SharePoint PowerPivot feature failing after site collection was backed up and restored (moved to new content database)

Hi there,
I am having some strange issue with my PowerPivot for SharePoint but can't figure out what is causing this. Here is what happened:
I setup PowerPivot (PP) for SharePoint and activate it on few site collections in production environment; I upload a PP workbooks in a library, manage the data refresh schedules, run the data refresh for an external SQL databases, etc. Everything works
fine for several days.
One day we decide the move one of the site collections (X) from its current content database to its own (new) content db. The way we did it is that we took the site collection backup in production, restored it in test environment (in its own content
db; we deleted the old site collection in test first before restoring), checked everything including PP data refreshes etc.; all worked fine.
Then we did the same thing in production - we deleted the old site collection X, restored the site collection from the same backup file that we used in test environment, everything works fine EXCEPT the PowerPivot refreshes!! :-(
I am getting these errors: When I click on the workbook, it gives this error "An error occurred during an attempt to establish a connection to the external data source. The following connections failed to refresh: PowerPivot Data"
When I click OK on error dialogbox, it opens the workbook fine but no slicers/refreshes work now. When I go back to the library and click on "Manage PowerPivot Data Refresh" to open the refresh history/schedule page, it gives this generic but scary
error: "An unexpected error has occurred. Troubleshoot issues with Microsoft SharePoint Foundation." ULSViewer or Event viewer is not showing anything related to this error!
Strange thing is that PP refresh works fine in Test environment, as well as on other site collections in production that we didn't touch (which tells me there is nothing wrong with my PP configuration). Did the backup/restore in prd cause anything? Did moving
it in its own contentdb cause anything? (But then why it works in test environment?) Is there anything wrong with site collection PP feature? Can force reactivating it help??????? I am just lost and going crazy now!
Please help.

I have found some entries in ULS logs seemingly relevant to this issue as below: Please help. Thanks.
Note: I have replaced urls with <url> or <server> and username with "domain\user".
ExternalSource.GetExternalKeyAndStateAndMarkUsed: Populating the session's credentials for external data. Index=0, Credentials=[14337250,
ConnectionRequest.ConnectionRequest: New connection request. SessionId=1.V24.1916ClMR0rOQ1F8mQPqtil0V90.5.en-US5.en-US73.-0600#0000-04-00-01T03:00:00:0000#+0000#0000-10-00-01T02:00:00:0000#-006036.7dcb49ef-0dc4-45d2-a0f8-4dc0e18a70f41.N,
WorkbookVersion=ConnectionInfo.WorkbookVersion: Uri=http://<url>/SQL_PowerPivotTest.xlsx, Version=Monday, 09 September 2013 06:29:42
Check whether "http://<url>/SQL_PowerPivotTest.xlsx" is in the farm.
Connecting to "http://<server>/_vti_bin/PowerPivot/Redirector.svc/?DataSource=/team/IT/SiteCollectionDocuments/SQL_PowerPivotTest.xlsx&LocaleID=1033".
WcfSendRequest: RemoteAddress: 'http://<server>:32843/0a4610a7f75f4ff582ca7329256f0fe3/SSASMidTierService.svc' Channel: 'Microsoft.AnalysisServices.SharePoint.Integration.IGeminiServiceApplicationClient'
Action: '' MessageId: 'urn:uuid:44f67e36-7ec2-4fe8-bd4c-277c9d9ddde7'
WcfReceiveRequest: LocalAddress: 'http://<server>:32843/0a4610a7f75f4ff582ca7329256f0fe3/SSASMidTierService.svc' Channel: 'System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel'
Action: '' MessageId: 'urn:uuid:44f67e36-7ec2-4fe8-bd4c-277c9d9ddde7'
Entering monitored scope (ExecuteWcfServerOperation)
Obtaining routing information for the request using <SERVER> - User:domain\user, DataSource: http://<url>/SQL_PowerPivotTest.xlsx,
Version: 09/09/2013 06:29:42. (RequestStartTime=[<SERVER>])
Leaving Monitored Scope (ExecuteWcfServerOperation). Execution Time=10.7664521608193
EXCEPTION: System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[System.ServiceModel.ExceptionDetail]: Unable to find the specified file. (Fault Detail
is equal to An ExceptionDetail, likely created by IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults=true, whose value is: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Unable to find the specified file.  
 at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFile.EnsureUniqueId()   
 at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFile.get_UniqueId()   
 at Microsoft.AnalysisServices.SharePoint.Integration.Redirector.BackendRedirectService.GetDatabase(String loginName,
String dataSource, String versionLabel, DateTime fileLastModifiedTimestamp, Int32 localeId, Boolean collectHeathInfo, Boolean createLocal, String serverEndpointAddress)   
 at Microsoft.AnalysisServices.SharePoint.Integration.GeminiServiceApplication.GetDatabase(String loginName, String
dataSource, String dataSourceVersion, DateTime fileLastModifiedTimestamp, Int32 localeId, Boolean collectHeathInfo, Boolean createLocal, String serverEndpointAddress)   
 at SyncInvokeGetDatabase(Object , Object[] , Object[] )   
 at System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.SyncMethodInvoker.Invoke(Object instance, Object[] inputs, Object[]& outputs)   
 at Sy...).
Proxy encountered an error while trying to get the sandbox information. This request will be terminated
EXCEPTION: System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[System.ServiceModel.ExceptionDetail]: Unable to find the specified file. (Fault Detail
is equal to An ExceptionDetail, likely created by IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults=true, whose value is: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Unable to find the specified file.  
 at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFile.EnsureUniqueId()   
 at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFile.get_UniqueId()   
 at Microsoft.AnalysisServices.SharePoint.Integration.Redirector.BackendRedirectService.GetDatabase(String loginName,
String dataSource, String versionLabel, DateTime fileLastModifiedTimestamp, Int32 localeId, Boolean collectHeathInfo, Boolean createLocal, String serverEndpointAddress)   
 at Microsoft.AnalysisServices.SharePoint.Integration.GeminiServiceApplication.GetDatabase(String loginName, String
dataSource, String dataSourceVersion, DateTime fileLastModifiedTimestamp, Int32 localeId, Boolean collectHeathInfo, Boolean createLocal, String serverEndpointAddress)   
 at SyncInvokeGetDatabase(Object , Object[] , Object[] )   
 at System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.SyncMethodInvoker.Invoke(Object instance, Object[] inputs, Object[]& outputs)   
 at Sy...).
PF_CHECK_ERROR returned 'critical hresult error' 0x80004005 ; Stack Trace:NA
PF_CHECK_ERROR returned 'critical hresult error' 0x80004005 ; Stack Trace:NA
PF_CHECK_ERROR returned 'hresult error' 0x80040e41 ; Stack Trace:NA
ConnectionManager.GetConnection: Failed to create new connection, exception=Microsoft.Office.Excel.Server.CalculationServer.Interop.ConnectionException:
Exception of type 'Microsoft.Office.Excel.Server.CalculationServer.Interop.ConnectionException' was thrown.   
 at Microsoft.Office.Excel.Server.CalculationServer.Interop.ConnectionInterop.InitConnection()   
 at Microsoft.Office.Excel.Server.CalculationServer.ConnectionManager.<>c__DisplayClass3.<CreateConnection>b__0()   
 at Microsoft.Office.Excel.Server.Credentials.TryExecuteImpersonated(WindowsIdentity wi, ExecuteImpersonatedMethod
method, Boolean dispose)   
 at Microsoft.Office.Excel.Server.Credentials.TryExecuteImpersonated(ExecuteImpersonatedMethod method, Boolean
 at Microsoft.Office.Excel.Server.CalculationServer.CredentialsDelegation.TryExecuteImpersonated(ExecuteImpersonatedMethod
 at Microsoft.Office.Excel.Server.CalculationServer.ConnectionManager.CreateConnection(Credentials credentials,
ConnectionInfo connectionInfo, Int32 keyLcid, Uri workbookUrl, Boolean auditConnection, SessionId sessionId), sessionId=1.V24.1916ClMR0rOQ1F8mQPqtil0V90.5.en-US5.en-US73.-0600#0000-04-00-01T03:00:00:0000#+0000#0000-10-00-01T02:00:00:0000#-006036.7dcb49ef-0dc4-45d2-a0f8-4dc0e18a70f41.N,
connectionString=Provider=MSOLAP.4;Persist Security Info=True;Initial Catalog=Microsoft_SQLServer_AnalysisServices;Data Source=$Embedded$;MDX Compatibility=1;Safety Options=2;MDX Missing Member Mode=Error;Optimize Response=3;Cell Error Mode=TextValue pool
ConnectionManager.GetConnection: Caught an exception: Microsoft.Office.Excel.Server.CalculationServer.Interop.ConnectionException:
Exception of type 'Microsoft.Office.Excel.Server.CalculationServer.Interop.ConnectionException' was thrown.   
 at Microsoft.Office.Excel.Server.CalculationServer.Interop.ConnectionInterop.InitConnection()   
 at Microsoft.Office.Excel.Server.CalculationServer.ConnectionManager.<>c__DisplayClass3.<CreateConnection>b__0()   
 at Microsoft.Office.Excel.Server.Credentials.TryExecuteImpersonated(WindowsIdentity wi, ExecuteImpersonatedMethod
method, Boolean dispose)   
 at Microsoft.Office.Excel.Server.Credentials.TryExecuteImpersonated(ExecuteImpersonatedMethod method, Boolean
 at Microsoft.Office.Excel.Server.CalculationServer.CredentialsDelegation.TryExecuteImpersonated(ExecuteImpersonatedMethod
 at Microsoft.Office.Excel.Server.CalculationServer.ConnectionManager.CreateConnection(Credentials credentials,
ConnectionInfo connectionInfo, Int32 keyLcid, Uri workbookUrl, Boolean auditConnection, SessionId sessionId)   
 at Microsoft.Office.Excel.Server.CalculationServer.ConnectionManager.CreateConnectionAndAddToList(ConnectionRequest
connectionRequest, ExtendedConnectionInfo extendedConnInfo, Credentials credentials, Boolean auditConnection, Int32 keyLcid, ConnectionInfo connectionInfo, ConnectionKey connectionKey, AutoReaderWriterLock autoPoolLock, Connection& connection, ConnectionList&
 at Microsoft.Office.Excel.Server.CalculationServer.ConnectionManager.GetConnection(ConnectionRequest connectionRequest,
ExtendedConnectionInfo extendedConnInfo, Credentials credentials, Int64 privateConnectionId, Boolean auditConnection)
Refresh failed for 'PowerPivot Data' in the workbook 'http://<url>/SQL_PowerPivotTest.xlsx'.
[Session: 1.V24.1916ClMR0rOQ1F8mQPqtil0V90.5.en-US5.en-US73.-0600#0000-04-00-01T03:00:00:0000#+0000#0000-10-00-01T02:00:00:0000#-006036.7dcb49ef-0dc4-45d2-a0f8-4dc0e18a70f41.N User: 0#.w|domain\user]
ExternalSource.ValidateConnection: Unable to get a connection: Microsoft.Office.Excel.Server.CalculationServer.Interop.ConnectionException:
Exception of type 'Microsoft.Office.Excel.Server.CalculationServer.Interop.ConnectionException' was thrown.   
 at Microsoft.Office.Excel.Server.CalculationServer.Interop.ConnectionInterop.InitConnection()   
 at Microsoft.Office.Excel.Server.CalculationServer.ConnectionManager.<>c__DisplayClass3.<CreateConnection>b__0()   
 at Microsoft.Office.Excel.Server.Credentials.TryExecuteImpersonated(WindowsIdentity wi, ExecuteImpersonatedMethod
method, Boolean dispose)   
 at Microsoft.Office.Excel.Server.Credentials.TryExecuteImpersonated(ExecuteImpersonatedMethod method, Boolean
 at Microsoft.Office.Excel.Server.CalculationServer.CredentialsDelegation.TryExecuteImpersonated(ExecuteImpersonatedMethod
 at Microsoft.Office.Excel.Server.CalculationServer.ConnectionManager.CreateConnection(Credentials credentials,
ConnectionInfo connectionInfo, Int32 keyLcid, Uri workbookUrl, Boolean auditConnection, SessionId sessionId)   
 at Microsoft.Office.Excel.Server.CalculationServer.ConnectionManager.CreateConnectionAndAddToList(ConnectionRequest
connectionRequest, ExtendedConnectionInfo extendedConnInfo, Credentials credentials, Boolean auditConnection, Int32 keyLcid, ConnectionInfo connectionInfo, ConnectionKey connectionKey, AutoReaderWriterLock autoPoolLock, Connection& connection, ConnectionList&
 at Microsoft.Office.Excel.Server.CalculationServer.ConnectionManager.GetConnection(ConnectionRequest connectionRequest,
ExtendedConnectionInfo extendedConnInfo, Credentials credentials, Int64 privateConnectionId, Boolean auditConnection)   
 at Microsoft.Office.Excel.Server.CalculationServer.ExternalSource.TryGetValidatedConnection(Request request, Credentials
credentials, ExtendedConnectionInfo extendedConnectionInfo, Boolean shouldReportFailure, Boolean auditConnection, Connection& connectionOut). sessionId=1.V24.1916ClMR0rOQ1F8mQPqtil0V90.5.en-US5.en-US73.-0600#0000-04-00-01T03:00:00:0000#+0000#0000-10-00-01T02:00:00:0000#-006036.7dcb49ef-0dc4-45d2-a0f8-4dc0e18a70f41.N,
externalSource=PowerPivot Data
ConnectionInfoManager.InitConnInfoFromOdcFile: ODC File Uri is not valid:
ExternalSource.ExecuteOperation: We exhausted all available connection information. Exception: Microsoft.Office.Excel.Server.CalculationServer.Interop.ConnectionInfoException:
Exception of type 'Microsoft.Office.Excel.Server.CalculationServer.Interop.ConnectionInfoException' was thrown.   
 at Microsoft.Office.Excel.Server.CalculationServer.ConnectionInfoManager.GetConnectionInfo(Request request, String
externalSourceName, Int32 externalSourceIndex, Boolean& shouldReportFailure)   
 at Microsoft.Office.Excel.Server.CalculationServer.ExternalSource.ExecuteOperation(Request request, ExternalSourceStateInfo externalSourceStateInfo,
ExternalSourceStateInfo prevExternalSourceStateInfo, Int32 index, ConnectionInfoManager connectionInfoManager, ExternalDataScenario scenario, DataOperation dataOperation, Boolean verifyPreOperationConnection), Data Connection Name:
PowerPivot Data, SessionId: 1.V24.1916ClMR0rOQ1F8mQPqtil0V90.5.en-US5.en-US73.-0600#0000-04-00-01T03:00:00:0000#+0000#0000-10-00-01T02:00:00:0000#-006036.7dcb49ef-0dc4-45d2-a0f8-4dc0e18a70f41.N, UserId: 0#.w|domain\user

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    We can use Self Service Site Creation to achieve your requirement.
    The code snippet below for your reference:
    using (var site = rootSite.SelfServiceCreateSite(siteCollectionUrl, title, description, locale, null, adminLogin, adminName, adminEmail, secondaryAdminLogin, secondaryAdminName, secondaryAdminEmail))
    var web = site.RootWeb;
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    // need to reload web. Features in webtemplate have modified it!
    web = site.OpenWeb(web.ServerRelativeUrl);
    // Continue doing stuff to new site
    Here is a similar thread for your reference:
    Best Regards
    Dennis Guo
    TechNet Community Support

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    What should I do?
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    P.S. I fixed this issue once, long time ago and I forgot how it ... be done.

    For troubleshooting your issue, please take steps as below:
    1.Go to IIS, make sure the web application is actived.
    2.Go to IIS -> Applicaiton Pools, make sure the application pool related to your web application is started.
    Best Regards,
    TechNet Community Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact
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    Losing your site definitions in Dreamweaver can be a disaster, but it does happen sometimes. The best way to prepare for such an eventuality is to back up your site definitions on a regular basis.
    Creating a backup
    You can back up all your site definitions in a single operation by selecting Site > Manage Sites. In the dialog box that opens, Shift-click to select all site names, and then click Export.
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    In earlier versions of Dreamweaver, it looks like this:
    Dreamweaver asks if you want to include passwords and login details (this is the default option). Whichever option you choose will be applied to all sites, so click Cancel if you want to treat some sites separately, and export your sites in two sets by using Ctrl/Cmd-click to select them.
    When you click OK, Dreamweaver asks where you want to export the definitions. Navigate to a suitable location, leave the File name field unchanged, and click Save. Although only one site name is listed in the File name field, Dreamweaver exports all the site definitions as .ste files in a single operation.
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    Restoring site definitions
    In the event of losing your site definitions in Dreamweaver or moving to a new computer, open the Manage Sites dialog box, and use the Import button to navigate to your backup .ste files.
    What if I don't have a backup?
    Often, if you don't have a backup of .ste files, you need to go through the whole process of re-entering the details for each site manually.
    However, you might be able to restore them by using a restore point on Windows or Time Machine in Mac OS X.
    On Windows, the site definitions for Dreamweaver CS6 are stored in the Windows Registry at HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Common\12.0\Sites.
    In Mac OS X, they are at Macintosh HD:<username>:Library:Application Support:Adobe:Common:12.0:Sites:Site Prefs.
    In recent versions of Mac OS X, the Library folder is hidden. In the Mac Finder, select Go > Go to Folder, type ~/Library in the search field, and click Go.
    Dreamweaver CS5.5 site definitions are in the same location, except use 11.5 instead of 12.0. The numbers for CS4 and CS3 are 10 and 9 (without a decimal fraction) respectively. For earlier versions of Dreamweaver, substitute Macromedia for Adobe, and adjust the number accordingly.
    If you don't have a backup of the actual files on your site, download the files from your remote server.

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    Regards, Aj ( MCTS

    Hi Bistesh,
    The feature is not deployed to the <15 hive>, the feature is only deployed to <14 hive> as we are explicitly specifying the <14 hive> for deployment.   If i update the xml file, then
    it reflects everywhere.
    Regards, Aj ( MCTS

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            public override void FeatureActivated(SPFeatureReceiverProperties properties)
                    SPWeb web = properties.Feature.Parent as SPWeb;
                    if (web != null)
                            using (SPSite site = new SPSite(web.Url))
                            using (SPWeb webElevated = site.OpenWeb())
                                webElevated.AllProperties["SRCH_SB_SET_WEB"] = string.Format(
                                   SPUrlUtility.CombineUrl(SPContext.Current.Site.Url, "/search/Pages/results.aspx")
                   webElevated.AllProperties["SRCH_ENH_FTR_URL_WEB"] = SPUrlUtility.CombineUrl(SPContext.Current.Site.Url, "/search");
                catch (Exception exception)
                    LogWriter.WriteException(exception, LogCategories.Components, this.GetType().ToString());

    In my test environment, an exception(Input string was not in a correct format.) occurred at this line when I ran your code.
    webElevated.AllProperties["SRCH_SB_SET_WEB"] = string.Format("{\"Inherit\":false,\"ResultsPageAddress\":{0},\"ShowNavigation\":false}",SPUrlUtility.CombineUrl(SPContext.Current.Site.Url, "/search/Pages/results.aspx"));
    Please modify it as below:
    webElevated.AllProperties["SRCH_SB_SET_WEB"] = "{"+string.Format("\"Inherit\":false,\"ResultsPageAddress\":{0},\"ShowNavigation\":false",SPUrlUtility.CombineUrl(SPContext.Current.Site.Url, "/search/Pages/results.aspx"))+"}";
    If the issue still exists, I suggest you debug the code to get more information.
    Dennis Guo
    TechNet Community Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected]
    Dennis Guo
    TechNet Community Support

  • While back up and restoring the business intelligence site collection in sharepoint 2010

    i am trying to take backup of business intelligence site collection from one sharepoint server and restoring it to the 2nd sharepoint server,backup and restore successfully completed.i have configured all the performance point services on new server also.
    but still i am getting below error:-
    An exception occurred while rendering a Web control. The following diagnostic information might help to determine the cause of this problem: Microsoft.PerformancePoint.Scorecards.BpmException: The filter no longer exists or you do not have permission
    to view it. PerformancePoint Services error code 20700.
    Can anybody suggest me how to resolve these error.
    And the dashboard is looking like below:-

    Hey Surbi
    I'm facing the same issue, actually restored a backup of the BI site collection into a different web app (on the same server) but get the same errors as you!
    Looking into it the connection to the report or filter (whatever artefact it is) needs to be refreshed so technically the report doesn't exist as far as the performance web part is concerned!
    However when I re-attached the web part to the filter or report I got a different error... 'This data source no longer exists'
    So basically I found I had to re-create the reports and filters etc in Dashboard Designer... to re-create the dashboards. I did one page and don't want to spend months re-doing them!
    Anyone come up with a way of preserving the web parts references to performance point items and the items connections to their data source in a restore of a site collection?

  • Create a new site collection in different farm and connect to different content database from decommissioned farm

    I wish to bring down a SharePoint farm1 and create a new site collection in an existing farm2 and connect the new site collection in farm2 to the content db in farm1.
    Is this possible and how should I do it?

    it is possible to copy/move a content database from one farm to another... so long as the NEW farm is at least as up-to-date (version/service packs/updates/hotfixes/etc) as the OLD farm.
    you can move a site collection into its own content database.
    hopefully that answers your question.
    Scott Brickey
    Strategic Data Systems - for all your SharePoint needs

  • New iPad user; confused after apple ID change of password and email address. New details NOT recognised by iCloud and actual iPad? Help! Thank you

    I'm new to my iPad &amp; Apple!
    I have updated/ changed details within my Apple ID; email, contact details and changed password.
    This has worked &amp; recognised when using updated password for use with Apple's web site (e.g. Able to login to this site) &amp; all other apps with the EXCEPTION of iCloud and also my actual iPad ("internal/own" software/OS I would presume?!).
    Shortly after turning my iPad on, the Apple ID request pops up showing my old email address. I have tried entering old &amp; new passwords which both fail. I now cancel this request and continue ok.
    This also happens with iCloud: as just mentioned, the request for Apple ID comes up with old email address and neither old or new passwords are accepted (&amp; therefore I can not back-up to iCloud).
    Can anyone help please?
    With anticipated appreciation and thanks,
    (Maybe I should mention that while I live in the UK; Scotland, I am currently on holiday in France while I have made further changes to my ID password, though was at home when made initial changes).

    I have resolved this problem!
    I try &amp;change my email details within my iPad's iCloud settings. Though the primary (old) email could not be changed.
    So I took advice from further searches here &amp; on the iCloud site &amp; went ahead and deleted my iCloud account. Success! Immediately after deleting the account I had a request to open &amp; login to a new iCloud account with my new Apple ID login details already there (showing my new email address &amp; requesting my password- all which worked fine). Also I have not lost any files.
    I hope that this may help someone else in the future.
    Happy Appleing all

  • Firefox 4 initially worked fine, but after a back-up and restoration (now on a hybrid disk) it cannot find the bookmarks and crashes when I attempt to open the HTML file

    I installed Firefox 4 on my 2010 13" MBP, standard configuration. It worked fine except that it didn't recognize any of the add-ons I was using and, to be frank, I don't like the interface as much as v.3. But ...
    Then I backed up the entire HD, wiped the HD, removed it and replaced it with a Seagate hybrid HD. I then booted from the b/u and installed the entire HD contents on the new hybrid HD. Everything runs fine except for one thing -- Firefox 4 now will not recognize my bookmarks.
    I tried reinstalling FF4 but this made no difference.
    I did the b/u and restoration with Carbon Copy Cloner which I have used successfully for many b/u and restore operations on this and the white MB I previously owned.
    Uh oh! I just tried to save a new bookmark (of this page) and it did not save -- or at least, it did not show in the "Show all Bookmarks" pane.
    HOWEVER, when I start typing in a URL, it FF4 comes up with the completed URL in a flash. e.g. I typed "wiz" and FF4 showed me the completed URL (which should be in my Toolbar bookmarks and which I visit t least once daily).
    Kind regards
    Geoffrey Heard
    Business & Environment Writer, Editor, Publisher
    The Worsley Press

    Do a clean (re)install and delete the Firefox program folder (C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\).
    Download a fresh Firefox copy and save the file to the desktop.
    *Firefox 10.0.x:
    Uninstall your current Firefox version, if possible.
    *Do NOT remove personal data when you uninstall the current version or you lose your bookmarks and other data because all profile folders will be removed.
    Remove the Firefox program folder before installing that newly downloaded copy of the Firefox installer.
    *It is important to delete the Firefox program folder to remove all the files and make sure that there are no problems with files that were leftover after uninstalling.
    Your bookmarks and other profile data are stored elsewhere in the Firefox Profile Folder and won't be affected by a reinstall, but make sure that you do not select to remove personal data if you uninstall Firefox.

  • Family sharing question-after we updated to family sharing, and I have a new apple id, I have found that all the pages documents on my iPad are only accessible if I sign in via the original apple ID- now my husband's( the primary user). is there an e

    Hi there,
    this is a Family Sharing question. After we upgraded to family sharing, and I now have a new apple id, I find that all the documents on my iPad in pages,  are only accessible if i sign in with the original apple id- now my husband's ( he is the primary account holder). Is there an easy way to migrate these documents to my iCloud account, or do i need to email them to myself . There are a couple of hundred documents.
    Many thanks in advance.

    Thankyou for the reply.
    No. I have tried twice. When I turn off pages in the iCloud settings while logged into his account, then my documents in pages just are gone. They return when I turn it back on.
    Is there another way I can save them to the device?

  • I have a white screen on my iPhone.  I've reset it and have also done restore through iTunes.  Didn't work.  Was wondering if i restored as a new phone will i loose my contacts

    i have a white screen on my computers.  I tried resetting it and it worked for a few minutes until it was put to sleep and then went back to white screen when i turned it back on. I tried resetting again and it did not work.  I then did restore for itunes.  it didn't work.  was wondering if i did restore, as a new phone set up in itunes will i loose my contacts.  just want to make sure before i try in the event i have to buy a new phone want to be able to have the information to transfer.

    restoring as new does just that.  It will wipe your phone clean just as if you just bought it.
    If you've been using your iPhone as recommended, you've been synching your contacts to your computer to a contact manager such as Outlook or Address Book, or you've been synching your contacts with a cloud service like MobileMe or Google.  Your contacts should be safe in one of those locations.

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