Purchase Order by email

I have completed all the steps mentioned in SAP Note 191470 in order to email the Purchase Order.
I am able to successfully create the purchase Order and even able to print it.
However, I am not able to send the email. In ME21N, the message are showing in red colour.
I selected option 4 in order to email (immediately) and maintained the communication structure.
My gateway is already opened as I can see the emails in SOST for other activities like payment advice.
I cannot even see any log also.
Please let me know any further steps are missing.

Goto NACE .
u2022 Select EF and click on OUTPUT TYPES.
u2022 Then select Output Type NEU and click on processing routines .
u2022 In that you have to add a new entry - medium 5 .
u2022 Then you need to assign a program, form routine and form.
u2022 You can use the standard program i.e. SAPFM06P, FORM routine is always ENTRY_NEU and standard MEDRUCK.
u2022 Then in PARTNER FUNCTION you need to add a new entry : medium - 5 and function - VN .
u2022 For subject of the mail goto Mail Title and Texts. In title give PO No. &EKKO-EBELN& .
u2022 Under General data -> Replacement of text symbols give programm as SAPMM06E and Form Routine as TEXT_SYMBOL_REPLACE .
u2022 Now the subject will be for e.g. PO No. 1800004202.
u2022 You need to maintain your email id in tcode SU01 and also the vendor's email id.
u2022 Now while creating a new purchase order , change the medium to External Send .
u2022 Then goto Communication Method and select CS01 . ALSO make sure that the Cover Page Text has value PO No. &EKKO-EBELN& .
u2022 Goto tcode ME9F .
u2022 Execute.
u2022 Select the checkbox and click on Output Message.
u2022 You will get a message MAII 00000000000001 generated.
this may help U !
Pardeep Malik

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    Check this Link purchase order as email - SAPMM06E and TEXT_SYMBOL_REPLACE
    it will be helpful for you.
    S Anand

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    Yes, You can send PO via e-mail to outlook or other mails.
    Pre-requisites are:
    1. Message settings to be done with customized print program (including the logic of selecting the users)
    2. Mail server smtp configuration in SCOT transaction
    3. maintaining e-mail IDs in relevant Masters. eg: for users- SU01, for vendors- in VMR, for buyers:- in Purchase Grps etc.
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    Ecc6.0 srm3.0.
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    When we change vendor text, It is SAP std that mail will triger to vendor

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    Other wise you can create the custom table where you can maintain the email morethan one and define the code in the program of email to determine the appropriate email for vendor based on your logic

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    In Vendor Master mention the email id of the vendor and in PO in Item detail tab in delivery address maintain the email id for the respective internal user.
    Also configure message determination schema for the PO.

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    This is a very involved question - far more than how to send email.  There are numerous posts, wikis, and blogs on topics such as mobile approvals.  I recommend that you search SCN more thoroughly. 
    Some helpful threads may be:
    Offline approval on blackberry device in SRM
    Approval Process on Blackberry

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    Thank you

    See the sample FORM below.
    In fact the CLOSE_FORM will return the OTF format table. Just pass that to this form. It will convert the OTF file to a PDF format and sent it to User. Change the body of the text accordingly.
    * FORM MAIL_OBJECT                                              *
    *       This routine receives OTF data. OTF data is converted to PDF
    *       format and send to the Partner's email address
    FORM mail_object TABLES otf_data STRUCTURE itcoo .
      DATA: pdf_size TYPE i,                             " PDF Size
            pdf_itab_size TYPE i,                        " Attachment size
            mailtxt_size TYPE i,                         " Text in mail size
            l_vbeln LIKE vbdka-vbeln.                    " Order Doc
      it_mailtxt LIKE solisti1 OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE,    " Mail Text
      it_pdf TYPE TABLE OF tline WITH HEADER LINE,           " OTF output
      it_mailpack LIKE sopcklsti1 OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE, " Dist details
      it_mailhead LIKE solisti1   OCCURS  1 WITH HEADER LINE," Header data
      it_reclist LIKE somlreci1 OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE,   " Rec List
      it_pdfdata LIKE solix OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE.  " Attachment data
      DATA: it_doc_att LIKE sodocchgi1.                 " Attri of new doc
      DATA: BEGIN OF it_pdfout OCCURS 0,                " PDF in 255 length
               tline TYPE char255,
            END OF it_pdfout.
    * Sales doc and Customer
      DATA: BEGIN OF i_vbeln OCCURS 0,
              vbeln LIKE vbpa-vbeln,       " Sales Document
              adrnr LIKE vbpa-adrnr,       " Customer
            END   OF i_vbeln.
    * Sender Address no and SMTP address
      DATA: BEGIN OF i_addrs OCCURS 0,
              addrnumber LIKE adr6-smtp_addr,
              smtp_addr  LIKE adr6-smtp_addr,
            END   OF i_addrs.
    * Convert OTF to PDF
          format       = 'PDF'
          bin_filesize = pdf_size
          otf          = otf_data
          lines        = it_pdf.
    * Make each line 255 characters
          content_in  = it_pdf
          content_out = it_pdfout.
    * Create the PDF File
      CLEAR it_pdfdata.
      REFRESH it_pdfdata.
    *  it_pdfdata[] = it_pdfout[].
      LOOP AT it_pdfout.
        MOVE it_pdfout-tline TO it_pdfdata-line.
        APPEND it_pdfdata.
        CLEAR it_pdfdata.
      DESCRIBE TABLE it_pdfdata LINES pdf_itab_size.
    * Text in the mail.
      it_mailtxt-line  = 'ORDER ACKNOWLEDGEMENT'.
      APPEND it_mailtxt.
      it_mailtxt-line  = ' This is a test mail,  Line Number--1'.
      APPEND it_mailtxt.
      it_mailtxt-line = ' This is a test mail,  Line Number--2' &
                        ' This is a test mail,  Line Number--2'.
      APPEND it_mailtxt.
      it_mailtxt-line = ' This is a test mail,  Line Number--3' &
                        ' This is a test mail,  Line Number--3' &
                        ' This is a test mail,  Line Number--3'.
      APPEND it_mailtxt.
      it_mailtxt-line = ' This is a test mail,  Line Number--4' &
                        ' This is a test mail,  Line Number--4' &
                        ' This is a test mail,  Line Number--4' &
                        ' This is a test mail,  Line Number--4'.
      APPEND it_mailtxt.
      it_mailtxt-line = ' This is a test mail,  Line Number--5' &
                        ' This is a test mail,  Line Number--5' &
                        ' This is a test mail,  Line Number--5' &
                        ' This is a test mail,  Line Number--5' &
                        ' This is a test mail,  Line Number--5'.
      APPEND it_mailtxt.
      DESCRIBE TABLE it_mailtxt LINES mailtxt_size.
    * Document Number for Output
          input  = vbdka-vbeln
          output = l_vbeln.
    * Attributes of new doc
      CONCATENATE 'Order' space 'Acknowledgement' space l_vbeln
                  INTO it_doc_att-obj_descr SEPARATED BY space.
      it_doc_att-sensitivty = 'F'.
      it_doc_att-doc_size   = mailtxt_size * 255.
    * Create Pack to text in mail body.
      CLEAR it_mailpack-transf_bin.
      it_mailpack-head_start   = 1.
      it_mailpack-head_num     = 0.
      it_mailpack-body_start   = 1.
      it_mailpack-body_num     = mailtxt_size.
      it_mailpack-doc_type     = 'RAW'.
      APPEND it_mailpack.
    * Create Pack to PDF Attach.
      it_mailpack-transf_bin   = 'X'.
      it_mailpack-head_start   = 1.
      it_mailpack-head_num     = 1.
      it_mailpack-body_start   = 1.
      it_mailpack-body_num     = pdf_itab_size.
      it_mailpack-doc_type     = 'PDF'.
      CONCATENATE l_vbeln '.pdf' INTO it_mailpack-obj_name.
      CONCATENATE 'Order Ack' space l_vbeln INTO it_mailpack-obj_descr.
      it_mailpack-doc_size     = pdf_itab_size * 255.
      APPEND it_mailpack.
    *Get email addresses based on Sales document.
      SELECT vbeln adrnr INTO TABLE i_vbeln
             FROM vbpa
             WHERE vbeln = vbdka-vbeln AND
                   parvw = nast-parvw.
      IF NOT i_vbeln[] IS INITIAL.
        SELECT addrnumber smtp_addr INTO TABLE i_addrs
               FROM adr6 FOR ALL ENTRIES IN i_vbeln
               WHERE addrnumber =  i_vbeln-adrnr AND
                     smtp_addr NE space.
      IF i_addrs[] IS NOT INITIAL.
        LOOP AT i_addrs.
          it_reclist-receiver   = i_addrs-smtp_addr.
          it_reclist-express    = 'X'.
          it_reclist-rec_type   = 'U'.
          it_reclist-notif_del  = 'X'. " request delivery notification
          it_reclist-notif_ndel = 'X'. " request not delivered notification
          APPEND it_reclist.
          CLEAR: i_addrs.
    * Call FM to send email
          document_data              = it_doc_att
          put_in_outbox              = 'X'
          packing_list               = it_mailpack
          object_header              = it_mailhead
          contents_txt               = it_mailtxt
          contents_hex               = it_pdfdata
          receivers                  = it_reclist
          too_many_receivers         = 1
          document_not_sent          = 2
          document_type_not_exist    = 3
          operation_no_authorizationfiltered= 4
          parameter_error            = 5
          x_error                    = 6
          enqueue_error              = 7
          OTHERS                     = 8.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    ENDFORM.                    " MAIL_OBJECT

  • Send purchase order via email (external send) with special Czech characters

    Hi all,
    I am sending a purchase order created with ME21N via email to the vendor using "external send".
    The mail is delivered without any problems, PO is attached to the mail as PDF file.
    Problem is that special Czech characters as "ž" or "u0161" are not displayed, a "#" (hash) appears instead.
    This problem occurs when language for PO output = EN.
    Tests with language = CS worked out fine, but the whole form incl. all texts are in Czech as well; so no valid solution since it needs to be in English.
    We checked SAPCONNECT configuration and raised note 665947; this is working properly.
    When displaying the PO (ME23N) special characters are shown correctly as well.
    Could you please let me know how to proceed with that issue?!

    No, it's not a Unicode system.
    It is maintained as:
    Tar.          Lang.        Lang.        Output Format                           Dev. type
    PDF     EN     English                                                     PDF1
    Using this option, character "ž" was not displayed correctly, but "Ú" was ok.
    All other Czech special characters are not tested so far.
    Edited by: S. SCE - Stock Mngmnt on Aug 14, 2008 10:19 AM

  • Purchase Order Thru Email

    Hi all,
    Request you send me the detail customization step to be done for sending the PO to vendor thru email.
    What are the settings to be done in MM?
    And on BASIS side what are the customizations needed?
    Step to be followed for end user.
    Pl. guide.

    You can send purchase order via e-mail in SAP system, there are some configurations and pre-requisites to do as follow:
    1. You must maintain an e-mail address in the address in the vendor master.
    2. The same applies to your own user master. You also have to specify an e-mail address there in order to identify the sender.
    Note that it is not possible to change the e-mail address of the vendor via the SAP purchase order transaction (ME21N, ME22N, and so on). The system only uses the e-mail address of the vendor that is maintained in the vendor master!
    3. For the output type for default values, a communication strategy needs to be maintained in the Customizing that supports the e-mail. You can find the definition of the communication strategy in the Customizing via the following path: (SPRO -> IMG -> SAP Web Application Server -> Basic Services -> Message Control -> Define Communication Strategy). As a default, communication strategy CS01 is delivered. This already contains the necessary entry for the external communication. Bear in mind that without a suitable communication strategy it is not possible to communicate with a partner via Medium 5 (external sending).
    4. Use the standard SAP environment (program 'SAPFM06P', FORM routine 'ENTRY_NEU' and form 'MEDRUCK') as the processing routines.
    5. In the condition records for the output type (for example, Transaction MN04), use medium '5' (External send).
    6. You can use Transaction SCOT to trigger the output manually. The prerequisite for a correct sending is that the node is set correctly. This is not described here, but it must have already been carried out.
    7. To be able to display, for example, the e-mail in Outlook, enter PDF as the format in the node.
    For more details, check out the OSS note :191470


    what are the settings needed for sending PO to vendor through email?

    Try the proudure as given below.
    Sending Purchase Order via e-mail
    Process for Sending
    a.     Maintain email-id in vendor master (Transaction XK01/XK02) and standard communication method should be selected as INT E-Mail.
    b.     Maintain the message details while create / change Purchase Order as follows.
           (Transaction ME21N/ME22N)
    Click on Communication method.
    Note: Remove tick from “Release after output” 
             If hard copy is not required remove the tick from “Print Immediately”
    Click on “Further Data”.
    Dispatch time should be “send immediately (when saving the appl”
    Save the purchase order.
    c. Release the Purchase Order through ME28, if release strategy is activated.
    Note: PO Mailing Program is scheduled every day night; it sends the purchase order to the vendor and to
               the person who has created the PO. 
    d. If the person who is creating the PO wants a copy of the PO sent to the vendor then his mail id
        need to be maintained in the SAP User Id. Please send your SAP User Id and mail id to -

  • Purchase order -send email

    Does anyone knows what can we do so every time a purchase order is created in SRM the supplier doesnu2019t receive an email?
    Thanks in advance.
    Kind regards,

    you have to check the spro customizing..
    Cross-Application base settings/SAP Workflow/
    Define recipient of notifications

  • Purchase orders - confirmation email to buyer

    Hello experts.
    What should I do to the buyer receives an email confirmation of purchase order?
    Moderator message: please search for available information/documentation.
    Edited by: Thomas Zloch on Nov 21, 2011 6:14 PM

    You need to configure Output determination on the Sales order type, so that a Order response output type (like BA00) with email is triggered once the order is saved in the system.
    Search on these forums on how an outbound Order response output is configured

  • Send Purchase Order as Email

    Hi all,
    We have set up purchase order emailing using standard SAP and it seems to be working fine.
    We have two problems though:
    1) We would like to insert a standard text in the body of the e-mail that we send to the vendor.
    2) We would also like to send email to muliple recipients. Currently, it will only retrieve 1 email address maintained in the vendor master and send to this email address.
    Have tried searching the forums but did not find anything suitable. Appreciate any help rendered for this.
    Thanks lots.
    Lai Yin
    Edited by: Lai Yin Ng on Apr 30, 2008 12:42 AM

    Hi All,
    Thanks for the prompt reply. However, I still have the following doubts:
    The actual requirement from the client is after executing the transaction code me9f, the system should automatically send the purchase order to the vendor, cc to the sender and to another specified email address (e.g. the email of the purchasing manager). Also, in this email, it should have a header with the PO number and also a standard email body text. The header is not a problem, but i have diffculty adding the email body text.
    I have tried using distribution list and yes it works, but i am unable to include a email body text in this case, unless the user manually creates an mail message themselves using the transaction code SBWP. However, the client does not want to do this additional step. Hence, is there a way to do this automatically, meaning that the email be triggered upon execution of me9f without any additional steps required. For this to happen, must we specially customize a program?
    Thanks lots.
    Lai Yin

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