10.5.2 crasing while using wireless logitech mouse

Having just installed the 10.5.2 update my mac was constantly crashing. Unable to work out what was wrong, I had a suspicion it was my mouse. After disconnecting my Logitech trackball, everything was fine. My colleague who is also running 10.5.2 and a logitech mouse experienced the same problem all yesterday. I'd submit this issues at the logitech site - though there is nowhere to do so.

Hi hunthunthunt-
greetings and welcome to the Apple boards
Good job troubleshooting. Is this a BlueTooth device or does it use a dongle?
Unfortunately it is up to Logitech to release updated compatible drivers. Is there anything on the support section of the site that refers to updated drivers?

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    You might try the Logitech support site. There are communities on there:
    Here is a link to drivers:
    Logitech Drivers
    You might check your home folder/Library to see if you can find a Logitec .plist.
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    Have you tried an alternate Mouse driver?
    USB Overdrive
    I think they have demo modes.
    Personally, I use a Logitech mouse with about 9 buttons. My scroll wheel can be pushed left or right. Left is configured to Copy and Right is configured for Paste. Via USB Overdrive it does Command-C/Command-V for Mac applications, and the correct thing for X11 applications. That is to say, I can have the buttons do different things for different applications.

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    The Apple mouse does have left and right click, but you have to enable it in the "Keyboard & Mouse" system preferences. (If right-click is not enabled, you can press Control while left-clicking.) When using right-click on the Apple mouse, be sure your finger is lifted from the left side of the mouse.

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    To use the F9 and F10 keys to control Exposé, you need to do one of two things:
    - Press the fn key with F9 and/or F10
    - Go to System Preferences > Keyboard & Mouse > Keyboard and check the box 'Use F1-F12 keys to control software features' and use the fn key with F9 and/or F10 to control the keyboard backlighting. If you check that box, then Exposé will behave in the same way it does on your iMac wrt your mouse buttons.

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    Hi, all!
    Just a "me, too" to add to oceans' comments about SteerMouse.
    I tried then purchased it recently, primarily because it provides what I consider superior mouse tracking speed/acceleration control for my Apple wireless mouse, well beyond the built-in drivers. When I switch to an older Logitech mouse (OpticalMouse11), SteerMouse enables some handy programmable functions I'd never been able to manage before. Thus, worth it to me... [1] 
    Of course, the new Logitech Control Center 2.0.0 is free, so I'd suggest trying both to evaluate what provides acceptable performance.
    [1] I'd guess the tried-and-true USB Overdrive would also be excellent for this case; I simply haven't tried recent versions because Bluetooth support hasn't been added yet. But it's been the favorite of many Mac folks for years.

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    I know what a microswitch is, please look at these links, here are the proof there is (or maybe there was) a tiny speaker in some mighty mouse and wireless mighty mouse:
    and this:
    and this:
    and this:
    and this:
    http://macdailynews.com/2005/08/02/apples_new_mighty_mouse_provides_audio_feedba ck_for_clicking_and_scrolling/
    and I can keep giving you tens of links to proof you that actually there is (or maybe there was) a tiny speaker inside the mighty mouse and the wireless mighty mouse, If yours came without one it doesn't necessarily mean all came without one, right? That is why I asked you what version you have in order to figure out which ones does have the speaker and which one doesn't.

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    Hello all, I have Logitech G700s mouse for my new Macbook pro 15" Retina (2013 Haswell).
    When using my Macbook with the built in trackpad, scrolling is super smoth and very easy on the eyes. But when using the Logitech mouse, scrolling is very (choppy, stuttery, jitter - whatever you want to call it) just not as smooth as the trackpad. Is anybody else having the same problem?
    I tried with and without Logitech drivers. Logitech drivers actually did help a bit, but scrolling still not as smooth as the trackpad. Is this something I will just have to deal with? or is there a fix? is it the mouse problem?
    Any help would be appreciated.

    Right Logitech mice aren't the best at scrolling. I have 2 of their mice and both work OK accept for the scroll wheel. They work but they jump around. Moving the wheel forward sometimes makes the system think it is first moving backwards. I find the Wheel scroll detents very weak and any pressure applied to it can cause it to think it has move forwards or backwards without really moving it at all. Just something I have gotten use to over the 2+ years I used them.

  • Logitech Mouse

    Before I took my computer to the genus bar for repair, I didn't have this problem.
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    How do you guys/girls wake up your computer from sleep?

    only one way - any key

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