bCnvrtDateValToStr:0> <bReserved3:1> <bExportAllPages:1> <dwStartPageNumber32:0> <dwEndPageNumber32:0> <bExportImagesInDataOnly:0> <bUseFormatInDataOnly:1> <bMaintainColumnAlignment:0> <bMaintainRelativeObjectPosition:0> <bShowGridlines:0> <wExportPageAreaPair:3> <bShowGroupOutlines:0>]
[Tue Feb 24 02:40:31 2009]     6848     5952     trace message: procReport.dll: PEExportOptionsN: [StructSize==290, formatType==10, destinationType==0, nFormatOptionsBytes==0, nDestinationOptionsBytes==0, formatDLLName==crxf_xls, useSavedFormatOptions==0]
[Tue Feb 24 02:40:31 2009]     6848     5952     (.\src\rptproc.cpp:1435): trace message: procReport.dll: Done setting format options
[Tue Feb 24 02:40:31 2009]     6848     5952     trace message: Performance: procReport.dll [2009/02/23 21-40-31-027]: Entering ExportToFile(): CRPE calls only
[Tue Feb 24 02:40:31 2009]     6848     5952     trace message: procReport.dll: ExportToFile(1): [destOpt->structSize == 6] and [destOpt->fileName == D:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects Enterprise 11.5\Data\procSched\\~ce1ac059426b7f7e1.xls]
[Tue Feb 24 02:40:31 2009]     6848     5952     trace message: CrpeMgrPEExportReportExW(1) in with parameters: viewContext[<StructSize:1750> <groupLevel:0> <groupPath:> <groupName:> <drillDownLevel:0> <reportName:> <containingPageN:0> <containingGroupLevel:0> <containingGroupPath:> <containingGroupName:> <xOffset:0> <yOffset:0>], m_exportOptions[<StructSize:290> <formatDLLName:crxf_xls> <formatType:10> <destinationDLLName:u2ddisk> <destinationType:0> <nFormatOptionsBytes:0> <nDestinationOptionsBytes:0> <unicodeFormatOptions:1> <unicodeDestinationOptions:1> <useSavedFormatOptions:0>], processingOptions.StructSize[6], processingOptions.exportInBackground[0]
[Tue Feb 24 02:40:31 2009]     6848     5952     REQUEST: 5952     *     REQPP-PEExportReportExW-IN     *     6848     5952
[Tue Feb 24 02:40:31 2009]     6848     5952     trace message: CrpeMgrPEExportReportExW() in
[Tue Feb 24 02:40:31 2009]     6848     5952     trace message: CrpeMgrPEExportReportExW() out returns 0
[Tue Feb 24 02:40:31 2009]     6848     5952     trace message: CrpeMgrPEGetErrorCodeAndSubstituteStrings(1) in
[Tue Feb 24 02:40:31 2009]     6848     5952     trace message: CrpeMgrPEGetErrorCodeAndSubstituteStrings(1) out returns 1 and errorInfo->lastErrorCode is 756
[Tue Feb 24 02:40:31 2009]     6848     5952     trace message: CrpeMgrPEGetErrorTextEx(1) in
[Tue Feb 24 02:40:31 2009]     6848     5952     trace message: CrpeMgrPEGetErrorTextEx(1) out returns 1
[Tue Feb 24 02:40:31 2009]     6848     5952     trace message: CrpeMgrPEGetHandleStringEx() in
[Tue Feb 24 02:40:31 2009]     6848     5952     trace message: CrpeMgrPEGetHandleStringEx() out returns [1], buffer is [Failed to open the connection.
D:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects Enterprise 11.5\Data\procSched\\~tmp1ac059426b7f200.rpt]
[Tue Feb 24 02:40:31 2009]     6848     5952     trace message: CrpeMgrPEGetExtendedErrorMessage() in
[Tue Feb 24 02:40:31 2009]     6848     5952     trace message: CrpeMgrPEGetExtendedErrorMessage() out returns 1
[Tue Feb 24 02:40:31 2009]     6848     5952     trace message: CrpeMgrPEGetHandleStringEx() in
[Tue Feb 24 02:40:31 2009]     6848     5952     trace message: CrpeMgrPEGetHandleStringEx() out returns [1], buffer is [Failed to open the connection.
Failed to open the connection.
D:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects Enterprise 11.5\Data\procSched\\~tmp1ac059426b7f200.rpt]
[Tue Feb 24 02:40:31 2009]     6848     5952     trace message: procReport.dll: CRPE FAILED: GetLastPEErrorInfo(1) returns crpe error code [756] with extended error string [Failed to open the connection.
Failed to open the connection.
D:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects Enterprise 11.5\Data\procSched\\~tmp1ac059426b7f200.rpt]. Localized error string is [Failed to open the connection.
D:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects Enterprise 11.5\Data\procSched\\~tmp1ac059426b7f200.rpt]
[Tue Feb 24 02:40:31 2009]     6848     5952     trace message: CrpeMgrPEGetHandleStringEx() in
[Tue Feb 24 02:40:31 2009]     6848     5952     trace message: CrpeMgrPEGetHandleStringEx() out returns [1], buffer is [D:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects Enterprise 11.5\Data\procSched\\~tmp1ac059426b7f200.rpt]
[Tue Feb 24 02:40:31 2009]     6848     5952     trace message: CrpeMgrPEGetHandleStringEx() in
[Tue Feb 24 02:40:31 2009]     6848     5952     trace message: CrpeMgrPEGetHandleStringEx() out returns [1], buffer is []
[Tue Feb 24 02:40:31 2009]     6848     5952     REQUEST: 5952     [1][756]     REQPP-PEExportReportExW-OUT     *     6848     5952
[Tue Feb 24 02:40:31 2009]     6848     5952     trace message: Performance: procReport.dll [2009/02/23 21-40-31-043]: Exiting ExportToFile()
[Tue Feb 24 02:40:31 2009]     6848     5952     (.\src\rptproc.cpp:1465): trace message: procReport.dll: Done exporting the job
[Tue Feb 24 02:40:31 2009]     6848     5952     REQUEST: 5952     *     REQPP-PEClosePrintJob-IN     *     6848     5952
[Tue Feb 24 02:40:31 2009]     6848     5952     trace message: CrpeMgrPEClosePrintJob(1) in
[Tue Feb 24 02:40:31 2009]     6848     1160     (.\wireobinit.cpp:188): trace message: CWireObject::TerminateStaticPropertyMap() - reference count: 3
[Tue Feb 24 02:40:31 2009]     6848     1160     trace message: ClientPing_impl::remove_session_handle
[Tue Feb 24 02:40:31 2009]     6848     1160     trace message: ClientPing_impl::remove_session_handle: 0, 618226JmTM7ipUxcXwLebg
[Tue Feb 24 02:40:31 2009]     6848     1160     trace message: ClientPing_impl::remove_session_handle:CalcuateCount: 0, 618226JmTM7ipUxcXwLebg
[Tue Feb 24 02:40:31 2009]     6848     1160     trace message: ClientPing_impl::remove_session_handle: remove: 618226JmTM7ipUxcXwLebg
[Tue Feb 24 02:40:31 2009]     6848     1160     trace message: ClientPing_impl::remove_session_handle: remove session handle (618226JmTM7ipUxcXwLebg). succeded=true
[Tue Feb 24 02:40:31 2009]     6848     1160     (.\proxy_impl.cpp:440): trace message: LOGOFF implicit session logoff: userId[12], m_uri[osca:iiop://], sessionId[618226], m_sSessionHandle[618226JmTM7ipUxcXwLebg]
[Tue Feb 24 02:40:31 2009]     6848     1160     trace message: EnCOMSessionMgr::~EnCOMSessionMgr begins ...
[Tue Feb 24 02:40:31 2009]     6848     1160     trace message: EnCOMSessionMgr::~EnCOMSessionMgr: s_SingleSessionManager->getCount() = 1
[Tue Feb 24 02:40:31 2009]     6848     1160     trace message: EnCOMSessionMgr::~EnCOMSessionMgr: setting s_SingleSessionManager to NULL
[Tue Feb 24 02:40:31 2009]     6848     1160     trace message: CInfoSessionManager::~CInfoSessionManager
[Tue Feb 24 02:40:31 2009]     6848     7840     trace message: Terminating cluster refresh thread...
[Tue Feb 24 02:40:31 2009]     6848     1160     (.\wireobinit.cpp:188): trace message: CWireObject::TerminateStaticPropertyMap() - reference count: 2
[Tue Feb 24 02:40:31 2009]     6848     1160     trace message: CInfoSessionManager::~CInfoSessionManager ends.
[Tue Feb 24 02:40:31 2009]     6848     1160     trace message: EnCOMSessionMgr::~EnCOMSessionMgr ends...
[Tue Feb 24 02:40:31 2009]     6848     5952     trace message: CrpeMgrPEClosePrintJob(1) out returns 1
[Tue Feb 24 02:40:31 2009]     6848     5952     REQUEST: 5952     [1][0]     REQPP-PEClosePrintJob-OUT     *     6848     5952
[Tue Feb 24 02:40:31 2009]     6848     5952     trace message: procReport.dll: CReportProcessor::ProcessReportHelper() returns [false]
[Tue Feb 24 02:40:31 2009]     6848     5952     trace message: procReport.dll: *** Error processing report *** [CReportProcessor::ProcessReport() failed]
[Tue Feb 24 02:40:31 2009]     6848     5952     REQUEST: 5952     *     REQPP-PECloseEngine-IN     *     6848     5952
[Tue Feb 24 02:40:31 2009]     6848     5952     trace message: CrpeMgrPECloseEngine() in
[Tue Feb 24 02:40:31 2009]     6848     5952     trace message: CrpeMgrPECloseEngine() out
[Tue Feb 24 02:40:31 2009]     6848     5952     REQUEST: 5952     *     REQPP-PECloseEngine-OUT     *     6848     5952
[Tue Feb 24 02:40:31 2009]     6848     5952     trace message: procReport.dll: Exiting CReportProcessor::Start() with failure!
[Tue Feb 24 02:40:31 2009]     6848     5952     trace message: procReport.dll: IJobDllRun() returns error:( CrpeMgrPEExportReportExW: Failed to open the connection.
D:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects Enterprise 11.5\Data\procSched\\~tmp1ac059426b7f200.rpt )
[Tue Feb 24 02:40:31 2009]     6848     5952     trace message: procReport.dll: Error message sent in the language of the server is: [Failed to open the connection.
D:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects Enterprise 11.5\Data\procSched\\~tmp1ac059426b7f200.rpt]
[Tue Feb 24 02:40:31 2009]     6848     5952     trace message: FAILED: [Failed to open the connection.
D:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects Enterprise 11.5\Data\procSched\\~tmp1ac059426b7f200.rpt]
[Tue Feb 24 02:40:31 2009]     6848     5952     trace message: procReport.dll: IJobDllRun() failed the job [RES_FAILURE]!
[Tue Feb 24 02:40:31 2009]     6848     5952     trace message: Performance: jobserver [2009/02/23 21-40-31-090]: Finishes its SI_IJob::run()

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    Hope YOu are fine.
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    When you use authorization relevant char in your report, you should create a  variable of type authorization.
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    Hi Apporv
    Please check your database documentation for error 31400.
    - Ludek
    Senior Support Engineer AGS Product Support, Global Support Center Canada
    Follow us on Twitter

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    Yes - consolidating 8 grids into 4 grids fixed the issue. I think having too many grids with multiple DB connections in each grid is too much for FR to handle. My current report has 4 grids with 2 of the grids having 2 database connections in them. The report is now working correctly.
    Thanks for your efforts Celvin!
    Thanks Again,

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    You should absolutely upgrade to servic pack at a minimum and Oracle recommends right now.
    There were a few enhancements for this specific issue done in service fixes on that are included in
    Specifically which addressed the following:
    In Intercompany Matching System Report, when running a report that requires currency translations, the report is slow, and translated values are being written to the database, unnecessarily increasing database size.
    This service fix will allow currency translations for ICM System reports to be controlled by a registry setting. The following options are available:
    · Use existing translation logic – Uses Sub Translate in rules, and commits changes to the database. This is the default setting, if no registry entry is specified.
    · On-the-fly, use rules – Uses Sub Translate in rules, but no changes are written to the database. Parent Entities in CN status are translated.
    · On-the-fly, use default translation – Only executes default translation (no Sub Translate). No changes are written to the database

  • Please help with this issue "To Run a SSIS Package outside of Server Data Tools You must install Drived Column of Integration sercvies of higher" From C# app

     i have searched all over the google and here on MSDN(I have read all the threads related to my problem ) , i am new to SISS and doing my clg project ,
    I have this package which loads data from  dim tables to a fact table , my Package runs without any problem in BIDS (2012)
    I have installed SQl Server integration services on SQL and service is also running in services.msc,
    the problem comes when i execute my package using my C# application i am using MSDN Method to execute a SSIS package programmatically given here.
    For loading my FactTable i have used a Derived columns  and some lookups , 
    Now if i don't use derived columns and looks ups and just use source and destination component then my package runs fine from my C# application but if i use derived columns or looks ups etc it gives the following error
    "Error in Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.TaskHost/SSIS.Pipeline: To Run a SSIS package outside of SQL Server Data Tools you must Install Derived Column of Integration services of higher"
    I am searching and trying to resolve this issue from previous 2 days but without any luck please help or guide me what is solution to this problem ,,i will be very thankful
    I have also found that integration services that are running on my system have version  10.0
    but the BIDS have version Version 11.0.3402.0
    IS this causing problem ?  if yes then what i have to do  ?

    Hi BlaxButt,
    The package is developed in SSDT installed by SQL Server 2012, so it is a SSIS 2012 package. However, the Integration Services you have installed is SQL Server 2008 R2 version. To run the package outside SSDT, you need SSIS 2012 installed. The reason why
    the package runs fine with only Source and Destination components is that such a simple package can be executed by the DTExec utility installed by SQL Server 2012 Data base Engine or Client Tools (SQL Server Import and Export Wizard). To run a package that
    uses other tasks/components outside SSDT/BIDS, the SSIS runtime is also required except the DTExec utility. To obtain the SSIS 2012 runtime, we have to install SSIS 2012 on the server where the package runs.
    Mike Yin
    TechNet Community Support

  • Issue with lock file in Oracle 10g app server - MDB not running

    I have Oracle 10g & MQ 6 on my laptop. I generated JNDI bindings for app server-MQ by giving ip address of my machine first. Then i changed it to "localhost" & generated new set of .bindings file.
    With this new set i am able to send messages from my program to a queue. I also have an MDB which should listen to the same queue.
    However now my mdb is not listening to the queue & i suspect it is due to host address change, - because each time i start the server, i see a lock file created "OracleASRouter_store.lock" - under j2ee\home\persistance. And below is the content of the same -
    "O10.1.4.245:/C:/Program Files/Oracle/oc4j_extended_101330/j2ee/home/persistence/"
    As per few suggestions on this site, I deleted this file & restated app server, deleted whole content of persistance folder, restarted app server. But each time i see this file created and also see the ip address in log.xml under j2ee\home\log\oc4j
    Error message in this log.xml file is
    <MSG_ID>J2EE EJB-02009</MSG_ID>
    <MSG_TEXT>[STGMQ:STGMQEJB:TestMDB] Unexpected exception by JMS provider: javax.jms.MessageEOFException: initializeConnection.</MSG_TEXT>
    <SUPPL_DETAIL><![CDATA[javax.jms.MessageEOFException: initializeConnection
         at com.evermind.server.jms.JMSUtils.make(
         at com.evermind.server.jms.JMSUtils.toJMSException(
         at com.evermind.server.jms.TCPJMSRemoteServer.initializeConnection(
         at com.evermind.server.jms.TCPJMSRemoteServer.initializeConnection(
         at com.evermind.server.jms.TCPJMSRemoteServer.<init>(
         at com.evermind.server.jms.EvermindConnection.<init>(
         at com.evermind.server.jms.EvermindQueueConnection.<init>(
         at com.evermind.server.jms.EvermindQueueConnectionFactory.unprivileged_createQueueConnection(
         at com.evermind.server.jms.EvermindQueueConnectionFactory.access$000(
         at com.evermind.server.jms.EvermindQueueConnectionFactory$1.execute(
         at com.evermind.server.jms.InContainerProxy.doSecureOp(
         at com.evermind.server.jms.EvermindQueueConnectionFactory.createQueueConnection(
         at com.evermind.server.jms.EvermindQueueConnectionFactory.createQueueConnection(
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.MessageDrivenConsumer.createNonXAResources(
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.MessageDrivenConsumer.initializeJMSResources(
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.MessageDrivenConsumer.processMessages(
         at com.evermind.util.ReleasableResourcePooledExecutor$
    Caused by:
         at com.evermind.server.jms.JMSRemoteServer.readCheck(
         at com.evermind.server.jms.JMSRemoteServer.readProtocol(
         at com.evermind.server.jms.TCPJMSRemoteServer.initializeConnection(
         ... 16 more
    <MSG_ID>J2EE EJB-02014</MSG_ID>
    <MSG_TEXT>[STGMQ:STGMQEJB:TestMDB] All message consumer threads have terminated due to provider errors, stopping MDB.</MSG_TEXT>
    And my MDB is NOT WORKING. Please let me know how to deal with this.
    Your suggestions would be much appreciated.

    Line # 127 is creating a new application object using ApplicationFactory.
    ApplicationFactory aFactory =
    (ApplicationFactory) FactoryFinder.getFactory(
    application = aFactory.getApplication();
    The only way that can throw a null pointer is when aFactory is NULL. I really doubt this case because, the same thing is doen in init() of FacesServlet. If it had failed there, the exception should have occured during server startup.
    This leaves me more and more confused....I am desperate for some help now :((

  • Discoverer Viewer(4i) to run Discoverer-reports(10g) with Apps(11.5.0)

    We are running Discoverer Viewer(4i) to run Discoverer-Workbooks(10g) with Apps(11.5.0) but we are facing error like 'Unable to fetch workbook' .I guess this is b'coz EUL created in 10g not getting compatible with 4i Discoverer Viewer.
    If this is the problem what is my next step?
    Can anyone plz help me in detail.
    Thanks in advance.

    You would need to upgrade everything to the same level if you want to open Discoverer 10g workbooks. This means your EUL will need to be upgraded and you will need to abandon the 4i server and upgrade to the 10g server.
    I would encourage you to do so anyway because 10g is much better than 4i.
    Best wishes

  • How to store the report output in app server local directory

    Dear All,
    I would like to store the reports output in the app server folder. How do i achieve?
    I am using reports10g, app server 10g. I am using web.show_document to call the reports. I would like to the achieve the same using this web.show_document built in.

    using desname pointing to an path on the apps-server the output is stored there. But when opening before in browser, then this document is stored in temporary folder on the client and you can't store them then to the apps server (if you not map the apps server or use web dav to do that).

  • The URL to run a Report stored in the Server-VERY URGENT

    Hi ,
    I wanna to know the url to run the report stored in 9iDS.
    e.g. in earlier version we need to use the CGI scripts to do the work e.g. http://hostname:port/srwcgi60/rwcgi.exe?report=test.rep ..somethin like this ..but in 9iDS i m not able to get the url..when i do http://hostname:port/reports/ the home page of reports come thats it ...but how to run it ...
    please its VERY URGENT..
    thanx a lot..

    hello bhavana,
    how ru.
    put the above coding to a when-button-pressed trigger.
    it will work.
    this will give u the reports home page.
    in that enter the report name and username and password.
    this also will work.
    looking forward to hear from u.
    bye. take care.

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