User lock script

This is scirpt
rm -f usercheck.out
echo "Checking $ORACLE_SID for $ORACLE_USER" $ORACLE_SID >>usercheck.out
if [ -s usercheck.out ]
then cat usercheck.out
else echo "$ORACLE_USER not found in any database."
exit 0
# Modifications:
# Create three "temporary files" for later use...
rm -f ${_TmpFile1} ${_TmpFile2} ${_TmpFile3}
# Run the generated script and save the output...
. oraenv
sqlplus -s /nolog << __EOF__ > ${_TmpFile3}
set feedback off
set echo off
set pages 0
conn util/opensox1@$1
select granted_role,'has role in database ${_TnsAlias}' from dba_role_privs wher
e grantee like upper('%$ORACLE_USER%');
cat ${_TmpFile3} | grep -v SP2 | grep -v Conne |sort
rm -f ${_TmpFile1} ${_TmpFile2} ${_TmpFile3}
exit 0
this the template i got to use to make another script for locking the users account.
I am new DBA been working as developer mostly,i would really apperciate your help.
Thanxs in advance

Pull your SQL manual and look up ALTER USER. Locking a user is simple and your shell script is much more complicated than needed for locking a user.
alter user X account lock;
HTH -- Mark D Powell --

Similar Messages

  • LOCKS checking user locked and SQL that he is executing

    Hello all,
    I have this script that inserts into a table the user causing the lock and the users waiting for the lock to be released.
    What I would like to add into this the script is the SQL string that the user causing the lock and the users waiting for the the lock to be released are executing.
    Can you help me on this?
    Script that I have now:
    insert into dba.sessions_bloq
    select sysdate "Data", w.sid "SID E", s1.username "User E", s1.osuser "OS User E", s1.machine "Maquina E", s1.program "Programa E", s1.logon_time "Logon E",
    s.ksusenum "SID B", s2.username "User B", s2.osuser "OS User B", s2.machine "Maquina B", s2.program "Programa B", s2.logon_time "Logon B"
    ''MR'', ''Media Recovery'',
    ''RT'', ''Redo Thread'',
    ''UN'', ''User Name'',
    ''TX'', ''Transaction'',
    ''TM'', ''DML'',
    ''UL'', ''PL/SQL User Lock'',
    ''DX'', ''Distributed Xaction'',
    ''CF'', ''Control File'',
    ''IS'', ''Instance State'',
    ''FS'', ''File Set'',
    ''IR'', ''Instance Recovery'',
    ''ST'', ''Disk Space Transaction'',
    ''TS'', ''Temp Segment'',
    ''IV'', ''Library Cache Invalidation'',
    ''LS'', ''Log Start or Switch'',
    ''RW'', ''Row Wait'',
    ''SQ'', ''Sequence Number'',
    ''TE'', ''Extend Table'',
    ''TT'', ''Temp Table'',
    r.ksqrsidt) "Tipo Lock"
    from gv$session_wait w, x$ksqrs r, gv$_lock l, x$ksuse s, gv$session s1, gv$session s2
    where w.wait_Time = 0
    and w.event = ''enqueue''
    and r.ksqrsid1 = w.p2
    and r.ksqrsid2 = w.p3
    and r.ksqrsidt = chr(bitand(p1,-16777216)/16777215)||
    and l.block = 1
    and l.saddr = s.addr
    and l.raddr = r.addr
    and s.inst_id = userenv(''Instance'')
    and w.sid = s1.sid
    and w.inst_id = s1.inst_id
    and s.ksusenum = s2.sid
    and s.inst_id = s2.inst_id;
    Thanks in advance

    You can link to:
    but, if doing this in a trigger, also look at these:

  • LOCK 문제 해결을 위한 SCRIPT

    작성날짜 : 2002-04-12
    LOCK 문제 해결을 위한 SCRIPT
    Lock이 걸리는 여러가지 현상에 대한 확인과 조치 방법을 알아보자.
    1. LOCK 문제를 일으키는 SQL 명령 찾기
    (1) 다음 Query는 Lock과 관련된 transaction을 출력해준다.
    column username format a10
    column sid format 999
    column lock_type format a15
    column MODE_HELD format a11
    column MODE_REQUESTED format a10
    column LOCK_ID1 format a8
    column LOCK_ID2 format a8
    select a.sid,
    'MR', 'Media Recovery',
    'RT', 'Redo Thread',
    'UN', 'User Name',
    'TX', 'Transaction',
    'TM', 'DML',
    'UL', 'PL/SQL User Lock',
    'DX', 'Distributed Xaction',
    'CF', 'Control File',
    'IS', 'Instance State',
    'FS', 'File Set',
    'IR', 'Instance Recovery',
    'ST', 'Disk Space Transaction',
    'IR', 'Instance Recovery',
    'TS', 'Temp Segment',
    'IV', 'Library Cache Invalidation',
    'LS', 'Log Start or Switch',
    'RW', 'Row Wait',
    'SQ', 'Sequence Number',
    'TE', 'Extend Table',
    'TT', 'Temp Table',
    a.type) lock_type,
    0, 'None', /* Non Lock equivalent */
    1, 'Null', /* N */
    2, 'Row-S (SS)', /* L */
    3, 'Row-X (SX)', /* R */
    3, 'Row-X (SX)', /* R */
    4, 'Share', /* S */
    5, 'S/Row-X (SSX)', /* C */
    6, 'Exclusive', /* X */
    to_char(a.lmode)) mode_held,
    0, 'None', /* Mon Lock equivalent */
    1, 'Null', /* N */
    2, 'Row-S (SS)', /* L */
    3, 'Row-X (SX)', /* R */
    4, 'Share', /* S */
    5, 'S/Row-X (SSX)', /* C */
    6, 'Exclusive', /* X */
    to_char(a.request)) mode_requested,
    to_char(a.id1) lock_id1, to_char(a.id2) lock_id2
    from v$lock a
    where (id1,id2) in
    (select b.id1, b.id2 from v$lock b where b.id1=a.id1 and
    b.id2=a.id2 and b.request>0);
    (2) 출력 결과
    5 Transaction Exclusive None 262172 90
    6 Transaction None Exclusive 262172 90
    9 Transaction None Exclusive 262172 90
    SID 6과 9는 SID 5가 걸고 있는 Lock이 풀리기를 기다리고 있음을 알 수 있다.
    2. Lock 관련된 테이블 확인하기
    (1) 다음 Query는 Lock과 관련된 테이블을 출력해 준다.
    column username format a10
    column lockwait format a10
    column sql_text format a80
    column object_owner format a14
    column object format a15
    select b.username username, c.sid sid, c.owner object_owner,
    c.object object, b.lockwait, a.sql_text SQL
    from v$sqltext a, v$session b, v$access c
    where a.address=b.sql_address and
    a.hash_value=b.sql_hash_value and
    b.sid = c.sid and c.owner != 'SYS';
    (2) 출력결과
    LTO2 6 LTO EMP C3D320F4
    update lto.emp set empno =25 where empno=7788
    LTO3 9 LTO EMP C3D320C8
    delete from lto.emp where empno=7788
    insert into lto.dept values (60,'PROGRAMMER','LOS ANGELOS')
    여기서는 USERNAME에 나와있는 유저가 OBJECT에 나와있는 테이블을 수정하려고
    함을 나타낸다. LT02, LT03는 LT0가 Commit, Rollback 하기를 기다리고 있음을
    알 수 있다. 하지만 여기에는 가장 최근의 DML 명령 하나만 나와있기 때문에
    여기 나온 명령이 반드시 Lock을 걸고 있는 명령이라고 단정지을 수는 없다.
    3. LOCK과 관련된 프로세스 찾기
    (1) 다음 Query를 실행해 보면 프로세스와 관련된 정보를 얻을 수 있다.
    column "ORACLE USER" format a11
    column SERIAL# format 9999999
    column "OS USER" format a8
    select substr(s.username,1,11) "ORACLE USER", "PROCESS ID",
    s.sid "SESSION ID", s.serial#, osuser "OS USER",
    p.spid "PROC SPID",s.process "SESS SPID", s.lockwait "LOCK WAIT"
    from v$process p, v$session s, v$access a
    where a.sid=s.sid and
    p.addr=s.paddr and
    s.username != 'SYS';
    (2) 위의 Query를 실행하면 다음과 같은 결과가 출력된다.
    LTO 19 5 31 usupport 17312 17309
    LTO2 25 6 43 usupport 17313 17310 C3D320F4
    LTO3 26 9 1 usupport 17314 17311 C3D320D8
    (3) 조치 방법
    a. LTO에게 Commit, Rollback 할 것을 요구한다.
    c. %kill -9 17309 (유닉스상의 Shadown Process)
    stop/id=<SESS SPID> (PROC SPID=SESS SPID on vms running single task)
    여기서 SYS 유저는 제외시켰는데 필요하다면 Query의 Where 조건에서
    s.username != 'SYS' 부분을 삭제하면 된다.
    $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin 디렉토리에 있는 스크립트 가운데 catblock.sql과
    utllockt.sql을 사용하여서 Lock 상황을 쉽게 파악할 수 있다.
    (1) 실행 방법
    %cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin
    %sqldba lmode=y (svrmgrl
    SVRMGR>connect internal
    (2) 결과 확인
    column waiting_session format a8
    select lpad(' ',3*(level-1)) || waiting_session,
    from lock_holders
    connect by prior waiting_session = holding_session
    start with holding_session is null;
    5 None
    6 Transaction Exclusive Exclusive 262172 90
    9 Transaction Exclusive Exclusive 262172 90
    여기서 Session 6, Session 9가 Session 5를 기다리고 있음을 알 수 있다.
    5. Lock & Hanging 문제를 추정하는 방법
    프로그램 상에서 어느 부분이 Lock, Hanging 문제를 일으키는지 알아내기가
    여의치 않을때 다음과 같은 방법을 사용해 보기 바란다.
    (1) init<SID>.ora의 sql_trace=ture로 세팅하면 연관된 SQL 명령이 출력될
    (2) OS 상에서도 Process 상태를 점검하여 본다.
    (3) OS 상의 Debugging 기능을 사용하거나 만약 가능하다면 oradbx를 사용한다.
    Platform 에 따라서 없을 수도 있다.
    (4) 여러가지 Monitoring 방법과 Locking/Blocking 스크립트를 이용한다.
    때로는 Hanging Process나 리소스를 점유하고 있는 Process의 Process Stack을
    점검해 보는 것이 문제 해결에 도움이 되는 경우가 있다.
    (1) OS Debugging 프로그램을 이용하여 Hangup 되기 전의 마지막 Call을
    ex)%truss -p <shadow pid>
    (2) oradbx(오라클 debugging 프로그램)은 Support,Development 시에만
    (3) oradbx 사용예제
    select substr(s.username,1,11) "ORACLE USER" , "PROCESS ID", s.sid "SESSION ID", s.serial#,
    osuser "OS USER", p.spid "PROC SPID"
    from v$session s, v$access a, v$process p
    where a.sid=s.sid and
    p.addr=s.paddr and
    s.username != 'SYS';
    위의 Query를 실행하면 다음과 같은 결과가 출력된다.
    LTO 19 5 31 usupport 17312 17309
    LTO2 25 6 43 usupport 17313 17310 C3D320F4
    LTO3 26 9 1 usupport 17314 17311 C3D320D8
    만약 oradbx가 없다면 다음과 같이 해서 만들어 준다.
    %cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib
    %make -f oradbx
    LTO Process가 무엇을 하고 있는지 알고 싶으면 Process Stack을 보면 알수
    ps -ef | grep 17312
    usupport 17312 17309 0 Sep 15 ? 0:00 oracleV713(DESCRIPTION=(LOCAL=YE
    type <oradbx>
    debug 17312 (이 유저의 oracle shadow process)
    dump stack
    dump procstat
    위에서 생성된 트레이스 화일(user_dump_dest 에 생성됨)을 이용하면
    Hanging 문제를 해결하는데 큰 도움이 된다.
    7. 자주 발생하는 LOCK 문제들
    (1) Parent-Child 관계로 묶인 테이블에서 Child 테이블에 Index가 없는
    상황에서 Child 테이블을 수정하게 되면 Parent테이블에 TABLE LEVEL
    SHARE LOCK이 걸리게 되어서 Parent 테이블에 대한 모든 Update가
    (2) 블럭의 PCTFREE가 매우 작다면 한 블럭에 여러개의 레코드가 들어 있기
    때문에 한 블럭에 과도한 트랜잭션이 들어와서 블럭의 Transaction
    Layer가 Release 되기를 기다리게 되는 경우도 있다.
    (3) 예제
    create table test (a number) initrans 1 maxtrans 1;
    SYSTEM: insert into test values (5); /* completed */
    SCOTT: insert into SYSTEM.test values (10); /* Scott waits */
    7 System Transaction Exclusive None 196639 54
    10 Scott Transaction None Share 196639 54

  • Users lock themselves

    Dear all,
    I've the following problem when executing a webinterface in STS:
    When a webinterface is opened and afterwards closed, we noticed that in transaction SM04 the HTTP session is still open.
    Therefore when the same webinterface is opened again the system gives a message 'system locked by user'.
    <b>This means that a user locks himself</b>.
    At the moment it can only be solved by closing the session locally in transaction sm04.
    How can this be solved?
    Thanks for your suggestions,

    <b>NOTE</b> I just found out that my solution exits even when you save data, which is not very usefull, I have to work a little more on the solution. I'll post my findings....
    I think I found a solution based on the clue that Suan gave. I'm experincing the exact same problem at a client, so I needed a solution as well. My problem is with users clicking on the X instead of using the Exit button.
    I've never edited a BSP page before, so there might be a better way to do it or a completely different solution, but this seems to work. I just started working on it today, so its not thoroughly tested either.
    Anyways here's what I've done:
    1) Open the BSP application in SE80
    2) Edit the page pm_page.htm
    3) Insert the following in the data: section: <b>lr_unloadbee TYPE REF TO cl_bsp_bee_table</b>
    4) Insert the following just after the constants section:
    <b>CREATE OBJECT lr_unloadbee.
    lr_unloadbee->add_html( html = 'onUnload="handleLogoff()"' ).</b>
    5) Insert the following in the page_header_page section:
    <b><SCRIPT language="JavaScript">
    function handleLogoff()
    6) Find the place where the Body tag is defined, should look something likes this:
    <htmlb:documentBody onLoad="handleLoad('......
    7) Change the documentBody to the following:
    <htmlb:documentBody <b>attributeBee="<%=lr_unloadbee%>"</b> onLoad="handleLoad('.....
    And that's it...
    So what I basically do is to use the onUnload event to capture when then user clicks on the X (to close the window) and I then execute the same javascript as if the user clicked on the exit button.
    I just found out it does not seem to save changed data/prompt you whether you want to save, so I'll have to work on that )
    Hope this helps,
    -Jacob Lund
    Message was edited by: Jacob Lund

  • How to change the Default login script and the USER login script in Netware3.12

    I need to cut down the disk map from Neware 3.12 in Win98 client's PC.
    please tell me
    how to change the Default login script and the USER login script in
    Netware3.12 ?
    Or is there any other ways to do this thing?
    Thanks a lot!

    On 4/6/2006 [email protected] wrote:
    > how to change the Default login script and the USER login script in
    > Netware3.12 ?
    Please repost in the discontinued.forums.
    Edison Ortiz
    Novell Product Support Forum SysOp
    (No Email Support, Thanks !)

  • Powershell User logon script not Exiting With "Exit" scripts are set to be visible in GPO

    I am trying to run this script as a user logon script and it is set to visible to the user. There are other parts of the script but It won't ever Exit. It works fine if I run it directly I only have the trouble when it is in the logon script. I'm thinking
    of tryin "Kill -Id $PID" but I'm sure I'll get a bad return code.
    Has anyone else experienced this or hav any ideas what I could try?
    If (Test-Path U:){
    Robocopy U:\ $Destination /E /move /XF "*.inf"
    New-Item -Path HKCU:\Software\test\test -Name Test –Force
    New-Item -Path HKCU:\Software\test\1 -Name Test1 –Force
    Exit       #here is where it will not stop!

    Sorry, I did mention this was only a subset of the complete script.
    So, what I am trying to accomplish in words.
    1. Check for the existence of a certain folderon the c: Drive (that is created as apart of a different process)
    2.  Look to see if a registry key exisits that tells the script if it should run or not. So if certain registry key exists under HKCU then don't run if not continue.)
    3. The first time a user logs in and does not find the value that the process is allready complete show the user a message box aski9ng them if they are ready to do (something) if not write a registry key saying step one has completed and then quit.
    4. When the user logs in again the script looks to see if the process is complete and or if step one is complete, if step one is complete it allows the user to skip the process 2 more times but on the forth login forces the user to complete the process and
    writes the final registry key that it is complete.
    Like I say I have this all working correctly if I manually have the user run it. I just don't know why Exit is not being recognized when in the users login script processing of the script. I appreciate your reply and any direction you can point me to.

  • Configuration scenario currently being edited by user" & locked

    HI all,
    Appreciate your help on this object locks;
    I was changing some configuration scenarios in integration Directory - suddanly lost the internet connection;
    Now when i try to change it says "configuration scenario currently being edited by user" & locked
    I appreciate if you help me to remove these lock objects

    Go to administration -
    Select appropriate option out of these - > repository/ Directory
    now select LOCK OVERVIEW.
    now you will get all the locked objects by any user.
    Now focus on locked object which you want to realese
    now press Button Release Lock .
    Hurray !!! locks are released.
    Hope this helps .....
    prabhat Sharma.

  • User lock failed.SU10

    Dear experts,
    I locked a mass users using SU10, one of the user locked and immediately prompted for pwd change.
    USER1          31.01.2011     09:15:02     ADMIN           Lock Changed     0     Not locked     64     Administrator Lock               SU10               
    USER1          31.01.2011     09:16:56     USER1           Password Changed     Long Password  3          Long Password  4          KRNL               
    USER1          31.01.2011     09:16:56     USER1          Lock Changed     64     Administrator Lock     0     Not locked               KRNL     
    Please suggest why this is happening in my SAP ECC 6.00, Kernal:7.00.

    USER1 31.01.2011 09:15:02 ADMIN Lock Changed 0 Not locked 64 Administrator Lock SU10
    USER1 31.01.2011 09:16:56 USER1 Password Changed Long Password 3 Long Password 4 KRNL
    USER1 31.01.2011 09:16:56 USER1 Lock Changed 64 Administrator Lock 0 Not locked KRNL
    Above log is showing that only lock activity was happened from SU10 and after that User changed his password from other opened screen. Did you kick off that user from the system immediate after locking?
    Nick Loy

  • User Lock issue when processing IDOCS

    Hi Folks,
    We are pushing the data into SAP using IDOCS.During this process some IDOCS are getting failed due to User Lock on shipment header.Anyone here can share their experience in dealing with User Lock issues.

    Only one can edit the document, it's standard fucntion. I think No note can resolve this. I can suggest you to run a back ground job very frequently ,which picks these status 51 IDOCs and reprocess. Report is :RBDMANi2
    We can use Message class & error message number on selection screen, so that we can make sure that only those idocs which were failed due to Lock problem are taken by the job.

  • User lock persists for killed process

    We have an app that acquires a user lock (using dbms_lock, release_on_commit FALSE).
    We needed to kill a session but it remained in v$session (KILLED), even after killing the OS process. Fine, I know it will clear up eventually.
    But the user lock (UL) persists. Does anyone know how it can be force-released?
    Calling dbms_lock.release (using handle in v$lock) fails, even as user SYS, the error being that the user does not own the lock. But the owning session is killed so who can release it?
    Eventually the session (and lock) disappers from v$session/v$lock but can the lock be removed before then, to avoid a DB bounce in an urgent case?

    If the process was truely KILLED and not MARKED FOR KILL then I do not know what could of happened. I cannot remember Oracle ever failing to release a user lock when the acquiring session was terminated. We use a fair number of UL; however, few of our processes have concurrent sessions that attempt to use the same UL. Mostly we just ensure that batch processes do not get submitted twice and that some on demand processes run single threaded or do not run if another customer has submitted the task.
    HTH -- Mark D Powell --

  • How it is possible that an internet user locks an order???

    I have a problem. Some of the orders, when transfered to R/3 has a mapping error in SMW01. When I check the details I see that it gives an error "Transaction 300615856 is being processed by user 7003788553" message number CRM_ORDER013.
    However here 7003788553 is an internet user who gave the order. So how it is possible that an Internet user locks the order.
    I tried to simulate the error myself in quality system however never succeeded.
    Any idea?
    Best Regards

    I would suggest you review notes 542924 and 490932.

  • Sounds stop playing when user locks screen on iOS with AIR 3.9 Beta

    We built a simple application that should play sounds when in background and when the screen is locked.
    Since we updated to the latest AIR 3.9 Beta SDK, all sounds stop playing when the user locks the screen on iOS.
    The sounds resume when the screen is unlocked.
    - it works on Android
    - we use renderMode : cpu
    - we use UIBackgroundModes : audio
    - we use NativeApplication.nativeApplication.systemIdleMode=SystemIdleMode.KEEP_AWAKE;
    - sounds play when the app is in background
    - was working great with AIR 3.8 SDK
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks for reproting the issue, we have an internal already logged bug for this, which is under investigation at the moment.

  • How can I konw , Which computer name or IP Address make SAP User lock

    Dear all,
    I have one issues about SAP user lock,
    Now I don't know which computer name or IP Address make user lock.
    How can I check it or Can you tell me about the table that keep information about the ip address or computer name?
    I can see the computer name when I use t-code al08 or sm04.
    But I don't know the table that keep data from this t-code.
    Pls suggest me for this issue.

    In SM21
    If you double click on the message "User XXXXX locked due to incorrect logon"
    You'll see under details the name of the terminal
    Terminal............ XXXXXXXXXXX
    for IP address just ping the terminal.

  • Why does Livecycle Designer need to lock scripting on objects with children that are fragments??

    Can someone tell me why Livecycle need to lock scripting on objects with children that are fragments??
    I mean, just because I have a fragment (which you can't edit the script for), why does Livecycle need me to NOT edit say the initialise event on the Main form.
    Yes, I can remove my fragments, edit and reinsert.  Also if the event already has a script, I can edit the xml.  But neither of these are terribly convenient.
    Couldn't there be a better way?

    The purpose of the fragment is to create re-usable or standard components. In most cases the fragment is not created by the same person designing the form and they do not want the from designer to modify any part of the fragment (it is a separate XDP file). There may be code in that fragment that relies on the structure that exists. If you have the rights you can always edit the fragment and when your PDF is created the changes will be picked up.
    If you want to be able to modify the fragment while it is in Design mode sounds to me like you want to add a component to the object library. This will allow you to have a reusable piece of a form that you can modify on a form by form basis. To do this simply build the piece that you want. Lasso the entire form and drag it onto the Custom library. When you release it a dialog will pop up allowing you to name your component. Now on any form design you can drag your new component onto the canvas and all methods/properties and code will come with that component (allowing you to modify it for that form as you see fit).
    Note that you can create your own libraries to hold your components if you see fit. Also if you put your libraries on a shared drive, you can share components between Designers.

  • User Locking out in LDAP

    I guess it's common problem in LDAP. If the user locks out after 3 failed failed logins, The admin needs to be entered in NDS conslole and he need to be unlock after he gets a request from that user. But I couldn't find the property for single User. whatever you specify the parameter in User Lockout tab, it's valid for all the user.
    i.e. if you uncheck the checkbox User lockout check box it's valid for all the users. How to unlock the particular user in NDS???
    any help in this regard is really appreciable.

    What version of WLS are you using? In the 6.0 beta, user lockout was one of
    the new security features
    added. This way, WLS could detect the failure and allow administrators to
    detect password guessing
    If this is a previous release of WLS, you will need to check the NDS
    documentation for how to unlock
    a given user.
    Paul Patrick
    "chandra" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:3a1e3d7d$[email protected]..
    I guess it's common problem in LDAP. If the user locks out after 3 failedfailed logins, The admin needs to be entered in NDS conslole and he need to
    be unlock after he gets a request from that user. But I couldn't find the
    property for single User. whatever you specify the parameter in User Lockout
    tab, it's valid for all the user.
    i.e. if you uncheck the checkbox User lockout check box it's valid for allthe users. How to unlock the particular user in NDS???
    any help in this regard is really appreciable.

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