Oracle gateway for Oracle 10g DB on Windows 64 bit server

Is there any place that I can find Oracle dateway for Oracle 10g DB on Windows 64 bit server? I can only find Gateway for Oracle 11g on Windows 32 bit server. Please help me to identify this. Thanks.

Thanks a lot. The link tells the details. It seems that Oracle has not release Gateway for Oracle database 10.2.0.x on Windows 64 bit server. Probably they don't do it.
So under this circumstance, if I want to install Gateway (32 bit) on Oracle DB on Windows 64 bit server for Teradata, I probably have to install Gateway software in another Oracle Home, then configure it right. Please give more advice on this. 32 bit Gateway will work for 64 bit database?

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  • Error fetching data from a foxpro db using Oracle Gateway for ODBC

    I have an database an a 11.2.0 Oracle Gateway for ODBC installed and configured.
    The dblink test works fine, I can connect with the foxpro database because if I execute desc centros I can see the
    columns of table centros.
    The problem comes when I try to execute Select * from centros@fox1;
    A syntax error is returned ([Microsoft][ODBC Visual FoxPro Driver]Syntax error. {42000,NativeErr = 200})
    I paste down the output of the trace file with HS_FDS_TRACE_LEVEL=255
    If I run select codcen from centros@fox1; another error is shown. Tell me if you want the other trace file.
    select codcen from centros@fox1
    ERROR en lÝnea 1:
    ORA-00904: "CODCEN": identificador no vßlido
    Oracle Corporation --- JUEVES MAY 31 2012 13:11:24.765
    Heterogeneous Agent Release
    Oracle Corporation --- JUEVES MAY 31 2012 13:11:24.750
    Entered hgogprd
    HOSGIP for "HS_FDS_TRACE_LEVEL" returned "255"
    Entered hgosdip
    setting HS_OPEN_CURSORS to default of 50
    setting HS_FDS_RECOVERY_ACCOUNT to default of "RECOVER"
    setting HS_FDS_RECOVERY_PWD to default value
    setting HS_IDLE_TIMEOUT to default of 0
    setting HS_NLS_NCHAR to default of "UCS2"
    setting HS_FDS_TIMESTAMP_MAPPING to default of "DATE"
    setting HS_FDS_DATE_MAPPING to default of "DATE"
    setting HS_RPC_FETCH_REBLOCKING to default of "ON"
    setting HS_FDS_FETCH_ROWS to default of "100"
    setting HS_FDS_RESULTSET_SUPPORT to default of "FALSE"
    setting HS_FDS_RSET_RETURN_ROWCOUNT to default of "FALSE"
    setting HS_FDS_PROC_IS_FUNC to default of "FALSE"
    setting HS_FDS_CHARACTER_SEMANTICS to default of "FALSE"
    setting HS_FDS_MAP_NCHAR to default of "TRUE"
    setting HS_NLS_DATE_FORMAT to default of "YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS"
    setting HS_FDS_REPORT_REAL_AS_DOUBLE to default of "FALSE"
    setting HS_LONG_PIECE_TRANSFER_SIZE to default of "65536"
    setting HS_SQL_HANDLE_STMT_REUSE to default of "FALSE"
    setting HS_FDS_QUERY_DRIVER to default of "TRUE"
    setting HS_FDS_SUPPORT_STATISTICS to default of "FALSE"
    Parameter HS_FDS_QUOTE_IDENTIFIER is not set
    setting HS_KEEP_REMOTE_COLUMN_SIZE to default of "OFF"
    setting HS_FDS_GRAPHIC_TO_MBCS to default of "FALSE"
    setting HS_FDS_MBCS_TO_GRAPHIC to default of "FALSE"
    Default value of 32 assumed for HS_FDS_SQLLEN_INTERPRETATION
    setting HS_CALL_NAME_ISP to "gtw$:SQLTables;gtw$:SQLColumns;gtw$:SQLPrimaryKeys;gtw$:SQLForeignKeys;gtw$:SQLProcedures;gtw$:SQLStatistics;gtw$:SQLGetInfo"
    setting HS_FDS_DELAYED_OPEN to default of "TRUE"
    setting HS_FDS_WORKAROUNDS to default of "0"
    Exiting hgosdip, rc=0
    Port Rls/Upd:1/0 PrdStat:0
    Agent:Oracle Database Gateway for ODBC
    Class:ODBC, ClassVsn:, Instance:DAVID
    Exiting hgogprd, rc=0
    hostmstr: 2057416704:      HOA After hoagprd
    hostmstr: 2057416704:      HOA Before hoainit
    Entered hgoinit
    Entered hgolofn at 2012/05/31-13:11:25
    Exiting hgolofn, rc=0 at 2012/05/31-13:11:25
    HOSGIP for "HS_OPEN_CURSORS" returned "50"
    HOSGIP for "HS_FDS_FETCH_ROWS" returned "100"
    HOSGIP for "HS_LONG_PIECE_TRANSFER_SIZE" returned "65536"
    HOSGIP for "HS_NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTER" returned ".,"
    HOSGIP for "HS_FDS_DELAYED_OPEN" returned "TRUE"
    HOSGIP for "HS_FDS_WORKAROUNDS" returned "0"
    Invalid value of 32 given for HS_FDS_SQLLEN_INTERPRETATION
    treat_SQLLEN_as_compiled = 1
    Exiting hgoinit, rc=0 at 2012/05/31-13:11:25
    hostmstr: 2057416704:      HOA After hoainit
    hostmstr: 2057416704:      HOA Before hoalgon
    Entered hgolgon at 2012/05/31-13:11:25
    reco:0, name:SYSTEM, tflag:0
    Entered hgosuec at 2012/05/31-13:11:25
    Exiting hgosuec, rc=0 at 2012/05/31-13:11:25
    HOSGIP for "HS_FDS_DATE_MAPPING" returned "DATE"
    HOSGIP for "HS_FDS_MAP_NCHAR" returned "TRUE"
    HOSGIP for "HS_FDS_PROC_IS_FUNC" returned "FALSE"
    using SYSTEM as default value for "HS_FDS_DEFAULT_OWNER"
    Entered hgocont at 2012/05/31-13:11:25
    HS_FDS_CONNECT_INFO = "Prueba_Foxpro"
    Entered hgogenconstr at 2012/05/31-13:11:25
    dsn:Prueba_Foxpro, name:SYSTEM
    Entered hgocip at 2012/05/31-13:11:25
    Exiting hgocip, rc=0 at 2012/05/31-13:11:25
    ##>Connect Parameters (len=39)<##
    ## DSN=Prueba_Foxpro;
    #! UID=SYSTEM;
    #! PWD=*
    Exiting hgogenconstr, rc=0 at 2012/05/31-13:11:25
    Entered hgopoer at 2012/05/31-13:11:26
    hgopoer, line 233: got native error 0 and sqlstate 01000; message follows...
    [*Microsoft][Administrador de controladores ODBC] El controlador no admite una versión de ODBC distinta de la que la necesita la aplicación (vea SQLSetEnvAttr)*. {01000}
    Exiting hgopoer, rc=0 at 2012/05/31-13:11:26
    hgocont, line 2686: calling SqlDriverConnect got sqlstate 01000
    Entered hgolosf at 2012/05/31-13:11:26
    ODBC Function-Available-Array 0xFFFE 0x00FF 0xFF00 0xAA7F 0x03B3 0x0000
    0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000
    0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000
    0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000
    0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000
    0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000
    0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000
    0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000
    0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000
    0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000
    0x0000 0x0000 0xEE00 0x395C
    Exiting hgolosf, rc=0 at 2012/05/31-13:11:26
    DriverName:VFPODBC.DLL, DriverVer:06.86.0001
    DBMS Name:Visual FoxPro, DBMS Version:03.00.0000
    Exiting hgocont, rc=0 at 2012/05/31-13:11:26 with error ptr FILE:hgocont.c LINE:2686 ID:SQLDriverConnect
    Entered hgopoer at 2012/05/31-13:11:26
    hgopoer, line 233: got native error 0 and sqlstate HYC00; message follows...
    [Microsoft][ODBC Visual FoxPro Driver]Driver not capable {HYC00}
    Exiting hgopoer, rc=0 at 2012/05/31-13:11:26
    hgolgon, line 795: calling SQLGetInfo got sqlstate HYC00
    SQLGetInfo returns N for SQL_CATALOG_NAME
    Exiting hgolgon, rc=0 at 2012/05/31-13:11:26 with error ptr FILE:hgolgon.c LINE:795 ID:GetInfo: Support catalogs
    hostmstr: 2036506624:      HOA After hoalgon
    RPC Calling nscontrol(0), rc=0
    hostmstr: 2036506624: RPC Before Upload Caps
    hostmstr: 2036506624:      HOA Before hoaulcp
    Entered hgoulcp at 2012/05/31-13:11:26
    Entered hgowlst at 2012/05/31-13:11:26
    Exiting hgowlst, rc=0 at 2012/05/31-13:11:26
    SQLGetInfo returns 0x0 for SQL_OWNER_USAGE
    TXN Capable:1, Isolation Option:0x2
    SQLGetInfo returns 0 for SQL_MAX_SCHEMA_NAME_LEN
    SQLGetInfo returns 128 for SQL_MAX_TABLE_NAME_LEN
    SQLGetInfo returns 0 for SQL_MAX_PROCEDURE_NAME_LEN
    SQLGetInfo returns ` (0x60) for SQL_IDENTIFIER_QUOTE_CHAR
    SQLGetInfo returns Y for SQL_COLUMN_ALIAS
    16 instance capabilities will be uploaded
    capno:1964, context:0x00000000, add-info: 0
    capno:1989, context:0x00000000, add-info: 0
    capno:1991, context:0x0001ffff, add-info: 0
    capno:1992, context:0x0001ffff, add-info: 1, translation:"`"
    capno:3042, context:0x00000000, add-info: 0, translation:"42"
    capno:3047, context:0x00000000, add-info: 0, translation:"57"
    capno:3049, context:0x00000000, add-info: 0, translation:"59"
    capno:3050, context:0x00000000, add-info: 0, translation:"60"
    capno:3066, context:0x00000000, add-info: 0
    capno:3067, context:0x00000000, add-info: 0
    capno:3068, context:0x00000000, add-info: 0
    capno:3069, context:0x00000000, add-info: 0
    capno:3500, context:0x00000001, add-info: 91, translation:"42"
    capno:3501, context:0x00000001, add-info: 93, translation:"57"
    capno:3502, context:0x00000001, add-info: 107, translation:"59"
    capno:3503, context:0x00000001, add-info: 110, translation:"60"
    Exiting hgoulcp, rc=0 at 2012/05/31-13:11:26
    hostmstr: 2036506624:      HOA After hoaulcp
    hostmstr: 2036506624: RPC After Upload Caps
    hostmstr: 2036506624: RPC Before Upload DDTR
    hostmstr: 2036506624:      HOA Before hoauldt
    Entered hgouldt at 2012/05/31-13:11:27
    NO instance DD translations were uploaded
    Exiting hgouldt, rc=0 at 2012/05/31-13:11:27
    hostmstr: 2036506624:      HOA After hoauldt
    hostmstr: 2036506624: RPC After Upload DDTR
    hostmstr: 2036506624: RPC Before Begin Trans
    hostmstr: 2036506624:      HOA Before hoabegn
    Entered hgobegn at 2012/05/31-13:11:27
    tflag:0 , initial:1
    hoi:0x12f094, ttid (len 54) is ...
    00: 54455354 2E524547 52455353 2E524442 [TEST.REGRESS.RDB]
    10: 4D532E44 45562E55 532E4F52 41434C45 [MS.DEV.US.ORACLE]
    20: 2E434F4D 2E663033 63383037 372E392E [.COM.f03c8077.9.]
    30: 34342E37 3735 [44.775]
    tbid (len 10) is ...
    0: 09002C00 07030000 0104 [..,.......]
    Exiting hgobegn, rc=0 at 2012/05/31-13:11:27
    hostmstr: 2036506624:      HOA After hoabegn
    hostmstr: 2036506624: RPC After Begin Trans
    hostmstr: 2036506624: RPC Before Describe Table
    hostmstr: 2036506624:      HOA Before hoadtab
    Entered hgodtab at 2012/05/31-13:11:27
    table: CENTROS
    Entered hgopdsc at 2012/05/31-13:11:27
    Describing procedure CENTROS
    Output hoada
    hgopdsc, line 1426: NO hoada to print
    Exiting hgopdsc, rc=942 at 2012/05/31-13:11:27
    The hoada for table CENTROS follows...
    hgodtab, line 904: NO hoada to print
    Exiting hgodtab, rc=0 at 2012/05/31-13:11:27
    hostmstr: 2036506624:      HOA After hoadtab
    hostmstr: 2036506624: RPC After Describe Table
    hostmstr: 2036506624: RPC Before SQL Bundling
    hostmstr: 2036506624:      HOA Before hoxpars
    Entered hgopars, cursor id 1 at 2012/05/31-13:11:27
    SQL text from hgopars, id=1, len=23 ...
    00: 53454C45 4354202A 2046524F 4D202243 [SELECT * FROM "C]
    10: 454E5452 4F5322 [ENTROS"]
    Exiting hgopars, rc=0 at 2012/05/31-13:11:28
    hostmstr: 2036506624:      HOA After hoxpars
    hostmstr: 2036506624: RPC After SQL Bundling
    hostmstr: 2036506624: RPC Before SQL Bundling
    hostmstr: 2036506624:      HOA Before hoxopen
    Entered hgoopen, cursor id 1 at 2012/05/31-13:11:28
    hgoopen, line 87: NO hoada to print
    Deferred open until first fetch.
    Exiting hgoopen, rc=0 at 2012/05/31-13:11:28
    hostmstr: 2036506624:      HOA After hoxopen
    hostmstr: 2036506624:      HOA Before hoxdscr
    Entered hgodscr, cursor id 1 at 2012/05/31-13:11:28
    Allocate hoada @ 023E983C
    Entered hgopoer at 2012/05/31-13:11:28
    hgopoer, line 233: got native error 0 and sqlstate HY091; message follows...
    [Microsoft][ODBC Visual FoxPro Driver]*Descriptor type out of range* {HY091}
    Exiting hgopoer, rc=0 at 2012/05/31-13:11:28
    hgodscr, line 615: calling SQLColAttribute got sqlstate HY091
    Entered hgopcda at 2012/05/31-13:11:28
    Column:1(codcen): dtype:1 (CHAR), prc/scl:8/0, nullbl:0, octet:8, sign:1, radix:0
    Exiting hgopcda, rc=0 at 2012/05/31-13:11:28
    Entered hgopoer at 2012/05/31-13:11:28
    hgopoer, line 233: got native error 0 and sqlstate HY091; message follows...
    [Microsoft][ODBC Visual FoxPro Driver]Descriptor type out of range {HY091}
    Exiting hgopoer, rc=0 at 2012/05/31-13:11:28
    hgodscr, line 615: calling SQLColAttribute got sqlstate HY091
    Entered hgopcda at 2012/05/31-13:11:28
    Column:2(litcen): dtype:1 (CHAR), prc/scl:45/0, nullbl:0, octet:45, sign:1, radix:0
    Exiting hgopcda, rc=0 at 2012/05/31-13:11:28
    Entered hgopoer at 2012/05/31-13:11:28
    hgopoer, line 233: got native error 0 and sqlstate HY091; message follows...
    [Microsoft][ODBC Visual FoxPro Driver]Descriptor type out of range {HY091}
    Exiting hgopoer, rc=0 at 2012/05/31-13:11:28
    hgodscr, line 615: calling SQLColAttribute got sqlstate HY091
    Entered hgopcda at 2012/05/31-13:11:28
    Column:3(codpos): dtype:1 (CHAR), prc/scl:5/0, nullbl:0, octet:5, sign:1, radix:0
    Exiting hgopcda, rc=0 at 2012/05/31-13:11:28
    Entered hgopoer at 2012/05/31-13:11:28
    hgopoer, line 233: got native error 0 and sqlstate HY091; message follows...
    [Microsoft][ODBC Visual FoxPro Driver]Descriptor type out of range {HY091}
    Exiting hgopoer, rc=0 at 2012/05/31-13:11:28
    hgodscr, line 615: calling SQLColAttribute got sqlstate HY091
    Entered hgopcda at 2012/05/31-13:11:28
    Column:4(codprov): dtype:1 (CHAR), prc/scl:2/0, nullbl:0, octet:2, sign:1, radix:0
    Exiting hgopcda, rc=0 at 2012/05/31-13:11:28
    Entered hgopoer at 2012/05/31-13:11:28
    hgopoer, line 233: got native error 0 and sqlstate HY091; message follows...
    [Microsoft][ODBC Visual FoxPro Driver]Descriptor type out of range {HY091}
    Exiting hgopoer, rc=0 at 2012/05/31-13:11:28
    hgodscr, line 615: calling SQLColAttribute got sqlstate HY091
    Entered hgopcda at 2012/05/31-13:11:28
    Column:5(codmun): dtype:1 (CHAR), prc/scl:3/0, nullbl:0, octet:3, sign:1, radix:0
    Exiting hgopcda, rc=0 at 2012/05/31-13:11:28
    Entered hgopoer at 2012/05/31-13:11:28
    hgopoer, line 233: got native error 0 and sqlstate HY091; message follows...
    [Microsoft][ODBC Visual FoxPro Driver]Descriptor type out of range {HY091}
    Exiting hgopoer, rc=0 at 2012/05/31-13:11:28
    hgodscr, line 615: calling SQLColAttribute got sqlstate HY091
    Entered hgopcda at 2012/05/31-13:11:28
    Column:6(codecol): dtype:1 (CHAR), prc/scl:2/0, nullbl:0, octet:2, sign:1, radix:0
    Exiting hgopcda, rc=0 at 2012/05/31-13:11:28
    Entered hgopoer at 2012/05/31-13:11:28
    hgopoer, line 233: got native error 0 and sqlstate HY091; message follows...
    [Microsoft][ODBC Visual FoxPro Driver]Descriptor type out of range {HY091}
    Exiting hgopoer, rc=0 at 2012/05/31-13:11:28
    hgodscr, line 615: calling SQLColAttribute got sqlstate HY091
    Entered hgopcda at 2012/05/31-13:11:28
    Column:7(codesin): dtype:1 (CHAR), prc/scl:2/0, nullbl:0, octet:2, sign:1, radix:0
    Exiting hgopcda, rc=0 at 2012/05/31-13:11:28
    Entered hgopoer at 2012/05/31-13:11:28
    hgopoer, line 233: got native error 0 and sqlstate HY091; message follows...
    [Microsoft][ODBC Visual FoxPro Driver]Descriptor type out of range {HY091}
    Exiting hgopoer, rc=0 at 2012/05/31-13:11:28
    hgodscr, line 615: calling SQLColAttribute got sqlstate HY091
    Entered hgopcda at 2012/05/31-13:11:28
    Column:8(cb): dtype:1 (CHAR), prc/scl:4/0, nullbl:0, octet:4, sign:1, radix:0
    Exiting hgopcda, rc=0 at 2012/05/31-13:11:28
    Entered hgopoer at 2012/05/31-13:11:28
    hgopoer, line 233: got native error 0 and sqlstate HY091; message follows...
    [Microsoft][ODBC Visual FoxPro Driver]Descriptor type out of range {HY091}
    Exiting hgopoer, rc=0 at 2012/05/31-13:11:28
    hgodscr, line 615: calling SQLColAttribute got sqlstate HY091
    Entered hgopcda at 2012/05/31-13:11:28
    Column:9(cs): dtype:1 (CHAR), prc/scl:4/0, nullbl:0, octet:4, sign:1, radix:0
    Exiting hgopcda, rc=0 at 2012/05/31-13:11:28
    Entered hgopoer at 2012/05/31-13:11:28
    hgopoer, line 233: got native error 0 and sqlstate HY091; message follows...
    [Microsoft][ODBC Visual FoxPro Driver]Descriptor type out of range {HY091}
    Exiting hgopoer, rc=0 at 2012/05/31-13:11:28
    hgodscr, line 615: calling SQLColAttribute got sqlstate HY091
    Entered hgopcda at 2012/05/31-13:11:28
    Column:10(digitocon): dtype:1 (CHAR), prc/scl:2/0, nullbl:0, octet:2, sign:1, radix:0
    Exiting hgopcda, rc=0 at 2012/05/31-13:11:28
    Entered hgopoer at 2012/05/31-13:11:28
    hgopoer, line 233: got native error 0 and sqlstate HY091; message follows...
    [Microsoft][ODBC Visual FoxPro Driver]Descriptor type out of range {HY091}
    Exiting hgopoer, rc=0 at 2012/05/31-13:11:28
    hgodscr, line 615: calling SQLColAttribute got sqlstate HY091
    Entered hgopcda at 2012/05/31-13:11:28
    Column:11(cuenta): dtype:1 (CHAR), prc/scl:10/0, nullbl:0, octet:10, sign:1, radix:0
    Exiting hgopcda, rc=0 at 2012/05/31-13:11:28
    Entered hgopcda at 2012/05/31-13:11:28
    Column:12(solar): dtype:2 (NUMERIC), prc/scl:5/0, nullbl:0, octet:10, sign:1, radix:0
    Exiting hgopcda, rc=0 at 2012/05/31-13:11:28
    Entered hgopcda at 2012/05/31-13:11:28
    Column:13(construido): dtype:2 (NUMERIC), prc/scl:5/0, nullbl:0, octet:10, sign:1, radix:0
    Exiting hgopcda, rc=0 at 2012/05/31-13:11:28
    Entered hgopoer at 2012/05/31-13:11:28
    hgopoer, line 233: got native error 0 and sqlstate HY091; message follows...
    [Microsoft][ODBC Visual FoxPro Driver]Descriptor type out of range {HY091}
    Exiting hgopoer, rc=0 at 2012/05/31-13:11:28
    hgodscr, line 615: calling SQLColAttribute got sqlstate HY091
    Entered hgopcda at 2012/05/31-13:11:28
    Column:14(domicen): dtype:1 (CHAR), prc/scl:40/0, nullbl:0, octet:40, sign:1, radix:0
    Exiting hgopcda, rc=0 at 2012/05/31-13:11:28
    Entered hgopoer at 2012/05/31-13:11:28
    hgopoer, line 233: got native error 0 and sqlstate HY091; message follows...
    [Microsoft][ODBC Visual FoxPro Driver]Descriptor type out of range {HY091}
    Exiting hgopoer, rc=0 at 2012/05/31-13:11:28
    hgodscr, line 615: calling SQLColAttribute got sqlstate HY091
    Entered hgopcda at 2012/05/31-13:11:28
    Column:15(telef): dtype:1 (CHAR), prc/scl:11/0, nullbl:0, octet:11, sign:1, radix:0
    Exiting hgopcda, rc=0 at 2012/05/31-13:11:28
    Entered hgopoer at 2012/05/31-13:11:28
    hgopoer, line 233: got native error 0 and sqlstate HY091; message follows...
    [Microsoft][ODBC Visual FoxPro Driver]Descriptor type out of range {HY091}
    Exiting hgopoer, rc=0 at 2012/05/31-13:11:28
    hgodscr, line 615: calling SQLColAttribute got sqlstate HY091
    Entered hgopcda at 2012/05/31-13:11:28
    Column:16(fax): dtype:1 (CHAR), prc/scl:11/0, nullbl:0, octet:11, sign:1, radix:0
    Exiting hgopcda, rc=0 at 2012/05/31-13:11:28
    Entered hgopoer at 2012/05/31-13:11:28
    hgopoer, line 233: got native error 0 and sqlstate HY091; message follows...
    [Microsoft][ODBC Visual FoxPro Driver]Descriptor type out of range {HY091}
    Exiting hgopoer, rc=0 at 2012/05/31-13:11:28
    hgodscr, line 615: calling SQLColAttribute got sqlstate HY091
    Entered hgopcda at 2012/05/31-13:11:28
    Column:17(cif): dtype:1 (CHAR), prc/scl:11/0, nullbl:0, octet:11, sign:1, radix:0
    Exiting hgopcda, rc=0 at 2012/05/31-13:11:28
    Entered hgopoer at 2012/05/31-13:11:28
    hgopoer, line 233: got native error 0 and sqlstate HY091; message follows...
    [Microsoft][ODBC Visual FoxPro Driver]Descriptor type out of range {HY091}
    Exiting hgopoer, rc=0 at 2012/05/31-13:11:28
    hgodscr, line 615: calling SQLColAttribute got sqlstate HY091
    Entered hgopcda at 2012/05/31-13:11:28
    Column:18(litloc): dtype:1 (CHAR), prc/scl:30/0, nullbl:0, octet:30, sign:1, radix:0
    Exiting hgopcda, rc=0 at 2012/05/31-13:11:28
    hgodscr, line 910: Printing hoada @ 023E983C
    MAX:18, ACTUAL:18, BRC:100, WHT=5 (SELECT_LIST)
    hoadaMOD bit-values found (0x200:TREAT_AS_CHAR)
    1 CHAR N 8 8 0/ 0 0 0 200 codcen
    1 CHAR N 45 45 0/ 0 0 0 200 litcen
    1 CHAR N 5 5 0/ 0 0 0 200 codpos
    1 CHAR N 2 2 0/ 0 0 0 200 codprov
    1 CHAR N 3 3 0/ 0 0 0 200 codmun
    1 CHAR N 2 2 0/ 0 0 0 200 codecol
    1 CHAR N 2 2 0/ 0 0 0 200 codesin
    1 CHAR N 4 4 0/ 0 0 0 200 cb
    1 CHAR N 4 4 0/ 0 0 0 200 cs
    1 CHAR N 2 2 0/ 0 0 0 200 digitocon
    1 CHAR N 10 10 0/ 0 0 0 200 cuenta
    3 DECIMAL N 7 7 5/ 0 0 0 0 solar
    3 DECIMAL N 7 7 5/ 0 0 0 0 construido
    1 CHAR N 40 40 0/ 0 0 0 200 domicen
    1 CHAR N 11 11 0/ 0 0 0 200 telef
    1 CHAR N 11 11 0/ 0 0 0 200 fax
    1 CHAR N 11 11 0/ 0 0 0 200 cif
    1 CHAR N 30 30 0/ 0 0 0 200 litloc
    Exiting hgodscr, rc=0 at 2012/05/31-13:11:28 with error ptr FILE:hgodscr.c LINE:615 ID:Transfer Octet Length
    hostmstr: 2036506624:      HOA After hoxdscr
    hostmstr: 2036506624: RPC After SQL Bundling
    hostmstr: 2036506624: RPC Before SQL Bundling
    hostmstr: 2036506624:      HOA Before hoxclse
    Entered hgoclse, cursor id 1 at 2012/05/31-13:11:28
    Exiting hgoclse, rc=0 at 2012/05/31-13:11:28
    hostmstr: 2036506624:      HOA After hoxclse
    hostmstr: 2036506624:      HOA Before hoadafr
    Entered hgodafr, cursor id 1 at 2012/05/31-13:11:28
    Free hoada @ 023E983C
    Exiting hgodafr, rc=0 at 2012/05/31-13:11:28
    hostmstr: 2036506624:      HOA After hoadafr
    hostmstr: 2036506624:      HOA Before hoxpars
    Entered hgopars, cursor id 1 at 2012/05/31-13:11:28
    SQL text from hgopars, id=1, len=235 ...
    00: 53454C45 43542041 312E2263 6F646365 [SELECT A1."codce]
    10: 6E222C41 312E226C 69746365 6E222C41 [n",A1."litcen",A]
    20: 312E2263 6F64706F 73222C41 312E2263 [1."codpos",A1."c]
    30: 6F647072 6F76222C 41312E22 636F646D [odprov",A1."codm]
    40: 756E222C 41312E22 636F6465 636F6C22 [un",A1."codecol"]
    50: 2C41312E 22636F64 6573696E 222C4131 [,A1."codesin",A1]
    60: 2E226362 222C4131 2E226373 222C4131 [."cb",A1."cs",A1]
    70: 2E226469 6769746F 636F6E22 2C41312E [."digitocon",A1.]
    80: 22637565 6E746122 2C41312E 22736F6C ["cuenta",A1."sol]
    90: 6172222C 41312E22 636F6E73 74727569 [ar",A1."construi]
    A0: 646F222C 41312E22 646F6D69 63656E22 [do",A1."domicen"]
    B0: 2C41312E 2274656C 6566222C 41312E22 [,A1."telef",A1."]
    C0: 66617822 2C41312E 22636966 222C4131 [fax",A1."cif",A1]
    D0: 2E226C69 746C6F63 22204652 4F4D2022 [."litloc" FROM "]
    E0: 43454E54 524F5322 204131 [CENTROS" A1]
    Entered hgopoer at 2012/05/31-13:11:28
    hgopoer, line 233: got native error 200 and sqlstate 42000; message follows...
    [Microsoft][ODBC Visual FoxPro Driver]Syntax error. {42000,NativeErr = 200}
    Exiting hgopoer, rc=0 at 2012/05/31-13:11:28
    hgopars, line 457: calling SQLPrepare got sqlstate 42000
    Exiting hgopars, rc=28500 at 2012/05/31-13:11:28 with error ptr FILE:hgopars.c LINE:487 ID:Prepare stmt
    hostmstr: 2036506624:      HOA After hoxpars
    hostmstr: 2036506624: RPC After SQL Bundling

    The first issue I see is that Oracle was never certified with DG4ODBC 11. Only or can be used as the Oracle database HS kernel requires a gateway compatibility patch and this patch is included in or Oracle database patch set.
    Then another error in the trace is that for each column description you have an error:
    hgopoer, line 233: got native error 0 and sqlstate HY091; message follows...
    [Microsoft][ODBC Visual FoxPro Driver]*Descriptor type out of range* {HY091}
    Exiting hgopoer, rc=0 at 2012/05/31-13:11:28
    hgodscr, line 615: calling SQLColAttribute got sqlstate HY091
    It seems it is not critical as DG4ODBC continues, but a more detailed analysis would require an ODBC trace.
    When looking at the table description it seems the column names are all in lower letters, for example: solar. So commonly Dg4ODBC needs to quote the names
    00: 53454C45 43542041 312E2263 6F646365 [SELECT A1."codce]
    10: 6E222C41 312E226C 69746365 6E222C41 [n",A1."litcen",A]
    20: 312E2263 6F64706F 73222C41 312E2263 [1."codpos",A1."c]
    30: 6F647072 6F76222C 41312E22 636F646D [odprov",A1."codm]
    40: 756E222C 41312E22 636F6465 636F6C22 [un",A1."codecol"]
    50: 2C41312E 22636F64 6573696E 222C4131 [,A1."codesin",A1]
    60: 2E226362 222C4131 2E226373 222C4131 [."cb",A1."cs",A1]
    70: 2E226469 6769746F 636F6E22 2C41312E [."digitocon",A1.]
    80: 22637565 6E746122 2C41312E 22736F6C ["cuenta",A1."sol]
    90: 6172222C 41312E22 636F6E73 74727569 [ar",A1."construi]
    A0: 646F222C 41312E22 646F6D69 63656E22 [do",A1."domicen"]
    B0: 2C41312E 2274656C 6566222C 41312E22 [,A1."telef",A1."]
    C0: 66617822 2C41312E 22636966 222C4131 [fax",A1."cif",A1]
    D0: 2E226C69 746C6F63 22204652 4F4D2022 [."litloc" FROM "]
    E0: 43454E54 524F5322 204131 [CENTROS" A1]
    and according to the trace the FoxPro ODBC driver doesn't like these quotes and reports a syntax error.
    So this explains at least why select codcen from centros@fox1 will fail. In general the Oracle database is case insensitive and translates all object names to upper case and the select it will pass to the foreign database would be similar to:
    select CODCEN from CENTROS => which will fail as FoxPro is case sensitive. So the error message ORA-00904 (missing column name) is correct and the statement you need to use is:
    select "codcen" from centros@fox1;
    But this might lead again to the Syntax error you got earlier => You need to check which sign (single quote, back tick, double quote) Foxpro uses to quote object names and then set the gateway parameter HS_FDS_QUOTE_IDENTIFIER accordingly.
    To check which character can be used to quote column/table names you might use the Microsoft ODBc test utility which was distributed in the old MDAC 2.8:
    Edited by: kgronau on Jun 1, 2012 7:27 AM
    If you know where I can download the MS FoxPro ODBC driver, please let me know and I'll check.

  • Latest Oracle patch for DBA 10G.

    I'm looking for the latest Oracle patch for release 10G.
    Is the latest Oracle patch or ?
    At the following link
    when I click is an empty folder that doesn't contain any patch.
    Best regards

    regarding to sapnote #871096:
    > Release is not available or has not yet been released.
    >The next Oracle Release has not been made available by Oracle yet. No date has yet been set for the release. As soon as Release is made available by Oracle and has been tested and released for use with SAP, it will be announced in this note.

  • Oracle Database on Window 8 server machine

    Hi guys!
    I have problem with installation of Oracle Database on Window 8 server machine. I need installation Guide of Oracle Database for "Windows 8" server Machine.
    anyone can help me how can i install?


  • Can i use oracle 8i for oracle 9ias application server ?

    can i use oracle 8i for oracle 9ias application server for developing jsp applicationes?
    can i run the oracle 8i data application with 9 ias oracle server?
    can any one give suggetion?

    Each time when you start your computer, you need to restart Oracle as well, its only with Windows XP. The process you have to follow each time is:
    Start -->Run and then type CMD to open command prompt.
    In command prompt type
    svrmgrl and then press
    connect internal/oracle and then press
    startup force and then press
    If you have any problem, then please email me, [email protected]

  • Pro Oracle Spatial for Oracle Database 11g - Book now available

    Pro Oracle Spatial for Oracle Database 11g
    Pro Oracle Spatial for Oracle Database 11g shows how to take advantage of Oracle Databases built-in feature set for working with location-based data. A great deal of the information used in business today is associated with location in some way, and analysis of that data is becoming ever more important in todays mobile and highly connected world. In Pro Oracle Spatial for Oracle Database 11g, authors Ravi Kothuri and Albert Godfrind address
    * The special nature of spatial data and its role in professional and consumer applications
    * Issues in spatial data management such as modeling, storing, accessing, and analyzing spatial data
    * The Oracle Spatial solution and the integration of spatial data into enterprise databases
    * How spatial information is used to understand business and support decisions, to manage customer relations, and to better serve private and corporate users
    When you read Pro Oracle Spatial for Oracle Database 11g, you’re learning from the very best. Ravi Kothuri is a key member of Oracle’s Spatial development team. Albert Godfrind consults widely with Oracle clients on the implementation of Oracle Spatial, develops training courses, and presents frequently at conferences. Together they have crafted a technically sound and authoritative fountain of information on working with Spatial data in Oracle...
    Goto or

    Thank you very it.
    I know it isn't your gig, so I am not asking for a solution, just looking to know where I might have to go to get one. If buying SR's on meta link is going to solve this for me, then I am all for it, just let me know where the expertise can be found, I have been battling this overall set up now for too long, I need someone who really knows this stuff so I can get on with making use of it in industry....thanks....
    Can you steer me in the right direction to access some solid support on the installation issues I am having? See below;
    From oc4j on an attempted stand-alone install;
    07/11/22 20:23:39 INFO [oracle.lbs.mapserver.core.MapperConfig] using default config file: /opt/mv10131/mv10131_qs/oc4j/j2ee/home/applications/mapviewer/web/WEB-INF/conf/mapViewerConfig.xml
    07/11/22 20:23:39 WARN [oracle.lbs.mapserver.core.MapperPool] destroying ALL mapmaker instances.
    07/11/22 20:23:39 Oracle Containers for J2EE 10g ( initialized
    07/11/22 20:23:39 INFO [oracle.lbs.mapserver.core.MapperConfig] Map Recycling thread started.
    07/11/22 20:23:39 INFO [oracle.lbs.mapserver.oms] *** Oracle MapViewer started. ***
    07/11/22 20:23:40 INFO [oracle.lbs.mapcache.mcservlet] *** Oracle MapCacheServer started. ***
    07/11/22 20:23:40 Thu Nov 22 20:23:40 EST 2007 INFO [oracle.lbs.mapserver.core.MapRecycleThread, ,#Thread-19] cleansing old maps
    user induced ctl-c....program jams
    07/11/22 20:23:51 Shutting down OC4J...
    07/11/22 20:23:54 ERROR [oracle.lbs.mapcache.mcservlet] !!! Oracle MapCacheServer destroyed. !!!
    07/11/22 20:23:54 WARN [oracle.lbs.mapserver.core.MapperPool] destroying ALL mapmaker instances.
    07/11/22 20:23:54 WARN [oracle.lbs.mapserver.oms] Oracle MapViewer shut down
    From a full AppServer Install Attempt (10.1.3 from e-delivery pack) , despite proper TMP/TMPDIR variables, more than ample space via df -k /tmp (300G) and chmod a+rwx /tmp settings;
    [root@bluesky1 Disk1]# ./runInstaller
    Starting Oracle Universal Installer...
    Checking installer requirements...
    Checking operating system version: must be redhat-2.1, redhat-3, redhat-4, SuSE-9 or UnitedLinux-1.0
    All installer requirements met.
    Preparing to launch Oracle Universal Installer from /tmp/OraInstall2007-11-22_07-58-50PM. Please wait ...
    Error in writing to directory /tmp/OraInstall2007-11-22_07-58-50PM. Please ensure that this directory is writable and has atleast 60 MB of disk space. Installation cannot continue.
    : Success
    The people in the forums have been trying to help, and they have all been great, but noone seems able to solve....I am asking you because I am hoping you will know who the guru's are, and what I can do to access some of their wisdom to get up and running.?

  • How to set JDBC Data Sources in Oracle MapViewer for Oracle database 12c Release 1 (

    How to set JDBC Data Sources in Oracle MapViewer for Oracle database 12c Release 1 (
    The following is my configuration in the conf\mapViewerConfig.xml:
    <map_data_source name="mvdemo12"
    <!--  ****  -->
    But it does not work.
    After use "sqlplus mvdemo/[email protected]:1522/pdborcl", it connected to the Oracle database 12c.
    Does anyone know it?

    For use the syntax for jdbc_sid, i.e.
    // as described in the README,
    - MapViewer native (non-container) data sources can now use database service name in place of SID. To supply a db service name, you will use the same jdbc_sid attribute, but specify the service name with double slashes in front, such as follows:
      <map_data_source name="myds"
    For use a container_ds instead.
    i.e. instead of using
    <map_data_source name="my_12c_test"
      <map_data_source name="my_12c_test"
    In my case the Glassfish JDBC connection pool definition was
    url  jdbc:oracle:thin:@mydbinstance:1522/
    Uncheck the Wrap JDBC Objects option in Advanced panel, i.e. the Edit JDBC Connection Pool Advanced properties page.
    Add a JDBC resource for that newly created pool
    Use that in mapviewerconfig.xml as above

  • Where can i find the Oracle JDBC for Oracle RDBMS 8.1.7 ? Thanks.

    Where can i find the Oracle JDBC for Oracle RDBMS 8.1.7 ? Thanks.

  • Install Oracle 10g R2 on Windows 2003 server x64

    I'm trying to install 10g on 2003 server x64, but everytime the progress window appears after getting the inital Orace Installer window, it just disappears, no messages.
    Anyone have any ideas? I've got 1GB memory and about 100GB on hard drive available.

    Got the same issue.
    I'm trying to install 10g on 2003 server x64, but
    but everytime the progress window appears after
    getting the inital Orace Installer window, it just
    disappears, no messages.Looks like a bug but the question is who's bug is that. sun java ?
    And there is a java error log file in a temp directory:
    # An unexpected error has been detected by HotSpot Virtual Machine:
    # EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x000000000816a3eb, pid=2508, tid=552
    # Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (1.5.0_04-b05 mixed mode)
    # Problematic frame:
    # V [jvm.dll+0x16a3eb]
    --------------- T H R E A D ---------------
    Current thread (0x0000000001b87dd0): JavaThread "main" [_thread_in_vm, id=552]
    siginfo: ExceptionCode=0xc0000005, reading address 0x0000000000000000
    EAX=0x0000000001b87dd0, EBX=0x0000000001b87dd0, ECX=0x0000000000000002, EDX=0x0000000000000fb8
    ESP=0x000000000012eef0, EBP=0x000000000300c160, ESI=0x0000000008463f60, EDI=0x0000000000000000
    EIP=0x000000000816a3eb, EFLAGS=0x0000000000010246
    Top of Stack: (sp=0x000000000012eef0)
    0x000000000012eef0: 0000000000000009 0000000001b8ba10
    0x000000000012ef00: 0000000001b8bd48 00000000080c9955
    0x000000000012ef10: 0000000001b8bce8 0000000001b8bce8
    0x000000000012ef20: 00000000083f7cc0 0000000001b87f18
    0x000000000012ef30: 0000000000000000 00000000508e6c00
    0x000000000012ef40: 000000001001caa1 000000000816a320
    0x000000000012ef50: 0000000008463f60 000000000300c160
    0x000000000012ef60: 0000000000000000 0000000004f943fd
    0x000000000012ef70: 0000000001b87dd0 0000000001b87dd0
    0x000000000012ef80: 000000000012f118 00000000508e6c00
    0x000000000012ef90: 0000000000000000 0000000001b87dd0
    0x000000000012efa0: 000000000300c080 000000000300c120
    0x000000000012efb0: 000000000012f118 000000000012f110
    0x000000000012efc0: 000000000012f0e8 0000000010027637
    0x000000000012efd0: 000000000012f158 0000000000000000
    0x000000000012efe0: 0000000000000000 00000000508e6c08
    Instructions: (pc=0x000000000816a3eb)
    0x000000000816a3db: 06 00 00 00 8b 0d 13 d7 2f 00 ff 15 55 be 20 00
    0x000000000816a3eb: 48 8b 0f 4c 8b b8 e0 00 00 00 49 8b 47 18 4d 8b
    Stack: [0x0000000000030000,0x0000000000130000), sp=0x000000000012eef0, free space=1019k
    Native frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code, C=native code)
    V [jvm.dll+0x16a3eb]
    Java frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code)
    j oracle.sysman.oii.oiip.osd.win32.OiipwWin32NativeCalls.RegSetValue(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;ZILjava/lang/String;)V+0
    j oracle.sysman.oii.oiip.osd.win32.OiipwWin32NativeCalls.RegSetValue(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;I)V+9
    j oracle.sysman.oii.oiip.osd.win32.OiipwWin32NativeCalls.RegSetValue(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V+7
    j oracle.sysman.oii.oiip.oiipg.OiipgBootstrap.setInstallerKey(Ljava/lang/String;)V+7
    j oracle.sysman.oii.oiip.oiipg.OiipgBootstrap.updateInventoryLoc(Loracle/sysman/oii/oiic/OiicSessionInterfaceManager;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V+70
    j oracle.sysman.oii.oiic.OiicSessionInterfaceManager.doInvSetupOperations(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I+21
    j oracle.sysman.oii.oiic.OiicInvSetupWCCE.doOperation(Z)I+73
    j oracle.sysman.oii.oiif.oiifb.OiifbCondIterator.iterate(Z)I+249
    j oracle.sysman.oii.oiic.OiicPullSession.doOperation(Z)I+11
    j oracle.sysman.oii.oiic.OiicSessionWrapper.doOperation(Z)I+100
    j oracle.sysman.oii.oiic.OiicInstaller.runInstaller([Ljava/lang/String;)I+106
    j oracle.sysman.oio.oioc.OiocOneClickInstaller.runInstaller()I+13
    j oracle.sysman.oio.oioc.OiocOneClickInstaller.startRun()V+6
    j oracle.sysman.oio.oioc.OiocOneClickDB.nextClicked()V+3
    j oracle.sysman.oio.oioc.OiocOneClickInstaller.main([Ljava/lang/String;)V+59
    v ~StubRoutines::call_stub
    --------------- P R O C E S S ---------------
    Java Threads: ( => current thread )
    0x0000000003e1c030 JavaThread "Image Fetcher 2" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=2956]
    0x0000000003e1bd80 JavaThread "Image Fetcher 1" daemon [_thread_in_Java, id=308]
    0x0000000003e1bad0 JavaThread "PrepareInvTreeThread" [_thread_blocked, id=1932]
    0x0000000003e1b570 JavaThread "CursorIdler" [_thread_blocked, id=1520]
    0x0000000003e1b2c0 JavaThread "AWT-EventQueue-0" [_thread_blocked, id=3012]
    0x0000000003e1b010 JavaThread "Image Fetcher 0" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=2148]
    0x0000000003e1ad60 JavaThread "AWT-Windows" daemon [_thread_in_native, id=2472]
    0x0000000001b898b0 JavaThread "AWT-Shutdown" [_thread_blocked, id=2452]
    0x0000000001b89600 JavaThread "Java2D Disposer" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=2988]
    0x0000000001b890a0 JavaThread "Low Memory Detector" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=1004]
    0x0000000001b88df0 JavaThread "CompilerThread1" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=2132]
    0x0000000001b88b40 JavaThread "CompilerThread0" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=2032]
    0x0000000001b88890 JavaThread "AdapterThread" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=1568]
    0x0000000001b885e0 JavaThread "Signal Dispatcher" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=184]
    0x0000000001b88330 JavaThread "Finalizer" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=2656]
    0x0000000001b88080 JavaThread "Reference Handler" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=680]
    =>0x0000000001b87dd0 JavaThread "main" [_thread_in_vm, id=552]
    Other Threads:
    0x00000000003358c0 VMThread [id=936]
    0x0000000000335bf0 WatcherThread [id=724]
    VM state:not at safepoint (normal execution)
    VM Mutex/Monitor currently owned by a thread: None
    PSYoungGen total 9984K, used 2385K [0x000000005d210000, 0x000000005e090000, 0x0000000061210000)
    eden space 6784K, 20% used [0x000000005d210000,0x000000005d36d9a8,0x000000005d8b0000)
    from space 3200K, 30% used [0x000000005dba0000,0x000000005dc96e18,0x000000005dec0000)
    to space 3008K, 0% used [0x000000005d8b0000,0x000000005d8b0000,0x000000005dba0000)
    PSOldGen total 11456K, used 4980K [0x0000000055210000, 0x0000000055d40000, 0x000000005d210000)
    object space 11456K, 43% used [0x0000000055210000,0x00000000556ed208,0x0000000055d40000)
    PSPermGen total 28096K, used 21641K [0x0000000050010000, 0x0000000051b80000, 0x0000000055210000)
    object space 28096K, 77% used [0x0000000050010000,0x0000000051532a68,0x0000000051b80000)
    Dynamic libraries:
    0x0000000000400000 - 0x0000000000411000      C:\TEMP\OraInstall2006-06-04_05-24-17PM\jre\\bin\javaw.exe
    0x0000000078ec0000 - 0x0000000078ff9000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\ntdll.dll
    0x0000000078d40000 - 0x0000000078eb2000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll
    0x000007ff7fee0000 - 0x000007ff7ffe5000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\ADVAPI32.dll
    0x000007ff7fd30000 - 0x000007ff7fed9000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\RPCRT4.dll
    0x0000000078c30000 - 0x0000000078d3c000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\USER32.dll
    0x000007ff7fc90000 - 0x000007ff7fd29000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\GDI32.dll
    0x000007ff7fc00000 - 0x000007ff7fc86000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSVCRT.dll
    0x0000000008000000 - 0x00000000084ce000      C:\TEMP\OraInstall2006-06-04_05-24-17PM\jre\\bin\server\jvm.dll
    0x000007ff7e060000 - 0x000007ff7e0b0000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\WINMM.dll
    0x0000000010000000 - 0x0000000010009000      C:\TEMP\OraInstall2006-06-04_05-24-17PM\jre\\bin\hpi.dll
    0x000007ff7e1b0000 - 0x000007ff7e1c0000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\PSAPI.DLL
    0x000007ff7e7f0000 - 0x000007ff7e812000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\Secur32.dll
    0x0000000000380000 - 0x0000000000390000      C:\TEMP\OraInstall2006-06-04_05-24-17PM\jre\\bin\verify.dll
    0x0000000000390000 - 0x00000000003ba000      C:\TEMP\OraInstall2006-06-04_05-24-17PM\jre\\bin\java.dll
    0x00000000003c0000 - 0x00000000003d4000      C:\TEMP\OraInstall2006-06-04_05-24-17PM\jre\\bin\zip.dll
    0x0000000003f40000 - 0x0000000004137000      C:\temp\OraInstall2006-06-04_05-24-17PM\jre\\bin\awt.dll
    0x000007ff78d50000 - 0x000007ff78d91000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\WINSPOOL.DRV
    0x000007ff7d320000 - 0x000007ff7d359000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\IMM32.dll
    0x000007ff7ece0000 - 0x000007ff7ef52000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\ole32.dll
    0x000007ff77060000 - 0x000007ff770df000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\uxtheme.dll
    0x000007ff79190000 - 0x000007ff79202000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\ddraw.dll
    0x000007ff793e0000 - 0x000007ff793e8000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\DCIMAN32.dll
    0x00000000042a0000 - 0x00000000042fc000      C:\temp\OraInstall2006-06-04_05-24-17PM\jre\\bin\fontmanager.dll
    0x000007ff7a240000 - 0x000007ff7a2df000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSCTF.dll
    0x0000000004f50000 - 0x0000000004f81000      C:\temp\OraInstall2006-06-04_05-24-17PM\jre\\bin\jpeg.dll
    0x0000000004f90000 - 0x0000000004fa5000      C:\temp\OraInstall2006-06-04_05-24-17PM\oui\lib\win64\oraInstaller.dll
    0x000007ff7fbf0000 - 0x000007ff7fbfb000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\VERSION.dll
    0x00000000050b0000 - 0x00000000050ca000      C:\temp\OraInstall2006-06-04_05-24-17PM\jre\\bin\net.dll
    0x000007ff77150000 - 0x000007ff77180000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\WS2_32.dll
    0x000007ff77140000 - 0x000007ff7714c000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\WS2HELP.dll
    0x0000000005150000 - 0x000000000515a000      C:\temp\OraInstall2006-06-04_05-24-17PM\jre\\bin\nio.dll
    0x000007ff7f190000 - 0x000007ff7fb98000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\shell32.dll
    0x000007ff7ef60000 - 0x000007ff7effb000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\SHLWAPI.dll
    0x0000000005320000 - 0x00000000054a7000      C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\amd64_Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.3790.1830_x-ww_ACED72AF\comctl32.dll
    VM Arguments:
    jvm_args: -Doracle.installer.library_loc=C:\TEMP\OraInstall2006-06-04_05-24-17PM\oui\lib\win64 -Doracle.installer.oui_loc=C:\TEMP\OraInstall2006-06-04_05-24-17PM\oui -Doracle.installer.bootstrap=TRUE -Doracle.installer.startup_location=H:\archive\oracle102010x64\install -Doracle.installer.jre_loc=C:\TEMP\OraInstall2006-06-04_05-24-17PM\jre\ -Doracle.installer.exec_location=H:\archive\oracle102010x64\install\setup.exe -Doracle.installer.nlsEnabled=TRUE -Doracle.installer.prereqConfigLoc= -Xmx192m
    java_command: oracle.sysman.oio.oioc.OiocOneClickInstaller C:\TEMP\OraInstall2006-06-04_05-24-17PM\jre\\bin\javaw.exe -Doracle.installer.library_loc=C:\TEMP\OraInstall2006-06-04_05-24-17PM\oui\lib\win64 -Doracle.installer.oui_loc=C:\TEMP\OraInstall2006-06-04_05-24-17PM\oui -Doracle.installer.bootstrap=TRUE -Doracle.installer.startup_location=H:\archive\oracle102010x64\install -Doracle.installer.jre_loc=C:\TEMP\OraInstall2006-06-04_05-24-17PM\jre\ -Doracle.installer.exec_location=H:\archive\oracle102010x64\install\setup.exe -Doracle.installer.nlsEnabled=TRUE -Doracle.installer.prereqConfigLoc= -mx192m -cp C:\TEMP\OraInstall2006-06-04_05-24-17PM;C:\TEMP\OraInstall2006-06-04_05-24-17PM\oui\jlib\OraInstaller.jar;C:\TEMP\OraInstall2006-06-04_05-24-17PM\oui\jlib\oneclick.jar;C:\TEMP\OraInstall2006-06-04_05-24-17PM\oui\jlib\xmlparserv2.jar;C:\TEMP\OraInstall2006-06-04_05-24-17PM\oui\jlib\srvm.jar;C:\TEMP\OraInstall2006-06-04_05-24-17PM\oui\jlib\share.jar;C:\TEMP\OraInstall2006-06-04_05-24-17PM\oui\jlib\OraInstallerNet.jar;C:\TEMP\OraInstall2006-06-04_05-24-17PM\oui\jlib\xml.jar;C:\TEMP\OraInstall2006-06-04_05-24-17PM\oui\jlib\emCfg.jar;C:\TEMP\OraInstall2006-06-04_05-24-17PM\oui\jlib\ojmisc.jar;C:\TEMP\OraInstall2006-06-04_05-24-17PM\oui\jlib\InstImages.jar;C:\TEMP\OraInstall2006-06-04_05-24-17PM\oui\jlib\InstHelp.jar;C:\TEMP\OraInstall2006-06-04_05-24-17PM\oui\jlib\InstHelp_de.jar;C:\TEMP\OraInstall2006-06-04_05-24-17PM\oui\jlib\InstHelp_es.jar;C:\TEMP\OraInstall2006-06-04_05-24-17PM\oui\jlib\InstHelp_fr.jar;C:\TEMP\OraInstall2006-06-04_05-24-17PM\oui\jlib\InstHelp_it.jar;C:\TEMP\OraInstall2006-06-04_05-24-17PM\oui\jlib\InstHelp_ja.jar;C:\TEMP\OraInstall2006-06-04_05-24-17PM\oui\jlib\InstHelp_ko.jar;C:\TEMP\OraInstall2006-06-04_05-24-17PM\oui\jlib\InstHelp_pt_BR.jar;C:\TEMP\OraInstall2006-06-04_05-24-17PM\oui\jlib\InstHelp_zh_CN.jar;C:\TEMP\OraInstall2006-06-04_05-24-17PM\oui\jlib\InstHelp_zh_TW.jar;C:\TEMP\OraInstall2006-06-04_05-24-17PM\oui\jlib\orac
    Environment Variables:
    --------------- S Y S T E M ---------------
    OS: Windows Server 2003 family Build 3790 Service Pack 1
    CPU:total 2 amd64 3dnow ht
    Memory: 4k page, physical 2096504k(1306900k free), swap 4059216k(3507592k free)
    vm_info: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (1.5.0_04-b05) for windows-amd64, built on Jun 3 2005 01:43:58 by "java_re" with unknown MS VC++:1400

  • Oracle Gateway for MS SQL Server

    I have a oracle 10g database installed on Linux platform. I have installed oracle 11g gateways in the same system in a different location other than that of ORACLE_HOME.
    I have configured the initdg4msql.ora and configured the listener in the ORACLE_HOMEs listener.ora
    When I try to query the SQL Server table with the db link then I am getting the following error
    Error starting at line 1 in command:
    select * from
    Error at Command Line:1 Column:23
    Error report:
    SQL Error: ORA-28500: connection from ORACLE to a non-Oracle system returned this message:
    [Oracle][ODBC SQL Server Driver][libssclient22]ConnectionOpen.[Oracle][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Invalid connection string attribute
    ORA-02063: preceding 2 lines from TESTLINK
    the following is my initdg4msql.ora configuration:
    # This is a customized agent init file that contains the HS parameters
    # that are needed for the Database Gateway for Microsoft SQL Server
    # HS init parameters
    # alternate connect format is hostname/serverinstance/databasename
    can anyone tell me where am I going wrong?

    the patch is not applied to 10g db. Here is the last few lines of the dg4msql trace file
    Entered hgocont at 2007/11/13-12:38:05
    HS_FDS_CONNECT_INFO = "sqlserv:1433//pubs"
    Entered hgogenconstr at 2007/11/13-12:38:05
    dsn:sqlserv:1433//pubs, name:sa
    Entered shgogohn at 2007/11/13-12:38:05
    Exiting shgogohn, rc=28500 at 2007/11/13-12:38:05
    Entered hgocont_OracleCsidToIANA at 2007/11/13-12:38:05
    Returning 3
    Exiting hgocont_OracleCsidToIANA at 2007/11/13-12:38:05
    ##>Connect Parameters (len=200)<##
    ## DRIVER=Oracle 11g dg4msql;
    ## Address=sqlserv,1433;
    ## Database=pubs;
    #! UID=sa;
    #! PWD=*
    ## AnsiNPW=Yes;
    ## QuotedId=Yes;
    ## IANAAppCodePage=3;
    ## ArraySize=100;
    ## PadVarbinary=0;
    ## SupportNumericPrecisionGreaterThan38=1;
    Exiting hgogenconstr, rc=0 at 2007/11/13-12:38:05
    Entered hgopoer at 2007/11/13-12:41:14
    hgopoer, line 159: got native error 0 and sqlstate HYT00; message follows...
    [Oracle][ODBC SQL Server Driver][libssclient22]ConnectionOpen.[Oracle][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Invalid connection string attribute
    Exiting hgopoer, rc=0 at 2007/11/13-12:41:14
    hgocont, line 1890: calling SqlDriverConnect got sqlstate HYT00
    Exiting hgocont, rc=28500 at 2007/11/13-12:41:14 with error ptr FILE:hgocont.c LINE:1910 FUNCTION:hgocont() ID:Something other than invalid authorization
    Exiting hgolgon, rc=28500 at 2007/11/13-12:41:14 with error ptr FILE:hgolgon.c LINE:612 FUNCTION:hgolgon() ID:Calling hgocont
    Entered hgoexit at 2007/11/13-12:41:14
    Exiting hgoexit, rc=0 at 2007/11/13-12:41:14

  • Oracle softwares for oracle failsafe 10g

    Hi experts
    What softwares are required to setup oracle failsafe on 10g in windows 2003
    Is there separate liecense and instalables for oracle failsafe?
    Please suggest.
    Thanks In advance

    Refer to :
    Oracle provided the needed information. Just spend some time.
    Refer to ;
    - Pavan Kumar N
    Edited by: Pavan Kumar on Apr 11, 2011 12:43 PM

  • Connect linux 4 oracle 10g client to window 2003 server oracle 10g server

    I have my oracle 10g server installed on windows 2003 server.
    On another system i have oracle 10g client is installed having RedHad enterprise edition 4.
    I want to connect my client to the database server.
    I check using oracle universal installer it shows in installed products i.e.
    oracle 10g client is installed on linex system.
    but when i try to write any command like
    [oracle@satish ~]$ sqlplus$
    bash: sqlplus$: command not found
    [oracle@satish ~]$ tnsping
    bash: tnsping: command not foundand it doen't show any enty in applications for oracle which is strange.
    as i am new to linux.
    how to overcome this problem.

    thanks for quick reply
    i work like
    [oracle@satish ~]$ cd /home/oracle/oracle/product/10.2.0/client_1
    [oracle@satish client_1]$ ./tnsping
    bash: ./tnsping: No such file or directory
    [oracle@satish client_1]$ ./sqlplus /nolog
    bash: ./sqlplus: is a directory
    [oracle@satish client_1]$ ls
    assistants   has               jdbc     nls          oui      wwg
    bin          hs                jdk      odbc         owm  xdk
    cdata        install           jlib     olap         perl      slax
    cfgtoollogs  install.platform  jpub     OPatch       plsql     sqlj
    classes      instantclient     jre      opmn         precomp   sqlplus
    crs          inventory         ldap     oracore      racg      srvm
    css          jar               lib      oraInst.loc  rdbms     sysman
    diagnostics  javavm            network  ord          relnotes  uix
    [oracle@satish client_1]$
    [oracle@satish ~]$ expot ORACLE_HOME=/home/oracle/oracle
    bash: expot: command not found
    [oracle@satish ~]$ expoRt ORACLE_HOME=/home/oracle/oracle
    bash: expoRt: command not found
    [oracle@satish ~]$ export ORACLE_HOME=/home/oracle/oracle
    [oracle@satish ~]$ export ORACLE_SID=neo
    [oracle@satish ~]$ export PATH=$PATH:/home/oracle/oracle/product/10.2.0/client_1[oracle@satish ~]$
    [oracle@satish ~]$ ./sqlplus /nolog
    bash: ./sqlplus: No such file or directory
    [oracle@satish ~]$ ./tnsping
    bash: ./tnsping: No such file or directory
    [oracle@satish ~]$thanks
    Edited by: Umesh Sharma on Feb 20, 2009 6:33 AM

  • How to configure Oracle Dataguard for Oracle 10g database

    Hi Friends,
    I would like to configuer Oracle Dataguard for my Oracle 10g Database.
    Please provide me the configuration document.(step by step guide)

    Go throw below link. This would be help to configure ODG..,

  • Oracle 10g install on Windows 2003 Server 32-bit

    As far as I can tell there doesn't appear to be an Oracle10g download for for Windows 2003 Server. It looks like you have to download for Windows then apply the patch to bring it up to Am I seeing this correctly or am I missing something?

    As far as I can tell there doesn't appear to be an Oracle10g download for for Windows 2003 Server. It looks like you have to download
    for Windows then apply the patch to bring it up to
    Am I seeing this correctly or am I missing something?
    Indeed you are; your eyes are definitely not lying to you. is a patchset which can only be applied to an already existing Oracle Home.
    You might want to try and understand a little bit more about what the means by accessing the links below.
    Perhaps you also ought to go through this {message:id=3251402}

  • Oracle gateway for MS sql server 2005

    Is Oracle 9i Gateway for MS SQL Server compatible with SQL 2005? If not what are the other options?

    Check the support matrix at metalink.
    But be advised that Oracle 9i is in desupport mode.

Maybe you are looking for