Trigerring email to vendor in remittance advice script

I have finished remittance advice using script, nw i have to send mail to the vendor and e-mail has to be picked from the Vendor e-mail Id field.please let me know how to do this action.
thanks in advanace

*& Report  ZSPOOLTOPDF                                                 *
*& Converts spool request into PDF document and emails it to           *
*& recipicant.                                                         *
*& Execution                                                           *
*& This program must be run as a background job in-order for the write *
*& commands to create a Spool request rather than be displayed on      *
*& screen                                                              *
REPORT  zspooltopdf.
PARAMETER: p_email1 LIKE somlreci1-receiver
                                    DEFAULT '',
           p_sender LIKE somlreci1-receiver
                                    DEFAULT '',
           p_delspl  AS CHECKBOX.
DATA: gd_recsize TYPE i.
Spool IDs
TYPES: BEGIN OF t_tbtcp.
        INCLUDE STRUCTURE tbtcp.
TYPES: END OF t_tbtcp.
      wa_tbtcp TYPE t_tbtcp.
Job Runtime Parameters
DATA: gd_eventid LIKE tbtcm-eventid,
      gd_eventparm LIKE tbtcm-eventparm,
      gd_external_program_active LIKE tbtcm-xpgactive,
      gd_jobcount LIKE tbtcm-jobcount,
      gd_jobname LIKE tbtcm-jobname,
      gd_stepcount LIKE tbtcm-stepcount,
      gd_error    TYPE sy-subrc,
      gd_reciever TYPE sy-subrc.
DATA:  w_recsize TYPE i.
DATA: gd_subject   LIKE sodocchgi1-obj_descr,
      it_mess_bod LIKE solisti1 OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE,
      it_mess_att LIKE solisti1 OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE,
      gd_sender_type     LIKE soextreci1-adr_typ,
      gd_attachment_desc TYPE so_obj_nam,
      gd_attachment_name TYPE so_obj_des.
Spool to PDF conversions
DATA: gd_spool_nr LIKE tsp01-rqident,
      gd_destination LIKE rlgrap-filename,
      gd_bytecount LIKE tst01-dsize,
      gd_buffer TYPE string.
Binary store for PDF
DATA: BEGIN OF it_pdf_output OCCURS 0.
        INCLUDE STRUCTURE tline.
DATA: END OF it_pdf_output.
CONSTANTS: c_dev LIKE  sy-sysid VALUE 'DEV',
           c_no(1)     TYPE c   VALUE ' ',
           c_device(4) TYPE c   VALUE 'LOCL'.
Write statement to represent report output. Spool request is created
if write statement is executed in background. This could also be an
ALV grid which would be converted to PDF without any extra effort
  WRITE 'Hello World'.
  commit work.
  new-page print off.
  IF sy-batch EQ 'X'.
    PERFORM get_job_details.
    PERFORM obtain_spool_id.
Alternative way could be to submit another program and store spool
id into memory, will be stored in sy-spono.
       to sap-spool
       spool parameters   %_print
       archive parameters %_print
       without spool dynpro
       and return.
Get spool id from program called above
    PERFORM convert_spool_to_pdf.
    PERFORM process_email.
    if p_delspl EQ 'X'.
      PERFORM delete_spool.
    IF sy-sysid = c_dev.
      wait up to 5 seconds.
      SUBMIT rsconn01 WITH mode   = 'INT'
                      WITH output = 'X'
                      AND RETURN.
    WRITE:/ 'Program must be executed in background in-order for spool',
            'request to be created.'.
      FORM obtain_spool_id                                          *
FORM obtain_spool_id.
  CHECK NOT ( gd_jobname IS INITIAL ).
  CHECK NOT ( gd_jobcount IS INITIAL ).
  SELECT * FROM  tbtcp
                 INTO TABLE it_tbtcp
                 WHERE      jobname     = gd_jobname
                 AND        jobcount    = gd_jobcount
                 AND        stepcount   = gd_stepcount
                 AND        listident   <> '0000000000'
                 ORDER BY   jobname
  READ TABLE it_tbtcp INTO wa_tbtcp INDEX 1.
  IF sy-subrc = 0.
    message s004(zdd) with gd_spool_nr.
    gd_spool_nr = wa_tbtcp-listident.
    MESSAGE s004(zdd) WITH gd_spool_nr.
    MESSAGE s005(zdd).
      FORM get_job_details                                          *
FORM get_job_details.
Get current job details
            eventid                 = gd_eventid
            eventparm               = gd_eventparm
            external_program_active = gd_external_program_active
            jobcount                = gd_jobcount
            jobname                 = gd_jobname
            stepcount               = gd_stepcount
            no_runtime_info         = 1
            OTHERS                  = 2.
      FORM convert_spool_to_pdf                                     *
FORM convert_spool_to_pdf.
            src_spoolid              = gd_spool_nr
            no_dialog                = c_no
            dst_device               = c_device
            pdf_bytecount            = gd_bytecount
            pdf                      = it_pdf_output
            err_no_abap_spooljob     = 1
            err_no_spooljob          = 2
            err_no_permission        = 3
            err_conv_not_possible    = 4
            err_bad_destdevice       = 5
            user_cancelled           = 6
            err_spoolerror           = 7
            err_temseerror           = 8
            err_btcjob_open_failed   = 9
            err_btcjob_submit_failed = 10
            err_btcjob_close_failed  = 11
            OTHERS                   = 12.
  CHECK sy-subrc = 0.
Transfer the 132-long strings to 255-long strings
  LOOP AT it_pdf_output.
    TRANSLATE it_pdf_output USING ' ~'.
    CONCATENATE gd_buffer it_pdf_output INTO gd_buffer.
  TRANSLATE gd_buffer USING '~ '.
    it_mess_att = gd_buffer.
    APPEND it_mess_att.
    SHIFT gd_buffer LEFT BY 255 PLACES.
    IF gd_buffer IS INITIAL.
      FORM process_email                                            *
FORM process_email.
  DESCRIBE TABLE it_mess_att LINES gd_recsize.
  CHECK gd_recsize > 0.
  PERFORM send_email USING p_email1.
perform send_email using p_email2.
      FORM send_email                                               *
-->  p_email                                                       *
FORM send_email USING p_email.
  CHECK NOT ( p_email IS INITIAL ).
  REFRESH it_mess_bod.
Default subject matter
  gd_subject         = 'Subject'.
  gd_attachment_desc = 'Attachname'.
CONCATENATE 'attach_name' ' ' INTO gd_attachment_name.
  it_mess_bod        = 'Message Body text, line 1'.
  APPEND it_mess_bod.
  it_mess_bod        = 'Message Body text, line 2...'.
  APPEND it_mess_bod.
If no sender specified - default blank
  IF p_sender EQ space.
    gd_sender_type  = space.
    gd_sender_type  = 'INT'.
Send file by email as .xls speadsheet
  PERFORM send_file_as_email_attachment
                               tables it_mess_bod
                                using p_email
                                      'Example .xls documnet attachment'
                             changing gd_error
      FORM delete_spool                                             *
FORM delete_spool.
  DATA: ld_spool_nr TYPE tsp01_sp0r-rqid_char.
  ld_spool_nr = gd_spool_nr.
  CHECK p_delspl <> c_no.
            spoolid = ld_spool_nr.
      Send email
FORM send_file_as_email_attachment tables it_message
                                    using p_email
                                 changing p_error
  DATA: ld_error    TYPE sy-subrc,
        ld_reciever TYPE sy-subrc,
        ld_mtitle LIKE sodocchgi1-obj_descr,
        ld_email LIKE  somlreci1-receiver,
        ld_format TYPE  so_obj_tp ,
        ld_attdescription TYPE  so_obj_nam ,
        ld_attfilename TYPE  so_obj_des ,
        ld_sender_address LIKE  soextreci1-receiver,
        ld_sender_address_type LIKE  soextreci1-adr_typ,
        ld_receiver LIKE  sy-subrc.
data:   t_packing_list like sopcklsti1 occurs 0 with header line,
        t_contents like solisti1 occurs 0 with header line,
        t_receivers like somlreci1 occurs 0 with header line,
        t_attachment like solisti1 occurs 0 with header line,
        t_object_header like solisti1 occurs 0 with header line,
        w_cnt type i,
        w_sent_all(1) type c,
        w_doc_data like sodocchgi1.
  ld_email   = p_email.
  ld_mtitle = p_mtitle.
  ld_format              = p_format.
  ld_attdescription      = p_attdescription.
  ld_attfilename         = p_filename.
  ld_sender_address      = p_sender_address.
  ld_sender_address_type = p_sender_addres_type.
Fill the document data.
  w_doc_data-doc_size = 1.
Populate the subject/generic message attributes
  w_doc_data-obj_langu = sy-langu.
  w_doc_data-obj_name  = 'SAPRPT'.
  w_doc_data-obj_descr = ld_mtitle .
  w_doc_data-sensitivty = 'F'.
Fill the document data and get size of attachment
  CLEAR w_doc_data.
  READ TABLE it_attach INDEX w_cnt.
  w_doc_data-doc_size =
     ( w_cnt - 1 ) * 255 + STRLEN( it_attach ).
  w_doc_data-obj_langu  = sy-langu.
  w_doc_data-obj_name   = 'SAPRPT'.
  w_doc_data-obj_descr  = ld_mtitle.
  w_doc_data-sensitivty = 'F'.
  CLEAR t_attachment.
  REFRESH t_attachment.
  t_attachment[] = it_attach[].
Describe the body of the message
  CLEAR t_packing_list.
  REFRESH t_packing_list.
  t_packing_list-transf_bin = space.
  t_packing_list-head_start = 1.
  t_packing_list-head_num = 0.
  t_packing_list-body_start = 1.
  DESCRIBE TABLE it_message LINES t_packing_list-body_num.
  t_packing_list-doc_type = 'RAW'.
  APPEND t_packing_list.
Create attachment notification
  t_packing_list-transf_bin = 'X'.
  t_packing_list-head_start = 1.
  t_packing_list-head_num   = 1.
  t_packing_list-body_start = 1.
  DESCRIBE TABLE t_attachment LINES t_packing_list-body_num.
  t_packing_list-doc_type   =  ld_format.
  t_packing_list-obj_descr  =  ld_attdescription.
  t_packing_list-obj_name   =  ld_attfilename.
  t_packing_list-doc_size   =  t_packing_list-body_num * 255.
  APPEND t_packing_list.
Add the recipients email address
  CLEAR t_receivers.
  REFRESH t_receivers.
  t_receivers-receiver = ld_email.
  t_receivers-rec_type = 'U'.
  t_receivers-com_type = 'INT'.
  t_receivers-notif_del = 'X'.
  t_receivers-notif_ndel = 'X'.
  APPEND t_receivers.
            document_data              = w_doc_data
            put_in_outbox              = 'X'
            sender_address             = ld_sender_address
            sender_address_type        = ld_sender_address_type
            commit_work                = 'X'
            sent_to_all                = w_sent_all
            packing_list               = t_packing_list
            contents_bin               = t_attachment
            contents_txt               = it_message
            receivers                  = t_receivers
            too_many_receivers         = 1
            document_not_sent          = 2
            document_type_not_exist    = 3
            operation_no_authorization = 4
            parameter_error            = 5
            x_error                    = 6
            enqueue_error              = 7
            OTHERS                     = 8.
Populate zerror return code
  ld_error = sy-subrc.
Populate zreceiver return code
  LOOP AT t_receivers.
    ld_receiver = t_receivers-retrn_code.

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  • How do I add an email body text for remittance advices / payment advices?

    I am trying to send an email body text with the pdf remittance advice to my vendors.
    We are running automatic payments to vendors via transaction F110. We have configured the pay run to produce remittance advices for vendor payments. Finally we activated the BTE 00002040, through transaction FIBF, to use a custom copy of the function module SAMPLE_PROCESS_00002040.
    Our payment run sends emails with pdf-file attachments to our vendors correctly.
    <b>The Issue:</b>
    I can not find a way to add text to the body of the email with the attached remittance advice.
    Has anyone advise on how to populate the email body with text?
    Thank you and best regards
    Karsten Arold

    Hello Subhashree,
    I have not implemented the functionality, but I found rerference to SAP Note 1033893 in another forum post.
    Email text to Payment Advice in BTE2040

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    PO output program automatically sends PO to vendors in PDF format.  Email ID is picked from vendor master - address tab - communication.  Payment remittance advice is emailed to email ID in vendor master - correspondence tab - Clerk's internet field (company code data).
    Couple of months back for some unknown reason/ requirement, payment remittance advice program is changed to send to email ID in vendor master - address tab - communication.  To accommodate this change, we are now planning to change PO program to send to email ID in vendor master - correspondence tab (company code data).
    Now the question, is it OK to use Clerk's internet field for PO email ?  Will there be any disadvantage with this approach ? I know Clerk's internet field can take only one email ID whereas address email can take multiple IDs. 
    *  One of the unknown reason/ requirement was :  Remittance needs to go to multiple IDs and therefore changed to vendor master - address - communication.

    A very strange idea from my point of view.
    you had used the clerks internet field (company code view) for financial communication in the past,
    this was changed to the standard communication
    and since you need a different mail address for POs you consider to use the clerks internet field in the company code view.
    Undoing the change for the payment remittance advice would be more logical, as then at least Financial communication would pick its email from a financial data source, which is more logical than pulling the data from financial data source for purchasing activities.
    In general you can create a PO long before a company code view is needed, this speeds up the procurement process, as the company code view is needed when you do goods or invoice receipt.  So you are slowing down the process.
    Using the clerks internet field would be really confusing for the users, both FI and purchasing, and it can conflict with your authorization settings too. In our system a buyer has no access to company code data.
    I would eventually consider to use the Remark field in the email address to indicate for what purpose this email address is used. If you do this e.g.with a leading number 1 for finance , 2 for purchasing, then you could have a exit check on that and determine the right email address .

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    Hi ,
    We have done this . We created Z table where we can keep upte 3 mails ID for one Vendor and Payment ment progran look for that table when Generates Payment Advice .
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    Print output program is RFFOEDI1
    Remittance advice standard SAP script is F110_IN_AVIS.
    What are the ways to send email in PDF format? DO we need to write a code or is there ay facility like message control?

    you need to use available FM's to convert the data into PDF and send as attachment via email..

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    A very strange idea from my point of view.
    you had used the clerks internet field (company code view) for financial communication in the past,
    this was changed to the standard communication
    and since you need a different mail address for POs you consider to use the clerks internet field in the company code view.
    Undoing the change for the payment remittance advice would be more logical, as then at least Financial communication would pick its email from a financial data source, which is more logical than pulling the data from financial data source for purchasing activities.
    In general you can create a PO long before a company code view is needed, this speeds up the procurement process, as the company code view is needed when you do goods or invoice receipt.  So you are slowing down the process.
    Using the clerks internet field would be really confusing for the users, both FI and purchasing, and it can conflict with your authorization settings too. In our system a buyer has no access to company code data.
    I would eventually consider to use the Remark field in the email address to indicate for what purpose this email address is used. If you do this e.g.with a leading number 1 for finance , 2 for purchasing, then you could have a exit check on that and determine the right email address .

  • Mailing remittance advice to multiple email id of vendor

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    I have implemented SAP note Note 1033893, which says after applying the note the email can be sent to multiple email ids by seperating the email ids by space in field c_finaa-intad in BTE 2040.
    But when i am trying to send the email to multiple ids is its throughing an error 'Advice note for pymt 1000 1500010133 will be printed; dispatch via e-mail not poss.', but when i tried to send with one email id . its working fine.
    Please help if you know any solution..
    Rasmi Ranjan Mishra
    ABAP Programmer
    <removed by moderator>
    Edited by: Thomas Zloch on Aug 12, 2011 3:35 PM - please do not post contact information

    Any one has solution for this ? We are also looking for solution. Thanks in advance. 

  • Remittance advice to multiple Emails of Vendor

    Hi Friends,
    Business would like to have the functionality of sending Remittance advices to multiple email ids of a vendor.
    As we know, we can add as many email ids as in the vendor master but only one email id is active at a time.
    As I see in this forum - one way of doing is creating the group id in which we maintain all email ids of a vendor  in the exchange server and assign it to the vendor master.
    When F110 runs remittance advices goes automatically to group id and hence to multiple emails of vendor.
    I would like to know, is there any other method of acheiving the same result. ( either with any functional module or userexits)?
    Can we achieve the same result with ABAP modification in the standard payment program RFFOUS_T.?
    Thanks in advance.

    Please check these function modules:

  • Automatic e-mail of remittance advice to vendors following the Payment Run

        We are implementing the Automatic e-mail of remittance advice to vendors following the Payment Run(F110) for one of our company code located at UK.
    But we have already implemented this process for one of the company code located in US using the Business transaction event 00002040 and it is working fine.
    Now i want to find out if we could utilitize emailing the employee reimbursement remittances for UK as we do here in the US using the same BTE.
    I just want to know if our current BTE (business transaction event) can be set up for their group also along with generating the SAP script to format the remittance.
    Earliest reply will be appreciated.
    With regards,

    do you mind share with me how did you implement the Automatic email of remittnance advice to vendor after payment run?
    I am in process research this solution. appreaciate if you can share with me if you have any info.
    +91 9791122480
    Thanks in advance.

  • Remittance Advice to the vendor via mail

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    I have configured a copy of the FM SAMPLE_PROCESS_00002040 with the business transaction event 2040 . The mail is successfully sent to the vendor as (OTF) attachment, but it want to send it as (PDF) format.
    Can anyone help me in this?
    Shahid Rais

    It's there; it just may not be the same menu path or set of keystrokes.  Your email node in SCOT may also be named differently in SAPConnect.  Sorry, we've been off 4.6C for 1.5 years - can't remember the exact location in that version but it's the same principle.  Your SAPConnect config is set to perform no conversion whereas you need to set it to convert OTF to PDF automatically.

  • Remittance advice through email and printing

    Hi Experts,
    Our requirement is that email needs to be triggered for all remittance advices and simultaneously printing needs to carried out for those vendors with no email address or invalid email address. We have activated BTE 2040 to trigger the email and it triggered the email(for vendors wth email addr only) and sent it to the spool( for vendors with and without email addr) . Now our requirement is to select only few vendors from the spool for printing. How do we go about it please guide .
    Thanks and regards,
    Ashwin G

    For this first you have to maintain the respective email ids for the vendors/payees in your vendor master
    Secondly, create a zmail program wherein once the ACH payments are executed, the z program should trigger an email to the respective payees. You have to co ordinate with your abaper and provide him the FS and requirements so that he can develop the required program. Assign a Tcode to the program which should have selection parameters Run date and identification ) to trigger email to respective payee in ACH payment list.
    Hope this clarifies.

  • How to stop remittance advice to vendor after the app run

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                 Our vendors don't want to receive remittance advice after the APP run.
    Is there any option where i can block the remittance advice for certain vendors after the run.
    Please let me know
    Thanks & Regards
    Balaji Dhanavel

    Hi Neeraj,
    I appreciate your efforts. But just a small doubt.
    Actually i dont want to send the remittance advice Only
    If i take the email address out of vendor master record , would it make any impact in other communication.
    Please tell me where i give the email address in the vendor master.
    Your reply would be much appreciated.
    Balaji Dhanavel

  • Automatic emailing option for remittance advice

    Hi Experts,
    I have a requirement to generate an email to the vendor on payment run of remittance advice . I was able to identify the BTE 2040 for this purpose, however it is not working as desired . I added the z function mod copied from the exisiting  FM in "Financial Accounting -  Financial Accounting Global Settings -  Business Transaction Events -  Settings -  Process Function Modules  - of an SAP Appl " .
    However once I do this the even the spool does not get triggered , while if I remove this the spool gets generated correctly .
    Can you guys please let me know if I am missing something and explain on the procedure to do this if some of you have already done it before.
    Thanks in advance,
    Ashwin G

    We are able to trigger the email:
    We have done the following:
    Go to transaction code FIBF
    Settings ==> Process Modules ==> of an SAP Application
    Process = 00002040
    Ctr: Kept Blank
    Appl: Kept Blank
    Function Module: SAMPLE_PROCESS_00002040
    Hope this should work.

  • Emailing payment remittance advice

    Dear all,
    Within our company we want to use the functionality of emailing payment remittance advices.
    It should work as follow:
    When the payment run within F110 has completed then the remittance advice should be mailed in a PDF file to our vendors if the email address is maintained in the vendor master. If the email address is not maintained then the remittance should be faxed. if the fax is also not maintained then nothing should happen and we will then print the remittance advice manually and fax it to our vendors.
    Has anyone of you set this up before and what are the steps you have taken to implement this functionality.
    kind regards,

    In case this helps, the steps I used to setup payment advices are included below:
    Copy SAPScript Form F110_US_AVIS in client 000 into ZF110_US_AVIS in active client and modify the form to meet your needs,
    Setup Paying Company Codes for Payment Transactions (Pay CoCd 110, Form for payment advice ZF110_US_AVIS),
    Setup Payment Methods per Company Code for Payment Transactions (CoCd 110, PayType W, Always Payment Advice),
    Setup Payment Methods per Country for Payment Transactions (Country US, PayType W, Payment Medium Program RFFOD__S),
    Define Accounting Clerks linked to appropriate userids
    Setup accounting clerk userids with appropriate names, e-mail addresses and phone numbers. These will be printed in the payment advices.
    Setup Payment Run (Trans F110) with appropriate print variant,
    Follow instructions in OSS Notes 836169, 521587 and 674985 if payment advices should be sent via e-mail.

  • Overriding email address for Payables separate remittance advice (sra)

    Overriding email address for Payables separate remittance advice (sra)
    After copying a production instance into a test or development instance, we would like to override email addresses for all emails sent from automated processes. For workflows and alerts, there is a feature to send all email to an override email address. This does not seem to work for Payables separate remittance advice (sra) emails.
    I believe (but could be wrong) that the SRA does not use the workflow mailer. Instead it uses the “XML Publisher Delivery Manager”. Is there a way to override all email addresses for emails sent through XML Publisher Delivery Manager?

    I also opened an SR on this question. I don't believe there is any solution for this requirement offered by Oracle. I am planning on writing a script to update supplier contact email addresses to an override email box for test instances. If anyone has a slicker solution, let us know.
    Here is Oracle's response:
    === ODM Answer ===
    Hi Tom,
    Thank you for your question. Unfortunately, this functionality is not available in R12. Based on my research, this functionality has been requested in Enhancement Request (ER) 9308736. I have added you to this ER. Please see the information below:
    1) The Enhancement Request has already been filed as Enhancement Defect 9308736. Enhancements have a long duration as they require review of various teams at different levels to determine desirability and feasibility. You can follow up the progress of this enhancement by monitoring this defect via MyOracleSupport. As this functionality is not available in R12, please consider customizing the needed feature in your internal organization.
    Edited by: Tom B on Sep 9, 2011 8:23 AM

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