StringTokenizer class problem with strings in double quotes

Hello Technocrats,
I have a problem with tokenizing following string enclosed in (). (abc," India, Asia", computer engineer). My separator is ",", thus StringTokenizer class gives me 4 tokens namely abc, "India, Asia" and computer engineer. But I require that String in double quotes should be a single token. How to achieve this using StringTokenizer class? Or is there any other way?
Thanks in advance.

String[] str="abc,\" India, Asia\",computer engineer".split(",",1);
          for(String s: str)

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    There is no problem in this example. Content of bind variable is not part of syntc checking, so you can have any characters.

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    I guarantee that something about your assertions are incorrect. Those variables are either not equal to the values you claim, or something else is going on. But it's not a problem with string variables versus string constants.
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    You are actually making your users key in things like
    "\026"? Not very user-friendly, I would say. But
    assuming that is the best way for you to get your
    input, or if it's just you doing the input, the way to
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    Dear Kart,
    This give me another hint, Yes you are right. There was one row which returns neither blank nor any value.
    I have done the code like following and it works fine
    Thanks again for your support
    Code: cast (CASE (CASE WHEN Length(Grade.Grade)=0 THEN '--' ELSE Grade.Grade END) WHEN 'E4' THEN '24' WHEN 'E3' THEN '23' WHEN 'E2' THEN '22' WHEN 'E1' THEN '21' when '--' then '-1' ELSE Grade.Grade END as Int)

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    import org.w3c.dom.Element;
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    DOMSource source = new DOMSource(doc);
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    < With special character ' and umlaut &ouml;</TEXT></ROOT>Edited by: tzu22 on Apr 16, 2008 1:44 AM
    Edited by: tzu22 on Apr 16, 2008 1:50 AM

    & quot; and & apos; have to be used for attribute values. For text nodes, " and ' can be used as ordinary characters.
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    at Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)
         at br.inf.teorema.javautils.util.CrystalReportsUtils.export(
    Caused by: Valor nulo inesperado localizado para o membro Produto.getAliquotaICMS. (UNEXPECTED NULL VALUE ... )
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
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         at com.crystaldecisions.reports.queryengine.Row.getValue(Unknown Source)
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         at com.crystaldecisions.reports.saveddata.a.a(Unknown Source)
         at com.crystaldecisions.reports.saveddata.a.a(Unknown Source)
         at com.crystaldecisions.reports.basicdataengine.a.p(Unknown Source)
         at com.crystaldecisions.reports.basicdataengine.a.a(Unknown Source)
    It occurs when my Double has null value. When I put "0.0", there are no problems.
    Anyway, in specifics contexts, null != 0.0.
    I think it's a bug. Someone encountered the same problem?

    Sorry for my insistence, but this problem occurs only for me?
    I will explain better.
    If I have a report that show the value of a Double field, the getter method should be:
    public Double getMyField() {
        return myField;
    But if myField == null, I can't generate the report.
    So, I did:
    public Double getMyField() {
        if (myField == null) {
            myField = 0.0d;
        return myField;
    I wish don't need to do this correction in getter method.
    CR do not works this way with Double?
    I have tested, and String works fine.

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    I'm having serious Problems with accessing a WebService (Tomcat-Axis) per executable jar-File.
    I constructed a simple GUI with 3 Textboxes 1 Button and 1 Resultbox.
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    Now I do this:
    Head_tServiceLocator serviceLocator = new Head_tServiceLocator();
    Head_t service = serviceLocator.getRPCCall();
    RPCCallSoapBindingStub Head_t = (RPCCallSoapBindingStub) service;and use the Webservice like an Object.
    All this works very well.
    Now the Problem:
    Head_t service = serviceLocator.getRPCCall();this Line has to throw a ServiceException.
    If i add a try-catch Block to Process the Message JAVA tells me after i exported to JAR (with Manifest-stuff and so on) and double Click on the JAR the following :
    Could not find the main Class - Program will exit.
    And if i add a throws Declaration to the Methodheader it tells me:
    Fatal Exception Occured - Program will exit
    But if i Comment out that Line at least the GUI is being displayed (so it DOES find the main-Class). But then of course the Webservice won't be accessed.
    All the JARs needed (axis.jar, commons-discovery.jar and so on) are in the same Directory as the Webservice-Client.jar
    Please Help me.

    I am not done any typing mistake while creating the jar file i already followed the suggestion that you have mentioned but still the same error .
    This is my MANIFEST.MF file created under META-INF folder
    Manifest-Version: 1.0
    Class-Path: qtjambi-4.4.3_01.jar qtjambi-win32-msvc2005-4.4.3_01.jar
    Created-By: 1.5.0 (Sun Microsystems Inc.)
    Main-Class: Ui_MainWindow
    When i extracted the app.jar following this i got
    1. META-INF folder inside that MAINFEST.MF file the contents i have already placed above
    2. qtjambi-4.4.3_01.jar
    3. qtjambi-win32-msvc2005-4.4.3_01.jar
    4. Ui_MainWindow.class
    Please tell me whats wrong in that i can also give you the app.jar file please let me know the email id ..

  • Problem with String Parameter in Command

    I'm running CR XI. I have a report that I want to change the command to use a parameter rather than an hard-coded number that I used for testing. The text of the SQL is:
    select j.instrument_type,j.cost_type_cd,j.customer,, j.product,j.del_pd, j.bl_num, j.date2,j.match,j.jrnl_ref,j.mot_name,
    j.tank_name, j.trade_num ,  j.date3, j.volume,  j.invoice, j.trade_price,
    j.mrkt_price,  j.book_pl,,  o.strategy_name, j.snapshot
    from JE_TABLE_{?TName} j,  ORG_STRATEGY o
    where j.STRATEGY in (select o.external_ref from org_strategy o where o.strategy_name='{?StratName}')
    and j.strategy=o.external_ref and j.cost_in_mtm=1
    order by j.PL
    When I added the '{?StratName}' to the SQL, CR started aslways failing telling me I had an invalid character. So, I changed to double quotes and the error message changed to the expected Oracle error becuase it does nto like  double quotes but I did not get the invalid character error.
    This is a string parameter so I need the single quotes. What do I need to do to get CR to handle it? I've used this structure before ino other reports and it never objected to the single quotes before.
    Could the command just be corrupt?

    I decided to create a new blank report and added the command as before and then paramterized it. This time there was no problem. It must be that the other command was corrupt.

  • Problem with SQL space and quotes

    Hi all,
    We have some old generated java code which includes sql statements like:
    select count ("ID") from SUBSCRIBER;
    In our production database ( this SQL works. In our test database (which is also, this SQL causes ORA-00942: table or view does not exist error. However, on the same test database, the following variations work:
    SELECT count ("ID") from SUBSCRIBER;
    select count (ID) from SUBSCRIBER;
    select count("ID") from SUBSCRIBER;
    I cannot change the original java code and I must configure our test database to execute the same SQL. I suspect this behaviour is caused by some oracle init parameters (maybe the "compatible" parameter?). Does anybody have any idea how this problem can be solved?
    Best regards,

    Table or View does not exist means that the user who is running your query can not see the table.
    The problem is that your user does not have appropriate privileges. If you don't specify the schema_name, you are relying on a synonym existing.
    Finally, some "Bright Spark" may have created the table using double quotes with the table_name not being entirely in uppercase.
    P.S. If your code was in a procedure you would find this error at compile time.
    i) find out which user is running the java code
    ii) connect as that user in sqlplus and issue the same statement
    You should get an error.
    Determine if a private or public synonym exists (all_synonyms data dictionary view).
    This has nothing to do with compatibility.

  • String without double quotes

    I am new to Java,
    I want to insert a string in database but it should not have double quotes.
    e.g i want to insert string TJ2003W.
    But when we declare this as string it is surronded by double quotes.
    Pls help reagrding this.

    I am new to Java,
    I want to insert a string in database but it should
    not have double quotes.
    e.g i want to insert string TJ2003W.
    But when we declare this as string it is surronded by
    double quotes.
    Pls help reagrding this.Hi,
    Strings are declared by double quotes. and when u insert them in database, just add the variable for string.
    Please elaborate your problem more.

  • I have just downloaded OSX Mavericks and am having a lot of problems with my iCloud account. I get a message "this iMac can't connect to iCloud because of a problem with (and then it quoted my e-mail address) Does anybody know what the problem could be??

    As mentioned above I have just downloaded OSX Maverick to my iMac. I am now having a lot of problems with iCloud. I get the message that "This iMac can't connect to iCloud because of a problem with, and then it goes on to quote my e-mail address. It then says to open iCloud preferences to fix this problem.
    I do this and no matter what I seem to do this message continues to return.
    Can anybody explain how to resolve this problem (please bear in mind that I am noy very computer literate).
    Many thanks

    Hello John
    Sorry I haven't got back to you sooner.
    Thanks very much for your help, your solution solved my problem.
    Thanks again and kind regards

  • Problem with String in a Vector

    I'm making a small hangman game. And I got a problem with putting words in a Vector... This is the code... Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong?
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    Vector Words;
    //  Then add the words
    Vector Words = new Vector();
    Words.add(new String("HELLO"));
    Words.add(new String("GOOD BYE"));
    // When I try to get a string from the Vector I use this.
    // The program compiles but when I try to run it I get NullPointerExeption here
    W = (String) Words.elementAt(0);

    Not sure since I cant see all of your code but looks like this might be your problem:
    // First I define it.
    Vector Words; //<-- here you define a Vector named Words that is null
    // Then add the words
    Vector Words = new Vector(); //<-- here you define another vector named Words that holds a reference to a new Vector. This is a different reference than the one created above so you should probably remove the "Vector" part from the beginning of this line. Is this a local variable to a method and the one before is a global variable?
    //Here you probably access the locally created Words vector which is initialized
    Words.add(new String("HELLO"));
    // When I try to get a string from the Vector I use this.
    // The program compiles but when I try to run it I get NullPointerExeption here
    W = (String) Words.elementAt(0); //<--and here my guess is that this statement is inside another method than the one with the local Words vector defined. Thus this one accesses the global Words Vector that is never initalized and is Null. And that gives you the NullPointerException.
    So try changing the statement
    Vector Words = new Vector();
    Words = new Vector();
    or just remove it totally and move the Vector creation to the place where you introduce the global variable.
    Of course I might be totally wrong since I cant see all of your code but that is my guess.
    Hope it helps,

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