Where to download oe sample schema?

I downloaded Oracle 10g database express edition (XE). It does not seem to include the oe sample schema, only the hr sample schema. Does anyone know where I can download the scripts to install the oe sample schema? Could not find these anywhere on oracle.com or on google amazingly. Thanks so much.


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    Sorry for the inconvenience. The sample code is getting updated to work with the latest release of Creator. It will be replaced soon.

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    It's part of the Companion install

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    Hi skondolf1,
    I don't know where that specific script is now, but you can also get the HR samle schema here: http://www.oracle.com/technology/obe/obe1013jdev/common/files/sample_schema_scripts9i10g.zip
    Regards Pete

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    I am having the same problem.
    I am running XE and the only sample schema that exists there is HR.
    OE and SH...are not there
    I downloaded companion CD 10 minutes ago from
    and searched through the whole companion and no
    files like :
    User Steve Callan placed a data pump file on
    but he created it without version parameter, so people who are running data pum from older versions cannot import it.
    I made a comment on the article he posted .
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    If you did the default install of the DB then the HR schema should already have been installed for you (just that the account is locked by default).
    Enter user-name: hr
    Enter password:
    ORA-28000: the account is lockedJust unlock the account using ALTER USER command and you should be ready to go.

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    Create complex shapes and refine your illustration | Learn Illustrator CC | Adobe TV

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    Hi sunny,
    please check the following document:
    follow the steps:
    - get the schemas
    - you are ready to go.
    another idea:
    - issue a few: create table tab1 (id number, value number, created_date date); insert into tab1 (id, value) values (1, 50)); and you are in the clouds.

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    First thing: you'd be better generating a dataset to match your particular requirements.
    However, If you're thinking about a data warehouse, you could do worse than borrow the Mondrian 'Foodmart' test dataset. That contains 328k rows of data (so pretty small, but not trivial). See http://mondrian.sourceforge.net/.
    Alternatively, lots of people start with datasets based on Northwind - the well known Access/SQL Server dataset. There's an article here http://www.oracle.com/technology/pub/articles/gagne_access.html on how to extract the necessary DDL using the mdbtools utilities.
    Regards Nigel

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    It is useless to try to find the Companion disk for XE, it doesn't exist. Oracle Companion disk is available only for the SE or EE editons, not for XE. XE only has included the HR schema. The reason is because the other schemas require options, such as partitioning, which are not available in XE.
    If you want to test the other schemas, then you must install the Oracle Enterprise Edition.
    ~ Madrid

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    You should be able to download ODM DB11g sample programs from the following OTN link:
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    The Order Entry (OE) schema builds on the purely relational Human Relations (HR) schema with some object-relational and object-oriented features. The OE schema contains seven tables: Customers, Product_Descriptions, Product_Information, Order_Items, Orders, Inventories, and Warehouses. The OE schema has links into the HR schema and PM schema. This schema also has synonyms defined on HR objects to make access transparent to users.
    rem Header: oe_cre.sql 09-jan-01
    rem Copyright (c) 2001, 2002, Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved. 
    rem Owner  : ahunold
    rem NAME
    rem   oe_cre.sql - create OE Common Schema
    rem   Creates database objects. The script assumes that the HR schema
    rem   is present.
    rem NOTES
    rem   The OIDs assigned for the object types are used to
    rem   simplify the setup of Replication demos and are not needed
    rem   in most unreplicated environments.
    rem MODIFIED   (MM/DD/YY)
    rem   hyeh      08/29/02 - hyeh_mv_comschema_to_rdbms
    rem   ahunold   09/17/01 - FK in PRODUCT_DESCRIPTIONS
    rem   ahunold   04/25/01 - OID
    rem   ahunold   03/02/01 - eliminating DROP SEQUENCE
    rem   ahunold   01/30/01 - OE script headers
    rem   ahunold   01/24/01 - Eliminate extra lines from last merge
    rem   ahunold   01/05/01 - promo_id
    rem   ahunold   01/05/01 - NN constraints in product_descriptions
    rem   ahunold   01/09/01 - checkin ADE
    PROMPT specify Sample Schema version as parameter 1:
    DEFINE vrs     = &1
    -- ======================================================================
    -- Type definitions
    -- ======================================================================
    CREATE TYPE cust_address_typ
      OID '82A4AF6A4CD1656DE034080020E0EE3D'
        ( street_address     VARCHAR2(40)
        , postal_code        VARCHAR2(10)
        , city               VARCHAR2(30)
        , state_province     VARCHAR2(10)
        , country_id         CHAR(2)
    REM ===========================================================================
    REM Create phone_list_typ varray to be varray column in customers table.
    REM ===========================================================================
    CREATE TYPE phone_list_typ
      OID '82A4AF6A4CD2656DE034080020E0EE3D'
      AS VARRAY(5) OF VARCHAR2(25);
    REM ===========================================================================
    REM Create customers table.
    REM The cust_geo_location column will become MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY (spatial)
    REM datatype when appropriate scripts and data are available.
    REM ===========================================================================
    DEFINE vscript = ?/demo/schema/order_entry/ccus_&vrs
    CREATE UNIQUE INDEX customers_pk
       ON customers (customer_id) ;
    REM Both table and indexes are analyzed using the oe_analz.sql script.
    ALTER TABLE customers
    ADD ( CONSTRAINT customers_pk
          PRIMARY KEY (customer_id)
    REM ===========================================================================
    REM Create warehouses table;
    REM  includes spatial data column wh_geo_location and
    REM  XML type warehouse_spec (was bug b41)
    REM ===========================================================================
    DEFINE vscript = ?/demo/schema/order_entry/cwhs_&vrs
    CREATE UNIQUE INDEX warehouses_pk
    ON warehouses (warehouse_id) ;
    ALTER TABLE warehouses
    ADD (CONSTRAINT warehouses_pk PRIMARY KEY (warehouse_id)
    REM ===========================================================================
    REM Create table order_items.
    REM ===========================================================================
    CREATE TABLE order_items
        ( order_id           NUMBER(12)
        , line_item_id       NUMBER(3)  NOT NULL
        , product_id         NUMBER(6)  NOT NULL
        , unit_price         NUMBER(8,2)
        , quantity           NUMBER(8)
    CREATE UNIQUE INDEX order_items_pk
    ON order_items (order_id, line_item_id) ;
    CREATE UNIQUE INDEX order_items_uk
    ON order_items (order_id, product_id) ;
    ALTER TABLE order_items
    ADD ( CONSTRAINT order_items_pk PRIMARY KEY (order_id, line_item_id)
    CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER insert_ord_line
      BEFORE INSERT ON order_items
        new_line number;
        SELECT (NVL(MAX(line_item_id),0)+1) INTO new_line
          FROM order_items
          WHERE order_id = :new.order_id;
        :new.line_item_id := new_line;
    REM ===========================================================================
    REM Create table orders, which includes a TIMESTAMP column and a check
    REM constraint.
    REM ===========================================================================
    DEFINE vscript = ?/demo/schema/order_entry/cord_&vrs
    ON orders (order_id) ;
    ALTER TABLE orders
    ADD ( CONSTRAINT order_pk
          PRIMARY KEY (order_id)
    REM ===========================================================================
    REM Create inventories table, which contains a concatenated primary key.
    REM ===========================================================================
    CREATE TABLE inventories
      ( product_id         NUMBER(6)
      , warehouse_id       NUMBER(3) CONSTRAINT inventory_warehouse_id_nn NOT NULL
      , quantity_on_hand   NUMBER(8)
    CONSTRAINT inventory_qoh_nn NOT NULL
      , CONSTRAINT inventory_pk PRIMARY KEY (product_id, warehouse_id)
    REM ===========================================================================
    REM Create table product_information, which contains an INTERVAL datatype and
    REM a CHECK ... IN constraint.
    REM ===========================================================================
    CREATE TABLE product_information
        ( product_id          NUMBER(6)
        , product_name        VARCHAR2(50)
        , product_description VARCHAR2(2000)
        , category_id         NUMBER(2)
        , weight_class        NUMBER(1)
        , warranty_period     INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH
        , supplier_id         NUMBER(6)
        , product_status      VARCHAR2(20)
        , list_price          NUMBER(8,2)
        , min_price           NUMBER(8,2)
        , catalog_url         VARCHAR2(50)
        , CONSTRAINT          product_status_lov
                              CHECK (product_status in ('orderable'
                                                      ,'under development'
    ALTER TABLE product_information
    ADD ( CONSTRAINT product_information_pk PRIMARY KEY (product_id)
    REM ===========================================================================
    REM Create table product_descriptions, which contains NVARCHAR2 columns for
    REM NLS-language information.
    REM ===========================================================================
    CREATE TABLE product_descriptions
        ( product_id             NUMBER(6)
        , language_id            VARCHAR2(3)
        , translated_name        NVARCHAR2(50)
    CONSTRAINT translated_name_nn NOT NULL
        , translated_description NVARCHAR2(2000)
    CONSTRAINT translated_desc_nn NOT NULL
    CREATE UNIQUE INDEX prd_desc_pk
    ON product_descriptions(product_id,language_id) ;
    ALTER TABLE product_descriptions
    ADD ( CONSTRAINT product_descriptions_pk
         PRIMARY KEY (product_id, language_id));
    ALTER TABLE orders
    ADD ( CONSTRAINT orders_sales_rep_fk
          FOREIGN KEY (sales_rep_id)
          REFERENCES hr.employees(employee_id)
    ALTER TABLE orders
    ADD ( CONSTRAINT orders_customer_id_fk
          FOREIGN KEY (customer_id)
          REFERENCES customers(customer_id)
    ALTER TABLE warehouses
    ADD ( CONSTRAINT warehouses_location_fk
          FOREIGN KEY (location_id)
          REFERENCES hr.locations(location_id)
    ALTER TABLE customers
    ADD ( CONSTRAINT customers_account_manager_fk
          FOREIGN KEY (account_mgr_id)
          REFERENCES hr.employees(employee_id)
    ALTER TABLE inventories
    ADD ( CONSTRAINT inventories_warehouses_fk
          FOREIGN KEY (warehouse_id)
          REFERENCES warehouses (warehouse_id)
    ALTER TABLE inventories
    ADD ( CONSTRAINT inventories_product_id_fk
          FOREIGN KEY (product_id)
          REFERENCES product_information (product_id)
    ALTER TABLE order_items
    ADD ( CONSTRAINT order_items_order_id_fk
          FOREIGN KEY (order_id)
          REFERENCES orders(order_id)
    enable novalidate
    ALTER TABLE order_items
    ADD ( CONSTRAINT order_items_product_id_fk
          FOREIGN KEY (product_id)
          REFERENCES product_information(product_id)
    ALTER TABLE product_descriptions
    ADD ( CONSTRAINT pd_product_id_fk
          FOREIGN KEY (product_id)
          REFERENCES product_information(product_id)
    REM ===========================================================================
    REM Create cross-schema synonyms
    REM ===========================================================================
    CREATE SYNONYM countries FOR hr.countries;
    CREATE SYNONYM locations FOR hr.locations;
    CREATE SYNONYM departments FOR hr.departments;
    CREATE SYNONYM jobs FOR hr.jobs;
    CREATE SYNONYM employees FOR hr.employees;
    CREATE SYNONYM job_history FOR hr.job_history;
    REM ===========================================================================
    REM Create sequences
    REM ===========================================================================
    CREATE SEQUENCE orders_seq
    START WITH     1000
    REM ===========================================================================
    REM Need commit for PO
    REM ===========================================================================
    COMMIT;And yes, you must install at least Oracle SE to get completely this sample schemas on your file system :(

  • Sample schemas scripts are missing from 10g (  on Win XP Pro(32

    Hi All!
    Sample schemas (HR, OE, PM, QS, and SH) scripts are missing from 10g ( on Win XP Pro(32-bit)
    I have checked $ORACLE_HOME/demo/schema directory: There is subdirectory for each schema.
    The scripts are not there or only some of them scripts are installed.
    The list of correct scripts is hear:
    Where to get scripts to rebuild sample schemas manually?
    Thank you

    Welcome to the forums !
    The scripts should be available in the companion directory of the CD

Maybe you are looking for