Urgent solution needed for the Problem ( get all the combination from table

we are having a table in following format
day | grpID | pktID
sun | 1 | 001
sun | 1 | 002
sun | 1 | 003
sun | 2 | 007
sun | 2 | 008
sun | 2 | 009
mon | 1 | 001
mon | 1 | 002
mon | 1 | 003
mon | 2 | 007
mon | 2 | 008
mon | 2 | 009
tue | 1 | 001
tue | 1 | 002
tue | 1 | 003
tue | 2 | 007
tue | 2 | 010
1. We have a combination of pkdIDs related with a specific grpID, for a particular day.
Ex: For Sunday, we have two combination list for grpID=1 is (001,002,003) and for group id = 2 is (007,008,009)
2. We need to get all the available combined pktid for each group id for all the days .
Eg the the expected result that is needed from the above table

SQL> with tbl as
  2  (select 'sun' d, 1 grp, '001' pk from dual union all
  3   select 'sun' d, 1 grp, '002' pk from dual union all
  4   select 'sun' d, 1 grp, '003' pk from dual union all
  5   select 'sun' d, 2 grp, '007' pk from dual union all
  6   select 'sun' d, 2 grp, '008' pk from dual union all
  7   select 'sun' d, 2 grp, '009' pk from dual union all
  8   select 'mon' d, 1 grp, '001' pk from dual union all
  9   select 'mon' d, 1 grp, '002' pk from dual union all
10   select 'mon' d, 1 grp, '003' pk from dual union all
11   select 'mon' d, 2 grp, '007' pk from dual union all
12   select 'mon' d, 2 grp, '008' pk from dual union all
13   select 'mon' d, 2 grp, '009' pk from dual union all
14   select 'tue' d, 1 grp, '001' pk from dual union all
15   select 'tue' d, 1 grp, '002' pk from dual union all
16   select 'tue' d, 1 grp, '003' pk from dual union all
17   select 'tue' d, 2 grp, '007' pk from dual union all
18   select 'tue' d, 2 grp, '010' pk from dual) -- end of data sample
19  select distinct '('||ltrim(max(c1) keep (dense_rank last order by lv),',')||')'
20  from   (select d,grp,level lv,sys_connect_by_path(pk,',') c1
21          from   tbl
22          connect by d=prior d and grp = prior grp and pk > prior pk)
23  group by d,grp;
SQL>That works on 9i. Other possiblities on 10g.

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    firstly i made a jtable to adds and deletes rows and passes the the data to the table model from some textfields. then i wanted to add a tablemoselistener method in order to change the value in the columns 1,2,3,4 and set the result of them in the column 5. when i added that portion of code the buttons that added and deleted rows had problems to function correctly..they dont work at all..can somebody have a look in my code and see wot is wrong..thanx in advance..
    below follows the code..sorry for the mesh of the code..you can use and run the code and notice the problem when you press the add button..also if you want delete the TableChanged method to see that the add button works perfect.
    * Created on 03-Aug-2005
    * TODO To change the template for this generated file go to
    * Window - Preferences - Java - Code Style - Code Templates
    * @author Administrator
    * TODO To change the template for this generated type comment go to
    * Window - Preferences - Java - Code Style - Code Templates
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
    import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
    import java.util.Vector;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.table.*;
    import javax.swing.event.TableModelEvent;
    import javax.swing.event.TableModelListener;
    import java.io.*;
    public class NodesTable extends JFrame implements TableModelListener, ActionListener {
    JTable jt;
    DefaultTableColumnModel dtcm;
    TableColumn column[] = new TableColumn[100];
    DefaultTableModel dtm;
    JLabel Name,m1,w1,m2,w2;
    JTextField NameTF,m1TF,w1TF,m2TF,w2TF;
    String c [] ={ "Name", "Assessment1", "Weight1" , "Assessment2","Weight2 ","TotalMark"};
    float x=0,y=0,tMark=0,z = 0;
    float j=0;
    int i;
         JButton DelButton;
         JButton AddButton;
         JScrollPane scrollPane;
         JPanel mainPanel,buttonPanel;
         JFrame frame;
         Object[][] data =
              {"tami", new Float(1), new Float(1.11), new Float(1.11),new Float(1),new Float(1)},
              {"tami", new Float(1), new Float(2.22), new Float(2.22),new Float(1),new Float(1)},
              {"petros", new Float(1), new Float(3.33), new Float(3.33),new Float(1),new Float(1)},
              {"petros", new Float(1), new Float(4.44), new Float(4.44),new Float(1),new Float(1)}
    public NodesTable() {
    super("Student Marking Spreadsheet");
    public void AddNodesintoTable(){
    // Create a vector object and load them with the data
    // to be placed on each row of the table
    dtm = new DefaultTableModel(data,c);
    dtm.addTableModelListener( this );
    jt = new JTable(dtm){
         // Returning the Class of each column will allow different
              // renderers to be used based on Class
              public Class getColumnClass(int column)
                   return getValueAt(0, column).getClass();
              // The Cost is not editable
              public boolean isCellEditable(int row, int column)
                   int modelColumn = convertColumnIndexToModel( column );
                   return (modelColumn == 5) ? false : true;
    //****************************User Input**************************
    //Add another node
    //Creating and setting the properties
    //of the panel's component (panels and textfields)
    Name = new JLabel("Name");
    m1 = new JLabel("Mark1");
    w1 = new JLabel("Weigth1");
    m2= new JLabel("Mark2");
    w2 = new JLabel("Weight2");
    NameTF = new JTextField(5);
    m1TF = new JTextField(5);
    w1TF = new JTextField(5);
    m2TF=new JTextField(5);
    w2TF=new JTextField(5);
    //creating the buttons
    JPanel buttonPanel = new JPanel();
    AddButton=new JButton("Add Row");
    DelButton=new JButton("Delete") ;
    //adding the components to the panel
    JPanel inputpanel = new JPanel();
    //creating the panel and setting its properties
    JPanel tablepanel = new JPanel();
    tablepanel.add(new JScrollPane(jt, JScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED
    getContentPane().add(tablepanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    getContentPane().add(inputpanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
    //Method to add row for each new entry
    public void addRow()
    Vector r=new Vector();
    public Vector createBlankElement()
    Vector t = new Vector();
    t.addElement((String) " ");
    t.addElement((String) " ");
    t.addElement((String) " ");
    t.addElement((String) " ");
    t.addElement((String) " ");
    return t;
    // Method to delete a row from the spreadsheet
    void deleteRow(int index)
    if(index!=-1) //At least one Row in Table
    // Method that adds and deletes rows
    // from the table by pressing the
    //corresponding buttons
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae){
         Float z=new Float (m2TF.getText());
    String Name= NameTF.getText();
    Float x= new Float(m1TF.getText());
    Float y= new Float(w1TF.getText());
    Float j=new Float (w2TF.getText());
    JFileChooser jfc2 = new JFileChooser();
    String newdata[]= {Name,String.valueOf(x),String.valueOf(y),
    Object source = ae.getSource();
    if(ae.getSource() == (JButton)AddButton)
    if (ae.getSource() ==(JButton) DelButton)
    //method to calculate the total mark in the TotalMark column
    //that updates the values in every other column
    //It takes the values from the column 1,2,3,4
    //and changes the value in the column 5
    public void tableChanged(TableModelEvent e) {
         if (e.getType() == TableModelEvent.UPDATE)
              int row = e.getFirstRow();
              int column = e.getColumn();
              if (column == 1 || column == 2 ||column == 3 ||column == 4)
                   TableModel model = jt.getModel();
              float     q= ((Float)model.getValueAt(row,1)).floatValue();
              float     w= ((Float)model.getValueAt(row,2)).floatValue();
              float     t= ((Float)model.getValueAt(row,3)).floatValue();
              float     r= ((Float)model.getValueAt(row,4)).floatValue();
                   Float tMark = new Float((q*w+t*r)/(w+r) );
                   model.setValueAt(tMark, row, 5);
    // Which cells are editable.
    // It is only necessary to implement this method
    // if the table is editable
    public boolean isCellEditable(int row, int col)
    { return true; //All cells are editable
    public static void main(String[] args) {
         NodesTable t=new NodesTable();

    There are too many mistakes in your program. It looks like you are new to java.
    Your add and delete row buttons are not working because you haven't registered your action listener with these buttons.
    I have modifide your code and now it works fine. Just put some validation code for the textboxes becuase it throws exception when user presses add button without entering anything.
    Here is the updated code: Do the diff and u will know my changes
    * Created on 03-Aug-2005
    * TODO To change the template for this generated file go to
    * Window - Preferences - Java - Code Style - Code Templates
    * @author Administrator
    * TODO To change the template for this generated type comment go to Window -
    * Preferences - Java - Code Style - Code Templates
    import java.awt.BorderLayout;
    import java.awt.Color;
    import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
    import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
    import javax.swing.JButton;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import javax.swing.JLabel;
    import javax.swing.JPanel;
    import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
    import javax.swing.JTable;
    import javax.swing.JTextField;
    import javax.swing.event.TableModelEvent;
    import javax.swing.event.TableModelListener;
    import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableColumnModel;
    import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel;
    import javax.swing.table.TableColumn;
    import javax.swing.table.TableModel;
    public class NodesTable extends JFrame implements TableModelListener,
              ActionListener {
         JTable jt;
         DefaultTableColumnModel dtcm;
         TableColumn column[] = new TableColumn[100];
         DefaultTableModel dtm;
         JLabel Name, m1, w1, m2, w2;
         JTextField NameTF, m1TF, w1TF, m2TF, w2TF;
         String c[] = { "Name", "Assessment1", "Weight1", "Assessment2", "Weight2 ",
                   "TotalMark" };
         float x = 0, y = 0, tMark = 0, z = 0;
         float j = 0;
         int i;
         JButton DelButton;
         JButton AddButton;
         JScrollPane scrollPane;
         JPanel mainPanel, buttonPanel;
         JFrame frame;
         public NodesTable() {
              super("Student Marking Spreadsheet");
              setSize(400, 250);
         public void AddNodesintoTable() {
              // Create a vector object and load them with the data
              // to be placed on each row of the table
              dtm = new DefaultTableModel(c,0);
              jt = new JTable(dtm) {
                   // The Cost is not editable
                   public boolean isCellEditable(int row, int column) {
                        int modelColumn = convertColumnIndexToModel(column);
                        return (modelColumn == 5) ? false : true;
              //****************************User Input**************************
              //Add another node
              //Creating and setting the properties
              //of the panel's component (panels and textfields)
              Name = new JLabel("Name");
              m1 = new JLabel("Mark1");
              w1 = new JLabel("Weigth1");
              m2 = new JLabel("Mark2");
              w2 = new JLabel("Weight2");
              NameTF = new JTextField(5);
              m1TF = new JTextField(5);
              w1TF = new JTextField(5);
              m2TF = new JTextField(5);
              w2TF = new JTextField(5);
              //creating the buttons
              JPanel buttonPanel = new JPanel();
              AddButton = new JButton("Add Row");
              DelButton = new JButton("Delete");
              //adding the components to the panel
              JPanel inputpanel = new JPanel();
              //creating the panel and setting its properties
              JPanel tablepanel = new JPanel();
              tablepanel.add(new JScrollPane(jt,
              getContentPane().add(tablepanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
              getContentPane().add(inputpanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
         //Method to add row for each new entry
         public void addRow() {
              Float z = new Float(m2TF.getText());
              String Name = NameTF.getText();
              Float x = new Float(m1TF.getText());
              Float y = new Float(w1TF.getText());
              Float j = new Float(w2TF.getText());
              String newdata[] = { Name, String.valueOf(x), String.valueOf(y),
                        String.valueOf(z), String.valueOf(j) };
         // Method to delete a row from the spreadsheet
         void deleteRow(int index) {
              if (index != -1) //At least one Row in Table
         // Method that adds and deletes rows
         // from the table by pressing the
         //corresponding buttons
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) {
              Object source = ae.getSource();
              if (ae.getSource() == (JButton) AddButton) {
              if (ae.getSource() == (JButton) DelButton) {
         //method to calculate the total mark in the TotalMark column
         //that updates the values in every other column
         //It takes the values from the column 1,2,3,4
         //and changes the value in the column 5
         public void tableChanged(TableModelEvent e) {
              //if (e.getType() == TableModelEvent.UPDATE) {
                   int row = e.getFirstRow();
                   int column = e.getColumn();
                   if (column == 1 || column == 2 || column == 3 || column == 4) {
                        TableModel model = jt.getModel();
                        float q = (new Float(model.getValueAt(row, 1).toString())).floatValue();
                        float w = (new Float(model.getValueAt(row, 2).toString())).floatValue();
                        float t = (new Float(model.getValueAt(row, 3).toString())).floatValue();
                        float r = (new Float(model.getValueAt(row, 4).toString())).floatValue();
                        Float tMark = new Float((q * w + t * r) / (w + r));
                        model.setValueAt(tMark, row, 5);
         // Which cells are editable.
         // It is only necessary to implement this method
         // if the table is editable
         public boolean isCellEditable(int row, int col) {
              return true; //All cells are editable
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              NodesTable t = new NodesTable();

  • Please urgent help needed for the following

    Hi Everybody!
    I desperately need help as soon as possible.
    Following is the partial code for the driver program which will use the Employee class Objects(Employee is declared abstract). If you want to see whole code you can take a look at my last two or three posts in this forum.
    1-     Now data input by the user in the specific field( name, rate ) should be displayed in the �List� at the top of the frame after pressing �Enter� key. Can anyone help me to achieve this functionality. While doing this keep in mind the capacity of Array
    2-     I also need �rate� textfield to enabled initially & become disable when �raise� (for trigerring calculating raise in weekly pay) is checked. On this �increased� textbox will become �enabled� which was disabled initially.
    3-     The stuff which may have the problems is followed by �*******************�.
    // here is how I declared handlers
    ActionEventHandler handler = new ActionEventHandler();
    ItemEventHandler listener = new ItemEventHandler();
    // here is the declaration of awt components which are going to be placed on Frame.
    public class ActionEventHandler implements ActionListener
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
    //if(event.getSource() == enterButton)
    for (int i = 0 ; i < empArray.length; i++)
    if(event.getSource() == enterButton)
    /*else if(event.getSource() == hoursField)
    if(event.getSource() == clearButton)
    }//else if
    public class ItemEventHandler implements ItemListener
    public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent event)
    //if(event.getSource() == enterButton)
    else if(raiseSal.getState())
    public void createHourly()
    //String name = nameField.getText();
    double payRate = Double.parseDouble(rateField.getText());
    double hours = Double.parseDouble(hoursField.getText());
    empArray[empCreated] = new HourlyEmployee(nameField.getText(), payRate, hours);
    currentEmp = empCreated;
    /* public void createSalaried()
    //String name = nameField.getText();
    double payRate = Double.parseDouble(rateField.getText());
    double hours = Double.parseDouble(hoursField.getText());
    empArray[empCreated] = new HourlyEmployee(nameField.getText(), payRate, hours);
    currentEmp = empCreated;
    enterButton = new Button("add");
    looking forward your kindness

    Visit YAT-Yet Another Thread this is a discussion using the Sun book Core Java 2
    and one part in that book uses an example with Employee class of which I assume you are stealing your class-name from. Anyway, that thread is in the Java forums.

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    Need an answer for the following . Its for Voluntary Time Recording...
    1) Maintain IT0007 with the percentage of employment for both part time and full time employees.
    2) The Max Flexi-time for part-time and full-time employees is 37.5/40 hours per week.
    3) Maintain attendance infotype.
    4) Notification to be sent to the manager once the flexi-time reaches a limit of +15/-15 hours per week. This has to be done through workflow.
    5) For the fulltime employees, the flexitime applicable is only +15 as they will maintain absence quota.
    6) Once the request is  approved ,  the flexi-time data has to get save in the database.
    7) In the quota overview, the daily view is to be removed. The time accounts detail should not be there. The only relevant columns to be displayed are Key Date(Default is current date), Type(Flexitime) and Current Balance(in hours)
    If you can please let me know of the configuration changes and workflow changes too...

    Moderator message - Please do not post your requirements and ask the forum to do your work for you.
    post locked

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    Hi raid5, and welcome to the Lenovo User Community!
    I'm sorry you are locked out of your B310. Unfortunately the Community Rules do not allow discussion of methods to defeat passwords. 
    I don't work for Lenovo. I'm a crazy volunteer!

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    javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: [LDAP: error code 32 - No Such Object]; rema
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    The source code is as follows,the same exception comes even when i try to do a search on the ldap.
    Am i missing out anything?
    package com.retail.ldap;
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.naming.*;
    import javax.naming.directory.*;
    import javax.naming.ldap.*;
    public class GateWay {
    public GateWay() {
    public static void main(java.lang.String[] args) {
    Hashtable env = new Hashtable();
    env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "ldap://localhost:389");
    DirContext ctx = new InitialDirContext(env);
    String s=new String();
    ctx.bind("cn=aString", s);
    catch(Exception e){System.out.println(e);}

    Try to specify the correct distinguished name to bind method. The distinguished name (the fully qualified name) of an object in Directory is concatenation of its relative name ( in your case "cn=aString" ) and the distinguished name of its container ( "cn=Users,dc=domain1,dc=softvision,dc=ro -- this is my case ). So pass as parameter to bind method a string like: "cn=AString,cn=theContainer,dc=yourDomain,dc=yourCompany,dc=com"
    Cosmin Petra

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    Solution needed for the below problem in oracle IPM/UCM cluster .
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    The document checked in Oracle UCM can be viewed through IPM Viewer only if the security group of the document is set to a IPM Profile .
    The IPM Profile is created in Oracle UCM Configuration Manager Component whenever a application is created in IPMServer .
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    IPMApplication created in host 1 is creating profile in UCM Component Manager of host 1 but not in UCM Host2 component manager (Vice Versa).
    This affects url generations of checked in documents through proxy since the IPM profile is not available in cluster.
    Scenario :
    IPM MetaData UCM Component Manager(Profile)
    Host1 Host2 Host1 Host2 Host1 Host2
    IPM_APP_1 Visible Visible Visible Visible Not Visible
    Visible IPM_APP_2 Visible Visible NotVisibe Visible

    Error Message is- "Invoiced quantity is greater than mother invoice quantity".
    this error means your Depot invoice quantity is high, please check your mother invoice quantity, its means branch invoice quantity , and depot invoice quantity , is deferent so , please check both invoice quantity ,
    and also check you migo,
    ME21N-VL10B-VL02N-VF01-J1IIN-MIGO-VA01-VL01N-J1IJ-VF01, in this process you can do J1IG , Its process
    me21n-vl10b-vl02n-vf01-j1iin-migo-j1ig-va01-vl01n-j1ij-vf01, this is process of depot sales, so please check this process

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    I have a 13" MacPro.  How can I create a Face Time account.  I have an Apple ID and password.  When I Google how to create an account all I get is what I need for the system

    You don't need to create an account.   Your use your Apple ID to log into Facetime.
    If you haven't already you will need to download the Facetime App from the Mac App Store.
    FaceTime for Mac: Troubleshooting FaceTime - Apple Support

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    Hello can someone help me I have an iphone 4 and my daughter has an ipod touch we are on the same email address but somehow with in the last 25hrs all of my contacts are gone and only hers on on my phone is there a way for me to get all my contacts back?

    If you need assistance with finding any of your restores or attempting to restore from any that happened prior to his incident follow this article
    IF you do find a backup that has your contacts; I'd /highly/ recommand turning off your wifi network after the restore is finished because if the issue is with your iCloud your contacts may merge back with her's.
    With iCloud you DO NOT want to share the account; bad things happen Evil evil thigns...
    But in all seriousness; if two devices have the same iCloud; iCloud is told to merge and sync infomation between hte two and can't tell that it doesn't belong to the same person

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    I want to give my old iphone 4 to my daughter and need to get all her info from her old iphone 3 onto a new computer.  The PC she synced with is dead and she does not want to loose all her contacts and music. How can I do this?

    To effectively transfer ownership of the iPhone requires that it be "restored" as a new device.
    ...  The PC she synced with is dead
    The iPhone is not a backup device. Your computer backs up the iPhone, not the other way around. What you use to back up your computer is up to you - Macs use Time Machine. I assume PCs use something similar.
    If her PC backup is dead you will have difficulty extracting content from the iPhone since it is not designed to work that way.
    All her Apple purchases can easily be transferred to another iPhone. However, her contacts will be gone, as will any music or other contact obtained from sources other than Apple.
    There are a number of third party utilities that claim to be able to extract content from an iPhone. See wjosten's procedure here:

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    hi i have an iphone 5 and i use iMessage to reach my contacts, 2 weeks ago i switched my plan so now i have no internet in my plan. Since i changed my plan i don't receive the messages other iphone users send me. what do i need to do to get all messages?

    iMessage requires data. You need to have an active internet connnection, either wi-fi or cellular. If you are not connected via wi-fi, then you would need a cellular data connection. If you do not have that, then you will not receive the iMessages. Either get the cellular data back, or remain connected to wi-fi, or you will have to disable iMessage and ensure that you have an SMS texting plan with your carrier.

  • Help needed for THE decision

    Hi everyone ☺
    I’m finally planning to start recording what I play, and after some hours of wandering on the web I found some interesting possibilities. Now what I need is to decide which one is more suitable for my needs, and here comes the moment for apple discussions
    Basically, I will record my own music one track/instrument at a time (I’m still not able to play more than one…and I dont’ want to spend 2.000$ to buy a 24-ins device just to record drum tracks), I’d like to have a software with built-in effects for guitar/bass/voice, integrated soundtrack possibilities (to play with video recordings), mixing options for both stereo and surround mixing, and I don’t want any card to be placed into my mac. Well, and obviously the sound quality must be pro-like…as anyone probably wants.
    So, here’s what I came up with:
    a) getting logic pro studio 8 and apogee duet
    b) getting pro tools m-powered and mbox 2
    c) getting one of the two softwares and a Monster iStudioLink Instrument cable and plug instruments directly into the mac
    Now, the questions are:
    if I can plug an instrument directly into my mac and control all parameters via one of the two softwares, what do tools like duet and mbox2 serve for?
    In the case this tools are useful [ ☺ ], why ☺ … and which is the couple software/hardware that can best suit my needs?
    I assume that every software has a proprietary file extension in which audio tracks are saved, so that it should be impossible to record an audio track with one software and edit it with another that has different functions/plugins (ex. from logic to pro tools, from pro tools to cakewalk sonar which I have on a pc etc.). Am I right, or is there any “standard”, non compressed high quality file type in which track can be saved and exported to be edited with different softwares?
    I know that from this post it may easily seem that I’m a hopeless digital idiot, but I swear the situation is not really that bad so no need for the kind of explanations with drawings like the ones you find in the “for dummies” guides lol so every experts’ advice will be greatly appreciated

    Thank you Bee Jay and Pancenter for the lighting-fast and useful answers
    now I am aware that an interface IS NEEDED lol (that means they are not produced without a reasons, are they?). I know Pro Tools is the industry standard but I don't like anyone/anything to tie me to their choices/interests (so that's why I was asking about Pro Tools, knowing that there's some sort of "hardware threat"). What I look for is just quality and if I understood what you both mean, as far as this aspect is concerned, Logic and Pro Tools are substantially comparable...isn't it? On the interfaces side, I already checked the Saffire ones (they seem quite good, and cross-platform use is definitely a plus), I will check the others mentioned and will let you know In fact, I didn't consider the "platform problem" but, as I wrote, I also own a PC with an Audigy 2 soundcard (midi/analog/optical/digital inputs/outputs and firewire port...not Madonna's private studio, but not as sad as Mac's little hole) and Sonar 6 Producer Edition, so that has been a really good point to ponder. And now, in the middle of this software/hardware battle...any personal suggestions based on tests/personal experience?

  • The need for the option to purchase perpetual license of Production Bundle

    My business has used Adobe products for 15 years. I am a big fan. But I wish to continue purchasing the Production Bundle line of products with perpetual licenses. I have no need for the Cloud. I also want to upgrade from my current version of CS6 as I have done in the past, for about $350. Month to month rental does not work for my business. I also dont feel paying $600 for the Cloud is appropriate since my standard yeaarly upgrades are usually $350. If you folks dont give me a choice I will have to end my use of Adobe software. Many other professionals feel the same way. Please give us an option for ownership. Otherwise you may find you have a mass exodus from folks that have happily purchased your product for years.

    Hi Todd and 001andrew,
    I was going through the discussion we were having in last 4-5 post in this thread and it made me reply to your query and concerns.
    I think you are mixing up 2 things here "Adobe Creative Cloud" and "Adobe Marketing cloud". Creative cloud comes under Digital Media whereas Marketing cloud comes under Digital Marketing.
    Adobe® Marketing Cloud gives you a complete set of analytics, social, advertising, targeting, and web experience management solutions and a real-time dashboard that brings together everything you need to know about your marketing campaigns. So you can get from data to insights to action, faster and smarter than ever.
    You can explore more about Marketing cloud on the following link:
    On the other hand Creative cloud gives you a simple membership which gives you the entire collection of CS6 tools and more. be it print or Interested in websites and iPad apps or Ready to edit video? You can do it all. Plus, Creative Cloud members automatically get access to new products and exclusive updates as soon as they’re released. And, with cloud storage and the ability to sync to any device, your files are always right where you need them.
    Adobe Creative Cloud is an ongoing membership that gives your team access to all the Adobe Creative Suite® 6 desktop applications, plus other tools and services including Adobe Muse, Adobe Acrobat XI and Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4 software, Adobe Edge Tools & Services, and more. Creative Cloud also includes new Internet-based services* and enables the delivery of high-impact content experiences such as interactive websites and stunning digital magazines. By offering connectivity with Adobe Touch Apps†, headlined by Adobe Photoshop Touch, Creative Cloud enables a mobile workflow, from ideation to publishing, to bring the power of Adobe innovation to iPad devices and Android™ tablets. Creative Cloud gives you freedom to create, offering immediate and ongoing access to industry-defining tools and technologies, to serve a vibrant worldwide community of creative talent.
    to know more about the creative cloud offering you can visit:
    Hope this helps you to understand the concept.
    Also on the point where you have mentioned that where Adobe's Quarter result indicate that "Deferred revenue grew by $80.5 million to a record $700.0 million. " This Mean that Adobe has invested a lot in new offerings which is a liability as of now and this will turn into regular revenue in the future financial results.
    Just to make it easy to understand deferred revenue means that we have advance payments or unearned revenue, recorded on the Adobe's balance sheet as a liability, until the services have been rendered or products have been delivered. Deferred revenue is a liability because it refers to revenue that has not yet been earned, but represents products or services that are owed to the customer. As the product or service is delivered over time, it is recognized as revenue on the income statement.
    Companies generally have sizable amounts of deferred revenues on their balance sheets, typically representing license fees and annual maintenance charges. Analysts study trends in deferred revenues of such companies for a better indication of their financial performance.
    So yes it is a good indication for Adobe and promise a great results in future. And obvously we can do it only with our esteemed and respected customers coming along in this great journey for Adobe.
    Kapil Malik

  • Software needed for the USB device, "USB Interface Controller TEST2.0"

    My mother recently acquired a digital camera. She acquired it from a second-hand store, which did not include an interface cable or software. The manual (and the USB port on the camera) indicates that a male-male USB cable is necessary for photos to be copied to the hard drive.
    I was not successful in locating such a cable at any local electronics store (I assume such a cable is now out-of-date). I purchased one from a seller on eBay. The brand is "e circuit electronics".
    Upon powering up the camera with the cable connected to it and the computer, the following message appeared:
    "Software needed for the USB device "USB Interface Controller TEST2.0" is not available. Would you like to look for the software on the Internet?"
    I clicked "Yes". After an approximate two-minute wait, another message appeared stating:
    "Software Update is not able to connect to the Internet. Please check your configuration and try again."
    I deleted, "Software Update Preferences" in the Preferences folder inside the System Folder, without solving the problem. How do I solve the issue of allowing Software Update to connect to the Internet?

    Thank you for your continued assistance, BDAqua. Unfortunately, the driver you linked to does not seem to be compatible with the camera. It is a driver for the V20 model, whereas my model would correspond to be a V2755, as referenced from a list of other Vivicam models when during a search at the Open Drivers web site.
    From the system requirement about the card reader you gave me, it will not work, as this system is running 9.1. I am hesistant to upgrade this computer to 9.2, as I have experienced system unstability with that version, with even the 9.2.2 update applied.
    In the mean time, I have e-mailed Vivitar regarding this issue, but have as of yet received a reply.
    I am not certain as to other specifics to give you, in order to solve the Software Update problem. Please elaborate.
    Yes eww, the computer in question is able to fully connect to the Internet for all that I need. I am fully aware of the difference between a computer connecting to the Internet, and a computer connecting to a digital camera. I have 15 years of Macintosh experience.

  • I am confused about Icloud. I have a 5 year old Macbook, a 2 year old macbook and a 5 year old mac mini. What exactly do I need to do to get all this connected via Icloud. I also have an Iphone 3G. Help please!

    I am confused about Icloud. I have a 5 year old Macbook, a 2 year old macbook and a 5 year old mac mini. What exactly do I need to do to get all this connected via Icloud. I also have an Iphone 3G. Help please! Also, I still don't understand exactly what the benefits are. At the moment it seems a lot of hassle to change a system that's been working perfectly well and that I'm very happy with. I'm not at all sure whether the mac mini (1.66 GHz INtel Core Duo) can be brought up to the relevant spec to run ICloud.  Any thoughts?

    There are two aspects to iCloud.  One is simply getting an account, or migrating a mobileme account to iCloud.  The second part is using the various features of iCloud to sync contacts, calendars, use music match or photo sharing, and store iWorks documents.
    First to get an iCloud account:
    If you have a mobileme account, you can migrate by simply logging onto www.icloud.com (ignore any references to Lion and just click through to complete the migration).  If you have OS X Lion or an iOS 5 mobile device, you can create an iCloud account on that device using any valid AppleID.
    Once you have an account, you can use JUST the mail account if you wishi - it is a standard IMAP account so you would set it up like any other IMAP email account you have, in whatever client program you use to read email.
    To use the OTHER feautes of iCloud, your computers will have to be running OS X Lion (10.7).  Your iPhone 3G will never be able to use iCloud as it cannot run iOS 5 (you need a min. of an iPhone 3GS to run iOS 5).
    The requirements for OS X Lion are here - http://www.apple.com/macosx/specs.html  You need a min. of a Core 2 duo processor so you mini is not capable of running Lion.
    So, in your case, the single reasons for iCloud would be if you have a mobileme account, then use the online www.icloud.com to migrate your account so you do not lose your @me.com email address.  You can use iCloud email (without using any other iCloud features) by setting it up as IMAP mail with these settings - http://support.apple.com/kb/HT4864
    If you want an iCloud account and do NOT already have a mobileme account, you will need to upgrade one machine at least to Lion in order to be able to create an iCloud account.

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