11 free ways to start learning how to code

A little familiarity with coding can be a huge help for automating processes, batch scripting, and creating tools and utilities on the fly. Luckily for you, TechRepublic has published a list of the top 10 free resourcesto get you learning how to code – and we added a couple of our own resources as well.1. Hour of CodeHour of Code, from the non-profit Code.org, is aimed at students, but there's no age limit on what you can learn. According to TechRepublic, it features "an hour-long introduction to computer science and coding."2. Free Code CampEver wanted to learn JavaScript but had no idea where to start?Free Code Campcan getyou started, and give you the opportunity to "work through full-stack JavaScript coding projects, with the support of the Free Code Camp community via chat rooms." 3. MIT OpenCourseWareMIT's OpenCourseWareputs...
This topic first appeared in the Spiceworks Community

bw reporting has following topics.
exception, condition, filter, calculated key figure, restricted key figure, variables.
find a materials in the following links
SDN, Sapgenie.com,Ittoolbox.com,sapfans.com are the websites for SAP and SDN is a good site for SAP Material.
https://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/sdn/go/portal/prtroot/docs/webcontent/uuid/e78a5148-0701-0010-7da9-a6c721c6112e [original link is broken]
How-to Guides for SAP NetWeaver Business Warehouse  7.0 [original link is broken]
harikrishna N

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    If you have a sponsorship, I would recommend taking classes with Oracle University. The other resources are documentation, functional and technical depending on what your interests are.
    If you can load Vision database or access vision database (I think solutionbeacon offers a free account to login and play around), that will be another resource as well.
    As you learn, join as much user groups like this one, and review all questions and answers in the discussions to understand and learn more.
    Hope this helps.

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    Hello Tejaswi,
    The advice you got about reading the Oracle Concepts and 2 Day DBA documentation is very good advice.
    I found that knowing some SQL*Plus and SQL Developer was also very helpful as, they both provide a way to interface with the database and try the things you read about. For SQL Plus, I used the book:
    Oracle SQL*Plus: The Definitive Guide, 2nd Edition
    By Jonathan Gennick
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    ISBN : 0-596-00746-9 I openly recommend it. It is easy to read, the book is very well thought out, it covers what you really need to know (and more too). The author explains the subjects very well. I would definitely learn some SQL Plus and SQL developer before getting into the 2 Day DBA document (make those 2 days about 7 days each if not more).
    To learn SQL, I "sort of" used (I say "sort of" because I only read some parts of it available online and at the local bookstore):
    Oracle SQL by Example
    By Alice Rischert
    Publisher: Prentice Hallit probably has more SQL than you'd need as a DBA but, it is an excellent book you may want to consider.
    If you are starting from scratch, as I did, you'll find that you need to learn multiple things at the same time. I believe SQL Plus is the best place to start, along with possibly the Concepts document. That will give you a base to build upon.

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    This was a kickstarter project project - they released a version of this and are now working on version 2 - its designed to work with most cases
    ( i have no financial interest in the company - i just supported their kickstarter projects)
    you might contact them and see if version 1 is still available for purchase

  • Total Newbie, best way to start learning?

    After much frustration with having others design my website
    for me and not getting what I want, I figured what the hell, I'm
    going to learn it myself. As I'm reasonably familiar with Photoshop
    CS3 through my photography, DW seems the logical next step,
    although I'm also considering learning to code from scratch, just
    using NotePad or TextPad or something like that. The whole coding
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    Do I really NEED to learn the basics of coding BEFORE diving
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    "Do I really NEED to learn the basics of coding BEFORE diving
    into DW, or
    DW help me learn the coding as I use the Design or Split
    modes? "
    You don't have to, and you will certainly learn things by
    looking at what
    happens in code view as you do things in design view.
    However, spending the time to learn the basics first will
    make DW far easier
    for you to use.
    It will also save you a tremendous amount of time, and
    frustration, in the
    long run.
    It will also save you from making mistakes that might end up
    undoing hours
    of work when you realize there's a problem with something.
    A good place to start:
    You can "play" with live examples of code that start with the
    Change the code and see, in real time, what happens...right
    It's a great way to learn.
    Or alternate at least. Go through a few pages at w3 and play
    with DW.
    If you just jump into DW, the learning curve will be huge and
    Once you start to understand code, you'll understand how
    things work, but
    more importantly, what you can do.
    This is key, because you will need to make an adjustment in
    how you think of
    design when going from static image design to web design.
    When you produce a design in Photoshop, the layout will
    essentially look the
    same to all viewers.
    However, when you produce a webpage you have users who have
    different text
    size settings (text is bigger or smaller while images on the
    page remain the
    same), view the site in different sized browser windows and a
    host of other
    things you can't control. The web is too dynamic.
    With the above said, I'd like to give you a big piece of
    advice that will
    hopefully prevent a mistake many new users make.
    Don't use AP Divs to layout your page.
    You're sure to run across them in DW, and you might think,
    "Hey, I can drag
    things where I want them!"
    It's tempting to use, especially because it is familiar in
    function to
    dragging things around in applications like Photoshop.
    However, as I mentioned, the web is dynamic and using AP Divs
    to layout a
    page will likely result in you posting back here with
    significant problems.
    Things like your page breaks, text overflows into other areas
    of the page or
    things don't line up when I change browser window size.
    There have been many people who have built entire sites using
    AP Divs to
    layout their pages, only to find out what the problems are
    when viewed in
    different browsers. They then had to rebuild their entire
    You're off to a good start by using this forum.
    Read through some posts, and ask questions often.
    It will be a huge help as you learn.
    Take care,
    "Payetdds" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:[email protected]...
    > After much frustration with having others design my
    website for me and not
    > getting what I want, I figured what the hell, I'm going
    to learn it
    > myself. As
    > I'm reasonably familiar with Photoshop CS3 through my
    photography, DW
    > seems the
    > logical next step, although I'm also considering
    learning to code from
    > scratch,
    > just using NotePad or TextPad or something like that.
    The whole coding
    > thing
    > intimidates the hell out of me, though.
    > Do I really NEED to learn the basics of coding BEFORE
    diving into DW, or
    > can
    > DW help me learn the coding as I use the Design or Split

  • Yesterday got wifi in my home and after nearly 4 months starting learning how my IPad Mini functions.  Later today I tried to get back on but was stopped, with a requirement of a passcode (not a password).  I used the one I knew and was kicked off.

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    The only other passcode info I have is because we now have WiFi in our home -- for the first time since I purchased my IPAD at Christmas.  Today was the first time I had been able to get into the system and see some of the functions work - email, maps and then APPS and that's when it went all hinky.
    When will this all get cleared up? 
    What steps do I take now?

    The iPad is looking for a 4 digit passcode that you used to lock the device. Did you set a 4 digit code when you set up your iPad? You need to enter that code in order to unlock it. If you don't know the code, you will have to restore the iPad in order to unlock it.
    Read this for more information.
    iOS: Forgot passcode or device disabled - Apple Support

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  • Help me figure out where to start learning flex/flash/air/etc.

    Hi all,
    I'm hoping a few generous souls can help figure out where to start learning to use Adobe programming / application tools. I've read through a lot of the info on Flash, Flash Builder, Flash Catalyst, Flex, Flex Builder, Actionscript and Air – and frankly my head is spinning.
    Let me give you some context of what I know, and where I'm trying to get to.
    What I know
    CS4 - Dreamweaver / Photoshop / Illustrator / Fireworks
    Raw html, and some css
    Various macro languages over the years (excel - macro level meta-procedural stuff)
    Basic database experience (mysql, database design)
    Training in procedural languages like Pascal about 100 years ago (ok maybe 20)
    Where I want to go
    Develop online trivia application
    Multiple, simultaneous users
    Polished interface (look and feel wise) - 'flashy' if you will
    Database connections on back end to serve questions and manage users
    At a very basic level it would be similar to those trivia systems you see in bars, like this: http://www.buzztime.com/games.html , but with an educational focus / spin to it.
    When I want to get there
    I realize this isn't going to happen overnight. I'm hoping if I spend 20 hours a week or so I can put something basic together by the end of the summer. This is as much about learning the tools for me as building the app.
    How I need help
    I plan to get a Lynda.com subscription to help me learn the tools. The basic problem is I don't know which tools to learn, in what progression, to accomplish my goals. If I'm never going to use Actionscript or Air I'd rather not learn them. So what I need is 2 pieces of advice
    For the app I described, what tool(s) would you build it in?
    What is a good learning path for those tools?
    Thank you in advance for any advice you can offer, I really appreciate your help!

    For creating a web application using Flash, there are broadly two workflows (with different tools to use):
    If you are a designer, you may want to start learning Adobe Flash Professional for a more design oriented feel application development:
    You can start learning how to use the tool from here. You would also want to keep checking our developer network for new articles on Flash.
    If you are a developer you would generally find Flex more natural because it allows you to code your application. For this you can use the Adobe opensource Software development kit or Adobe Flash Builder The Flash Builder IDE comes with support for intelligent coding, debugging, and visual design and features powerful testing tools that speed up development and lead to higher performing applications.
    For starting with Flex and Flash Builder, you can check out the 'Flex in a week' videos:
    As you go along the videos you can also check Flex language reference:
    Alternatively, you can also use Adobe Flash Catalyst (still in Beta) to design your application. Catalyst will generate Flex code for you. This code can then be imported in Adobe Flash Builder where you can use Flash Builder Data centric features to connect to a database backend.
    Learn about Flash Catalyst here:

  • How to Code for ipod Touch

    Sorry i didnt really know where to post this. Anyway, i am brand new to coding really, and i would really like to learn how to code apps for iPod Touch and iPhone. Where can i start (very beginning, dont know much really). Im good with macs if that helps (not mac coding). Anyway i just need a good place to start. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.

    "for our own use" - this gets me to thinking, can a person develop an app and sync it to their device without having to go through the apps store?
    As for developing - I don't know what language is used in the SDK programming environment, but if it's anything like C++ or Java, then I want to point out that my CS students usually take two semesters of programming to become proficient. Then several years more to understand algorithms and the deeper issues of computer science.
    Writing a program, especially one that uses a GUI interface, requires an understanding of event-driven programming, functions, parameters, OOP, and a whole lot more.
    Of course, programming the iPod/iPhone may involve a very simple language with limited capabilities, I don't know - but...
    I'd like to hear from developers; is this like programming Java applications with a GUI library?

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    For sure, one to one training, if given by a tutor who is capable, will hand you the means to build up self-confidence  and will therefore let you operate the hard/software in an intelligent manner, instead of going for the trial and error method which has its pro's and con's too. Once you've passed this beginners phase you will make your own decisions intelligently and then you will also start to get experience and learn even from your mistakes. Something like that in theory and the rest is up to you!
    Have a nice day

  • I have just started to use Muse for our design agency and learning how to build ourselves a new site, I have manged to create a basic lightbox which contains sliding images, what I need to do now is have a pop up window which goes into detail about the pr

    I have just started to use Muse for our design agency and learning how to build ourselves a new site, I have managed to create a basic lightbox which contains sliding images, what I need to do now is have a pop up window which goes into detail about the projects, what I would like is a piece of text  or icon that when you roll over it and then click a separate window pops up with additional information in, once finished reading the info you can then click to close the box, any advice on how to do this?

    The best way to do what you're asking is with the Composition widget. Start with the Tooltip preset, which, by default shows the info on rollover. You can change the option to show on click, which is what you're after. You can also add the close button or have the info disappear on rollout.

  • Good way to start with the learning the 11g concepts

    I have a work experience on the BEA weblogic server 8.1 sp4 on which i have worked for about 2 year now. My current assignment requires working with the Installation/ Development and deployment in the Fusion middleware 11g server. Could some body please suggest me a good way to start with the learning the 11g concepts.
    I understand that all the documentations are available in the Oracle forum, but i want to understand where to start from.
    my core tasks in the assignment would be
    1. installation (OSB on top of WLS).
    2. development/configuration on OSB.
    3. Deployment and administrative tasks.

    Hi thanks for the update. I have been going through the links and found them very useful.
    I have few new doubts.
    In all the tutorials for getting started with the Fusion middleware, the examples which are given use the Oracle JDeveloper extensively. This IDE is used for implementing the BEPL and other important aspects. I found this very similar to the Workshop IDE initially bundled with the BEA-Weblogic 8.1. Is JDeveloper enhanced to accomodate the features of the Weblogic Workshop IDE?
    Also, i need some information regarding the Eclipse IDE which is bundled with the OSB installation. Are there any tutorials available which show how to use the Eclipse IDE with OSB.
    Also, can the Eclipse IDE be used to implement the same set of components which are being developed using the JDeveloper in the tutorials.
    My concern here is i want to know the best way to start with the training/development. I am already familiar with the Eclipse IDE and donot want to switch to the JDeveloped unless it is absolutely necessary. Can one of these IDE be used repeacebly in place of other.
    Please inform me if in case my wuestion is not clear.

  • How to start learning about Oracle identity mgmt

    Hi All,
    I want to learn OID, Can any one suggest from where to start learning this topic and practising it.
    Thnaking You,

    It seems a good approach, although I think SSO can be learned independently (although it can use an LDAP dir to store credentials, it can be done without learning much about it).
    In all the IdM world, I think the basic start point is to learn about LDAP. And as OIM has not a ldap backend like other provisioning solutions, you will interact a lot with directories. This is the first step I always ask for people who starts working with me. SSL/TLS and certs should be studied later, gaining a complete understand of directories world.
    Every Directory differs only in their own admin console, but if you use pure LDAP, all dirs are the same. OID has its things, but with strong LDAP knowledgement, there will be no problem in understand it.
    OIM is the last stand, because it integrates everything. I suggest that first, you try to learn how to use it, as if you were an administrator (this can be done if you get some VM with oim preinstalled with at least 2 connectors working). Then, when you get all oim concepts (users, orgs, groups, access policies, process, etc), you can begin with implementing your own stuff, like making your own installation, deploying connectors, extending their functionality, etc.
    OIM has the power of being extended with java code, so after all of it, I recommend as the very final step, to get inside the java world and begun writing your own code, decompiling the connectors code so you can figure how oim works, etc etc

  • How to start learning BW

    Can anyone suggest me how to start learning BW Reporting. in a better way. Can list the topics.

    bw reporting has following topics.
    exception, condition, filter, calculated key figure, restricted key figure, variables.
    find a materials in the following links
    SDN, Sapgenie.com,Ittoolbox.com,sapfans.com are the websites for SAP and SDN is a good site for SAP Material.
    https://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/sdn/go/portal/prtroot/docs/webcontent/uuid/e78a5148-0701-0010-7da9-a6c721c6112e [original link is broken]
    How-to Guides for SAP NetWeaver Business Warehouse  7.0 [original link is broken]
    harikrishna N

  • Hello friends , I have started with writing  c code on mac using xcode .....but one of my friend told me to use gcc for coding. He started with terminal And used a text editor to compil the c program on his mac.. So please tell me how to do the same

    Hello friends , I have started with writing  c code on mac using xcode .....but one of my friend told me to use gcc for coding. He started with terminal And used a text editor to compil the c program on his mac.. So please tell me how to do the same and is there any pre stalled text editor on mac if yes then where and if no then which text editor to install and how to install gcc...please help me out thanks in advance !!!

    I have started with writing  c code on mac using xcode .....but one of my friend told me to use gcc for coding.
    Why? If you are developing and writing code on a Mac why would you not use the tools Apple has given you? And Xcode, once you get use to it, is a very nice development environment that will make you life a whole lot easier.
    If you insist on using an editor and the terminal I would recommend  Emacs   but it has a long learning curve so  something like TextWrangler  will work too.
    As for the compiler if you have Xcode installed install the command line tools and you will be able to compile from the terminal.
    good luck

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