Setting Font for converting multiple text files into PDF using VB 6.0

Dear All,
Am converting multiple text files into PDF using VB6.0. Currently, am unable to control the font face and size for the generated files. Below is the procedure am using for each file;
Public Sub proc_convert_to_PDF(srcFilename As String, destFilename As String)
Dim p_AcroApp As CAcroApp
Dim p_VDoc As CAcroAVDoc
Dim p_DDoc As CAcroPDDoc
Dim IsOk As Boolean
Set p_AcroApp = CreateObject("AcroExch.App")
Set p_VDoc = CreateObject("AcroExch.AVDoc")
Call p_VDoc.Open(srcFilename, "")
Set p_VDoc = p_AcroApp.GetActiveDoc
If p_VDoc.IsValid Then
Set p_DDoc = p_VDoc.GetPDDoc
' Fill in pdf properties.
p_DDoc.SetInfo "Title", Format(Date, "dd-mm-yyy")
p_DDoc.SetInfo "Subject", srcFilename
If p_DDoc.Save(1 Or 4 Or 32, destFilename) <> True Then
MsgBox "Failed to save " & srcFilename
End If
End If
'Close the PDF
p_VDoc.Close True
'Clear Variables
Set p_DDoc = Nothing
Set p_VDoc = Nothing
Set p_AcroApp = Nothing
End Sub
What I need;
1) to be able to set the font face of the destination file ( destFilename)
2) to be able to set the font size of the destination file ( destFilename)
Am using Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Type Library
Kindly Help.
Thanks in advance

We didn't say it doesn't work. We said it isn't supported.
There are a number of other ways to make a PDF. The one which would
give the most control is if your application directly printed to GDI,
controlling the font directly. This could print to Adobe PDF.
You could look for an application that gives control of font for
You could use a text-to-PostScript system and distill the result. You
could even look for a non-Adobe text-to-PDF.
Working in the unsupported and dangerous world you chose, the font
size for text conversion is set (and this is very bad design from
Adobe) in the settings for Create PDF > From Web Page. There is no API
to this.
Aandi Inston

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    Hi mephisto11757,
    You can convert the following file types to PDF with the Adobe CreatePDF service:
    Adobe Creative Suite® file formats Examples include: .psd, .ai, .indd
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    try this one
    public string CreatePDF(System.Collections.Generic.List<byte[]> images)
    dynamic PDFGeneratePath = Server.MapPath("../images/pdfimages/");
    dynamic FileName = "attachmentpdf-" + DateTime.Now.Ticks + ".pdf";
    if (images.Count >= 1) {
    Document document = new Document(PageSize.LETTER);
    try {
    // Create pdfimages directory in images folder.
    if ((!Directory.Exists(PDFGeneratePath))) {
    // we create a writer that listens to the document
    // and directs a PDF-stream to a file
    PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, new FileStream(PDFGeneratePath + FileName, FileMode.Create));
    // opens up the document
    // Add metadata to the document. This information is visible when viewing the
    // Set images in table
    PdfPTable imageTable = new PdfPTable(2);
    imageTable.DefaultCell.Border = Rectangle.NO_BORDER;
    imageTable.DefaultCell.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER;
    for (int ImageIndex = 0; ImageIndex <= images.Count - 1; ImageIndex++) {
    if ((images(ImageIndex) != null) && (images(ImageIndex).Length > 0)) {
    iTextSharp.text.Image pic = iTextSharp.text.Image.GetInstance(SRS.Utility.Utils.ByteArrayToImage(images(ImageIndex)), System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg);
    // Setting image resolution
    if (pic.Height > pic.Width) {
    float percentage = 0f;
    percentage = 400 / pic.Height;
    pic.ScalePercent(percentage * 100);
    } else {
    float percentage = 0f;
    percentage = 240 / pic.Width;
    pic.ScalePercent(percentage * 100);
    pic.Border = iTextSharp.text.Rectangle.BOX;
    pic.BorderColor = iTextSharp.text.BaseColor.BLACK;
    pic.BorderWidth = 3f;
    if (((ImageIndex + 1) % 6 == 0)) {
    imageTable = new PdfPTable(2);
    imageTable.DefaultCell.Border = Rectangle.NO_BORDER;
    imageTable.DefaultCell.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER;
    if ((ImageIndex == (images.Count - 1))) {
    } catch (Exception ex) {
    throw ex;
    } finally {
    // Close the document object
    // Clean up
    document = null;
    return PDFGeneratePath + FileName;

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    I have not tried BMP files, but do JPeg, GIF, TIFF, and PNG files regularly. I simply open Acrobat, then select the graphics files in explorer and drag & drop to Acrobat. I then organize the graphics if needed (using the pages tab) and save to a PDF.

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    I need to convert an TEXT file into an XML file how can i do it
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    TDETL00000000020000000000000120131021115854ST2225SKU77598059          0023-000000010000
    I want the above to be converted into the below format
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <!-- Processor splits text into lines -->
      <processor type="RegexDelimited">
            This is used to specify that a message should be created per line in
            the incoming file;
            NOTE: this was designed to work with all the processors, however it
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            enclosing top processor type)
      <!-- For lines beginning with FHEAD (File Header) -->
      <processor type="RegexMatch">
      <processor type="RegexMatch">
      <processor type="RegexMatch">
      <!-- For lines beginning with TDETL (Transaction Details) -->
      <processor type="RegexMatch">
      <processor type="RegexMatch">
      <processor type="RegexMatch">
      <regex>^(\d{10})(\d{14})(\d{14})(\w{2})(\d{4})(\w{3})([\w ]{13})([\w ]{5})(\d{2})(\d{2})([+-]{1})(\d{12})$</regex>
      <!-- For lines beginning with FTAIL (File Tail) -->
      <processor type="RegexMatch">
      <processor type="RegexMatch">
      <processor type="RegexMatch">

    Sorry, that doesn't make much sense.
    The XML you gave is a configuration file for txt2xml utility. It doesn't represent the output format.
    Are you a user of this utility?

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    >But, from the windows explorer, if i do a right clic on the word document, with the context menu, i can directly convert to PDF
    This is equivalent to using the PDFMaker facility in Word - that is,
    the Acrobat button. Which is also the same thing that is done when you
    use File > Create PDF > From File in Acrobat.
    What it does is print to a PS file *and* do a lot of additional
    processing to write stuff about links, tags etc. into the PS file.
    >(no tmp PS file is used, cause the links are still working).
    This isn't true, but it's certainly the case that you won't get links.
    There seems to be no API, via any mechanism, still less the "obsolete"
    (Microsoft's view) command line, to use PDFMaker from your program.
    Aandi Inston

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            StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
            try {
                FileInputStream fInp = new FileInputStream(f);
                byte[] byteArray = new byte[fInp.available()];
                int bLetti =;  
                if (bLetti == fInp.available()) {
                    for (int i=0; i<fInp.available(); i++)
    throw (new IOException("Errore nella lettura del file"));
    } catch (Exception e) {
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    try {
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    byte[] byteArray = new byte[fInp.available()];
    int bLetti =;
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    for (int i=0; i<fInp.available(); i++)
    throw (new IOException("Errore nella lettura del file"));
    } catch (Exception e) {
    return (buf.toString());
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    Do you really want to use bytes and so on when java does it all for you?
    Here's how I did it, hope it's useful.
    public String getFileAsString(String fileName){
         StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
         BufferedReader bRead = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File(fileName)));
         String str = "";
         while( (str = bRead.readLine()) != null ){
         }//end while
         }catch(Exception e){
         System.err.println("in getFileAsString(): " + e.toString());
         }//end try
         return buffer.toString();
    }//end getAsString()

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    I answer my question myself. I have solved it myself. The answer can be found by searching adobe website. But I give it here if it can be useful to others. Go to control panel. Go to Add or remove programs. Click on Modify in the listed Adobe program. Click Next in the box that appears. Select Modify. Click on + sign against pdF maker to expand. Click on X sign against 'this feature is not available' which shifts on to the little box on the left of Microsoft Office. Click on Apply. Quit. Once the Microsoft Office becomes disabled in Adobe, Word will open in all places.

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    You want the forum for Acrobat then: Acrobat

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    I would greatly appreciate help with this. we are business users who are new to macs. we need to do a lot of this and are getting so frustrated. Thanks in advance!

    Hi mephisto11757,
    You can convert the following file types to PDF with the Adobe CreatePDF service:
    Adobe Creative Suite® file formats Examples include: .psd, .ai, .indd
    Microsoft Word (2000, XP, 2003, 2007, 2010, & 2011) .doc, .docx
    Microsoft Excel (2000, XP, 2003, 2007, 2010, & 2011) .xls, .xlsx
    Microsoft PowerPoint (2000, XP, 2003, 2007, 2010, & 2011) .ppt, .pptx
    Microsoft Publisher (2000, XP, 2003, 2007, 2010, & 2011) .pub
    Text Files .txt
    Rich Text Format .rtf
    Adobe PostScript .ps
    OpenOffice Format .odt
    Star Office .sxw, .sxi, .sxc, .sxd, .stw
    Corel WordPerfect .wpd
    Image file formats .gif, .png, .jpg, .bmp, .tiff

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    I have around 175 text files that contain inventory information that I am trying to parse into an Excel file. We are upgrading our Office platform from 2003 to 2010 and my boss wants to know which machines will have trouble supporting it. I found a script
    that will parse a single text file based upon ":" as the delimiter and I'm having trouble figuring out how to change it to open an entire folder of text files and write all of the data to a single Excel spreadsheet. Here is an example of the text
    file I'll be parsing. I'm interested in the "Memory and Processor Information" and "Disk Drive Information" sections mainly.
    ABEHRENS-XP Computer Inventory
    OS Information
    OS Details
    Caption: Microsoft Windows XP Professional
    InstallDate: 20070404123855.000000-240
    Name: Microsoft Windows XP Professional|C:\WINDOWS|\Device\Harddisk0\Partition1
    Organization: Your Mom
    RegisteredUser: Bob
    SerialNumber: 55274-640-3763826-23029
    ServicePackMajorVersion: 3
    ServicePackMinorVersion: 0
    Version: 5.1.2600
    WindowsDirectory: C:\WINDOWS
    Memory and Processor Information
    504MB Total memory HOW CAN I PULL THIS WITHOUT ":" ALSO
    Computer Model: HP d330 uT(DG291A)
    Processor:               Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.66GHz
    Disk Drive Information
    27712MB Free Disk Space ANY WAY TO PULL THIS WITHOUT ":"
    38162MB Total Disk Space
    Installed Software
    Here is the start of the script I have so far. . .
    Const ForReading = 1
    Set objDict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set objTextFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile("C:\Test\test.txt" ,ForReading)
    Do Until objTextFile.AtEndOfStream
    strLine = objTextFile.ReadLine
    If Instr(strLine,":") Then
    arrSplit = Split(strLine,":") IS ":" THE BEST DELIMITER TO USE?
    strField = arrSplit(0)
    strValue = arrSplit(1)
    If Not objDict.Exists(strField) Then
    objDict.Add strField,strValue
    objDict.Item(strField) = objDict.Item(strField) & "||" & strValue
    End If
    End If
    Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
    objExcel.Visible = True
    intColumn = 1
    For Each strItem In objDict.Keys
    objExcel.Cells(1,intColumn) = strItem
    intColumn = intColumn + 1
    intColumn = 1
    For Each strItem In objDict.Items
    arrValues = Split(strItem,"||")
    intRow = 1
    For Each strValue In arrValues
    intRow = intRow + 1
    objExcel.Cells(intRow,intColumn) = strValue
    intColumn = intColumn + 1
    Thank you for any help.

    You are The! I had to play around with it to pull some additional data (model and processor) and then write a quick macro to remove the unwanted text and finally I wanted the data to write in columns instead of rows so this is what I ended up with:
    Option Explicit
    Dim objFSO, objFolder, strFolder, objFile
    Dim objReadFile, strLine, objExcel, objSheet
    Dim intCol, strExcelPath
    Const ForReading = 1
    strFolder = "c:\Test"
    strExcelPath = "c:\Test\Inventory.xlsx"
    Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
    Set objSheet = objExcel.ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(1)
    intCol = 0
    Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(strFolder)
    For Each objFile In objFolder.Files
      intCol = intCol + 1
      Set objReadFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(objFile.Path, ForReading)
      Do Until objReadFile.AtEndOfStream
        strLine = objReadFile.ReadLine
        If (InStr(strLine, "Computer Inventory") > 0) Then
          objSheet.Cells(intCol, 1).Value = Left(strLine, InStr(strLine, "Computer Inventory") - 2)
        End If
        If (InStr(strLine, "Total memory") > 0) Then
          objSheet.Cells(intCol, 2).Value = Left(strLine, InStr(strLine, "Total memory") - 2)
        End If
        If (InStr(strLine, "Computer Model:") > 0) Then
          objSheet.Cells(intCol, 3).Value = (strLine)
        End If
        If (InStr(strLine, "Processor:") > 0) Then
          objSheet.Cells(intCol, 4).Value = (strLine)
        End If
        If (InStr(strLine, "Total Disk Space") > 0) Then
          objSheet.Cells(intCol, 5).Value = Left(strLine, InStr(strLine, "Total Disk Space") - 2)
        End If
        If (InStr(strLine, "Free Disk Space") > 0) Then
          objSheet.Cells(intCol, 6).Value = Left(strLine, InStr(strLine, "Free Disk Space") - 2)
        End If
    objExcel.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs strExcelPath
    Thanks again!
    Hi ,
    I am have very basic knowledge about VB scripting, but this code could be the perfect solution i am looking for. could you guide me exactly how to run and test the same , i would be really thankful for your kind and generous support on this.
    Thanks ,

  • Converting a text file into an array

    public class Copy {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
         File inputFile = new File("farrago.txt");
         File outputFile = new File("outagain.txt");
    FileReader in = new FileReader(inputFile);
    FileWriter out = new FileWriter(outputFile);
    int c;
    while ((c = != -1)
    i have been working my way through the online tutorials and have found them very helpful, i have looked at array and would like to know how to convert data from a text file inot an array? using the above example how would i go about doing this?

    You'd use the readLine () method:BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader (new FileReader (file));
    String line;
    List list = new LinkedList ();
    while ((line = reader.readLine ()) != null) {
        list.add (line);
    // don't know why you'd want this, but anyway
    String[] lines = (String[]) list.toArray (new String[list.size ()]);Kind regards,

  • How can i convert a .indd file into pdf

    please help on this
    How can i convert .indd file to pdf file using .net c#
    please share some code sample for a better help

    Hi there,
    There's actually an easy streamlined way to do this using Here are the steps:
    1. Log in to with your Adobe ID.
    2. On the left, you'll see a navigation menu that includes the item "Import and Edit". Click that.
    3. Choose the .doc (Word) file you want to convert and upload it to Buzzword.
    4. After making sure that it looks the way you want it to, go to the top menu (still in Buzzword now, not the organizer where all your files live) and click the document menu. There will be an option to "Export" - choose that.
    5. When prompted to select filetype, choose "Adobe PDF" and press OK.
    6. It'll save to your desktop, so now you have to get it into your organizer. To do that, close the Buzzword document by clicking the little "x" in the upper right corner, under the Sign Out button. This'll get you back to your organizer, where you can choose "Import" from the left nav menu again. This time choose your new PDF file.
    7. Select the  file icon in the organizer and click the Share button. Or, select Share  from the file context menu.
    8. Select Allow Anyone With A  Link To Share This Document to set the document to open access, and then  click Copy Embed Code. The necessary HTML code to embed the preview is  copied onto the clipboard.
    9. Open the HTML file and paste  the code into the file. The Flash previewer can display any file type  that you can convert to PDF.
    Hope this helps! Good luck, and let us know how it works out.

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