Versioning HowTo/Explanation

Can any provide any details to the purpose/use of the Versioning within SQLD? I know what SVN/CVS is and how to use them, I'm just not sure how this concept applies to Oracle database management. I'd like to know too how other people are actually using this feature.

The short answer is - it doesn't.
AS implemented in SQLDeveloper version control simply manages sql scripts on the filesystem. There is no link to the database.
You need to manage synchronising the version of a stored procedure in the database with a sql script under version control yourself.
See also my response in this thread Re: PL/SQL Versioning
Edited by: Jim Smith on Jun 11, 2009 2:39 PM

Similar Messages

  • Convert table linked report into a Command version - Howto?

    How can I convert hundreds of reports from table linked into a Command version?
    One way to do is to take the SQL syntax off the report, add a Command with that Syntax and manually replace the database fields by the Command fields.
    I can not believe that is the right way to this. Is there no hidden (re-)mapping fields button or another undocumented feature?
    If this is the way to do it... when will there be a one-button-click solution. The underlaying data keeps the same, could not be that hard to build..?
    Without that basic functionality Crystal Reports is not option for us anymore.
    Backgroud: We do have hundreds of reports that are created by an ODBC (RDO) database (SQL Anywhere database), created by linking the tables and select the fields we like to use in the report. This works fine at least as we used the RDC method in our application. Because we are moving to .NET we could not use RDC anymore and have to use the .NET methods. However the .NET SDK is very limited. The only way to add more complex WHERE statements is to use the Command functionality of Crystal Reports.

    Hi Hans,
    Let me explain, Command Objects are sent directly to the DB server as is. CR does not alter the SQL at all. As you know in SQL there are minor differences between the various servers and the SQL syntax can vary from DB to DB. Because of this CR could not build in the logic to handle the vast number of potential mappings, and not jsut SQL types but also PC databases.
    To be able to map reports based on connections directly to the DB through a Command object the current versions of CR do not have the ability. Possibly the next version may have this feature though but we can't say for sure until it's released. Check our WEB site for new versions and there functionality.
    Next question about moving off of the RDC to .NET, you are correct. CR no longer allows you to modify the SQL statement directly. The RDC was actually supposed to stop you also but it did work.
    One possible solution is to use .NET and inProc RAS ( Report Application Server) and using record sets. Your app can get the SQL from the report, process the query and appending the info onto the WHERE clause as well as other filtering and then set the existing reports data source to the record set. As long as your data is less than 5000 rows then no performance issues, over 5K and you may start to see slow report processing. Depends on other info and report complexity etc.
    If this is an option for you please post your question to the Crystal .NET development forum. Also, you will need to use 12.x.2000.x versions of the CR .NET assemblies and not use the basic version 10.5 or 10.2 that comes with .NET 2008 and 2005.
    Thank you

  • Coldfusion query works in cfm but not cfc

    I have the following query that works just fine in cfm file but cannot seem to get to work in a coldfusion cfc. Any ideas.
    Select distinct include.value from xxxxx.authorprofile,
    table(authorprofile.uidinclude) include where profilename='#selectedProfile#'

    No Oracle version
    No Cold Fusion version
    No explanation of what either CFM or CFC means
    My recommendation would be that you ask the people that sold you the tool. It is, after all, their product that is the issue.


    제품 : JDBC
    작성날짜 :
    9iAS에서 JDBC thin driver인 classes file을 새로운 version으로 변경하기 위한
    여러가지 방법을 정리한다.
    9iAS R2에 포함된 JDBC THIN driver는 기본적으로 <J2EE_HOME>/jdbc/lib directory에
    포함된 classes12dms.jar 화일이다. 이 classes12dml.jar는 경우에 따라서 새로운
    version의 classes12.jar file로 변경되어져야 할 필요가 있는데 그러한 경우
    먼저 현재 화일 backup을 받아두고 지우거나 옮긴 후 아래 정리된 방법 중
    한가지를 이용하여 조치한다.
    단 아래와 같이 아래의 certify된 jdbc driver version에 한하여
    필요한 경우 같은 version을 대치, 혹은 upgrade하도록 한다.
    Application Server release Certified Oracle JDBC Supported Database
    release releases
    Oracle9iAS Release 1 ( 8.1.7 8.1.7
    Oracle9iAS Release 2 (9.0.2 and 9.0.3) 9.2.0*, 9.0.1, 8.1.7
    Oracle9iAS Release 2 (, 10.1.0 (thin), 10.1.0, 9.2.0, 9.0.1, 8
    + one off patch 9.2.0 (thin)
    Oracle Application Server 10g (9.0.4) 9.2.0*, 9.0.1, 8.1.7
    Oracle Application Server 10g (, 10.1.0 (thin), 10.1.0*, 9.2.0*,
    9.0.1, 8.1.7
    - patched core 9.2.0 (thin)
    현재 화일이 인식되지 못하도록 하기 위한 가장 간단한 방법은 다음과 같이
    화일이 .jar나 .zip으로 인식되지 않도록 rename하는 것이다.
    os>cd $ORACLE_HOME (or top level directory where oc4j was unpacked)
    os>cd jdbc/lib
    os>mv classes12dms.jar classes12dms.raj
    (1) 방법1
    OC4J가 실행되는 JSDK환경에서 global하게 access되도록 하려면 다음 directory에
    classes12.jar 와 nls_charset12.jar를 copy한다.
    [주의] 이 위치에 .jar file을 위치시키게 되면, 이것은 OC4J뿐 아니라
    command line에서 실행되는 java application 등 이 JDK환경의 어떤
    java class에서도 인식이 된다.
    이 extention directory는 jdk boot classpath보다는 이후 인식되지만,
    사용자가 지정하는 CLASSPATH환경 변수 등보다는 더 상위에서 인식되기
    그러므로 이 extention directory에 .jar를 위치시키는 것이 경우에 따라
    원하지 않는 결과를 발생시킬 수 있음을 유의하여야 한다.
    (2) 방법2
    새로 사용하고자 하는 library file을 OC4J가 기본적으로 인식하는
    <J2EE_HOME>/jdbc/lib directory로 다음과 같이 위치시킨다.
    단 이때 새로운 version의 jdbc에 classes12dms.jar가 없다면 classes12.jar를 classe
    s12dms.jar로 이름을 변경시켜 두도록 한다.
    그 이유는 9iAS의 경우 default로 dms가 붙은 jdbc를 이용하기 때문이다.
    os>cp classes12.jar <J2EE_HOME>/jdbc/lib/classes12dms.jar
    os>cp nls_charset12.jar <J2EE_HOME>/jdbc/lib/nls_charset12.jar
    (3) 방법3
    $OC4J_HOME/j2ee/home/config/application.xml 에 아래와 같이 library path로
    새로운 jdbc driver를 지정한다.
    이때 다른 library path tag보다 앞 부분에 지정하도록 한다.
    <library path="jdbc_classfile이_위치한_상대경로\classes12.jar"/>
    <library path="jdbc_classfile이_위치한_상대경로\nls_charset12.jar"/>
    NOTE: OPTIONS 1 through 3 update the JDBC classes used by all
    applications running in the OC4J container.
    (4) 방법4
    위의 세가지 방법이 해당 OC4J의 모든 application에 영향을 미친게 된다.
    원하는 application에서만 변경된 jdbc driver를 사용하고자 한다면
    해당 application의 META-INF/application.xml화일에 다음 내용을 다른 libarary
    path tag보다 앞 부분에 지정하도록 한다.
    <library path="jdbc_classfile이_위치한_상대경로\classes12.jar"/>
    <library path="jdbc_classfile이_위치한_상대경로\nls_charset12.jar"/>
    Reference Documents
    <Note:236947.1> How to override the default JDBC DRIVER classes with the
    selected JDBC classes in OC4J

  • Problem JCO 2.1.9 Importing Roles in BOE

    i had the same Problem that many other guys had but i couldn`t find a solution.
    If i try to import the SAP Roles in BOE i get the following Error Messege:
    JCO.classInitialize(): Could not load middleware
    layer '' JCO.nativeInit(): Could not
    initialize dynamic link library sapjcorfc [C:\Program Files (x86)
    \Business Objects\BusinessObjects Enterprise 12.0\win32_x86
    \sapjcorfc.dll: Can't load AMD 64-bit .dll on a IA 32-bit platform].
    java.library.path [C:\Windows\SysWOW64\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Business
    Objects\BusinessObjects Enterprise 12.0\win32_x86]
    I had copied all Files in the right directories and i used the 32 VERSION how explaned.
    I did the same a few weeks ago with JCO 2.1.8 and there an no Problems. But i couldn`t find the 2.1.8 Version of JCO in SAP.
    And with 2.1.9 i only had problems. Is there anybody how can give me this files?

    Yes no probleM:
    librfc32.dll  --> 5.578.752 Bytes   --> sapjco-ntintel-2.1.9
    sapjcorfc.dll --> 3636 KB   --> sapjco-ntintel-2.1.9
    sapjca.jar --> 298 KB  --> sapjcao-ntintel-2.1.9
    And know it works. Thank you for your help.
    I looked for the size of the files and i see that the librfc32.dll was in one directory in a other size.
    In this case i exchange every librfc32.dll with this out of the sapjco-ntintel-2.1.9 an now it works.
    Thank you for your help. 2 Days for nothing
    But it is very interessting that the error Message says sapjcorfc.dll could not be load
    Edited by: Carsten Ziemann on Nov 4, 2010 12:12 PM


    작성날짜 : 2004-03-09
    Upgrading / Downgrading / Installing / Deinstalling 시 중요한 순서로
    Upgrading / Downgrading / Installing / Deinstalling 시 중요한 절차
    Versions & Platforms 영향
    o 이 정보는 모든 플랫폼의 Oracle 8i (or 9i)에서 적용된다.
    o Oracle8i or 9i release 로 upgraded / migrated 하는 경우가 아니라면 Oracle 8.0 , Oracle 7 의 경우에는 적용할 필요가 없다..
    o Parch set install 시
    o Upgrading 시
    o Downgrading 시
    o 운영중에 catalog or catproc 실행
    o Java (initjvm) Installing 시
    o SYS owner 의 object 의 수정이 일어나는 script를 실행시
    위의 경우 hidden init.ora parameter SYSTEMTRIG_ENABLED를 FALSE로 setting 해야한다.
    Eg:Oracle8i에서는 init.ora file에 다음의 line을 추가후 db를 stop, start 하면 됩니다.
    # Disable system triggers for the duration of the maintenance
    # operation.
    IMPORTANT: 이 parameter는 위의 작업이 끝난후 true 로 다시 설정시에는 comment처리 하세요.(default 가 true 입니다.)
    Oracle9i 에서는 필요시 SYSTEMTRIG_ENABLED를 false로 dynamically setting 이 가능하다.
    ALTER SYSTEM SET "_system_trig_enabled"=FALSE;
    ALTER SYSTEM SET "_system_trig_enabled"=TRUE;
    SPFILE이 아닌 경우에는 oracle 8i와 동일하게 setting 하면 된다.
    Oracle8.0 / Oracle7
    SYSTEMTRIG_ENABLED parameter 는 oracle 8.0 이전 version에는 존재하지 않는다.
    System trigger는 Oracle 8.1의 new feature다.
    SYSTEMTRIG_ENABLED를 TRUE (the default)로 setting 하면 system triggers가 enable 된다.
    이값이 FALSE라면 system trigger 를 stop 한다
    False 로 setting 하는 이유?
    trigger에 의존하는 object가 invalid나 drop될수있는 dictionary 작업의 script가 실행되는 경우 해당
    trigger는 fail이되고 이 script는 정상적으로 실행이 안되게 된다.
    다음의 몇몇 예를 보자.
    Example Problem Scenarios
    Dictionary maintenance operations를 수행중에 system triggers들이 있다면 많은 문제들이 있을수 있다.
    가장 일반적인 경우를 다음에 설명 했다.
    After running "rmjvm"
    만일 JIS install 되어 있고 "rmjvm" 를 사용하여 java를 deinstall 하고
    후속적인 조치로 "DROP a ROLE "을 시도할때 error 가 날것이다.
    이것은 <Bug:1751857> 와 관련있으며 "rmjvm" 은 모든 java와 관련한 objects drop을 할수 없다.
    SVRMGR> drop role a;
    drop role a
    ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1
    ORA-29540: class oracle/aurora/mts/http/security/RdbmsHttpPolicy does nt
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.HTTP_SECURITY_CASCADE", line 0
    ORA-06512: at line 3
    만일 JIS install 되어 있고 CATALOG와 CATPROC 를 다시 실행하려고 하면 trigger 가 INVALID 된다.
    이는 많은 DROP SYNONYM 에서 error 를 일으킬 것이고 <Bug:1733297>에 설명이 되어 있다.
    SVRMGR> drop public synonym dba_segments;
    ORA-4098: trigger 'SYS.JIS$ROLE_TRIGGER$' is invalid and failed re-valin
    8.0에서 upgrading 이나 7.3 에서 migrating 할때.....
    만일 SYSTEMTRIG_ENABLED이 FALSE로 setting 되어 있지 않으면
    package STANDARD에서 ORA-604 , ORA-6553 , PLS-213 를 일으키는 <Bug:1362374>를 만나게 될것이다.
    이는 Oracle8i/9i에서 db open시에 error 를 일으킨다.
    만일 ODMA (Database Migration Assistant)를 사용하여 Oracle7 or 8.0 로 부터 upgrade 한다면
    SYSTEMTRIG_ENABLED를 setting 하는 것은 불가능 하다.
    ODMA를 사용하여 성공적으로 upgrade / migration 가 가능한지 확인하고 그렇지 않다면 parameter 를 false 로 setting 후에
    수동으로 upgrade / migration을 하도록 한다.
    Oracle9i로 Upgrading
    SYSTEMTRIG_ENABLED를 FALSE로 setting 하지 않으면 Oracle9i에서 db open시
    ORA-600 [16201] errors를 만날수 있다 <Bug:1747065>
    Reference Documents
    <Note:149948.1> <Note:68636.1>

    Looks like I should not apply this patch, it assume the version of, I am on
    What took me off a little was this statement me in the BUG:12317756 - DBCONSOLE PERFORMANCE PAGE NO LONGER DISPLAYS ON LINUX
    "it used to work in previous versions including"
    and this is not true for me - I have and it is not working - the graph can not be displayed.
    So I guess I am back to the original question I was asking about in my other post. Let me see if other 2 Notes you provided will take me to any other patch
    Thank you

  • EMac shivering display issue

    Hi guys, I saw this topic of discussion a while ago. The problem seems to happen during spinning of the HD. I was and still having this problem since day 1 (mine is 2 yrs old unit now). Sent twice to service provider, all available parts have been replaced - logic board, power board and CRT (twice). FYI, I have upgraded my HD from 40GB to 120GB (day 1 purchased of the eMac) and now 200GB. Both HD are Maxtor Diamond series. Just last week after another complaint to Apple, they arange another service provider to pick up the unit. Well, they blame on the un-OEM HD upgrading which is thicker in size than their OEM HD. This caused the HD to touch the internal body and the spinning vibration caused the shivering display on CRT. According to them apple care plan doesn't cover this and I was made to pay for the transportation fee.
    Well, what do you guys think? I would think that upgrading of HD is a very common thing to do. I don't have any such problem when upgrading my PC HD. To replace with Apple OEM HD will cost us here a bomb. And what's the point of paying for expensive apple care plan? The reason given in their job sheet is simple: using third party item which is not OEM product. As to why the vibration causing it, no answer. To me, this is purely a design flaw from Apple. When asking for more explanation, everyone in Apple saying this is not their field and refuse to "speculate" on this issue and I was kick around to beg for more explanations. So, what say you guys about this?
    eMac   Mac OS X (10.4.3)  
    eMac 1GHz   Mac OS X (10.4.3)  

    Hi, thnx for sharing your experience. Yes, we have the same problem here. My eMac still has 1 more year of apple care on cover now but I don't think it is useful anymore now. So far, all parts have been replaced for my unit except the housing. I was made to understand from Apple people here that the OEM HD they used is Maxtor as well but now they are telling it's the slim version and it cost a bomb here. Adding in the cost of replacing OEM HD for 200GB and an apple care plan, I can buy a pretty decent PC here.
    The service provider told me that the vibration caused this problem due to the the authorised reseller "forced" in the Maxtor 200GB HD into it's bracket. The reseller then give their own version of explanation that all HD size is the same and if it can be seated onto the bracket then it was not "forced". When I queried the service provider and apple guys from Australia as to why the vibration can caused such a problem, all stopped short at it, the only arguement they gave was "you replaced the HD with not an Apple OEM version"...and that was end of the story. And I was made to pay for their transportation fee even though I got the apple care. A call to their toll free no. technical dept. & customer care was returned with the same simple & short reply. What an irresponsibility act from Apple.
    I love the Mac and it's OS but the after sales service here is really *****! If they are telling me the "vibration" is causing the screen shivering, then it can only mean to me that Apple is not carrying out the trial test properly when launching this product and never had any vibration test done. This is probably the problem with Apple product, want to cramp in everything inside a compact casing but never really care about future upgrade and reliability, and with some exorbitant charges on spare-parts. That is why they have many flop models in the past. Now, I'm disapointed & upset. Perhaps I should look up to Bill Gates again and wait for the longhorn launching next year. As far as I concerned Apple is considered DEAD in this region.
    eMac   Mac OS X (10.4.3)  
    eMac   Mac OS X (10.4.3)  

  • Adobe Flash plugin hijacking Preview in Safari?

    I downloaded Adobe Flash (just to be able to see Sherlock on PBS) and now every time I try to open a pdf file form other sites I get a "flash blocked for this site" message. There are no "pdf" plugins enabled (I inspected /Library/Internet Plug-Ins following the advice from this forum on how to restore Preview as default. I suppose I could disable Flash in Safari except for when it's actually needed to watch video.
    Two questions a) to the forum, is there a permanent fix or do I have to schedule time in my calendar as "Adobe inanity"? b) to Apple: if Adobe is on a mission to sabotage Apple usability, can you do something about Adobe? Steve would have sued them already. Really, when you sum up the time wasted in a given month by everyone to get rid of some new Adobe power trip, that's gotta be millions of perfectly good hours going into cyberoblivion.

    I feel your pain.
    In my case I had to delete the Adobe reader plug-ins in the Library\Internet Plug-Ins folder under the user name log in
    the main hard drive Library\Internet Plug-Ins folder.
    Longer Version solution explanation:
    Go to your Finder.
    Under Devices open the Macintosh HD folder. Then click the Library folder. Then click the Internet Plug-Ins folder. Move the Adobe Reader Plug-Ins to Trash.
    Also go to Finder and click on the user name you are logged in under on your OSX. Then click Library. (you may have to right click the Library folder then select Open). Open the Internet Plug -Ins folder and delete the Adobe Reader plug ins.
    That should do it.
    Extra credit if you want to first view the Installed Plug-Ins before then after complete removal of Adobe Reader from your OSX.
    Go to Safari then click Help. (if you have anything typed in the Help box you may not see the "Installed Plug-Ins" option. Click on Installed Plug-Ins.
    You will see Adobe Reader right at the top of the list. Once you follow the directions above and go back to this area in Safari any reference to Adobe Reader will be removed.
    Props to Tom Nelson for his article titled:
    How to Remove Safari Plug-ins
    Ditch Those Unwanted Safari Plug-ins

  • Wallstreet and Tiger (a working setup)

    For some reason my first lengthy post about the upgrade of my Wallstreet was removed so I will post it in (brief) parts since I am not sure where my mistake was supposed to be...
    Many thanks to those ones among you who (unconsciously) provided me with help for such update. "jpl" and "Tinkerman" are the only names I can mention by heart but they are not alone.
    Start configuration: PowerBook G3 Series Wallstreet Revision II, 233MHz, 512kB cache, 2GB, 192MB
    Upgraded disk to 80GB and CPU to G4 (no brand names in case those were the culprit).
    Partitioned the disk in three: 7.45GB for Mac OS X, 5GB for OS 9.2.2 and the rest for documents.
    Initially it was running with Jaguar in the first partition, then I decided to move forward to Tiger.
    Removed the disk from the Wallstreet and inserted in a FireWire enclosure.
    Connected to another more recent PowerBook with Tiger, inserted the Tiger DVD and installed the system on the 7.45GB partition.
    Remounted in the Wallstreet and booted in OS 9.2.2 (default choice when all power is removed).
    Installed XPostfacto 4 and chosen the following option: everything unselected apart from "auto-boot?" and "Use old NDRVs".
    Restarted... in Tiger!
    MANY more options are possible and were tested but these appear to be (so far) perfectly working.
    If this goes through, I will tell you about the rest and the details.

    Sorry for the late reply. Great, I am glad that this time the message went through; I am still wondering why the first one was removed.
    More info about my bulky update. Actually the complete list of the updates should be the following: 500MHz G4 CPU with 1MB cache, AC/sound card (on its way; I was tired of keeping soldering), left hinge, PRAM battery, DVD-ROM (in search for a PCMCIA decoder card), RAM up to 512MB, new battery, PCMCIA Wi-Fi card at 54Mbps, PCMCIA USB 2.0 card.
    Definitely not a bad final setup for a 10 years old machine. Money-wise I suppose I went close as I would have got a Pismo in very good conditions (but without at least a new battery and a G4 CPU).
    Among the possible factors affecting the installation of Tiger on Wallstreet, I read that somebody included the type and amount of RAM so I kept 192MB throughout the whole installation process, in case this may help.
    The system appears surprisingly snappy (the G4 as well as the RAM playing a good role here, I suppose) and it has become, or better returned to be, a working machine.
    And now the "issues" that show up with the original CPU as well as with the G4 one:
    - the Debug menu in Safari was missing: after some day of surprise and confusion, I found this Terminal command that calls it back on duty: "defaults write IncludeDebugMenu -bool YES"
    - System Profiler can not distinguish the two RAM pieces and just sees the total amount: any explanation or solution?
    - the Brightness slider in the System Preferences > Displays is missing: of course it can be solved through third party applications still... anybody knows how to make it appear?
    - ADB mouse: if not connected from boot or if the PowerBook went on sleep, it becomes so slow to be unusable (apparently, according to Apple, it is normal for ADB devices but until Jaguar I always plugged it and unplugged it without any problem); anyway now an optical USB mouse is much better
    - the "About this Mac" window does not show the serial number when clicking on the OS X version: any explanation or solution?
    - coconutIdentityCard and coconutBattery give meaningless values: any explanation or solution?
    - GoogleEarth (4.2.0205.5730) was not working and the Earth appeared as a white globe; then I saw that, enabling "Preferences > 3d View > Graphics mode > Use safe mode", it works although it is not blazing fast, of course
    - Login window keyboard layout: this is somehow annoying since, whenever the login password is required (i.e. not the authentication window for, say, software install), the keyboard layout is not the system one (unless in a user change when the previous user had the Italian keyboard, in my case) but supposedly US International or alike thus password entering may become a challenge according to the characters involved; again: any explanation or solution?
    - battery remaining time is/was missing (apparently this is also an issue with Pismo and Tiger): the percentage of charge is calculated but the time estimate remains always on "calculating..."; I discovered that there is a trick of substituting the "/System/Library/SystemConfiguration/PowerManagement.bundle" with a Panther or Jaguar version, repair permissions and reboot, still I am experiencing not reproducible misbehaviors with the battery management (including not recognizing or not charging the battery...) and I hope, but I am not sure, that the yet-to-arrive AC/sound card may solve them unless I got a defective battery: any better idea on how kicking it to work properly?
    - I tried also Gimp and NeoOffice: roughly 30 seconds and one minute respectively to start but rather usable afterward
    - some heavy graphic functions of the system are simplified, such as the "rotating cube" for the user change becoming a blue screen or simply the lack of the "stone in the water" effect in Dashboard; at the same time, Exposé is perfectly working as well as window effects
    - Wi-Fi and USB 2.0 work perfectly
    Well, that should be all. I would really appreciate additional comments... as well as explanations or solutions for the issues.


    작성날짜 : 2004-11-01
    담고 있는 문서이다. 이 문서의 스크립트는 V7.3 이상부터 모든
    V8.X version에서 수행될 수 있다.
    V$SYSSTAT view는 인스턴스가 시작된 이후에 수집된 모든 인스턴스
    레벨의 통계정보들의 누적치를 포함하고 있다.
    이 view가 포함하고 있는 통계정보들의 이름을 확인하려면
    V$STATNAME 과 join하여 확인한다.
    select, s.value
    from v$statname n , v$sysstat s
    where n.statistic# = s.statistic#
    order by n.class,
    V$SESSTAT 은 각 세션이 시작된 이후로 생성된 세션 레벨의 모든
    통계정보들의 누적치를 포함하고 있다.
    이 view가 포함하고 있는 통계정보들의 이름을 확인하려면
    V$STATNAME 과 join하여 확인한다.
    다음 query는 현재 session의 session id를 return한다.
    (아래 SQL은 Two-task 환경이나 SQL*Net 환경에서는 terminal 컬럼이
    NULL 이므로 동작하지 않는다.)
    select s.sid
    from v$process p, v$session s
    where p.addr = s.paddr
    and terminal = userenv('terminal')
    Session id는 V$SESSTAT view로부터 정확한 value를 얻기 위해 필요하다.
    select, s.value
    from v$statname n , v$sesstat s
    where s.sid = &sid
    and n.statistic# = s.statistic#
    order by n.class,
    종종, 어떤 test를 수행하기 전/후에 V$SYSSTAT 과 V$SESSTAT view로부터
    snapshot을 얻어내는 것이 아주 유용하다. 두 snapshot의 값의 차이는
    snapshot 기간 동안의 서버의 activity를 나타낸다. (단, V$SYSSTAT을
    조회하려면 인스턴스를 shutdown하지 말아야 하고, Snapshot 사이의
    V$SESSTAT 을 조회한다면 Session이 서버로부터 disconnect하면 안 된다.)
    (참조) 통계정보의 대부분은 항상 누적되는 누적치(횟수)를 나타내지만,
    그러나, 통계정보 중의 일부는 TIMED_STATISTICS = TRUE 인 환경에서
    누적되는 시간을 나타내기도 한다.
    관련 통계정보의 설명
    메모리 내의 SORT AREA 내에서 발생한 SORT의 횟수.
    2) SORTS(DISK)
    Temporary Segment를 필요로 하는 sort 수행 횟수.
    위 두 통계정보의 합은 인스턴스가 기동된 이후 발생한 모든 sort 수행 횟수이다.
    만약 너무 많은 sort가 수행되었다면 sort를 줄이도록 applications/SQL
    statement들을 tuning한다. SORT_AREA_SIZE 를 늘리면 더 많은 sort 작업이
    메모리 내에서 발생하도록 개선할 수 있다.
    3) SORTS(ROWS)
    수행된 모든 sort 작업에서 sort 처리되었던 rows의 총합.
    4개 이하의 db block을 가지는 작은 table에 대한 full table scan의 횟수.
    이러한 table의 경우 index scan을 하는 것보다 full table scan(한번의 I/O)
    을 하는 것이 더 효율적이다.
    5개 이상의 db block을 가지는 큰 table에 대한 full table scan의 횟수.
    만약 10~20% 의 row가 return된다면 index를 사용하여 table을 액세스하는
    것이 더 효율적일 것이다.
    만약 full table scan을 사용하여 Long table을 액세스하는 것이 필요하다면
    good buffer cache hit ratio를 기대하기는 힘들 것이다.
    DB_BLOCK_BUFFERS 를 늘리는 것이 Long table을 액세스하는 데 도움이 되지
    않는다. 왜냐하면 이러한 block들이 LRU chain의 bottom에 머무르기 때문이다.
    그러나, DB_FILE_MULTIBLOCK_READ_COUNT 를 늘리게 되면 disk I/O를 줄이게 되어
    도움이 될 수 있다.
    이러한 두 통계정보의 합은 모든 FULL TABLE SCAN의 총 횟수를 나타낸다.
    모든 Full table scan에 의해 액세스된 block의 총 갯수.
    Short table scan은 많아야 4 block이기 때문에 하나의 long table scan에
    의해 액세스된 block의 평균 갯수를 알 수 있다.
    모든 Full table scan에 의해 액세스된 row의 총 갯수.
    이것은 단지 qualifying row의 수가 return되는 것이므로,
    마지막에 return된 row의 수가 아니다.
    ROWID에 의해 액세스된 ROW의 갯수.
    이것은 rowid를 통해 index를 사용하고, 직접적으로 rowid를 사용하여 액세스된
    (where rowid = :rowid) 모든 ROW들에 대한 COUNT이다.
    Chained row의 두번 째 row piece가 fetch된 횟수.
    이 수치가 높을 수록 row가 많이 chain되었음을 나타낸다.
    (주) Long column을 갖는 row는 한 block에 fit되지 못하므로, 종종 chain된다.
    cluster key scan의 횟수.
    cluster key scan에 의해 액세스된 block의 총 갯수.
    'cluster key scans'에 대한 이 통계정보의 비율은 'cluster key scan' 당
    액세스한 평균 block 수를 나타낸다.
    이상적인 값은 1이다. 각 cluster key에 대한 모든 data가 한 db block에
    fit되었음을 나타낸다.
    Normal queries (SELECTs without for update clause)에 대하여
    Buffer cache 내에서 액세스된 block의 총 갯수.
    Buffer cache 내에서 액세스된 block의 총 갯수.
    이 두 통계정보의 합은 logical reads의 총합이다.
    Physical Reads의 총합.
    이 수치는 Buffer cache hit ratio을 계산하기 위해 logical reads와
    비교 시 사용된다.
    다른 process가 incompatible mode로 그 block을 잡고 있어서
    block access가 fail되었던 총 횟수.
    만약 이 통계수치가 Logical reads의 10%를 초과한다면 contention을
    확인하기 위해 V$WAITSTAT view를 조회해야 한다.
    Reference Documents

    작성날짜 : 2004-11-01
    담고 있는 문서이다. 이 문서의 스크립트는 V7.3 이상부터 모든
    V8.X version에서 수행될 수 있다.
    V$SYSSTAT view는 인스턴스가 시작된 이후에 수집된 모든 인스턴스
    레벨의 통계정보들의 누적치를 포함하고 있다.
    이 view가 포함하고 있는 통계정보들의 이름을 확인하려면
    V$STATNAME 과 join하여 확인한다.
    select, s.value
    from v$statname n , v$sysstat s
    where n.statistic# = s.statistic#
    order by n.class,
    V$SESSTAT 은 각 세션이 시작된 이후로 생성된 세션 레벨의 모든
    통계정보들의 누적치를 포함하고 있다.
    이 view가 포함하고 있는 통계정보들의 이름을 확인하려면
    V$STATNAME 과 join하여 확인한다.
    다음 query는 현재 session의 session id를 return한다.
    (아래 SQL은 Two-task 환경이나 SQL*Net 환경에서는 terminal 컬럼이
    NULL 이므로 동작하지 않는다.)
    select s.sid
    from v$process p, v$session s
    where p.addr = s.paddr
    and terminal = userenv('terminal')
    Session id는 V$SESSTAT view로부터 정확한 value를 얻기 위해 필요하다.
    select, s.value
    from v$statname n , v$sesstat s
    where s.sid = &sid
    and n.statistic# = s.statistic#
    order by n.class,
    종종, 어떤 test를 수행하기 전/후에 V$SYSSTAT 과 V$SESSTAT view로부터
    snapshot을 얻어내는 것이 아주 유용하다. 두 snapshot의 값의 차이는
    snapshot 기간 동안의 서버의 activity를 나타낸다. (단, V$SYSSTAT을
    조회하려면 인스턴스를 shutdown하지 말아야 하고, Snapshot 사이의
    V$SESSTAT 을 조회한다면 Session이 서버로부터 disconnect하면 안 된다.)
    (참조) 통계정보의 대부분은 항상 누적되는 누적치(횟수)를 나타내지만,
    그러나, 통계정보 중의 일부는 TIMED_STATISTICS = TRUE 인 환경에서
    누적되는 시간을 나타내기도 한다.
    관련 통계정보의 설명
    메모리 내의 SORT AREA 내에서 발생한 SORT의 횟수.
    2) SORTS(DISK)
    Temporary Segment를 필요로 하는 sort 수행 횟수.
    위 두 통계정보의 합은 인스턴스가 기동된 이후 발생한 모든 sort 수행 횟수이다.
    만약 너무 많은 sort가 수행되었다면 sort를 줄이도록 applications/SQL
    statement들을 tuning한다. SORT_AREA_SIZE 를 늘리면 더 많은 sort 작업이
    메모리 내에서 발생하도록 개선할 수 있다.
    3) SORTS(ROWS)
    수행된 모든 sort 작업에서 sort 처리되었던 rows의 총합.
    4개 이하의 db block을 가지는 작은 table에 대한 full table scan의 횟수.
    이러한 table의 경우 index scan을 하는 것보다 full table scan(한번의 I/O)
    을 하는 것이 더 효율적이다.
    5개 이상의 db block을 가지는 큰 table에 대한 full table scan의 횟수.
    만약 10~20% 의 row가 return된다면 index를 사용하여 table을 액세스하는
    것이 더 효율적일 것이다.
    만약 full table scan을 사용하여 Long table을 액세스하는 것이 필요하다면
    good buffer cache hit ratio를 기대하기는 힘들 것이다.
    DB_BLOCK_BUFFERS 를 늘리는 것이 Long table을 액세스하는 데 도움이 되지
    않는다. 왜냐하면 이러한 block들이 LRU chain의 bottom에 머무르기 때문이다.
    그러나, DB_FILE_MULTIBLOCK_READ_COUNT 를 늘리게 되면 disk I/O를 줄이게 되어
    도움이 될 수 있다.
    이러한 두 통계정보의 합은 모든 FULL TABLE SCAN의 총 횟수를 나타낸다.
    모든 Full table scan에 의해 액세스된 block의 총 갯수.
    Short table scan은 많아야 4 block이기 때문에 하나의 long table scan에
    의해 액세스된 block의 평균 갯수를 알 수 있다.
    모든 Full table scan에 의해 액세스된 row의 총 갯수.
    이것은 단지 qualifying row의 수가 return되는 것이므로,
    마지막에 return된 row의 수가 아니다.
    ROWID에 의해 액세스된 ROW의 갯수.
    이것은 rowid를 통해 index를 사용하고, 직접적으로 rowid를 사용하여 액세스된
    (where rowid = :rowid) 모든 ROW들에 대한 COUNT이다.
    Chained row의 두번 째 row piece가 fetch된 횟수.
    이 수치가 높을 수록 row가 많이 chain되었음을 나타낸다.
    (주) Long column을 갖는 row는 한 block에 fit되지 못하므로, 종종 chain된다.
    cluster key scan의 횟수.
    cluster key scan에 의해 액세스된 block의 총 갯수.
    'cluster key scans'에 대한 이 통계정보의 비율은 'cluster key scan' 당
    액세스한 평균 block 수를 나타낸다.
    이상적인 값은 1이다. 각 cluster key에 대한 모든 data가 한 db block에
    fit되었음을 나타낸다.
    Normal queries (SELECTs without for update clause)에 대하여
    Buffer cache 내에서 액세스된 block의 총 갯수.
    Buffer cache 내에서 액세스된 block의 총 갯수.
    이 두 통계정보의 합은 logical reads의 총합이다.
    Physical Reads의 총합.
    이 수치는 Buffer cache hit ratio을 계산하기 위해 logical reads와
    비교 시 사용된다.
    다른 process가 incompatible mode로 그 block을 잡고 있어서
    block access가 fail되었던 총 횟수.
    만약 이 통계수치가 Logical reads의 10%를 초과한다면 contention을
    확인하기 위해 V$WAITSTAT view를 조회해야 한다.
    Reference Documents

  • Sorry, Flagfox has encountered a problem. Please copy the report below and post it on our forums with a detailed explanation of what you were doing at the time so we can attempt to fix your issue. (English please) Flagfox version null (missing IPDB!)

    Sorry, Flagfox has encountered a problem. Please copy the report below and post it on our forums with a detailed explanation of what you were doing at the time so we can attempt to fix your issue. (English please)
    Flagfox version null (missing IPDB!)
    ERROR MESSAGE: Fatal Flagfox startup error!
    EXCEPTION THROWN: TypeError: ExtensionManager.getItemForID(id) is null
    STACK TRACE: startup()@file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Vanessa%20Ecret/Programdata/Mozilla/Firefox/Profiles/9eyewkfc.default/extensions/%7B1018e4d6-728f-4b20-ad56-37578a4de76b%7D/chrome/flagfox/modules/flagfox.jsm:40
    ([object ChromeWindow])@file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Vanessa%20Ecret/Programdata/Mozilla/Firefox/Profiles/9eyewkfc.default/extensions/%7B1018e4d6-728f-4b20-ad56-37578a4de76b%7D/chrome/flagfox/modules/flagfox.jsm:160
    Flagfox_loadForThisWindow([object Event])@chrome://flagfox/content/overlay.xul:16
    BROWSER: Mozilla Firefox 3.6.6/20100625231939 (Gecko using locale en-US on WINNT x86-msvc
    This error and a Flagfox preferences dump has been sent to Tools -> Error Console. Please report this and any related errors so we can investigate your problem. Conversely, if you don't report this then it probably won't get fixed.
    == i was update

    Sorry, the Flagfox extension has encountered a problem. The following error output and a Flagfox preferences dump has been sent to Tools -> Error Console.
    FLAGFOX VERSION: 4.1.x (missing IPDB!)
    ERROR MESSAGE: Fatal Flagfox startup error!
    EXCEPTION THROWN: TypeError: addon is null
    safeCall((function (addon) {try {FlagfoxVersion = addon.version;var ip4db = addon.getResourceURI(IPv4DBfilename).QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIFileURL).file;var ip6db = addon.getResourceURI(IPv6DBfilename).QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIFileURL).file;ipdb.init(ip4db, ip6db);checkIPDBage();ready = true;} catch (e) {handleStartupError(e);}}),null)@resource://gre/modules/AddonManager.jsm:48
    ([object Object])@resource://gre/modules/AddonManager.jsm:897
    PL_getAddon("{1018e4d6-728f-4b20-ad56-37578a4de76b}",(function (aAddon) {if (aAddon) {safeCall(aCallback, aAddon);} else {aCaller.callNext();}}))@resource:///modules/PluginProvider.jsm:79
    callProvider([object Object],"getAddonByID",null,"{1018e4d6-728f-4b20-ad56-37578a4de76b}",(function (aAddon) {if (aAddon) {safeCall(aCallback, aAddon);} else {aCaller.callNext();}}))@resource://gre/modules/AddonManager.jsm:76
    ([object Object],[object Object])@resource://gre/modules/AddonManager.jsm:888
    ([object Array])@resource:///modules/XPIProvider.jsm:4864
    BROWSER: Mozilla Firefox 7.0.1 (Gecko 7.0.1 / 20110928134238)
    OS: Windows NT 6.1 (WINNT x86-msvc windows)
    LOCALE: en-us content / en-us UI / en-us OS
    Select and copy the error report above. In order to fix this problem for you and others, please read and follow the troubleshooting and bug reporting instructions on the Flagfox support forums. Please post an abundance of information with any error reports, namely what you were doing at the time that may have triggered this. (English please)

  • How do you upgrade OS X 10.4.11 tiger to a higher version of operating system such as OS x 10.5.6 as have tried running the upgrade disc on imac 5,1 with intel processor but only get message saying this cannot be installed with no further explanation ?

    how do you upgrade OS X 10.4.11 tiger to a higher version of operating system such as OS X 10.5.6 as have tried running the upgrade disc on imac 5,1 with intel processor but only get message saying this cannot be installed with no further explanation ?

    Retail Leopard disc looks like this;
    (The disc itself has the same logo). If the one you've got is grey it simply won't work.
    Given the retail and second hand prices of Leopard (usually some on Amazon MP), you'll probably find it cheaper to go directly to Snow Leopard, although there could be software updates and printer driver problems that could nullify the difference.

  • Firmware version explanation + sleep problem

    My 10 days old iMac baby has problems to sleep. It goes to sleep but after 5-6 minutes it's awaken again. I tried everything I found relevant to this problem on this discussion board but no help at all. Mac baby was born with 10.4.8 and now it's at 10.4.10 - combo update, everything else is working perfectly well except this sleeping problem. I
    After all, I went on Apple download in order to check if there are some EFI Firmware updates and now I'm more than confused with numbers.'
    On Apple's site it's clearly written that the most recent firmware version for my iMac is "IM51.0090.B03 (20-inch late 2006)" but my System Profiler shows higher number count: "IM51.0090.B08".
    From System Profiler:
    Hardware Overview:
    Model Name: iMac
    Model Identifier: iMac5,1
    Processor Name: Intel Core 2 Duo
    Processor Speed: 2.16 GHz
    Number Of Processors: 1
    Total Number Of Cores: 2
    L2 Cache (per processor): 4 MB
    Memory: 2 GB
    Bus Speed: 667 MHz
    Boot ROM Version: IM51.0090.B08
    SMC Version: 1.9f4
    Does anybody has any idea about this?
    iMac 20'' (Late 2006)   Mac OS X (10.4.10)   2 Gb Crucial DDR2 RAM @ 667 MHZ, WD My Book Premium Edition 250 GB

    Others have also found what appears to be a discrepancy in the firmware that System Profiler reports installed on their Mac versus the version reported in Apple Knowledge Base documents. The definitive document for me is Mac OS X: Firmware Updates for Intel-based Macs. This doc confirms the information that you report, so the logical explanation to me is that, although the doc was last updated by Apple on 1 MAY 2007, there has been an update to installed firmware in Macs shipping since the doc was last updated.
    But the firmware shouldn't have anything to do with whether your Mac sleeps or not. Sleep is one of the things regulated by the System Management Controller. This can be reset.
    But there are many other things that can interrupt the Mac auto-sleeping; external FW/USB peripheral devices, wifi, Bluetooth, etc. Have you added any such devices recently.

  • What is Morning Coffee? It loaded with my new version of Firefox and I there's no explanation of what it is.

    There's no explanation of "Morning Coffee." What is it and what does it do?
    It asked me whether I want it and I chose it but without knowing what I was getting into.

    morning coffee is a third party-addon, it doesn't ship with firefox. maybe you have installed it somewhen in the past and have forgotten about it. if you have no use for it you can uninstall it from firefox > addons.

  • SAP Netweaver 7.1 Version Explanation??

    Hello All,
    For some reason, this thread got locked ( SAP Netweaver 7.1 - Released? ), so I'm continuing it here.
    As you may have guessed, I'm still confused too.  Yes, I see that there is a 7.1 CE and a 7.1 PI.  I also gather from the posts in the other thread, that there isn't going to be a single, all encompassing, Netweaver 7.1. 
    So, could someone tell me what other 7.1 releases are coming?  Also, in my particular case, do I get the 7.1 CE distribution if I want to install the SAP Enterprise Portal?  Or, like Rajesh asked, is there going to be a 7.1 EP distribution?

    Hi Tom,
    the thread was closed for a reason. The only usefull comment was made by Matt who gave you the official answer on this circumstances.
    Tom Ratrie wrote:
    > So, could someone tell me what other 7.1 releases are coming?  Also, in my particular case, do I get the 7.1 CE distribution if I want to install the SAP Enterprise Portal?  Or, like Rajesh asked, is there going to be a 7.1 EP distribution?
    > Thanks
    Currently there is no other 7.1 but PI, CE,  and mobile. You currently cannot install a EP 7.1. Nevertheless there is a smaller version of the portal inside the CE - as it needs such.
    When the next version of NetWeaver is released or what it's name will be I currently cannot comment on.
    Whatever happens, you will be able to do upgrades of your NetWeaver applications to that next version.

Maybe you are looking for