Urgent help need for login problem B310

Im having a B310, i use veritouch for login purpose. My 4 years kid accidently changed the pass method without my knowledge. After restart, i cant log in. Yet after i try did the forget password in windows 7, it seems cant work. I tried windows password bypass software but shows nopassword set. Unable to get pass via safe mode or f8 as well. Please help me..thanks

Hi raid5, and welcome to the Lenovo User Community!
I'm sorry you are locked out of your B310. Unfortunately the Community Rules do not allow discussion of methods to defeat passwords. 
I don't work for Lenovo. I'm a crazy volunteer!

Similar Messages


    firstly i made a jtable to adds and deletes rows and passes the the data to the table model from some textfields. then i wanted to add a tablemoselistener method in order to change the value in the columns 1,2,3,4 and set the result of them in the column 5. when i added that portion of code the buttons that added and deleted rows had problems to function correctly..they dont work at all..can somebody have a look in my code and see wot is wrong..thanx in advance..
    below follows the code..sorry for the mesh of the code..you can use and run the code and notice the problem when you press the add button..also if you want delete the TableChanged method to see that the add button works perfect.
    * Created on 03-Aug-2005
    * TODO To change the template for this generated file go to
    * Window - Preferences - Java - Code Style - Code Templates
    * @author Administrator
    * TODO To change the template for this generated type comment go to
    * Window - Preferences - Java - Code Style - Code Templates
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
    import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
    import java.util.Vector;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.table.*;
    import javax.swing.event.TableModelEvent;
    import javax.swing.event.TableModelListener;
    import java.io.*;
    public class NodesTable extends JFrame implements TableModelListener, ActionListener {
    JTable jt;
    DefaultTableColumnModel dtcm;
    TableColumn column[] = new TableColumn[100];
    DefaultTableModel dtm;
    JLabel Name,m1,w1,m2,w2;
    JTextField NameTF,m1TF,w1TF,m2TF,w2TF;
    String c [] ={ "Name", "Assessment1", "Weight1" , "Assessment2","Weight2 ","TotalMark"};
    float x=0,y=0,tMark=0,z = 0;
    float j=0;
    int i;
         JButton DelButton;
         JButton AddButton;
         JScrollPane scrollPane;
         JPanel mainPanel,buttonPanel;
         JFrame frame;
         Object[][] data =
              {"tami", new Float(1), new Float(1.11), new Float(1.11),new Float(1),new Float(1)},
              {"tami", new Float(1), new Float(2.22), new Float(2.22),new Float(1),new Float(1)},
              {"petros", new Float(1), new Float(3.33), new Float(3.33),new Float(1),new Float(1)},
              {"petros", new Float(1), new Float(4.44), new Float(4.44),new Float(1),new Float(1)}
    public NodesTable() {
    super("Student Marking Spreadsheet");
    public void AddNodesintoTable(){
    // Create a vector object and load them with the data
    // to be placed on each row of the table
    dtm = new DefaultTableModel(data,c);
    dtm.addTableModelListener( this );
    jt = new JTable(dtm){
         // Returning the Class of each column will allow different
              // renderers to be used based on Class
              public Class getColumnClass(int column)
                   return getValueAt(0, column).getClass();
              // The Cost is not editable
              public boolean isCellEditable(int row, int column)
                   int modelColumn = convertColumnIndexToModel( column );
                   return (modelColumn == 5) ? false : true;
    //****************************User Input**************************
    //Add another node
    //Creating and setting the properties
    //of the panel's component (panels and textfields)
    Name = new JLabel("Name");
    m1 = new JLabel("Mark1");
    w1 = new JLabel("Weigth1");
    m2= new JLabel("Mark2");
    w2 = new JLabel("Weight2");
    NameTF = new JTextField(5);
    m1TF = new JTextField(5);
    w1TF = new JTextField(5);
    m2TF=new JTextField(5);
    w2TF=new JTextField(5);
    //creating the buttons
    JPanel buttonPanel = new JPanel();
    AddButton=new JButton("Add Row");
    DelButton=new JButton("Delete") ;
    //adding the components to the panel
    JPanel inputpanel = new JPanel();
    //creating the panel and setting its properties
    JPanel tablepanel = new JPanel();
    tablepanel.add(new JScrollPane(jt, JScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED
    getContentPane().add(tablepanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    getContentPane().add(inputpanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
    //Method to add row for each new entry
    public void addRow()
    Vector r=new Vector();
    public Vector createBlankElement()
    Vector t = new Vector();
    t.addElement((String) " ");
    t.addElement((String) " ");
    t.addElement((String) " ");
    t.addElement((String) " ");
    t.addElement((String) " ");
    return t;
    // Method to delete a row from the spreadsheet
    void deleteRow(int index)
    if(index!=-1) //At least one Row in Table
    // Method that adds and deletes rows
    // from the table by pressing the
    //corresponding buttons
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae){
         Float z=new Float (m2TF.getText());
    String Name= NameTF.getText();
    Float x= new Float(m1TF.getText());
    Float y= new Float(w1TF.getText());
    Float j=new Float (w2TF.getText());
    JFileChooser jfc2 = new JFileChooser();
    String newdata[]= {Name,String.valueOf(x),String.valueOf(y),
    Object source = ae.getSource();
    if(ae.getSource() == (JButton)AddButton)
    if (ae.getSource() ==(JButton) DelButton)
    //method to calculate the total mark in the TotalMark column
    //that updates the values in every other column
    //It takes the values from the column 1,2,3,4
    //and changes the value in the column 5
    public void tableChanged(TableModelEvent e) {
         if (e.getType() == TableModelEvent.UPDATE)
              int row = e.getFirstRow();
              int column = e.getColumn();
              if (column == 1 || column == 2 ||column == 3 ||column == 4)
                   TableModel model = jt.getModel();
              float     q= ((Float)model.getValueAt(row,1)).floatValue();
              float     w= ((Float)model.getValueAt(row,2)).floatValue();
              float     t= ((Float)model.getValueAt(row,3)).floatValue();
              float     r= ((Float)model.getValueAt(row,4)).floatValue();
                   Float tMark = new Float((q*w+t*r)/(w+r) );
                   model.setValueAt(tMark, row, 5);
    // Which cells are editable.
    // It is only necessary to implement this method
    // if the table is editable
    public boolean isCellEditable(int row, int col)
    { return true; //All cells are editable
    public static void main(String[] args) {
         NodesTable t=new NodesTable();

    There are too many mistakes in your program. It looks like you are new to java.
    Your add and delete row buttons are not working because you haven't registered your action listener with these buttons.
    I have modifide your code and now it works fine. Just put some validation code for the textboxes becuase it throws exception when user presses add button without entering anything.
    Here is the updated code: Do the diff and u will know my changes
    * Created on 03-Aug-2005
    * TODO To change the template for this generated file go to
    * Window - Preferences - Java - Code Style - Code Templates
    * @author Administrator
    * TODO To change the template for this generated type comment go to Window -
    * Preferences - Java - Code Style - Code Templates
    import java.awt.BorderLayout;
    import java.awt.Color;
    import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
    import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
    import javax.swing.JButton;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import javax.swing.JLabel;
    import javax.swing.JPanel;
    import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
    import javax.swing.JTable;
    import javax.swing.JTextField;
    import javax.swing.event.TableModelEvent;
    import javax.swing.event.TableModelListener;
    import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableColumnModel;
    import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel;
    import javax.swing.table.TableColumn;
    import javax.swing.table.TableModel;
    public class NodesTable extends JFrame implements TableModelListener,
              ActionListener {
         JTable jt;
         DefaultTableColumnModel dtcm;
         TableColumn column[] = new TableColumn[100];
         DefaultTableModel dtm;
         JLabel Name, m1, w1, m2, w2;
         JTextField NameTF, m1TF, w1TF, m2TF, w2TF;
         String c[] = { "Name", "Assessment1", "Weight1", "Assessment2", "Weight2 ",
                   "TotalMark" };
         float x = 0, y = 0, tMark = 0, z = 0;
         float j = 0;
         int i;
         JButton DelButton;
         JButton AddButton;
         JScrollPane scrollPane;
         JPanel mainPanel, buttonPanel;
         JFrame frame;
         public NodesTable() {
              super("Student Marking Spreadsheet");
              setSize(400, 250);
         public void AddNodesintoTable() {
              // Create a vector object and load them with the data
              // to be placed on each row of the table
              dtm = new DefaultTableModel(c,0);
              jt = new JTable(dtm) {
                   // The Cost is not editable
                   public boolean isCellEditable(int row, int column) {
                        int modelColumn = convertColumnIndexToModel(column);
                        return (modelColumn == 5) ? false : true;
              //****************************User Input**************************
              //Add another node
              //Creating and setting the properties
              //of the panel's component (panels and textfields)
              Name = new JLabel("Name");
              m1 = new JLabel("Mark1");
              w1 = new JLabel("Weigth1");
              m2 = new JLabel("Mark2");
              w2 = new JLabel("Weight2");
              NameTF = new JTextField(5);
              m1TF = new JTextField(5);
              w1TF = new JTextField(5);
              m2TF = new JTextField(5);
              w2TF = new JTextField(5);
              //creating the buttons
              JPanel buttonPanel = new JPanel();
              AddButton = new JButton("Add Row");
              DelButton = new JButton("Delete");
              //adding the components to the panel
              JPanel inputpanel = new JPanel();
              //creating the panel and setting its properties
              JPanel tablepanel = new JPanel();
              tablepanel.add(new JScrollPane(jt,
              getContentPane().add(tablepanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
              getContentPane().add(inputpanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
         //Method to add row for each new entry
         public void addRow() {
              Float z = new Float(m2TF.getText());
              String Name = NameTF.getText();
              Float x = new Float(m1TF.getText());
              Float y = new Float(w1TF.getText());
              Float j = new Float(w2TF.getText());
              String newdata[] = { Name, String.valueOf(x), String.valueOf(y),
                        String.valueOf(z), String.valueOf(j) };
         // Method to delete a row from the spreadsheet
         void deleteRow(int index) {
              if (index != -1) //At least one Row in Table
         // Method that adds and deletes rows
         // from the table by pressing the
         //corresponding buttons
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) {
              Object source = ae.getSource();
              if (ae.getSource() == (JButton) AddButton) {
              if (ae.getSource() == (JButton) DelButton) {
         //method to calculate the total mark in the TotalMark column
         //that updates the values in every other column
         //It takes the values from the column 1,2,3,4
         //and changes the value in the column 5
         public void tableChanged(TableModelEvent e) {
              //if (e.getType() == TableModelEvent.UPDATE) {
                   int row = e.getFirstRow();
                   int column = e.getColumn();
                   if (column == 1 || column == 2 || column == 3 || column == 4) {
                        TableModel model = jt.getModel();
                        float q = (new Float(model.getValueAt(row, 1).toString())).floatValue();
                        float w = (new Float(model.getValueAt(row, 2).toString())).floatValue();
                        float t = (new Float(model.getValueAt(row, 3).toString())).floatValue();
                        float r = (new Float(model.getValueAt(row, 4).toString())).floatValue();
                        Float tMark = new Float((q * w + t * r) / (w + r));
                        model.setValueAt(tMark, row, 5);
         // Which cells are editable.
         // It is only necessary to implement this method
         // if the table is editable
         public boolean isCellEditable(int row, int col) {
              return true; //All cells are editable
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              NodesTable t = new NodesTable();

  • Urgent help need on swing problem

    Dear friends,
    I met a problem and need urgent help from guru here, I am Swing newbie,
    I have following code and hope to draw lines between any two components at RUN-TIME, not at design time
    Please throw some skeleton code, Thanks so much!!
    package com.swing.test;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.geom.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    public class LongguConnectLineCommponent
        public static void main(String[] args)
            JFrame f = new JFrame("Connecting Lines");
            f.getContentPane().add(new ConnectionPanel());
    class ConnectionPanel extends JPanel
        JLabel label1, label2, label3, label4;
        JLabel[] labels;
        JLabel selectedLabel;
        int cx, cy;
        public ConnectionPanel()
            label1.setBounds( 25,  50, 125, 25);
            label2.setBounds(225,  50, 125, 25);
            label3.setBounds( 25, 175, 125, 25);
            label4.setBounds(225, 175, 125, 25);
            ComponentMover mover = new ComponentMover();
        public void paintComponent(Graphics g)
            Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g;
            Point[] p;
            for(int i = 0; i < labels.length; i++)
                for(int j = i + 1; j < labels.length; j++)
                    p = getEndPoints(labels, labels[j]);
    //g2.draw(new Line2D.Double(p[0], p[1]));
    private Point[] getEndPoints(Component c1, Component c2)
    p1 = new Point(),
    p2 = new Point();
    r1 = c1.getBounds(),
    r2 = c2.getBounds();
    int direction = r1.outcode(r2.x, r2.y);
    switch(direction) // r2 located < direction > of r1
    case (Rectangle.OUT_LEFT): // West
    p1.x = r1.x;
    p1.y = r1.y;
    p2.x = r2.x + r2.width;
    p2.y = r2.y;
    if(r1.y > cy)
    p1.y = r1.y + r1.height;
    p2.y = r2.y + r2.height;
    case (Rectangle.OUT_TOP): // North
    p1.x = r1.x;
    p1.y = r1.y;
    p2.x = r2.x;
    p2.y = r2.y + r2.height;
    if(r1.x > cx && r2.x > cx)
    p1.x = r1.x + r1.width;
    p2.x = r2.x + r2.width;
    case (Rectangle.OUT_LEFT + Rectangle.OUT_TOP): // NW
    p1.x = r1.x;
    p1.y = r1.y;
    p2.x = r2.x + r2.width;
    p2.y = r2.y;
    if(r1.y > r2.y + r2.height)
    p2.y = r2.y + r2.height;
    case (Rectangle.OUT_RIGHT): // East
    p1.x = r1.x + r1.width;
    p1.y = r1.y;
    p2.x = r2.x;
    p2.y = r2.y;
    if(r1.y > cy)
    p1.y = r1.y + r1.height;
    p2.y = r2.y + r2.height;
    case (Rectangle.OUT_TOP + Rectangle.OUT_RIGHT): // NE
    p1.x = r1.x + r1.width;
    p1.y = r1.y;
    p2.x = r2.x;
    p2.y = r2.y;
    if(r1.y > cy)
    p1.y = r1.y + r1.height;
    p2.y = r2.y + r2.height;
    if(r1.y > r2.y + r2.height)
    p1.y = r1.y;
    if(r1.y > r2.y + r2.height)
    p2.y = r2.y + r2.height;
    case (Rectangle.OUT_BOTTOM): // South
    p1.x = r1.x;
    p1.y = r1.y + r1.height;
    p2.x = r2.x;
    p2.y = r2.y;
    if(r1.x > cx && r2.x > cx)
    p1.x = r1.x + r1.width;
    p2.x = r2.x + r2.width;
    case (Rectangle.OUT_RIGHT + Rectangle.OUT_BOTTOM): // SE
    p1.x = r1.x + r1.width;
    p1.y = r1.y + r1.height;
    p2.x = r2.x;
    p2.y = r2.y;
    case (Rectangle.OUT_BOTTOM + Rectangle.OUT_LEFT): // SW
    p1.x = r1.x;
    p1.y = r1.y + r1.height;
    p2.x = r2.x;
    p2.y = r2.y;
    if(r1.x > r2.x + r2.width)
    p2.x = r2.x + r2.width;
    if(r1.x > cx && r2.x > cx)
    p1.x = r1.x + r1.width;
    p2.x = r2.x + r2.width;
    return new Point[] {p1, p2};
    private void determineCenterOfComponents()
    xMin = Integer.MAX_VALUE,
    yMin = Integer.MAX_VALUE,
    xMax = 0,
    yMax = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < labels.length; i++)
    Rectangle r = labels[i].getBounds();
    if(r.x < xMin)
    xMin = r.x;
    if(r.y < yMin)
    yMin = r.y;
    if(r.x + r.width > xMax)
    xMax = r.x + r.width;
    if(r.y + r.height > yMax)
    yMax = r.y + r.height;
    cx = xMin + (xMax - xMin)/2;
    cy = yMin + (yMax - yMin)/2;
    private class ComponentMover extends MouseInputAdapter
    Point offsetP = new Point();
    boolean dragging;
    public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e)
    Point p = e.getPoint();
    for(int i = 0; i < labels.length; i++)
    Rectangle r = labels[i].getBounds();
    selectedLabel = labels[i];
    offsetP.x = p.x - r.x;
    offsetP.y = p.y - r.y;
    dragging = true;
    public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e)
    dragging = false;
    public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e)
    Rectangle r = selectedLabel.getBounds();
    r.x = e.getX() - offsetP.x;
    r.y = e.getY() - offsetP.y;
    selectedLabel.setBounds(r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height);
    private void addLabels()
    label1 = new JLabel("Label 1");
    label2 = new JLabel("Label 2");
    label3 = new JLabel("Label 3");
    label4 = new JLabel("Label 4");
    labels = new JLabel[] {
    label1, label2, label3, label4
    for(int i = 0; i < labels.length; i++)

    If you need some help, be respectful of the forum rules and people will help. By using "urgent" in the title and bumping your message every 2 hours you're just asking to be ignored (which is what you ended up with).

  • Urgent help needed for XML Tags using XMLForest()

    I need some urgent help regarding getting use defined tag in your
    XML output.
    For this I am using XMLElement and XMLForest which seems to work fine
    when used at the SQL prompt but when used in a procedure throws and error
    SQL> Select SYS_XMLAGG(XMLElement("SDI",
         From sdi
         where sdi_num = 22261;- WORKS FINE
    But when used in a procedure,doesnt seem to work
        queryCtx  DBMS_XMLQuery.ctxType;
        v_xml     VARCHAR2(32767);
        v_xmlClob CLOB;
        v_xml:='Select SYS_XMLAGG(XMLElement("SDI",
        From sdi
        where sdi_num = 22261';
        queryCtx :=DBMS_XMLQuery.newContext(v_xml);
        v_xmlClob :=DBMS_XMLQuery.getXML(queryCtx);
         xmlstr varchar2(32767);
         line varchar2(2000);
         EXIT WHEN xmlstr is null;
         line :=substr(xmlstr,1,instr(xmlstr,chr(10))-1);
         xmlstr := substr(xmlstr,instr(xmlstr,chr(10))+1);
         END LOOP;
    SQL> /
    .<?xml version = '1.0'?>
    .<ERROR>oracle.xml.sql.OracleXMLSQLException: Character ')' is not allowed in an
    XML tag name.</ERROR>
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL>HELP is appreciated as to where I am going wrong?

    if you want to transform something to something else, you should declare, what is your source.
    I would prefer to use plain XSL-Transformations, because you have a lot more options to transform your source and you can even better determine, how your output should looks like.
    Kind regards,

  • Urgent help needed for hysterical female!

    I need urgent help in editing a pic that has been emailed to me, I do not know which Adobe programme to upload it too.  Currently use Picasso - usually brilliant, but now gets jammed with a pop up box asking me to either accept or deny picnik.  When I googled picnik, it now belongs to Google - don't know how to do a damn thing now!!  Extremely Frustrated, can anybody suggest/help me

    The only Adobe program I know that can edit images is Photoshop.
    If you have troubles with Google software, you need to post in the appropriate Google forum.


    Urgent Millisecond Question....
    I have the Java Code which used to work well in Oracle 8 and Sybase ..
    When I am using it with Oracle 9.2 it creating a problem...
    The code is
    final public JDatetime getJDatetime(int columnIndex) throws SQLException {
         boolean convertb = Util.needConvertTime();
         Timestamp ts=_rs.getTimestamp(columnIndex);
         if(ts==null) return null;
         Date d= new Date(ts.getTime() + (ts.getNanos()/1000000));
         if(convertb) d = Util.ReferenceTZ2Local(d);
         return new JDatetime(d);
    Now in Oracle 8 Say when I insert a
    JDateTime Value as 2003-06-18 16:51:06.89
    When I retrieve is using above getJDatetime
    it get retrieved as
    2003-06-18 16:51:06.0
    Which is ok since Milliseconds are lost....
    Now in Oracle 9
    When I use the convert
    Date d= new Date(ts.getTime() + (ts.getNanos()/1000000));
    It get converted to
    Original Value While Inserting -->TimeStamp in JResultSet->2003-06-18 18:15:56.42
    Date in JResultSet-->Wed Jun 18 18:15:56 GMT 2003
    Date in JResultSet after converting to ReferenceTZ
    Wed Jun 18 18:15:56 GMT 2003
    DateTime in JResultSet after converting to DateTime6/18/03 6:15:56.840 PM
    GMTGETDatetime 6/18/03 6:15:56.840 PM GMT
    so if you see
    Milliseconnd 42 got converted to 840 NanoSeconds
    Can anybody help me with it ??

    The only Adobe program I know that can edit images is Photoshop.
    If you have troubles with Google software, you need to post in the appropriate Google forum.

  • Please urgent help needed for the following

    Hi Everybody!
    I desperately need help as soon as possible.
    Following is the partial code for the driver program which will use the Employee class Objects(Employee is declared abstract). If you want to see whole code you can take a look at my last two or three posts in this forum.
    1-     Now data input by the user in the specific field( name, rate ) should be displayed in the �List� at the top of the frame after pressing �Enter� key. Can anyone help me to achieve this functionality. While doing this keep in mind the capacity of Array
    2-     I also need �rate� textfield to enabled initially & become disable when �raise� (for trigerring calculating raise in weekly pay) is checked. On this �increased� textbox will become �enabled� which was disabled initially.
    3-     The stuff which may have the problems is followed by �*******************�.
    // here is how I declared handlers
    ActionEventHandler handler = new ActionEventHandler();
    ItemEventHandler listener = new ItemEventHandler();
    // here is the declaration of awt components which are going to be placed on Frame.
    public class ActionEventHandler implements ActionListener
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
    //if(event.getSource() == enterButton)
    for (int i = 0 ; i < empArray.length; i++)
    if(event.getSource() == enterButton)
    /*else if(event.getSource() == hoursField)
    if(event.getSource() == clearButton)
    }//else if
    public class ItemEventHandler implements ItemListener
    public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent event)
    //if(event.getSource() == enterButton)
    else if(raiseSal.getState())
    public void createHourly()
    //String name = nameField.getText();
    double payRate = Double.parseDouble(rateField.getText());
    double hours = Double.parseDouble(hoursField.getText());
    empArray[empCreated] = new HourlyEmployee(nameField.getText(), payRate, hours);
    currentEmp = empCreated;
    /* public void createSalaried()
    //String name = nameField.getText();
    double payRate = Double.parseDouble(rateField.getText());
    double hours = Double.parseDouble(hoursField.getText());
    empArray[empCreated] = new HourlyEmployee(nameField.getText(), payRate, hours);
    currentEmp = empCreated;
    enterButton = new Button("add");
    looking forward your kindness

    Visit YAT-Yet Another Thread this is a discussion using the Sun book Core Java 2
    and one part in that book uses an example with Employee class of which I assume you are stealing your class-name from. Anyway, that thread is in the Java forums.


    SELECT curve_date, curve_id, curve_type, curve_name, curve_instance, is_simple,
    comments, curve_currency, curve_generator, curve_interpolator, holidays,
    user_name, rate_index, daycount_code, frequency_code, rate_index_tenor,
    FROM curve a
    WHERE curve_date = (SELECT max(curve_date)
    FROM curve b
    WHERE b.curve_id = a.curve_id
    GROUP BY curve_id)
    I have this query ..This query does the FULL TABLE SCAN .....PLEASE Suggest some easier way to optimize this query.....I need it VERY VERY URGENTLY....

    SELECT curve_date, curve_id, curve_type, curve_name, curve_instance, is_simple,
    comments, curve_currency, curve_generator, curve_interpolator, holidays,
    user_name, rate_index, daycount_code, frequency_code, rate_index_tenor,
    FROM curve
    WHERE (curve_id, curve_date) IN (SELECT curve_id, max(curve_date)
    FROM curve
    GROUP BY curve_id)
    Be sure you have statistics collected on the table. Anyway, I am not sure that Oracle will not do the FTS for this query even if curve_id and curve_date are indexed.

  • Urgent Help Needed for WVC210 camera setup :)

    Please help!  I am trying to set up a Cisco WVC210 surveilance camera at one of the stores owned by the company I work for.  Its a small business and I am the closest they have to an I.T person !! I have plenty of experience with software but not much on networking so need some idiot proof guidance !   The "administrative guide" is not worth the paper it is printed on!!
    The store has a fixed IP address of 212.9.##.### I connected the camera using ethernet cable.  Set the camera up using the software for the camera, with static ip address of  Set the SSID of the camera to that of the router (a Netgear one).  It worked fine.  I went to unplug so I could have it wireless and NOTHING !!  It did work one time (no idea what i did differently!) but it would not work over the internet which is what we need it to do!  I need the whole thing password protected too! 
    Is there ANYONE who can help me please???  I am at the point of running away from my work and never returning !!!! :s
    Thank you

    Hi Jodie,
    Thank you for posting. In order to make the camera connect wirelessly, first set up the wireless settings in the camera to match the router. I usually open the router configuration page and copy and paste the SSID and Security Passphrase to the camera to avoid error. The next step is to unplug the ethernet cable and power cord from the camera. Then plug only the power back in and the camera should connect wirelessly.
    For remote access to the camera you will need to forward port 80 to the LAN IP address of the camera. ( This is done in the router. If you need help with port forwarding, you can search the web or call Netgear for assistance.
    If you continue to need assistance with the camera, the fastest and easiest way to get assistance is to call Cisco Small Business Support. www.cisco.com/go/sbsc
    Please go to www.cisco.com and click on "Register" in the upper right to create a user ID. This will allow our engineers to create a case for you.

  • Urgent Help need for ABAP Custom Process Types

    Hi Gurus,
    I have created a Custom Process Type for ABAP program which returns status (Success or Failure).
    I followed the below procedure to create a custom ABAP process type.
    In RSPC, I went to Settings -> Maintain process types
    I selected the ABAP process type and then selected the EDIT -> COPY AS and then in the process chain configuration screen, I gave a new name to the process type, changed the POSSIBLE EVENTS settings to "2 process ends "successful" or "failure" and saved the settings to confirm changes.
    Now I can see the new process type for ABAP program which returns the success or failure for the successors.
    Now, my question is, where do i write the logic for ABAP program ? how does the ABAP program returns the success or failure. Do I have to change the code in the method IF_RSPC_EXECUTE~EXECUTE to return success or failure.  Please make me clear where I can write the code? For example in my ABAP program, I am searching a table to find a specific value. If the value is not found, then the ABAP process type should return failure, if found should return success. How can I do this?
    Thanks in advance,
    [email protected]

       We have a similar problem. We have an ABAP program in a process chain that
    uses a custom process type with on success and on failure.
        If  the program is successful there is no problem. it will run the next process step.
        The problem is when the ABAP Program fails and even though the message class is E in our ABAP program it has a confirm popup message with a status change and asks "Save Status and Trigger Events if Appropriate".
         Once you enter Yes to continue it then continues to the next step in the program and is fine.I traced in debug where this status message is appearing. It is in CL_RSPC_LOG. There is a popup_to_confirm_step where it checks the e_status that is value J ( Framework Error upon completion). Then it submits the rspc_process_finish program to complete and call the on error process step.
         Has anyone else experienced this and is there any other documents out there to help me?
    Apologies if this is not very clear.
    Any assistance would be appreciated.
    Monica Mandia

  • URGENT : Help needed for OLAP tools selection

    Hi Gurus,
    Environment :
    Oracle 10g
    .net web application with backend as Oracle 10g server embaded with OLAP server.
    Application - CRM
    Feature requreid - OLAP, OLAP Reporting, Drilldown graphical analysis, US MAP view location specific queries, Ad-hoc analysis.
    I have to take a descision for for the OLAP tool selection with above mention client requirement.
    * Please let me know if anybody have worked on above combination for the required features and held up with any issue (if any) ?
    * Please go thru Oracle options below per feature and let me know is there any issue with .NET and IIS server,Oracle 10g OLAP compatibily ? specially for following points from the below details -
    4. OLAP Reporting Tool :
    6. Web deployment of Cubes :
    8. Graphing :
    9. Geographical Map View based query :
    1.Extraction Transformation and loading (ETL) Tool : Oracle Business Intelligence Warehouse Builder, tightly integrated with Database Server.
    2. Analysis Tool (Multidimensional Data Analysis using cubes) : Oracle Business Intelligence Discoverer·     
    3. Ad-hoc query and analysis by end User :
    Oracle Business Intelligence Spreadsheet Add-in.OLAP DML Regular Sql with OLAP_TABLE Function.
    4. OLAP Reporting Tool :     Oracle Reports 10g.
    5. Multidimensional Data (Cube) Query Language     OLAP DML : Regular Sql with OLAP_TABLE Function
    6.Web deployment of Cubes : Available
    7. Cube data export to xls, html, format : Available
    8.Graphing : Oracle Reports 10g Graph Wizard for Graphical Analysis.
    9. Geographical Map View based query : Oracle Locator: Location-Enabling Every Oracle Database
    Please send me the relevent urls in support / issues for the above featues.

    The only Adobe program I know that can edit images is Photoshop.
    If you have troubles with Google software, you need to post in the appropriate Google forum.

  • Urgent help need for user exit

    Hi all,
    i have just did one user exit but in RSA3 field is not coming. in step 1 i modified the extract structure. in step 2 in added field in include program ,saved and activated it. but field is not coming in RSA3. can anyone plese help me what should i do now or what has went wrong.
    in RSA3 update mode is 'F'
    thanks in advance

      Have you created a project in CMOD and included your User exit component(RSAP0001) and activated it?.
    check that. otherwise give some more details reg. your problem.
    Message was edited by:
            Senthilkumar Viswanathan

  • Urgent solution needed for the Problem ( get all the combination from table

    we are having a table in following format
    day | grpID | pktID
    sun | 1 | 001
    sun | 1 | 002
    sun | 1 | 003
    sun | 2 | 007
    sun | 2 | 008
    sun | 2 | 009
    mon | 1 | 001
    mon | 1 | 002
    mon | 1 | 003
    mon | 2 | 007
    mon | 2 | 008
    mon | 2 | 009
    tue | 1 | 001
    tue | 1 | 002
    tue | 1 | 003
    tue | 2 | 007
    tue | 2 | 010
    1. We have a combination of pkdIDs related with a specific grpID, for a particular day.
    Ex: For Sunday, we have two combination list for grpID=1 is (001,002,003) and for group id = 2 is (007,008,009)
    2. We need to get all the available combined pktid for each group id for all the days .
    Eg the the expected result that is needed from the above table

    SQL> with tbl as
      2  (select 'sun' d, 1 grp, '001' pk from dual union all
      3   select 'sun' d, 1 grp, '002' pk from dual union all
      4   select 'sun' d, 1 grp, '003' pk from dual union all
      5   select 'sun' d, 2 grp, '007' pk from dual union all
      6   select 'sun' d, 2 grp, '008' pk from dual union all
      7   select 'sun' d, 2 grp, '009' pk from dual union all
      8   select 'mon' d, 1 grp, '001' pk from dual union all
      9   select 'mon' d, 1 grp, '002' pk from dual union all
    10   select 'mon' d, 1 grp, '003' pk from dual union all
    11   select 'mon' d, 2 grp, '007' pk from dual union all
    12   select 'mon' d, 2 grp, '008' pk from dual union all
    13   select 'mon' d, 2 grp, '009' pk from dual union all
    14   select 'tue' d, 1 grp, '001' pk from dual union all
    15   select 'tue' d, 1 grp, '002' pk from dual union all
    16   select 'tue' d, 1 grp, '003' pk from dual union all
    17   select 'tue' d, 2 grp, '007' pk from dual union all
    18   select 'tue' d, 2 grp, '010' pk from dual) -- end of data sample
    19  select distinct '('||ltrim(max(c1) keep (dense_rank last order by lv),',')||')'
    20  from   (select d,grp,level lv,sys_connect_by_path(pk,',') c1
    21          from   tbl
    22          connect by d=prior d and grp = prior grp and pk > prior pk)
    23  group by d,grp;
    SQL>That works on 9i. Other possiblities on 10g.

  • Urgent Help : Need For Buying MSI Motherboard

    Hello , Past week i Ordered "MSI 990FXA-GD65 Motherboard"  after that i heard , that Product was Discontinued . so can i buy it Now .
    Does it Have Warranty ?
    Please Help Me to Buy or decline it .

    Quote from: flobelix on 10-August-13, 20:02:20
    You buy it now so of course you have warranty. Besides it is not discontinued

  • Urgent Help need for PCUI

       We have customization screen in Sales Transaction.
       It is working fine in CRM.
       But From Enterprice Portal That screen disappear.
       From some documentation To use EEWb.
       I generate prject in EEWB.
       In Deziner also I got field.
       My problem how do I attach This field with Database table ?
       How do we do this in CRMC_BLUEPRINT ?

    Amisha, I wrote a blog on this subject have a look here: https://www.sdn.sap.com/sdn/weblogs.sdn?blog=/pub/wlg/2040. [original link is broken] [original link is broken] [original link is broken] [original link is broken] [original link is broken] [original link is broken] [original link is broken] [original link is broken] [original link is broken] If you have additional questions, let me know, Tiest.

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