10g: Data Binding in event handlers?

I'm trying to use data binding in my event handlers so that I can have a definitive source for the Strings that name things like this. I can see that the page is getting generated with the proper names on the elements in the page, but I always get an UnhandledEventException when I trigger the event. The idea is something like this:
        <submitButton text="Refresh" event="${ pageBean.controlRefreshEventName }" >
        <submitButton text="Hide Controls" event="${ pageBean.controlHideEventName }" >
        <event name="${ pageBean.controlRefreshEventName }">
            <method class="com.avega.portlets.view.EventHandler"
        <event name="${ pageBean.controlHideEventName }">
            <method class="com.avega.portlets.view.EventHandler"
...Now in my EventHandler I would be able to use the getXXXName methods when checking for which submit button was hit. Except I'm getting an exception instead.
(BTW, I only have the two event tags because I wasn't sure how to concatenate the el expressions with a space...)

No, there's no indication that anything is wrong until I cause the event and get the UnhandledEventException.
However, I did the an experiment with the following tags, the first in a plain JSP, the second in a UIX page, and it seems that this is the normal way of handling a non-existant bean reference. Both cases printed 'text' in the page and did not complain that 'noBean' didn't exist. It seems you get an error when you reference a non-existant property on an existing bean, but no error if the bean itself doesn't exist. Anyway, UIX doesn't appear to be any different from JSP in this regard.
<c:out value="${ noBean.noProperty } text" />
<styledText text="${ noBean.noProperty } text" />

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    No, there's no indication that anything is wrong until I cause the event and get the UnhandledEventException.
    However, I did the an experiment with the following tags, the first in a plain JSP, the second in a UIX page, and it seems that this is the normal way of handling a non-existant bean reference. Both cases printed 'text' in the page and did not complain that 'noBean' didn't exist. It seems you get an error when you reference a non-existant property on an existing bean, but no error if the bean itself doesn't exist. Anyway, UIX doesn't appear to be any different from JSP in this regard.
    <c:out value="${ noBean.noProperty } text" />
    <styledText text="${ noBean.noProperty } text" />

  • UIX with XSQL as XML data provider and event handler

    Hello ,
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    as well as input values to be persisted after completing the form (event handler).
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    Any help appreciated
    Klaus Dreistadt

    You could do this, but we don't provide any tools to make this easy.
    You'd have to write an implement of the DataObject interface
    that gives your UI access to the XML document, and write custom
    event handlers to perform the "set" side of things. The Data Binding
    and UIX Controller chapters of the UIX developer's guide will give you
    a high-level view of how to accomplish this, but nothing specifically
    about reading or writing to XML documents.

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    Are the table row data bindings just gone after the table is rendered or is there some alternate notation that lets me get at them.
    Thanks in advance.

    the primaryclient action should pass the rowkey of the current row (${uix.current.rowKeyStr}) as a parameter. This way the server can find the corresponding row on the server in an event handler.

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    I had forgotten I solved this myself last Dec. So basically from what I can tell the precompiler no longer does any [Bindable] conversions so you have to manually create the getters and setters for your model when this changes. I hope this helps anyone who may run into the same problem. There's literally no documentation on this any wheres.
    public var username : String;
    private var _username : String;
            public function get username():String
                return this._serviceState;
            public function set username(value:String):void
                var oldValue:Object = this._username;
                if (oldValue !== value)
                    this._username = value;
                    if (this.hasEventListener("propertyChange"))
                        this.dispatchEvent(mx.events.PropertyChangeEvent.createUpdateEvent(this, "username", oldValue, value));
    You also need to make sure what ever class contains this property implements IEventDispatcher and has the following functions:
    IEventDispatcher implementation
    private var _bindingEventDispatcher:flash.events.EventDispatcher =
    new flash.events.EventDispatcher(flash.events.IEventDispatcher(this));
      * @inheritDoc
    public function addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function,
      useCapture:Boolean = false,
      priority:int = 0,
      weakRef:Boolean = false):void
    _bindingEventDispatcher.addEventListener(type, listener, useCapture,
    priority, weakRef);
      * @inheritDoc
    public function dispatchEvent(event:flash.events.Event):Boolean
    return _bindingEventDispatcher.dispatchEvent(event);
      * @inheritDoc
    public function hasEventListener(type:String):Boolean
    return _bindingEventDispatcher.hasEventListener(type);
      * @inheritDoc
    public function removeEventListener(type:String,
    useCapture:Boolean = false):void
    _bindingEventDispatcher.removeEventListener(type, listener, useCapture);
      * @inheritDoc
    public function willTrigger(type:String):Boolean
    return _bindingEventDispatcher.willTrigger(type);

  • Dynamic Data Binding at runtime

    For future applications, flexibility will be an important feature. One of the biggest drawbacks of forms is/was, on my opinion, not being able to create new items at runtime.
    JClient will easily overcome this restriction. But how about data binding ?
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    Hi pascal
    It is not possible to send you email at your address. All come back with a permanent error
    Your document:     test
    was not delivered to:     <[email protected]>
    because:     Error transferring to smtp.solnet.CH; SMTP Protocol Returned a Permanent Error 550 Service unavailable; Client host [] blocked using dul.dnsbl.sorbs.net; Dynamic IP Address See: http://www.dnsbl.sorbs.net/cgi-bin/lookup?IP=

  • Do I need to worry about these event handlers in a grid from a memory leak perspective?

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    <mx:DataGrid id="targetsGrid" width="100%" height="100%" doubleClickEnabled="true" styleName="itemCell"
          headerStyleName="headerRow" dataProvider="{targets}"
          rowHeight="19" fontSize="11" paddingBottom="0" paddingTop="1">
         <mx:DataGridColumn width="78" dataField="@isSelected" headerText="">
                   <mx:HBox width="100%" height="100%" horizontalAlign="center">
                        <mx:CheckBox id="targetCheckBox" selected="{data.@isSelected == 'true'}"
                        <mx:Image horizontalAlign="center" toolTip="Delete" source="@Embed('/assets/icons/delete.png')" useHandCursor="true" buttonMode="true"
                        <mx:Image id="editButton" horizontalAlign="center" toolTip="Edit" source="@Embed('/assets/icons/edit-icon.png')" useHandCursor="true" buttonMode="true"
              <mx:DataGridColumn id="Name" dataField="@collectionDesc" headerText="Name" itemRenderer="com.foobar.integrated.media.ui.component.CellStyleForTargetName"/>
              <mx:DataGridColumn id="Created" width="140" dataField="@createDateTime" headerText="Created"  labelFunction="UiHelper.gridDateFormat" />
    This grid is part of a view that will get destroyed and recreated potentially many times during a user's session within the application (there's a large dynamic nature to the app and views are created at run-time.) By destroyed I mean that the view that holds the above datagrid will no longer be referenced under certain circumstances and an entire new view object is created (meaning the old datagrid is no longer refernced and a new one is created.)
    I heard you should clean up event handlers when they are no longer used, and I know at what point the view is destroyed, but I don't know how to clean up the event handlers added to the item renderer components? Is it something that the Flex garbage collector will handle efficiently?
    Also, on a somewhat related note, how could I push the item renderer to an external component since in my event handlers for the item renderer buttons I need a reference to the datagrid.selectedIndex which, as an external item renderer I wouldn't have access to this containing grid?

    No. You don't need explicit cleanup in this case: if your outerDocument is going away, you have nothing to worry about. The event handler leak can happen in sort of the reverse situation: suppose you have a long-lived MyView that contains a custom DataGrid like the one below. Now suppose that MyView frequently destroys and re-creates the grid. And suppose that on its creationComplete event, the grid registers a listener for outerDocument's (MyView's) enterFrame Event. Unless you explicitly remove this listener, MyView will still have a reference to it even after the grid that registered the listener is destroyed (and garbage collected).
    This is a pretty contrived example, but it sort of illustrates the potential for leaks: a certain component is elligible for garbage collection, but some longer-lived component holds a reference to it (or part of it, such as a listener function). If the longer-lived component is elligible for GC as well, you don't really need to worry about proper cleanup. That's what you're paying the GC processor cycles for.

  • How to set a default start and/or end date for New Events based on trigger date.

    I'm using the CalendarActivityListener to get current row when clicking on an existing event. As per previous posts this listener gives you access to event detail including Start Date, End Date, etc.
    However, what I want to do is to default the start (and end) dates for New Events based on the trigger date.
    I've tried the CalendarListener and can grab the Trigger Date from it - however, I can't see a way to pass this directly to the popup/dialog I'm using to create the new event.
    At present I'm putting the TriggerDate into the ADFContext session scope e.g. ADFContext.getCurrent().getSessionScope().put("TriggerDate",calendarEvent.getTriggerDate());
    Then, I've tried multiple approaches to try and "get" the TriggerDate from session scope to drop it into my new Calendar Event basically, I'm trying to default the InputField(s) associated with the Start Date using the value from the session - I've tried
    1. setting the default value for the InputField in the jspx using a binding expression i.e. value="#{sessionScope.TriggerDate}" - this actually sets the value appropriately when the jspx is rendered but, when I go to create I get a NPE and I can't debug. I assumed that it might be a Date type issue - it would appear that CalendarListener provides a date of type java.util.Date and that the StartDate attribute of my VO/EO/table is a DATE and therefore requires oracle.jbo.domain.Date so I tried casting it - to no effect
    2. Using a Groovy expression *(StartDate==null?adf.context.sessionScope.TriggerDate:StartDate)* in my calendar's EventVO to default the Start Date to the same result
    Any thoughts or ideas?

    Thanks for that suggestion - could not get it to work. However, I did manage a different approach. I finally determined the sequence of events in terms of how the various events and listeners fire (I think).
    Basically, the CalendarActivityListener fires, followed by the listener associated with the Calendar object's Create facet, followed finally by the CalendarEventListener - the final is where the TriggerEvent is available and then finally, control is passed to the popup/dialog in the Create facet. So, my approach of trying to set/get the TriggerDate in the user's HTTP session was doomed to failure because it was being get before it had been set :(
    Anyway, I ended up adding a bit of code to the CalendarEvent listener - it grabs the current BindingContext, navigates through the DCBindingContainer to derive an Iterator for the ViewObject which drives the calendar and then grabs the currently active row. I then do a few tests to make sure we're working with a "new" row because I don't want to alter start & end dates associated with an existing calendar entry and then I define the Start and End dates to be the Trigger Date.
    Works just fine. Snippet from the listener follows
    BindingContext bindingContext = BindingContext.getCurrent();+
    *if ( bindingContext != null )    {*+
    DCBindingContainer dcBindings = (DCBindingContainer) bindingContext.getCurrentBindingsEntry();+
    DCIteratorBinding iterator = dcBindings.findIteratorBinding("EventsView1Iterator");+
    Row currentRow = iterator.getCurrentRow();+
    if ( currentRow.getAttribute("StartDate") == null)+
    currentRow.setAttribute("StartDate", calendarEvent.getTriggerDate());+
    if (currentRow.getAttribute("EndDate")==null)+
    currentRow.setAttribute("EndDate", calendarEvent.getTriggerDate());+

  • The data binding isn't working, what have I done wrong?

    I'm writing a very simple WPF app, one view. I've got a few models defined for the small handful of tables this app works with. I'm making some sort of boneheaded mistake, but I can't see what it is. I'm trying to bind to a property of one of the model
    classes I've define, to a textbox in a stackpanel. Here's the XAML:
    <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Margin="0, 5" DataContext="{Binding cvsSpecMapping}">
    <TextBlock Margin="10,0,5,0">Specimen Mapping: </TextBlock>
    <TextBox x:Name="txtHl7SpecMap"
    Text="{Binding HL7SpecimenTypeName}"
    ToolTip="{Binding HL7SpecimenTypeName}"
    MaxLength="250" />
    Earlier in the same XAML file I've got the following collection view source defined in the windows' resources:
    <CollectionViewSource x:Key="cvsSpecMapping" />
    This isn't rocket science. Here's the model class definition. I'm removing all but the relevant property:
    using System;
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
    namespace SpecMapException.Models
    * This class I am interested in knowing what properties change.
    * Also note that the properties in this class do NOT represent all of the properties
    * in the Prism.SpecimenMapping table. It only represents what this application has
    * to store.
    public class SpecimenMapping : INotifyPropertyChanged
    private const int MAX_HL7SPECIMENTYPENAME_LEN = 250;
    #region class properties
    private string _hl7SpecimenTypeName = "";
    public string HL7SpecimenTypeName
    get { return _hl7SpecimenTypeName; }
    if (value != _hl7SpecimenTypeName)
    _hl7SpecimenTypeName = EnforceMaxLength(value, MAX_HL7SPECIMENTYPENAME_LEN);
    #endregion //class properties
    #region local routines
    private string EnforceMaxLength(string PassedValue, int MaxLength)
    if (PassedValue.Length <= MaxLength)
    return PassedValue;
    return PassedValue.Substring(0, MaxLength);
    #region PropertyChanged code
    * The usual property changed code.
    public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
    private void NotifyPropertyChanged([CallerMemberName] String propertyName = "")
    if (PropertyChanged != null)
    PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
    And lastly here's the relevant code which I've put into the windows Loaded event:
    Models.SpecimenMapping sm = null;
    private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    var cvsSpecMapNames = (CollectionViewSource)(this.FindResource("cvsSpecMapping"));
    cvsSpecMapNames.Source = sm;
    So what is the mistake that I've made? Why isn't the data binding to the textbox txtHl7SpecMap working?
    (I'm using VS 2013, .NET 4.5.)

    cvsSpecMapping is a resource and not a property so you should set the DataContext using the StaticResource markup extension instead of Binding:
    <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Margin="0, 5" DataContext="{StaticResource cvsSpecMapping}">
    Also, the Source property of a CollectionViewSource is supposed to be set to a collection:
    private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    sm = new Models.SpecimenMapping();
    var cvsSpecMapNames = (CollectionViewSource)(this.FindResource("cvsSpecMapping"));
    cvsSpecMapNames.Source = new List<Models.SpecimenMapping>() { sm };
    You may also want to set a default value of the HL7SpecimenTypeName property to confirm that the binding actually works after you have done the above changes:
    public class SpecimenMapping : INotifyPropertyChanged
    private const int MAX_HL7SPECIMENTYPENAME_LEN = 250;
    #region class properties
    private string _hl7SpecimenTypeName = "def....";
    public string HL7SpecimenTypeName
    get { return _hl7SpecimenTypeName; }
    if (value != _hl7SpecimenTypeName)
    _hl7SpecimenTypeName = EnforceMaxLength(value, MAX_HL7SPECIMENTYPENAME_LEN);
    Hope that helps.
    Please remember to mark helpful posts as answer to close your thread and then start a new thread if you have a new question.

  • Data Binding for Custom Controls?

    I'm a little bit confused of how to use databinding for custom controls.
    I know i can bind a property, as seen here http://help.sap.com/saphelp_uiaddon10/helpdata/en/91/f0f3cd6f4d1014b6dd926db0e91070/content.htm, but how can I map whole arrays?
    My problem is the following:
    I want to create a custom table control in SAPUI5 (as the default one doesn't provide the neccessary options and properties I need), but I can't seem to find an example how to bind "rows".
    There has to be a way to do this properly. All I can think of now, and implemented, is, passing the name of the variable in the model...
    var x = new my.controls.complex.table({data: "/status"});
    var row1 = new my.controls.complex.columnHeaderRow();
    row1.addColumn(new my.controls.complex.column({text: "", rowspan: "2", colspan: "1", content: "FIRST_COL"}));
    ...my JSON/model looks like:
    { "status": [ {"FIRST_COL": "a" , ...}, {"FIRST_COL": "b", ... }, ... ], ... }
    (which should translate into /status/0/FIRST_COL, /status/1/FIRST_COL, ... AFAIK)
    ... and then I use this variable name by getting the application-wide model and use the variable passed as key for the model... (please note, this code is just a snippet)
           var sapCore = sap.ui.getCore();
                if (sapCore !== undefined) {
                 var model = sapCore.getModel().getObject();
                 if (model === undefined || model == [] || model == null){ } else {
                  $.each(model, function(idx, item){
                   $.each(oControl.getColumnsRows(), function(idx, item2) {
                    $.each(item2.getColumns(), function(idx, item3){
                     var content = item3.getContent();
                     if (content !== undefined && content != ""){
                      outpLine = outpLine + "<td>" + model[idx][content] + "</td>";
    ...which still leaves me with the problem of to get an event to react to re-render on changes within the data model, as well as when there would be just an control-specific model, or just a sub-node within a model etc.
    So my question is:
    Is there a way/best practice to define data binding in a custom control and have a way to react on it, and how to react on data changes within a custom control?
    Thanks & KR

    I create a entirely new control, from sap.ui.core.Control.
    sap.ui.core.Control.extend("my.controls.complex.table",{... });
    I did define a aggregation...
            aggregations : { columnsRows: {type : "my.controls.complex.columnRow", multiple : true, visibility: "public"}     },
    ...yet I'm still unclear how I work with this aggregation and databinding. I know we can use the bindAggreation functionallity, but since the aggregation is a object (my.control.complex.columnRow) I don't know how my JSON model should be able to bind to that aggregation (as well as how would one be able to cascade a aggregation like this down futher? For example if there is an aggregation in the object of my aggregation?), plus it still doesn't solve my problem of how I can react (for example redraw) on model changes.
    Thanks in advance,

  • Best Practice: Data Binding

    Each non-trivial Swing application needs to bind GUI elements (windows and components) to data. Ten years back in my MFC times, the typical solution was to initialize the GUI with fixed data, show the window, and read back the modified data after window closure. But in Swing, there is more flexibility (data can be dynamic for example). But what is the best way to deal with data binding?
    - Writing custom models, bound directly to data objects?
    - Initializing once and read back after window closure?
    - Using the non-standard (but rather interesting) beans binding API?
    Certainly there are more solutions, but my intention is not to write a list of possibilities or to get your opinion on one of these solutions. Actually I'd like to know from the experienced Swing pros in this forum, whether there is a best practice for data binding?

    I'd say it depends on what kind of data are you binding and if they're refreshed or not. In our "framework" we're using Properties-based approach for dialogs - server packs an @Entity into class similar to Properties - basically it's s Map<String, Object>, sends this Properties to client and values are put into our customised components. We're using component name as a key, most of controls are simple extends of standard JComponents with handful of methods from common interface (like load(), save(), ...). This approach seems to work fine.
    For refreshed "lists" we're using again our custom "framework" based on sending initial batch and consequent diffs - there is sort of event queue responsible for telling everyone what had been changed. Because this kind of data tends to be quite huge, we're sending gzipped binary representation of source data.
    With beans there might be a way how to implement both simply by calling getters, but then every single value results in one roundtrip, which was absolutely unacceptable for us. But I can imaging this working fine on LAN.

  • OIM11 event handlers: How to avoid firing the same code in both pre+post

    Hi everyone,
    I have a question around event handlers. My experiments so far have gleaned the following:
    Manual updates of user form in admin interface -> Fires: pre-insert + Post-insert
    Reconciliation trusted creates -> Fires: Post-insert
    Reconciliation trusted updates -> Fires: pre-insert + Post-insert
    Now I have various handlers that trigger to update fields coming in from trusted recon. Formatting telephone numbers, setting custom user attributes.. etc. I am using the same code in both the post and pre handlers as wherever the update comes from it needs to be processed in the same way. Problem is if a handler fires twice I can't be sure exactly how the system is going to behave (updating the same field again etc), never mind it is unneeded processing.
    We have to keep the pre handlers because otherwise changes completed via the admin interface won't be seen until you refresh.
    Can anyone please advice how to go about ensuring a handler is only fired once? i.e. if pre fires don't fire post. Have I missed something key here?
    Edit: I know I've worded this badly. They will always fire as that's how OIM behaves, what I want is some way to work out in the underlying code if a field has already been modified in pre process... or something like it.
    Edited by: wblacklock on 27-Feb-2012 05:38

    I am sorry but I am not agree with your design.
    However there is no chance to avoid this according to my knowledge. As both class has separate thread under different process, so there is no way to implement thread lock on entity operation.
    Alternate way  to acheive your requirement:
    You can have hidden UDFs. Update hidden UDFs in prepost handler with some data (hardcoded).
    "You can have the value this hidden filed like :- "NAME_UPDATE|EMAIL_UPDATED|MANGER_UPDATE"
    Now in Post - Process handler check the value of hidden UDF.
    Get the value of hidden UDF, tokenize with String Tokenizer. Check which filed is not updated in Pre handler.
    *If it is already updated - do not update.* else Update.

  • Data binding - Arraycollection and Datasource

    Hi All
    1. Can any one paste a snippet of .MXML code and relevant WDA code (get_Attributes) for an ArrayCollection(Flex) and Datasource(WDA) data binding ?
    2. What is the procedure to set default values for the flex components at application initialisation. Already tried setting the relevant attributes in the WDODOINIT methods of  View and Componenet controller.  Also tried raising an event just after the FlashIsland.Register (this) delcaration in MXML but the event is not fired however subsequent events raised based on user clicks are raised properly. Any pointers as to what is being missed ?
    Thanks in advance

    Hi All
    1. Can any one paste a snippet of .MXML code and relevant WDA code (get_Attributes) for an ArrayCollection(Flex) and Datasource(WDA) data binding ?
    2. What is the procedure to set default values for the flex components at application initialisation. Already tried setting the relevant attributes in the WDODOINIT methods of  View and Componenet controller.  Also tried raising an event just after the FlashIsland.Register (this) delcaration in MXML but the event is not fired however subsequent events raised based on user clicks are raised properly. Any pointers as to what is being missed ?
    Thanks in advance

  • Need Help on Gauge's Data Binding plz!

    Hi guys I'm new to actionscript and FLEX and am doing a demo
    app for boss where I'm asked to add ILOG widgets via actionscript
    during runtime. The data binding over gauges' value property didn't
    actually work.. and here's an example of what I wrote:
    private var value1:Number;
    private function timerHandler( event:Event ) : void //the
    timer thread to generate random variables
    value1 = Math.round(Math.random() * 100);
    public function toggleGauge(event:Event):void
    if(gaugeToggle.selected == false)
    else {
    var g1:SimpleVerticalGauge = new SimpleVerticalGauge();
    g1.title = "Mary";
    g1.value = value1;
    <mx:CheckBox id="gaugeToggle" label="Vertical Gauge"
    selected="true" click="{toggleGauge(event)}"/>
    Now It is adding gauges runtime with actionscript that
    stumbled me. I have also declared the same gauge via MXML using
    "value='{value1}'" and that worked perfectly after program
    launches. Can anybody please suggest a solution to this? Much

    oh forgot to mention the gauge is an ILOG

  • Where are the data-binding frameworks for Oracle Objects?

    Oracle offers a few different options for data-binding frameworks to Oracle relational data. Amongst them they include TopLink and the Oracle Application Development Framework (ADF)in JDeveloper 10G. J2EE also offers the EJB standard framework. Both of the Oracle data-binding frameworks appear to work well with relational data but fail miserably when one tries to work with a fully fledged Oracle Object-Relational schema. I have spend much time with ADF but have not been able to create successful bindings to Objects with nested complex objects (such as a 2-level nested object) or objects containing nested tables. TopLink will not even touch Object tables.
    Have other people being more successful with this? Do we have to implement our own data binding framework? Does Oracle plan on improving these frameworks to fully support Oracle Objects?

    TopLink Runtime supports both fully fledged OX mappings and nested complex objects. These mappings can be setup in the code.
    TopLink ADF design time however currently does not have support for OX mappings.
    Hope this helps,

Maybe you are looking for