Unable to view the image in Oracle Mapbuilder

I am unable to view the image using oracle mapviewer.
It stated that:
No spatial data to render...
INFO [oracle.sdovis.CacheMgr2] Spatial Data Cache opened. Region=SDOVIS_DATA.
INFO [oracle.sdovis.CacheMgr2]      max_cache_size=32 MB.
INFO [oracle.sdovis.CacheMgr2] sub region sdovis_subreg_ias_spatial_jdbc:oracle:thin:@dbdev:1521:orcl created in cache.
INFO [oracle.sdovis.DBMapMaker] clearing internal theme list and cache
INFO [oracle.sdovis.DBSRSCache] Loading SRS information from MDSYS.cs_srs (srid=8307).
DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.DBSRSCache] Registering srs 8307, isGeodetic=true, unit=DECIMAL DEGREE
DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.ltd] LoadThemeData running thread: Thread-8
FINEST [oracle.sdovis.theme.grtp] Theme definition SRID: 8307
FINEST [oracle.sdovis.theme.grtp] Bands: Red - 1 Green - 1 Blue - 1
DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.theme.grtp] [Query] select grt.IMAGE from NYP_IMAGES grt where grt.IMAGE.rasterid = ? and grt.IMAGE.rasterdatatable = ?
ERROR [oracle.sdovis.theme.grtp] java.lang.NullPointerException
     at oracle.sdovis.theme.GeoRasterThemeProducer.prepareData(GeoRasterThemeProducer.java:589)
     at oracle.sdovis.GeoRasterTheme.prepareData(GeoRasterTheme.java:90)
     at oracle.sdovis.LoadThemeData.run(LoadThemeData.java:66)
ERROR [oracle.sdovis.ltd] Message:GeoRaster load Exception: null
     at oracle.sdovis.theme.GeoRasterThemeProducer.prepareData(GeoRasterThemeProducer.java:855)
     at oracle.sdovis.GeoRasterTheme.prepareData(GeoRasterTheme.java:90)
     at oracle.sdovis.LoadThemeData.run(LoadThemeData.java:66)
WARN [oracle.sdovis.MapMaker] null MBR resulted from buildDataMBR.
INFO [oracle.sdovis.DBMapMaker] clearing internal theme list and cache
DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.ltd] LoadThemeData running thread: Thread-10
FINEST [oracle.sdovis.theme.grtp] Theme definition SRID: 8307
DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.theme.grtp] [Query] select grt.IMAGE from NYP_IMAGES grt where grt.IMAGE.rasterid = ? and grt.IMAGE.rasterdatatable = ?
ERROR [oracle.sdovis.theme.grtp] java.lang.NullPointerException
     at oracle.sdovis.theme.GeoRasterThemeProducer.prepareData(GeoRasterThemeProducer.java:589)
     at oracle.sdovis.GeoRasterTheme.prepareData(GeoRasterTheme.java:90)
     at oracle.sdovis.LoadThemeData.run(LoadThemeData.java:66)
ERROR [oracle.sdovis.ltd] Message:GeoRaster load Exception: null
     at oracle.sdovis.theme.GeoRasterThemeProducer.prepareData(GeoRasterThemeProducer.java:855)
     at oracle.sdovis.GeoRasterTheme.prepareData(GeoRasterTheme.java:90)
     at oracle.sdovis.LoadThemeData.run(LoadThemeData.java:66)
WARN [oracle.sdovis.MapMaker] null MBR resulted from buildDataMBR.
INFO [oracle.sdovis.DBMapMaker] clearing internal theme list and cache
DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.ltd] LoadThemeData running thread: Thread-12
WARN [oracle.sdovis.theme.grtp] GeoRaster SRID can not be 0.
WARN [oracle.sdovis.MapMaker] null MBR resulted from buildDataMBR.
INFO [oracle.sdovis.DBMapMaker] clearing internal theme list and cache
DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.ltd] LoadThemeData running thread: Thread-14
FINEST [oracle.sdovis.theme.pgtp] [ NYP_IMAGES ]: -Infinity,-Infinity,NaN,NaN
FINEST [oracle.sdovis.theme.pgtp] [ NYP_IMAGES ]: SELECT rowid, tb_prv.IMAGE.SPATIALEXTENT, 'dbdev_NYP_IMAGES_render', null, 'null', -1 FROM NYP_IMAGES tb_prv
INFO [oracle.sdovis.CacheMgr2] Creating/replacing a geometry cache group: sdovis_subreg_ias_spatial_jdbc:oracle:thin:@dbdev:1521:orcl : NYP_IMAGES_IMAGE.SPATIALEXTENT_PDT_GEOM.
DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.theme.pgtp] [ NYP_IMAGES ] sql exec time: 16ms, total time loading 1 features: 78ms.
FINEST [oracle.sdovis.MapMaker] mbr of all themes: java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D$Double[x=-330.05,y=-206.35000000000002,w=3308.6025,h=2565.5175]
INFO [oracle.sdovis.DBMapMaker] **** time spent on loading features: 78ms.
FINEST [oracle.sdovis.RE] xfm: 0.15474460805665913 0.0 0.0 -0.15474460805665913 185.0792593502091 365.0684501275084
DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.VectorRenderer] time to render theme NYP_IMAGES with 1 styled features: 16ms
DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.VectorRenderer] time to label theme NYP_IMAGES with 1 styled features: 0ms
INFO [oracle.sdovis.DBMapMaker] **** time spent on rendering: 31ms
INFO [oracle.sdovis.DBMapMaker] clearing internal theme list and cache
DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.ltd] LoadThemeData running thread: Thread-16
WARN [oracle.sdovis.theme.grtp] GeoRaster SRID can not be 0.
WARN [oracle.sdovis.MapMaker] null MBR resulted from buildDataMBR.
INFO [oracle.sdovis.DBMapMaker] clearing internal theme list and cache
FINEST [oracle.sdovis.SRS] *** isGeodetic=true, unit=DECIMAL DEGREE
FINEST [oracle.sdovis.SRS] before adjusting: minX = -1196.0304250629722, maxX=3844.532925062972 minY=-206.3499999999999, maxY=2359.1675 w=5040.563350125944, h=2565.5175
FINEST [oracle.sdovis.SRS] After adjusting: minX = 0.0, maxX=360.0 minY=-90.0, maxY=90.0 w=5040.563350125944, h=2565.5175
WARN [oracle.sdovis.SRS] Resizing query window to be within valid bounds.
DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.ltd] LoadThemeData running thread: Thread-18
FINEST [oracle.sdovis.theme.pgtp] [ NYP_IMAGES ]: 0.0,-90.0,360.0,90.0
FINEST [oracle.sdovis.theme.pgtp] [ NYP_IMAGES ]: SELECT rowid, tb_prv.IMAGE.SPATIALEXTENT, 'dbdev_NYP_IMAGES_render', null, 'null', -1 FROM NYP_IMAGES tb_prv WHERE MDSYS.SDO_FILTER(tb_prv.IMAGE.SPATIALEXTENT, MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY(2003, 8307, NULL, MDSYS.SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1, 1003, 3), MDSYS.SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(?, ?, ?, ?)), 'querytype=WINDOW') = 'TRUE'
DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.theme.pgtp] [ NYP_IMAGES ] sql exec time: 859ms, total time loading 1 features: 859ms.
INFO [oracle.sdovis.DBMapMaker] **** time spent on loading features: 859ms.
FINEST [oracle.sdovis.RE] xfm: 2.1666666666666665 0.0 0.0 -2.1666666666666665 0.0 198.5
DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.VectorRenderer] time to render theme NYP_IMAGES with 1 styled features: 16ms
DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.VectorRenderer] time to label theme NYP_IMAGES with 1 styled features: 0ms
INFO [oracle.sdovis.DBMapMaker] **** time spent on rendering: 16ms
INFO [oracle.sdovis.DBMapMaker] clearing internal theme list and cache
FINEST [oracle.sdovis.SRS] *** isGeodetic=true, unit=DECIMAL DEGREE
FINEST [oracle.sdovis.SRS] before adjusting: minX = 3.173803526448353, maxX=356.82619647355165 minY=-90.0, maxY=90.0 w=353.6523929471033, h=180.0
FINEST [oracle.sdovis.SRS] After adjusting: minX = 3.173803526448353, maxX=356.82619647355165 minY=-90.0, maxY=90.0 w=353.6523929471033, h=180.0
DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.ltd] LoadThemeData running thread: Thread-20
FINEST [oracle.sdovis.theme.pgtp] [ NYP_IMAGES ]: 3.173803526448353,-90.0,356.82619647355165,90.0
FINEST [oracle.sdovis.theme.pgtp] [ NYP_IMAGES ]: SELECT rowid, tb_prv.IMAGE.SPATIALEXTENT, 'dbdev_NYP_IMAGES_render', null, 'null', -1 FROM NYP_IMAGES tb_prv WHERE MDSYS.SDO_FILTER(tb_prv.IMAGE.SPATIALEXTENT, MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY(2003, 8307, NULL, MDSYS.SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1, 1003, 3), MDSYS.SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(?, ?, ?, ?)), 'querytype=WINDOW') = 'TRUE'
DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.theme.pgtp] [ NYP_IMAGES ] sql exec time: 0ms, total time loading 1 features: 0ms.
INFO [oracle.sdovis.DBMapMaker] **** time spent on loading features: 16ms.
FINEST [oracle.sdovis.RE] xfm: 2.2055555555555553 0.0 0.0 -2.2055555555555553 -6.99999999999992 198.50000000000003
DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.VectorRenderer] time to render theme NYP_IMAGES with 1 styled features: 15ms
DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.VectorRenderer] time to label theme NYP_IMAGES with 1 styled features: 0ms
INFO [oracle.sdovis.DBMapMaker] **** time spent on rendering: 31ms
INFO [oracle.sdovis.DBMapMaker] clearing internal theme list and cache
FINEST [oracle.sdovis.DBMapMaker] adding predefined theme [name=GEORTHEME]
FINEST [oracle.sdovis.ThemeTable] key_column using default: ROWID
DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.ltd] LoadThemeData running thread: Thread-22
FINEST [oracle.sdovis.theme.grtp] Theme definition SRID: 8307
FINEST [oracle.sdovis.theme.grtp] Bands: Red - 1 Green - 1 Blue - 1
DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.theme.grtp] [Query] select grt.IMAGE from NYP_IMAGES grt where grt.IMAGE.rasterid = ? and grt.IMAGE.rasterdatatable = ?
ERROR [oracle.sdovis.theme.grtp] java.lang.NullPointerException
     at oracle.sdovis.theme.GeoRasterThemeProducer.prepareData(GeoRasterThemeProducer.java:589)
     at oracle.sdovis.GeoRasterTheme.prepareData(GeoRasterTheme.java:90)
     at oracle.sdovis.LoadThemeData.run(LoadThemeData.java:66)
ERROR [oracle.sdovis.ltd] Message:GeoRaster load Exception: null
     at oracle.sdovis.theme.GeoRasterThemeProducer.prepareData(GeoRasterThemeProducer.java:855)
     at oracle.sdovis.GeoRasterTheme.prepareData(GeoRasterTheme.java:90)
     at oracle.sdovis.LoadThemeData.run(LoadThemeData.java:66)
WARN [oracle.sdovis.MapMaker] null MBR resulted from buildDataMBR.
INFO [oracle.sdovis.DBMapMaker] clearing internal theme list and cache
DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.ltd] LoadThemeData running thread: Thread-24
WARN [oracle.sdovis.theme.grtp] GeoRaster SRID can not be 0.
WARN [oracle.sdovis.MapMaker] null MBR resulted from buildDataMBR.
INFO [oracle.sdovis.DBMapMaker] clearing internal theme list and cache
FINEST [oracle.sdovis.SRS] *** isGeodetic=true, unit=DECIMAL DEGREE
FINEST [oracle.sdovis.SRS] before adjusting: minX = 3.173803526448353, maxX=356.82619647355165 minY=-90.0, maxY=90.0 w=353.6523929471033, h=180.0
FINEST [oracle.sdovis.SRS] After adjusting: minX = 3.173803526448353, maxX=356.82619647355165 minY=-90.0, maxY=90.0 w=353.6523929471033, h=180.0
DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.ltd] LoadThemeData running thread: Thread-26
FINEST [oracle.sdovis.theme.pgtp] [ NYP_IMAGES ]: 3.173803526448353,-90.0,356.82619647355165,90.0
FINEST [oracle.sdovis.theme.pgtp] [ NYP_IMAGES ]: SELECT rowid, tb_prv.IMAGE.SPATIALEXTENT, 'dbdev_NYP_IMAGES_render', null, 'null', -1 FROM NYP_IMAGES tb_prv WHERE MDSYS.SDO_FILTER(tb_prv.IMAGE.SPATIALEXTENT, MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY(2003, 8307, NULL, MDSYS.SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1, 1003, 3), MDSYS.SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(?, ?, ?, ?)), 'querytype=WINDOW') = 'TRUE'
DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.theme.pgtp] [ NYP_IMAGES ] sql exec time: 765ms, total time loading 1 features: 765ms.
INFO [oracle.sdovis.DBMapMaker] **** time spent on loading features: 765ms.
FINEST [oracle.sdovis.RE] xfm: 2.2055555555555553 0.0 0.0 -2.2055555555555553 -6.99999999999992 198.50000000000003
DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.VectorRenderer] time to render theme NYP_IMAGES with 1 styled features: 31ms
DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.VectorRenderer] time to label theme NYP_IMAGES with 1 styled features: 0ms
INFO [oracle.sdovis.DBMapMaker] **** time spent on rendering: 125ms
INFO [oracle.sdovis.DBMapMaker] clearing internal theme list and cache
FINEST [oracle.sdovis.DBMapMaker] adding predefined theme [name=GEORTHEME]
DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.ThemeTable] Got SRID for base table NYP_IMAGES from data source cache
FINEST [oracle.sdovis.ThemeTable] key_column using default: ROWID
DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.ltd] LoadThemeData running thread: Thread-28
FINEST [oracle.sdovis.theme.grtp] Theme definition SRID: 8307
DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.theme.grtp] [Query] select grt.IMAGE from NYP_IMAGES grt where grt.IMAGE.rasterid = ? and grt.IMAGE.rasterdatatable = ?
ERROR [oracle.sdovis.theme.grtp] java.lang.NullPointerException
     at oracle.sdovis.theme.GeoRasterThemeProducer.prepareData(GeoRasterThemeProducer.java:589)
     at oracle.sdovis.GeoRasterTheme.prepareData(GeoRasterTheme.java:90)
     at oracle.sdovis.LoadThemeData.run(LoadThemeData.java:66)
ERROR [oracle.sdovis.ltd] Message:GeoRaster load Exception: null
     at oracle.sdovis.theme.GeoRasterThemeProducer.prepareData(GeoRasterThemeProducer.java:855)
     at oracle.sdovis.GeoRasterTheme.prepareData(GeoRasterTheme.java:90)
     at oracle.sdovis.LoadThemeData.run(LoadThemeData.java:66)
WARN [oracle.sdovis.MapMaker] null MBR resulted from buildDataMBR.
For the image i want to view, the data i got for the image that is being stored in the georaster object are:
1), SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(-180, -90, -180, 1073, -180, 2237, 1320, 2237, 2821, 223
7, 2821, 1073, 2821, -90, 1320, -90, -180, -90)), 'NYP_IMAGES_RDT', 131, XMLTYPE
(<georasterMetadata xmlns="http://xmlns.oracle.com/spatial/georaster">
May i know whether the image is georeferenced?
If it is successfully georeference, why does it stated that no spatial data to render?

161 TIFF
1), SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(-180, -90, -180, 1073, -180, 2237, 1320, 2237, 2821, 223
7, 2821, 1073, 2821, -90, 1320, -90, -180, -90)), 'NYP_IMAGES_RDT', 131, XMLTYPE
(<georasterMetadata xmlns="http://xmlns.oracle.com/spatial/georaster">
<dimensionSize type="ROW">
<dimensionSize type="COLUMN">
<spatialResolution dimensionType="X">
<spatialResolution dimensionType="Y">
<polynomialModel rowOff="0" columnOff="0" xOff="0" yOff="0" zOff="0" rowScal
e="1" columnScale="1" xScale="1" yScale="1" zScale="1">
<pPolynomial pType="1" nVars="2" order="1" nCoefficients="3">
<polynomialCoefficients>-479.9329824561403 0 0.03508771929824561</polyno
<qPolynomial pType="1" nVars="0" order="0" nCoefficients="1">
<rPolynomial pType="1" nVars="2" order="1" nCoefficients="3">
<polynomialCoefficients>43256.28210526316 -0.03508771929824561 0</polyno
<sPolynomial pType="1" nVars="0" order="0" nCoefficients="1">
<cell value="0" blue="0" red="0" green="0" alpha="255"/>
<cell value="1" blue="20" red="20" green="20" alpha="255"/>
<cell value="2" blue="36" red="36" green="36" alpha="255"/>
<cell value="3" blue="48" red="48" green="48" alpha="255"/>
<cell value="4" blue="52" red="52" green="52" alpha="255"/>
<cell value="5" blue="72" red="72" green="72" alpha="255"/>
<cell value="6" blue="121" red="121" green="121" alpha="255"/>
<cell value="7" blue="133" red="133" green="133" alpha="255"/>
<cell value="8" blue="153" red="153" green="153" alpha="255"/>
<cell value="9" blue="178" red="178" green="178" alpha="255"/>
<cell value="10" blue="178" red="178" green="186" alpha="255"/>
<cell value="11" blue="186" red="186" green="186" alpha="255"/>
<cell value="12" blue="198" red="198" green="214" alpha="255"/>
<cell value="13" blue="230" red="230" green="234" alpha="255"/>
<cell value="14" blue="242" red="242" green="242" alpha="255"/>
<cell value="15" blue="255" red="255" green="255" alpha="255"/>
Is this being georeferenced?

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    Unable to view the contents of the Domain/Workgroup. "
    Has anyone come accross this before?
    Im using Windows Server 2008R2 for the DC, Windows Server 2003 R2 For WINS and File Sharing. 
    The connection goes WAN->BROADBANDROUTER>CISCO2821
    Any helo would be much greatly appreciated. 
    Thanks in advance! 

    Please see old threads which discuss the same topic -- http://forums.oracle.com/forums/search.jspa?threadID=&q=An+error+occurred+while+attempting+to+establish+an+Applications+File+Server+connection+with+the+node&objID=c3&dateRange=all&userID=&numResults=15&rankBy=10001

  • Camera - Torch 9800 - Unable to capture the image

    Hey everyone!
    Had a torch 9800 for 18 months now and always been working fine... until today.
    I went to use the camera and it all seemed to open up fine but instead of seeing what the lens sees the screen was black. The centre focus [ ] was there and I could zoom back and forth just a black screen. 
    When I click for a photo I get a message " Unable to capture the image "
    I have searched the web and found nothing conclusive. Battery pulls, a full wipe and installation of the o/s have made no difference to it's lack of function.
    Does anyone out there have a suggestion? 

    I am having the exact same issue.  I also tried rebooting, taking out the battery and sim card and cleaning out the back, alas no difference.

  • Unable to view the "Discovery Application" section under studio.

    I have installed OEID 3.0, using integrator I have loaded the sample getting started application to the server successfully.
    I am following the instructions given under the getting started guide, after loading the data to the server I am able to login successfully to studio http://localhost:8101.
    However in the login screen I am getting only the "welcome Admin Admin!" menu, under which I am unable to see the Discovery Application section.
    But I followed the guide to access the control panel and change the default datasource, as per the guide I clicked "Back to home" but still Discovery Application section is not visible.
    Which is obviously used for creating and managing the applications.
    But I managed to create the application by selecting control panel > Portal > Application and I created the application and managed to load the EID_3.0_SampleApp.LAR file and able to successfully launch the studio.
    Can anyone kindly let me know why I am unable to view the discovery application section till now?

    I don't completely follow yet what you are seeing in your Studio instance. Is your "Discovery Applications" panel not showing, or is it empty, or is the "New Application" button missing? Perhaps you could paste a screenshot somewhere and link it here.
    You say you are having problems with datasources - could you paste your data source JSON, and any error messages you are getting in the Studio logs?

  • One more reason to put my iMAC at the curb. I can open and view Picasa photo links when I sign in via Google, but if I'm in Mail and click on the Picasa image link (my own or one someone esle sends me I can't view the images. Thye are all blank white squa

    One more reason to put my iMAC at the curb. I can open and view Picasa photo links when I sign in via Google, but if I'm in Mail and click on the Picasa image link (my own or one someone else sends me) I can't view the images. They are all blank white squares. This started a few weeks ago. Why can't I view Picasa link images through Mail?

    What you are experiencing is 100% related to Malware.
    Sometimes a problem with Firefox may be a result of malware installed on your computer, that you may not be aware of.
    You can try these free programs to scan for malware, which work with your existing antivirus software:
    * [http://www.microsoft.com/security/scanner/default.aspx Microsoft Safety Scanner]
    * [http://www.malwarebytes.org/products/malwarebytes_free/ MalwareBytes' Anti-Malware]
    * [http://support.kaspersky.com/faq/?qid=208283363 TDSSKiller - AntiRootkit Utility]
    * [http://www.surfright.nl/en/hitmanpro/ Hitman Pro]
    * [http://www.eset.com/us/online-scanner/ ESET Online Scanner]
    [http://windows.microsoft.com/MSE Microsoft Security Essentials] is a good permanent antivirus for Windows 7/Vista/XP if you don't already have one.
    Further information can be found in the [[Troubleshoot Firefox issues caused by malware]] article.
    Did this fix your problems? Please report back to us!

  • For weeks I have been viewing a doggy day care via their web cam.  This weekend I upgraded to Lion and have been unable to view the center since.  I get an error message for java webcam class not found.  All of my software is up to date--suggestions?

    For weeks I have been viewing a doggy day care center via their web cam.  This weekend I upgraded to Lion and have been unable to view the center.  I get an error message for Java plug-in 1.6.0_29 ....webcam class not found.  Any suggestions on how to fix this?

    Sorry, don't know what else to suggest unless there's a URL to the problem stream that someone here can try. Otherwise we can't test it to try and determine what might be wrong.
    BTW, make sure they're testing it with a Mac, not with a Windows system. If they test only with Windows, what they say is or is not working doesn't mean much.

  • Unable to view the Calendar Year/Month in the Query

    Hi All,
    We are having a standard query on Customer InfoCube 0sd_c01_q0003.
    I was able to get the data. But I am unable to view the Calendar Year/month. In that place I am getting '#'.
    I am able to view the details in the InfoCube. There aren't any errors while executing the error.

    U r Problem is not clear...if u r getting # for characteristic values means..u don't have data in Infoprovider...try to view data in InfoProvider with the same selections that u r executing the Query with.

  • Unable to view the map in Topology

    Hi Team,
    Problem: In the NNMi console i am unable to view the map of container.
    out of 10  container 9 are working, but 1 is having problem.
    The error i am getting is " Could not compute the map view response due to exception"

    You probably have restricted access to the file. Check if the drive is ntfs. If the os user is in administrator group, you can give permissions in file properties.

Maybe you are looking for

  • Adobe Digital Editions 3.0 crash on OSX

    Hi together, I still have a problem and no one from the adobe community could help my. I am using ADE for ebooks. If I add a new ebook to the libary the programm will crash. Could somone help me? I have fixed the user rights. I have checked the files

  • ISight not working on new MacBook

    Got my MacBook yesterday, started up and the iSight camera has not worked at all. The green light is lit, but when I use Photo Booth (or any other app using the camera), there is no image, only a solid color. I'm new to Mac's, so any advice is welcom

  • Can i get free upgrade version Mac OS 10.8.5

    Can i get free upgrade version Mac OS 10.8.5

  • Posting photos without metadata

    How do I post photos using Aperture to flickr/facebook/mobileme(while it's available) with out metadata?  I want to keep the metadata available to me within Aperture, I just don't want it posted.  For example, geotagging data.

  • Spilit vauated material type changing

    Dear Sir How to change the material type which is subjected to split valuation Thanks Maruthi