[Q] duplicating movieclip with loaded external jpg file

Hi, Im trying to make thumbnail and enlarged picture by
What i tried was using duplication of thumbnail movieclip
which jpg image is loaded
However it seems not working as i intended,so I had to make
empty movieclip and loaded image again!!!
I am concerning that if I use new movieclip and loading the
image again..it means users have to download the same image twice.
Basically, I am trying to make a list of thumbnailed images
with enlarged picture popes up when mouse rolls over them
Is there any proper way to make it happen?
or duplication just doesnt work even thou movieclip is
already loaded with image?
Thank you for your time~

> simple create your movieclip. Now create an empty clip
inside. You will
> your JPG in the empty clip. This one can't be
duplicated, but you will be
> to duplicate its parent. Like that:
> myMc.anEmptyClip.loadMovie("blabla.jpg");
> myMc.duplicateMovieClip("theNameYouWant",
> That will works.
No, that will not work
You are partly right - if you create a nested clip and assign
(such as an onPress handler) to the parent clip, you can then
load content
into the child without overwriting the parent's properties.
If you load an
image into the child and then duplicate the parent however,
the image in the
child clip *will not be duplicated*. Try it.
> 2- Also, the way you where going to do, works too. yes
the user will have
> load it again, but it is already in the Browser Cache.
It means that will
> quickly the second time and after that. Bad side is more
that you will
> the bandwidth of the images loading on your site.
Again, partly right. Lets take it bit by bit:
> yes the user will have to
> load it again, but it is already in the Browser Cache
The movie will have to load it again, but will probably load
it from cache.
> Bad side is more that you will doble
> the bandwidth of the images loading on your site.
Not so. If it's in the cache, it doesn't use any bandwidth at
all - that's
what caching means! A copy of the image is saved on the
user's local hard
drive, so no bandwidth needs to be used when loading from
Basically, for the *majority* of users, loaded images will be
cached (this
is dependent on browser settings, but most users will have
their browsers
set to cache). This means that after the first load,
subsequent loads of the
same image will be quick and carry no bandwidth overheads.
The real issue here is that dynamic content in movieClips,
such as loaded
images, swfs, or graphics created with the drawing API will
not duplicate
when the clip is duplicated/ The accepted work around used to
be simply to
reload the aimge. Now with Flash 8 though you can use the
BitmapData class
to grab a copy of the image and redraw it to the newly
created clip if you
so wish.
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    As Ned said the problem might be with the file structure on the server. Other problems may be with spelling. You computer may not be case sensitive to the names of the .swf files that you are loading, but your server might. So, on your computer when you are testing, second.swf is the same as Second.swf, or even second.SWF. But, on the server each of these variations is seen as a different file. Another problem is that when you are loading files from the same computer in testing, those files are close and so they load very quickly from your computer. When the files have to travel from the server, there will likely be a measurable period of time before the file is ready to be shown. This is particularly problematic with video that is embedded into an .swf. The whole file will need to be downloaded and uncompressed before it is available to play. If you stream the video as an external file, you can shorten the wait considerably.

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    Hi Persons,
    macrofireball is correct as always, but I'll just add a
    thought to this thread because I suspect "rfull" isn't actually
    asking what he/she
    appears to be asking.
    No photo can ever be displayed "by itself". That is, image
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    Have a good 'un folks!

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    // Create a shortcut reference to the present movie clip
    thisClip = audioContainer["audioItem"+i];
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    thisClip.myTxt2.htmlText = audioContent
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    [3], thisClip.block_mc);
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    thisClip.speaker_mc.speaker_mc.onRelease = function() {
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    As Ned said the problem might be with the file structure on the server. Other problems may be with spelling. You computer may not be case sensitive to the names of the .swf files that you are loading, but your server might. So, on your computer when you are testing, second.swf is the same as Second.swf, or even second.SWF. But, on the server each of these variations is seen as a different file. Another problem is that when you are loading files from the same computer in testing, those files are close and so they load very quickly from your computer. When the files have to travel from the server, there will likely be a measurable period of time before the file is ready to be shown. This is particularly problematic with video that is embedded into an .swf. The whole file will need to be downloaded and uncompressed before it is available to play. If you stream the video as an external file, you can shorten the wait considerably.

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    thank you, kglad..
    I was thking of making 700 * 8000 image into 2800*2800 image
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    Thank you again for your kindness..:)

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    your isse begins here ..
    you use the same loader to not only load files but you are tyring to use it to target the movieClip you also want to play.
    The issue is loader.  The loader can only reference one load at a time.. otherwise you screw up your listeners and the ability to unload files properly.
    You should load all files in Your current system as its own variable so that while one loads you can still control a movie.
    So what type of end transitions do your files have?
    What exactly with this seems like youre getting an issue.. looking at it looks alright aside from the fact that some methods are not used at all by your class

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    use trace(mc) to confirm "this" refers to a movieclip, make
    sure there's nothing at a greater depth preventing you from seeing
    your image, double check your spelling of flash/photo1.jpg (and
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    var soundReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest("mardi_gras2.mp3");
    var sound:Sound = new Sound();
    sound.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onComplete);
    function onComplete(event:Event):void
    var soundReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest(root.loaderInfo.parameters.audio);
    var sound:Sound = new Sound();
    sound.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onComplete);
    function onComplete(event:Event):void
    <object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=9,0,0,0" width="550" height="400" id="mySoundvars" align="middle">
        <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" />
        <param name="allowFullScreen" value="false" />
        <param name="movie" value="mySoundvars.swf" />
       <param name="FlashVars" value="audio=mardi_gras2.mp3" />
        <param name="quality" value="high" /><param name="bgcolor" value="#ffffff" />    <embed src="mySoundvars.swf" quality="high" bgcolor="#ffffff" width="550" height="400" name="mySoundvars" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" allowFullScreen="false" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer" FlashVars="audio=mardi_gras2.mp3" />

    Ok waterlovinguy,
    I went back to my original code, and I got things to work... I think my whole issue was with the HTML CODE. So I decided to use the "SWFObject generator". I had never used it before, frankly I had never heard of it until I started my searches on "Flashvars".
    Thank you very much for all your assistance, PEACE,
    Final Codes below
    var my_var:String = new String();
    my_var = root.loaderInfo.parameters.myflashvar;
    myText.text = my_var;
    var soundReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest(root.loaderInfo.parameters.audio);
    var sound:Sound = new Sound();
    var soundControl:SoundChannel = new SoundChannel;
    play_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, playSound);
    stop_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, stopSound);
    function playSound(event:MouseEvent):void
        soundControl = sound.play();
    function stopSound(event:MouseEvent):void
    HTML Code

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    loadList.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, selectItem);
    function selectItem(e:Event):void
        loadWindow.source = e.target.selectedItem.data;
    When I run it in a FlashPlayer, it only loads the first 2 swf files....  (I checked the files and all files are fine).
    I hope to get some light on the issue so any help will be appreciated.

    Try tracing e.target.selectedItem.data to make sure it's what you expect.
    Also, have you tried using the load() method instead of the source property?

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    btn1.onRelease = function (){
    loadMovie("Bike.jpg", _root.photo.empty);
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    for something like this it's best to use the MovieClipLoader
    class, rather than loadMovie() - doing so will allow you to use the
    onLoadPrgress handler to update the preloader while it's being
    loaded. it would go something like this:

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    Any kind of answer will be appreciated!
    Thank you

    stick the image in the same dir as the .class file and do:
    Image myimage = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("myjpg.jpg");then display the image.

  • AS3 loading external swf files with buttons from inside a movieclip

    In my main .swf I have labels on the timeline, navs for those btns are on the first frame of the AS layer and each button sends the playhead to a different frame.
    On one frame called fr1 there is an mc called mc_1 that appears on stage when the playhead stops there. Inside mc_1 are a set of navigation buttons that need to call external .swfs.
    Do I add event listeners on the last frame of mc_1 for each button?
    how do I call the loaders for the swfs on the buttons since the swfs will load on the main timeline NOT the mc_1 timeline?
    So label on main timeline called fr1 will load external1 swf , on fr10 external 2.swf will load and so on.
    any help?

    The code for that button's event listener needs to be placed wherever it has direct access to the button.  Not necessarily on the same timeline, but in a place where both the button and the code are present at the same time.
    The code could be placed at the frame in the main timeline where the movieclip with the button(s) is, targeting the buttons via the movieclip (mc.button.addEvemtListener...) , unless the buttons are somewhere down the timeline of that movieclip.
    If they are down the timeline of that movieclip, then you would need to have the event listener also inside the movieclip, down its timeline where the buttons are finally settled in... being sure to assign instance names to the buttons at every keyframe.

  • Need to load external jpgs at once

    I am using loadMovie to load all my external jpgs at once. On
    start I have thumbnails which animates, and using loadMovie load
    jpgs into that thumbnails. Offline it works fine, but online it
    only loads few jpgs first with animation and rest loads without
    animation just blink and loads. can you help me out for this.
    this is my sample page link:

    Look at MovieClipLoader instead - images take time to load.
    You have to wait
    until your files have loaded before trying to use them - MCL
    is best for
    that, with its onLoadInit method.
    Dave -
    Head Developer
    Adobe Community Expert

  • Loading from library conflicts with loading external swf

    I'm very new to ActionScript, so this might be incredibly basic. However, I've Googled and read myself into a coma and I'm not finding a solution.
    I have a movie with 6 navigation buttons.  Four of them load external .swf slideshows, and they work fine - as each file loads, the previous one clears the stage, etc.  The other button that I currently have set up is loading, from the library, an image.  The problem I'm having is that the slideshows replace each other on the stage - they're not stacking, they're replacing - but when the user selects the button that loads the image, the image overlays the last-selected slideshow.  If the user selects the image first, the image is visible when two of the external files transition.  Because of that 6th button, which is not yet even started, it's not desirable to me to simply set up the single image as another external file; if it's at all possible, I need to be able to pull from a library file when I build that last button.
    What I'd like to do - because there is no logical order that the buttons should be selected in - is figure out how to tell every button to remove the image file on click.  I've tried using this in the four buttons that link to the slideshows, to deal with the image (that's the one called quoteImage):
         if(myLoader != null && contains(quoteImage)){
    which has the advantage of not giving me any errors, but doesn't actually fix my problem.  I've tried many, many other things, and I'm just really stumped on what exactly I need to do to make this work the way I want it to.  Based on the fact that the books and online resources I've been using don't really cover this specific example, I suspect it might be an incredibly idiot thing to do, but I'd really like it to work this way if that's possible.
    The code as it stands, with the global variables and the first two buttons (the next three are identical to the second button and the sixth button doesn't exist) looks like this:
    var myLoader:Loader=new Loader(); 
    var quoteImage:Bitmap;
    // Loads quoteImage from library
    btnQuotes.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showquote);
    function showquote(event:MouseEvent):void {
    var myBitmapDataObject:myBitmapData = new myBitmapData(500, 350);
    var quoteImage:Bitmap = new Bitmap(myBitmapDataObject);
    // Loads industrial.swf from external file
    btnIndustrial.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showindustrialcontent);
    function showindustrialcontent(event:MouseEvent):void {
    var myURL:URLRequest=new URLRequest("industrial.swf");
    Help is very much appreciated.

    I see now how to import and display a library class object
    var MovieClipClass:Class =
    var movieClip:Sprite = new MovieClipClass();
    But this seems to only work for SWF's published for AS3 Flash
    Player 9.
    I need to do the same for SWF's published with AS2 Flash
    Player 7.
    Any ideas?

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    var myLoader:Loader = new Loader();
    button1_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, movie1_1);
    function movie1_1(e:MouseEvent):void
        var myURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest("01_01_Welcome.swf");
    I'm also attaching screenshot with menu in flash

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    var myLoader:Loader = new Loader();
    button1_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, movie1_1);
    function movie1_1(e:MouseEvent):void
        var myURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest("01_01_Welcome.swf");
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