
I want to load a type chart mdsys.sdo_geometry with information of a point, since in a chart point, lines and polylines can be loaded.
The polylines could already load and to visualize with the SDOVisual that the Oracle brings but to load information of a point he/she gives me error.
Example of the load of information:
First the object type is believed, then:
Insert into dibujo values(point,mdsys.sdo_geometry(1,null,mdsys.sdo_point_type(X1,Y1,NULL),NULL,null);
Where can the error be?.

Please post your table definition and the error you are getting when you try to insert data.

Similar Messages

  • SDO_POINT functions in Oracle 8i

    I apologise for the simplicity of this problem- I hope that someone can answer it really quickly! However, it does seem that there have been several questions on the forum concerning transforming data from attributes to SDO_GEOMETRY and then retrieving the data (we are an untrusting lot, we data people)
    Unless I am missing something sdo_point data (and sdo_ordinate) is WORN data in 8i (WORN = write once, read never).
    I have looked at the object types and can see SDO_GEOMETRY- it has 3 nested objects, including SDO_POINT and SDO_POINT is defined to have X, Y and Z.
    So then, how do I access the data once I have stored it? I have examined (and tried) all the pseudo code on this forum and made a lot up myself. Every time I get ORA-00904:invalid column name.
    Below is an example table- what is the exact command I issue to get the co-ordinate data out of the geometry column?
    Thanks and I apologise for being so slow
    create table points
    id varchar2(20),
    x number,
    y number,
    point mdsys.sdo_geometry
    'points', -- table name
    'point', -- spatial column name
    ( -- point grid
    MDSYS.SDO_DIM_ELEMENT('X', -100, 100, 0.1),
    MDSYS.SDO_DIM_ELEMENT('Y', -100, 100, 0.1)
    null -- SRID
    insert into points (id, x, y) values ('001', 10, 10);
    insert into points (id, x, y) values ('002', 20, 20);
    update points
    set point = mdsys.sdo_geometry
    (2001, null, mdsys.SDO_POINT_TYPE (X, Y, NULL), NULL, NULL);
    select id, x, y, ????
    from points

    This should work:
    select id, x, y, a.point.sdo_point.x, a.point.sdo_point.y from points a;
    Oracle has a requirement that when accessing attributes of an object (any
    object, not necessarily sdo_geometry) you need to use a table alias.
    One other change I would make to your example. Oracle spatial does deal
    with mixed data. I would insert the following in user_sdo_geom_metadata
    (although this isn't related to your question):
    'POINTS', -- table name
    'POINT', -- spatial column name
    ( -- point grid
    MDSYS.SDO_DIM_ELEMENT('X', -100, 100, 0.1),
    MDSYS.SDO_DIM_ELEMENT('Y', -100, 100, 0.1)
    null -- SRID
    Hope this helps,

  • How do I get sdo_point into C host variables from OTT structures?

    How do I get sdo_point info into C host variables from structures generated by OTT?
    Databse Version 10.1.0
    I am using OTT to generate C structures for the Oracle Spatial datatype sdo_geometry. The file is generated as
    # define GEOMETRY_ORACLE
    #ifndef OCI_ORACLE
    # include <oci.h>
    typedef OCIRef sdo_geometry_ref;
    typedef OCIRef sdo_point_type_ref;
    typedef OCIArray sdo_elem_info_array;
    typedef OCIArray sdo_ordinate_array;
    struct sdo_point_type
    OCINumber x;
    OCINumber y;
    OCINumber z;
    typedef struct sdo_point_type sdo_point_type;
    struct sdo_point_type_ind
    OCIInd _atomic;
    OCIInd x;
    OCIInd y;
    OCIInd z;
    typedef struct sdo_point_type_ind sdo_point_type_ind;
    struct sdo_geometry
    OCINumber sdo_gtype;
    OCINumber sdo_srid;
    struct sdo_point_type sdo_point;
    sdo_elem_info_array * sdo_elem_info;
    sdo_ordinate_array * sdo_ordinates;
    typedef struct sdo_geometry sdo_geometry;
    struct sdo_geometry_ind
    OCIInd _atomic;
    OCIInd sdo_gtype;
    OCIInd sdo_srid;
    struct sdo_point_type_ind sdo_point;
    OCIInd sdo_elem_info;
    OCIInd sdo_ordinates;
    typedef struct sdo_geometry_ind sdo_geometry_ind;
    I can successfully access the sdo_gtype and sdo_ordinates using the following ProC code
    exec sql begin declare section;
    int sptype;
    double coord[100000];
    sdo_geometry *spgeom;
    sdo_ordinate_array *spcoords;
    exec sql end declare section;
    /* allocate memory for the geometry host variable */
    exec sql allocate :spgeom;
    select bounds into :spgeom from boundary;
    /* retrieve the geometry type from the geometry host variable into a host variable */
    exec sql object get sdo_gtype from :spgeom into :sptype;
    /* allocate memory for the sdo_ordinate_array host variable */
    exec sql allocate :spcoords;
    /* move the coordinates from the geometry host variable into the sdo_ordinate_array host variable */
    exec sql object get sdo_ordinates from :spgeom into :spcoords;
    /* determine the number of coordinates */
    exec sql collection describe :spcoords get size into :numord;
    /* move the coordinates from the sdo_ordinate_array host variable into a host array */
    exec sql for :numord collection get :spcoords into :coord;
    I cannot, however, figure out how to get point data out of the host variable spgeom. If I prepare code analagous to the other types in the geometry structure, I get an error. I can see that sdo_point is different because it is a struct within the geometry definiton of typedef OCIRef but my knowledge of C is sufficeintly weak that I cannot figure out how to get sdo_point into C host variables. Some sample code for getting the sdo_point data would be greatly appeciated.
    Thanks, Chris

    To get point data from geometry column use following
    select a.location.sdo_point.x, a.geometrycolumn.sdo_point.y
    from tablename a;
    Do not forget to alias the table.

  • Converting Oriented Points to Simple Points (SDO_POINT)

    Does anyone know of a utility or script to convert oriented 3D points to simple points?

    The below script is to get simple point from 2D oriented point. You can easily modify this for 3D point.
    if geom.SDO_ORDINATES is not null and geom.SDO_ORDINATES.count() = 4 then
    RETURN SDO_GEOMETRY(2001,geom.sdo_srid,
    sdo_point_type(geom.SDO_ORDINATES(1), geom.SDO_ORDINATES(2), null),
    return null;
    end if ;
    END getPoint;

  • Can't display Georaster in Oracle Maps

    Please help!
    I'm trying to display a georaster in Oracle Maps, without success. The georasters in question display normally in PCI's Focus, eSpatial's iSMART, and MapBuilder preview, but nothing is display in Oracle Maps.
    I have copied jai_codec.jar, jai_core.jar, jai_imageio-1.1.2.jar into
    D:\APPSVR\j2ee\MapViewer\applications\MapViewer10131\web\WEB-INF\lib. I don't get any errors in mapviewer.log set to finest (appended to bottom of post).
    I'm using AS, MapViewer from patch 6453515, and the enterprise database.
    In Oracle Maps I have this code:
         foi = new MVThemeBasedFOI('MOSAIC2','MOSAIC2');
    The georaster has spatial extents:
    SDO_GEOMETRY(2003, 8307, NULL, SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1, 1003, 1), SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(-83.5357, 31.4825, -83.5357, 31.472635, -83.5357, 31.462765, -83.52891, 31.462765, -83.522115, 31.462765, -83.522115, 31.472635, -83.522115, 31.4825, -83.52891, 31.4825, -83.5357, 31.4825))
    The spatial extent is in USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA and is indexed:
    SDO_DIM_ARRAY(SDO_DIM_ELEMENT('X', -180, 180, .0005), SDO_DIM_ELEMENT('Y', -90, 90, .0005))
    The georaster has metadata:
    <georasterMetadata xmlns="">
    <dimensionSize type="ROW">
    <dimensionSize type="COLUMN">
    <dimensionSize type="BAND">
    <spatialResolution dimensionType="X">
    <spatialResolution dimensionType="Y">
    <polynomialModel rowOff="0" columnOff="0" xOff="0" yOff="0" zOff="0" rowScale="1" columnScale="1" xScale="1" yScale="1"
    <pPolynomial pType="1" nVars="2" order="1" nCoefficients="3">
    <polynomialCoefficients>6296500.000000001 0 -200000</polynomialCoefficients>
    <qPolynomial pType="1" nVars="0" order="0" nCoefficients="1">
    <rPolynomial pType="1" nVars="2" order="1" nCoefficients="3">
    <polynomialCoefficients>16707140 200000 0</polynomialCoefficients>
    <sPolynomial pType="1" nVars="0" order="0" nCoefficients="1">
    <layerID>Not Specified</layerID>
    <layerID>Not Specified</layerID>
    <layerID>Not Specified</layerID>
    Nothing displays at any zoom level in Oracle Maps.
    The georaster has pyramids generated by:
    gr sdo_georaster;
    SELECT georaster INTO gr
    sdo_geor.generatePyramid(gr, 'rLevel=5, resampling=NN');
    The georaster validates:
    SQL> select sdo_geor.validateGeoraster(a.georaster),sdo_geor.schemaValidate(
    oraster) from MOSAICS a where MOSAICID=2;
    Thanks very much for any suggestions!
    mapviewer.log from a session, set to "FINEST"
    Jan 25, 2008 5:24:16 PM oracle.lbs.mapserver.core.MapperConfig loadMapViewerConfig
    Allowed IPs:
    Excluded IPs:
    Jan 25, 2008 5:24:16 PM oracle.sdovis.GlobalVisContext <clinit>
    WARNING: will use 96 as default dpi.
    Jan 25, 2008 5:24:16 PM oracle.lbs.mapserver.core.MapperConfig registerNSDataProviders
    FINEST: Non-Spatial Data Provider registered: defaultNSDP
    Jan 25, 2008 5:24:16 PM oracle.sdovis.SDataProviderMgr registerProvider
    INFO: Spatial Provider shapefileSDP has been registered.
    Jan 25, 2008 5:24:16 PM oracle.lbs.mapserver.core.MapperConfig registerSDataProviders
    FINEST: Spatial Data Provider registered: shapefileSDP
    Jan 25, 2008 5:24:17 PM oracle.sdovis.SRS <clinit>
    INFO: Using 96 as default dpi.
    Jan 25, 2008 5:24:18 PM oracle.sdovis.DBSRSCache loadGeodeticSrids
    FINEST: Number of geodetic srids loaded: 748.
    Jan 25, 2008 5:24:18 PM oracle.sdovis.CacheMgr2 init
    INFO: Spatial Data Cache opened. Region=SDOVIS_DATA.
    Jan 25, 2008 5:24:18 PM oracle.sdovis.CacheMgr2 init
    INFO:      max_cache_size=32 MB.
    Jan 25, 2008 5:24:18 PM oracle.sdovis.CacheMgr2 createSubRegion
    INFO: sub region sdovis_subreg_mvdemo_jdbc:oracle:thin:@jmsdb5:1521:jmsdb created in cache.
    Jan 25, 2008 5:24:18 PM oracle.lbs.mapserver.core.MapperPool addMapper
    INFO: added a mapper instance to the pool [data src=mvdemo]
    Jan 25, 2008 5:24:18 PM oracle.lbs.mapserver.core.MapperPool addMapper
    INFO: added a mapper instance to the pool [data src=mvdemo]
    Jan 25, 2008 5:24:18 PM oracle.lbs.mapserver.core.MapperPool addMapper
    INFO: added a mapper instance to the pool [data src=mvdemo]
    Jan 25, 2008 5:24:18 PM oracle.sdovis.DBSRSCache loadGeodeticSrids
    FINEST: Number of geodetic srids loaded: 130.
    Jan 25, 2008 5:24:18 PM oracle.sdovis.CacheMgr2 createSubRegion
    INFO: sub region sdovis_subreg_grim_jdbc:oracle:thin:@odm2:1521:odm2 created in cache.
    Jan 25, 2008 5:24:18 PM oracle.lbs.mapserver.core.MapperPool addMapper
    INFO: added a mapper instance to the pool [data src=grim]
    Jan 25, 2008 5:24:18 PM oracle.lbs.mapserver.core.MapperPool addMapper
    INFO: added a mapper instance to the pool [data src=grim]
    Jan 25, 2008 5:24:18 PM oracle.lbs.mapserver.core.MapperPool addMapper
    INFO: added a mapper instance to the pool [data src=grim]
    Jan 25, 2008 5:24:19 PM oracle.sdovis.DBSRSCache loadGeodeticSrids
    FINEST: Number of geodetic srids loaded: 130.
    Jan 25, 2008 5:24:19 PM oracle.lbs.mapserver.core.MapperPool addMapper
    INFO: added a mapper instance to the pool [data src=wms]
    Jan 25, 2008 5:24:19 PM oracle.lbs.mapserver.core.MapperPool addMapper
    INFO: added a mapper instance to the pool [data src=wms]
    Jan 25, 2008 5:24:19 PM oracle.lbs.mapserver.core.MapperPool addMapper
    INFO: added a mapper instance to the pool [data src=wms]
    Jan 25, 2008 5:24:19 PM oracle.lbs.mapserver.core.MapperConfig loadConfigFile
    INFO: Map Recycling thread started.
    Jan 25, 2008 5:24:19 PM oracle.lbs.mapserver.oms$ColdStart run
    INFO: *** Oracle MapViewer started. ***
    Jan 25, 2008 5:24:20 PM oracle.lbs.mapcache.config.CacheInstanceConfig loadCacheStorageDef
    WARNING: Invalid cache root directory:/private/scratch\. Cache root directory will be set to default root directory.
    Jan 25, 2008 5:24:20 PM oracle.sdovis.DBSRSCache register
    INFO: Loading SRS information from MDSYS.cs_srs (srid=8307).
    Jan 25, 2008 5:24:20 PM oracle.sdovis.DBSRSCache parseAndAdd
    FINER: Registering srs 8307, isGeodetic=true, unit=DECIMAL DEGREE
    Jan 25, 2008 5:24:21 PM oracle.lbs.mapcache.config.CacheInstanceConfig loadCacheStorageDef
    WARNING: Invalid cache root directory:/scratch/mapcache\. Cache root directory will be set to default root directory.
    Jan 25, 2008 5:24:21 PM oracle.sdovis.DBSRSCache register
    INFO: Loading SRS information from MDSYS.cs_srs (srid=8307).
    Jan 25, 2008 5:24:21 PM oracle.sdovis.DBSRSCache parseAndAdd
    FINER: Registering srs 8307, isGeodetic=true, unit=DECIMAL DEGREE
    Jan 25, 2008 5:24:21 PM oracle.lbs.mapcache.config.CacheInstanceConfig loadAdapterClass
    INFO: D:\APPSVR\j2ee\MapViewer\applications\MapViewer10131\web\WEB-INF\mapcache\adapterlibs\grim.USGS_DOQ.jar
    Jan 25, 2008 5:24:21 PM oracle.lbs.foi.FOIServer init
    INFO: *** Oracle Feature of Interest (FOI) Server started. ***
    Jan 25, 2008 5:24:21 PM oracle.lbs.mapcache.config.CacheInstanceConfig loadCacheStorageDef
    WARNING: Invalid cache root directory:D:APPSVRj2eeMapViewerapplicationsMapViewer10131webmapcache\. Cache root directory
    will be set to default root directory.
    Jan 25, 2008 5:24:21 PM oracle.lbs.mapcache.config.CacheInstanceConfig loadAdapterClass
    INFO: D:\APPSVR\j2ee\MapViewer\applications\MapViewer10131\web\WEB-INF\mapcache\adapterlibs\grim.USGS_DRG.jar
    Jan 25, 2008 5:24:21 PM oracle.lbs.mapcache.config.CacheInstanceConfig loadCacheStorageDef
    WARNING: Invalid cache root directory:D:APPSVRj2eeMapViewerapplicationsMapViewer10131webmapcache\. Cache root directory
    will be set to default root directory.
    Jan 25, 2008 5:24:21 PM oracle.lbs.mapcache.config.CacheInstanceConfig loadAdapterClass
    INFO: D:\APPSVR\j2ee\MapViewer\applications\MapViewer10131\web\WEB-INF\mapcache\adapterlibs\grim.USGS_URBAN.jar
    Jan 25, 2008 5:24:22 PM oracle.lbs.mapcache.config.CacheInstanceConfig loadCacheStorageDef
    WARNING: Invalid cache root directory:/scratch/mapcache\. Cache root directory will be set to default root directory.
    Jan 25, 2008 5:24:22 PM oracle.sdovis.DBSRSCache register
    INFO: Loading SRS information from MDSYS.cs_srs (srid=8307).
    Jan 25, 2008 5:24:22 PM oracle.sdovis.DBSRSCache parseAndAdd
    FINER: Registering srs 8307, isGeodetic=true, unit=DECIMAL DEGREE
    Jan 25, 2008 5:24:22 PM oracle.lbs.mapcache.config.CacheInstanceConfig loadAdapterClass
    INFO: D:\APPSVR\j2ee\MapViewer\applications\MapViewer10131\web\WEB-INF\mapcache\adapterlibs\wms.USGS_DOQ.jar
    Jan 25, 2008 5:24:22 PM oracle.lbs.mapcache.config.CacheInstanceConfig loadCacheStorageDef
    WARNING: Invalid cache root directory:D:APPSVRj2eeMapViewerapplicationsMapViewer10131webmapcache\. Cache root directory
    will be set to default root directory.
    Jan 25, 2008 5:24:22 PM oracle.lbs.mapcache.config.CacheInstanceConfig loadAdapterClass
    INFO: D:\APPSVR\j2ee\MapViewer\applications\MapViewer10131\web\WEB-INF\mapcache\adapterlibs\wms.USGS_DRG.jar
    Jan 25, 2008 5:24:22 PM oracle.lbs.mapcache.config.CacheInstanceConfig loadCacheStorageDef
    WARNING: Invalid cache root directory:D:APPSVRj2eeMapViewerapplicationsMapViewer10131webmapcache\. Cache root directory
    will be set to default root directory.
    Jan 25, 2008 5:24:22 PM oracle.lbs.mapcache.config.CacheInstanceConfig loadAdapterClass
    INFO: D:\APPSVR\j2ee\MapViewer\applications\MapViewer10131\web\WEB-INF\mapcache\adapterlibs\wms.USGS_URBAN.jar
    Jan 25, 2008 5:24:22 PM oracle.lbs.mapcache.config.CacheInstanceConfig loadCacheStorageDef
    WARNING: Invalid cache root directory:/scratch/mapcache\. Cache root directory will be set to default root directory.
    Jan 25, 2008 5:24:22 PM oracle.lbs.mapcache.config.CacheInstanceConfig loadCacheStorageDef
    WARNING: Invalid cache root directory:D:APPSVRj2eeMapViewerapplicationsMapViewer10131webmapcache\. Cache root directory
    will be set to default root directory.
    Jan 25, 2008 5:24:22 PM oracle.lbs.mapcache.config.CacheInstanceConfig loadCacheStorageDef
    WARNING: Invalid cache root directory:/private/scratch\. Cache root directory will be set to default root directory.
    Jan 25, 2008 5:24:22 PM oracle.lbs.mapcache.config.CacheInstanceConfig loadCacheStorageDef
    WARNING: Invalid cache root directory:D:APPSVRj2eeMapViewerapplicationsMapViewer10131webmapcache\. Cache root directory
    will be set to default root directory.
    Jan 25, 2008 5:24:22 PM oracle.lbs.mapcache.config.CacheInstanceConfig loadCacheStorageDef
    WARNING: Invalid cache root directory:/scratch/mapcache\. Cache root directory will be set to default root directory.
    Jan 25, 2008 5:24:22 PM oracle.lbs.mapcache.config.CacheInstanceConfig loadCacheStorageDef
    WARNING: Invalid cache root directory:D:APPSVRj2eeMapViewerapplicationsMapViewer10131webmapcache\. Cache root directory
    will be set to default root directory.
    Jan 25, 2008 5:24:22 PM oracle.lbs.mapcache.config.CacheInstanceConfig loadCacheStorageDef
    WARNING: Invalid cache root directory:D:APPSVRj2eeMapViewerapplicationsMapViewer10131webmapcache\. Cache root directory
    will be set to default root directory.
    Jan 25, 2008 5:24:22 PM oracle.lbs.mapcache.MCSServlet$ColdStart run
    INFO: *** Oracle MapCacheServer started. ***
    Jan 25, 2008 5:26:21 PM oracle.lbs.mapcache.MCSServlet doPost
    FINER: <request type="unknown request type" data_source="MVDEMO"/>
    Jan 25, 2008 5:26:21 PM oracle.lbs.mapcache.MCSServlet doPost
    FINER: <request type="unknown request type" data_source="MVDEMO"/>
    Jan 25, 2008 5:26:22 PM oracle.lbs.mapcache.MCSServlet doPost
    FINER: <request type="unknown request type" data_source="MVDEMO"/>
    Jan 25, 2008 5:26:22 PM oracle.lbs.mapcache.MCSServlet doPost
    FINER: <request type="unknown request type" data_source="MVDEMO"/>
    Jan 25, 2008 5:26:22 PM oracle.lbs.mapcache.MCSServlet doPost
    FINER: <request type="unknown request type" data_source="MVDEMO"/>
    Jan 25, 2008 5:26:59 PM oracle.lbs.foi.FOIServlet dumpURLParams
    FINEST: Servlet URL parameters (/foi):
    [width] [2048]
    [height] [1536]
    [theme] [grim.MOSAIC2]
    [cachefoi] [yes]
    [bbox] [-84.1257287289893:30.988239674744463:-82.76821692338207:32.006373528949894]
    [request] [getfoi]
    [area] [no]
    [clickable] [yes]
    [version] [1.0]
    End of servlet URL parameters (/foi).
    Jan 25, 2008 5:26:59 PM oracle.lbs.foi.FOIServlet doPost
    FINEST: user making foi request: null
    Jan 25, 2008 5:26:59 PM oracle.lbs.mapserver.core.MapperPool getMapper
    FINER: getMapper(grim) begins...
    Jan 25, 2008 5:26:59 PM oracle.lbs.mapserver.core.MapperPool getMapper
    FINER: getMapper() succeeded.
    Jan 25, 2008 5:26:59 PM oracle.sdovis.DBMapMaker addPredefinedTheme
    FINEST: adding predefined theme [name=MOSAIC2]
    Jan 25, 2008 5:26:59 PM oracle.sdovis.ThemeTable getCommonAttributes
    FINEST: key_column using default: ROWID
    Jan 25, 2008 5:26:59 PM oracle.sdovis.ThemeTable getGeoRasterTheme
    FINER: Operation name: normalize
    Jan 25, 2008 5:26:59 PM oracle.sdovis.LoadThemeData run
    FINER: LoadThemeData running thread: Thread-37
    Jan 25, 2008 5:26:59 PM oracle.sdovis.theme.GeoRasterThemeProducer prepareData
    FINEST: Theme definition SRID: 8307
    Jan 25, 2008 5:26:59 PM oracle.sdovis.theme.GeoRasterThemeProducer prepareData
    FINER: Original query window: -84.1257287289893,30.988239674744463,-82.76821692338207,32.006373528949894
    Jan 25, 2008 5:26:59 PM oracle.sdovis.theme.GeoRasterThemeProducer prepareData
    FINER: [Query] select grt.GEORASTER from MOSAICS grt where grt.GEORASTER.rasterid = ?
    Jan 25, 2008 5:26:59 PM oracle.sdovis.theme.GeoRasterThemeProducer prepareData
    FINER: Fetch size: 10
    Jan 25, 2008 5:27:00 PM oracle.sdovis.theme.GeoRasterThemeProducer prepareData
    FINEST: Data SRID: 8307
    Jan 25, 2008 5:27:00 PM oracle.sdovis.theme.GeoRasterThemeProducer isDataWithinScale
    FINER: [Master scale] 0.06363336588783941 [Scale factor for theme MOSAIC2] 1.0
    Jan 25, 2008 5:27:00 PM oracle.sdovis.theme.GeoRasterThemeProducer isDataWithinScale
    INFO: Screen resolution: 0.0027150236112144814
    Jan 25, 2008 5:27:00 PM oracle.sdovis.theme.GeoRasterThemeProducer prepareData
    FINER: ULT offset: 0,0
    Jan 25, 2008 5:27:00 PM oracle.sdovis.theme.GeoRasterThemeDefinition getSpatialResolution
    FINEST: Res X: 5.000000001587068E-6 Res Y: 5.000000001587068E-6 Pyramidlevel: 0
    Jan 25, 2008 5:27:00 PM oracle.sdovis.theme.GeoRasterThemeProducer prepareData
    FINEST: Upper Left Model Coordinate: -83.5357 , 31.4825
    Jan 25, 2008 5:27:00 PM oracle.sdovis.theme.GeoRasterThemeDefinition getSpatialResolution
    FINEST: Res X: 5.000000001587068E-6 Res Y: 5.000000001587068E-6 Pyramidlevel: 0
    Jan 25, 2008 5:27:00 PM oracle.sdovis.theme.GeoRasterThemeDefinition getPyramidLevel
    FINEST: Pyramid level: 5 GeoRaster: 102.0 for screen resolution: 0.0027150236112144814
    Jan 25, 2008 5:27:00 PM oracle.sdovis.theme.GeoRasterThemeDefinition getSpatialResolution
    FINEST: Res X: 1.6000000005078618E-4 Res Y: 1.6000000005078618E-4 Pyramidlevel: 5
    Jan 25, 2008 5:27:00 PM oracle.sdovis.theme.GeoRasterThemeProducer prepareData
    FINEST: GeoRaster Dimension: width= 2717.0 height= 3947.0
    Jan 25, 2008 5:27:00 PM oracle.sdovis.theme.GeoRasterThemeProducer prepareData
    FINER: [DimX] 83[DimY] 122
    Jan 25, 2008 5:27:00 PM oracle.sdovis.theme.GeoRasterThemeProducer prepareData
    FINER: Converting to cell coordinate: [pyramidLevel] 5 [X] -84.1257287289893 [Y] 32.006373528949894
    Jan 25, 2008 5:27:00 PM oracle.sdovis.theme.GeoRasterThemeDefinition getCellCoordinate
    FINEST: getCellCoordinate query: SELECT
    sdo_geor.getCellCoordinate(grt.GEORASTER,?,sdo_geometry(2001,8307,sdo_point_type(?,?,null), null,null)) coord FROM MOSAICS
    grt WHERE grt.GEORASTER.rasterid = ? and grt.GEORASTER.rasterdatatable = ?
    Jan 25, 2008 5:27:00 PM oracle.sdovis.theme.GeoRasterThemeDefinition getCellCoordinate
    FINEST: Row:-3275 Column: -3688
    Jan 25, 2008 5:27:00 PM oracle.sdovis.theme.GeoRasterThemeProducer prepareData
    FINER: Converting to cell coordinate: [pyramidLevel] 5 [X] -82.76821692338207 [Y] 30.988239674744463
    Jan 25, 2008 5:27:00 PM oracle.sdovis.theme.GeoRasterThemeDefinition getCellCoordinate
    FINEST: getCellCoordinate query: SELECT
    sdo_geor.getCellCoordinate(grt.GEORASTER,?,sdo_geometry(2001,8307,sdo_point_type(?,?,null), null,null)) coord FROM MOSAICS
    grt WHERE grt.GEORASTER.rasterid = ? and grt.GEORASTER.rasterdatatable = ?
    Jan 25, 2008 5:27:00 PM oracle.sdovis.theme.GeoRasterThemeDefinition getCellCoordinate
    FINEST: Row:3089 Column: 4796
    Jan 25, 2008 5:27:00 PM oracle.sdovis.theme.GeoRasterThemeProducer prepareData
    FINER: Calling JGeoRaster.getRasterImage - area: 0 , 0 , , 83 , 122
    Jan 25, 2008 5:27:00 PM oracle.sdovis.theme.GeoRasterThemeProducer prepareData
    FINER: End of JGeoRaster.getRasterImage call.
    Jan 25, 2008 5:27:00 PM oracle.sdovis.theme.GeoRasterThemeProducer performImageProcessing
    FINER: Operation name: normalize
    Jan 25, 2008 5:27:00 PM oracle.sdovis.theme.GeoRasterThemeProducer performImageProcessing
    FINER: Normalize operation.
    Jan 25, 2008 5:27:02 PM oracle.sdovis.theme.GeoRasterThemeProducer prepareData
    FINEST: # image loaded: 1
    Jan 25, 2008 5:27:02 PM oracle.lbs.mapserver.core.MapperPool freeMapper
    FINER: freeMapper() begins...
    Jan 25, 2008 5:27:02 PM oracle.lbs.foi.FOIServlet sendGZippedResponse
    FINEST: Sending FOI response in gzip format.

    Hi Bruce,
    for GeoRaster themes you can define a specific pyramid level to render, or you can leave the pyramid level null on the theme definition, and in this case MapViewer calculates the best level to render. The second option is recommended as it avoids loading unnecessary data given the current display parameters. If you are seeing your image get blocked, most likely at this zoom level and up you have reached the highest pyramid level of the GeoRaster. Even in MapBuilder if you keep zoom in, you get a blocked image after reaching the highest resolution level.

  • Transform 3D to 2D Data via a Materialized View

    I'm playing with Geoserver against an Oracle Locator database. Things are starting well, but I did notice a bug where 3D points and lines are not supported. I guess this is an issue with GeoTools. Anybody have a way to transform my 3D data to 2D. Since I do use the 3rd dimension for storing elevation, I don't want to lose the data. So I was thinking that I could create materialized views to "virtually strip" the 3rd dimension. Any thoughts? I'm not very strong in PL/SQL, so any code hints would be greatly appreciated as well.

    I would say the compiled pl/sql would be faster (it would also depend on whether you compiled to the pl/sql virtual machine code - MP-code or the machine-dependent code of the host's C compiler if you chose native copilation): I am coding a Java version of my GEOM.SDO_CENTROID function so will be in a better position to say, categorically, one way or the other.
    In my free pl/sql packages there are these functions in case anyone is interested:
       --  @function To_2D
       --  @precis   Converts a 3D geometry to a 2D geometry
       --  @version  2.0
       --  @usage    v_2D_geom := geom.To_2D(MDSYS.SDO_Geometry(3001,....)
       --  @history  Albert Godfrind, July 2006, Original Coding
       --  @history  Bryan Hall,      July 2006, Modified to handle points
       --  @history  Simon Greener,   July 2006, Integrated into geom with GF.
       Function To_2D( p_3D_geom IN MDSYS.SDO_Geometry )
         Return MDSYS.SDO_Geometry deterministic;
       --  @function To_3D
       --  @precis   Converts a 2D geometry to a 3D geometry
       --  @version  1.0
       --  @usage    v_3D_geom := geom.To_3D(MDSYS.SDO_Geometry(2001,....),50)
       --  @history  Simon Greener,   May 2007 Original coding
       Function To_3D( p_2D_geom   IN MDSYS.SDO_Geometry,
                       p_default_z IN NUMBER := NULL)
         Return MDSYS.SDO_Geometry deterministic;
       /** @Function : FIX_3D_Z
       **  @Precis   : Checks the Z ordinate in the SDO_GEOMETRY and if NULL changes to p_default_z value
       **  @Note     : Needed as MapServer appears to not handle 3003/3007 polygons with NULL Z values in the sdo_ordinate_array
       **  @History  : Simon Greener  -  JUNE 4th 2007  - Original Coding
       Function Fix_3D_Z( p_3D_geom   IN MDSYS.SDO_Geometry,
                          p_default_z IN NUMBER := -9999 )
                Return MDSYS.SDO_Geometry Deterministic;
      /** Function just to change a single point coded in sdo_ordinates to sdo_point representation
      * @param p_geometry  A sdo_geometry object.
      Function ToSdoPoint ( p_geometry in MDSYS.SDO_Geometry )
        return MDSYS.SDO_Geometry Deterministic;Simon

  • GeoRaptor 3.0 for SQL Developer 3.0 and 2.1 has now been released

    I am pleased to announce that, after 5 months of development and testing, a new release of GeoRaptor for SQL Developer 2.1 and 3.0 is now available.
    GeoRaptor for SQL Developer 3 is available via the SQL Developer Update centre. GeoRaptor 3 for SQL Developer 2.1 is being made available
    via a download fro the GeoRaptor website.
    No release notes have been compiled as the principal developer (oops, that's me!) is currently busy doing real work for a change (another 3 weeks), earning a living
    and keeping the wolves at bay. More extensive notes (with images) will be compiled when I get back. (Unless anyone is offering! See next.)
    We are still looking for people to:
    1. Provide translations of the English dialog menus etc.
    2. Write more extensive user documentation. If you use a particular part of GeoRaptor a lot and think
    you have found out all its functionality and quirks, contact us and offer to write a few pages of
    documentation on it. (Open Office or Microsoft Word is fine.) Easiest way to do this is to simply
    make screen captures and annotate with text.
    3. Conduct beta testing.
    Here are the things that are in the new release.
    New functionality:
    Overhaul of Validation Functionality.
    1. User can specify own validation SELECT SQL as long as it returns three required columns. The SQL is thus totally editable.
    2. Validation update code now allows user to associate a PL/SQL function with an error number which is applied in the UPDATE SQL.
    3. UPDATE SQL can use WHERE clause of validation SELECT SQL (1) to update specific errors.
       NOTE: The generated UPDATE statement can be manually edited. It is NEVER run by GeoRaptor. To run any UPDATE, copy the statement
       to the clipboard and run in an appropriate SQL Worksheet session within SQL Developer.
    4. Main validation table allows:
       a. Sorting (click on column header) and
       b. Filtering.
       c. Copying to Clipboard via right mouse click sub menu of:
          - Geometry's SDO_ELEM_INFO array constructor.
          - SDO_GEOMETRY constructor
          - Error + validation string.
       d. Access to Draw/Zoom functions which were previously buttons.
       e. Added a new right mouse click menu "Show Feature's Individual Errors" that gathers up all the errors
          it can process - along with the ring / element that is host to the error (if it can) - and displays
          them in the Attribute/Geometry tabs at the bottom of the Map Window (where "Identify" places its results).
          The power of this will be evident to all those who have wanted a way of stepping through errors in a geometry.
       f. Selected rows can now be deleted (select rows: press <DELETE> key or right mouse click>Delete).
       g. Table now has only one primary key column, and has a separate error column holding the actual error code.
       h. Right mouse click men added to table menu to display description of error in the new column (drawn from Oracle documentation)
       i. Optimisations added to improve performance for large error lists.
    5. Functionality now has its own validation layer that is automatically added to the correct view.
       Access to layer properties via button on validation dialog or via normal right mouse click in view/layer tree.
    Improved Rendering Options.
    1. Linestring colour can now be random or drawn from column in database (as per Fill and Point colouring)
    2. Marking of SDO_GEOMETRY objects overhauled.
       - Ability to mark or LABEL vertices/points of all SDO_GEOMETRY types with coordinate identifier and
         option {X,Y} location. Access is via Labelling tab in layer>properties. Thus, coordinate 25 of a linestring
         could be shown as: <25> or {x,y} or <25> {x,y}
       - There is a nice "stacked" option where the coordinate {x,y} can be written one line below the id.
       - For linestrings and polygons the <id> {x,y} label can be oriented to the angle between the vectors or
         edges that come in, and go out of, a vertex. Access is via "Orient" tick box in Labelling tab.
       - Uses Tools>Preferences>GeoRaptor>Visualisation>SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY bracket around x,y string.
    3. Start point of linestring/polygon and all other vertices can be marked with user selectable point marker
       rather than previously fixed markers.
    4. Can now set a NULL point marker by selecting "None" for point marker style pulldown menu.
    5. Positioning of the arrow for linestring/polygons has extra options:
       * NONE
       * START    - All segments of a line have the arrow positioned at the start
       * MIDDLE   - All segments of a line have the arrow positioning in the middle.
       * END      - All segments of a line have the arrow positioning in the END.
       * END_ONLY - Only the last segment has an arrow and at its end.
    1. A new graphic ScaleBar option has been added for the map of each view.
       For geographic/geodetic SRIDs distances are currently shown in meters;
       For all SRIDs an attempt is made to "adapt" the scaleBar units depending
       on the zoom level. So, if you zoom right in you might get the distance shown
       as mm, and as you zoom out, cm/m/km as appropriate.
    2. As the scaleBar is drawn, a 1:<DEMONINATOR> style MapScale value is written
       to the map's right most status bar element.
    3. ScaleBar and MapScale can be turned off/on in View>Properties right mouse
       click menu.
    Export Capabilities.
    1. The ability to export a selection from a result set table (ie result of
       executing ad-hoc SQL SELECT statement to GML, KML, SHP/TAB (TAB file
       adds TAB file "wrapper" over SHP) has been added.
    2. Ability to export table/view/materialised view to GML, KML, SHP/TAB also
       added. If no attributes are selected when exporting to a SHP/TAB file, GeoRaptor
       automatically adds a field that holds a unique row number.
    3. When exporting to KML:
       * one can optionally export attributes.
       * Web sensitive characters < > & etc for KML export are replaced with &gt; &lt; &amp; etc.
       * If a column in the SELECTION or table/view/Mview equals "name" then its value is
         written to the KML tag <name> and not to the list of associated attributes.
         - Similarly for "description" -> <description> AND "styleUrl" -> <styleUrl>
    4. When exporting to GML one can optionally export attributes in FME or OGR "flavour".
    5. Exporting Measured SDO_GEOMETRY objects to SHP not supported until missing functionality
       in GeoTools is corrected (working with GeoTools community to fix).
    6. Writing PRJ and MapInfo CoordSys is done by pasting a string into appropriate export dialog box.
       Last value pasted is remembered between sessions which is useful for users who work with a single SRID.
    7. Export directory is remembered between sessions in case a user uses a standard export directory.
    8. Result sets containing MDSYS.SDO_POINT and/or MDSYS.VERTEX_TYPE can also be written to GML/KML/SHP/TAB.
       SELECT a.geom.sdo_point as point
         FROM (SELECT sdo_geometry(2002,null,sdo_point_type(1,2,null),sdo_elem_info_array(1,2,1),sdo_ordinate_array(1,1,2,2)) as geom
                 FROM DUAL) a;
       SELECT mdsys.vertex_type(a.x,a.y,a.z,a.w,a.v5,a.v6,a.v7,a.v8,a.v9,a.v10,a.v11, as vertex
         FROM TABLE(mdsys.sdo_util.getVertices(mdsys.sdo_geometry(2002,null,null,sdo_elem_info_array(1,2,1),sdo_ordinate_array(1,1,2,2)))) a;
    9. A dialog appears at the end of each export which details (eg total) what was exported when the exported recordset/table contains more
       than on shape type. For example, if you export only points eg 2001/3001 from a table that also contains multipoints eg 2005/3005 then
       the number of points exported, and multipoints skipped will be displayed.
    10. SHP/TAB export is "transactional". If you set the commit interval to 100 then only 100 records are held in memory before writing.
        However, this does not currently apply to the associated DBASE records.
    11. SHP/TAB export supports dBase III, dBase III + Memo, dBase IV and dBase IV + Memo.
        Note: Memo allows text columns > 255 characters to be exported. Non-Memo formats do not and any varchar2 columns will be truncated
        to 255 chars. Some GIS packages support MEMO eg Manifold GIS, some do not.
    12. Note. GeoRaptor does not ensure that the SRID of SDO_GEOMETRY data exported to KML is in the correct Google Projection.
        Please read the Oracle documentation on how to project your data is this is necessary. An example is:
               CODIGO as name,
               NOME as description,
               SDO_CS.TRANSFORM(shape,'USE_SPHERICAL',4055) as shape
    13. NOTE: The SHP exporter uses the Java Topology Suite (JTS) to convert from SDO_GEOMETRY to the ESRI Shape format. JTS does not handle
        circular curves in SDO_GEOMETRY objects you must "stroke" them using sdo_util.arc_densify(). See the Oracle documentation on how
        to use this.
    1. Selection View - Measurement has been modified so that the final result only shows those geometry
       types that were actually measured.
    2. In Layer Properties the Miscellaneous tab has been removed because the only elements in it were the
       Geometry Output options which have now been replaced by the new GML/KML/etc export capabilities.
    3. Shapefile import's user entered tablename now checked for Oracle naming convention compliance.
    4. Identify based on SDO_NN has been removed from GeoRaptor given the myriad problems that it seems to create across versions
       and partitioned/non-partitioned tables. Instead SDO_WITHIN_DISTANCE is now used with the actual search distance (see circle
       in map display): everything within that distance is returned.
    5. Displaying/Not displaying embedded sdo_point in line/polygon (Jamie Keene), is now controlled by
       a preference.
    6. New View Menu options to switch all layers on/off
    7. Tools/Preferences/GeoRaptor layout has been improved.
    8. If Identify is called on a geometry a new right mouse click menu entry has been added called "Mark" which
       has two sub-menus called ID and ID(X,Y) that will add the labeling to the selected geometry independently of
       what the layer is set to being.
    9. Two new methods for rendering an SDO_GEOMETRY object in a table or SQL recordset have been added: a) Show geometry as ICON
       and b) Show geometry as THUMBNAIL. When the latter is chosen, the actual geometry is shown in an image _inside_ the row/column cell it occupies.
       In addition, the existing textual methods for visualisation: WKT, KML, GML etc have been collected together with ICON and THUMBNAIL in a new
       right mouse click menu.
    10. Tables/Views/MViews without spatial indexes can now be added to a Spatial View. To stop large tables from killing rendering, a new preference
        has been added "Table Count Limit" (default 1,000) which controls how many geometry records can be displayed. A table without a spatial
        index will have its layer name rendered in Italics and will write a warning message in red to the status bar for each redraw. Adding an index
        which the layer exists will be recognised by GeoRaptor during drawing and switch the layer across to normal rendering.
    Some Bug Fixes.
    * Error in manage metadata related to getting metadata across all schemas
    * Bug with no display of rowid in Identify results fixed;
    * Some fixes relating to where clause application in geometry validation.
    * Fixes bug with scrollbars on view/layer tree not working.
    * Problem with the spatial networks fixed. Actions for spatial networks can now only be done in the
      schema of the current user, as it could happen that a user opens the tree for another schema that
      has the same network as in the user's schema. Dropping a drops only the network of the current connected user.
    * Recordset "find sdo_geometry cell" code has been modified so that it now appears only if a suitable geometry object is
      in a recordset.  Please note that there is a bug in SQL Developer (2.1 and 3.0) that causes SQL Developer to not
      register a change in selection from a single cell to a whole row when one left clicks at the left-most "row number"
      column that is not part of the SELECT statements user columns, as a short cut to selecting a whole row.  It appears
      that this is a SQL Developer bug so nothing can be done about it until it is fixed. To select a whole row, select all
      cells in the row.
    * Copy to clipboard of SDO_GEOMETRY with M and Z values forgot has extraneous "," at the end.
    * Column based colouring of markers fixed
    * Bunch of performance improvements.
    * Plus (happily) others that I can't remember!If you find any bugs register a bug report at our website.
    If you want to help with testing, contact us at our website.
    My thanks for help in this release to:
    1. John O'Toole
    2. Holger Labe
    3. Sandro Costa
    4. Marco Giana
    5. Luc van Linden
    6. Pieter Minnaar
    7. Warwick Wilson
    8. Jody Garnett (GeoTools bug issues)
    Finally, when at the Washington User Conference I explained the willingness of the GeoRaptor Team to work
    for some sort of integration of our "product" with the new Spatial extension that has just been released in SQL
    Developer 3.0. Nothing much has come of that initial contact and I hope more will come of it.
    In the end, it is you, the real users who should and will decide the way forward. If you have ideas, wishes etc,
    please contact the GeoRaptor team via our SourceForge website, or start a "wishlist" thread on this forum
    expressing ideas for future functionality and integration opportunities.
    Edited by: sgreener on Jun 12, 2011 2:15 PM

    Thank you for this.
    I have been messing around with this last few days, and i really love the feature to pinpoint the validation errors on map.
    I has always been so annoying to try pinpoint these errors using some other GIS software while doing your sql.
    I have stumbled to few bugs:
    1. In "Validate geometry column" dialog checking option "Use DimInfo" actually still uses value entered in tolerance text box.
    I found this because in my language settings , is the decimal operators
    2. In "Validate geometry column" dialog textboxs showing sql, doesn't always show everything from long lines of text (clipping text from right)
    3. In "Validate geometry column" dialog the "Create Update SQL" has few bugs:
    - if you have selected multiple rows from results and check the "Use Selected Geometries" the generated IN-clause in SQL with have same rowid (rowid for first selected result) for all entries
    Also the other generated IN clause in WHERE-clause is missing separator if you select more than one corrective function
    4. "Validate geometry column" dialog stays annoyingly top most when using "Create Update SQL" dialog

  • Imminent Release of new GeoRaptor Version

    I am pleased to announce, after 4 months of development and testing, that a new release of GeoRaptor should be released hopefully before
    the 2011 Oracle Spatial User Conference in Washington DC this Thursday 19th.
    The release manager will make that release but firstly we have to work out how to handle support for SQL Developer 2.1 (which a lot of you
    use) and 3.0 (which has recently been released). The reason for this is that the SQL Developer team changed some API calls such that
    we have to make separate compilations. We are not sure how to support these within the SQL Developer extensions distribution framework.
    It may be that we support download of the 3.0 version via the Oracle extension publication mechanism and the 2.1 version via direct download
    from our Sourceforge website. We will inform you when this has been resolved.
    No release notes have been compiled as the principal developer (oops, that's me!) will be leaving Australia tomorrow to attend the DC User Conference.
    More extensive notes (with images) will be compiled when I get back.
    We are still looking for people to:
    1. Provide translations of the English dialog menus etc.
    2. Write more extensive user documentation. If you use a particular part of GeoRaptor a lot and think you have found out all its functionality and quirks, contact
    us and offer to write a few pages of documentation on it. (Open Office or Microsoft Word is fine.)
    Here are the things that are in the next release.
    New functionality:
    Overhaul of Validation Functionality.
    1. User can specify own validation SELECT SQL as long as it returns three required columns. The SQL is thus totally editable.
    2. Validation update code now allows user to associate a PL/SQL function with an error number which is applied in the UPDATE SQL.
    3. UPDATE SQL can use WHERE clause of validation SELECT SQL (1) to update specific errors.
       NOTE: The generated UPDATE statement can be manually edited. It is NEVER run by GeoRaptor. To run any UPDATE, copy the statement
       to the clipboard and run in an appropriate SQL Worksheet session within SQL Developer.
    4. Main validation table allows:
       a. Sorting (click on column header) and
       b. Filtering.
       c. Copying to Clipboard via right mouse click sub menu of:
          - Geometry's SDO_ELEM_INFO array constructor.
          - SDO_GEOMETRY constructor
          - Error + validation string.
       d. Access to Draw/Zoom functions which were previously buttons.
       e. Added a new right mouse click menu "Show Feature's Individual Errors" that gathers up all the errors
          it can process - along with the ring / element that is host to the error (if it can) - and displays
          them in the Attribute/Geometry tabs at the bottom of the Map Window (where "Identify" places its results).
          The power of this will be evident to all those who have wanted a way of stepping through errors in a geometry.
       f. Selected rows can now be deleted (select rows: press <DELETE> key or right mouse click>Delete).
       g. Table now has only one primary key column, and has a separate error column holding the actual error code.
       h. Right mouse click men added to table menu to display description of error in the new column (drawn from Oracle documentation)
       i. Optimisations added to improve performance for large error lists.
    5. Functionality now has its own validation layer that is automatically added to the correct view.
       Access to layer properties via button on validation dialog or via normal right mouse click in view/layer tree.
    Improved Rendering Options.
    1. Linestring colour can now be random or drawn from column in database (as per Fill and Point colouring)
    2. Marking of SDO_GEOMETRY objects overhauled.
       - Ability to mark or LABEL vertices/points of all SDO_GEOMETRY types with coordinate identifier and
         option {X,Y} location. Access is via Labelling tab in layer>properties. Thus, coordinate 25 of a linestring
         could be shown as: <25> or {x,y} or <25> {x,y}
       - There is a nice "stacked" option where the coordinate {x,y} can be written one line below the id.
       - For linestrings and polygons the <id> {x,y} label can be oriented to the angle between the vectors or
         edges that come in, and go out of, a vertex. Access is via "Orient" tick box in Labelling tab.
       - Uses Tools>Preferences>GeoRaptor>Visualisation>SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY bracket around x,y string.
    3. Start point of linestring/polygon and all other vertices can be marked with user selectable point marker
       rather than previously fixed markers.
    4. Can now set a NULL point marker by selecting "None" for point marker style pulldown menu.
    5. Positioning of the arrow for linestring/polygons has extra options:
       * NONE
       * START    - All segments of a line have the arrow positioned at the start
       * MIDDLE   - All segments of a line have the arrow positioning in the middle.
       * END      - All segments of a line have the arrow positioning in the END.
       * END_ONLY - Only the last segment has an arrow and at its end.
    1. A new graphic ScaleBar option has been added for the map of each view.
       For geographic/geodetic SRIDs distances are currently shown in meters;
       For all SRIDs an attempt is made to "adapt" the scaleBar units depending
       on the zoom level. So, if you zoom right in you might get the distance shown
       as mm, and as you zoom out, cm/m/km as appropriate.
    2. As the scaleBar is drawn, a 1:<DEMONINATOR> style MapScale value is written
       to the map's left most element in the status bar.
    3. ScaleBar and MapScale can be turned off/on in View>Properties right mouse
       click menu.
    Export Capabilities.
    1. The ability to export a selection from a result set table (ie result of
       executing ad-hoc SQL SELECT statement to GML, KML, SHP/TAB (TAB file
       adds TAB file "wrapper" over SHP) has been added.
    2. Ability to export table/view/materialised view to GML, KML, SHP/TAB also
       added. If no attributes are selected when exporting to a SHP/TAB file, GeoRaptor
       automatically adds a field that holds a unique row number.
    3. When exporting to KML:
       * one can optionally export attributes.
       * Web sensitive characters < > & etc for KML export are replaced with &gt; &lt; &amp; etc.
       * If a column in the SELECTION or table/view/Mview equals "name" then its value is
         written to the KML tag <name> and not to the list of associated attributes.
         - Similarly for "description" -> <description> AND "styleUrl" -> <styleUrl>
    4. When exporting to GML one can optionally export attributes in FME or OGR "flavour".
    5. Exporting Measured SDO_GEOMETRY objects to SHP not supported until missing functionality
       in GeoTools is corrected (working with GeoTools community to fix).
    6. Writing PRJ and MapInfo CoordSys is done by pasting a string into appropriate export dialog box.
       Last value pasted is remembered between sessions which is useful for users who work with a single SRID.
    7. Export directory is remembered between sessions in case a user uses a standard export directory.
    8. Result sets containing MDSYS.SDO_POINT and/or MDSYS.VERTEX_TYPE can also be written to GML/KML/SHP/TAB.
       SELECT a.geom.sdo_point as point
         FROM (SELECT sdo_geometry(2002,null,sdo_point_type(1,2,null),sdo_elem_info_array(1,2,1),sdo_ordinate_array(1,1,2,2)) as geom
                 FROM DUAL) a;
       SELECT mdsys.vertex_type(a.x,a.y,a.z,a.w,a.v5,a.v6,a.v7,a.v8,a.v9,a.v10,a.v11, as vertex
         FROM TABLE(mdsys.sdo_util.getVertices(mdsys.sdo_geometry(2002,null,null,sdo_elem_info_array(1,2,1),sdo_ordinate_array(1,1,2,2)))) a;
    9. A dialog appears at the end of each export which details (eg total) what was exported when the exported recordset/table contains more
       than on shape type. For example, if you export only points eg 2001/3001 from a table that also contains multipoints eg 2005/3005 then
       the number of points exported, and multipoints skipped will be displayed.
    10. SHP/TAB export is "transactional". If you set the commit interval to 100 then only 100 records are held in memory before writing.
        However, this does not currently apply to the associated DBASE records.
    11. SHP/TAB export supports dBase III, dBase III + Memo, dBase IV and dBase IV + Memo.
        Note: Memo allows text columns > 255 characters to be exported. Non-Memo formats do not and any varchar2 columns will be truncated
        to 255 chars. Some GIS packages support MEMO eg Manifold GIS, some do not.
    12. Note. GeoRaptor does not ensure that the SRID of SDO_GEOMETRY data exported to KML is in the correct Google Projection.
        Please read the Oracle documentation on how to project your data is this is necessary. An example is:
               CODIGO as name,
               NOME as description,
               SDO_CS.TRANSFORM(shape,'USE_SPHERICAL',4055) as shape
    13. NOTE: The SHP exporter uses the Java Topology Suite (JTS) to convert from SDO_GEOMETRY to the ESRI Shape format. JTS does not handle
        circular curves in SDO_GEOMETRY objects you must "stroke" them using sdo_util.arc_densify(). See the Oracle documentation on how
        to use this.
    1. Selection View - Measurement has been modified so that the final result only shows those geometry
       types that were actually measured.
    2. In Layer Properties the Miscellaneous tab has been removed because the only elements in it were the
       Geometry Output options which have now been replaced by the new GML/KML/etc export capabilities.
    3. Shapefile import's user entered tablename now checked for Oracle naming convention compliance.
    4. Identify based on SDO_NN has been removed from GeoRaptor given the myriad problems that it seems to create across versions
       and partitioned/non-partitioned tables. Instead SDO_WITHIN_DISTANCE is now used with the actual search distance (see circle
       in map display): everything within that distance is returned.
    5. Displaying/Not displaying embedded sdo_point in line/polygon (Jamie Keene), is now controlled by
       a preference.
    6. New View Menu options to switch all layers on/off
    7. Tools/Preferences/GeoRaptor layout has been improved.
    8. If Identify is called on a geometry a new right mouse click menu entry has been added called "Mark" which
       has two sub-menus called ID and ID(X,Y) that will add the labeling to the selected geometry independently of
       what the layer is set to being.
    Some Bug Fixes.
    * Error in manage metadata related to getting metadata across all schemas
    * Bug with no display of rowid in Identify results fixed;
    * Some fixes relating to where clause application in geometry validation.
    * Fixes bug with scrollbars on view/layer tree not working.
    * Problem with the spatial networks fixed. Actions for spatial networks can now only be done in the
      schema of the current user, as it could happen that a user opens the tree for another schema that
      has the same network as in the user's schema. Dropping a drops only the network of the current connected user.
    * Recordset "find sdo_geometry cell" code has been modified so that it now appears only if a suitable geometry object is
      in a recordset.  Please note that there is a bug in SQL Developer (2.1 and 3.0) that causes SQL Developer to not
      register a change in selection from a single cell to a whole row when one left clicks at the left-most "row number"
      column that is not part of the SELECT statements user columns, as a short cut to selecting a whole row.  It appears
      that this is a SQL Developer bug so nothing can be done about it until it is fixed. To select a whole row, select all
      cells in the row.
    * Copy to clipboard of SDO_GEOMETRY with M and Z values forgot has extraneous "," at the end.
    * Column based colouring of markers fixed
    * Bunch of performance improvements.
    * Plus (happily) others that I can't remember!If you find any bugs register a bug report at our website.
    If you want to help with testing, contact us at our website.

    Hi buddy,
    > Yes, it is: Intel site not Toshiba, I'm sorry!
    No problem but not its clear what we talk about ;)
    > why Toshiba don't pretest latest driver and I must install it on my own risk? The last update is from 1,5 years ago...
    I think because Tecra A10 is older model and there is already a successor on the market, Tecra A11.
    Well, dont worry about this. Usually the Intel drivers also work. I have tested this on my Satellite U400 and its running with Intel display driver. No problems so installation is worth a try.
    Please send some feedback after Intel display driver installation, its really interesting! :)

  • Field in data file exceeds maximum length

    I am trying to run the following SQL*Loader control job on my Oracle 11gR2 . Running the SQL*Loader control job results in the ‘Field in data file exceeds maximum length’ error message. Below, I am listing the control file.Please Suggest. Thanks
    It's giving me an error when I run SQL Loader on it,
    Record 61: Rejected - Error on table RMS_TABLE, column GEOM.SDO_POINT.X.
    Field in data file exceeds maximum length.
    Here is my SQL Loader Control file,
    INFILE *
    CONTINUEIF NEXT(1:1) = '#'
       Status NULLIF Status = BLANKS,
       Match_type NULLIF Match_type = BLANKS,
       Match_addr NULLIF Match_addr = BLANKS,
       Side NULLIF Side = BLANKS,
       User_fld NULLIF User_fld = BLANKS,
       Addr_type NULLIF Addr_type = BLANKS,
       ARC_Street NULLIF ARC_Street = BLANKS,
       ARC_City NULLIF ARC_City = BLANKS,
       ARC_State NULLIF ARC_State = BLANKS,
           (X            FLOAT EXTERNAL,
            Y            FLOAT EXTERNAL)
      Status VARCHAR2(1),
      Score NUMBER,
      Match_type VARCHAR2(2),
      Match_addr VARCHAR2(120),
      Side VARCHAR2(1),
      User_fld VARCHAR2(120),
      Addr_type VARCHAR2(20),
      ARC_Street VARCHAR2(100),
      ARC_City VARCHAR2(40),
      ARC_State VARCHAR2(20),
      ARC_ZIP VARCHAR2(10),
      CDATE VARCHAR2(10),
      CTIME VARCHAR2(8),
      CAUSE VARCHAR2(17),

    Looks like you have a problem with record 61 in your data file. Can you please post it in reply.

  • Unable to view the image in Oracle Mapbuilder

    I am unable to view the image using oracle mapviewer.
    It stated that:
    No spatial data to render...
    INFO [oracle.sdovis.CacheMgr2] Spatial Data Cache opened. Region=SDOVIS_DATA.
    INFO [oracle.sdovis.CacheMgr2]      max_cache_size=32 MB.
    INFO [oracle.sdovis.CacheMgr2] sub region sdovis_subreg_ias_spatial_jdbc:oracle:thin:@dbdev:1521:orcl created in cache.
    INFO [oracle.sdovis.DBMapMaker] clearing internal theme list and cache
    INFO [oracle.sdovis.DBSRSCache] Loading SRS information from MDSYS.cs_srs (srid=8307).
    DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.DBSRSCache] Registering srs 8307, isGeodetic=true, unit=DECIMAL DEGREE
    DEBUG [] LoadThemeData running thread: Thread-8
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.theme.grtp] Theme definition SRID: 8307
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.theme.grtp] Bands: Red - 1 Green - 1 Blue - 1
    DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.theme.grtp] [Query] select grt.IMAGE from NYP_IMAGES grt where grt.IMAGE.rasterid = ? and grt.IMAGE.rasterdatatable = ?
    ERROR [oracle.sdovis.theme.grtp] java.lang.NullPointerException
         at oracle.sdovis.theme.GeoRasterThemeProducer.prepareData(
         at oracle.sdovis.GeoRasterTheme.prepareData(
    ERROR [] Message:GeoRaster load Exception: null
         at oracle.sdovis.theme.GeoRasterThemeProducer.prepareData(
         at oracle.sdovis.GeoRasterTheme.prepareData(
    WARN [oracle.sdovis.MapMaker] null MBR resulted from buildDataMBR.
    INFO [oracle.sdovis.DBMapMaker] clearing internal theme list and cache
    DEBUG [] LoadThemeData running thread: Thread-10
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.theme.grtp] Theme definition SRID: 8307
    DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.theme.grtp] [Query] select grt.IMAGE from NYP_IMAGES grt where grt.IMAGE.rasterid = ? and grt.IMAGE.rasterdatatable = ?
    ERROR [oracle.sdovis.theme.grtp] java.lang.NullPointerException
         at oracle.sdovis.theme.GeoRasterThemeProducer.prepareData(
         at oracle.sdovis.GeoRasterTheme.prepareData(
    ERROR [] Message:GeoRaster load Exception: null
         at oracle.sdovis.theme.GeoRasterThemeProducer.prepareData(
         at oracle.sdovis.GeoRasterTheme.prepareData(
    WARN [oracle.sdovis.MapMaker] null MBR resulted from buildDataMBR.
    INFO [oracle.sdovis.DBMapMaker] clearing internal theme list and cache
    DEBUG [] LoadThemeData running thread: Thread-12
    WARN [oracle.sdovis.theme.grtp] GeoRaster SRID can not be 0.
    WARN [oracle.sdovis.MapMaker] null MBR resulted from buildDataMBR.
    INFO [oracle.sdovis.DBMapMaker] clearing internal theme list and cache
    DEBUG [] LoadThemeData running thread: Thread-14
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.theme.pgtp] [ NYP_IMAGES ]: -Infinity,-Infinity,NaN,NaN
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.theme.pgtp] [ NYP_IMAGES ]: SELECT rowid, tb_prv.IMAGE.SPATIALEXTENT, 'dbdev_NYP_IMAGES_render', null, 'null', -1 FROM NYP_IMAGES tb_prv
    INFO [oracle.sdovis.CacheMgr2] Creating/replacing a geometry cache group: sdovis_subreg_ias_spatial_jdbc:oracle:thin:@dbdev:1521:orcl : NYP_IMAGES_IMAGE.SPATIALEXTENT_PDT_GEOM.
    DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.theme.pgtp] [ NYP_IMAGES ] sql exec time: 16ms, total time loading 1 features: 78ms.
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.MapMaker] mbr of all themes: java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D$Double[x=-330.05,y=-206.35000000000002,w=3308.6025,h=2565.5175]
    INFO [oracle.sdovis.DBMapMaker] **** time spent on loading features: 78ms.
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.RE] xfm: 0.15474460805665913 0.0 0.0 -0.15474460805665913 185.0792593502091 365.0684501275084
    DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.VectorRenderer] time to render theme NYP_IMAGES with 1 styled features: 16ms
    DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.VectorRenderer] time to label theme NYP_IMAGES with 1 styled features: 0ms
    INFO [oracle.sdovis.DBMapMaker] **** time spent on rendering: 31ms
    INFO [oracle.sdovis.DBMapMaker] clearing internal theme list and cache
    DEBUG [] LoadThemeData running thread: Thread-16
    WARN [oracle.sdovis.theme.grtp] GeoRaster SRID can not be 0.
    WARN [oracle.sdovis.MapMaker] null MBR resulted from buildDataMBR.
    INFO [oracle.sdovis.DBMapMaker] clearing internal theme list and cache
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.SRS] *** isGeodetic=true, unit=DECIMAL DEGREE
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.SRS] before adjusting: minX = -1196.0304250629722, maxX=3844.532925062972 minY=-206.3499999999999, maxY=2359.1675 w=5040.563350125944, h=2565.5175
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.SRS] After adjusting: minX = 0.0, maxX=360.0 minY=-90.0, maxY=90.0 w=5040.563350125944, h=2565.5175
    WARN [oracle.sdovis.SRS] Resizing query window to be within valid bounds.
    DEBUG [] LoadThemeData running thread: Thread-18
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.theme.pgtp] [ NYP_IMAGES ]: 0.0,-90.0,360.0,90.0
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.theme.pgtp] [ NYP_IMAGES ]: SELECT rowid, tb_prv.IMAGE.SPATIALEXTENT, 'dbdev_NYP_IMAGES_render', null, 'null', -1 FROM NYP_IMAGES tb_prv WHERE MDSYS.SDO_FILTER(tb_prv.IMAGE.SPATIALEXTENT, MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY(2003, 8307, NULL, MDSYS.SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1, 1003, 3), MDSYS.SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(?, ?, ?, ?)), 'querytype=WINDOW') = 'TRUE'
    DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.theme.pgtp] [ NYP_IMAGES ] sql exec time: 859ms, total time loading 1 features: 859ms.
    INFO [oracle.sdovis.DBMapMaker] **** time spent on loading features: 859ms.
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.RE] xfm: 2.1666666666666665 0.0 0.0 -2.1666666666666665 0.0 198.5
    DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.VectorRenderer] time to render theme NYP_IMAGES with 1 styled features: 16ms
    DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.VectorRenderer] time to label theme NYP_IMAGES with 1 styled features: 0ms
    INFO [oracle.sdovis.DBMapMaker] **** time spent on rendering: 16ms
    INFO [oracle.sdovis.DBMapMaker] clearing internal theme list and cache
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.SRS] *** isGeodetic=true, unit=DECIMAL DEGREE
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.SRS] before adjusting: minX = 3.173803526448353, maxX=356.82619647355165 minY=-90.0, maxY=90.0 w=353.6523929471033, h=180.0
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.SRS] After adjusting: minX = 3.173803526448353, maxX=356.82619647355165 minY=-90.0, maxY=90.0 w=353.6523929471033, h=180.0
    DEBUG [] LoadThemeData running thread: Thread-20
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.theme.pgtp] [ NYP_IMAGES ]: 3.173803526448353,-90.0,356.82619647355165,90.0
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.theme.pgtp] [ NYP_IMAGES ]: SELECT rowid, tb_prv.IMAGE.SPATIALEXTENT, 'dbdev_NYP_IMAGES_render', null, 'null', -1 FROM NYP_IMAGES tb_prv WHERE MDSYS.SDO_FILTER(tb_prv.IMAGE.SPATIALEXTENT, MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY(2003, 8307, NULL, MDSYS.SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1, 1003, 3), MDSYS.SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(?, ?, ?, ?)), 'querytype=WINDOW') = 'TRUE'
    DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.theme.pgtp] [ NYP_IMAGES ] sql exec time: 0ms, total time loading 1 features: 0ms.
    INFO [oracle.sdovis.DBMapMaker] **** time spent on loading features: 16ms.
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.RE] xfm: 2.2055555555555553 0.0 0.0 -2.2055555555555553 -6.99999999999992 198.50000000000003
    DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.VectorRenderer] time to render theme NYP_IMAGES with 1 styled features: 15ms
    DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.VectorRenderer] time to label theme NYP_IMAGES with 1 styled features: 0ms
    INFO [oracle.sdovis.DBMapMaker] **** time spent on rendering: 31ms
    INFO [oracle.sdovis.DBMapMaker] clearing internal theme list and cache
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.DBMapMaker] adding predefined theme [name=GEORTHEME]
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.ThemeTable] key_column using default: ROWID
    DEBUG [] LoadThemeData running thread: Thread-22
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.theme.grtp] Theme definition SRID: 8307
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.theme.grtp] Bands: Red - 1 Green - 1 Blue - 1
    DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.theme.grtp] [Query] select grt.IMAGE from NYP_IMAGES grt where grt.IMAGE.rasterid = ? and grt.IMAGE.rasterdatatable = ?
    ERROR [oracle.sdovis.theme.grtp] java.lang.NullPointerException
         at oracle.sdovis.theme.GeoRasterThemeProducer.prepareData(
         at oracle.sdovis.GeoRasterTheme.prepareData(
    ERROR [] Message:GeoRaster load Exception: null
         at oracle.sdovis.theme.GeoRasterThemeProducer.prepareData(
         at oracle.sdovis.GeoRasterTheme.prepareData(
    WARN [oracle.sdovis.MapMaker] null MBR resulted from buildDataMBR.
    INFO [oracle.sdovis.DBMapMaker] clearing internal theme list and cache
    DEBUG [] LoadThemeData running thread: Thread-24
    WARN [oracle.sdovis.theme.grtp] GeoRaster SRID can not be 0.
    WARN [oracle.sdovis.MapMaker] null MBR resulted from buildDataMBR.
    INFO [oracle.sdovis.DBMapMaker] clearing internal theme list and cache
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.SRS] *** isGeodetic=true, unit=DECIMAL DEGREE
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.SRS] before adjusting: minX = 3.173803526448353, maxX=356.82619647355165 minY=-90.0, maxY=90.0 w=353.6523929471033, h=180.0
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.SRS] After adjusting: minX = 3.173803526448353, maxX=356.82619647355165 minY=-90.0, maxY=90.0 w=353.6523929471033, h=180.0
    DEBUG [] LoadThemeData running thread: Thread-26
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.theme.pgtp] [ NYP_IMAGES ]: 3.173803526448353,-90.0,356.82619647355165,90.0
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.theme.pgtp] [ NYP_IMAGES ]: SELECT rowid, tb_prv.IMAGE.SPATIALEXTENT, 'dbdev_NYP_IMAGES_render', null, 'null', -1 FROM NYP_IMAGES tb_prv WHERE MDSYS.SDO_FILTER(tb_prv.IMAGE.SPATIALEXTENT, MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY(2003, 8307, NULL, MDSYS.SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1, 1003, 3), MDSYS.SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(?, ?, ?, ?)), 'querytype=WINDOW') = 'TRUE'
    DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.theme.pgtp] [ NYP_IMAGES ] sql exec time: 765ms, total time loading 1 features: 765ms.
    INFO [oracle.sdovis.DBMapMaker] **** time spent on loading features: 765ms.
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.RE] xfm: 2.2055555555555553 0.0 0.0 -2.2055555555555553 -6.99999999999992 198.50000000000003
    DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.VectorRenderer] time to render theme NYP_IMAGES with 1 styled features: 31ms
    DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.VectorRenderer] time to label theme NYP_IMAGES with 1 styled features: 0ms
    INFO [oracle.sdovis.DBMapMaker] **** time spent on rendering: 125ms
    INFO [oracle.sdovis.DBMapMaker] clearing internal theme list and cache
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.DBMapMaker] adding predefined theme [name=GEORTHEME]
    DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.ThemeTable] Got SRID for base table NYP_IMAGES from data source cache
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.ThemeTable] key_column using default: ROWID
    DEBUG [] LoadThemeData running thread: Thread-28
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.theme.grtp] Theme definition SRID: 8307
    DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.theme.grtp] [Query] select grt.IMAGE from NYP_IMAGES grt where grt.IMAGE.rasterid = ? and grt.IMAGE.rasterdatatable = ?
    ERROR [oracle.sdovis.theme.grtp] java.lang.NullPointerException
         at oracle.sdovis.theme.GeoRasterThemeProducer.prepareData(
         at oracle.sdovis.GeoRasterTheme.prepareData(
    ERROR [] Message:GeoRaster load Exception: null
         at oracle.sdovis.theme.GeoRasterThemeProducer.prepareData(
         at oracle.sdovis.GeoRasterTheme.prepareData(
    WARN [oracle.sdovis.MapMaker] null MBR resulted from buildDataMBR.
    For the image i want to view, the data i got for the image that is being stored in the georaster object are:
    1), SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(-180, -90, -180, 1073, -180, 2237, 1320, 2237, 2821, 223
    7, 2821, 1073, 2821, -90, 1320, -90, -180, -90)), 'NYP_IMAGES_RDT', 131, XMLTYPE
    (<georasterMetadata xmlns="">
    May i know whether the image is georeferenced?
    If it is successfully georeference, why does it stated that no spatial data to render?

    161 TIFF
    1), SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(-180, -90, -180, 1073, -180, 2237, 1320, 2237, 2821, 223
    7, 2821, 1073, 2821, -90, 1320, -90, -180, -90)), 'NYP_IMAGES_RDT', 131, XMLTYPE
    (<georasterMetadata xmlns="">
    <dimensionSize type="ROW">
    <dimensionSize type="COLUMN">
    <spatialResolution dimensionType="X">
    <spatialResolution dimensionType="Y">
    <polynomialModel rowOff="0" columnOff="0" xOff="0" yOff="0" zOff="0" rowScal
    e="1" columnScale="1" xScale="1" yScale="1" zScale="1">
    <pPolynomial pType="1" nVars="2" order="1" nCoefficients="3">
    <polynomialCoefficients>-479.9329824561403 0 0.03508771929824561</polyno
    <qPolynomial pType="1" nVars="0" order="0" nCoefficients="1">
    <rPolynomial pType="1" nVars="2" order="1" nCoefficients="3">
    <polynomialCoefficients>43256.28210526316 -0.03508771929824561 0</polyno
    <sPolynomial pType="1" nVars="0" order="0" nCoefficients="1">
    <cell value="0" blue="0" red="0" green="0" alpha="255"/>
    <cell value="1" blue="20" red="20" green="20" alpha="255"/>
    <cell value="2" blue="36" red="36" green="36" alpha="255"/>
    <cell value="3" blue="48" red="48" green="48" alpha="255"/>
    <cell value="4" blue="52" red="52" green="52" alpha="255"/>
    <cell value="5" blue="72" red="72" green="72" alpha="255"/>
    <cell value="6" blue="121" red="121" green="121" alpha="255"/>
    <cell value="7" blue="133" red="133" green="133" alpha="255"/>
    <cell value="8" blue="153" red="153" green="153" alpha="255"/>
    <cell value="9" blue="178" red="178" green="178" alpha="255"/>
    <cell value="10" blue="178" red="178" green="186" alpha="255"/>
    <cell value="11" blue="186" red="186" green="186" alpha="255"/>
    <cell value="12" blue="198" red="198" green="214" alpha="255"/>
    <cell value="13" blue="230" red="230" green="234" alpha="255"/>
    <cell value="14" blue="242" red="242" green="242" alpha="255"/>
    <cell value="15" blue="255" red="255" green="255" alpha="255"/>
    Is this being georeferenced?

  • How to create geofence at the start of a geometry segment?

    I want to create a geofence at the start (and end) of each of our road sections.
    The geofence would extend exactly x(specified) metres at right angles to the segment direction at the start point.
    Is there any Oracle functionality to construct a line (or 2 points) at right angles to a point on a line?
    I can find the start point using this construction
    The only way I have found of creating the geometry is by using some trigonometry to calculate the angle subtended and create two equidistant points. This is rather clumsy and I wondered if anyone knew how to do this more efficiently using Oracle Spatial functionality.

    I can understand that you found the packages complex. There is quite a bit of work gone into them over the years. Once you are over the install, and grow in your understanding of Spatial, you might find one or two of the functions quite useful. I am working on documentation... not enough hours in the day!
    Wrt you immediate question.
    Assuming that these two queries return the points you need:
    Then, because these functions return a point in the sdo_ordinate_array and not in SDO_POINT, you should be able to construct a line as follows:
    SELECT sdo_geometry(2002,l.SRID,NULL,sdo_elem_info_array(1,2,1),
      FROM ( SELECT a.ID, a.geom.sdo_srid as srid, b.*
               FROM ROAD_CENTRELINE_SDO a,
                    TABLE( SDO_UTIL.GET_VERTICES( SDO_LRS.LOCATE_PT(a.geom,0,-7) ) )
           ) l,
           ( SELECT c.ID, c.geom.sdo_srid as srid, d.*
               FROM ROAD_CENTRELINE_SDO c,
                    TABLE( SDO_UTIL.GET_VERTICES( SDO_LRS.LOCATE_PT(c.geom,0, 7) ) )
           ) r
    WHERE =;I have not tested this as I do not have an operational LRS in place but it should work. Of course, if the SDO_LRS.LOCATE_PT returned the data in an sdo_point structure all this complexity could be avoided. But this approach does not require the construction of a function that returns an sdo_point from an sdo_geometry with a point coded in sdo_ordinate_array (which would be result in nicer SQL). If you coded a function that did this:
      create or replace Function ToSdoPoint( p_geometry IN MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY )
         v_element         number;
         v_elements        number;
         v_geometry        MDSYS.SDO_Geometry;
         v_SdoPoint        MDSYS.SDO_Point_Type := MDSYS.SDO_Point_Type(0,0,NULL);
         v_Ordinates       MDSYS.SDO_Ordinate_Array;
        IF ( MOD(p_geometry.sdo_gtype,10) not in (1,5) ) Then
          v_geometry := NULL;
        ELSIF p_geometry.sdo_point is not null THEN
          v_geometry := mdsys.sdo_geometry(p_geometry.sdo_gtype,p_geometry.sdo_srid,p_geometry.sdo_point,NULL,NULL);
          v_ordinates  := p_geometry.sdo_ordinates;
          v_SdoPoint.X := v_ordinates(1);
          v_SdoPoint.Y := v_ordinates(2);
          IF ( FLOOR(p_geometry.sdo_gtype/1000) = 3 ) THEN
            v_SdoPoint.Z := v_ordinates(3);
          END IF;
          v_geometry := mdsys.sdo_geometry(p_geometry.sdo_gtype,p_geometry.sdo_srid,v_SdoPoint,NULL,NULL);
        END IF;
        RETURN v_geometry;
      END ToSdoPoint;
    show errors
    select toSdoPoint(mdsys.sdo_geometry(2001,null,null,
      from dual;Then the SQL becomes:
    SELECT sdo_geometry(2002,SRID,NULL,sdo_elem_info(1,2,1),
           sdo_ordinate_array(left.x,left.y, right.x,right.y)) as geom
      FROM ( SELECT a.geom.sdo_srid as srid,
                   ToSdoPoint(SDO_LRS.LOCATE_PT(a.geom, 0, -7)) as left,
                   ToSdoPoint(SDO_LRS.LOCATE_PT(a.geom, 0,  7)) as right
               FROM ROAD_CENTRELINE_SDO a )Hope this helps.

  • Error with SDO_TUNE.EXTENT_OF on a table with more than one geometry.

    I'm using a GeoServer with Oracle Spatial database, and I run into some problems. GeoServer uses SDO_TUNE.EXTENT_OF to calculate the maximum extent of features you add. It works fine for all object with only one geometry, but fails for objects that has two geometry columns. The error is ORA-01422.
    Is this a bug in Oracle, or am I doing something wrong? I know SDO_AGGR_MBR works fine, but I'd rather not use it, since if it is possible I would like to avoid changing the GeoServer functions.
    Here is a small script I created to show this error:
    1. Create two tables, object1 with one geometry and object2 with two geometry columns.
    2. Create metadata (projected coordinate system).
    3. Insert two rows, one in each table.
    4. Create spacial indices.
    5. Calculate extent, on object1 it will succeed, on object2 it will fail.
    6. Clean.
    CREATE TABLE object1
         geom1 SDO_GEOMETRY
    CREATE TABLE object2
         geom1 SDO_GEOMETRY,
         geom2 SDO_GEOMETRY
    INSERT INTO user_sdo_geom_metadata (table_name, column_name, srid, diminfo)
              SDO_DIM_ELEMENT('X', 400000, 700000, 0.05),
              SDO_DIM_ELEMENT('Y', 300000, 600000, 0.05)
    INSERT INTO user_sdo_geom_metadata (table_name, column_name, srid, diminfo)
              SDO_DIM_ELEMENT('X', 400000, 700000, 0.05),
              SDO_DIM_ELEMENT('Y', 300000, 600000, 0.05)
    INSERT INTO user_sdo_geom_metadata (table_name, column_name, srid, diminfo)
              SDO_DIM_ELEMENT('X', 400000, 700000, 0.05),
              SDO_DIM_ELEMENT('Y', 300000, 600000, 0.05)
    INSERT INTO object1 VALUES(1, SDO_GEOMETRY(2001, 2180, SDO_POINT_TYPE(450000, 350000, NULL), NULL, NULL));
    INSERT INTO object2 VALUES(1, SDO_GEOMETRY(2001, 2180, SDO_POINT_TYPE(500000, 400000, NULL), NULL, NULL), SDO_GEOMETRY(2001, 2180, SDO_POINT_TYPE(550000, 450000, NULL), NULL, NULL));
    CREATE INDEX object1_geom1_sidx ON object1(geom1) INDEXTYPE IS MDSYS.SPATIAL_INDEX;
    CREATE INDEX object2_geom1_sidx ON object2(geom1) INDEXTYPE IS MDSYS.SPATIAL_INDEX;
    CREATE INDEX object2_geom2_sidx ON object2(geom2) INDEXTYPE IS MDSYS.SPATIAL_INDEX;
    DELETE FROM user_sdo_geom_metadata WHERE table_name IN ('OBJECT1', 'OBJECT2');
    DROP INDEX object1_geom1_sidx;
    DROP INDEX object2_geom1_sidx;
    DROP INDEX object2_geom2_sidx;
    DROP TABLE object1;
    DROP TABLE object2;
    Thanks for help.

    As a workaound to avoid the ORA-01422 errors, you could try to create views on your object2 table, and insert their geom metadata (with view names as table names!))
    create view view2_1 as select * from object2;
    create view view2_2 as select * from object2;
    INSERT INTO user_sdo_geom_metadata (table_name, column_name, srid, diminfo)
    SDO_DIM_ELEMENT('X', 400000, 700000, 0.05),
    SDO_DIM_ELEMENT('Y', 300000, 600000, 0.05)
    INSERT INTO user_sdo_geom_metadata (table_name, column_name, srid, diminfo)
    SDO_DIM_ELEMENT('X', 400000, 700000, 0.05),
    SDO_DIM_ELEMENT('Y', 300000, 600000, 0.05)
    Results in
    AY(450000, 350000, 450000, 350000))
    AY(500000, 400000, 500000, 400000))
    AY(550000, 450000, 550000, 450000))jack


    The following statement does not work correct - it claims that there are no spatial indexes. The view is very complex (including union all). The view is put into user_sdo_geom_metadata.
    Whats wrong ?
    This returns
    SDO_GEOMETRY(2003, NULL, NULL, SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1, 1005, 11, 1, 2, 1, 3, 2, 2, 7, 2, 1, 13, 2, 2, 17, 2, 1, 27, 2, 2, 31, 2, 1, 103, 2, 2, 107, 2, 1, 111, 2, 2, 115, 2, 1, 119, 2005, 10, 119, 2, 1, 125, 2, 2, 129, 2, 1, 131, 2, 2, 135, 2, 1, 163, 2, 2, 167, 2, 1, 169, 2, 2, 173, 2, 1, 177, 2, 2, 183, 2005, 3, 183, 2, 1, 191, 2, 2, 195, 2, 1), SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(575526,016, 184396,522, 575522,171, 184370,728, 575522,191, 184370,674, 575522,247, 184370,662, 575678,571, 184417,747, 575774,588, 184446,858, 575869,409, 184475,451, 575869,442, 184475,474, 575869,452, 184475,513, 575866,134, 184514,875, 575863,237, 184550,71, 575863,237, 184550,712, 575863,236, 184550,715, 575855,625, 184597,93, 575855,603, 184597,968, 575855,56, 184597,98, 575817,694, 184594,079, 575817,693, 184594,079, 575779,647, 184589,561, 575779,644, 184589,56, 575779,642, 184589,56, 575760,713, 184585,669, 575760,711, 184585,668, 575760,709, 184585,668, 575742,776, 184580,811, 575742,774, 184580,81, 575711,463, 184571,042, 575681,849, 1845
    61,823, 575681,848, 184561,823, 575653,299, 184552,366, 575653,299, 184552,366, 575624,364, 184542,482, 575624,362, 184542,481, 575608,52, 184536,628, 575608,518, 184536,627, 575608,516, 184536,626, 575594,546, 184530,149, 575594,544, 184530,149, 575594,542, 184530,148, 575580,796, 184522,588, 575580,794, 184522,586, 575580,792, 184522,585, 575568,694, 184514,569, 575568,692, 184514,568, 575568,69, 184514,566, 575557,75, 184506,036, 575557,748, 184506,035, 575557,747, 184506,033, 575547,93, 184497,069, 575547,928, 184497,068, 575547,927, 184497,067, 575540,772, 184489,753, 575540,755, 184489,711, 575540,773, 184489,668, 575541,753, 184488,693, 575539,485, 184486,399, 575539,474, 184486,384, 575539,469, 184486,366, 575526,016, 184396,522, 575456,142, 184567,991, 575581,098, 184603,851, 575663,938, 184627,624, 575753,329, 184653,277, 575753,375, 184653,271, 575753,404, 184653,236, 575770,26, 184594,501, 575770,254, 184594,454, 575770,216, 184594,426, 575759,18, 184591,871, 575741,055, 184586,909, 575709,707, 18
    4577,166, 575680,93, 184568,419, 575679,878, 184568,099, 575651,254, 184558,428, 575622,3, 184548,627, 575606,091, 184542,531, 575599,557, 184539,564, 575591,605, 184535,955, 575577,419, 184528,038, 575564,828, 184519,711, 575553,658, 184510,986, 575543,325, 184501,439, 575543,313, 184501,43, 575543,299, 184501,425, 575479,972, 184484,946, 575479,927, 184484,952, 575479,899, 184484,987, 575465,302, 184535,853, 575456,101, 184567,916, 575456,107, 184567,962, 575456,142, 184567,991, 575490,379, 184553,269, 575487,99, 184561,46, 575516,025, 184569,447, 575519,283, 184558,023, 575495,012, 184551,068, 575494,977, 184551,039, 575494,971, 184550,993, 575495,03, 184550,79, 575494,928, 184550,761, 575490,379, 184553,269))
    This select fails:
    Select /*+ ordered */ A.fid from MISE_A_JOURPFP3 A, MISE_A_JOURPFP3 B where B.FID= 70491 AND mdsys.sdo_relate(B.geom, A.GEOM ,'mask = anyinteract querytype=window') = 'TRUE' ;
    Select /*+ ordered */ A.fid from MISE_A_JOURPFP3 A, MISE_A_JOURPFP3 B where B.FID= 70491 AND mdsys.sdo_relate(B.geom, A.GEOM ,'mask = anyinteract querytype=window') = 'TRUE'
    FEHLER in Zeile 1:
    ORA-13226: Oberfläche ohne räumlicher Index nicht unterstützt
    ORA-06512: in "MDSYS.MD", Zeile 1723
    ORA-06512: in "MDSYS.MDERR", Zeile 8
    ORA-06512: in "MDSYS.SDO_3GL", Zeile 58
    DB is on Windows XP

    This might be related to bug 3561140 - we are working with the appropriate folks in Oracle to try to resolve it. If you can post your view definition then we can try to ensure this is fixed at the same time (a small test case would be appreciated).

  • Problem with direction of points in sdo_ordinate_array

    i have created a polygon selection tool to create a polygon . I use sdo_relate function to get another point geometry from the polygon.
    SELECT a.cust_id
    WHERE SDO_RELATE(a.geometry,SDO_GEOMETRY(2003, 8307, NULL,
    'mask=anyinteract querytype=window') = 'TRUE';
    I want to find cust_id from this polygon .If i draw the polygon in anti clock wise direction , the query works but if i draw the polygon in clockwise direction , the query fails .
    Since the polygon will be drawn by user at the front end , I cannot restrict the direction in which user draws the polygon .User can also start drawing the polygon in clock wise direction then shift to anti clock wise direction to complete it. Is there any way
    through which i can get the result irrespective of user direction sense .

    The easiest way to ensure the polygon is counter-clockwise is to use this:
    SELECT sdo_migrate.to_current (SDO_GEOMETRY (2003,
    sdo_elem_info_array (1, 1003, 1),
    sdo_ordinate_array (1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1)
    sdo_dim_array (sdo_dim_element ('Longitude', -180, 180, .05),
    sdo_dim_element ('Latitude', -90, 90, .05)
    ) ccgeom
    SDO_GEOMETRY(2003, 8307, NULL, SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1, 1003, 1), SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1))

  • Create a spatial index on a large table

    Hi all
    I think that I might be starting to push XE beyond what it is capable of, but I thought I would ask here to see if anyone has some ideas how to get around my problem.
    I have a table with around 8,000,000 record in it. It has position data in it (SDO_GEOMETRY) which I would like to index. The geometry is not complex, just a single point for each record. The SQL I use is
    The command fails, due to memory issues. The errors thrown are
    ORA-29855: error occurred in the execution of ODCIINDEXCREATE routine
    ORA-13249: internal error in Spatial index: [mdidxrbd]
    ORA-13249: Error in Spatial index: index build failed
    ORA-13236: internal error in R-tree processing: [failed to cluster in memory]
    ORA-13232: failed to allocate memory during R-tree creation
    ORA-13236: internal error in R-tree processing: [failed to allocate memory 7272216 (mdrtsalloc)]
    ORA-04031: unable to allocate ORA-04031: unable to allocate 7272264 bytes of shared memory ("lar
    I have done a bit of reading up, this type of error generally occurs when the tablespace runs out of memory. Since I am using the SYSTEM tablespace, I figure I am running it out to its capacity before the index is completed.
    I have not created any other tablespaces. Is this an option to allow the creation of the index? Storage and Memory are at about 60% capacity (due to this one table) so is it just too big to create a spatial index on in XE? Am I barking up the wrong tree?

    Good to see you are not using the SYSTEM tablespace. (And no need to apologize too profusely for being new at this - we all were at one time.)
    It normally doesn't matter how many rows are involved. The issue is how much actual space those rows require. 8,000,000 rows is actually not a lot in the GIS world, esp. if all you have is simple point data. Using the sdo_point field instead of the arrays should be a lot more compact as well.
    Some steps I would take:
    - Identify the actual amount of space used, in total as well as by tablespace. (One of the web-based admin screens can show you this.)
    - Load it all up usnig the free 'developer license' Enterprise Edition insead of XE just to verify it'll work.
    - Try indexing a smaller data set and see whether that works. (Export the table first) Delete about 1/2 rows and try indexing.
    The ORA-04031 is really telling you something about the SGA is not big enough. One of the SGA pools is trying to extend by 7M. Post the info about your SGA, as well ass some details about your machine (disk/processor/total memory)
    Message was edited by:
    The actual error causing the problem is the last line. It ends with "la and the rest is cut off. Could it have said 'large pool'???

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