Place static variable in special section

With GCC I can use the "section" attribute to place a variable in a special ELF section, e.g.
#define LOG(lvl, fmt, ...) { \
    static logprobe_t somename __attribute__((section("__logprobes"))) = LOGPROBE_INITIALIZER(__FILE__, __LINE__, __func__, lvl); \
}At application start I need to know the location of each of this log points. If they are grouped all in the one section,
this can be easily accomplished by iterating through this section.
Is there a similar way/trick to do the same with the Sun C compiler 11, e.g. using inline assempler or something else?

Can menu5 then be a variable?
var menu:string = "menu5";
var menuObject:MovieClip = top[menu];        // Can variable be placed here
I went to use a switch statement to send component to right movieclip.
switch (true)
                      case i > 34:
                                        q = 34;
                                        menu = "menu5";
                      case i > 17:
                                        q = 17;
                                        menu = "menu4";
                     case i < 18:
                                 q = 0;
                                 menu = "menu3";
then add following for placement
var menuObject:MovieClip = top[menu];        // Can variable be placed here

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  • How can I write an instance of a class in a static variable

    Hi !
    I have an instance of a class
    Devisen dev = new Devisen();
    In an other class I have a static method and I need there the content of some variables from dev.
    public static void abc()
    { String text=dev.textfield.getText()
    I get the errormessage, that the I cannot use the Not-static variable dev in a static variable.
    I understand that I cannot reference to the class Devisen because Devisen is not static I so I had to reference to an instance. But an instance is the same as a class with static methodes. (I think so)
    Is there a possibility, if I am in a static method, to call the content of a JTextField of an instance of a class ?
    Thank you Wolfgang

    Hallo, here is more code for my problem:
    class Login {
       Devisen dev=new Devisen();
    class Devisen {
       JTextField field2;
       if (!Check.check_field2()) return; // if value not okay than return
    class Check {
       public static void check_field2()
         HOW TO GET THE CONTENT OF field2 HERE ?
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    public static void check_field2(Devisen dev)BUT is that a problem for memory to give every method an instance of the class ? I have 50 fields to control and I dont want do give every check_method an instance of Devisen, if this is a problem for performance.
    Or do I only give the place where the existing instance is.
    Thank you Wolfgang

  • Using Static Variable against Context Attribute for Holding IWDView

    Dear Friends,
    I have a method which is in another DC which has a parameter of the type IWDView. In my view, I will have an action which will call the method in another component by passing the value for the view parameter. Here, I can achieve this in 2 types. One is - I declare a static variable and assign the wdDoModifyView's view as parameter value and I can pass this variable as parameter whenever calling that method or the second way - create an attribute and assign the same wdDoModifyView's view parameter as its value. Whenever I call this method, I can pass this attribute as parameter. What is the difference between these two types of holding the value since I am storing the same value i.e., wdDoModifyView's view parameter. But when I trigger the action from different user sessions, the first type of code (using static variable) prints the same value in both the sessions for view.hashCode() and View.toString(), but the same is printing the different values when I pass the attribute which holds the view parameter.
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    Hi Sujai ,
    As you have specified the problem that we face when we use  static attributes, when end users are using the application .
    Static means i  have n number of objects but the static variable value will remain same every where.
    when it is context attribute for every object i.e nth object you have a nth context attribute i mean nth copy of the context attribute.
    so every user has a unique Iview parameter , when context is used and
    when static is used  , assume you have userA , his iview is set this intially  and u have another user B , when he is using  , since the variable is static and when you access this variable you will get the value of userA.
    Govardan Raj

  • To use a static variable in another class,but report NullPointerException

    when TableMain is running,I run testRecord so that let TableMain add a occur informatin and
    happened time in a row in TableMain,but when I run testRecord,java report a NullPointerException and I dont know how to solve this problem,thanks for helping me to check my code;(error report info is in end)
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.table.*;
    public class TableMain extends JFrame{
    JTable table;
    static OwnModel model;
    String[] columnHeader={"occur","time"};
    class OwnModel extends DefaultTableModel{
    public OwnModel(Object[] columnNames,int numRows){
    public boolean isCellEditable(int row,int column){
    return false;
    public TableMain(){
    model=new OwnModel(columnHeader,0);
    table=new JTable(model);
    JScrollPane scroll=new JScrollPane(table);
    JButton save=new JButton("save record");
    JButton delete=new JButton("delete record");
    JPanel buttons=new JPanel();
    JLabel sign=new JLabel("occur record");
    Container cp=getContentPane();
    public static void main(String[] args){
    new TableMain();
    import java.util.Vector;
    import java.util.Calendar;
    import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
    public class testRecord{
    public static void main(String[] args){
    SimpleDateFormat simpledf=new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss");
    String tableName="friends";
    Calendar occurtime=Calendar.getInstance();
    Vector record=new Vector();
    record.add("send 'desc' sql, "+"operated table is :"+tableName);
    System.out.println("model is "+Guide.model);
    System.out.println("record is "+record);
    error report:
    model is null
    record is [send 'desc' sql,operated table is :friends, 2004/05/26 11:39:03]
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
    at testRecord.main(

    but I just use this constructor once,never use twice
    with same jvm;I thinks my idea is not too very badIt's a public constructor (if I'm looking in the right
    place) - it could be called from anywhere. To
    intialize a static variable outside the declaration,
    use a static initializer:private static String whatever;static {
    whatever = "whatever";
    }Or simply (in this case):private static String whatever = "whatever";

  • Non-static variable aceYears cannot be referenced from a static context

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    and more code
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    Short version: Either make the variable in question static, or create an instance of your class and use that to access it. Either one will work, but one probably suits your design better. It's up to you to figure out which one.
    For details, see the relevant section of your favorite Java book or tutorial, or poke around here:

  • Static variable in openmp

    Hello all,
    I'd like to receive some hints about how to parallelize the code below that Thread Analyser has detected races for static variables:
    #pragma omp parallel for private(i)
    for (i=0; i<n; i++){
    x = calc(a);
    int calc(int a){
    static int x,y,z=0;
    x = 2 * a / 2.2345; // Thread Analyser detected write race here
    y = x * 3.4567; // Thread Analyser detected write race here
    z += x * y; // Thrd Analyser detected write and read races here
    return z;
    Best Regards,

    You can either declare the static variables as "threadprivate", or put the accesses to these variables in critical sections. Like
    int calc(int a){
    static int x,y,z=0;
    #pragma omp threadprivate(x,y,z)
    x = 2 * a / 2.2345;
    y = x * 3.4567;
    z += x * y;
    return z;
    int calc(int a){
    static int x,y,z=0;
    int t;
    #pragma omp critical
    x = 2 * a / 2.2345;
    y = x * 3.4567;
    z += x * y;
    t = z;
    return t;
    Notice the use of 't' in the above code, as you cannot put a 'return' in a critical section.
    While the above techniques may get rid of the data races, they may not fix the problem you are facing. Making a code thread safe is more than merely getting rid of the data races. If you can show in more details how the static variables are used, we may be able to give more specific helps.
    -- Yuan

  • I want to use static variable instead of using variable in servlet context

    Hi all,
    In my web application i have to generate a unique Id.
    For this, At the application startup time i am connecting to the database and getting the Id and placing it in the servlet context.
    Every time i am incrementing this id to generate a unique id.
    But, now i want to place this id in a static variable which is available to all the classes.
    why i want to do this is to reduce burden on servlet context.
    my questing is, is this a best practice ? If not please give me your valuable suggestion.

    There isn't a problem with this as long as you want to share the value of that variable with all requests. If this is read-only except when it is first set then you're fine. The only real issue will be how to initialize and/or reinitialize the variable. When the servlet is started, how will you get the value for the variable? If the servlet is shutdown and restarted (a possibility in any application server) how will you re-read the variable? You need to answer these questions to decide the best route. It may be as simple as a static initializer or it may be more complex like a synchronized method that is called to see if the variable is set.

  • "requires unreachable" warning emitted when using static variables and the singleton pattern

    I'm implementing code contracts on an existing code base and I've come across this situation in a few places. Wherever we have additional logic with code contracts where a singleton instance is instantiated, all code contracts emit a "reference use
    unreached", or "requires unreachable" warning.
    The code below demonstrates this.
    static string instance = null;
    static string InstanceGetter()
    if (instance == null)
    instance = "initialized";
    AdditionalLogic(instance); // requires unreachable warning on this line
    return instance;
    static void AdditionalLogic(string str)
    Contract.Requires(str != null);

    Would the class get unloaded even if the Singleton object has some valid/reachable references pointing to it?
    On a different note, will all the objects/instances of a class get destroyed if the class gets unloaded.That's the other way round, really: instances cannot be garbage-collected as long as they are strongly reachable (at least one reference pointing to them), and classes cannot be unloaded as long as such an instance exists.
    To support tschodt's point, see the JVM specifications:
    *2.17.8 Unloading of Classes and Interfaces*
    A class or interface may be unloaded if and only if its class loader is unreachable. The bootstrap class loader is always reachable; as a result, system classes may never be unloaded.
    Will the same case (Custom ClassLoader getting unloaded) occur if I write the singleton using the code wherein we lazily initialize the Singleton (and actually create a Singleton instance rather than it being a Class/static variable).You should check the meaning of this vocabulary ("object", "instance", "reference"):
    The difference between the lazy vs eager initializations is the time when an instance is created. Once it is created, it will not be garbage collected as long as it is reachable.
    Now I'm wondering, whether being referenced by a static attribute of a class guarantees being reachabe. I'm afraid not (see the JLS definition of reachable: That is, again, unless the class has been loaded by the system class loader.

  • Static variable gets cached

    I'm having trouble with a java servlet's static variable. I have a jsp page which calls a java servlet. Inside the servlet, I have a global varialbe that I'm using to store information in, however this variable must not be initialized unless the user leaves the site or refreshes the index.jsp page. But thisi isn't happening. When I go to the index.jsp page right after I submit inforamtion, the old value of the variable is still appearing. How can I fix this? I tried MANY things. I tried using sessions to store information, but this was still giving me the same problem. I also tried doing a session.invaldiate() but again, this doesn't fix the problem. Does anyone know where I'm going wrong?

    Show us the code. Remember to use [code] ..[/code] tags.
    Or quick things to try: are you sure the browser gets a new page and doesn't display from the browser's cache? Ctrl+reload or shift+reload forces reload in some browsers. Are you sure the variable gets updated -- log the value just after updating it and just before sending it back to the browser. Theoretically, a web server can unload and reload servlets; it may be safer to put statics elsewhere (utility classes). (Though I'm not sure if a sufficiently obnoxious servlet container could unload those as well. The real place to put static data is a database, but that may be overkill.)

  • Where to put init code for static variables? (for UIImages)

    I know that static variables are sorta a global, is that how UIImage is usually stored? What is the convention to declare UIImage variables that exists throughout the lifetime of the app? Where is a good place to init it if I choose to use static variables?

    OK, in that case do something like this:
    #import "MyClass.h"
    static UIImage *classImage;
    @implementation MyClass {
    + (void)initialize {
    classImage = <whatever to load image>;
    Code like the above makes the 'classImage' variable work like a typical class variable. It is available to all instances of MyClass but is not visible to other classes. Like a 'private static' class variable in Java. Nothing goes in the header for this variable.
    The 'initialize' method is called once the first time anything ever references MyClass. Kind of like a static initializer in Java. Notice the use of '+' instead of '-' for the method. The '+' makes it a class method instead of an instance method.
    Does that help?
    Message was edited by: RickMaddy

  • Error on compile - non-static variable can not be referencedfrom static con

    Error on compile happening with addButton?
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.JButton;
    import javax.swing.JLabel;
    import javax.swing.JTextField;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    public class Log implements ActionListener {
    JButton addButton;
    public static void addComponentsToPane(Container pane) {
    pane.setLayout(new GridBagLayout());
    GridBagConstraints c = new GridBagConstraints();
         c.gridy = 3;
    c.gridx = 0;
         JLabel callsignLabel= new JLabel("Callsign");
    pane.add(callsignLabel, c);
         c.gridy = 3;
    c.gridx = 1;
         JLabel nameLabel= new JLabel("Name");
    pane.add(nameLabel, c);
         c.gridy = 3;
    c.gridx = 2;
         JLabel timeLabel= new JLabel("Time");
    pane.add(timeLabel, c);
         c.gridy = 3;
    c.gridx = 3;
         JLabel dateLabel= new JLabel("Date");
    pane.add(dateLabel, c);
         c.gridy = 3;
    c.gridx = 4;
         JLabel frequencyLabel= new JLabel("Freq ");
    pane.add(frequencyLabel, c);
         c.gridy = 3;
    c.gridx = 5;
         JLabel locationLabel = new JLabel("Country/State");
    pane.add(locationLabel, c);
    c.gridy = 5;
    c.gridx = 0;
         addButton = new JButton("Add");
    pane.add(addButton, c);

    Thank you for the reply
    I am new to Java
    What is wrong with the way it is coded?The error message tells you what's wrong: You're trying to reference a non-static variable from a static context.
    If you don't know what that means, then click the link I provided and look at the results from that google search. You might have to go through a few before you find a satisfactory explanation. And after you've done that, if you have specific questions about things you didn't understand there, please post again.

  • Using a static variable declared in an applet in another class

    Hi guys,
    I created an applet and i want to use one of the static variables declared in teh applet class in another class i have. however i get an error when i try to do that...
    in my Return2 class i try to call the variable infoPanel (declared as a static JPanel in myApplet...myApplet is set up like so:
    public class myApplet extends JApplet implements ActionListener, ListSelectionListener
    here are some of the lines causing a problem in the Return2 class:
    here are some of the errors i get
    dummy/ [211:1] package myApplet does not exist
    dummy/ [212:1] package myApplet does not exist
    dummy/ [213:1] package myApplet does not exist
    dummy/ [214:1] package myApplet does not exist
    please help! thanks :)

    I don't declare any packages though....i think it just doesn't recognize myApplet for some reason..
    other errors i got compiling are:
    dummy/ [82:1] cannot resolve symbol
    symbol : variable myApplet
    location: class Return2
    updateDesc.setString(3, myApplet.staticName);
    I Don't get why i'm getting this error cuase they worked fine when myApplet was a standalone application, not an applet.
    myApplet is in the same folder as Return2 and it compiles properly.

  • Need to place a variable value at the end of report heading in BI 7

    Dear All,
    We have to place a variable value at the end of the report heading and the value should get refreshed whenever we change the variable by using "Change Variable Value". I have created a macro and the value will get triggered unless and until we click on any where on a sheet. But, we want to automate this one by using a macro.
    Ex: Quarterly TA Host Country Details As Of "Variable Date" Variable is created on TA Date characteristic. User can enter date on Pop up window box at the time of changing a variable TA Date. We need changed date at the end of the Report heading Qua----
    Please suggest me on how to place variable value at the end of report heading by using a macro.

    No need to use Macro. You can use text variable.
    Goto the Query Description and click on the Text variable icon.
    Create a text variable of processing type as REPLACEMENT PATH and replace it with the characteristic for which you have a ready for input variable that will be eneter by the user.
    This will populate the text variable with the value entered by teh user.
    Use this text variabkle along with the Query Description. So your description will look something like REPORT_TITLE&TXT_VAR&
    Hope this helps.

  • Loading the final static variables at run time.. Please help

    Hello, fellow developers & Gurus,
    Please help me figure out the best way to do this:
    I need to load all my constants at run time. These are the public static final instance variables. The variables values are in the DataBase. How do I go about loading them.

    Your original question was diffeent, but your further posts show what you really want to do:
    1) all constants in 1 class
    2) available readonly for other classes
    3) updatable during runtime by changing in the database
    Did I understand you right?
    Then smiths' approach solves point 2):
    Instead, make the variables available through a method
    call - that way you avoid the whole final variable
    versus read-only attributes problem.
    public final class GlobalProperties
    public static int getTableSize();
    public static int getRowSize();
    Each "constant" should be a private static variable, and these methods simply return their values.
    The variables are initialized in a static initializer by accessing the db. Ok.
    You habe a table with one row containing as columns all the constants.
    A method readConstants() does a "select constant1, constant2, ... from const_table" and sets all the variables.
    The static initializer calls this method.
    Ok, then you simply call readConstants() everytime you want to synchronize with the actual content of const_table.
    Was it this?

  • Non-static variable Help needed

    Hi, I am creating a multi threaded web server but get the following error
    non-static variable this cannot be referenced from a static context
    HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest(connectionSocket);
    Please could someone help.
    Many Thanks
    import* ;
    import* ;
    import java.util.* ;
    public final class MultiWebServer
    public static void main(String argv[]) throws Exception
         // Set the port number.
         int port = 6789;
    // Establish the listen socket.
                   String fileName;
                   ServerSocket listenSocket = new ServerSocket(port);
    // Process HTTP service requests in an infinite loop.
    while (true) {
         // Listen for a TCP connection request.
         Socket connectionSocket = listenSocket.accept();
    // Construct an object to process the HTTP request message.
    HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest(connectionSocket);
    // Create a new thread to process the request.
    Thread thread = new Thread(request);
    // Start the thread.
    final class HttpRequest implements Runnable
         final static String CRLF = "\r\n";
         Socket socket;
    String requestMessageLine;
    String fileName;
    Date todaysDate;
         // Constructor
         public HttpRequest(Socket socket) throws Exception
              this.socket = socket;
              socket = null;
    // Implement the run() method of the Runnable interface.
    public void run()
         try {
         } catch (Exception e) {
    private void processRequest() throws Exception
         // Get a reference to the socket's input and output streams.
         //InputStream is = new InputStream(socket.getInputStream());
         //DataOutputStream os = new DataOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream());
    BufferedReader inFromClient =
                        new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
                   DataOutputStream outToClient =
                        new DataOutputStream(
         // Set up input stream filters.
         requestMessageLine = inFromClient.readLine();
         //BufferedReader br = null;
         // Get the request line of the HTTP request message.
    String requestLine = null;
    // Display the request line.
    StringTokenizer tokenizedLine =
                             new StringTokenizer(requestMessageLine);
                   if (tokenizedLine.nextToken().equals("GET"))
                        fileName = tokenizedLine.nextToken();
                        if ( fileName.startsWith("/")==true )
                             fileName = fileName.substring(1);
    File file = new File(fileName);
                        int numOfBytes = (int)file.length();
                        FileInputStream inFile = new FileInputStream(fileName);
                        byte[] fileInBytes = new byte[numOfBytes];
                        /* Send the HTTP header */
                        outToClient.writeBytes("HTTP/1.1 200 Document Follows\r\n");
                        if (fileName.endsWith(".jpg"))
                             outToClient.writeBytes("Content-Type: image/jpeg\r\n");
                        if (fileName.endsWith(".jpeg"))
                             outToClient.writeBytes("Content-Type: image/jpeg\r\n");
                        if (fileName.endsWith(".gif"))
                             outToClient.writeBytes("Content-Type: image/gif\r\n");
                        if (fileName.endsWith(".html"))
                             outToClient.writeBytes("Content-Type: text/html\r\n");
                        if (fileName.endsWith(".htm"))
                             outToClient.writeBytes("Content-Type: text/html\r\n");
                        outToClient.writeBytes("Content-Length: " + numOfBytes + "\r\n");
                        /* Now send the actual data */
                        outToClient.write(fileInBytes, 0, numOfBytes);
                   System.out.println("Bad Request Message");
                   todaysDate = new Date();          
                   try {
                        FileInputStream inlog = new FileInputStream("log.txt");
                        System.out.println(requestMessageLine + " " + todaysDate );
                        FileOutputStream log = new FileOutputStream("log.txt", true);
                        PrintStream myOutput = new PrintStream(log);
                        myOutput.println("FILE -> " + requestMessageLine + " DATE/TIME -> " + todaysDate);
                   catch (IOException e) {
                   System.out.println("Error -> " + e);

    import* ;
    import* ;
    import java.util.* ;
    public final class MultiWebServer
    public MultiWebServer(){
    // Set the port number.
    int port=6789;
    // Establish the listen socket.
    String fileName;
    ServerSocket listenSocket=new ServerSocket(port);
    // Process HTTP service requests in an infinite loop.
    // Listen for a TCP connection request.
    Socket connectionSocket=listenSocket.accept();
    // Construct an object to process the HTTP request message.
    HttpRequest request=new HttpRequest(connectionSocket);
    // Create a new thread to process the request.
    Thread thread=new Thread(request);
    // Start the thread.
    }catch(IOException ioe){
    }catch(Exception e){
    public static void main(String argv[]) throws Exception
    new MultiWebServer();
    final class HttpRequest implements Runnable
    final static String CRLF = "\r\n";
    Socket socket;
    String requestMessageLine;
    String fileName;
    Date todaysDate;
    // Constructor
    public HttpRequest(Socket socket) throws Exception
    this.socket = socket;
    socket = null;
    // Implement the run() method of the Runnable interface.
    public void run()
    try {
    } catch (Exception e) {
    private void processRequest() throws Exception
    // Get a reference to the socket's input and output streams.
    //InputStream is = new InputStream(socket.getInputStream());
    //DataOutputStream os = new DataOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream());
    BufferedReader inFromClient =
    new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
    DataOutputStream outToClient =
    new DataOutputStream(
    // Set up input stream filters.
    requestMessageLine = inFromClient.readLine();
    //BufferedReader br = null;
    // Get the request line of the HTTP request message.
    String requestLine = null;
    // Display the request line.
    StringTokenizer tokenizedLine =
    new StringTokenizer(requestMessageLine);
    if (tokenizedLine.nextToken().equals("GET"))
    fileName = tokenizedLine.nextToken();
    if ( fileName.startsWith("/")==true )
    fileName = fileName.substring(1);
    File file = new File(fileName);
    int numOfBytes = (int)file.length();
    FileInputStream inFile = new FileInputStream(fileName);
    byte[] fileInBytes = new byte[numOfBytes];;
    /* Send the HTTP header */
    outToClient.writeBytes("HTTP/1.1 200 Document Follows\r\n");
    if (fileName.endsWith(".jpg"))
    outToClient.writeBytes("Content-Type: image/jpeg\r\n");
    if (fileName.endsWith(".jpeg"))
    outToClient.writeBytes("Content-Type: image/jpeg\r\n");
    if (fileName.endsWith(".gif"))
    outToClient.writeBytes("Content-Type: image/gif\r\n");
    if (fileName.endsWith(".html"))
    outToClient.writeBytes("Content-Type: text/html\r\n");
    if (fileName.endsWith(".htm"))
    outToClient.writeBytes("Content-Type: text/html\r\n");
    outToClient.writeBytes("Content-Length: " + numOfBytes + "\r\n");
    /* Now send the actual data */
    outToClient.write(fileInBytes, 0, numOfBytes);
    System.out.println("Bad Request Message");
    todaysDate = new Date();
    try {
    FileInputStream inlog = new FileInputStream("log.txt");
    System.out.println(requestMessageLine + " " + todaysDate );
    FileOutputStream log = new FileOutputStream("log.txt", true);
    PrintStream myOutput = new PrintStream(log);
    myOutput.println("FILE -> " + requestMessageLine + " DATE/TIME -> " + todaysDate);
    catch (IOException e) {
    System.out.println("Error -> " + e);

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